Ball Busting Boyfriend

By Benjamin K

Published on May 25, 2023


After two consecutive days of having my balls brutally tortured by Mark and his friends Lee and Alec, we all knew I needed a break. There is a limit to what a pair of testicles can take before serious damage occurs, and we all wanted to prevent that - not least so that my balls would be available for further abuse in the future.

We were vacationing at Alec and Lee's magnificent oceanfront home in Florida, and had nothing on the agenda for the remainder of the week but relaxing. I spent most of the next three days sprawled naked in Alec's floating lounge chair, letting the cool water of the swimming pool soothe my sore balls, and getting an excellent tan in the process.

To reward me for submitting to so much abuse, Mark and our hosts arranged a special treat for me. Periodically, as I floated around the pool, each of them, in turn, would drift by on the blue floatation mat, naked and face up. Whenever the mat bumped into my floating lounge I would slip into the water, pull myself part way up the mat with my arms, and feast on the sun-baked genitals of whomever was laying on it. Three beautiful, hunky men with wonderfully ample packages, repeatedly feeding me their big warm cocks, and sweet juicy loads. What can I say . . . I was in heaven.

Every night after dinner they would take turns feeding me dessert. Following after-dinner drinks and a couple of joints out on the terrace, we would adjourn to our hosts' bedroom. I would lie on my back with my head hanging off the end of the bed. Then each man, in turn, would slide his hard cock down my gullet and give me a long, slow throat fucking, filling my mouth with gobs of fresh cream at the end. And each night, after I swallowed all three loads, Lee and Alec flipped coins to decide who wold get to blow me. They both admitted to being major size queens and spent the whole week sneaking glances at my big salami, almost ten inches long and more than six in circumference when hard, and not very much smaller in its flaccid state. Since Mark could have it whenever he wanted he sat on the sidelines, watching and offering encouragement. It was the best vacation ever.

On our last morning I bade our hosts goodbye, on my knees, with a pair of after-breakfast blowjobs, and then Mark and I headed to the airport.

For the next few weeks there was no more ball busting. Mark and I made love nearly every night, gently and sweetly. Of course, sweetly, in my book, includes having my balls pulled, squeezed, and firmly massaged, while I'm sucking cock or getting fucked. Mark knew just how hard I liked it (very), but it never went overboard into the realm of serious pain.

Then, one Thursday afternoon, Mark arrived home in an absolute state. Something had happened at work that made him furious. When Mark is upset about something he tends to get more and more worked up the longer he thinks about it. By the time he got home he was positively spitting nails. I always know how to calm him down, though.

"What do you need Babe?" I said. I already knew the answer of course, at least in a general sort of way. And although I didn't know exactly what form it would take, I knew it was going to hurt. But I am more than willing to make this sacrifice for the man I love. And, of course, there's a part of me that needs this, as well.

He looked at me with a mixture of regret, apology, and gratitude. He knew very well what I was offering, knew it was exactly what he needed to restore his equilibrium, and also knew it was going to hurt me. And not a little.

He sighed, narrowed his eyes, and said, "Balls on the block. Now."

Oh, fuck, I thought. This is going to be bad.

In our kitchen, one end of the island countertop is made out of thick maple butcher-block. Without waiting I kicked off my pants and underwear, stepped up against the edge of the counter, and laid my balls right on it. My heavy, low-hanging nuts now lay there, an open target, ready for whatever my lover needed to dish out.

As I lifted my cock out of the way Mark reached into the cabinet just below this end of the island and pulled out a large wooden rolling pin. Without further discussion he raised the rolling pin about shoulder-high and brought it down swiftly and mercilessly on my vulnerable gonads. The pain was blinding. I screamed in agony and fell back, landing on my ass.

"More," he said, as he looked down at where I lay on the floor panting, and weeping in pain.

I took a deep breath, and mustering all the courage I could I pulled myself together and resumed my position, nuts once again laid out on the block ready for a pounding. Though it was hard to imagine how I could be in any more pain than I already was. I would soon find out.

This time Mark stood directly behind me, leaning into me so that there was no place I could go. Even if I fainted his body would hold mine in place. There was no escaping what was to come next.

"How many can you take?" he said, kissing me on the neck just below my ear. I always melt when he does that, losing all possible resistance to anything he might ask.

Still trying to collect myself, I took a few ragged breaths and said, "I don't know. Two? Three?" The thought of even one more hit was all but unbearable. "Four, maybe, but I doubt it."

"I need ten," he said.

Involuntarily I burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably. I was already paralyzed with fear at the notion of having my balls pounded again, even once more, with the heavy rolling pin. The thought of ten was unendurable.

"No Mark," I said between sobs, choking out the words. "Please. I don't think I can take ten. You know I can take a lot of pain, but that first one was so terrible. Please don't make me."

"Baby, I would never make you. You know that. If you can't take it, I won't do it. Plain and simple. We'll stop right now. But you know how much I want to. I need to hurt you right now, but I won't do it if you don't want me to."

I closed my eyes and stood there weeping silently. I already knew what I was going to say, but I couldn't bring myself to utter the words. Not quite yet. I needed time, even if it was only a respite of another few seconds before submitting to what I knew was going to be very, very bad. Mark wrapped his strong arms around my chest and held me until I stopped crying. Then I looked over my shoulder into his beautiful eyes and nodded at him.

