Bandaged into Submission - chpt

By gayD

Published on Jun 25, 2024


Hey guys, I post most of my stories on because many of them are too intense or non-consensual for Nifty. But I love and support Nifty anyway! This story is based on a true story, at least in the first part. It's about when I had eye surgery and had to have my eyes bandaged up for 2 weeks. I could not see at all. Most people don't realize that when you are blind, even temporarily as I was, you become extremely vulnerable to the desires of others--sometimes wicked desires. Even as a strong, healthy man, I felt a great sense of helplessness and dependency. What I will reveal here is erotically shocking.

Bandaged into Submission in a Hospital

Part 1 of 4

Jack Saunders lay in his hospital bed, for the second day, at the Methodist hospital in Arcadia, California. He had some surgery on his eyes to correct the muscle problem. It was neither a complicated nor severe operation, but it did require him not to move his eyes.

He could not avoid looking around if his eyes were open, so his eyes had to remain bandaged for two weeks to keep them immobile. The wrap-around bandage made his condition seem worse than it was. However, it was necessary to prevent him from looking around and putting stress on the stitches. The "bandage" was a blindfold, taped on securely so he could not remove it. He could not watch television or read. He could not feed himself or shave. When he needed to use the toilet, he needed someone to help him walk there slowly and assist him in wiping his ass. In addition, he was not to move about too much. In other words, he was to lie in bed and be bored.

There was a knock on the door. Then he heard a female voice ask in a heavy accent, maybe some Eastern European dialect, "Would you like your bath now, Mr. Saunders?" When Jack first noticed the nurses, when he was doing the paperwork to be admitted, he assumed that the ladies who dressed in grey and white uniforms were actually nuns. Their uniforms did sort of look like habits.

He was going to say yes but changed his mind, saying, "Not right now, thank you." Jack was bothered by this woman, who had bathed him the previous day and assisted him to the toilet and back again. He envisioned her as a rather chubby, stoic nun. What bothered him was that she did not seem very caring and touched him as if she felt very uncomfortable. It was just too uncomfortable for him to receive n receive such intimate services from a nun. Years later, he discovered that these women were not nuns, just regular nurses. But while he was there, and in that mindset, he felt too weird to be bathed by nuns. Sometime later (when your eyes are bandaged, you really have no concept of time), another female voice, one kinder, spoke to him and asked if he wanted to take a short walk down the hall and back to stretch his legs. She said taking a slow walk once a day was important to get a little exercise. Jack gladly accepted because he was thankful to get out of bed and had a mission he wanted to fulfill.

She helped him out of bed, not because he was weak, but because she did not want him to bump his face, particularly his eyes. So she gently guided him out of the room and down the hall for his brief stroll.

It was quite a sight, a petite blonde nurse, or maybe she was a candy striper, you know, a hospital volunteer, guiding a tall, well-built Italian young man, 19 years old, wearing a hospital gown opened at the back. Jack was a handsome, masculine college student, blinded by the bandage wound around his head, walking very carefully on the arm of his escort. Jack leaned over to the nurse leading him and whispered to her, "Can you take me to the nurses' station?" To which she responded cheerfully and affirmatively.

She pointed out to Jack that he was at the station. "Is there a supervisor here?" Jack asked politely. A voice said she was the nurse in charge and asked what he wanted.

"I feel uncomfortable with the female nurse who comes in to take care of me and bathe me and stuff. I don't mean to complain, but is there a male nurse who could care for me?" Jack spoke calmly, not wanting to make a big deal of his request. He added, "It's more like she feels weird attending to me..."

"No need to explain further. OK, I'll have a male nurse bathe you this afternoon." Jack thanked her and was then taken back to his room, where he was helped into bed.

He either fell asleep or was just in a deep state of rest when a male voice spoke up, "Hi, Mr. Saunders. May I call you Jack? I'm Warren. I'm here to bathe you. Is this a good time?" Jack nodded and said yes to both questions.

Jack was not at all surprised that a male nurse was there to assist him. Maybe that's the interpretation the nurse-in-charge put on Jack's request. He did not really care one way or the other. From his perspective, he was bored and wanted to go home and take care of himself as soon as possible. He knew that even when he went home, he'd have to stay with his parents for a week or so since the bandages would not come off until later.

