
By Davy Jones

Published on Jul 3, 2002



Tennessee Band Trip: Part 1

"I wonder if this guy is gay too?" Alan thought to himself. In the darkness, he felt his heart beat faster. He felt the other boy bump up against him again, felt his arm briefly wrap around his chest.

"Sorry dude! It's so dark in here I can't tell when the line stops."

"No problem." He'd have sworn, though, that he felt Kevin's crotch grind against his butt just a bit more than necessary, and he was almost positive that was a hard-on he'd felt. He looked down just to be sure no one could see his own erection.

"Do you think the darkness is supposed to scare us?"

Alan could have told him that nothing scared him more than the thought of being found out by his friends. "Nah, I think it's for guys to make out with their girlfriends." Or their boyfriends, he thought with a smile.

Just for an experiment, he stopped on purpose, and again Kevin bumped up against him, wrapped BOTH arms around him, and definitely rubbed up against him from behind. "Oops! Sorry again."

This was definitely shaping up as the most interesting Band trip ever.

Alan and Kevin weren't friends at school since Kevin was in the grade behind, but they'd sat across from each other and chatted on the bus down, and ended up hanging out together all day. They'd played miniature golf, bumber boats, and gone go-karting - finally ending up in this lame "Haunted Mansion," mainly because they'd exhausted everything exciting.

Except this was turning out to be more exciting than expected.

Unfortunately, they came into a better lit part and spent the next fifteen minutes looking at dimly lit mannequins in various unintentionally hilarious poses. They saw Lizzie Borden hacking her parents, the headless horseman carrying his head, and someone being drowned - among other things - and they giggled and made fun of them until some adults in line behind them fussed at them to pipe down.

"Let's go back to the hotel. I'm tired of this place."

Alan couldn't agree more, and they caught the shuttle back to the hotel.

"So now what?" Alan knew what he wanted, but couldn't bring himself to say anything.

"Let's swim in the pool. You did bring your suit, right?"

"Uh, sure. Meet you at the pool?"

Kevin turned out to be an excellent swimmer, easily swimming rings around Alan. Literally. At first, he played a game where he'd swim up behind Alan and try to pull his legs out from under him.

"Hey! Cut it out!" Alan's tone of voice contradicted his words, though, and Kevin just laughed.

"Didn't I tell you I'm on the Varsity swim team?"

"Uh, I thought freshmen couldn't be Varsity." Even as he said this, Alan realized that Kevin sure had the muscles to prove it.

"Hah!" Kevin dived again, this time coming up behind Alan and pulling his swim suit down to his ankles.

"KEVIN!" Between the feeling of the water on his bare genitals, and the excitement of the earlier afternoon, Alan felt himself getting hard, and he desperately didn't want Kevin to see. As Alan struggled to pull them back up, Kevin came back for a second pass, maybe to try to pull the suit off altogether, and in the ensuing struggle, Alan's erection brushed against his face.

"Oops!" Instantly letting him go and surfacing with a bright red face, Kevin grinned sheepishly. Alan struggled to get his suit back up, completely mortified.

"So what are you guys up to?" Both boys started and turned guiltily.

"Oh, hi Jessica." Alan considered her his best friend in the world - the only other living soul who knew he liked boys.

"Can I come in, or is this a private party?"

So of course they invited her in, and soon enough a few other friends from the band joined them. At an opportune moment, Jessica came up to Alan and whispered in his ear, "Did I actually see Kevin blowing you under the water?"

"No! We were just fooling around."

"Oh, is that what you call it?"

"Jessie!" She giggled at him. He smiled weakly. "I think he's interested, but I'm afraid to ask to be sure."

"Well, usually if they'll blow you, I think they're pretty sincere."

"I wish."

"Oh they are, I'm sure."

Alan just smiled sadly at this, and about that time, Kevin came up behind him, wrapped his arms around him in a full Nelson, and pulled Alan off his feet onto his back.

