
By Rory Muldowney

Published on Nov 9, 2001


Bailey By Rory M. Chapter 6

The following Saturday Bailey found himself climbing a flight of stairs looking for the second room on the left. He warily stepped down the hallway, looking for signs of other people or even an exit sign. At first this seemed like an OK idea, but now that he was faced with this meeting...this meeting set up to talk about HIS sexuality...he wanted to vomit. His mother the night he has mentioned it had researched it online and contacted the college students who ran the meetings. She got down to business, truly. So here he was, facing an aged office door in a renovated school building. 'Do I still have time to run?'

He didn't have a chance to turn back as someone came up the stairs and headed swiftly for the door. She looked kind of like a cross between Courtney Love and Brittany Spears. She must have been around his age but she was punked out with bleached hair and too much make-up.

"YO, are you here for First and Third?" Bailey just nodded, his eyes gave away his fear and awkwardness. She just giggled at his 'dear caught in the headlights' stare.

"Well, are you going in?"

"Oh...yeah." He stammered then opened the door for the girl and then himself.

"I found fresh meat outside the door, give him room," she announced as she threw herself over the back of one of the many couches.

" a little more hospitality please?" A well-dressed guy said from an armchair that was positioned at almost the head of the circle of couches, floor pillows, and chairs. He looked like he was a college student, or maybe it was just the dark rimmed glasses and the clipboard he had. The room had about a dozen people in it, all involved in many conversations and boisterous laughing and flirting. Bailey walked in a few steps and slowed to take in what he was seeing, he was visibly shaking, and a small sweat was forming at his hairline. Everyone in the room slowly averted attention to him, and within moments the room quieted as all eyes basically fell on Bailey. It was definitely one of those moments where you think you're going to faint, or you should at least be naked.

"OK guys, why don't we get started, it seems we have to welcome a new member," cute college boy said. "I'm Danny and these are more or less the members of First and Third, but I'm sure you know what the group is. Please make yourself can sit on the couch with Connor, he'll be asleep soon anyway."

"Oh come on! It was one time!!" the boy on the far couch said as he scooted to a sitting position to make room for Bailey. He had short blonde hair and was wearing baggy close, extremely baggy close that had Tommy written all over them. Bailey wearily took a seat on the couch and tried not to meet any of the eyes that were falling on him from around the room.

"Alright guys, you know the drill. Let's make him feel welcome because everyone is. Let's start with saying names around the room so we can get an introduction going, I'll start. I'm Danny, a junior at Princeton and a psychology major, I'm also a mentor, and I'm gay," he pointed to the boy on the couch to his left.

"I'm Rich, I'm a student at Hamilton High West, I play football and currently have a boyfriend, but I'm shut your hole, Monica," everyone around the room giggled, obviously excluding Bailey from an inside joke.

"Hi, I'm Tina, I live in Ewing, and I'm bi. Any questions? Good, next!" She giggled at herself...and everyone joined in to laugh slowly.

"I'm Paul, I like, go to Nottingham and work at the cookie place in Hamilton. I'm gay, and that's my boyfriend!!" He pointed to another young man sitting on the floor just out of his reach. Paul was a queen, for all intent and purposes.

The girl who walked in with Bailey introduced herself as Tara and then there was Brian, Ashley, John, John B. (Paul's not so effeminate boyfriend), Stacey, and then Connor, the boy who sat next to him, and reeked of pot. The conversation then turned to Bailey, who now seemed to have swallowed his tongue and wet his pants, at least in his head.

"I'm umm... Bailey, I go to Notre Dame."

"Whoa cool, do you know Sarah Pankal? She's my boyfriend's sister, she's a cool girl," the John that was not attached to Paul said. Bailey's heart caught in his throat. If he told Sarah that he was there he'd be ruined.

"Please don't tell her I was here!" Everyone around the room looked at Bailey quizzically.

"Bailey," Danny said calmly, "are you not out at your high school?"

"No, just to my family and you guys," most cracked a smile, and a few gave a knowing chuckle. An arm stretched out and patted Bailey on his knotted and tensed back reassuringly. Bailey was more confused and more uncomfortable in the mists of these strangers.

