Ball Busting Boyfriend

By Benjamin K

Published on May 7, 2023


Ball Busting Boyfriend, Part Five

Waking up in a strange bedroom is always a little disorienting. As I opened my eyes on Saturday morning my still half asleep brain dimly registered two things. One, I was alone in a strange bed in a strange room that I didn't immediately recognize, and Two, my balls ached. Though this, naturally, was not an unusual experience for me.

Thinking I would try to fall back asleep and solve the mystery of my whereabouts later I started to turn over onto my stomach, but as I shifted my weight onto my side the pressure of my thigh against my balls jolted me with an agonizing stab of pain that instantly flipped me back into my previous, face-up posture, suddenly very wide awake. Now I remembered where I was.

Looking around me I noticed once again, as I had upon arriving the previous afternoon, what a lovely and elegantly decorated space this was - the guest bedroom in the oceanfront Ft. Lauderdale mansion that belonged to Alec and Lee, old friends of my boyfriend Mark. Sunlight poured in through the tall, arched windows, and I could hear the crashing of waves in the distance.

And now I remembered why my balls hurt so much. Last night's after-dinner entertainment consisted of having me securely tied to a large wooden X in the home's dungeon, while at Mark's direction our two hosts kicked me brutally and repeatedly in the balls until I almost went insane from the searing, unending pain. Ah, yes, I remember it well.

The clock on the bedside table read 11:15 AM, much later than I ordinarily sleep, even on weekends, but last night's beating took a lot out of me. It was no wonder I needed the extra sleep. Very carefully, I pulled myself up into a sitting position, propping myself up against the large, soft pillows trimmed in white eyelet. That's when I noticed the note on the pillow next to me, penned in Mark's careful handwriting.

"God morning Babe," the note read. "We all thought you needed to sleep, so when I got up I slipped out of the room as quietly as I could. I hope I didn't disturb you. Why don't you join us down by the pool whenever you feel up to it. I think you'll find the water soothing. I love you to bits. Mark."

I adore that man, I really do. Reading his sweet note flooded my whole body with waves of unconditional love for the person I hope to spend the rest of my life with. I would do anything for him.

After getting cleaned up, moving about very gingerly so as not to unnecessarily jostle my hugely swollen and badly bruised scrotum, I threw on one of the lightweight terrycloth robes that our hosts had considerately hung on the bathroom door for us. My nuts were much too sore to even think of putting on a bathing suit. It was a luxurious feeling robe, super soft and beautifully tailored, and cut very short. It was barely long enough to conceal my dangling cock and heavy low-hangers - which, granted, hang lower than on most guys. I like short robes like that. I've always been kind of an exhibitionist.

Coming downstairs, I walked through the open French doors at the back of the stair hall, out onto the terrace where we had drinks the night before, and turned left to enter the pool area, which was shielded by a tall hedge of bougainvillea, creating a spacious outdoor room, open to the sun and the breezes, but out of view of anyone who might happen to be walking on the beach.

Alec greeted me warmly and said, "We're going to have lunch out here in a little while, but how about a Bloody Mary to start off with. Or would you rather have coffee?"

"No," I said, "a Bloody Mary sounds divine. Thank you."

The pool was a work of art, lined with mosaics designed to recall ancient Roman baths. Arranged around the pool were several comfortable looking lounge chairs, with blue and white stripped cushions. It was on one of these lounges that I now spotted Mark, laying face up with a baseball cap over his face, shielding his eyes from the bright Florida sun. He was wearing a very small pair of red Speedos, made of a thin, stretchy material that closely hugged his genitals, resulting in a very ample bulge that left nothing at all to the imagination. I love it when he wears things like that. I'm really into bulges, and Mark had a gorgeous one that I can never keep my eyes, or hands, off of for very long. Laying there with the sun beating down on his magnificent body he looked like a god. He sat up as he heard me approach.

"Well, good morning Sleeping Beauty. Did you have a good rest?"

