Ball Busting Boyfriend

By Benjamin K

Published on May 2, 2023


Ball Busting Boyfriend, Part Four

We were having quiet, romantic dinner at a nice restaurant on the Upper West Side, just Mark and me. It had been about ten days, I think, since he worked my balls over with the belt. Yes, it must have been that long, because it took more than a week for the bruising to disappear, and for my balls to stop aching, and they were fine now.

Mark had a vacation coming up and we were talking about where we might go. We discussed Paris, Rome, the Caribbean - all of which sounded like great fun to me. Then Mark said, "How about Ft. Lauderdale?"

"Why Ft. Lauderdale?" I asked.

"Remember I said I was wondering what it would be like watching someone else work on your balls?"

I almost choked on a bite of my entree, and gave him a wide-eyed, inquisitive look.

"I have these friends in Ft. Lauderdale," he said, "who are sort of part-time sadists, like me."

Oh, Christ, I thought. What am I getting into now?

"Alright, who are they?" I said, suspiciously.

"Well," he continued, "I hadn't thought about them in a long time, but one of them sent me an email not long ago - just last week, in fact - to say they had moved there. So I gave him a call, and we started catching each other up about what we've been up to. Alec - I was friends with him back in college - told me he had recently sold his business for a lot of money. So he and his partner, Lee, decided to retire and get a place on the water. It sounds like they have this fabulous house right on the beach."

"Go on," I said.

"So I told him all about you, and how much I love you, and what a great life we have together. And somehow the subject of kinky sex came up, and I hinted - just a little - about some of the things we got into. He became incredibly interested at that point, and said he and his partner were seriously into S&M stuff, and he began telling me about all the things that they do.

"Anyway, we started talking more and more frankly about what we each did with our partners, and then he said, 'Why don't you and Benjamin come down for a visit. Maybe we could have some fun together.'"

"So when do we leave?" I said, rolling my eyes. I knew the decision had been made. And I knew I was going to end up in pain. Probably a lot of pain. Already I looked forward to it with a mixture of excitement and dread, though more dread than excitement, to be strictly honest.

A few weeks later we pulled up in front of their Mediterranean style mansion in the convertible we had rented at the airport. The house was beautiful, and it was handsomely decorated. Interior design was my profession before i met Mark, and I could see what an excellent job their designer had done. The best designers have a way of making a house look like it wasn't just freshly completed, with all new stuff, but instead like it has always been like that - like the house has a long history. When I asked who they worked with they mentioned a very well known designer whose work is published in major magazines all the time. I was impressed.

After they showed me and Mark to our room, and gave us time to unpack and change, we met them outside on the terrace for drinks. The terrace was surrounded by palm trees and flowering tropical shrubs that bloomed in a riot of color. And there was an unobstructed view of the ocean.

Mark turned to me and said, "Maybe we should get a place down here Babe. What do you think?"

"I could get used to this," I said.

Alec's partner, Lee, is a gourmet chef (not professionally, though, but as a hobby), and he made us the most delicious dinner. Conversation flowed easily, and we all got on like we were old friends. I felt completely comfortable in their company. After we finished dessert we had brandy out on the terrace, and Alec passed around a couple of joints.

Once we were good and stoned Lee said, "Would you like to see our play room?"

Houses on the beach don't have basements, for obvious reasons, so Alec and Lee had constructed their dungeon above the garage. It was a large room, fitted out with a rubber floor like a gym. Actually, half the space was a gym - with a large assortment of the latest and best exercise equipment. But at the other end of the room, where there were no windows, there was a big X-shaped wooden cross, with holes and screw-eyes for threading rope through, plus rings on the floor and ceiling for tying things to, and a few other items I wasn't sure what they were used for. Maybe one day I would find out, I thought. Half of me hoped I would. Half of me sincerely hoped I wouldn't.

"All this stuff puts me in the mood to see someone suffer," Mark said. Mark was never shy about voicing his desires. "And, by `someone,' of course, I mean Benjamin. I don't know why, but when I get into these moods I just love hurting him. And I think he loves it as much as I do."

"Well, almost as much, maybe. I wouldn't exactly say 'enjoy' is the right word. It's more like, oh, I don't know, it's more like I get off on letting Mark hurt me, because I know he wants to."

"Oh, come on," Mark said. "You've said many times how much you need it."

"Well, yes," I said. "But needing it and liking it aren't exactly the same thing. I do know that I feel a certain desire to be hurt at times. But I think what appeals to me about it is that I know exactly how much I'm going to hate it while it's happening. And I think the rush of fear from the anticipation of it is kind of exciting. I think it produces a whole lot of endorphins and other brain chemicals that act like a drug. Does that make any sense?"

