Ball Practice

By ten.enotsenur@namsekal

Published on Apr 16, 1999



It was the end of September a few years ago. I was living in a small town, a senior in high school. And I was the starting center on the football team. Not that I was very good, or huge or tough; in fact I wasn't too good, but the town was so small that almost everybody had to be on the team or there wouldn't be one.

It was my sixth year of playing football - my third year in this particular little town on the Western border of the state. And my sixth year of locker room torture. You see, ever since I could remember, looking at the other naked guys in the locker room turned me on: Their broad shoulders and strong chests, the size and shape of their nipples, the wide variety of shapes and sizes of cocks, some uncut like me, others cut, the colors of the guys' pubic hair, the size and shape of their balls; some wrinkled and dark, some smooth and almost white, some luxuriously hairy, some hairless; even the smell of the place - you know what I mean.

I wanted to touch their skin, to hold their bodies close - pressing skin against skin, to squeeze and knead their behinds, to tickle the hair between their cheeks and the hole that lay beneath it. And always, always, always I longed to enjoy their cocks and balls - to finger those balls in their sacks - to hold those cocks in my hand and feel them swell. To give them that clutching tickle in their guts which led to a steely hardon which I would lick and suck and nibble until they filled my mouth with their tasty cream. I wanted to give the kind of pleasure they couldn't resist, and watch as they let me take control of their bodies through their lightning rod cocks - to know that, in that instant when they gave themselves over to orgasm, they were completely mine to love.

With these thoughts in my head and these feelings in my gut, you can easily understand my problem. After all, this was a VERY redneck little town. Anyone who admitted or even gave the impression of being less than a - straight as an arrow, tough talking stud was almost literally taking his life in his hands. So I showered quietly trying not to be too obvious about sneaking peaks at the other guys.

I'm not sure you city guys can understand exactly what it was like. After all, in the city, even when I was a kid (back a few years), there were signs and indications that there might have been other people like you around. But in a redneck small town you could feel like a total freak back then - and like you were the only freak in the entire universe who ever felt the way you did.

On top of all my usual locker room horniness, things were even worse this year. Because it was our senior year, several of my hunkier classmates had decided to come out for football for the first time in their lives (usually they had been basketball players). In fact, 9 of the 12 guys in my class were trying to become useful members of the team that year (too bad our aging coach was too stupid to teach them the fundamentals they needed to be good at the sport).

One of those "I guess I'll try it in my last year" football players was Jake. Now Jake was one of those amazingly fantastic looking natural jocks who had a talent for any sport. He had bright blue eyes and blond hair which was bleached almost white from working in the summer sun. At 6'3" Jake was full 4 inches taller than me. He ran the fastest, jumped the highest and was just damn good at anything he tried. He moved with such grace, I swear he could have picked up ballet in about two weeks if he'd ever been so inclined. When we ran warm-up laps, he loped along so effortlessly in front of the rest of the team, I'd swear he never even broke a sweat. He had a perfect body for basketball, but he could also have been a fantastic end in football (again - too bad we had a coach who couldn't figure out how to use the newcomers).

Ever since I had laid eyes on Jake two years earlier, the first day I went to school in this tiny town, I had had a heavy duty crush on him. Actually, Jake and I were friends to some extent, at least as much as it was possible for any two guys to have a friendship in that place. Besides his fantastic good looks, Jake appealed to me by virtue of his gentle manner. He didn't seem to need to prove his macho qualities as much as the other guys. Whereas they were always boasting and showing off by trying to out drink, out drive, out fuck or out brag each other; doing any stupid thing they could think of to prove how tough or brave or horny they were, Jake seemed to have an easy sort of self-confidence which didn't require proving much of anything.

He and I were both outside the main group of clowns in our class. Although he enjoyed being included once in awhile, maybe wished he was more like the other guys, I had no desire to do the kind of stupid things I would have had to do to be a part of their group. Jake had a car and he and I occasionally cruised main street together and even took trips to the nearby larger town to admire the girls there (sometimes you do what you have to do). Jake had also been known to boot me out of his car if the right girl were interested in a ride somewhere. Still he was friendlier than the other guys, and the bulge which was evident in the front of his jeans about 3 and a half feet up from his cowboy boots aroused my....... curiosity.

My feelings for Jake intensified considerably on a particular Sunday evening just before school started in our senior year. I spent the evening just killing time with Jake and some of the other guys on main street in our little town. The weather was very warm and for the first time ever, Jake wasn't wearing his usual white cotton T-shirt. There was this great patch of dark blond hair that ran across his flat belly around his navel and down in a narrow band right into his jeans. Damn! I wanted to explore that trail hair down into the front of his pants and see where it would lead!