"So, Jack, how are you doing? I guess there is not much to do with your eyes all bandaged up like that." Jack nodded as he heard the male nurse go into the bathroom, run the water, and get some items ready to bathe him. After a couple of minutes, Warren returned.

Since his surgery, the day before yesterday, Jack started to play this mind game where he visualized the look of the people talking to him. With a slight southern accent, this pleasant voice seemed to be a young man about 30. He heard the guy come close to the bed and place things on the side table.

"OK, Jack, if you lean up for me, I'll get this gown off you, and we can get started." With that, the nurse untied the drawstring at the back of the neck and pulled the material off slowly in one motion. "OK, now, lift your hips a bit." And off came his underwear. In the process of slipping the underwear off Jack's feet, he pulled the blanket and sheet down and off, completely exposing Jack's tan naked body. It was odd to be so completely exposed, but then he thought, how else should he bathe someone? With a sheet covering him up?

Then Jack wondered if the modesty curtain around the bed was pulled open or closed. Once opened, he did not remember hearing it being closed, so he envisioned it opened. Jack assumed it was left open to give Warren more space to move around all sides of the bed in order to wash him. Jack wanted to ask Warren if his room door was open because he could hear voices in the hall. Was it ajar? Or what? But then he did not want to insult Warren, whom he properly assumed was a professional who knew what he was doing.

"OK, Jack. Let's do your backside first. Just roll over. I'll hold your head to keep you from bumping it and help you turn onto your belly. That's right." Warren started at Jack's right foot, slowly rubbing the wet, soapy cloth over his foot and working his way up Jack's lower leg. Warren talked about his work in the hospital and some of his more interesting days. Jack did not chime into the conversation but rather just enjoyed the warm, relaxing feel of the washcloth gently moving around the back of his leg. He was not even listening to Warren's words at all, just zoning out, face down on the bed, with his bubble butt ass in the air.

Jack envisioned people walking by and looking in, seeing his ass and all of his naked body. He was going to tell Warren to please close the door, but he got distracted when he felt Warren get up and move to the foot of the bed. Then Jack felt his right leg gently lifted and moved to the right side of the bed. Next, Warren picked up his left leg and positioned it on the left side of the bed. It was not that Jack was uncomfortable. Actually, he felt good to be stretched after being in bed for most of 48 hours.

Jack wanted to ask what he was doing with his legs, but he let Warren do his job instead. "This position does not hurt you, does it, Jack?" He answered that it did not. "Good, just relax, Jack, as I soap you up. Let me know if the soapy water is too cold or too hot as I do this. I can adjust it. Just relax. Let me do all the work." Then he felt the bed move as Warren re-positioned himself to sit at Jack's side, near his right hip. Wow, Jack thought to himself, this feels so good. He felt the warm water-soaked cloth gently being maneuvered from the back of his knee to the back of his thigh. He understood why Warren had positioned his legs wide apart. It made it easier to wash him.

Up the soothing cloth went to just under his butt cheek, and over to the outside to the hipbone, then back to the inner side of Jack's thigh. Warren continued his soft chit-chat as if Jack was listening, but Jack was not. Jack was engrossed with the wonderful sponge bath he was receiving. He was glad he could feel that his dick remained upwards, under his belly, out of reach, and sight of Warren. At least he had that bit of modesty.

There was Jack, lying naked in his bed, with his ass in the air and his room door wide open. He was starting to feel a little uncomfortable being so vulnerable. He slowly and gradually maneuvered his legs closer together to keep Warren from washing too much between his legs so close to his ass and around his balls. Warren said nothing as he leaned over gently but firmly, pushing one leg over and the other in the opposite direction, rereading Jack's legs wider apart. At that point, Jack just let go and stopped worrying about his modesty.

Then Warren patted Jack on the lower back, "OK, just lift your hips a bit." As Jack did, Warren gently placed his hand under Jack's belly and positioned his dick downward to point to his feet. With Jack's legs spread wide, his nice-sized cut dick was in full view and could now be washed. Warren mumbled, more to himself, "That's better." He continued with the warm washcloth, now lightly rubbing Jack's dick as he washed it.

So there was Jack. The wrap-around eye bandage made Jack Saunder's condition look worse than it was. However, it was necessary to prevent him from looking around and putting stress on the stitches in his eyes. The "bandage" served as a blindfold, which was taped on securely so he could not remove it. He could not watch television or read. He could not feed himself or shave. When he needed to use the toilet, he needed someone to help him walk there slowly and assist him in wiping his ass.

