Bandini Affair

By Draginacht

Published on Jul 18, 2008


The Bandini Affair 15 (AKA Jeff)

Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

From Chapter 14

"Are you suggesting... that we... that we... that you're willing to go to the next level?" There! His question put the ball back in Matt's court and he hoped Matt would hit it back to him.

"We're both adults, consenting I assume. And if that's what you want... yes."

"Here?" Leo asked as he glanced down at the couch.

"I think the bedroom might be more comfortable; this couch is a little cramped." Matt paused. "It's up to you."

Leo responded by pushing himself back and sliding off Matt's lap. He took hold of Matt's hand, helped pull him up from the couch and wrapped his arms around him. Matt leaned down and the two kissed. Then Matt took hold of Leo's hand and began leading the way to his bedroom.

Chapter 15

The closer Leo got to the bedroom door the more excited yet anxious he became. It was a given that he and Matt would soon both be naked. That excited him. He'd wanted to get a good look at Matt's completely naked body ever since that Sunday morning over two weeks ago. Yet it was almost frightening to think of his naked body being exposed for Matt's observation. As Leo considered the two emotions, excitement won hands down.

Leo was also excited by another fact, this would be his first experience of laying naked next to another man with skin touching skin. That prospect also had some anxiety attached to it. Just like in the stories he'd read, he imagined placing his hands al over Matt's beautiful male body, finally holding Matt's large member in his hands. However, it also meant that Matt would be doing the same to him and Leo felt so inadequate compared to Matt. Again, excitement won out.

Leo was intrigued by Matt's explanation of 'levels' of sex and was greatly excited by the mystery of what the next level entailed. There again, Leo was anxious but not enough to stop him from following Matt to his bed.

They approached the bedroom door. Leo's imagination processed hundreds of images of sex between men, scenes from videos he'd stared at on the web. He'd even downloaded several free clips and spent hours watching the young hunks. There were images of mouths sucking penises all the way to the base. And he couldn't forget the images of erections completely disappearing inside anuses and then reappearing only to disappear again. The men made it look so easy. The guys were so buff and seemed to enjoy the sex and each other. Leo wondered if that's what it would be like. And there were all those stories he'd read. The characters were always overcome with the joy and pleasure of sharing their bodies. He'd learned a lot about the mechanics of gay sex, like the names of specific body parts. For example, he knew what and where the prostate and perineum were. He also knew what a cremaster muscle was and what it did. He understood the mechanics of getting past his gag reflex, even though he'd never tried it.

'Just how far will Matt want to go?' Leo thought. 'How far will I want to go?'

They arrived at Matt's bedroom door. Was it the entrance to Nirvana or Utopia? Leo didn't hesitate. Buttressed by a firm belief that he could trust Matt, that Matt respected him, he squeezed Matt's hand and bravely crossed the threshold to a totally new dimension to his life, nerves and all.

Mat pushed the bedroom door to, but not closed, and dim light from the front room filtered into the bedroom. A light on the nightstand was on, but it went out. Leo's heart sank momentarily. He was so looking forward to seeing Matt's body.

"I... I don't mind if the light's on," he said quietly.

"Would you mind, I rather like the dark," Matt's hand was still on the light switch and he was prepared to turn it back on if Leo had insisted. He sensed Leo's nervousness. There was no response so Matt proceeded.

Because the room was so small, or perhaps it was because the king sized bed was so large, it took only a couple of steps to reach the bed. Matt turned, sat down on the edge and took both of Leo's hands in his. Leo now stood just beyond Matt's spread knees, looking at eye level or slightly down, a position of dominance or power.

"Leo," Matt said softly. "I want you to know that any time you want to stop, just say 'stop.' Tomorrow you'll have to live with yourself and I don't want you to do anything tonight that might cause you a problem tomorrow."

Leo stepped forward, between Matt's knees. Then he moved closer still, leaned down and signaled his understanding and agreement with a kiss.