"Yes," I said. "I can't believe how late I slept."

"After last night you needed it. I'm glad you slept so long."

Now Alec walked over and handed me my drink, with Lee right behind him, dripping water from the pool, and with a towel around his neck. They both looked a little sheepish.

"I hope we didn't go too overboard last night," Lee said. "I hope we didn't hurt you too, too much."

"Well, that was kind of the idea, wasn't it?" I said.

Our hosts both looked terrific, with nearly every inch of their tanned, worked-out bodies on display. Alec was wearing a tiny pair of black square-cut trunks that bulged with the suggestion of something large and heavy and wonderful inside. Lee wore a pair of skimpy white Speedos that, still wet from the pool, were practically transparent, showing off the inviting pinkness of a long, thick, uncircumcised cock, which the material strained to cover. I want some of that, I thought to myself.

I took my drink and settled myself carefully into the lounge chair next to Mark's, setting my glass on the low table between the two chairs. I was aware that my dick must be partly exposed, but the robe was too short to pull its hem down any lower. I didn't care. I like it when guys stare at my big package, and I don't usually try too hard to conceal it.

With our hosts standing next to us Mark said, "Let's see what kind of damage we did last night Babe. Why don't you open up your robe so we can see how your balls are looking this morning.

Without hesitation I untied the belt and let the robe fall open. As I've said, I'm not shy.

"Oh, fuck!" Lee said when he saw the evidence of last night's kick-fest.

"My god," said Alec. "It looks like you've got a grapefruit inside your sack for Christ's sake, and the skin is all purple and black and blue. That must hurt like hell. I'm really sorry."

"Don't be," I said. "I really don't mind. Yeah, I'm extremely sore, but that's part of my gift to Mark - my offering, if you will. I just need to move very carefully today because they're so tender."

"Mark beamed at me. "I love you Babe," he said."

"I love you, too," I said, and I really meant it.

"Why don't you get in the pool while I get lunch ready," Lee said. I think the cool water will feel really good on those sore balls. You don't need to wear a suit. It's completely private here. We often swim nude when we're alone."

"Sometimes when we have company, too," Alec said with a sly smile.

The water felt like heaven against my aching nuts as I lowered myself into the pool. I was too sore to move around very much, though, and at Alec's suggestion I settled into his floating lounge chair, which kept my balls just submerged.

"Thanks Alec," I said. "This is perfect.

Alec sat on the edge of the pool with his feet dangling in the water. His legs were spread wide, giving me a tantalizing view of that heavy-looking package of his - intentionally, I have no doubt. Mark laid on a bright blue foam mat and paddled over to me, resting one hand on the arm of my float to keep us from drifting apart.

"I'll bet you'd like to get your lips around that," he said, tilting his head in the direction of Alec's crotch. "Wouldn't you?"

"Mmmm," I said laughing. "Looks delicious. Lee's, too. I'm starting to chub up a little, just from looking at that big basket."

"Well, you might just get your wish," he said. "I'm almost positive. And we'll be here all week. I wouldn't be surprised if you were fed a few protein snacks before we head home."

I laughed, hoping he might be proven correct.

"Are you happy Babe?" he said.

"I am," I told him. "I feel completely comfortable around your friends. They're really nice - if a little kinky. Well, okay, a lot kinky. You know, our kind of people." Mark laughed, and I reached over and laid my hand on his bulging swim trunks. Alec looked on smiling as I gently massaged my boyfriends balls, the stretchy red material plastered even more tightly against his package now that it was wet. It looked like it was painted on.

A while later Lee walked over and said, "No hurry, but whenever you guys are hungry lunch is ready." I was definitely feeling a little peckish, but I wanted an appetizer first. I slipped my fingers into the leg opening of Marks Speedo and lifted the hem as high as it would stretch. Marks big cock and balls flopped out and rested temptingly on his thigh. I fondled him for a minute - it felt so good in my hand, then slipped off my lounge into the water and, hanging onto the edge of Mark's mat I sucked his beautiful cock into my mouth. Alec watched with obvious interest from his perch on the pool's coping.