It was, indeed, an odd situation for Jack. Nursing staff would come in periodically and do whatever they needed for him or to him. He had no say, and he was truly helpless without his ability to see anything. At this moment, male nurse Warren was giving Jack his daily bath when a co-worker came by and poked his head in.

"Hey Warren, how you doing, man? What the fuck?" Jeremy was surprised when he saw Warren in a somewhat intimate position with his hunky, blinded patient, giving him a sponge bath. Warren seemed to be embracing the sexy man. Jeremy tried to ignore how Warren was holding him while soaping him down. Was Warren trying to kiss Jack? Was he fondling his big dick?

[You tell me. These photos were posted on To find it, log in. -If you are not a member yet, join - it's free. Then click on "Find member." Type in "Darkforce." Then click on my photo, and under it, you'll see I have a few albums, one of which is titled "Nifty Story Photos." There, you will see this photo of the three of them: Naked Jack, the embracing Warren and the surprised Jeremy. Whoa!]

Warren ignored what he was seeing, "Ah... Warren... um... are you going to the meeting this afternoon? I think it's at five, isn't it?" Warren acknowledged his friend and fellow nurse, Jeremy, standing at the open door. But did not pull back from Jack or stop bathing him.

Warren was saying something about that meeting being tomorrow and that he was not planning on going. Jack was half listening to the back-and-forth discussion of the importance of the impending staff meeting but more absorbed in the blissful feeling of Warren's gentle washing of his dick. Jack could not tell if Warren was intentionally overhandling his dick and balls or just doing it robotically as he focused on the conversation with his friend.

"Warren, this is about all of our overtime. You'd better be there." Jeremy spoke with some level of excitement. Though Jack was blindfolded with eye bandages due to surgery, he heard Jeremy's voice become much louder and closer. It was obvious to Jack that Jeremy had entered the room and now stood beside the bed. Surely, Jack thought, Jeremy was watching, probably staring at the dick-and-ball washing Warren was giving to him. Warren was now using both hands, one to scoop up Jack's dick off the mattress surface, and his other hand had the washcloth with which he was gently rubbing.

Jack's dick was expanding in length and firmness. All Jack could do was to try to hold his breath occasionally, hoping his dick would not continue to expand. Jack could not help but involuntarily close his legs again, wanting not to be so vulnerable and exposed to these two guys. Was Warren manipulating any of this? Jack did not have the advantage of looking at these two guys in the face to see any telltale signs of their intentions. However, if Jack could see, he would find Warren just doing his job and Jeremy looking on with curiosity.

"Say, Jeremy, will your work hours be cut back, too?" asked Warren, to which Jeremy said he was not sure, and that's why the meeting was important to attend. "Jeremy, would you go to the foot of the bed and spread Jack's legs a bit? I need to finish up washing around his testicles." Jack could not believe this! Was Warren eliciting his friend's help in bathing him? What the fuck! What was he supposed to do now? It's a little late to make a fuss or say, "Hey guys, could you please not touch my dick and balls?" For all Jack knew, Warren was just a male nurse thoroughly bathing his patient, not meaning to embarrass or tease anyone, certainly not intentionally erotically play with his ever-hardening dick.

Jack felt his legs being spread by Jeremy, who just picked up each ankle simultaneously and placed them down, wider apart. Warren looked and was not satisfied. "Just a bit wider, Jeremy, that's it. Thanks. Now, if you don't mind, would you toss out this wash water and bring me some clean, warmer water? Thanks." And Jeremy did as Warren asked. Then, it was back to their ridiculous staff-meeting argument. Warren and Jeremy continued to try to convince each other of their own position.

"Jeremy, would you mind taking the towel there and drying off Jack's feet and legs as I continue to wash him up here? This will speed things up, and then we'll still have time for a beer later." Jack thought it was odd that neither one of the two male nurses was asking him for permission or considering his desire for privacy. It was as if Jack's temporary blindness with the bandages over his eyes meant that he was unaware of anything and did not need any consideration. Jeremy finished drying all of Jack's lower body. As Warren moved from washing Jack's private parts and worked his way up to Jack's ass cheeks and ass crack, Jeremy then gently patted his private parts dry and also lifted Jack's dick and sort of wrapped the towel around it and slightly squeezed it a little to blot up any moisture.

"Do you want me to do the lotion now, Warren?"

