Bandaged into Submission - chpt

By gayD

Published on Jul 1, 2024


Just when you think things can't get any worse for poor Jack, he is visited by a 14-year-old.... Doctor? What the FUCK!

Bandaged into Submission in a Hospital

Part 3 of 4

The next morning was quite unusual. It was a Saturday, and the regular Monday through Friday staff was not working today. The hospital had a daycare center for the kids of working parents. One of the workers, Mrs. Magie Yoon, an Asian nurse, brought her 14-year-old son, Sammy, to work because her regular "babysitter" was ill. She placed Sammy in the daycare room. "Now, you behave," she told Sammy, who was a curious and mischievous kid, always getting into things and causing trouble. Because both his parents were in the medical field, Sammy always wanted to be a doctor, in fact, he often played doctor with his school buddies. Soon after being placed in the center, he told the staff there he needed to use the restroom and was directed to go across the hall.

Instead, he wandered the halls, poking his head into every room just to stare at the patient inside. Sammy maneuvered his way to the end of the corridor to where Jack's room was. He opened the door, looked inside, and was about to close it when...

"Are you the doctor?" Jack asked, hearing the door sound. Sammy was about to say no, but he reconsidered.

"Ah... yes."

"You don't sound like Dr. Walters."

"No, he doesn't work on weekends. I'm... ah... Dr. Yoon," the 14-year-old told Jack.

"You don't sound old enough to be a doctor."

The kid giggled. "Why, thank you. We Asians can have young voices."

"Oh, sorry, doctor. I didn't mean to be disrespectful." Of course, Jack was still blindfolded with his wrap-around eye bandage and could see nothing.

Sammy was getting off on fooling this tall, well-built, handsome, Italian-looking 19-year-old patient. But he needed to be careful. Was he really going to play doctor with Jack? He found the chart at the foot of the bed. "I'm reviewing your chart here, but why don't you tell me how you are doing?" Actually, the only information he could understand from the paperwork was the patient's name. Sammy closed the room door.

"Well, Dr. Yoon, I had some minor eye surgery, nothing major, but I need these bandages on for a week or so."

"Yes, I see that, Jack. Your regular doctor will go over your progress on Monday. I'm just here checking up on you."

"Ah... ah... doctor, may I ask a question?" Sammy was eating this up. Too bad Jack could not see the big grin on the twink's faces.

"Yes, Jack?"

"Yesterday, they put some medication on my... ah... penis because the skin was dry? They told me not to touch it. Does it need more medication? Or is it fine now?"

"Yes, I see that in your chart. Yes, your testicle skin is also dry?"

"I think so." Jack giggled again.

"You're laughing," said the boy doctor.

"Sorry, you just sound like a little kid."

"Wow, Jack, if I had a nickel for every time I heard that, I'd be rich." They both laughed. "If you could see me, you'd know I was 6 feet, 210 pounds, and 36 years old. But thanks for the compliment. Everyone likes to be thought of as younger." More mutual laughter.

Then, Sammy took a deep breath and daringly said, "Well, let's have a look." Sammy pulled the sheet down to Jack's legs and then totally off his feet. Jack was still naked. "I see they want you naked." Sammy paused. He noticed the tube of dry skin lotion and put two and two together.

Sammy feasted his eyes. He was amazed at this full-size hunk of a man under his control, even for a few minutes. Was Sammy gay? Maybe, probably. But more than that, Sammy was in awe of power. A 14-year-old being the authority over a 19-year-old hunk, FUCK! WOW!

"I see the hand lo... I mean... your medication is here. Let me apply some on you. But first, spread your legs wide apart, Jack." Jack did. "No, wider, please." Again, Jack complied.

"That's a good patient." Then he put the hand lotion on his fingers and... "Now, tell me, Jack, if this hurts." Sammy gently touched Jack's ball sack, making light circles on it. "Does this hurt?"

"Ah, no. In fact, it feels good."

