
By Rory Muldowney

Published on Jan 13, 2002


Bailey By Rory M Chapter 8

After parking in the lot behind the Princeton Record Exchange, Bailey and Rich slowly started their walk up towards the bustle of Nassau Street on a Saturday night. Conversation was kept light and pleasant, and Bailey's anxiety faded as they progressed onto the fountain by the Princeton library.

One really good thing about walking around P-Town was checking out the students. Like most College towns, this was a good enough site as any for the local tourists.

The boys passed two guys who were obviously students at the university. The shorter one wore dark framed glasses and a polo shirt while the other was blonde with a light blue long t-shirt on. Bailey and Rich slowed their walking to watch the eye candy stroll by; it was the high light of the evening for the two teenagers, almost.

"All I have to say is...GOD DAMN!" Bailey laughed at Rich's comment.

"The brunette is worth a wet dream."

"No no no, the blue eyed one, the blue eyed one. Did you see that package? Definitely the blue eyed one."

"Sorry, I usually don't refer to the package, and I'll take the short one, thanks."

"I guess he's more at your level anyway, huh?" Bailey laughed and punched him in the shoulder. "And sorry, I guess we all can't be saints like you."

"What? I just don't think looking at the guy's package is more interesting than his face. Besides, his ass wasn't that great," they both laughed as they continued to walk into the fountain.

"The water is going in next week," Bailey never understood why they drained it so much.

"It's about time, after you?" Rich hopped down into the empty fountain pool and held out his hand for Bailey to do the same. "The last time I came here my friends Christy and Lena threw my boxers up into the sculpture, I wonder if they're still there," Rich walked up to the large sculpture that was the focal point of the empty fountain and looked up for his lost underwear.

"I didn't take you for someone to have orgies in public."

"NO, it wasn't like that! I had my gym bag with me and I had an extra pair...which they stole. Oh fine, give me that look. I don't care," Rich grabbed Bailey around the neck and tousled up his hair as they seated themselves on the edge of the pool. They were both silent for a moment, which made Bailey uneasy.

"Can I ask you a question you don't have to answer?"

"I guess.... is it gonna hurt?"

"Why don't I just ask it first," Rich rolled his eyes at him. "Why are you home schooled, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I've.... been sick," Bailey suddenly wanted to go home.

"We can drop it if you want."

"Why do you ask in the first place?"

"Remember how I said you remind me of someone I once knew?"

"Yeah, I'm guessing they were home schooled."

"I was, I also go to Dr. Lavine. I just have a feeling we have more in common. I don't want to pry, I just kind of wanted to offer myself to a friend."

"You don't know the situation I'm in, what makes you think..." Rich cut him off.

"Bailey, I'm sorry. Just forget about it," the two of them were both silent for a few minutes.

"Why do you go to see Dr. Lavine?"

"Because about two years ago I slit my wrists."


"Some guys at school found out I was bi and threatened to out me, and at the time that scared me more than death. They basically said if I didn't kill myself one of them would kill me. The guys on the football team then were really good guys..."

"I'm...sorry to hear that. I guess everything has worked out better for you now?" Bailey couldn't make eye contact with him.

"Not whiskers on kittens and raindrops on roses, but much much better."

"Were you outed anyway?"

"When I came back I came out myself, pretty much beat them to the punch line. I lost a few friends and went through a lot, but it's so much easier being myself. So, what about you?"

"What about me what?" he was getting defensive.

"Why do you go to Dr. Lavine? You don't have to tell me, really."

"Same reasons. Don't tell anyone else at the meetings, please?"

"I won't buddy, I won't. Calm down," he placed an arm over his shoulders. "I wouldn't do that, I just kind of want to be there for you, because I know where you are, I can see it from a mile away. I just thought I'd try to be there for you, because at the time I really didn't have anyone myself."

"You'd do that for me? You just met me?"

"SO...what's your point, Skippy?"

"I...I don't know, it's just strange."

"You'll get used to strange. Anyway, how long are you on school leave?"

"Till the fall."


"Yeah, I know."

"So, do you want to catch a movie or something?"

"You're so strange."

"Haven't we been over this? Why am I so strange again?"

"You rip out my darkest secret and then move on like it was nothing."

"Well, do you want to talk about it, you seemed uncomfortable."