"Please. And start at the feet and work up. Then, when we turn him over, his backside will be all clean and soothed. He'll sleep very well. Then you can help me with the front side in a bit." It was not unusual for nurses to help each other when they had time. It made the day go by quicker. "Use the lotion that's on the table here. It should soften his skin and help prevent bed sores, with him being in bed too long." Warren said, "Yeah, we don't want him to get bedsores." Jack did notice the cream felt good being rubbed on his toes and feet, and he certainly didn't want bedsores. It was nice to have two professionals caring for him as he thought about it.

Jeremy worked his way up Jack's legs, applying and rubbing the soothing lotion all the way to his upper thighs. It was a type of white slippery cream that needed to be worked on for a long time to get each blob of lotion to disappear into the skin. Warren was now putting his index finger into the washcloth and gently, tenderly, rubbing Jack's ass lips with the soapy cloth-covered fingertip. Then he wiggled it and almost tried to insert it into Jack's asshole, but not quite. Jack felt his dick stiffen, but he trusted these guys had seen it all. They're nurses, for Pete's sake, and guys get hard when they get their bodies washed like this. They know to overlook such a common human reaction.

Without being told by Warren, Jeremy actually got on the bed, kneeling between Jack's spread thighs, and planted his knees close to Jack's ass. He applied a bit of pressure to the inside of Jack's thighs to push them apart further and hold them there with his knees. Jack's thighs were already wide, but Jeremy had the habit of applying some pressure so the patient did not try to close his legs. Jeremy worked the cream all over the upper thighs. And when finally done there, Jeremy asked Warren if he wanted him to apply the cream to the genitals as well, knowing some patients did not want that.

Oddly, no one asked Jack. "Yeah, might as well," Warren offered. "Let's just get him finished up so we can get on our break." Jack thought that was the third time Warren mentioned the need to hurry up and finish, but hurrying up was not what they seemed to be doing.

In preparation to lotion up Jack's genitals, Jeremy tugged on Jack's dick, pulling somewhat firmly down to stretch it directly toward his feet to have as much of his dick exposed as possible. He noticed that Jack's dick began to twitch, but he pretended to ignore it as a professional nurse, not wanting to embarrass the patient. Then he lifted his balls to see how he would hold them out of the way. Jeremy was very precise when doing tasks like this. He was ready to begin, so he took the bottle of lotion and squirted a little blob on each of his palms.

"Warren, would you hold his testicles out of the way for me?" Warren was ready to help. What was interesting was the meticulous way Warren took hold of Jack's balls and lifted them obviously painlessly. You might think that one would grab them in his fist and pull them up, but that would cause those precious eggs to be squeezed, at least a little, and cause some discomfort or pain. No, these medical professionals had a special way to do this.

Warren used both hands to finger the ball sac gently to maneuver Jack's balls to the bottom of the sac, separating his balls away from his groin area. Warren made an "OK" circle with his thumb and index fingers and placed it around the top of the ball sack where the skin was loose. With these two fingers encircling the sack like this, he could gently force Jack's balls to be pulled away from his body. Warren then closed the circled fingers tighter, never squeezing the balls, only forcing them away from Jack's trunk. Now, he could apply more pressure to pull without squeezing the balls. This actually feels good to most men.

So there was totally naked Jack, completely uncovered on his hospital bed, lying on his belly with his ass in the air and his legs stretched wide apart. The hospital room door remained fully open. Perhaps the two male nurses were too occupied with their tasks to notice it was not closed.

Warren was leaning over, holding Jack's balls with his left hand, firmly pulling them up and over to just above his asshole. Warren's right hand, specifically his right index finger, was still wrapped in the warm, soapy washcloth that was slightly pressed against Jack's closed asshole in an attempt to wipe and blot that area clean.

Jeremy was on the bed, on his knees between Jack's wide-positioned thighs, helping to hold his thighs wide apart so he could massage the lotion on Jack's private parts more easily. Jeremy had his right hand under Jack's now fully hard, eight-inch dick to lift it off the mattress slightly and cup it gently into his left hand. It could be quite erotic for the patient to lie face down and have his dick pressed upward toward the ceiling, sort of backward. But Jeremy was not trying to do anything sexual with Jack. He tried to avoid sexual arousal by keeping his hand still as he held the rigid dick. He merely wanted to rub the soothing lotion in as quickly as possible to avoid causing Jack any discomfort from embarrassment.