"Gotcha!" Kevin grinned wickedly at Jessica.

"You're welcome to him." Jessica grinned back just as wickedly, then swam off.

"Wonder what she meant by that." Kevin didn't make it sound like a question.

They splashed around for a bit, then fell to chatting about their roommates.

"Sucks to be packed in four to a room."

"Actually, there's only three in my room." Alan smiled. "I lucked out."

"Really?" Kevin looked thoughtful for a moment. "I'm actually having problems with one of the guys in my room - do you think I could switch and stay with you guys?"

Much as Alan liked this idea, he had to ask, "How can you have problems? We haven't even spent one night yet!"

Kevin looked at the ground, "One of the guys doesn't like me much. I'll talk to the Band Director, if you don't mind."

Alan felt himself getting excited, "Sure, go ahead. I'll talk to the other guys."

Kevin looked really happy at that and scampered off. Alan made his way back to his room, showered, changed clothes, and about the time he got around to explaining to his roommates that they were going to have a fourth after all, Kevin showed up with a small carry-on bag. Aside from some good-natured grumbling that now no one would get a bed to himself, there was no problem, and all four boys headed down to dinner.

Alan thought night would never come, but finally everyone was settled in. Naturally he and Kevin shared a bed, and it was all Alan could do to keep from having an erection (for everyone to see) when he stripped to his shorts and climbed into the bed.

In the darkness, his heart pounding, he waited for something to happen, but nothing did. Eternity seemed to pass, but there was no touch or anything. Finally, he hesitantly moved his own hand towards Kevin's form - thinking he could excuse an accidental touch if he had to. His hand moved just a centimeter at a time, and every second he kept expecting to touch Kevin's warm skin, but he kept having to push further and further, and he was getting more and more anxious.

Finally he touched Kevin's side, just above his underwear. Kevin didn't move. Alan moved his trembling hand just a bit further, softly running his fingers across Kevin's stomach towards his belly button. Still no reaction - not a sigh, not a grunt - nothing. Alan wondered if Kevin could be completely asleep. He slid his hand until the palm was fully resting on Kevin's stomach. He hesitated there for a second, then started to withdraw it.

Suddenly, he felt Kevin's hand grab his and hold it in place. For a terrified moment, Alan thought Kevin would cry out and identify him as a fag, but he didn't make a sound, and soon it was clear he was moving Alan's hand back to where it had been. A wave of relief passed over him; he hadn't been mistaken after all.

Then he felt Kevin's hand caressing his own stomach, and it felt so good Alan could never remember being this aroused before. Kevin slipped his hand under the elastic of Alan's shorts and touched Alan's cock. He'd never felt anyone else touch him there before, and he was amazed how much better it felt than his own hand. He hastened to do the same for Kevin. Kevin's penis seemed to be smaller but longer, and he marveled that he was feeling it in his own hand.

Kevin kicked off his own shorts, and Alan followed suit. Now that they were both completely naked, Kevin slid over next to Alan, putting an arm around his shoulder, and started masturbating him with his other hand. Alan was happy to do the same.

After a bit, Kevin whispered in his ear, "let's not make a mess," and putting his head under the covers, surprised Alan by putting his mouth on his cock. Alan had thought about this a lot, of course, but hadn't been brave enough to initiate anything. Then he realized that Kevin's own cock was level with his head, so he turned and started sucking on his friend too.

Alan was in heaven - enjoying the taste of Kevin in his mouth, inhaling Kevin's smell, and enjoying Kevin's warm wetness on his cock. He ran a hand along Kevin's calf, his thigh, his smooth torso. He couldn't believe this was happening.

Kevin's cock seemed to get harder in Alan's mouth, and in a moment he realized Kevin was ejaculating. He didn't even think about stopping this - his reaction was more amazement - and he let his mouth fill with his friend's seed. Alan himself shot within a minute, and to Kevin's credit, he kept sucking even after he'd already shot his own load.

