Bandini Affair

By Draginacht

Published on Apr 26, 2008


The Bandini Affair 10 (AKA Jeff)

Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

From Chapter 9

'Yes Leo, I remember you all too well.' Matt thought. 'You were a fourteen-year-old's wet dream. I thought you were the hottest thing I'd ever seen back than. What was that, ten years ago? Oh, how I used to fantasize about you when I was young. I'm sure you'd be embarrassed if you knew how many gallons of spooge I sacrificed in your honor. Then you went and got married on me. And now you're back. For how long? Did you bring your wife? No, forget it Matt! You can't go there. Remember what Uncle David says, don't get involved with straight guys, they'll only break your heart.' Matt looked down at the floor as if to disconnect from the object of his youthful desire. The thundershower had been brief and was now reduced to a very light drizzle. Matt pushed away from the wall, opened the door and walked out into the yard.

Chapter 10

Meg sent Leo and Susie to lunch about 11:30. When they returned, she had a serious proposal for her brother. She led him into the break room where they sat down. Meg leaned toward her brother with pleading look on her face.

"Leo, all this excitement with Pop's stroke has me behind in some of my family stuff. And I really, really need to ask a favor so here goes." Of course Leo would do anything he could for his sister, if at all possible. "I really need to leave about 2:30 so I can pick up the kids and get them to soccer practice. Then I need to go check on Mom and Pop at the hospital, pick up the kids again and take them home so I can fix dinner. Do you think you could close up for me?"

"Sure, Meg. But you might walk me through the process before you leave, just to refresh my memory." He smiled at his sister and she looked relived.

"Great! I'm sure it'll all come back to you." They both stood and prepared to go back to the front, but Meg offered to buy each of them a Dr. Pepper from the refrigerator in the break room.

Shortly before leaving, Meg walked Leo through the procedures for counting the cash and preparing the deposit slips. Then she reminded him of all the things that needed to be done to lock up for the evening. Leo confirmed that he was comfortable with the process and shooed her out the door.

Business was slow the rest of the afternoon so Leo let some of the employees leave early and by 6:00 P.M. Matt was the only other employee on the premises except for Leo. Throughout the afternoon, Matt had found excuses to go into the office to check on one thing or another. And if Leo wasn't peering out the window to get a better of look at Matt, he found reasons (excuses) to go out into the yard to find something. Neither man caught on to what the other was doing.

At closing time, 6:00, Matt stuck his head in the door and asked Leo if he needed any help. Leo smiled and said no, but he appreciated the offer. By now, Leo was losing the shyness he'd experienced earlier and welcomed opportunities to speak with Matt. It seems Matt had some things he needed to do before leaving and Leo watched him disappear around the corner of the building.

Not thinking about security, Leo opened the cash drawer and began preparing to close for the day. As he leaned over the counter filling out the top of the deposit slip his attention was instantly interrupted by a dark gun barrel that suddenly appeared under his nose.


Leo looked up as terror gripped his entire being. His mind went blank.

"NOW, MUTHAFUCKA! NOW!" the robber shouted as he shoved a paper sack against Leo's chest.

The physical contact and the shove helped snap Leo out of his momentary paralysis. Nervously he took the bag and reached his hand inside the money drawer. As he did that, he noticed another man standing just inside the door, also holding a gun.


In his haste and shaking with fear, Leo's hands didn't seem to be cooperating.

"MOVE ASSHOLE!" the robber shouted as he raised his hand and smashed the butt of the gun handle against left side of Leo's forehead. Leo staggered backward, and in the process his hand got caught on something in the drawer dragging it with him as he fell. Money scattered everywhere. Leo fell against the back wall and collapsed to the floor unconscious.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" the first robber said under his breath as he dropped to the floor and began scooping up as much money as he could find. Needing one hand to hold the sack and the other to pick up the money, he laid his gun on the floor while he crawled around scooping up money.