BINGO! Sammy had tacit approval to continue. Sammy tickled Jack's balls in the process of coating them with pretend medicine, causing a couple of quick twitches in his patient's almost soft dick. Jack reached for his dick to hide it. "No, Jack, the doctors already told you not to touch your penis or balls, correct?" Sammy was pretending to be stern but really laughing inside.

"I'm sorry, doctor."

"Do you want me to enter a negative comment in your record that you have been uncooperative?" Again, speaking sharply.

"No, please don't. I'm sorry."

"I need you to be a good little patient and do as I say. What I am doing here is medically necessary, Jack. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir. I'll cooperate. Please don't mention anything. Please, doctor Yoon."

"But you already closed your legs. How am I to apply this medication with your..."

"Sorry," Jack immediately spread his legs wide, wider than before."

"OK, that's better, Jack. Now, it's best to grab hold of the headboard with both hands and hold onto it so you won't be tempted to interfere with your treatment." Jack did just that. Jack's position, with his arms way up, expanded his gorgeous, muscular chest. He was now on full display, totally naked, legs spread wide apart, and at the mercy of this twink kid. He was fucking totally vulnerable!

Sammy progressed his touching and tickling behind Jack's balls. "Oh, Jeez, I see a dry batch back here." And "Dr. Yoon" began to tickle-tease Jack's perineum... continuously. Jack's dick began to rise. He knew his dick felt good, his dick and balls felt good, but he could not tell if his dick was getting erect or just erotically felt great.

"Oh my..." was all Jack said.

"Oh, sorry, did I hurt you, Jack?"

"Oh, no, Doctor Yoon, it just feels... ah... good."

"I guess this medication is working nicely." Then he added, "And what about your ass, Jack? Does it feel OK or hurt or what?"

"Ah, I don't know. I don't feel anything back there."

"I'd better check it out, too," Sammy said. Keep your hands on the headboard, and lift your legs way up. Try to touch the wall with your bare feet."

Jack was having difficulty getting his legs on the wall. "Here, let me help you." Sammy placed each hand on each of Jack's thighs and applied slight pressure to have Jack plant his feet flat on the headboard wall, which doubled his body in half. Then, Sammy used his hands to push his thighs wider apart. Jack readjusted his feet further apart on the wall. Sammy, for the first time today, was getting a huge boner. I guess that answers the question: Is he gay?

Imagine a 14-year-old boy wearing a colored T-shirt, jeans with holes, black and white tennis shoes, and acting like a doctor! And there he is, holding Jack's naked, muscular body folded in half with his manly bare feet pressed against the wall.

"Oh, my, Jack. Yes, I see your asshole is quite dry and may be irritated too. Here, I'll apply a different med called Boy-tongue cream. I'll apply it with a damp sponge. It may feel cool." Jack was a little out of it and heard "Boyton cream."

Then Jack felt a very soothing, moist application of this special medication. Boy, did it feel great. What Jack didn't realize was it was Sammy's tongue licking his asshole. Sammy had never done this before. But he was the most curious, daring, impish little boy you could imagine. He, of course, saw ass-licking done in videos on, but never had the opportunity actually to do it.

Sammy pulled his head back, "How does this medication feel, Jack?"

"Ah, wonderful, doctor."

"Let me apply a bit more, a bit deeper."

It never occurred to Jack that Dr. Yoon had one hand on each of Jack's thighs, holding them up and apart. Wasn't he aware that the doctor had only two hands? Well, Jack was in a state of high erotic sensation.

"OK, Jack, just continue to hold still." Sammy then flicked his tongue all around Jack's asshole and then, making a tubular point with his tongue, inserted it into his patient's waiting asshole. He probed it in and out, repeatedly and slowly. After all, Sammy was relishing this sexual activity but also enjoyed increasing his power and control over such a vulnerable, muscle-toned man.

Again, Sammy pulled back, "OK, Jack, that looks much better now. You can lower your legs, but keep your hand on the headboard." He did.