"Well Bailey, everything said in this room is treated like a therapy session, it's confidential and your secret is safe with those in the room as long as you want it to be hidden. This really is a good group though, despite all...subject matter that goes on. We talk about a lot of things, mostly teen oriented, but anything that you want to bring up and get off your chest is fine, it's really a laid back environment. If you're comfortable why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself, give us a little insight into why you're here, besides the obvious."

Bailey blushed deeply at Danny's request, in turn getting a sympathetic "AWW" out of a few members of the group and encouragement not to be shy. He sighed before starting; never taking his eyes off of the weathered Indian rug that was the centerpiece of the four couches and other furnishings. "I just recently came out to my family, and was referred to come here be my therapist. My mother thought it was a good idea."

"Well, don't sound so PLEASED to be here," Monica said from her corner couch. Bailey would learn that she rarely said anything that wasn't funny or sarcastic, he would grow to like her.

"I didn't mean it like that, it's just that I... I'm really new to this, I'm scared shitless of this right now, sorry." Bailey's eyes bulged when he realized what he just said. That swallowing his tongue thing right now didn't seem so bad. There was a pregnant pause in the room until Tara, the girl who spotted him at the door, came over to the couch and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"We're the last people on earth to be scared of, really. Except for maybe Paul," another chuckle went around the room. "We've all been where you are now at one point, yet again except for Paul...Don't worry about him though, John will protect you, that's why he's got the title."

Bailey sighed slightly of relief as Tara rubbed his left shoulder. The confidence boosting came in from everyone after that, reassuring that it was a safe haven for him and he can speak openly, and again something along the lines of Paul being the exception. After all was said and Bailey seemed a little less likely to shit a brick, Danny tried to start the meeting.

"Alright guys, what did we leave off with last week?"

"Something about the military and then Paul being sexually harassed," Monica chimed.

"I so wasn't harassed, I was patted lightly on the ass by this UGLY CHICK. It was sooo not cool," Yeah, that's Paul.

"Did you ever think that maybe it was an accident and you think too highly of your ass?" Monica didn't even look up from picking at her nails. John, Paul's boyfriend, stifled a snicker.

"You guys, why don't we start a new topic, any suggestions?" Danny said, also stifling a laugh.

"Well, since Bailey over here is a Catholic, why don't we talk about religion...again. At least give him some sort of a feel for how this works." John B. said from his seat on a large pillow on the floor.

"Oh my God, if I have to talk about why Monica is an atheist Jew ONE MORE TIME..." Tina was too valley girl for the east coast.

"Well, I'll start us off. I personally am an atheist, but was born a Jew. I hated it, and there really is no point to religion other than to keep the idiot masses in check and give a foundation of morals. I mean...look at the Protestants...religion was used as birth control, white supremacy, and euthanasia. I'm sorry if you're Catholic or whatever, that must be rough." Monica said, blatantly to piss of Tina

"You don't have to be so judgmental and bitter, everyone has a right to an opinion and religion...have you learned nothing from what these meetings mean?"

"Monica, Rich come on now, you're scaring the customers." Danny said looking at the pained expression on Bailey's face.

"Bailey, are you Catholic? Or are you just going to Notre Dame for the excellent education?" The room snickered.

"I am. I go to church twice a week, was an altar boy, the whole nine yards. I really like my religion, thank you." Bailey was getting more confident in this conversation, but now was being lead down a defensive path.

"Wow, you wore the white robes and everything, doesn't that mean you're supposed to be pure?" Monica is such a bitch, though.

"Monica, you don't know him. Why don't you not attack his character yet." Danny warned.

"Don't you feel shunned by that?" Connor asked, sincerely.

"Shunned by what?"

"By the church for being gay, they don't really send a check to GLAAD every year."

"I do sometimes, but I feel that I have a place there, just as everyone else does in the eyes of God." Everyone kind of smirked at Bailey, as Monica rolled her eyes.

"Well, loved by god or not, I'm not welcome at my church. After our minister found out I was kind of branded." Someone placed an arm around Rich as he sighed out his frustrations.

"You guys all belong to different denominations and different religious philosophies. What's important to understand is the underlying message and faith, and not the congregations and the people who run them, that's not what it's about. What you're getting to is that you feel neglected, shunned and hated by these congregations, but that doesn't make a difference. What you should truly be concerned about is your own faith, if it makes you feel more comfortable, just practice outside the bigot box with the altar." Danny tried to tone down the room and steer the conversation in the right direction. Soon everyone was more comfortable and spoke more freely and jokingly about what they experienced.