"Thump!" It was a muffled sound followed by a "thud." That was followed by the sound of a gun skittering across the wooden floor. The first robber immediately lunged for his gun and just as his fingers closed around it a large Timberland boot pinned the hand to the floor accompanied by the sound of bones cracking. There was a scream: "AYEEE!" followed by a "thump." All was quiet.

"9-1-1, please state your emergency," the operator asked.

"We've had an attempted robbery; three men down, need paramedics."

"Yes sir, I have your address as 7325 Old Buford Highway; is that correct?"

"Yes, that's correct." Matt paused for second then asked, "Is this Haley?"

"Yes it is; is that you, Matt honey?"

"Sure is, Doll; can you hurry?" Matt and Haley had been classmates all fours years of high school. They reconnected as friends when Matt joined the police force and Haley married and got a job as a 9-1-1 operator.

"They're on the way, Sweetheart; you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine but I need to do some things fast so I'm gonna let you go. I'll be waiting."

"Okay, Sweetheart, you call me back when you can, ya hear?"

"Sure, Doll, bye." And with that, Matt hung up the phone. First he reached into a drawer and pulled out some long, thick plastic cable ties. He hurriedly secured the wrists of the two crooks then turned his attention to Leo.

Kneeling at Leo's side, he could see the blood on his forehead had already coagulated and stop flowing. He placed his fingers at the side of Leo's neck and found a pulse. He could have checked Leo's wrist for a pulse but the neck was too inviting. The pulse was strong and steady, a good sign.

Next thing Matt wanted to do was try to clean the nasty wound on Leo's forehead. He stood, walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a first aid kit. Kneeling beside Leo, Matt's left knee and calf made light contact Leo's left arm and hand. He picked out some cotton balls and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, then proceeded to dab the hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball and swab it against the partially drying blood, which had run down into Leo's hair.

"I'm sorry, Leo; my sweet, adorable Leo; this is my fault," Matt began in a soft, comforting voice, as if speaking to himself. "If only I'd been in here when those bastards came in. I wasn't doing anything that couldn't have waited. I should have been here. This won't happen again - I promise you. How can anyone be so cruel to such a gentle and adorable man as you?" By now Leo's wound was clean.

"There! That should do it. Not as bad as it first looked. You probably won't even need any stitches but we'll let the doctor make that decision. Now let's get a bandage on you before the paramedics get here." Matt turned away from Leo and rummaged through the first aid kit for the appropriate bandage. It took him only about a minute to open the package and apply it to Leo's forehead as he heard the sirens in the distance.

"Ya know, Leo, there's probably no future for you and me," Matt continued talking to himself as he peered longingly down at the Leo's placid face. "Normally I wouldn't take advantage of a situation like this but this may be my only chance so I hope you'll forgive me." Matt wet his lips, leaned down and gently pressed them to Leo's forehead. He held the kiss for no more than five seconds but volumes of love and emotion were exchanged.

Matt was beginning to worry; Leo should have come around by now. The two robbers were already beginning to moan. Matt couldn't wait; there was work to be done. He stood up, returned the first aid kit to the cabinet, then went to a closet, removed the media card from the digital video surveillance system, and installed a blank one. He knew the detectives would need that evidence.

"Nice work, Matt."

"Thanks, Officer Kyle," Matt replied with a grin. He didn't see his old roommate very often and he was pleased to see that Kyle had received the call.

"Tell me what we have here," Kyle requested.

"These two gentlemen came in here and tried to appropriate some funds," Matt explained sarcastically. "One of them, I think that one," he pointed to the first robber, "hit Leo in the head and knocked him out. Then I came in and put a stop to their fun. I used some cable ties to secure them, so you might want to replace those with regular cuffs."

"I'll do that, Kyle," said Kyle's partner, Becky.

"Oh, my hand, you broke my fuckin' hand, muthafucka," the first robber complained.

Matt not very gently shoved the toe of his right foot into the crooks groin, attempting to catch the man's scrotum between his shoe and the floor. "Shut your damned mouth or I'll break your fuckin' balls like I broke your hand, asshole!"

