Band Dreams

By Ken Williams

Published on Apr 16, 2000


------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm BACK!!! I'm still alive!!! Hope you weren't too worried!! Hehe. J/k. So anyway, this is the next few chapters of Band Dreams and I hope you enjoy it as much as you have enjoyed it the past few times (at least that's what the emails say).

Thanx again for reading this story! Comments are more than welcome at: Have fun reading!! ------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter 11

The whole way back home, all I could think about was, "Wow! I saw Patrick sucking Tim!" That was all that was in my mind. I just had this mental picture of them the whole time Patrick was driving me home. It was all unreal and I really didn't know what to say or do. I just sat in the car, not saying anything and staring at the road in front of me. I didn't notice it, but Patrick kept glancing over to see what I was up to or to see what if I was ok. I guess he was pretty shocked too that I saw him. It's probably the first time that they've been caught. I could figure that much because after I told them I saw them, they hardly said anything to me.

I car pulled up at my driveway around 11:30. I stepped out of the car and said goodbye to Patrick. He wasn't looking all too happy. I don't know why. Was it because I caught them? That couldn't be it right? I don't know. I guess it's really nothing. That's what I kept saying to myself as a comfort blanket. I left it alone for a while. I tried not to think about it.

I went up to my room and started changing because my clothes were reeking of the sweat and stuff from the party. It wasn't a very nice odor. I was just getting my shirt off when the phone rang. I jumped on my bed and picked up the phone just in time from the third ring.


"Hey Dave. This is Tim. I was wondering if we could talk." His voice sounded serious and I was getting a little scared. I was afraid that our friendship was about to end.

"Yea, sure. I have a lot of time."

"Well, about this morning. I know you saw Patrick and I ... well... you know. And I just wanted you to know that... We're sorry... for making you all embarrassed and stuff. I could tell from your face that you didn't feel right being there. Patrick and I are both really sorry."

Huh? "Wait...What? ... I'm a little confused."

"I just wanted to call to say that we're sorry. I know you didn't really want to see us... you know... and we're just terribly sorry for it. We understand if you never want to talk to us again. We understand."

"What? I'm more confused now than I've ever been in my entire life. What are you talking about Tim? I wasn't embarrassed!"

"You weren't? Then why weren't you talking to us this morning?"

I laughed a little at this. "You thought I wasn't talking to you? I thought you weren't talking to me!" I was so relieved that this was all a misunderstanding! I didn't want to lose these two great friends. "I'm not embarrassed at all! What are you talking about? I'm kinda reluctant to say this, but it was everything but bad to see you guys "you- know-what-ing. Don't apologize for anything!"

"And the whole time Patrick and I were worried that you didn't want to be friends anymore! Wow... you're pretty cool Dave. I'm glad I got to know you. And since you like what you saw, we might just have to give you an encore presentation," Tim said jokingly.

"Don't mind if I do," I rebounded back. We had a pretty nice conversation after that. It lasted for a while. It brought me a Tim closer together and we felt like we could talk about anything. After that talk, I knew I could express anything to Tim and it would all be good.

I was unwilling to hang up the phone with Tim but I kinda had to because it was getting a little chilly, with me lying on the bed without a shirt on. So I said I had to go before I catch a cold or something and I hung up. I went to get a clean shirt and finished changing and then I just sat on the bed thinking again.

It was all pretty funny to me. Everything was weird about what happened. I couldn't believe that they thought I was too embarrassed to talk to them! And I couldn't believe that I thought they were mad at me. I must be going out of my mind. That must be it. And what were they thinking? They thought I wouldn't like the thought of them sucking each other and pleasuring each other? The sight of that big juicy cock being caressed by Patrick's smooth long tongue was all too much too bare. All I could see in my mind was Patrick's head bobbing up and down on Tim's long meat and with each movement, Tim's expressions of pleasure deepened. Tim's hips were moving in rhythm with Patrick's sucking and pretty soon, both of them were moving like heavy machinery: pump after pump of extreme pleasure. Now, Patrick was sucking Tim's cock deeper and deeper. After a few more bobs, the whole shaft was inside Patrick's mouth. The whole cock was buried deep inside Patrick's throat. He didn't move for a little bit, just keeping it in his throat, and giving Tim the greatest pleasure. As Patrick finally let go of the massive beast inside his mouth, Tim let out a big moan and his monster spurted out a huge load of cum. Patrick, giving his best shot to swallow it all, was unsuccessful and much of the juice spilled out on his cheeks. Tim just kept cumming and cumming.

I finally opened my own eyes and I saw that my own cock was out and that cum was all over by newly changed shirt.

"Shit! Ok, I have to stop these daydreams of mine." It was my favorite shirt too!

Chapter 12

I was incredibly early to school on Monday. For some reason, I jumped out of bed, got ready, ate breakfast, and went out the door. Ok... so there might be a reason. And we all know what that reason is. But I just didn't think I'd be THAT excited about the whole thing. I got out of the car when I got there and the band room was already open. There were only about four people in the band room when I walked in. None of them were Tim or Patrick. So I put down my stuff next to the Clarinet Corner and I walked around the room in pursuit for them.