"Thank you, Matt. I didn't even know I needed to hear that but hearing you say it makes me feel much better. Now if you don't mind, I think I need to go to the bathroom."

"Sure. I'll be in bed when you get back." Matt was giving Leo one more opportunity to willingly join him. This would also simplify the disrobing process, which sometimes could get awkward. Leo released Matt's hands, stepped back and walked to the bathroom.

Matt quickly pulled his T-shirt over his head and draped it over the chair. Then he unbuttoned and unzipped his genes, stepped out of them and draped them over the chair with his t-shirt. He was now naked. Earlier, when Leo arrived, Matt was bare foot and commando, which now made undressing fast and simple.

Leo didn't need to turn on the bathroom light because the nightlight was already on. Yes he was nervous. So nervous that he'd lost his erection - perhaps for the third or fourth time. He emptied his bladder, flushed the toilet, then stepped back and turned around. The dim nightlight gave sufficient illumination for Leo to see himself in the mirror.

'Decision time! This is what you've been wanting. You're not going to run this time.' First he removed his shoes and socks. Then he pulled his polo shirt off over his head and laid it on the counter top. 'I'm glad he left the lights off.' Leo unbuckled his belt, unzipped his shorts and let then puddle on the floor, then bent over, picked them up, folded and placed them on top of his shirt. 'Everything about this feels right,' he thought. He placed his thumbs under the waistband of his white briefs, pushed them down over his hips, stepped out of them and laid them on top of his shorts. 'Wonder what Matt will think when he sees me? No, no self-doubts; I want this to happen.' He looked in the mirror at his penis. His excitement was growing and so was his dick. 'Okay, Matt, my first time! I'm yours!' Leo turned, opened the door and walked out of the bathroom.

Leo could have walked to the side of the bed closest to the bathroom but for some unknown reason he continued around the bed to the other side. In the dim light, Leo could see Matt stretched out in the center of the bed, his upper body propped up on his left elbow, and the sheet pulled up to his waist. While walking past the end of the bed, Leo had watched Matt's head follow his movement but there was only enough light to see shapes, not detail. When Leo reached the side of the bed, Matt lifted the sheet, inviting him in.

Leo never hesitated. He placed his knee on the bed and climbed in. His lips moved straight toward where he thought Matt's lips would be and he was on target. What happened next seemed to happen so naturally.

Leo felt Matt's right arm fold around his waist and guide their bodies together. He'd become chilled in the short time since he'd undressed, and his body welcomed the warmth he encountered as his skin made contact with Matt's. "Oh-h-h." Leo heard himself swoon. He never expected it to feel so good. They lay on their sides facing each other, enjoying the kiss and the full body contact. Matt's right hand caressed Leo's back from his neck to his buttocks. It was slow and sensual.

"Oh-h-h." Leo heard himself swoon again. He didn't know where his right hand was but the fingers of his left were exploring the small patch of soft hair in the middle of Matt's chest. He never knew something like that could be so exciting. Then Matt's left hand was under him and they were moving. Now Matt was under him and both of Matt's hands were everywhere, slowly caressing from his head, down his back, sides, and even his buttocks.

Leo could feel Matt's erection under him. It seemed enormous. And, he quickly realized, his own erection was right along side, touching, moving. Leo lifted his head and broke the kiss. He gasped for air. He wanted to say something, anything, but his brain wasn't helping him form any words. His lips reengaged Matt's. They were moving again. Leo was on his back and Matt was pressed against his right side.

"M-M-M-m-m-m!" Matt's fingers were doing something to Leo's left nipple. He'd read about that too and welcomed the sensation. The pleasure caused Leo to squirm. "H-H-H-h-h-h!" Leo sucked air into his lungs as Matt's lips closed over his right nipple. He felt Matt's tongue gently lapping at his hard little nub and he involuntarily pressed his shoulders back trying to elevate his chest and drive more of his nipple deeper into Matt's mouth.

