Bandini Affair

By Draginacht

Published on May 9, 2008


The Bandini Affair 11 (AKA Jeff)

Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

From Chapter 10

The time was almost 9:30 as Matt's truck rolled down the dark streets. Leo looked to his right and peered at the darkness through the window; his lips formed a smile.

'What a turn of events!' he thought. 'A few months ago I accept that I may be gay; then I crash and burn at a gay bar. Now I'm going to spend the night with a gay man - and in his house. Is fate giving me an opportunity to find out if I really am gay? Will anything happen? What should I do? If he makes a pass should I say no? Now that's a laugh; the last time a guy made a pass at me I ran out of the bar. Matt really is a nice man, almost a kid, actually. But he was a cop for four or five years; that has to make a guy mature. What do I really know about him? He probably saved Pop's life... and he may have saved mine. My family knows he's gay and they still seem to think highly of him. And I'm sure he thinks I'm straight and married. That's got to be the reason he thinks he hasn't got a chance with me. Should I tell him I think I'm gay? And he really did kiss me. Granted, it was only on my forehead but nobody has ever kissed me like that. Oh my! Would I be able to kiss him? Could I really kiss another man? Oh, this must be his house.'

"Here we are," Matt announced as he steered the truck into a driveway.

Chapter 11

Just as Leo turned to look at the darkness, Matt glanced in his direction and caught Leo's smile reflected in the window. He wondered at the cause of that smile. Leo followed Matt along the walkway to the steps leading to the small front porch. He noticed the swing to the left and wondered if it ever got used.

"Welcome to my humble abode," Matt said happily after unlocking the front door, turning on the entry light and motioning for Leo to enter. Leo walked past Matt, aware of the large man's body, and stepped into the entrance.

"Let me give you the twenty-five cent tour, " Matt offered. "I used to charge fifty cents but the place isn't big enough for that much money," he chuckled and Leo smiled.

"We are now in the entryway, which I'm sure you've already figured out. To our right," Matt reached around the wall and flipped the light switch illuminating the room in a soft light, "is the living room. Some people call it a front room because it's in the front of the house."

Leo sensed that Matt was proud of his house and was enjoying showing it off with his own brand of humor. Leo thought the arched doorway from the entry to the front room was very architecturally attractive and noticed that Matt's head barely cleared the center of the arch without ducking.

The room was spartanly furnished with a medium sized couch and one club chair, both of which appeared clean but well used, a floor lamp (the only light in the room) between the couch and the chair, a 46-inch TV on the wall, and three well-filled bookcases. A large bay window looked out toward the street.

"And over here..." Matt continued, turning and sweeping his hand to his left, "we have our eat-in kitchen. There's no formal dining room, which is appropriate because formal dining isn't my style." Again, Matt projected an attitude of pride.

Leo observed that the not-very-large kitchen was laid out in a "U" shape. On the left, which was the front wall of the house, contained upper and lower cabinets and countertop with a dishwasher. A window with a sink below was centered between the cabinets and offered a view of the front porch, the swing and front yard. Matt crossed the room and opened the window to get some fresh air. Continuing to the right were more cabinets and countertops and a stove, with microwave above and oven below. A doorway occupied the far right corner and looked like it might lead out toward the driveway. More cabinets were along the wall on the right with a refrigerator at the end of the cabinets. A table and four chairs occupied the open space near the kitchen entrance. Everything appeared to be new, except for the table and chairs, which were of good quality but had seen some use.

"And down this short hallway we have two bedrooms. This one on the left I've turned into an office," Matt explained as he turned on a light so Leo could see. The room was directly behind the kitchen and was small but not tiny. There wasn't much in the room except a long table containing a laptop, 20-inch monitor and a printer. A shredder and a wastebasket sat under the table and Leo chuckled to himself when he saw the low-tech folding chair pushed up against the table. And the table was positioned under a window on the back wall of the house. Matt turned the light off, stepped across the hall and flipped the wall switch on.

"And this one on the right is a bedroom." Matt was careful not to call it "my bedroom." His mind hadn't yet worked out the sleeping arrangement; that would come later.

'Hmmm... one bed,' Leo thought. 'Wonder where I'll be sleeping?' Leo couldn't very well ignore the very large king size bed that almost filled the room.