I went into the restroom first, because I just thought they would be there. I peeked in but there wasn't anyone there. So I walked towards the two practice rooms we had. They were just very small rooms for private practicing. The doors to the rooms had a little glass opening so I could see in it. But the only way you would see in was by kneeling down a bit and looking up through the glass. So I looked under the first room and it was empty. I walked to the second one and sure enough, the two were embraced and were kissing passionately. I guess they weren't very discreet because they thought 1) no one was there at this time and 2) no one would kneel down purposely to spy on people. Well... that was me all right! I quietly turned the doorknob and I suddenly opened the door and yelled, "What's going on in here?!"

Tim and Patrick pushed each other away so hard they both went crashing into the surrounding walls making a loud boom.

"Dave! What the hell!" Tim said, not in an angry tone or anything, "You scared us both half to death!"

"Don't do that again! I don't want to get hurt by this wall again!" Patrick barked at me.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. It's just really funny right now." I couldn't stop laughing. "Well, don't stop on the account of me... go on."

"Haha... funny Dave," Tim said sarcastically, "We should get out of here anyway, it's getting time where people come in." I looked around and already there were 4 times as many people as I looked before. The band room gets really crowded really easily.

"Hey Tim, what are we doing today?" I asked.

"Well, I was thinking we can go out and grab something to eat after school and you can come over to my place."

"I meant for band today. Not everything is about you," I said jokingly.

"For band, we're going out to the field to rehearse our field show. Our biggest competition is about 2 weeks away and we never lose this one. So... we're really serious about it." Our band has got to be THE best band in the state. We never lose anything.

"I guess we better go put our clarinets together, Patrick. We might be late going out there and I'm sure you two are pretty tired from your "you-know-whats" to do any push-ups." I really couldn't help but play around with them.

We got to the field and we played our field show music. We played an arrangement of themes for Apollo 13. The music was pretty hard but I got it down cold since our band had practiced so much. Its all became an unconscious act, marching from place to place while playing the music. I could just think about whatever I want while I moved perfectly across the field. (I really don't get how people can mess these things up. Maybe I'm just a genius. HAHA)

So I just kept going and going, thinking about this and thinking about that. And then I saw Joel. I really never noticed this but he stood in front of me in the field show, playing the snare drum. As I moved, I stared at his well-defined body and especially the cute butt that I never noticed either. I just kept staring at him as I moved along and it was just the best view I've ever had.

Unfortunately, that day's rehearsal was cut off short due to assembly schedule (our school has frequent assemblies for major sports. This time, it was the homecoming assembly). My eyes left Joel's butt and I moved over to talk to my friends. They were all pretty tired of the songs and were stating to complain. I, on the other hand, had found another thing to look forward to each time and I didn't think it was that bad, naturally.

Chapter 13

Band was over for the day but there were other great things to look forward to during my day. And most of these great things included Joel. My next class was in fact Math, and this class was in fact my homeroom, which in fact was the period when assemblies are held. This was a great thing because it meant I would have more time with the ever so cute Joel. I walked into the room from the south door like I always do and there waiting right inside the door was Joel.

"Hey Dave! Where have you been? I've been waiting here for you." I felt all flattered at the moment from the thought of him waiting for me. I wondered what he could've wanted.

"Yea sorry. I got held up in the band room. So what's up?"

"Well, actually, nothing. I just wanted to talk, about stuff. About anything actually."

I was pretty surprised to hear him say that he just wanted to talk. From the whole time I've been in the class, Joel pretty much ignored me or just didn't pay any attention to me. "You know what, Joel? We should actually be getting to the gym for the assembly or we won't have any seats left. We can talk more over there."

He agreed and we talked about the usual class work from our Math class on our way to the gym. When we stepped inside the gym, the stands were already packed with a whole bunch of people and there were only a few seats left for us. We quickly ran to the empty seats.

"So, I see you and Tim and Patrick have gotten along pretty well," Joel said, starting the conversation, "I even heard about your little view on the couch." That I wasn't expecting from him.

"What? How did you know about that?"

"Ha. Remember? Tim and I go way back. He tells me everything. We're best buddies in that sort of way."

"Oh, I see. Well, yea." I kinda felt embarrassed to talk to him now. He probably knows everything that I've shared with Tim and Patrick! This is really bad!

"Hey, don't worry. They haven't told me anything bad or anything, if that's what you're thinking," WHEW! "Hey, so... what are you doing after school today?"

"Oh... um... Tim invited Patrick and I over again. I have nothing to do after school so I'm kinda planning to just go there as often as I can. I have no rides home or anything."

"Oh well... I'm gonna be there too. I have to work on a project with Tim too. I have Spanish class with him. If you're wondering why I'm in the same Spanish class with him, it's because I took Spanish over the summer and skipped a level."

"Ok, well. I'll see you there." After that, the assembly was on its way. It was an assembly with all these football jocks and stuff and then the crowning of the princes and princesses. It was all a little boring for me. So I started dreaming off into another world...

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am SOOOOO incredibly sorry guys!! I've just been through a writer's block kind of deal and I couldn't really think straight. This was short installment because I just wanted to get it out so you guys know I'm still alive and writing! Hope you enjoyed it!! Comments (and criticism) are welcome at: Once again, SORRY!! The next ones will (hopefully) be up by the end of the first week of May. Hehe. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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