Then, as soon as Jack's legs were back on the bed, legs spread widest... WHAT A HOT FUCKING SIGHT! Jack's dick was bobbing and twitching. FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! The twink kid could not believe Jack's state of arousal. If only Jack could see himself. Maybe he sort of realized he had an erection, but in his mind, it was better to envision himself with a flaccid dick so he would not be embarrassed. And, so he concluded, he had no erection, just a very pleasant feeling from the very special medication. It was just all easier to deal with.

"Now, your balls and ass skin look fine. All will heal nicely. Now, I see in your chart..." Sammy wasn't even looking at Jack's chart, "It says... your dic... I mean, your penis skin had some issues. So I'll check that next. Now, let me ask, and don't be shy, Jack, I'm a doctor. Have you had uncontrollable erections, Jack?"

"Ah, no. Why do you ask?"

"Because this condition you have, Jack, which is easily treatable, can interfere with the ability to have or control your erections. But, not to worry. Just because you don't have an erection now does not mean erections will become a problem. However, I'd like to treat it with more of the special Boy-tongue cream. Is that OK?"

"Sure. Doctor."

"OK, now, be quiet and hold still. Let me do my job. After all, I am the doctor here." Jack did not want to irritate the doctor, so he remained silent. "Now, since the skin here might hurt when touched, I'm going to do this very lightly, starting on the underside at the base and slowly working my way up, lightly. Now, only speak up if this application hurts in some way."

Jack's dick was a towering pole. It wasn't moving just now, just standing proud. Without touching any other part of Jack's naked body, Sammy leaned over and placed his wet little-kid tongue at the base of his magnificent dick and slowly licked Jack's dick all the way to just below the mushroom head in one gentle stroke, but not the head itself.

"I'm sorry, Jack, applying Boy-tongue cream takes a while. I have to apply quite a few coats. Sorry if it's uncomfortable. Just relax."

Again, Sammy licked upward, starting near the balls, and licked upward agonizingly slow. "Try to ignore me." Jack's dick now twitched and bobbed. Jack moaned.

Talking to himself, Sammy uttered, "I'd better coat this penis skin all the way around." Then Sammy began to lick Jack's twitching dick on its long sides and the top of the shaft, still ignoring touching the head. Does this hurt you?"

"No, doctor Yoon, the Boyton cream feels good; it's soothing." Jack released a long, loud, uncontrollable moan as his entire body shook.

"That's good. Some patients find this procedure painful. Glad you can tolerate it so well. I think I need to try a different procedure. This Boy-tongue cream is not going into your skin as it should. Let me get a glove and massage it in." Sammy just waited a moment, pretending to put on a plastic glove, but didn't.

"Now, let me try it this way." Since Sammy's boy hands were so little, and Jack's dick had quite a girth, he used both hands around Jack's shaft. He slowly slipped his hands up and slowly down the shaft - slowly up and slowly down, repeatedly. Then Sammy began a pattern. As he moved his hands fully up the shaft, he leaned over and placed his wet tongue on the tip of Jack's dick to lick and sloppy kiss it as he tried to wiggle his pointed boy tongue into the piss slit. Then, he removed his tongue and slipped his hands slowly down. Then the hands went up all the way to the mushroom head and again, licked, kissed, and tongue teased all around the piss slit again.

"AAAAHHHHHHHH!" Jack groaned in extreme pleasure every time Sammy's hands rose to the top of his stiff boner, and Sammy then licked at the dick tip. "AAAAAHHHHH!" Jack's naked hunky body shook and shimmered. He needed to close his legs and bring his hands down from the bed headboard to protect himself.

"No, Jack. Stay as I told you. Get your hands back up there and spread your legs wide." Jack tried. "No, spread your legs even wider. Do what the doctor tells you, or I'll have to make a negative note in your chart."

"Sorry, sir. AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" And Jack did as told.

