Band Dreams

By Ken Williams

Published on Feb 16, 2000


High School Chapters 7-10 Installment #3

----------------------------------------------------------------------- This story is fiction based on some real life characters. The characters names are changed for personal reasons. Please send all comments, good or bad, to: Please tell me what you think of the story. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for taking so long to get this one posted! I was in quite a bind with a few things. I promise the next one will come out soon too! Enjoy... or hopefully you will. Email me for comments and suggestions! -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter 7

I was extremely excited to see what would become of the day as I got out of my mom's car and say goodbye. I quickly walked up to the band room and put down my backpack as I got my instrument. I set the case down on the ground and took out my Buffet E-11 Clarinet: a fairly good wood clarinet. I was one of the few people in the clarinet section that owned an actual wood clarinet. Everyone else had the plastics. My friends would frequently make fun of me having a woody and all. It was funny the first few times, but now it's just old.

Anyway, I put my clarinet together and I went outside the band room to line up in sections. That's how we take roll for the class, but it's not like our section leaders really care or anything. I don't think anyone ever gets marked absent. Since I was still a little early, I really wanted to go up to Tim and Patrick to talk with them, but I had a feeling that if I suddenly decide to make conversations with them, my friends and his friends would think there's something weird going on. So I just decided to walk over to my buddies and talked to them. I guess it was the right thing to do for the time being. There's always a right time for everything, as I always believe.

I guess I wasn't as early as I thought because I walked half way to where my friends are and Tim blew the whistle, signaling for the people to shut up and stand at attention. Then Tim yelled, "Line it up," as he does everyday. Everyone shuffled to his or her proper roll call order and the talking began to rise again. After about a minute, our instructor told us that we wouldn't practice our marching today and that we have a free day. Everyone was happy but was careful not to express too much of it in front of the instructor. I was happy too, because maybe, just maybe, Tim and Patrick would come and talk to me.

I went into the band room with my friends. After I put my instrument away, I told my friends to sit down in the middle of the room. It was because Tim and Patrick sat near by but I wasn't about to tell that to my friends. I sat with my back to Tim and Patrick, so I no one would be suspicious of anything yet. I took out my Gameboy, which I always bring to school because my classes are so boring, and started playing Alleyway. It was an old game, but I loved it. My friends hated me playing my Gameboy near them so they just ignored me.

About 2 minutes into my game, someone tapped me on the shoulder and asked, "Can I play after you?" It was a very recognizable voice. I turned around and saw Patrick and Tim kneeling behind me.

"Sure. It's Alleyway. I'm not sure if you like it since it's so old," I told Tim.

"What?! Are you kidding? That's about my favorite game!" answered Tim. Hearing that, I handed the game to him.

As Tim took the Gameboy, Patrick moved closer to talk to me. "So you're going to Tim's house after school right?" he asked secretly. I nodded yes. "Well, I'll meet you two there then. I have to do something after school but it won't take long. Oh. And he also told me that we're going to one of his friends' parties later on in the night. Maybe you'll get to know a few of them so you won't feel so awkward when you want to talk to us. I kind of felt that this morning." I was relieved that he said that. It was a great idea! I became even more excited about the day!

Chapter 8

The rest of the day I just spent dreaming about the night ahead. I couldn't concentrate on anything of my work in class because all I could think about was spending the night with Tim and Patrick. It was about the most exciting thing that could happen to a guy like me. Finally, the last bell to the last class rang and I was free!! I quickly moved around in the halls to get to the music room. I got there so fast I was the first one in there. I waited by the Clarinet Corner as I watched each person come in the door. A few of my friends came in and then came over to talk to me. I wasn't listening though because I was watching for Tim. After about 5 minutes of waiting, Tim finally walked in but he walked over to his friends without even giving me one single look.

I was devastated for a second but it was probably all part of the plan of not being conspicuous, I told myself. I'm sure that's what it was. After about 10 minutes of him talking with his friends, most of the people had already left the band room to go home. I was still waiting by the Clarinet Corner. Finally, his last friend walked out of the room and he finally walked over to me.