At some point, Leo was aware of Matt's cock laying in his right hand. He closed his fingers around it and squeezed. What an amazing thing! The flesh was very rigid yet soft and smooth. On some level Leo was aware the he could barely get his thumb and forefinger around Matt's meat but for some strange reason that didn't bother him.

Leo's brain was either on overload or totally non-functional. His body was reacting to sensual pleasures he'd neither experienced nor even imagined existed. Just as Leo was beginning to adjust to what Matt was doing to him, he felt Matt's right hand closed over his genitals.

"Oh-h-h-h!" Leo's entire scrotum and most of his dick were encased within Matt's large hand. Only his glans was exposed to the open air. He felt his perineum being stroked very gently. This was another previously unexplored erogenous zone and Leo couldn't fathom the pleasure it gave.

Leo felt like Matt's actions were moving at a thousand miles an hour and this pleasure would soon be over. Matt was actually progressing at a very slow pace. Matt carefully moved his thumb to the head of Leo's prick and found it leaking profusely. He began gently spreading the large amount of precum around and around and around and around the head of Leo's now supersensitive organ. He could feel Leo's body begin to vibrate and knew he was about to erupt. He wondered what kind of sounds Leo would make, how he would express his pleasure. Matt placed his lips against Leo's and felt Leo's mouth open wide, inviting him inside. Matt slipped his tongue in and out of Leo's oral cavity several times. Leo's lips closed around Matt's tongue and sucked on it, capturing it, preventing it from leaving his mouth.

Leo felt like he was floating through air. His only connection to something real was his grip on Matt's shaft. Then it happened.

"E-e-e-e-e-e!" His first sound was more like a quiet squeal. "Ah-h-h-h-h-h!" His hips bucked wildly and his entire body shook. Leo's second sound was one of quiet release. "M-m-m-m-m-m!" Leo finally moaned in satisfaction as his lips again closed over Matt's tongue and sucked it deep into his mouth.

Matt was elated. Leo's uninhibited and completely natural expressions of pleasure were emotionally rewarding. Even better, there was more to come. As Leo's cum erupted from the end of his dick, Matt held his thumb about a quarter inch away so that Leo's wad hit it and ricocheted into the top of his pubic bush.

Leo fell very quiet; only his steady breathing could be heard. Several minutes would pass before he began to move. During that time Matt coated his index finger with Leo's ejaculate and placed the finger on his tongue. 'Sweet,' he thought, as his tongue tasted Leo's nectar. He also cleaned Leo's essence from the rest of his hand, and once again took possession of Leo's entire manhood and waited for Leo to return to him.

Leo was aware that he was on his back. He opened his eyes and looked up. Even in the dim light, he could see Matt peering down at him with a wide smile. Yes, there was barely enough light and they were close enough to see each other smile. Leo felt Matt's lips touch his and he returned a soft, gentle kiss, a kiss of gratitude.

"Is that anywhere close to what you expected?" Matt's voice was soft and soothing.

"Wow!" Leo exclaimed breathlessly. He smiled and took a deep breath. "Wow again!" Leo's lips sought comfort in Matt's lips once more. "I had no ides anything could be that good!" He realized his hand was still wrapped around Matt's member and he squeezed it. "This is weird... wonderful but weird. I wish I'd known." He squeezed Matt's cock again.

Matt judged that Leo was pretty well recovered by now. "Have you ever tasted yourself?"

Leo didn't answer immediately. He'd read about guys tasting and swallowing their own semen but he hadn't tried it. Once, a couple of months ago, he'd jacked off and shot into his left hand with the intent of giving it the taste test, but couldn't quite do it. He wanted to make sure he understood where Matt was going with his question.

"You mean... have I ever tasted my own...

"Your own cum." Matt asked. It sounded so earthy the way Matt said it. Leo would have used the term 'semen.'

"No..." Leo's reply sounded open ended, like he might.

"Wanna give it a try?" Matt only had to wait a few seconds for a reply.

"Sure... Why not." Leo thought, 'What better time than when I'm with someone I trust?' Leo felt Matt's finger sliding around in the slippery substance on his abdomen.

