Ball Busting Boyfriend

By Benjamin K

Published on Apr 18, 2023


Ball Busting Boyfriend: Part One

His text message fills me both with fear and excitement. "Having a very stressful day at work. Need some serious unwinding when I get home." I know exactly what this will mean.

I have the most wonderful boyfriend, and we have a great life together - paid for by his six-figure salary and annual, seven-figure bonuses. Because he makes so much money I don't need to work. I take care of our homes - an apartment in New York, a weekend house in the country, and our summer place on the water in Provincetown. I make sure that wherever we are, whenever he comes home everything is perfect for him. Of course, I don't have to do the cleaning myself - we have help for that. But I manage the staff, plan delicious meals, and fill the rooms with fragrant, fresh flowers every day. The help leaves by 5:00 PM, so by the time Mark gets home we are alone together in a beautiful, soothing, comforting environment that I have created for him. I was an interior designer before we met and fell in love. Now he is my only client, and my only love.

Mark is practically the perfect man. Tall, very fit, good looking, smart, funny, tender, and considerate. But he has a very stressful job, and when he is feeling stressed a more aggressive side of him appears, and I need to help him work through it. Some might call it a flaw, but for me it is as thrilling as it is dangerous. And, I have to admit, it feeds perfectly into my submissive, masochistic side. We are ideal for each other.

Tonight will be intense - that much I know from his text. But I won't refuse him what I know he needs. Especially because it is also what I need.

I greet him at the door naked, as I often do, and I can tell from the way he looks me up and down that he is pleased. I spend several hours per week at the gym to make sure my body is as pleasing to him as everything else in our home. Shutting the door behind him with his foot, he puts one hand on the back of my neck and pulls me in for a deep, lingering kiss. I melt. With his other hand he reaches between my legs to fondle me. He loves it that I am unusually well endowed, even though he is the top in our relationship. And he is no slouch in the size department, either - big enough to be a real challenge to my cocksucking skills, which are considerable, developed by years of enthusiastic practice on cocks of all sizes. He loves feeling my long, thick penis - a real shower that is larger completely flaccid than most men are totally erect. Draped over a pair of big, meaty balls, hanging low under their considerable weight, it looks especially impressive. And it is to this hefty pair of nuts that he now turns his attention.

After fondling my cock briefly he reaches behind it and grabs my full sack in his hand. As we kiss he gives my balls a firm massage, then changes his grip and squeezes, hard. Mark has big, strong hands, and he increases the pressure until a cry of pain escapes my lips, muffled by the pressure of his mouth against mine.

"Whose nuts are these?" he demands, barely letting up on the pressure.

"They're yours, baby," I say, "all yours."

"And what can I do with these big nuts?" he asks me, even though we have exchanged these same words many times before.

"Anything you want, baby, any time you want, for as long as you want."

He lets out a sigh, almost a whimper, and says, "Oh, I really need it tonight, baby. You're going to be sore tomorrow. I'm sorry - I really am, but I need it."

"Don't apologize, baby," I say. "I love you, and I know what you need. And you know I need it, too."

He moans, an expression of his gratitude. Then I say, "And I know what else you need." Reaching down, I unzip his fly as I lower myself to my knees, reach in, and pull out his cock, which is already half hard. In one motion I take it in my mouth, all the way to the base, moving my tongue around, caressing his beautiful member with it as it lengthens and increases in girth, snaking its way down my throat. I love feeling his cock grow, love the way it fills my mouth, and especially love how far down my throat it reaches. It may not be quite as big as mine, but by most standards this is a very big dick.

"More later," I say as I stand up after sucking him for a few minutes. Why don't you get comfortable and I'll fix us a drink?"

While Mark is in the shower I mix up a shaker of vodka martinis and roll a joint, which I light as he walks into the living room, naked, toweling off his hair. God he is handsome. And the body is killer - broad, tall, and well muscled, with a dusting of golden hair covering his strong chest and hard, flat stomach. I fall in love all over again every time I look at him.

Sitting on the couch together, sipping our drinks, we run our hands over each other?s bodies and fondle each other's packages while he tells me about his day. Soon the alcohol and the marijuana begin to do their job, and Mark says, "In the bedroom. Now." I know exactly what's coming, and a shiver of fear runs through me, mixed with love and desire. It's a potent cocktail.

Entering the bedroom first, I turn down the bed and lie on my back in the middle of it, propped up against several pillows so I'll be able to see what is about to happen to me. Mark sits on the bed next to me and runs his hands over my body. Then he leans over and takes my cock in his mouth, giving me the most delicious head for several minutes until I am rock-hard and throbbing. Then he leans back and says, "Tell me what you want, baby."

I know exactly what he wants me to say, what he needs me to say, and I don't hesitate. There's nothing I would deny this man. "Hurt me, baby," I say. "I want you to hurt me, please."

"Are you sure?" he says.

"You know I am," I say. "Go ahead. Do it. I know you need to. I want you to."