"Sorry!" being very apologetic, "I didn't want to raise any suspicions yet. You know right? I'll make it up to you ok?"

"It's ok. I understand. I did the same thing today too." I answered back, "So what's on the agenda for now?"

"Well, first we walk out to the parking lot, then we get into the car, we buckle our safety belts..."

"Being a little bit specific aren't you?"

"I'm just teasing you. Let's just get to my house and wait for Patrick to come."

We walked out of the Band room and headed for the car. I got into his car without caring if anyone saw us or not. I'll just say I needed a ride home or something. We talked for quite a bit during our short trip to his house. He explained that his parents were off on some business trip together and wouldn't come back for another 2 days so the house was pretty much all to himself. He also told me about the party that we were going to go to. It sounded like a lot of fun and I couldn't wait.

We arrived at his house and I went into his house and sat down on the sofa. We both sat down together and we had a few more conversations about stuff. It was a very relaxed conversation, nothing like the night before where I was too nervous to talk. We talked about things I didn't want to talk about before and we knew a lot more about each other.

About an hour into the conversation, Patrick knocked on the door. Tim opened the door to let him in.

"Sorry guys! Our group ran a little late. So are we ready to party or what?"

"I'm certainly ready," I said.

"Ok then, let's go," Tim said as he picked up his keys and headed out the door.

The party was really close, and I kinda wondered why we even had to take the car. Anyway, the party was hosted by one of Tim's close friends Tiffany. She was very popular, being in the Color Guard for the Band and all. I could tell that the party was already well underway because there were already tons of people there. Tim told Tiffany that I was the one who lent him the Gameboy today and that he needed a ride home and instead of that, he offered me to go to the party. Tiffany had no problem with it and invited me in. Tim, Patrick, and I walked into a whole mess of people in the party and it was already really hot there. I was glad I didn't overdress or anything. Every once in a while, Tim or Patrick would introduce me to their friends. I was happy to see so many of them. It was a real blast at the party and I was really having a good time.

Chapter 9

By the fifth hour of the party, the music from the party was rocking my ears and I couldn't really stand it anymore. I walked around the room to find the refreshments. I finally found it and got a cup of fruit punch. Then all of a sudden someone I heard someone say hi to me.

"Hi Dave. How's it going?" It was one of Tim's friends, Joel. He was a percussionist in the band and was also a freshman. He knew Tim from being in his church and I knew him from being in both my Math and English classes. He had blondish brown hair and blue eyes. He was very well built and he about 5 feet 11. I never noticed it before but he seemed kind of cute all of a sudden.

"Oh hi, Joel. I'm ok, except the music is really killing my ears."

"Yea, it's kinda bothering me too. Let's go to another room." He led the way into one of the rooms in the house.

"This is definitely better," I said.

"So I heard that you let Tim borrow your Gameboy. You don't expect me to believe that that was why he brought you to this party right? If everyone lent him something then the whole band would be here."

"Um... well..."

"It's ok Dave. I know everything about Tim. And I can tell you do too."

I guess that was the cue for me to know that he liked guys too because he planted me a kiss right on the lips. We kissed for an incredibly long time before he let go and started to take off my shirt.

"Dave, you're very cute. I've noticed you since the beginning of the school year. Now that I found out you like guys too, I couldn't help but kiss you. I really couldn't help myself. I'm sorry if it was a bad thing to do." He started rambling, "Oh I knew it wasn't a good thing to do. I knew it was a bad idea. Man, I ruined it all."

"Wait a second Joel. Calm down. Who said anything about that kiss being bad? I fairly enjoyed it. And I FAIRLY enjoyed it because you didn't kiss me long enough," I felt really comfortable talking to him. I only knew him for the duration of the school year but it was like I knew him forever all of a sudden. I couldn't believe the things I said to him because it was so unlike me! But I was glad I did because Joel kissed me again, but this time more passionately.