"Open..." Matt said. It sounded more like an invitation than an order.

Leo opened his mouth wide and waited for the inevitable. The instant Matt's index finger lay in the center of Leo's tongue Leo closed his mouth and instinctively began sucking it, using his tongue to remove the slick, sticky substance.

'A little salty, sticky, different. Not bad.' Leo thought. 'It came from my own body so it can't hurt me.' Leo found himself enjoying sucking Matt's finger more than tasting his own cum. He also noticed that sucking Matt's finger seemed to cause Matt's cock grow harder. 'What an amazing connection! I'll have to remember this.' Just then, Matt extracted his finger from Leo's mouth.

"Is there any more?" Leo asked. Matt didn't say a word; he just coated his finger again and placed it in Leo's mouth. Leo noticed again how Matt's cock stiffened as he sucked the finger. Matt pulled his finger from Leo's mouth once more and replaced it with his lips. They kissed for a short while.

"You know I can taste you when we kiss?"

"Really? I've read about that."

"There's plenty left; I'd like a taste if you'll feed it to me."

"Um, okay." Using his left hand, Leo found his deposit, coated his index finger and moved it to Matt's mouth. "Open," he instructed, taking a cue from Matt. Leo stuck his finger inside the open mouth.

Matt was no fool. He knew exactly what he was doing. He sucked Leo's finger as deep as he could and attacked it with his talented tongue. Leo's dick began to stiffen. Soon it was as hard as before his orgasm.

"You taste really good." Matt announced and followed it with a kiss. While they were kissing, Matt released Leo's manhood, wrapped his right arm around Leo's waist, rolled both of them to his right and stopped when he was on his back and Leo was on top of him. As they rolled, Matt made sure to cross his ankles so the only place for Leo's legs to go was on either side of Matt's hips. And before Leo could say anything, Matt engaged him in a deep kiss.

Leo was caught off guard by Matt's actions but, not wanting to be left behind, he rolled with his lover. He now found himself lying on top, his restored erection positioned along side Matt's and his slippery cum providing some lubrication. He felt Matt begin to move. It was a slow, rhythmic motion like he was humping up against him. The whole situation was extremely exciting and erotic. It didn't take Leo long to join the action and soon he was doing most of the grinding and humping. Both men soon added more lubrication in the form of precum and their actions quickly became hot and heavy.

Leo wasn't thinking; he was reacting. He was aroused to a higher degree than he'd been just minutes earlier. Leo's knees were on either side of Matt's hips, thus leaving his ass cheeks spread and his hole vulnerable. Matt was ready to introduce his small friend to another level of pleasure. Wasting no time, Matt slid his hands to Leo's round cheeks and slowly and sensually slipped his right index finger into the crevice between Leo's globes.

"M-m-m-m!" Leo moaned when the tip of Matt's fingertip found his rosebud. Matt's fingertip paused momentarily, then slid further to Leo's perineum. "M-m-m-m!" Leo moaned again. As Matt stroked Leo's perineum, his finger remained in continuous contact with Leo's intimate anal opening. If Leo were going to object, now would be the time. He didn't. Leo's thrusting motions grew more frantic. He was building to another orgasm and nothing could stop it.

"AA-A-h-h-h-m-m-m!" Leo broke the kiss and loudly expressed the pleasure of his second and most intense orgasm in the last thirty minutes. An important factor in his second one was Matt pressing firmly against Leo's perineum, essentially the underside of his prostate.

Matt felt Leo shudder as the last spasm of his orgasm passed through his body. He could also tell that Leo was looking for a place to rest his head so Matt turned his head to his left and Leo lowered the right side of his face on the right side of Matt's face and he sighed. At that point, Leo relaxed completely. He wasn't asleep, just relaxed. Matt could feel Leo's dead weight press against him, and he smiled.

'He just crossed over,' Matt thought. He did his best to make Leo comfortable. He used his hands to stroke and caress as much of Leo's body that he could reach. Finally Leo spoke.