Later, after a delicious poolside lunch, we all reclined on adjacent lounge chairs to enjoy the sun.

Then Mark said, "To thank you guys for being such terrific hosts I have a special treat for you."

I had no idea what he was talking about, but I figured I'd find out soon enough.

"It's a very rare treat," he continued, "almost a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Well, not for me, necessarily, but it might be for you. I don't think Benjamin will mind."

Oh, fuck, I thought. Not that. Please, not that.

"Well, actually, he might mind," Mark went on. "He'll probably mind quite a lot, in fact. But that's part of what makes it so special."

"Oh, no," I said. "Please, Mark. I'm in such pain already. I don't think I can handle that today."

"But that's precisely what makes it so irresistible," he said.

My heart dropped. Now I knew exactly what he had in mind. We had only done it once before, and the pain was unbelievably terrible - even for a masochist like me.

"Please Mark," I said. Not now. I'm just way too sore. I really need a break from this. Please don't make me."

"Baby, I would never make you, or force you in any way. You know that. I would never do anything to you that you didn't agree to, that you didn't ask me to do. And you know that, too. But thinking about it excites me so much. And you know how much it would blow everyone's mind."

My eyes began to flood, and a tear rolled down my cheek. I did not want to do this. It would simply be too painful. I couldn't handle it.

"I know it's going to hurt," he continued. "I know it's going to hurt a lot. And I know that you know exactly how much it's going to hurt. That's part of what's so exciting about it, though. Even for you, I think. And you know that, too. This is a level of pain that sends you into a new place, another state of consciousness. And while it's hard to get there, very hard, I know, and very painful, it puts you into this euphoric state afterwards that is something I can only imagine. But last time we did this you seemed - I don't know - transformed - like you had been through a kind of life-altering spiritual experience."

Now I sat there crying. Softly, at first, but little by little, as it began to sink in that I was actually about to agree to this, ask for it even, my crying turned into quiet, mournful, sobbing.

Alec and Lee looked at each other in complete perplexity. The couldn't seem to imagine what Mark and I could possibly be talking about. But they looked intrigued, and they looked at Mark for some explanation.

"Here's the thing," Mark said. I've already told you what an incredibly gifted cocksucker Benjamin is. And how much he loves sucking cock. You can't be that good at it unless you really and truly just absolutely fucking love doing it. And he really and truly does. And no doubt you guys will have a chance to experience that for yourselves before we go home - a few times, probably. You both have fantastic looking packages, and I wouldn't deny Benjamin the pleasure of exploring them to his heart's content."

Alec and Lee both nodded, smiling eagerly at this enticing prospect.

"But let me show you something," Mark said. He turned to me and opened my robe, placing my big cock and hugely swollen, black and blue balls on full view. I did nothing to stop him. Very carefully, he placed both his hands under my swollen testicles and gently cradled them. I winced slightly, even at this light touch.

"You see how swollen and bruised these are?"

Lee and Alec both acknowledged that they could see that.

"Well, you can probably imagine how sore they must feel after all the abuse they suffered last night."

Again, our hosts nodded. A shiver of fear ran through my body as tears continued rolling down my wet cheeks.

"And you've noticed how gingerly Benjamin has been moving around all morning. Even jostling them a little, or touching them in any way is extremely painful," he said. "So you can imagine that giving them even a little squeeze would really hurt a lot."

Then, to demonstrate, he gave my sore nuts a very slight, quick squeeze, and I practically flew into the air shouting, "FUCK!!!! Oh shit. Oh fuck. Jesus fucking Christ. Oh fuuuuuck!!!!"

"Okay Babe," he said, gently letting setting my balls back down, and then stroking my hair. "It's all right. That's all for right now. You can relax." I was panting hard, little whimpers of pain escaped my lips, and tears streaked my face.