"No, I don't. It's just...I'm going to stop talking now, I make no sense. What movie?"


The boys left Princeton for the AMC 24 in Hamilton but missed all showings of everything except for the Red Violin, which didn't interest the two teenagers. Bailey had grown noticeably tired. The day was a long one for him, especially since he hadn't really done much for a few weeks except lay around and nap. The strenuous day had caught up with him quick, so both agreed it best for him to go home. The conversation didn't return to anything remotely as serious as it had at the fountain. Rich talked about his boyfriend and some of his other friends. Bailey enjoyed talking about some of the people he had met earlier at the F&T meeting. He was being accepted into a new family it felt to him, and he was extremely happy about the fact.

As Rich's car pulled up into the driveway Karen was already waiting in the front living room. Bailey said his goodbyes and bid Rich a hasty get away before him mother came out and started in with him. He waved from his driveway and turned around to his mother in the front door, who was disappointed in not being able to...introduce herself to her son's new friend. She noticed immediately Bailey's smile as he walked up to her. She wasn't used to him looking so happy.

"So, what did you get into?"

"Ehh, had an orgy at a frat house and smoked crack after, it was fun."


"Will you relax, mom? We just walked around Princeton. Nothing happened, he's got a boyfriend. You need to stop looking at me that way."

"Yeah...right. Well, I'm glad you had a good time, but before you go out again I want to meet whoever you're hanging out with, ok?"

"Alright Mom, sure. But I'm kind of tired, I think I'm gonna go hit the sack."

"OK, sweetie. Church at 9, I'll wake you," Karen engulfed him in a hug and kissed him on the forehead before he departed up the stairs.


The mattress bounced and Bailey was jostled out of his dream a little too quickly for comfort.

"Rise and shine, kiddo!" his mother jumped into the bed and curled up next to him. He was barely awake, and the last thing he wanted at a time like this was his mother prying him out of his comfortable bed, or at least joining him in it. If anything we wanted to return to his dream, but now he was faced with his mother and hiding his morning erection from her ever growing closer body. God, I must have been so close. His thoughts tried to remember his dream but the only thing that was remembered was the raging hard-on left afterwards. He grunted his disapproval of the overly chipped woman in bed next to him.

"Oh, come on you grouch, get up. Breakfast will be ready shortly," she kissed the back of his head before rolling out the other side. "If you don't get up I will send your grandmother in, I believe she's down the hall with your brother now."

"I'M UP, I'M UP!!" he threw the covers over his body and whined out his disapproval. Bailey waited for his mother to leave before he got out of bed and ran across the hall to the bathroom for his shower. It didn't take long to finish his dream, though now conscious. Refreshed, relaxed, and oh so clean, he got dressed for church and joined his family for breakfast.

Shane was sipping on a cup of orange juice, not dressed yet, and obviously in a fowl mood for obvious reasons. First would probably be the fact that he had to go to church, which he hated. And second would be the fact that his grandmother's wake-up calls were not friendly in the least bit, especially to someone who so values their sleep.

"Eggs, Shane?"

"Whaaat?" he wasn't really conscious yet.

"Eggs, do you want eggs? Please don't lay your head on the table. Shane, get your head OFF THE TABLE! NOW EAT!!"

"Yes Ma'am," Shane grumbled while poking at his eggs and propping his head up in one palm.

"So Bail, where did you end up last night?" Collin was always irritatingly pleasant in the mornings.

"Just walked around P-Town, it was fun."

"That's all."

"Well, I'll tell you about the wild monkey sex later."

"BAILEY, thee table isn't thee plaece for sooch tawlkin'."

"Sorry, Nanny,"

"Shane, that's it! Go get dressed, we leave in 15 minutes."

"I'm not done eating," he whined.

"Yes, you are. If you lay your head on that table like a slob again I'll make you eat in the kitchen from now on."


Mass was the usual, the only ones who paid much attention were Bailey and his grandmother. It was a pleasant oration all the same. Afterwards the family met with Father Raike, which was a usual routine after services. On this morning however, he wanted to meet with Collin and Karen, so the rest of the family stayed outside and mingled with the other parishioners. Within half an hour the family was on their way to lunch at the usual café in Princeton. Collin and Karen seemed obviously in thought, and the boys instinctively knew something was up and it was about them.