Matt walked past the end of the bed to the window on the back wall of the house and opened it about six inches. That set up a cross ventilation with the kitchen window. A nightstand occupied the far right corner and held a digital clock and a lamp. The bed was placed against wall on the right, and further right the closet was covered by sliding doors, which was on the opposite side of the front room wall. A chest of drawers was opposite the foot of the bed and left barely enough room to pass between it and the bed. Matt, who was already standing close to the window, reached through a doorway and turned on a light in another room.

"And if you need to use the facility, this is the only one." Matt chuckled and stepped back so Leo could have a look. "It's designed so you can enter from either bedroom," he added.

'Nice!' Leo thought when he walked in and turned around. Two sinks, with individual mirrors above each sink. The cabinets below were against the back wall of the house. Directly opposite the sinks was a commode set in a small alcove-like area next to a large, tiled shower, which at the moment seemed very inviting. Leo suddenly felt dirty. He could feel the layer of perspiration and dirt that coated his body and then, remembering his earlier trauma, desperately wanted to get cleaned up. He wondered how to go about asking.

"Matt, this is really a nice place! Everything looks so new yet I get the feeling this is an older home."

"Yes Leo, that's exactly what it is. You see, my uncles bought up most of the houses in this neighborhood and renovated them. The house was basically gutted to the frame, then they replaced the windows and doors, added new insulation, re-plumbed and rewired the whole house, including Internet and cable connections before new sheet rock was added." Matt dropped to one knee, opened a cabinet door, reached in and came out with a clean towel and washcloth. "By the way, if you're interested in getting cleaned up, you'll need these; there's some Irish Spring body wash in the shower."

"Gee thanks, Matt, I was just thinking about that. But..."

"But?" Matt asked.

"I don't have any clean clothes. If I'd been thinking clearly I'd have suggested we go past my parents' place for a change."

Matt stepped back and scratched his head. "I can loan you a T-shirt; it'll be kinda big. At least it'll get you through the night."

"Yeah, it'll probably be more like a night gown," Leo chuckled as he scanned Matt from head to foot.

"What's your waist size?" Matt asked as he stared at Leo's midsection.


"Nope, I'm a 32. Can't help you there... unless you want to use a safety pin."

"Thanks, but I'll just wear my briefs until I can get home tomorrow. I've traveled enough to know all about 'clean dirties.'" Both men chuckled at that comment.

Silence punctuated the moment as both men considered the rather intimate nature of their conversation. Then Matt continued.

"Okay, if you're ready, I'll leave the T-shirt on the bed. You can join me in the kitchen when you're finished, then I'll get cleaned up."

"Fine, thanks." Leo couldn't think of anything else to say. He looked up into Matt's blue eyes and almost swooned. Matt took the opportunity to look into Leo's beautifully almond shaped eyes then turned, walked out of the bathroom and heard the door close behind him. Opening the second drawer of the chest, he pulled out an almost new white T-shirt, thinking it wouldn't yet be all stretched out, and laid it on the bed. On his way out of the bedroom Matt heard the shower start and he closed the door behind him. He wanted Leo to feel safe and comfortable.

Matt opened the refrigerator door, selected a Miller Lite, sat down at the table, pulled the tab, and filled his mouth with the foaming liquid before swallowing it.

'This is sooo weird. It's hard to believe that I have Leo in my own house. Who woulda thought that would happen when he showed up at the nursery this morning? But he probably doesn't know I'm gay so that shouldn't pose a problem. Now, how do I handle the sleeping arrangement? I think I'll offer him the couch. It's obvious that old thing isn't big enough for me. On the other hand, my bed is more than big enough for the two of us. And that new memory foam mattress will let us sleep without disturbing each other every time we move. Besides, I'd rather he sleep in my room so that if he has any problems during the night, I'll be close by. No, that's not right. What I need to do is offer him both options and let him choose. Yes, that's it.

'Now, about Leo, I can't let him know how I feel. Like Uncle David and Tony said, today most straight guys are more accepting of gays as long as they don't feel threatened and don't get hit on. And that's true. I have plenty of straight friends and they know I respect them. I'll just have to move Leo into that group and forget about it.' Matt paused his thinking for a moment.