"Get him off me, Officer!" the crook shouted.

"Hey, you're not under arrest until I've read you your rights," Kyle smiled.

"Okay, I know my fuckin' rights, just get this son-of-a-bitch off me!"

"You have the right to remain silent," Kyle began. He smiled and nodded at Matt who removed his foot from between the man's legs. Kyle continued with the 'rights' statement as Becky applied the cuffs. At that moment Leo moaned. Matt immediately turned, took two giant steps, knelt at Leo's side and gently placed his large hand in the middle of Leo's chest.

"Leo?" Matt asked in a concerned voice. Leo opened his eyes and looked directly up into Matt's beautiful blue ones. "How do you feel?"

"My head hurts..." Leo tried to smile. "Just let me sit up."

"Hold on a minute, Leo, let's make sure you got your wheels under you before you move; I wouldn't want you to pass out or anything. The paramedics are on the way." From the sound of the siren, the paramedics were probably pulling into the parking lot.

Leo could feel the heat from Matt's hand; it seemed to spread throughout his chest and into his groin. He was becoming aroused.

"Really. I'm fine. I just want to sit up and lean against the wall." Matt gave in to Leo's insistence.

"Okay, give me your hand." Once more Leo watched his small hand disappear into Matt's large one. He pulled himself up with ease and then his head began to throb.

"Oh-h," he moaned. He quickly scooted backward and leaned against the wall. The support against his back felt good.

"Headache?" Matt asked.

"A little... but it's getting better." Leo placed his hand to his forehead and felt the bandage. Then he touched the spot Matt had kissed.

The paramedics and the cops worked like a team. While Leo went into the ambulance to be transported to the hospital, both robbers were placed in the squad car. The one with the injured hand would be taken to the hospital after being booked. Becky waited in the squad car filling out papers while Kyle stayed with Matt.

In relative privacy, the two men hugged each other.

"Good to see ya again, big guy." Kyle said as his right hand slid down Matt's back and squeezed his butt briefly. "Never understood how such a big guy can have such a small ass." They released from the hug and stepped back from each other.

"Hey, I don't seem to recall hearing any complaints about my ass all those years we lived together," Matt chided in a friendly tone of voice.

"Ouch! I guess I deserved that," Kyle replied with a smile. "Ya know what we are?"

"Other than the obvious, I can't imagine. What are we?"

"We're poster boys for why two tops fail in long term relationships." The two men looked at each other and began to laugh. "Things been goin' okay?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah, how about you? Still with what's his name, Logan?"

"Yeah, he's growin' on me."

"HA-HA-AH!" Matt began laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"You! Just think about it for a minute. No wonder Logan's growin' on you; you got him planted on your root 24/7." Matt was smiling from ear to ear.

Kyle needed only a couple of seconds to get the point and began to laugh. "Yeah, well, what can I say? He really is a good kid. He even got a job. Remember that Subway in the strip mall a few blocks from the apartment?"

Yeah, sure." Matt remembered all right, that was one of his father's establishments.

"So, we've covered my love life, how's yours? You find a new squeeze yet?"

"Nah, too busy. You know, it's not that easy to find the right guy. I'm not exactly the type of guy who walks into a bar and shouts 'anybody wanna fuck?'"

"I know a few friends; I'll be happy to set your up." Kyle placed his hand on Matt's shoulder to convey the message that it truly was a friendly gesture.

"Hey, I know those so-called friends or yours. They're nothing but a bunch of size queens who's only interest is to be able to brag that they slept with me." Matt sounded sad when he said that.

"What about your little friend here tonight? You always were partial to short guys, especially ones with bubble butts like his."

"Not available," Matt said. "Married and straight."

"Are you sure? You just might be wrong, Budd; don't be so quick to dismiss a good possibility. Remember, not all married guys are straight."

"Thanks for the free advice, Ky." Matt gave his friend a look that said, 'free advice is worth what you pay for it.'

Kyle stepped back, placed his hands on his hips and looked at his longtime friend. "I can't get over how much you are so like your Uncle David," Kyle said, changing the subject.

