Ball Busting Boyfriend

By Benjamin K

Published on May 1, 2023


After the intense ball beating I took at Trevor's party it took three or four days for my nuts to stop aching. I could hardly walk the next day, they were so sore and swollen. They were so tender when I woke up that I had to spend the entire day naked. Even putting on underwear would have been excruciating. Of course, I love hanging out naked anyway, and it was a Sunday so there was no place I needed to be.

Mark, who the night before had given his sadistic side such free rein, punching me relentlessly in the nuts with all his considerable strength until finally I passed out from the pain, couldn't have been sweeter or more solicitous in the morning. He kept bring me fresh ice packs and asking if there was anything else he could do for me. When he's sweet, he is incredibly sweet.

I was in pain this morning for sure, but I didn't mind. It was incredibly hot showing our friends how submissive I can be for my lover when he is in the mood to hurt me. And, to be honest, I have a serious masochistic streak in me that only Mark knows how to satisfy. I think the others were truly shocked at how far he took it. But not too shocked for them all to take turns fucking my throat afterwards, feeding me buckets of thick, sweet tasting cum - my favorite after-dinner drink.

So I spent most of Sunday laying on the couch with an ice pack on my swollen, aching balls, watching old movies and nursing on Mark's big, tasty cock, enjoying the steady dribble of sweet pre-cum. He produces a lot of the delicious nectar; it's one of my favorite things about him. He never seems to run out.

Over the course of the day I'd have to guess that Mark's dick spent a total of nearly three hours in my mouth, or down my throat, feeding me several of his delicious mega-loads along the way. To say he is an unusually heavy cummer would be a gross understatement.

"When I'm off the injured list," I told him later, "I want to spend an entire day worshipping your beautiful cock."

"Deal," he said. "Any time you want Babe. And the sooner the better, as far as I'm concerned."

I got my wish the following Sunday. Bad weather had been forecast, so we made no plans to go anywhere. It poured rain all day - making it the perfect day to spend at home alone. Neither of us put on a stitch of clothing all day. We slept late, and I woke my lover up a little after ten with a sensuous, deep throat blow job that kept us in bed for another hour. Then I made him breakfast - blueberry pancakes, his favorite. I sat at his feet as he ate, with my head between his legs, pressing my face into his crotch, licking his balls until he finished eating.

"I'll clean up," he said, "if you'll keep licking my balls like that. I fucking love that!"

Me too. So as he did the dishes I knelt at his feet and bathed his big, furry nuts with my tongue, sucking them into my mouth one at a time, alternating between left and right to give equal time to each. Mark's balls aren't as large as mine, but they are big enough that it's hard getting both in my mouth at the same time. As I worshipped his balls his cock began chubbing up, steadily rising until it pointed straight at the ceiling. When Mark finished the dishes he pointed to the bedroom and said, "Okay Babe, I'm ready for another blow job. A nice long one this time. Couple of hours at least, I'm thinking."

I love the way he thinks. Somehow I never get tired of sucking his cock. I never get bored with it. I am continually fascinated by the look, the feel, and the taste of that big fuck stick. I love running my lips over its surface, taking time to fully explore the ridge of his bulbous cock head. I love licking him from his asshole, across his perineum, over his balls, and then slowly, very slowly, up the length of his cock. Then I open my mouth wide and little by little nurse my way down his length, all eight-and-a-half inches of it, a quarter inch at a time, until my lips are firmly planted on the skin surrounding the very base of his member, now firmly planted deep in my throat.

Once I have his cock all the way down my gullet I try to remain completely relaxed so it can keep it there for a long time. My goal, always, is to get so comfortable having this large piece of meat lodged in my throat that it feels perfectly natural - like something that belongs there. As long as I stay relaxed and remember to breathe I can keep it there almost indefinitely, either holding still or pumping up and down on it, or letting him fuck my throat as hard and deep as he wants, in whatever position he likes.

Every time Mark felt an orgasm approaching, we would slow down. When a couple of times he got dangerously close I'd stop and hold perfectly still. In this way I edged him over and over without ever letting his cock escape from my hungry throat. But by half past one he couldn't hold back any longer, and while feeding me his cock from above as I lay there on my back, one of my favorite positions, he began pumping out the most enormous load, shot after forceful shot - more than a dozen before the deluge subsided to a steady oozing that lasted almost another full minute.

As I said, Mark is an unusually heavy cummer, almost bizarrely so. The first six or seven shots were each, individually, what most people would consider an abnormally huge load. It was nearly impossible to keep up, and though I kept swallowing as fast as I could a lot of it leaked out the corners of my overflowing mouth, covering my chin and running down my neck. I was a mess, but happy. I have never seen so much cum from one person. One time I collected it in a glass measuring cup, and there was more than a quarter cup of the stuff - which I then drank down like a delicious milk-shake.