Ever since that night I had been trying to figure out a way to do something with Jake. I fantasized at least a dozen ways it could happen, including drugging him and tying him up in his car, which I didn't do. (In fact I still fantasize about this blond haired blue-eyed 6'3" hunk who lives back in that small town, works as a carpenter, and makes me drool in more places than my mouth. I saw him at a class reunion last summer and he's still gorgeous! - married to a woman but he's prettier than she is by a long shot.)

Unfortunately, my prime possibility for actually seeing the source of my hottest fantasies wasn't working out too well. Jake was very secretive in the football locker room. He always showered very quickly facing the wall, then practically sprinted to his locker in a kind of hunched over posture that kept his treasures hidden between his legs. When he got to his locker, he stood close to it facing the wall and had his white jockey briefs and skintight farm boy blue jeans on before you could blink. Being young and foolish, I assumed he was extremely modest and uncomfortable with other guys seeing him naked. Other possibilities never crossed my mind.

Finally after about four weeks of this, with numerous wet dreams and hot jackoff sessions with Jake as my fantasy partner, I couldn't stand it. I worked out a foolproof plan. I talked our doddering old coach into letting me stay after football practice so I could work on centering the ball for punts. Actually, I really needed the practice. I mean, I enjoyed being the center on the team. It meant I got to have the hunky quarterback put his hands right up tight against my ass and balls over and over again throughout every game. But I was lousy at punt centers, which required launching the ball at least 15 yards backwards between my legs from a crouching position (just try it once). I convinced the coach that Jake was the perfect guy to help me practice.

The next Monday, just as we were finishing up with regular practice, the coach asked Jake if he'd stay and help me practice a little longer. Jake, being such a nice guy said OK. I had already convinced the coach to leave the locker room door wedged open for us and we'd just close the door when we left (so it would lock itself).

Jake and I practiced for about 45 minutes - until I was sure everyone else would be gone from the locker room. The practice really helped, too. By the end I was starting to get some consistency in what I was doing. Finally I centered a ball to him, turned around and tackled him flat on the ground. I took him completely by surprise or I never would have caught him. He just lay there flat on the ground with me on top of him. I looked into his clear blue eyes, smiled and said, "Time to hit the showers, buddy."

We headed into the locker room closing the door as we went in. I was right, it was deserted. In fact the whole building was deserted. I was finally going to be alone with Jake and we'd both be naked!

We stripped down and true to form, Jake beat me into the shower room and was standing facing the wall. "Well Dan, it's now or never!" I said to myself, my heart pounding.

As I soaped up my sweaty body, I said, as nonchalantly as possible, "Thanks for helping me Out tonight. I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of it."

"No problem!" Jake answered.

"Say, can I pay you back somehow? How about if I wash your back?" I suggested as I moved across the shower room to him. I didn't plan to take "no" for an answer. I was already soaping up his back when he said, "OK."

Then I put down the soap and started massaging his shoulders, his upper back and his neck, all, of which were very tight. He started to relax, gave a kind of low sigh and said, "You're really good at that."

"I'm glad you like it," I said as I began to work down his back. Jake just stood there, letting me work over his tight muscles and moaning occasionally when I pressed hard on a particularly tight spot. But while Jake was relaxing, I was feeling anything but relaxed. As I got closer and closer to his firm ass cheeks, I was rapidly developing a dripping, raging hard-on. Even if Jake decked me when I finally got to where I wanted to go, being able to run my hands all over his smooth, hot skin was enough to make this all worthwhile.

I worked lower and lower, finally getting to the very bottom of his back and the top of his beautiful ass. I was anxious now, waiting for some sign of discomfort - flinching or tensing up, but there was none. In fact, as I worked down the beautiful globes of his backside, he shifted a little and opened his stance, allowing me more access to his balls and his hole.

"You are so good!" he said as I began to work the insides of his legs and deeper into his crack. I began to tease him a little, just brushing his hole and the back of his balls as I massaged between his legs. For once I was glad to be a little shorter - it made for easier access. As I reached up to nudge his balls and massage deeper between his legs, I felt the base of his cock. He had a raging hardon too!

That was it for me! "Hey, Jake!" I said, "How about if I wash your front too!?" As I spoke, I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him around to face me. His gorgeous thick, 7-1/2 inch cock hit me right in the navel. Jake glanced down at my hard cock, looked me right in the eyes for a moment, then grabbed me and pulled me in close for a real bare bear hug. My cock almost exploded right then.