"Spread your legs," he says. I obey, leaving myself completely vulnerable. My cock is plastered against my abs, reaching past my navel. My big balls, hanging down between my legs, are an easy target.

I take a deep breath and watch the concentration in his handsome face as he draws his arm back and then slams his fist into my nuts. My eyes roll back in their sockets as pain shoots through my body like a bolt of lightening. I cry out, but struggle to regain my composure as quickly as possible.

As the pain gradually subsides, Mark looks deeply into my eyes. I return his stare, unblinking, and then nod my head.

"Are you sure," he asks." I nod once more, never looking away from his eyes.

Again he slams his fist into my nuts, and it hurts so much I can barely resist the urge to curl up into a ball to protect myself. I breathe through the pain, panting a little, then spread my legs farther and nod again. "Go ahead," I say. "Don't stop."

Mark looks tenderly down at my nuts, gently fondles them, and then begins his assault in earnest. Wham! He brings his fist down on my sack, pulls his arm back and hits me there again. I am panting heavily and rapidly, but keep my legs spread wide. I am giving my man what he needs. And, truth be told, my cock is throbbing, and dribbling a steady stream of syrupy pre-cum onto my stomach.

Wham, wham, wham! His fist comes down on my heavy, aching nuts over and over, gradually picking up speed and intensity, Each time his fist makes contact I can see my shaved scrotum flatten and then rebound. The skin grows redder and redder. The pain is fierce, but somehow my mind begins to adjust its response to this onslaught, and it starts to register the experience not as pain, exactly, but more as a kind of burning, sustained, and profoundly potent sexual stimulation. Still, tears are streaming down my cheeks.

After several minutes he stops to let us both catch our breath. "This is so good," he says. "Exactly what I needed. Are you sure you're all right?" I nod.

"Can you take more?" he asks. Again, I nod.

"I want to hit you harder," he says. "I want to keep hitting those beautiful big nuts of yours as hard as I can. I want to hurt you more than I ever have before. And you know, the longer I keep hitting you the more tender your balls will become, and each hit will be more painful than the last. Do you think you can you handle that?"

He can see the fear in my eyes and waits patiently. "Take your time," he says. "Think about it before you answer. If you don't think you can take it we can stop right now. But I really want to do it. You know how much I need this."

I nod, indicating my assent, already resigned to the pain I know is coming.

"I want to keep punching your balls until you faint from the pain. Are you certain you can you handle that?"

I really do have to think about this. My balls are already on fire, throbbing with a deep ache that's beyond anything I've felt before. I don't know why we both get off on this so much, but in addition to being almost unbearably painful, it is also the most intensely erotic sensation I have ever experienced. I want him to go on.

"I think it would be a little easier for me to take if I had your cock in my mouth to keep me from screaming. Would you do that for me?"

He answers by swinging his body around till his knees are straddling my head, and then he slides his hard cock into my mouth. I reach back, place my hands on the backs of his thighs, and pull him deeper, impaling my throat on his cock until his balls are pressed against my nose. I position myself so that I can breathe through my mouth, around his fat cock, then I nod my head to let him know I am ready.

Now that I can no longer see what he's doing to me I don't know exactly when each blow will fall, so I am helpless to brace myself in any way. The first blow takes me by surprise, both because I can't see it coming, and because it is harder than any I have felt before. He pauses briefly to see how I am handling it, and I spread my legs wider, opening myself to him.

What comes next is almost savage - an unending storm of hammer blows to the most sensitive part of my anatomy, which sends my brain into some kind of altered state of consciousness as I surrender myself to a level of pain I have never before experienced. I feel as if I am about to pass out, but once again the pain morphs into a kind of sexual ecstasy that is impossible to explain, and almost unbelievably, I feel the stirrings of an orgasm beginning to build deep within my loins.

Almost insane now from the combined pain and pleasure, I am on the verge of losing consciousness altogether when my cock suddenly erupts, jolting me with the most powerful, earth shattering orgasm I can ever remember having. One after another, powerful shots of hot, white semen spurt from my cock, hitting me in the chin and thoroughly coating my stomach and pecs. My chest heaves, my lungs gasping for breath. In the next instant the beating stops, and I can feel Mark convulse as he shoots down my throat like a fire hose. As his cock continues to spew he pulls back so I can taste his sweet load as if fills my mouth to overflowing. He knows how much I love tasting his essence.

Finally spent, Mark turns around and wraps his arms around me, kissing me sweetly as we share his load back and forth. Then he moves his head downwards and begins licking my own load from my chin, neck, chest, and stomach, little by little, and feeding it to me with his tongue, almost like a mother bird feeding her young. There's a lot of it, and I accept it gratefully, allowing my own load to mingle with his in my mouth before both slide down my throat together.

"I love you," he says, looking into my eyes.

"I love you, too, baby," I say.

I will have trouble walking tomorrow. My balls will be tender and swollen, and every step I take will make them throb painfully. But every stab of pain will remind me how completely my lover owns me, how willingly I surrender myself to him, how lovingly we give each other exactly what we both need.

Next: Chapter 2

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