We finally let go of each other's lips after what seemed like an eternity of goodness. I didn't want the moment to end. I really never thought Joel would go for a guy like me. But who was I to question it! As long as I have him now! That's all that matters for me now!

"Well Dave. I'll talk to you later. I gotta go. I'll see you next week in Math. We'll keep in touch." Joel left the room while I just stood there, mesmerized by the kissing. It was another day to remember and treasure forever.

Chapter 10

We were all too tired to even talk when we got back to Tim's house. My eyelids were heavier than I had ever had them. My legs were shaking with each step from all the dancing I was kinda doing. My headache from the loud music didn't help much easy. But over all, the party was pretty good. And Tim and Patrick seemed to have a very good time. I could tell they were really tired because they couldn't even get past the living room and just sort of fell down on the couch and started sleeping. I then also moved over to a couch and dozed off for the night.

I remember myself sitting at the edge of some weird looking bed and seeing Joel in front me. He had on a pair of jeans and a tight sleeveless shirt, showing off his great body. He started moving closer toward me while slowly starting to take off his pants. He unbuttoned and then unzipped and slowly taking each pant leg off, showing his already hard dick through his boxers.

He then walked even closer to me and finally placing a hand on my waist to lift my shirt off, exposing my chest. He then moved lower and took of my pants. I was already hard and excited. He then took off my boxers to reveal my hard 6.5 long cock. I was surprised as he moved his head down to lick the head of my shaft. It was like heaven. Each movement of his tongue sent shivers of pleasure down my spine. He then started to wrap his whole mouth around my mouth and started to suck it at a really fast pace. I used all my strength to make the moment last but nothing helped. His sucking was so hard and fast that I couldn't hold it in any longer.

It was as if he knew exactly when I was going to cum because he took his mouth off my cock right as my first spurt of love juiced was ejaculated. My load was the biggest I've ever had it and Joel just kept massaging my dick and balls as I was cumming. After my I finish shooting my load, he stood up and kissed me passionately. Each kiss of his emitted a moan. The moans were getting louder and louder.

I then opened my still blurry eyes to realize that I was still on the couch. The moans were still there though, and when my eyes finally came into focus I could hardly believe what I saw. Patrick was kneeling on the ground sucking Tim's hard cock. I was careful not to move so I would not scare them or anything. I didn't want them to stop! I was enjoying it!

Tim's cock was just as I imagined it, beautiful and large. The moans were from Tim and each suck by Patrick caused Tim to moan louder. I could tell that Tim was trying to hold it in so he wouldn't awake me. Well, I guess he already did! Patrick kept sucking, each time going deeper and deeper. Patrick was also using his right hand to massage Tim's balls, caressing them and holding them as he sucked with all his might. He kept sucking faster and faster and harder and harder.

I could tell that Tim was coming close because of his moans and his facial expressions and I was right because he immediately let out a deep moan and he started to cum in Patrick's mouth. It was amazing because I could tell it was a large load because of Tim's long expression of pleasure but none of the juices spilled from Patrick's mouth. He had swallowed his whole load! After his orgasm, Tim zipped up his pants and Patrick got up to kiss Tim. I decided this was the time that I should wake up.

I yawned pretty loudly just to make sure I was starting to get up. I could tell they were a little shocked. They were probably thinking if I saw the whole thing. It was probably driving them nuts! I found them very amusing. "Good morning," I said sleepily, "So I guess you guys were up already. What have you been doing?"

"Um...," Tim thought, "Nothing much."

"We just got up too!" Patrick said to recover. "We were sleeping until now too. We just got up about 5 seconds before you did."

They were pretty bad liars. Who do they think I am? Man! They need to brush up on their lying skills! "Sure. That's why you have a little of that cum on the side of your mouth, Patrick?"

-------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey I did it! I finally wrote another one! It was pretty fun to write this one. Please tell me what you think about this one in relation to the others or just tell me what you think about it, period! Thanks so much for those who have to responding and reading the story. I'm sorry again for the delay in getting this chapter up. I hopefully will write the next one very, very soon! Email : --------------------------------------------------------------------

Next: Chapter 4

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