Now, in the wake of his monumental orgasm, I continued to lay there, savoring the sweet, nutty flavor, as Mark tenderly licked up all the spilled cum from my face and neck, and fed it to me with his tongue. Then he took my enormous, swollen cock in his mouth and sucked me to a powerful orgasm in about ten minutes, after which he kissed me and let all the jizz I had shot into his mouth flow back into mine.

We both fell asleep after that, waking at around three o'clock, just in time for Mark to watch a football game he wanted to see. I have no interest in professional sports, and spent the entire game between his legs, worshipping that wonderful cock, making love to it, and doing my best to distract him from whatever was happening on the screen. At halftime he fed me another load, only slightly smaller than the last, and he filled my mouth again when the game ended. The man is a cum machine.

After that it was time for a break, for both of us, and we ate a light supper at the kitchen table. As we were finishing dinner Mark said, "You know what I've been thinking lately Babe?"

"No," I said. "Tell me."

"I've been thinking it might be hot to watch someone else work your nuts over for a change, while I sit back and direct. Maybe a couple of guys."

A wave of fear swept over me, and right over top of that, a wave of desire.

"Do you know anyone who'd be into it?" I asked.

"Hmmm. I'll have to give that some more thought. There are a few guys I know who might be interested - a few like-minded sadists," he said with a sly grin. "But for now, I believe you promised to spend the entire day worshipping my dick, and the day isn't over yet."

Nothing he said could have made me happier, and I led the way into the bedroom. He lay on his back, legs spread wide, giving me complete access to his delicious cock and balls. I snuggled up between his thighs and started sucking him. After a while he said, "Swing your butt around up here in my direction. I want to play with your nuts while you blow me."

Mark has an unusual definition of "playing" with my big, heavy nuts. I knew what to expect, of course, and I shivered with excitement, not unmixed with a shiver of fear. I did as he asked and, with his cock now buried deep in my throat, he grabbed my nuts and began to squeeze and twist.

"Youch!" I said, momentarily lifting my head from his dick. There was a note of complaint in my voice. "That hurts like a motherfucker!"

"Oh, poor baby," he said sweetly, smiling at me. "But I'm just not sure exactly when that became my problem."

I burst out laughing, but just as I did he gave my nuts an even harder twist, squeezing extra hard at the same time. My laugh quickly turned into a cry of pain.

"You're hurting my ears with all that noise," he said. "Get back to work down there. That'll shut you up."

I had to laugh. What else could I do? So I wrapped my lips around the head of his dick and gradually nursed my way down again to the very bottom. Then Mark began torturing my nuts in earnest, alternating the painful twisting with a variety of punches and open-handed slaps. I actually find the punches easier to take than the slapping, which stings the skin, making my scrotum feel like its been doused with kerosene and set on fire.

After a couple dozen sharp slaps in a row, which stung like a sonofabitch, Mark said, "My hand is starting to get sore. Do me a favor Babe. Take a short break and go get me a belt from the closet."

The next thirty minutes were pure hell. As I continued to deep throat my lover he whipped my nuts mercilessly with the end of a wide leather belt - a belt I had uncomplainingly fetched for him in full knowledge of its intended use. Tears were flowing down my face, and the only thing that kept me from shrieking in pain was the large penis lodged in my throat. I was in agony. Beyond agony. Finally the pain became so unbearable that I had no choice but to pull off his cock, sobbing uncontrollably and begging him to stop.

I did nothing to restrict his access to my bruised, aching nuts, though, as he continued to beat them. Begging for mercy was one thing, but refusing to allow him to punish my nuts was another. But as I lay there, absorbing this relentless ball beating, sobbing uncontrollably, he finally stopped and looked down at me, patiently waiting for me to pull myself back together.

Five minutes passed before I could stop sobbing. The burning sensation on my sack was so fierce it felt like he was still whipping me with the belt long after he stopped. I was drenched in sweat and my chest heaved up and down as I struggled to catch my breath and regain control of myself.

After my blubbering diminished, tapering off to quiet whimpering, Mark said, "Oh, I'm sorry. Was I distracting you?" We both burst into laughter.

Then Mark took me into his arms and held me for a long time, as my laughter alternated with weeping from the unremitting pain. He covered my face with kisses and tenderly wiped away my tears with the tip of his tongue. Then he laid me back on the bed and turned on the bedside lamp to examine his handiwork. My balls were noticeably swollen, bruised purple, and covered with angry looking welts. He caressed them in his hands, and then bent down and lovingly kissed them.

Then he kissed me on the lips, beamed at me with that dazzling smile of his, and said, "What are you doing just laying there? I thought you said you wanted to spend the whole day worshipping my cock."

I chuckled softly, and with a smile on my face I gratefully went back to work.

. . . to be continued.

Dear readers, please let me know if you liked this installment, and if you would like to read more. You can write to me at:

Also, please keep in mind that Nifty exists on your donations. And, you know, the place is run by a bunch of super-hot young guys with huge cocks, who look totally adorable when they smile. You want to make them to smile like that, don't you?

Next: Chapter 4

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