"Now, I will check each part of your body to see if everything is OK." With that warning, Sammy stopped touching Jack's dick but... began touching him everywhere else. He kept one hand fingering and teasing Jack's balls, scratching them with fingernails. And occasionally, tickling around his asshole, then back to erotically torturing those big balls.


I guess little 14-year-old Sammy had been watching gay porn for quite some time. His pent-up curiosity must have been overwhelming, seeing so much gay sex without any opportunity to practice those erotic techniques. Well, the damn broke, and Sammy was like a kid in a candy store -- where all the candy was free! Sammy was amazed. His attitude changed. He was no longer super careful with his doctor pretense. He still cared, but if he was caught now, at least he had a lot of fun playing doctor to a hunky, naked man. Now, he was just going to enjoy himself until Jack caught on and figured it out.

Sammy was afraid Jack's loud moaning and groaning would get the attention of someone in the hallway. He had an idea. He reached down to untie his dirty tennis shoe, slipped it off, and then removed his white, sweaty gym sock. He smelled it and smiled. "Yeah, nice and ripe." So, he took off the other sock and put his shoes back on.

"Oh yeah, these are so raunchy," he said quietly, inhaling both socks. Well, 14-year-olds don't have the best hygiene. Wickedly, Sammy bunched up his socks and shoved them into Jack's open mouth. He just wedged the sock ball in there tightly. "Sorry, Jack, your roommate is being bothered by your noise. This is just to help you stay quiet. OK?" Actually, Jack was in a room by himself., but he didn't know that.

Being blindfolded with bandages caused Jack's sense of smell to be exaggerated. All of a sudden, he was imagining he was in a stinky locker room with smelly jockstraps strewn all over the floor. It gave him a weird feeling, and his dick twitched and bobbed.

Now, Sammy could do his doctoring in peace and quiet. You might think Jack would just remove his hand from the headboard and take the socks out of his mouth, but we all think of doctors as authority figures. And he is in a hospital, after all, a place where... yes... you normally do as told. Being blindfolded added to his helplessness and need to rely on others to help him. Plus, Jack has been subjected to a lot of weird treatment by hospital staff. Sammy's behavior, or rather, "Dr. Yoon's" behavior, was just a continuation and extension of these unusual experiences.

Then there was that stupid, stupid threat, "Jack, if you don't cooperate, I'll make a note in your file." Wow! How dumb! Jack was just trying to obey his doctor.

What a fucking amazing sight! There is Jack, totally naked and uncovered, with his hand firmly gripping the headboard of his bed and his muscular legs spread out wide like a whore in heat, gagged with dirty, stinky 14-year-old boy socks, displaying his dick obscenely trusted upward. His magnificent dick was jerking and twitching, even though Sammy had stopped touching it. It was bobbing and leaking pre-cum because Sammy was teasing his balls with one hand, licking his left nipple -- that is, applying Boy-tongue cream to his left nipple - and with the fingernails of his other hand, very lightly tickling Jack's exposed armpit.

Jack was moaning and groaning, but with the dirty sock gag, his sounds were of no concern to Sammy.

Sammy lifted his head off Jack's nipple to speak, "Sorry, Jack, if this hurts, but it's a necessary part of the treatment." Hurt? HURT?! Jack was in a state of fucking, awesome erotic bliss!

Sammy saw a large felt tip marker on the tray table. With the cap on, it was larger and longer than a fat finger. That gave him an idea. Since Sammy's fingers were tiny, he'd use this marker as a dildo of sorts. And lube it up with the lotion that was there.

"Now, Jack, we are almost finished. This last part is called the salute." Jack had no idea what that was, nor did he care. He was too boned up and dizzy with lust.

"I know this will be difficult for you. You're going to have to tense all your muscles. You may place your hands and arms anywhere you need to do this. While keeping your legs spread, I want you to lift your hips off the bed." Jack placed his elbows on the mattress and lifted his hips. "That's good, but lift your hips higher so I can treat your ass a bit more."