"Oh?" Matt straightened his back at the suggestion. "And that's bad because?"

"Oh, not bad at all. I think the world of your uncle. He's a great guy. I guess I'm just pointing out the obvious, that's all.

Looking out the front window, Matt recognized the unmarked car pull into the parking lot. "Looks like the department dicks have come." The friends shared a chuckle at the double entendre.

"Well, time for me to be going." Kyle leaned forward and gave Matt a friendly kiss on his lips. Just as he was about to walk out the door, Kyle turned back toward Matt.

"Hey, I want to thank you for the recommendation."

"Recommendation?" Matt asked. "For?"

"You know, to be the Department's liaison with the GLBT Association. The Chief told me you recommended me for it when you left. It's working out better than I expected... and I sure like the extra pay."

"You're the best person for the job, Kyle. And I'm glad you like it." They smiled at each other before Kyle turned and headed toward his squad car.

Matt made the detectives sign a receipt for the video card. They concluded their investigation very quickly and departed. Matt picked up all the money, counted it, finished the deposit slip Leo had been working on, closed up the office and locked the security gate.

Sitting in his truck, Matt first called and updated Haley on the 9-1-1 administrative phone number. Then he called Megan; she had just arrived at the hospital and was walking toward the entrance. Needless to say, she was shocked by the events and both agreed not to say anything to Mom and Pop until they knew more about Leo's condition. Matt said he was on his way to the hospital and would call her when he reached the Emergency Room.

Leo lay on the gurney in the back of the ambulance thinking about events at the nursery - specifically the events involving Matt. What Matt didn't know was that while he was retrieving the first aid kit from the cabinet Leo had regained consciousness. Leo had opened his eyes, looked around and noticed the two crooks on the floor. But he quickly closed his eyes as Matt turned around to come back to him. His head hurt too much to think about what was going on and he wanted to remain quiet.

But remaining quiet while Matt went to work on his forehead created another challenge. He heard every word of the one-sided conversation Matt had with him. Matt's comforting voice was so easy to listen to and helped him relax. Leo opened his eyes a second time, when Matt was searching the first aid kit for a bandage. One more thing was causing Leo distress. Matt's body heat and the sensation of Matt's leg hair against Leo's left arm and hand had caused him to be aroused. Fortunately, Matt soon stood up and returned the first aid kit to the cabinet, giving Leo time for an adjustment.

As the ambulance sped toward the hospital Leo closed his eyes and thought about what he'd heard Matt say. Like on an endless loop, he played Matt's words over and over in his mind. Again, he reached up and touched the spot where Matt's lips had been.

Meg was in the ER waiting room when Matt arrived. They greeted each other with a brief hug and were getting caught up when an attendant approached Meg. She had already identified herself as Leo's sister and asked about his condition. The attendant recognized Matt from when he was on the police force - he'd had numerous opportunities to visit the ER over the years. Meg and Matt were led into a room where Leo was sitting up on the side of the bed, fully clothed.

"Taking life easy, I see," Meg chided her brother. "How do you feel?" Her question reflected her high level of concern.

"Yeah, this is a real five-star hotel." Leo smiled at his sister, then at Matt. Meg and Matt noticed Leo look past them and turned to see what he was looking at. "Maybe he'll tell us how I am?" A doctor had just walked into the room.

The doctor recognized Matt and they shook hands. He then explained that Leo appeared to be fine except for a mild concussion. His only concern was that he wanted Leo to stay awake until at least midnight. Leo could be released if someone could assure the doctor that he would not go to sleep before 12:00 AM. Leo assured him that he could to that but the doctor wasn't satisfied, he wanted a guarantee from someone else. In the ensuing discussion Meg said she didn't have a place for Leo to sleep at her house. Leo suggested that he stay in his own room at his parents' house. Meg said that wouldn't work because his mother was staying the night in the hospital with his dad and he'd be home alone. Meg then looked expectantly at Matt and, without saying word, communicated her suggestion.