"So you see," Mark continued, addressing Lee and Alec, "how incredibly tender his balls are now, and how much even a very gentle squeeze hurts. It doesn't take much imagination to understand how painful squeezing them much harder would be."

Our hosts nodded, but looked as if they still couldn't see where Mark was going with this.

"The thing is," he continued, "you have absolutely no idea, no idea at all, how totally, incredibly amazing it feels to have your cock down someone's throat while he is shrieking from pain, over and over. It's something I have only experienced once, but I will never forget what a totally mind-bending, volcanic orgasm it produced. I've never felt anything like it in my life, before or since."

As he spoke, he kept looking back and forth from our hosts to me, trying to gauge reactions.

"So, if Benjamin agrees, and I think he might, this is what we would like to offer you to show our gratitude for your incredible hospitality. And as a mark of true friendship, which I hope will continue for a long time.

"I don't know," said Lee. "I mean, you know we are both really into S&M, but even to me this seems kind of extreme. What do you think, Alec?"

"I agree. I don't think it's something we should accept. I just don't know if I want to feel responsible for causing Benjamin that degree of pain. It sounds a whole lot worse than what we put him through last night."

Lee nodded in agreement.

"I thought you guys said you were sadists," Mark said, with an evil grin. We all broke into laughter at that, even me. We laughed for a long time, breaking the tension that had been steadily building.

"What do you say Benjamin? It's going to be bad, I won't try to minimize it. It's going to be very, very bad. But think about where it takes you. Think about the kind of euphoria that such extreme pain produces in you. Think about that."

Everyone could see the sheer terror on my face. My whole body shook from fear. I knew it would be bad. It would be unbelievably bad. And I knew I was going to do it. I think Mark could see the exact moment when I resigned myself to the ordeal. I closed my eyes and nodded my head, no longer sobbing, but with tears still running down my cheeks.

"Good boy," Mark said quietly, patting my head. "Good boy. But I think our hosts are now the ones who need a little coaxing."

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down, looked at our hosts, and quietly said, "I want to do this. I want to do this for you because I know how amazing it will feel, and I want to give you that experience. And I want to do it for Mark because i know he wants me to. But as frightened as I am of this, and I am really scared shitless, believe me, I also want to do it for myself. Because Mark was right about the euphoria it produces. Not at first. At first, and for a long while, it is the purest hell. Just sheer mind-bending torture. But after a while it's like this switch gets flipped inside my head, like my brain is suddenly flooded with endorphins, and serotonin, and oxytocin - all of the brain chemicals that produce real euphoria, and in quantities that we don't ordinarily have access to. It's almost like being on acid."

"Fuck," Lee said, looking at Alec. "I might need to try that myself sometime."

"So let's do it," I said, "now, before I change my mind. I am so totally fucking scared right now, you have no idea. But I want to do this. Let's go inside before I chicken out."

A few minutes later were in Lee and Alec's lavish bedroom. I asked Lee to lie down on the bed. As he did he started pulling off his little white speedos.

"No," I said. "Let me do that." So he leaned back against the pillows and I began fondling his package. I get so turned on from doing that. Soon I had my face buried between his legs, pressing my face into the warm, soft mound of his manhood. I lifted the edge of one of the leg openings and began licking the place where his balls meet his inner thigh. It acted on me like a drug. Lee moaned. Then I stretched the leg opening farther so I could get my mouth around his whole sack. He moaned louder. Soon I pulled off his suit entirely and took the engorged head of his cock in my mouth, gently nibbling my way down his shaft until it was all the way down my throat.

"Oh, fuck that's good," he said. "That's so fucking good."

I moved up and down, letting his long cock slide in and out of my throat for what must have been five or ten minutes. I don't know how long for sure - I got lost in what I was doing, in the pleasure I was receiving from swallowing this delicious piece of meat. Then Mark said,

"Why don't you lie on your back now and let him fuck your throat from above." He was not asking me - he was telling me.