Jack had to strain, but he managed to hold his ass off the mattress about seven inches. "Great, Jack. Just great." Then Sammy placed the fat marker pen under him and placed the tip at his asshole. Now, slowly lower yourself down on this medical device, slowly, Jack." He did, finding it painful.

"Yes, I know it hurts a little, but just let it in your asshole about two inches and rise up again." Jack did that. "Now repeat it continuously and slowly." Jack was not gay. He NEVER had anything up his ass! So, yeah, it was painful, at least initially.

As Sammy held the pen stable and upright, Jack could fuck himself on it. Sammy placed his other hand on Jack's towering dick. So as Jack raised his ass up, Sammy's hand would slide down his dick, and as Jack lowered his ass, Sammy's hand would slide up Jack's dick.

"Now, that's a good boy, Jack. Now, make longer movements, but still move slowly. Go further down on my medical device and raise it higher off it."

Sammy loved how Jack's tensed-up body looked as he struggled to lift and lower his hips, as told. "Now, see? Is your body feeling better now?"

Jack could not speak with the sick a gag but nodded his head, "Yes, such a good boy you are. We are almost done, and I am ready for you to salute me."

Jack was lost in his mind fuck and ass fuck and dick pumping. "Now, move your hips fasted up and down, and fully slam your ass onto my medical device."

You'd be hearing Jack's creams of pleasure if he could scream. His entire body was tense, and his dick was jerking and twitching in Sammy's small hand. "That's it, Jack." Sammy closed his hand tighter around Jack's dick. "Such a very good boy, Jack." Jack trusted his hips fulling up and slammed them down, obeying his doctor. Sammy squeezed his dick tighter. "And now you will salute me!" Immediately, blast after blast of man juice shot up and rained down all over Jack's hunky naked, quivering body.

"Oh, wow, Jack. You did so good." Sammy removed the makeshift dildo from his asshole and let go of Jack's dick, which was still twitching. "You did so good, Jack. Thank you for your salute." Sammy giggled.

For some stupid reason, Jack felt proud to please his doctor. Sammy reached up, removed the sock gag from Jack's mouth, and slipped it into his pocket. "Now, tell me if you don't feel much better."

"Ah...Ah..." It took a while for Jack to catch his breath. "Ah... Yes, Doctor. I do."

"Now, the treatment I just gave you is experimental, so it's best you don't mention it."

"Treatment?" Jack thought. He knew he just experienced a wonderful sexual release, but he was confused. Was his sexual release part of a medical treatment? He did feel great. He allowed his mind to believe it was medically necessary. "Yes, thank you, doctor."

"So, don't mention it. I'm even going to tell the staff that I was never here. Just pretend that there is no Dr. Yoon."

"I understand. Will there be another treatment? Tomorrow? Please?"

Sammy was laughing his head off... quietly to himself. He did not know if he would be back since he was only at the hospital today because his babysitter was unavailable. "Well, we'll see."

The little 14-year-old was getting ready to leave, then realized something. "Oh, I almost forgot; I need to give you the last of your medicine." Sammy took one of the flat, wooden tongue depressors from the tray and used it to gently scrape off and scoop up the cum globs that puddled on Jack's chest and belly. He carefully scooped up the cum, and simply said, "Open up." Then he wiped the wood stick onto Jack's tongue. "And... once again," Jack opened his mouth and received another batch of his own cum. Then, a third time, he was pretty clean.

"There you go. I'll be leaving you to rest, Jack." Then, a pause. "Oh, let me apply just a bit more of my special Boy-tongue cream." And Sammy leaned over and blatantly licked and sucked Jack's dick to clean it off without any further pretense. Sammy let his patient's dick plop free of his mouth and rest deflated on Jack's belly. He left the room, leaving Jack up covered and his door open. Sammy went back to the daycare room and pretended to have been there all day.