"I've wanted to do this for so long!" Jake said and pulled me even tighter.

My heart was pounding like crazy. "I thought it was just my imagination!" I said.

"Yeah," Jake said, "Me too!"

I hugged him tighter and stretched up to kiss him. At first he jerked his head away, but then he grabbed the back of my head and planted the most intense kiss I'd ever felt squarely on my mouth. I'd never felt that much passion from any of the girls I'd kissed (and I had kissed quite a few).

He pushed his tongue in so far, I almost gagged, but then I took on his tongue with mine. It was quite a duel. And it felt as if my tongue wired directly to my cock. Finally we broke the kiss. We were both laughing! Then Jake grabbed my head again and started to lick my face. He bent down to nibble my ear lobe. He groaned as I grabbed his cock and started to squeeze and massage it. It felt so hot in my hand! - smooth and hard with a gentle sort of throbbing. I realized I could feel Jake's big heart pounding in his dick.

I was starting to get into working Jake's cock with my hand, but he pushed it away. "Let me make YOU feel good!" Jake said as he started to suck and nuzzle my neck. I let him have his way. After all, he was much bigger than me. He licked and nibbled and caressed my chest. He sucked and nipped at my nipples sending shivers through my body. He probed my navel with his tongue and nibbled his way across my abdomen. He pulled me close again and massaged my back with his powerful farm-boy hands. He kneaded my but and then grabbed beneath it and lifted me right up off the floor, grinding his cock against mine. Still holding me off the floor, he started rubbing our cocks together in a rhythmic, fucking motion.

Just when I was on the brink of cumming, he backed off and knelt down on the floor. He began to tickle the hair on my balls with his tongue - just barely touching them teasing them. Then he nipped at them - pulling the hair with his teeth. As he licked up my cock from the base to the head, I groaned almost in pain. Then, when he reached the top, he deep-throated me. I grabbed his head and drove my cock as deep as I could while I moaned loudly, "Oh yeah Jake, take my cum! God! That's so good!"

I stood on my toes as I blew my load into Jake's warm mouth. He swallowed everything I could give him and then kept swallowing with a sort of powerful suction that kept me right on the edge between pain and ecstasy for several seconds. Finally, he let my cock slip free. It was lucky he stood up when he did, because my knees buckled and he had to grab me to hold me up. He pulled me in close and whispered the most beautiful words into my ear. " Dan, I love you! I've wanted to tell you since the first time I saw you! I just didn't know how to let you know. I was afraid of how you'd react."

"I've felt the same way about you, Jake," I said. "I didn't know how to tell you either. I was sure you punch my lights out and tell everyone I was a fag."

"Don't worry about me, babe." Jake said. "I've got what I need right in my arms - right now, and I know we can both keep a secret."

Just then, I noticed Jake's 7-1/2 rod pressed into my navel. "I think you're wrong, Jake." I said with a chuckle. "There's a piece of you that still needs something"

Jake started to say "What do you mea...?" but stopped in mid-sentence as I grabbed his hard cock. I went to work on it with gusto. I licked, I sucked, I nibbled, I nipped, I tongued. I slurped noisily. I was just starting to really get into enjoying the marvelous tool on this handsome stud who said he loved me when he began to moan, "Oh God! Dan, I'm gonna cummmm!"

At that moment, I somehow managed to open my throat and take him all in. It felt so good having his cock buried down my throat. I could feel him throb every time he shot. And he just kept cumming and cumming. I finally had to back off for air. He still kept shooting. He filled my mouth until his sweet, salty cum spilled out and ran down my chin.

I saved some for him, although I wanted to swallow it all. When he finally started to soften, I stood up and grabbed him. I had to back him up against the wall to hold him up because he knees were pretty wobbly. I pulled his head down into a deep kiss and offered his cum on my tongue. It just seemed like the thing to do. We had another tongue duel and then broke up laughing again.

We grabbed for each other and held on tightly. "Where have you been all my life?" Jake asked.

"Someplace I'm never going back to," I answered.

"Hey, we better get cleaned up. Jake said. "I've gotta get home to do chores."

"I know what!" I said, thinking out loud. "Why don't I come out and give you a hand. I've got nothing better to do tonight!"

"Sure," he said, smiling broadly. "I've wanted a hand just like yours for a long time!"

--------------- I hope you enjoyed this one. Comments to:

Next: Chapter 2

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