Pow! That brought me back to reality - back to remembering what was about to happen. I did as he asked, though I began shaking with fear as the knowledge of what Mark was about to do came flooding back to me.

Lee straddled my face with his knees as he slid his dripping cock back down my throat until his big soft balls rested against my nose. He fucked my throat in that position with long, slow strokes for some time. All the while I was making small adjustments to my position in order to allow him to slide all the way in. Despite my fear, the more comfortable I got the more I could enjoy the sensation of having my throat filled with that warm, hard cock. Once it was fully embedded I began massaging it with my throat muscles. I could hear Lee moan from somewhere up above, but I was lost in my own world. Then it began.

Mark positioned himself between my legs and gently slipped his hands beneath my heavy balls, swollen, bruised, and incredibly tender, and he lifted them slightly, till they were completely cradled in his hands. I tried to mentally prepare myself for what I knew was coming next, tried to brace myself, but nothing can prepare you, really, for that level of pain because it's impossible to imagine. You can't remember pain exactly. You can remember that something was painful, but you can't actually recall the sensation itself.

Then Mark began squeezing, pressing his thumbs into my testicles as hard as he could. The pain was instantaneous, immense, overwhelming. It was like being skewered by a white hot poker. It was so overpowering that at first I couldn't even make a sound. My back arched, and my eyes rolled back in my head as if I were being electrocuted. I was now only dimly aware that I still had a cock down my throat, barely aware than anyone or anything other than this pain even existed. It filled every corner of my brain, overloading all my circuits. Somewhere in the far distance I could hear what sounded like a person screaming in agony, and it seemed to go on and on, getting louder and louder. Only after many minutes of this continuous screaming did I realize that the sound was coming from me.

Then it stopped. I had no awareness of anything except a bright white light, and a high-pitched white noise filling my head. Nothing else existed. And then, just as suddenly as it had stopped, it started again. Mark had briefly released the pressure on my balls. But then he once again dug his thumbs into them, and the white light inside my head exploded like fireworks, the white noise became a high, piercing whine, almost like that of a jet engine. And, once again, I became aware of someone screaming in agony, far in the distance.

And then there was another sound. I couldn't make it out at first, but gradually it came into focus and it sounded like a human voice, shouting loudly.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!" the voice said. "I'm going to cum. Oh my god! I'm going to . . . oh my god . . . Oh fuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!

And then I felt a rush of warm liquid squirting into my throat, spurt after spurt after spurt after spurt.

And then nothing. Silence. I seemed to be floating, weightless, in a vast, empty nothingness. But with that pure bright white light infusing every corner of my mind, every molecule of my being. There was no time, no space, no sensation of temperature or taste or touch, no sense of pain or pleasure. Just pure nothingness, pure Being.

I don't know how long I lingered in that state. Probably not long, but it could have been an eternity. Then, slowly, I became aware of Lee's body laying next to mine. He was gasping for breath, his chest heaving, sucking in big gulps of air in between murmuring, "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," over and over.

Then I felt Mark's arms around me, his breath on my face. His nose was pressed lightly against mine, and he kissed me tenderly on the lips. We looked into each other's eyes. I could feel his love for me like a physical sensation, like a warm, moist, comforting presence enveloping my entire body. I felt completely safe in his arms like that, completely fulfilled. There was a powerful, heavy, dull ache coming from my balls, like an enormous lead weight was pressing down on them. But most of all, there was Mark.

"Are you okay Babe?" he said. You drifted off for a while. I don't know where you were, but it was like you had temporarily left your body. Are you back now?"

I nodded.

"What can I do for you baby?" he asked. "Can I get you anything? Is there anything you need? Anything you want?"

Again, I nodded.

"What, Baby? Tell me what you need."

"More," I said, my voice barely audible, looking straight into his beautiful blue eyes. "I need more."

. . . to be continued.

Please let me know if you enjoyed this installment. I am always happy to hear from readers.

Next: Chapter 6

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