Everyone agreed that it did.

"But mostly what I like about it is giving myself over completely to Mark. To allow him to do absolutely anything he wants to me, no matter how much it hurts. It's my gift to him."

"Well, I do have a birthday coming up, you know," Mark said.

Oh, Christ, I thought. Now I'm in for it.

"And what do you want for your birthday, Baby," I said, grinning, but with a mixture of resignation and dread underlying the smile.

He didn't even hesitate. "I want to watch Alec and Lee kick you in the balls. Over and over. For like an hour."

They could all see the color drain out of my face.

"Are you okay with that Babe," he said, giving me a sweet, inquisitive smile. "Your nuts will be really sore tomorrow, you know."

I can never say no to him when he smiles at me. His smile just makes me melt.

"Baby," I said, "you can to whatever you want to my nuts, whenever you want, for as long as you want. You know that. And if you want to watch someone else hurt my nuts, that's okay too. I love you so much I would never say no to you."

"And how about you guys?" he asked Alec and Lee. "Could you get into that?"

Lee and Alec whispered to each other for a minute, and then Lee said, "Fuck yeah! But, Benjamin," he continued, "would you be willing to sign a release saying we have your permission to do this? I don't think I'd be comfortable hurting you as much as Mark wants us to unless I absolutely know you have agreed to it without reservation." Lee is an attorney, and he knew this could be a tricky area."

"Absolutely," I said. "I'll sign whatever you want."

So Lee went into his study and typed a simple agreement on his computer. Then he printed it out and brought it to me to sign.

After I signed it I said, "So how are we going to do this?"

Of course, Mark had it all planned out in his head. "First, strip," he said.

So I got undressed and laid my clothes on a chair in the corner. My stomach already felt like it was doing back flips. When I turned around Lee and Alec both gasped. I don't think Mark had told them how big I was.

"Christ," Alec said. "That's the biggest dick I've ever seen that wasn't in a porn flick."

"I haven't seen many that big even in porn," Lee said. "And look at the size of those balls, would you?"

"Makes for a really good target, don't you think?" said Mark with a leer in his voice.

Then he led me over to the big wooden X. Alec opened a trunk that contained hanks of rope, and tied my ankles to the bottom while Lee tied my arms at the top. Then they both securely tied me around the waist and thighs so that I was fully immobilized. Something told me they had done this before.

"There's only one problem," said Mark, looking at my big cock dangling in front of my heavy low-hangers. "Something's in the way. But don't worry, I know how to fix that." And he got down on his knees in front of me and began sucking me. Within two minutes my dick was at full mast, pointing straight at the ceiling."

"There you are, gentlemen," he said. "Now you have complete, unrestricted access to Benjamin's big, beautiful nuts. And if I know my boyfriend, that cock wont go down again until after he comes, and maybe not even then. Now I want you to kick the shit out of them. I want to see those nuts black and blue and swollen to twice their size. After a few minutes he will probably start begging you to stop. But he knows that I don't want you to stop until I say so. So ignore him, no matter what he says. We don't do safe words. Once we start, Benjamin knows his balls are going to get brutalized, and it's not going to stop, no matter how much it hurts, until I decide it's time to stop. Or until he passes out from the pain. It's no fun hurting him when he's unconscious," he added.

Mark could see that Lee and Alec were a little unsure about how to proceed, so Mark said, "Here, let me show you."

With that, Mark took a step back and, with his right foot, kicked me square in the nuts, and very hard, too. I screamed and tried to protect myself in some way, but discovered I couldn't move at all. I was helpless. The ropes held me completely immobile. The pain radiated from my nuts up into my groin and then through my whole body. I thought I would puke, but I fought it. I wanted to make Mark proud of me. But as I saw him winding up for another kick I almost lost it.

"No!" I shrieked. "Not yet! Please! Just let me catch my breath for a . . ."

Wham. Mark's second kick landed with even more force than the first. My eyes rolled back in my head, and the pain was so intense I couldn't even draw enough breath to scream.

"See, like that," Mark said, as I went limp, sobbing quietly, with tears streaming down my cheeks. I was only just beginning to realize how truly excruciating this was going to be. And we had barely gotten started. I was totally fucked, and I knew it.

Then he looked me in the eyes and said, "Are you okay with this Babe?"

I was in so much pain I couldn't even make a sound, but I nodded my head, whimpering quietly all the while. Amazingly, something in me wanted to continue, terrified though I was.