Both boys swallowed and disengaged, and Kevin climbed back to the head of the bed. He touched Alan hesitantly, and they folded into each other's arms.

They lay that way for a long time, just listening to each other's breathing, holding each other close. Alan never realized how much fun just being naked with another boy could be. He dozed off, still entwined with Kevin.

Sometime later he woke up, confused at first, taking a moment to realize he wasn't in his bed at home, then realizing he was naked, and finally realizing another naked boy was on top of him rubbing against him. He remembered now, and smiled, reaching up to touch Kevin's face. Kevin leaned down and kissed him on the lips.

Again surprised, Alan tried to kiss back and was even more surprised when he felt Kevin's tongue slip into his mouth. When Kevin withdrew his tongue, Alan hesitantly slipped his own into Kevin's mouth and felt Kevin suck on it. When the swapped tongues again, Alan sucked Kevin's tongue too. All the while, Kevin kept grinding his crotch into Alan's and both boys were fully erect.

Kevin seemed to be happy to do this forever, but eventually Alan felt warm wetness on his stomach and realized Kevin had cum again. But he didn't stop humping Alan's crotch until Alan himself came just a minute or two later. Alan had to signal Kevin to stop though; they were too wet and sticky by then for Kevin to feel the difference.

"Did you cum man?" He whispered.

"Yeah. That was great!"

Kevin rested his head on Alan's shoulder and they rested that way for a while, neither ready to go back to sleep yet. Sometimes Kevin would lazily nibble on Alan's ear, and Alan would respond by patting Kevin on the back or stroking his butt.

"Do you want to fuck me?"

"What!" Alan almost forgot to whisper. More softly, "How?"

"We can use our cum instead of lotion." Kevin sat up, pushing the covers back and off. The room was very quiet except for the soft breathing of their two roommates, obviously sound asleep. Alan could see fairly well now from the light that came around the shades and under the door. Kevin scooped some of their mixed cum off of Alan's stomach and put his hand between his legs. Alan realized he was rubbing it up his asshole. Alan stared to get hard just watching him Kevin took a little more and repeated the action. Then he took the rest and rubbed it onto Alan's cock, bringing him to full erection.

"Sit up." Alan did so. Facing him, Kevin straddled Alan's dick and lowered himself onto it, guiding it into himself with one hand. Even though he'd already cum twice that night, the feel of Kevin's warm, tight hole sliding down his dick brought Alan to a new height of stimulation. Kevin slowly lowered himself all the way onto Alan's pole, then wrapped his arms around him and kissed him.

"Doesn't that hurt?" Alan was amazed.

"No, it feels good," Kevin whispered back.

"Yeah, but I can't move in this position." Alan made some ineffectual attempts to thrust, but with Kevin's weight on him, he couldn't budge an inch.

"Oops. Can you just lean forward?" Kevin raised his feet off the bed, keeping a grip on his friend, and they sort of rolled together to where Kevin was on his back with his legs on Alan's shoulders, while Alan was on top.

"Much better." Alan leaned down and kissed Kevin again, and then started to fuck him in earnest. Never having done this before, he was a bit awkward, but what he lacked in skill, he made up for with teenage enthusiasm. Kevin's asshole on his dick felt marvelous, but the thought that it was Kevin, his friend he'd hung out with all afternoon, the beautiful boy on the bus, kept coming back to him and making him even more excited. As he approached orgasm he had to struggle to keep his breathing from waking up their roommates while he filled his friend with his seed. He started to pull out.

"Wait," Kevin whispered urgently, pulling Alan back. Alan stopped, puzzled. (He expected Kevin would want to fuck him now, and although he wasn't excited about the idea - having just cum - he was ready to do it for him.)


"Just jerk me off. I want to cum with you inside me."

"Oh." Alan started fisting his buddy's dick, puzzled that this was all he wanted, but relieved not to have to let himself be fucked right then. Kevin came fairly easily, they decoupled from each other, and fell back asleep.

--To be continued

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