'Easier said than done, but I'll do it. And there's that other reason - I can't disappoint Pop Carlsen. If I were to ever touch Leo and he claimed sexual assault, I'd be done. I'd never be able to look Pop in the eyes again.' Matt's memory flashed back to the nursery about five or six years ago. Following high school graduation he went to work at the nursery full time. Matt wanted no secrets between him and Pop so he came out, told Pop he was gay. Pop took it rather calmly, even gracefully. As long as it didn't interfere with Matt's work, he had no problem. Pop became like a second dad to Matt. There was no way Matt would do anything to jeopardize Pop's trust in him - not even... Matt saw movement out of the corner of his eye. If he'd been paying attention instead of thinking deeply about his problem, he'd have heard the shower stop about five minutes ago.

"So, you're all cleaned up." He stood up from the chair he'd been thinking in. His beer seemed to have evaporated with his thoughts. Leo stood at the entrance to the kitchen wearing Matt's white T-shirt. It was so long it hung off his shoulders down to his elbows and reached half way from his crotch to his knees.

"That looks better on you than it does on me," Matt chuckled. "Can I get you a beer?" Matt turned and looked at the refrigerator, anything to take his eyes off Leo.

"Uh... yeah, that sounds good." In spite of being covered by Matt's T-shirt, Leo was feeling extremely self-conscious, almost naked. But he had to admit that so far, Matt had been the perfect host. He entered the kitchen, his small feet making a soft smacking sound on the tile floor with each step. He selected the chair closest to him, pulled it away from the table and sat down. His feet barely touched the floor.

"I'm afraid you'll have to put up with Miller Lite; it's all I have," Matt said sounding apologetic as he placed the can in front of his guest.

"Oh... thank you. I like that, drink it often." Matt pulled the tab producing the telltale opening sound. "I see you're way ahead of me."

"Yeah..." Matt looked at his empty can then picked it up. He took a couple of steps toward a cabinet, opened a door and tossed the empty can into a wastebasket. "I guess it's my turn in the shower; will you be okay? I won't be long."

"Yeah, sure, I'm fine," Leo replied after swallowing his first mouthful of the beer.

"No headache?"

"No, not really. I'm afraid I got the bandage wet in the shower but I think it'll be okay; it dried well."

"If you want another, I can fix you up..."

"Please..." Leo began to chuckle, "go take your shower... really, I'm fine." He appreciated Matt's expression of concern and began to feel more relaxed.

"Okay, I won't be long; just make yourself at home." After the two men exchanged smiles Matt left the kitchen for his bedroom and a shower. In the bathroom, he noticed that Leo had neatly hung his towel on the rack. Matt reached out and brought it to his nose. 'YES!' he thought. He could smell Leo's scent and began to get hard. 'God, I'll never make it through the night! Yes I will!' He quickly contradicted himself, stepped into the shower, adjusted the water temperature and within what seemed like a matter of seconds was painting the shower wall with semen.

Leo stood up and, carrying his beer, wandered into the front room. His attention was drawn to one wall that had a large grouping of photographs. He didn't look at them all that closely but the only person he recognized, besides Matt, was the other police officer he'd seen earlier at the nursery. One photograph really got his attention - the one of Matt stretched horizontal in mid-air with a football on his fingertips.

Leo wanted to look at the books in those bookcases but the excitement of the day's activities were catching up with him and he was starting to feel very tired. He was a real morning person and being up this late was unusual. He walked back into the kitchen and noticed the clock on the stove displayed "11:49." He sat back down in the chair he'd used earlier, took another drink of beer, sat the can down, folded his arms on the table in front of him and lowered his head onto his arms.

Matt walked out of the bathroom naked. Normally he'd just stay in that condition and go to bed. But tonight he needed to wear something for the sake of modesty - he had no intention of offending Leo by parading his wares. Reaching into the second drawer of the chest, Matt withdrew a clean T-shirt and a pair of Tommy Hilfiger boxer briefs. His uncles liked the CK brand but Matt found the Tommy's gave him a little more legroom and were more comfortable. Hopefully, his endowments wouldn't be too obvious.

"Damn!" Matt whispered when he rounded the corner and saw Leo asleep with his head resting on his arms. He glanced at the clock on the stove and saw it read "11: 56." 'Oh well, what's a few minutes. I know the doc wanted him awake until 12:00 but what he don't know won't hurt us.' Matt walked quietly to the table, picked up Leo's beer, and judged it to be about one third full. He put it to his lips, drained it, and quietly placed the can in the wastebasket.