Feeling the pressure, Matt hesitated then offered to let Leo stay with him. He promised to make sure Leo stayed awake. Matt's hesitation was prompted by a few reservations. One, considering his long time secret attraction for the small man, Matt had serious doubts about whether he could trust himself being so close to Leo in the privacy of his own home. Another reservation - Matt had only one bed. 'Leo can sleep on the couch,' he thought. And third, would he get any sleep knowing Leo was in the next room?

Matt looked at Leo and asked him what he thought. Leo hesitated and looked at Meg; he had reservations of his own. He had serious concerns about his secret attraction to Matt, both physical and emotional. Recalling what Matt said earlier, Leo also wondered if he would be safe; could he trust himself and could he trust Matt? Realizing that without some agreement, Leo knew it was either accept Matt's hospitality, or stay the night in the ER. And Leo had absolutely no desire to do that.

Meg returned to Pop's room to say good night but Leo didn't go because he wasn't ready to explain the bandage on his forehead. Meg and Matt agreed.

"Over this way," Matt said as he extended his arm and pointed ahead and to the right. The two men left the lighted entrance to the ER behind and walked side by side toward Matt's truck. Matt started the truck turned the radio off and turned toward Leo.

"You hungry? I haven't had anything to eat this evening." Leo looked at Matt and thought for a second.

"Yes, ER catering was closed tonight." Leo smiled at his own humor. And he felt good when he heard Matt chuckle. "I'm not familiar with this area, what do you recommend?"

"I was thinking of a place called 'The Bread Company' not far from my house. They have a real good salad I like." Matt placed the transmission in reverse, backed out of the parking spot and began driving toward the exit.

"What's in it?" Leo continued. Now that he and Matt were alone, he was beginning to find Matt easy to talk to. There was no doubt that he was attracted to the sound of Matt's voice.

"Oh, let's see," Matt began. "There's romaine lettuce, little pieces of tomatoes, Mandarin oranges, and there may be some sliced almonds, too. Oh, I forgot, they throw in some Chinese noodles and a nice tangy sesame dressing. I like to top it with some grilled chicken."

"That sounds good." Having resolved the dining question both men settled in for a quiet drive to the restaurant.

"You okay?" Matt asked after a while to break the silence. They'd stopped at a light and he turned and looked at Leo.

Leo looked to his left and smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine." He thought it was nice of Matt to ask.

Leo waited for Matt to lead the way into the restaurant. A clerk was waiting when they approached the counter.

"Here or to go?" The clerk asked. Matt liked at Leo.

"You have a preference?"

"You're driving, you chose," Leo smiled. He wondered if he'd been doing too much of that lately, perhaps sending the wrong message. Or maybe it was the correct message.

"Here," Matt said to the clerk.

Both men ordered the salad, paid for their own meal, and ate pretty much in silence. Leo found the salad to be excellent and complimented Matt on his recommendation.

The time was almost 9:30 as Matt's truck traveled down the dark streets. Leo looked to his right and peered through the window at the darkness; his lips formed a smile.

'What a turn of events!' he thought. 'A few months ago I accept that I may be gay; then I crash and burn at a gay bar. Now I'm going to spend the night with a gay man - and in his house. Is fate giving me an opportunity to find out if I really am gay? Will anything happen? What should I do? If he makes a pass should I say no? Now that's a laugh; the last time a guy made a pass at me I ran out of the bar. Matt really is a nice man, almost a kid, actually. But he was a cop for four or five years; that has to make a guy mature. What do I really know about him? He probably saved Pop's life... and he may have saved mine. My family knows he's gay and they still seem to think highly of him. And he thinks I'm straight and married. There's got to be something in that situation that causes him to think I'm off limits. Should I tell him I think I'm gay? And he really did kiss me. Granted, it was only on my forehead but nobody has ever kissed me like that. Oh dear! Would I be able to kiss him? Could I really kiss another man? Oh, this must be his house.'

"Here we are," Matt announced as he steered the truck into a driveway.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 11

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