The six McCorristins' were seated to lunch in a large booth that faced the bustle of Princeton on a beautiful morning. The boys sat next to their grandfather as the three other adults faced them. Each one looked like they were about to receive punishment of some kind.

"SO, what did Father Raike want?"

"Shane, why don't we order lunch first before we discuss anything, ok?"

"That means she's going to drop the bomb and we're under it." Shane wasn't thrilled with his mother's answer, and he honestly was scared shitless. Speaking with Father Raike meant one of two things to him. He had done something bad and was now caught, or he wasn't living up to someone in the church's potential. The second one scared him more, because he hated church more than anything. It was boring and morose to him, and now he feared that he was going to have to go more than he already did. He was already cringing internally.

The family went about small talk and ordered a light lunch. Bailey hadn't said much and Shane was too busy pointing out all of the good things he had done in the recent past, including his agreement to go and see Dr. Lavine. Enough was enough and Collin had reached a small breaking point. When the food arrived, so did the little announcement.

"What do you boys think about getting away this summer?"

"Wha?" a simultaneous grunt came from both the McCorristin boys.

"Father Raike gave us information previously about a youth camp, and today we decided that we're going to send you guys. I know that sounds bad, but we checked into it, and we think you both need it."

"Dad!! Summer is the only time I get away from church for more than a Saturday and now you're sending me to bible camp?? This really blows. I don't see why I have to go, it isn't fair," Shane was on the verge of a temper tantrum in the middle of the restaurant. He usually did this, partly because most of the time it was Bailey's thing and he had to tag along against his will, or it took away his prized free time. If he had the choice he would do nothing but sleep, eat, hangout with his friends and play a little football, but he was inevitably always compared to or grouped with Bailey, because God forbid his parents let them be individuals.

"Shane, don't raise your voice in the restaurant!" Karen was flustered.

"It's not a bible camp, it's faith based, but it's not that bad. We just think that you both should get away for a while and try to be more independent."

"How the hell will that work? Being independent stuck at camp together."

"Shane, out in the car, now!"

"Mom, please don't. I understand what he's saying," Bailey was staring out the window; he hadn't really made a reaction to what was going on yet. Karen reached her hand across the table and cupped his, the expression on his face worried her, and she was already having her doubts with what Shane had already voiced.

"Bailey?" she finally asked.

"I don't really want to go, either."

"You both don't understand why we're sending you. We'll talk more about it when we get home. For now lets just leave it the way it is, because you're going and that's it. You both need to get out for a while, it's obvious that a break would be good for the both of you, especially with what has been going on recently. You won't be in the same group, and you'll have a lot of liberty around the camp, we checked into it. It's not boot camp guys, I don't understand what the hell the drama's about. Now eat your sandwiches and stop the bitching. Shane, one more word and I'm going to agree with your mother."


"Yeah, so I leave June 28th. It fucking blows, man."

"Sorry to hear it. Why do you have to go, anyway?"

"Because my parents think I'm too shy and antisocial and that's one of my biggest problems. They're pretty much forcing me to make friends. So, this summer is going to blow, which sucks because it's basically my last one."

"Yeah, I hear yah. We'll give you a going away party at the last weekend before you go, man."

"Gee Rich, I appreciate it. Excuse me while I drop the phone out the window and hurl all over it."

"OK buddy, ok. Do you really think that's attractive though, puking over the phone? Not the greatest social tool. Maybe your parents have a point."

"Hey Rich?"


"Fuck you."

"Fair enough. But I've gotta run, I'll call you later on, ok?"

"Alright, later man."

Bailey had accepted his fate that he was going to this so-called camp. After 2 hours of heated debating with their parents the boys cracked. Bailey simply resigned and Shane slammed a lot of doors and punched a couple of things. No matter, the boys were leaving in two months for camp...oh the joy.

Bailey vented with Rich and felt better, but for the most part was pretty scared. Social situations with his peers for the most part were disasters, at least with one exception being the First and Third meetings. He was shy, that was certain, and he had bad social anxiety he had not begun to understand. Dr. Lavine mentioned it, but with only two visits the progress hadn't really started yet. So, here he was going off to some camp in east bumblefuck south jersey. He wouldn't know anyone, his brother would no doubt ignore his existence, and he'd be away from home for the first time ever.


Next: Chapter 9

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