'Leo, I'm sorry I didn't get around to asking you where you want to sleep so now I guess I get to decide. And I decide you're sleeping with me. Now, how do I do this?' Matt wondered. He remembered picking up his brother's kids and carrying them to bed but Leo was a little bit bigger. He scratched his head then approached the chair Leo was asleep in. He squatted close to the chair and very carefully and very quietly turned the chair as far to the right as he dared while trying to avoid disturbing the small man. Although Leo was about five years older, Matt couldn't help thinking of him as being a little younger; he was so small and had a very young looking face. Perhaps it was his Asian ancestry. 'This is going to be a measure of just how asleep you really are,' Matt thought.

As carefully as he could, Matt slid Leo's right arm from under his head and managed to get it over his own head and around his neck. Next Matt snaked his left arm between Leo and the back of the chair, and gently slipped it securely behind Leo's back. Finally he placed his right arm under Leo's knees and pulled. Leo slid easily against his body with his head resting on Matt's shoulder. As matt stood up Leo, still asleep, tightened his arms around Matt's neck and spread his knees, wrapping them around Matt's waist.

'God this is sooo good,' Matt thought. He was already half hard in spite of having just released his tension in the shower. Leo seemed as light as a feather as Matt carried him to the bedroom. Walking around the bed, to the side he normally slept on, Matt first took hold of the corner of the sheet and blanket and tossed it out of the way. Then he gently lowered Leo to the mattress and watched him stretch out on his back. Matt chose to place Leo on the side of the bed closest to the bathroom so that if he needed to take a piss in the middle of the night he should be able to find the bathroom more easily. As Matt stared at the bulges in Leo's white briefs, Leo roll over and curl up in a loose fetal position.

'It would be so easy to check you out and who would know the difference? I could just lift the waistband of your briefs, or even feel you up, but that would be wrong. You are so fucking adorable. Lord, why are you testing me like this? This is true torture.' Matt thought just before he retrieved the sheet and blanket and covered his guest. He quickly went through the house locking doors, closing the kitchen window and turning off lights. Just before crawling into bed, he slipped off his T-shirt and Tommy's, dropping them on the floor beside the bed. That way, if Leo awoke during the night and needed anything Matt would be able to quickly cover himself.

Shortly after 3:15 AM, Leo began to stir - the beer was ready to be recycled. He felt a little panic. First he realized that wasn't his pillow under his head; and it wasn't his mattress he was on. 'WHERE AM I? What's the last thing I remember?' he asked himself as a slight discomfort caused him to place his hand to his head. He felt the bandage. 'Oh, yeah, I remember now!' His memory flashed back to the nursery then quickly reconstructed the events leading up to him being at Matt's house and resting his head on the table for just a few minutes. 'Matt!' Leo wondered as he opened his eyes and looked around. He could see a long figure on the far side of the bed and he stared at it. 'Wow, this IS a big bed,' Leo thought when he saw how much room there was between him and Matt. But there was a more urgent matter to attend to. Looking around, he could see the bathroom, which was illuminated by a dim nightlight. Matt had remembered to plug it in before going to bed.

Leo slipped out of bed being careful not to disturb Matt. On his way back to the bed, Leo pulled Matt's T-shirt off over his head; he normally slept only in his briefs. Looking around for a place to put it and finding none, he placed in on the foot of the bed then climbed back in and sat cross-legged facing the sleeping figure. In less than a minute his eyes adjusted well enough that Leo could see Matt more clearly.

Matt lay on his right side facing Leo. He was breathing slowly and deeply, a sure sign that he was asleep. There was a pleasant, gentle smile on his face like he might be dreaming of a happy time. His arms were folded across is chest as if he were holding on to something - possibly an invisible teddy bear. Matt's right leg stretched out straight, his toes barely reaching the end of the mattress, and his left leg was bent at the knee like it was supposed to prevent Matt from rolling onto his stomach - although he was almost there anyway.

Leo had an idea. He began to crawl across the bed and noticed how his hands and knees sank into the foam mattress. That was even better because he realized that his movements weren't being transmitted to his sleeping companion. Leo stopped when he got close to Matt and planned his next move. Supporting himself with his hands, Leo leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to Matt's forehead then retreated.