"Am I still alive?"

"Ha-ha," Matt chuckled, which caused Leo to bump up and down just a little on Matt's chest. "Without a doubt, you're alive."

"Good, 'cause if this is Heaven, I really like it."

"If it's not Heaven, it's the closest I've ever been to it."

They lay quietly for several minutes, feeling each other breathe. Matt could feel their juices trickling down each side of his abdomen. Leo had given him the release he'd always dreamed of. In fact, Matt had just lived out a few of his long time erotic fantasies involving the small man now lying on top of him.

"Did you cum?" Leo asked. The word 'cum' sounded strange coming from his mouth; he seldom used such language. But he seemed to get a rush out of saying it.

"Yes..." Matt replied quietly.

"I thought you might have but I wasn't sure. Was it good?"

"The absolute best ever."

"I'm glad." Leo inhaled deeply and slowly exhaled. "I'd like to taste you... if you don't mind." That was a request, the kind that says, 'Thank you, I really like you,' much better that the actual words can say.

"Open," Matt requested. Leo lifted his face from Matt's and prepared his oral cavity to receive Matt's intimate offering. This time, Leo paid more attention to the flavor than to the erotic physical reaction he'd noticed the last time he sucked Matt's finger.

"I'd better have a little more, please." Matt obliged.

"You're not afraid of getting hooked on that stuff?" Matt chuckled.

"If I do, I know where to get some more." Leo was joking and Matt enjoyed it. They began to giggle.

"So... have you decided if you're gay?"

"Oh, I don't know. I might have to do this a few more times before I can be sure." Leo began to chuckle.

"You have my phone number." Matt placed his lips gently against Leo's. Very soon their tongues were touching but that's as deep as they went. Then Matt rolled to his left, placing them in their original starting position. "Can you stay the night? I promise to change the sheets and we can shower together."

"You really want me to stay? I might attack you again... OH DARN! What time is it?" Leo sounded like he was about to panic.

"About quarter to ten, why?" Matt could see his alarm clock.

"I'd love to stay, Matt, but what'll I tell my parents?" The minute he said that he began to laugh. "Wait! I'm thirty-one years old. I don't need to tell my parents anything. What I do need to do is call Mom and tell her I won't be home tonight so she won't worry. Pop is already in bed so he won't care. Mom is probably still reading a book and won't go to bed until after the ten o'clock news."

"What'll you tell her? Won't she wonder about you staying with me? She knows about me; won't that be a problem for you later?"

"No, I just thought of something. Where's my phone?" He hopped out of bed, hurried to the bathroom and dug his cell phone from his pants pocket. As he stood there dialing his parents' phone number, he began to feel a chill on his abdomen caused by drying seminal fluid.

"Hi, Mom, I'm calling to let you know I'll be staying here at Matt's place tonight... Yes, I'm fine, I just had a little too much to drink and think it wise that I sleep on Matt's couch... Right... Don't want to risk getting a DUI... See you tomorrow... Good night." As Leo flipped his phone closed he heard the shower start running behind him. Then he felt Matt's hands on his shoulders.

Silently, Matt guided Leo into the shower and pulled the curtain. Then he turned Leo around, pulled him into an embrace and leaned down for a kiss. Leo was already in tune with the action and rose up on his tiptoes to engage Matt's lips. Then he pulled away.

"Uh... I need to pee."

"Okay, let 'er rip." Matt invited.

"Uh... in the shower? Isn't that unsanitary?"

"No... it's okay. Urine is sterile, just like semen, unless, of course, you have an infection. Or didn't' you learn that in Boy Scouts?"

"I wasn't in Boy Scouts..."

"It's okay, I was. I'll tell you about it some time. Now you're free to pee."

"Let me turn around so I don't pee on you."

"I don't mind. In fact, it'll be an honor. I don't mind if you piss on me, but please don't piss me off... Ha-ha-ha!" Matt couldn't help laughing at his own joke.