"Go ahead. I know you need it. I don't know if I can take it. I might pass out. But you need it so I want you to do it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," I said. "I'm sure. Hurt me Baby. Please hurt me."

Mark kissed me deeply, and then, in a hoarse whisper said, "Thank you baby. I love you so much. Thank you."

Then he raised his arm again - his powerful, thickly muscled arm that I loved so much when it was wrapped around me. Now it inspired only fear.

It was unimaginable. As the rolling pin came down on my balls the top of my head blew off. I opened my mouth to scream but no sound came out. That first blow completely knocked the air out of me. I was struggling to inhale as the second one hit. Blinding, stinging, disorienting pain. As the third blow landed I still hadn't been able to draw a breath, or to emit any sound. Finally I managed to suck in a quick gulp of air, with a loud gasp like a drowning man, just before the next blow struck.

The pain was all-encompassing, filling every fiber of my being so completely that for the rest of the beating I no longer felt individual blows - just a continuous, silent, white-hot scream of pain. I no longer knew where I was, or even who I was. There was no longer any distinction between my individual consciousness and the unending, searing, pervasive agony that seemed the only thing that existed in the universe, extending infinitely into the past, infinitely into the future, infinitely far in every dimension of space. The agony was unimaginable, but in an odd way that I still struggle to understand or explain even to myself, it was also deeply spiritual, an almost mystical experience. All my boundaries seemed to vanish, and I dissolved into the infinite.

Then nothingness.

I awoke sometime later in bed, cradled in Mark's strong arms. We were both naked and I could feel Mark's erection pressed against my leg. My whole body ached with a throbbing that radiated out from my groin in nausea-inducing waves, one after the other, like the ocean surf after a storm. Mark was planting dozens of tender little kisses on my forehead.

"You fainted after the seventh one," he said, "and I stopped. Then I carried you in here. How do you feel now?"

"Like I've been hit by a truck. But, weirdly, also incredibly peaceful."

"I know," he said. "Me too."

"I'm glad," I said. "Then it was worth it."

Mark went into the kitchen and emerged moments later with an ice pack that he had prepared while I was unconscious. He lifted the light cotton blanket that covered the lower half of my body and, as gently as he could, applied the soothing coldness to my swollen nut sack.

I flinched at first, but he was so gentle, so loving and tender, that I soon relaxed and surrendered to his careful ministrations.

"Ten minutes on, ten minutes off," he said. "That's the best way to apply ice to an injury." A former athlete, star of his college football team, Mark knew a lot about caring for injuries - as well as inflicting them.

Mark spent the first few intervals licking and sucking my cock. Soon he was sucking me continuously, keeping half an eye on the bedside clock to time his applications of the ice. My boyfriend can be a brutal sadist at times, but afterwards he is an excellent nurse.

After thirty or forty minutes he could tell I was getting close. He stepped up the tempo, and increased the pressure of his mouth on my pulsing, almost purple fuck stick. He brought me to the edge several times, each time backing off just before the point of no return. Now, as he continued to suck he removed the ice pack, cradled my aching nuts in his hands, and began massaging them, very gently. They were extremely sore but after the ice it felt wonderful to have them wrapped in his big warm hands. Mark knows exactly what I need.

Gradually, very gradually, as he brought me closer and closer to climax, he increased the pressure on my balls. Yes, it hurt, but in a good way. The closer I got the more pressure he used, until he could sense that I was seconds away from climax. The pain in my nuts built steadily alongside my approaching orgasm until it was all but unbearable. I was sweating and breathing hard, my chest heaving up and down - but I couldn't say whether from pain or pleasure.

Just then, just as he sensed I was about to explode, he took me all the way down his gullet, burying his nose in my close-cropped bush as he expertly massaged my cock with the muscles of his throat. Simultaneously, he dug his thumbs into my bruised, swollen testicles, sending a thunderbolt of white hot pain throughout my body at the exact moment my cock erupted, over and over. As I continued shooting he relaxed his grip on my balls and pulled his head back so he could collect most of my load inside his mouth. My last few spurts coated his lips. Then he pressed his mouth against mine. I licked my juices from his sweet lips and then opened wide to receive the remainder of my load, which dripped in thick white gobs from his tongue onto mine.

"More," I said.

Mark knelt beside my head and aimed his pulsing, rock hard dick at my lips.

"I've barely touched it since I got home," he said, "but look at this thing." It was deep red, shiny, engorged to the point of bursting, and leaking a steady stream of pre-cum. It looked even bigger than usual, and that's saying something.

"I don't think I can hold back another second."

"Feed me," I said, and I opened my mouth just as he exploded, sending blast after powerful blast of his delicious semen into my mouth and all over my face. There was so much of it, and it tasted so good. Mark is an unusually heavy shooter, almost preternaturally so, and this time was no exception. I just love that about him.

Still panting, Mark laid down beside me and cradled my head in his hands. He licked all of his remaining jizz off my face and fed it to me with his tongue, every drop of it. Then we kissed, long and deep, allowing the delicious gooey mass of our commingled loads to slide back and forth from mouth to mouth, tongue to tongue, until, having finally swallowed all of it, we drifted off into blissful sleep.

I hope you enjoyed this episode. I would be especially interested in hearing from any readers who have engaged in any form of ball busting themselves. I want to hear all about it.

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