'There... we're even,' he thought. Leo sat still and studied Matt for a few more minutes. A shiver rushed through his body as he felt a cool breeze blow in from the open window; Matt had left it open. This was the time of year when the days could be nice and warm enough not to need air conditioning, and the nights could be cool but not cool enough to need heat. Matt, being an out door kind of guy, preferred the temperatures nature provided, which the bedroom was a little chilly for Leo.

That's about the time Leo could feel the heat radiating from Matt's body. It was like a magnet drawing him closer. He found the top of the sheet, slid under it, turned his back toward Matt and slowly inched backward until Matt's body heat began to warm him without actually making physical contact. Sleep soon reclaimed him.

Traces of dawn were beginning to break into the sky and the birds were greeting its arrival with their songs. Leo's eyes popped open and he was wide-awake. 'Ohmygod!' he thought and almost stopped breathing. There was no mistaking his situation. He was laying on his right side and spooned back was against Matt's body. He could feel Matt's chest hair tickling his back. Matt's right arm extended under the pillow where Leo's head rested while his left arm was draped around Leo's torso, gently but firmly holding their bodies snuggly together.

'Oh - My - God!' he thought again. He could hear Matt's rhythmic breathing and felt warm breath on the back of his neck. Then he became aware of something else; it was hard and hot and was pressing against his lower back. Beyond that he couldn't tell very much. Leo didn't need much of an imagination to figure out what it was. He lay very, very still, trying not to awaken his captor. The longer Leo lay there, the more curious he became about that hot thing pressing against his back. He also became aware of his own erection tenting his briefs.

'Dare I reach behind me and touch it?' Leo tried to imagine how he could do that. He'd never touched another man and the longer he thought about it the stronger his curiosity became.

'Okay, slowly; please don't wake up; please don't wake up!' While still covered by the sheet, Leo carefully lifted his left arm up and over Matt's left arm. 'His arm is so big; not sure if I can do this.' He continued at a snail's pace. Using his own left hip as a reference point, Leo carefully slid his hand behind him. His index finger was the first to make contact, then his forefinger. That seemed to give him 'stereo feel.' He paused to assess what he was feeling. It was very warm and quite smooth. Leo couldn't really determine just how firm it was by just touching it. He slid his fingers along Matt's dick toward where he expected to find his testicles. He knew he was close when he encountered Matt's soft, silky pubic hair. He paused for a moment to regain control of his breathing and try to slow his heartbeat. Leo was excited yet apprehensive. He listened carefully at Matt's breathing - it hadn't changed.

'Okay, almost there; please don't wake up; please don't wake up!' He slid his fingers a little farther and encountered where the shaft curved toward Matt's groin. 'That's it!' he thought. Now there was room for his third and fourth fingers slip partially around the shaft.

'It's so soft and silky and yet so hard. Wonder how long it is?' He began sliding his fingers back up Matt's shaft, trying to keep his fingers between it and his back. Now able to touch Matt's member with four fingers, Leo loved the way it felt. Ever so carefully and slowly he continued moving upward, searching for the end.

'Gosh, how long can that thing be?" he questioned. 'Please don't wake up; please don't wake up..."

At that moment Matt's breathing pattern changed. Leo pulled his hand from between them so fast it was like it had been snapped back by a bungee cord. One more second and he would have been too late. Matt removed his arm from around Leo's chest, extended it straight toward the ceiling while straightening his legs and stretching with a loud, prolonged grunt. Matt must have realized he was unacceptably close to Leo.

"Uh, sorry," he mumbled and rolled to his left to give his guest some space.

THUD - BUMP. "Ohhh," Matt groaned. He was unaware how close to the edge of the mattress he was and had rolled completely off the bed and onto the cold, hardwood floor.

Leo quickly scurried to the edge of the bed and looked down. What he saw took his breath away. Stretched out before him in full naked splendor was the most beautiful male body he'd ever seen. Nothing on the Internet or in porn magazines came close. Leo quickly scanned from the top of Matt's blond curls to his ripped pectorals, to his washboard abs, to the unbelievably long erection, to his perfectly formed legs, to his very masculine feet and toes. Matt began to laugh.

"Ho-ho-ho, that's the first time I've fallen out of bed since I was a kid," he laughed. As he was saying that, he reached for and found his Tommy's and T-shirt and used them to cover his nakedness. Opening his eyes, Matt looked up and saw a very concerned looking Leo staring back at him.