"Ha-ha-ha!" Leo joined in the laughter and relaxed his sphincter. Matt felt the Leo's hot liquid running down the inside of his left leg and he leaned down and kissed Leo again.

"I can't believe I just did that," Leo exclaimed with amazement. "But it felt strangely good."

"Good! Now let me wash you and then you can wash me, okay?" Matt had already squirted some body soap into the palm of his hand. He started with Leo's hair and proceeded to wash the rest of his body, making sure to clean Leo's dick, balls, and ass very well.

"Okay, your turn," Matt announced.

"Hey, I have to wash more than you did." Leo's tone of voice sent a clear message that he was playing with the larger man.

"Yeah, life is tough. I'll just have to make it up to you."

"And you'll do that by?" The grin in Leo's face was evident in his voice.

"I promise it'll be something you'll enjoy."

"Lean down." Leo began washing Matt's newly cropped hair and thoroughly enjoyed following Matt's example. However, in the darkness he took the opportunity to tactilely explore Matt's sizable member while he had the chance. Holding Matt's flaccid dick with both hands, he noticed how it extended beyond his grip. He savored the feel and weight of the massive tube. Leo slid Matt's foreskin back and forth. 'This must be foreskin. It feels strange. It slides so easily over his dick! Hope I get a chance for a close-up look at it some time.' He slid it back down and felt the now exposed coronal ring underneath the foreskin. He was amazed to feel Matt's cock growing in his grasp.

"You keep washing that much longer and you're gonna have a hand full of cum."

"Would that be a bad thing?" Leo increased his actions, using both hands. Matt had guided him to two orgasms so now it was his turn to repay the favor.

"Uh... no..."

Leo knew Matt was submitting to him, cooperating with him and he felt a certain sense of power. They were doing this together. Leo moved closer and used his hands to press Matt's length firmly against his upper abdomen. Matt was not dummy, he knew what Leo was doing and quickly began thrusting. He could feel Leo's hands concentrated on his cock head. Leo's own member was growing stiff but he knew there was no way he was going to produce another load this evening.

"OH SHIT!" Matt's dick erupted with a volley of cum that splattered against Leo's chest. It had happened so much faster than Matt anticipated. Obviously, the knowledge that it was Leo's hands doing the work had a lot to do with Matt's orgasm. Matt grabbed Leo and held him against his body until he came down from the precipice.

In addition to the sense of power Leo felt, he also got a huge rush knowing that he'd been able to give Matt some intimate pleasure. With his arms wrapped around Matt, Leo felt warm and safe.

"Thanks, that was a pleasant surprise. Now we'd better finish and get to bed."

"Okay, did I do it right?"

"He-he," Matt chuckled. "You did it perfectly but I'm not sure there's a wrong way." They kissed once again. After drying each other with care, they walked back into the bedroom.

"I think we made a mess of my side of the bed so why don't we sleep on your side and I can change the sheets tomorrow?" Matt suggested.

"Fine with me," Leo agreed. 'I intend to get as close to you as the last time I was here,' Leo thought.

'I hope he wants to cuddle,' Matt thought.

Matt got in bed first and lay on his left side. Leo crawled in and spooned back against him. Matt wrapped his big arm around Leo's body and held him securely. Leo wrapped his arms around Matt's arm and then he sighed.

"Night," Matt said softly.

"Night," Leo replied as he turned his head to his right and found Matt's waiting lips.

'The dreaded "Morning After" awaits,' Matt thought. 'Please Leo, remember this evening favorably.' Matt was asleep.

'I sure hope I didn't screw this up,' Leo thought as he heard Matt's breathing deepen. 'I was so easy Matt probably thinks I'm a slut. Wait a minute! He started it with that kiss in the kitchen! But we were playing games with each other all evening before we got to the kiss. And we did discuss everything before we did anything. But I... I was a little too eager. Oh Matt, thank you.' Leo slipped into a deep sleep.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 16

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