"So it's okay with you for Lee and Alec to start kicking you? Think about it, because once they start they're not going to stop until I say so. And you know me. I won't say stop for a long time. But if you don't think you can take it we can end this right now. That would be totally fine, with all of us, and I will still love you just as much as ever. So take as long as you need to think about it. You know it's going to be unbelievably painful, so make sure you are really okay with that."

I don't think I have ever felt this much fear in my life. I knew this was going to be sheer torture. I vacillated for two or three minutes. I knew I could ask to be untied and no one would mind. Perhaps they would be a little disappointed, but they would all still respect me. But I also knew how much Mark wanted to see those two kick the shit out of me, how much he liked seeing me suffer, and how much he wanted to see my balls all swollen and bruised. And then I thought about how much I loved him, and there was no choice to make at all. I would do anything for him. Anything. Even this.

By this time I had caught my breath enough to speak. I looked first at Mark, then at Alec, and finally at Lee, and I said, "I'm fine with this. I want you to hurt me. I want you to kick my nuts as hard as you want, and for as long as you want - at least until Mark tells you to stop. I know it's going to hurt like hell, and that's fine. I'll probably scream and cry and plead with you to stop, but you have my permission to ignore me completely. I want to be hurt. It's my gift to the man I love, and that makes me truly happy. So, yeah, go ahead and kick the shit out of me. Don't hold back."

I would live to regret those words - and soon.

Lee and Alec walked a few feet away and had a brief, whispered conference - I assumed it was to decide who would go first. And then suddenly Alec was standing in front of me. He looked me straight in the eye, and with a wicked grin on his face he hauled back and kicked my balls so hard I thought they would come out my mouth. I screamed, but before I could catch my breath or make another sound, Lee materialized from nowhere and kicked me even harder. Mark looked on approvingly and said nothing.

Later that night, after it was all over, Lee would tell me that their conference was not about who who would go first, but instead was about making a bet to see which of them could make me scream the loudest.

Now it was Alec's turn again, and without waiting more than ten seconds his foot once again made contact with my big nuts. The impact knocked the wind out of me, and not only couldn't I make a sound, I couldn't even inhale for what seemed like an age. My eyes rolled back and before I could focus again or catch a decent breath Lee landed a kick that made all the ones that came before it feel like warm-ups.

I had finally just managed to inhale enough that I was able to scream again, and it's a good thing the nearest house was at least a few hundred feet away, because anyone hearing that scream would surely have called the police. And almost as soon as Lee's foot was clear of the target, Alec landed another brutal kick that I thought would tear my sack open. It's remarkable how much abuse the human body can withstand, for when I looked down my ball bag was, amazingly, intact. But it felt like it had been dragged over broken glass. In retrospect, I think the only reason my bag wasn't torn open that night was because everyone was wearing sneakers, as Mark had instructed. As I've said, he can be the most considerate of boyfriends, even at times like this.

I tensed for the next kick, but it didn't come right away. Looking up, I could see Alec and Lee looking at Mark to see if they should continue. Mark gave them a nod, along with a look that said, "well, of course you should, what the fuck did you think?" Not only that, but Mark had his cock out of his pants, and was slowly stroking it. Obviously, Mark was loving this. That big piece of meat was as hard and purple as I had ever seen it. Of course, so was mine.

Even as I write this, I feel amazed that my body would react to such brutal treatment as if it were the most intense erotic pleasure. But the harder they kicked my nuts the harder my cock would get.

"Jesus," I heard Lee say. "Would you look at that? No matter how hard we kick this guy's big nuts that monster cock just keeps pointing straight up."

"Yeah, I know," said Alec. "And he's leaking pre-cum, too. Totally amazing!"

"Well, I guess that tells us we shouldn't stop," Lee said.

"Fucking right!" said Alec. And with that, he drew his foot back and kicked me three times in a row, fast and hard. Then Lee did exactly the same. I thought I was going to pass out any second. Unfortunately, I remained conscious, sick with dread from the knowledge of what was going to continue happening for some time to come. Lee and Alec kept up this new pattern of three hard, swift kicks in a row, each, alternating back and forth between them, for several more minutes.

"No, stop!" I screamed. "Please! I can't take it anymore! Please stop! Please!"

But the barrage continued. Now my two tormentors were alternating one kick at a time, each, with hardly any time between kicks, so my balls were getting hammered by an unceasing, brutal assault. I was screaming my head off.

"No!" I shrieked. "Don't kick! Stop! I mean it! I can't take it. You have to stop! Pleeeease!!!!"