Using only two fingers on his right hand, Jeremy rubbed tiny circles on the underside of Jack's circumcised dick as he cradled it off the mattress with his left hand. As with all of Jack's skin, it took time for the cream to be worked into the skin until the white color disappeared. He applied one drop of lotion at a time and worked it in with two fingertips. He started at the base of the dick, just under the balls, which were being held up by Warren, and worked his way slowly down to the dick tip.

It all seemed like a weird dream. He was in a hospital, recovering from a type of eye surgery where he needed to have his eyes bandaged for two weeks.

As one might imagine, you'd feel pretty helpless if you have never before had to live for the time being blindfolded. He had nurses come in to feed him, help walk him to the bathroom, and change his gown ... whatever he needed had to be provided by someone else. Today, on his second day here, male nurses Warren and Jeremy were giving him a sponge bath, and because they noticed Jack's dry skin - it was the winter time - they were massaging a medicated lotion into his skin. Of course, he had to be naked for this treatment. The trouble is, with these two guys rubbing him all over, Jack was getting an erection. Being professional and not wanting Jack to feel embarrassed, Warren thought it best to avoid mentioning it and continue as if nothing was usual.

Finally! Finally, Jack could not take any more. He spoke up for the first time. He reached his limit of embarrassment and humiliation. He was overwhelmed with erotic sensations from his asshole being tickled with Warren's washcloth, his balls being snugly pulled away from his body, his thighs forced-held spread wide apart, and the underside of his firm and now pulsing dick being massaged all along the sensitive underside of it. His body trembled as he spoke up to complain. "I... I... I..." That was all Jack managed to vocalize.

"Jack, you OK?" Warren asked, not waiting for an answer. "We are almost finished here. I know staying in one position is a bit uncomfortable, but the doctor's notes say you should not move around too much. Your bandaged eyes must not accidentally bump into anything. So we are being very careful. We'll be done here in a jiffy, and soon, we will help you turn over on your back." Warren didn't realize Jack was trying to complain about all the sexual stimulation he was getting from these two male nurses. He wanted them to know he could not control his dick that had reached its maximum length and rigidity. He wanted them to stop touching his private parts and to cover him up. After all, he was just supposed to get a relaxing bath.

Jack was timid and could not find a way to tell them they should leave now. At the same time, Jack trusted their medical expertise and had a basic attitude of letting professionals do the job they were trained to do. Jack, just coming out of eye surgery 48 hours ago, and being blindfolded by bandages gave him a helpless deposition. He looked helpless and was told in no uncertain terms that he must follow his doctor's orders and stay as still as possible. Jack was told that if he were to bump his head, the eye surgery could be ruined. Still, Jack wondered if he should mention his discomfort in being handled so immodestly.

Jack raised his head to get their attention, "Please, can you... ah... I... I... need for you to... to... jus...." Jack was too embarrassed to say the words like "dick" or "balls" or to tell them he was about to climax.

Warren, thinking he knew what Jack was trying to say, again interrupted him, "Jack, I understand you're feeling helpless and unable to do things for yourself. Please, I am trained to take care of you; it's my job, and I know how to do it very well. I enjoy doing it, so please try to relax."

Now, Warren was not stupid. He saw Jack's raging hard-on. He knew Jack was having an erotic response to the bathing and the application of the lotion. Warren thought that when you touch a man's dick, he might become erect. It's natural. No big deal. Warren realized that if someone were to massage medicated cream onto his dick, he'd also get erect. It does not mean anything is inappropriate or harmful. It's just the expected result male nurses see when they need to do intimate touching.

So, Warren never considered Jack's huge erection an issue, a problem, or even a concern. It was only a natural reaction to being touched in sensitive areas. Therefore, Warren's obvious interpretation of Jack's attempts to speak up was that Jack was trying to complain that the bath was taking too long, that he was frustrated that he was not allowed to move much, that he could not get up by himself to go for a walk or even to the bathroom. Warren felt Jack was just an independent type of person uncomfortable with the idea that someone else needed to feed him, trim his toenails, or, in this case, bathe him, at least for the next few weeks.

To be continued ...

Fuck! Wow! So is this intense, two male nurses bathing over? Not a chance! They have to turn Jack over and "do" his backside. Now, this story will really heat up! Send comments to me, Bruce Darkforce, at:

Next: Chapter 2

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