When Sammy's mother, nurse Magie Yoon, was leaving for the day, she found her son in the daycare and said, "Look at you, Sammy. What a good, innocent big boy you have been today. On the way home, we'll stop at the donut shop and get you something sweet, something creamy. OK?"

"Yes, Mommy, I like creamy things," Sammy told her with an evil grin.

As they walked down the hall to exit the building, they passed by Jack's room. "Oh, dear. Someone has left this room door open." Being the good nurse, she entered the room with Sammy in toe. Then looked at naked, uncovered Jack.

"Sir? Are you OK?" she asked with concern as she covered Jack up with the sheet. See, she looked at this chart. "You're Jack Saunders, I see."

"Are you my nurse?"

"No, but I can get one here. It will take just a bit since this is the shift change time, but I'll find the nurse on duty." Before she left, she turned to her son: "Sammy, while I'm getting his nurse, please get him some water from the bathroom?"

"OK, Mommy, I will." Then she left, closing the door.

"Dr. Yoon?" Jack whispered, thinking he recognized that voice. "Is that you?"

"Yes, Jack. It's me. Dr. Yoon. I guess the gig is up. I'm really a 14-year-old teen named Sammy. So... not really a doctor."

"WHAT?!" Jack whispered loudly. "You were only faking? Pretending? Jack still envisions Sammy as 6 feet, 210 pounds, and 36 years old, just as he was told.

"Yeah, I saw you as a hunky, gorgeous man, naked in bed. And I couldn't resist touching you and sorry... fucking you over. I do feel bad." Jack was silent, remembering all that... this... child had put him through. If you tell my mom or anyone, I'll get into trouble, big time. Maybe my mom will be fired." To Jack, he sounded sincere and about to cry.

"Oh... look, Sammy? Was it?" The boy nodded, which was stupid since Jack could not see. "I... I... won't tell." Jack felt proud of himself for not seeking revenge. It would be horrible if his mother were fired. Awful.

"I truly am sorry. You see, I think I'm gay, and I have no one to talk to about it. No one to do sex stuff with. I shouldn't have used you, sir. But I just could not believe my good luck when I saw you uncovered and so fucking handsome. I'm so sorry." Sammy whimpered.

"Look, calm down. No one got hurt."

"Thank you, sir."

"I said I would not tell anyone. But..."


"I will cost you."

"Yes, sir. Ah... How much?"

"I want some more of that special Boyton cream applied to me. And you may apply it anywhere on my body you wish to apply it."

Sammy's eyes opened wide. He knew he had little time, so he didn't hesitate. The boy quickly pulled down the sheet and immediately held Jack's sleeping dick in his two hands, lightly massaging it. It did not take long for the sleeping giant to come to life. Then, most gently, Sammy licked and sucked Jack's dick, slowly bringing it to life; soon it stood tall, wavering.

"Oh, thank you, sir." And he continued to enjoy sucking, making love to Jack's wonderful dick. "Oh, thank you, sir."

Both man and boy were fully jazzed up. Jack was moaning, and Sammy was making exaggerated yum-yum sounds. "Oh, thank you, sir."

"Just enjoy yourself. I'll give you a warning when I am close to shooting. OK?"

"Oh, thank you, sir." And Sammy licked and sucked all over, even including some quick licks to Jack's balls.

"FUCK! Sammy, you are so good." Sammy was focused on the bobbing, jerking big dick.

"Oh, Sammy? I'm getting ready. I'm going to..."

KNOCK! KOCK!" Someone was about to enter the room.

To be continued...

What the fuck! Little 14-year-old Sammy has gotten Jack all boned up and ready to shoot! When there is a knock on the door! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! Now what?! Please write me, Bruce Darkforce at And don't forget to see the photos I posted of Jack in his vulnerable situation. Also, when on, click on "Video Library," then" Filter," and type in "Rimming," then "Submit," and you see all the ass-licking videos little Sammy was watching and learning from.

Next: Chapter 4

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