But my hard cock contradicted me, pointing due north, plastered against my abs, and leaking a river of pre-cum that puddled on the floor.

They didn't stop. The kicking went on for what seemed like hours, though it was probably more like ten or fifteen minutes. But even one minute is an endless amount of time when you are in this much pain.

Then Mark said, "You guys must be getting tired, but I think if you can kick him even harder for a couple minutes it will make him cum."

"Awesome!" Lee said.

My eyes bugged out of my head. Harder? It didn't seem possible. And, though the two of them were panting, and sweating profusely, they started kicking my swollen, aching nuts with what felt like twice the force. The pain was absolutely blinding. But then, just at that moment, as had happened to me on many other occasions, the searing pain suddenly morphed into something that felt more like the most intense sexual stimulation imaginable. Nonetheless, I was crying and screaming nonstop now, begging them to stop, pleading with them and weeping loudly.

"Harder!" Mark said. "Much harder."

I didn't think it was possible, but the next dozen kicks were still harder, the hardest yet by far. I was within seconds of losing all hold on my sanity. My head was shaking violently from side to side, tears were pouring down my face, snot poured from my nose, and a continuous shriek of pain emanated from deep within my lungs. But at the same time, from deep within my loins I could feel an overwhelming orgasm building and building. And with the next brutal kick my cock erupted, shooting jets of spooge high into the air, one after another. Several landed on my forehead and dripped down my cheeks. Later that night the guys were arguing about how many shots they counted. Lee thought it was eleven, but Alec insisted it was fourteen.

However many shots there were, as the hot creamy fluid fired out of my piss slit over and over, the kicks diminished in intensity and in frequency, and then, finally, stopped.

I hung completely limp on the wooden X, absolutely spent, and sobbing uncontrollably. I couldn't stop sobbing. My whole body was wracked with violent, heaving sobs that seemed to come from the very depths of my soul.

Quickly, Lee and Alec untied me and caught me as I fell. I was barely conscious. There was no way I would have been able to stand, let alone walk, and I lay in their arms, completely limp, still sobbing loudly and continuously. I was physically unable stop the sobbing, barely able to catch my breath between sobs, and bordering on full-blown hysteria.

"Bring him over here," Mark said. "I know what he needs. When he gets like this there's only one thing that will calm him down."

Lee and Alec immediately understood Mark's meaning, and they carried me over to where he sat on a leather couch, naked now, and they gently lowered me, face down, towards his lap, aiming my head directly at his huge dark red cock with its big flared knob. I was only dimly aware of where I was, or even who I was, but when I saw that big cock it completely filled my field of vision, and now I, too, knew what I desperately needed. I opened my mouth wide, and as the two men supported my body my mouth engulfed my lover's cock, and I began sucking on it like a baby, nursing on it as though I were starving and it was my only source of nourishment.

Five or six minutes later Mark moaned loudly, and load after enormous load of hot cum began spurting from his cock, flooding my mouth. I swallowed over and over, as if I were dying of thirst. But as much as I swallowed, even more poured out of my mouth, dripping down Mark's shaft and covering his balls and inner thighs with a thick coating of jizz.

"Holy fuck!" Alec said. "I've never seen anyone cum that much in my life!"

"I know," said Lee, "It's almost inhuman."

Marks medicine began to work its magic. As his powerful jets of cum gradually diminished, and then subsided, I began to regain my sanity. My chest was still heaving, and I continued to sob quietly from the painful throbbing in my horribly bruised nuts, pain that I knew wouldn't go away for hours - maybe days; there was no escaping it. But little by little I could feel my brain once again begin to function normally.

I continued sucking Marks cock as it slowly softened in my mouth, and then I licked the delicious spilled fluid from his muscular thighs and his big, round nut sack. Once I had lapped up the last precious drop I lay back with my head in his lap, too spent to move a muscle. I looked up at Mark and he looked down into my eyes with an expression of total love and gratitude. That, alone, made the whole ordeal worthwhile.

Alec and Lee stood there watching us with twin expressions of amazement, but with big smiles on their faces. They were both drenched in sweat, and still breathing heavily.

I was too exhausted even to lift my arm, but now a mischievous thought crept into my head, and I had to smile. There's no way I would have been able to make good on the offer - at least not until later in the evening - but I looked up at them and said, "Anyone else need a blow job?"

We all simultaneously dissolved into fits of laughter that went on and on. Then Mark leaned down, licked a big gob of his cum off my chin, and kissed me deeply. I am so in love with that man.

. . . to be continued.

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Next: Chapter 5

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