"You okay?" Leo asked.

"Yeah, ha-ha, that is so funny; wait until I tell my brother that I fell out of bed. He's gonna get a real kick." With that, Matt easily sat up, sprang to his feet and headed toward the bathroom. Leo couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful, naked figure as it glided past the end of the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. There wasn't an ounce of body fat to be seen and Matt's sculpted muscles seemed so fluid as they carried his body along. Matt wasn't a muscle head or a body builder, he was slim and trim with a finely developed musculature that projected speed and power and balance - except for his buns. Matt's butt was almost flat, the least developed feature of his body. Leo noticed all of this and thought how close they'd been just moments ago. 'Oh, I hope he doesn't figure out what caused him to wake up,' Leo thought prayerfully.

Leo took the opportunity to scamper back across the bed. He knew he had to have some clothes somewhere; he had them on when he arrived. Yes, he took them off to shower so where were they? 'There they are,' he thought. His Bandini polo shirt and shorts were neatly folded and placed on top of the chest of drawers. 'Matt must have done that,' Leo thought. He was struck by what a really nice person Matt seemed to be. 'What was it Meg said? "He's the nicest person you'll ever meet." Meg's right again,' he thought. He listened to the loud, low sound of Matt's stream splashing into the toilet. Jumping from the bed, Leo quickly stepped into his shorts and was pulling his polo shirt over his head when Matt walked out of the bathroom; he was already dressed in his boxer briefs and T-shirt.

"How'd you sleep?" Matt was smiling and seemed genuinely happy to see Leo.

"Great!" Leo kept hoping Matt wouldn't remember what just happened. "I've never slept on one of these mattresses before and I think it's great." That was a diversionary tactic, anything to start the conversation in a new direction.

"Yeah, I got it on one of those 30-day trials and slept so well I kept it. Say, you ready for breakfast?"

"Uh... yes, that would be nice." Leo couldn't believe how happy and friendly Matt seemed.

Matt reached into the closet, pulled out some clean shorts and slid them up over his narrow hips. Leo thought how sad it was that Matt felt the need to disguise his great body in such baggy shorts. At least the T-shirt was snug enough to hint at what was underneath.

Both men padded to the kitchen where Matt started the coffee, poured OJ and offered Leo a selection of cold cereal with bananas or toast or bagels. To keep things simple, Leo chose Shredded Wheat with a banana because that's what Matt was having. As Leo picked up the banana to slice it, he couldn't help noting how much smaller it was than Matt's warm staff of flesh. The thought caused a stir in his briefs, which were already soiled with dried precum from earlier that morning.

"I guess I'm going to have to ask you for a ride home," Leo said, as he was about finished with his cereal. "I really appreciate all you've done for me; I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't been there." The sincerity of Leo's statement was clear and Matt felt rewarded.

"Glad I could help. And before I take you home," Matt continued, "can I interest you in joining me at church?"

Leo looked down at his dirty polo and shorts and smiled at Matt. "I think I need clean clothes and we've already established that yours won't fit me."

"Ha-ha, yeah, I don't have that many safety pins." Each one sensed a connection of friendship that felt comfortable and they expressed their feelings with smiles.

"Thanks anyway, I need to get home and back to the nursery before noon. I promised Meg I'd open - she'll be in around 2:00 PM. Oh, can you drop me off at the nursery? I just remembered that I drove Pop's car yesterday. I ought to get that or I won't have any transportation."

"Yeah, we can do that. Church is at 10:00, so I can be there to help you open. Just let me put this stuff in the dishwasher and get my shoes and we can go."

"Shoes... yes, I need shoes." Leo chuckled because the situation felt funny to him. He found his shoes and socks in the bedroom next to the chest where Matt had placed them. In a matter of minutes, Matt backed out of the driveway and drove Leo to the nursery.

After retrieving his father's car and while driving to his parents' house, Leo decided he'd skip his shower. 'I'll just slipped on a clean pair of briefs and a Bandini outfit and go right to work.' He replayed the morning's events in his mind as he drove almost unaware of where he was going. 'I'll be there all day with Matt; what's that going to be like after what happened this morning? And why is Matt all I can think about? I'm obsessed with him. Get a grip, Mr. Carlsen, you're acting like a teenager,' he admonished himself.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 12

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