The conversation shifted once to politics, and then to little things that happened with each individual. Bailey soon opened up more and described his family situation to the group (abridged) and found that he really liked this group of people, however eclectic it was.

"So your brother is a bitch, huh?"


"Sorry, Danny"

"NO, he's not. He just doesn't understand."

"You really need to confront him, maybe with one of your rents as a mediator." Rich chimed in.

"I don't know, he's not that bad, just irritating. It's not like he's violent or anything, he just doesn't get it. And yo, don't call my brother a bitch."

"Sorry man, really." Everyone in the room kind of laughed at Bailey's request, before then he was nothing but polite.

"God you are adorable."

"Umm, Paul?"

"Oh shut up John, you know I love you, but look at him, he's tasty." Bailey blushed deeply as everyone rolled their eyes at Paul but agreed jokingly.

"Yeah, so do you like, have a boyfriend or something Bailey?" Tina is not a subtle person.

"No, I...I've never had a boyfriend," Bailey was now a shade of purple.

"You guys, I don't think he's comfortable in this conversation, why don't we move on." Danny said, looking up from the pad that he was scribbling notes down in.

"He's a virgin! God that makes me want to just eat him right here like a chocolate bunny!"

"PAUL!!!!!" John got up and threw a pillow at his boyfriend as everyone laughed at him except for Bailey. Bailey picked up one of the throw pillows and hid behind it almost on the couch, purposely trying to hide himself. Tara again engulfed him in a large hug, which she had done many times that day when it seemed he was uncomfortable. Bailey was relieved; she really didn't know how much he needed them.

"We're moving on, guys. That isn't called for and you know it," Danny tries to be stern, he really does.

The conversation went on and took many different turns before the two hours were up. The group left slowly, one by one. Some got into cars and some waited on the outside steps for their parents or ride to show up, everyone seemed to hug each other, even Monica and Paul. Bailey thought this was odd, but he was too distracted by everything that was going on. He really felt welcomed by the group in all, they seemed very welcoming to him, or maybe they had to be. He got everyone's phone number, and vice versa, that was routine Danny told him, it was a support system.

Karen McCorristin pulled into the parking lot to retrieve her son at 4:30. She was mildly shocked to see another young man hug him before he entered the vehicle...smiling no less.

"So, I'm guessing it went well?"

"Yeah, I guess. It was interesting. I really liked the people. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was expecting it to be a sex Ed class for gay people, honestly. I do like it a lot better than seeing Dr. Lavine."

"Whoa whoa whoa, calm down, Bail, take a breath," she chuckled at the rapidly talking teenager. "And you aren't getting out of seeing Dr. Lavine, you said you were going to try it and you have to stick with it for a while, ok?"

"OK..." Bailey pouted at his mother, which he then got a light shove on the shoulder for. Karen hadn't seen her son smile and talk so much in months; she was impressed.

"Are you hungry? We can pick something light up before we get home...your grandmother is cooking tonight."

"Uhhh...a vanilla shake and fries sounds good."

"Bailey that really is disgusting."


"Alright, alright. It's not like it won't hurt you, fat on those bones could help, actually."



Shane scrunched his face at the meatballs wrapped in steamed cabbage leaves that were placed in front of him. All six McCorristins were seated around the table, busying themselves with small talk and the passing of plates and serving dishes. Bridgett was bantering about how Karen had gotten the wrong kind of cabbage at the co-op and as usual they were arguing. Collin and Brennan sat back and ate, as did the boys. Well, they rather picked at the food and held their breath from the smell of the cabbage; they dared not complain, though.

"How was your meeting today, bail?" Collin chimed from across the table, giving up on the lump of cabbage and meat and starting in on his green beans.

"I liked it, I think I'm gonna go back. The people were really nice."

"Do we have to talk about that stuff while we're eating, come on," Shane protested.

"What stuff?"

"That gay stuff, I'm trying to eat. It's really rude."

"No, you're being rude young man, and I've had enough of that attitude, go to your room, I'll be up after dinner," Karen was miffed.

"Let em eat his dinnar fer Christ saekes!" Grandma to the rescue.

"No, it's not fair to Bailey, and to anyone else in this house, now go!"

"But mom..."

"Listen to your mother, Shane." Collin didn't raise his voice. He and Karen had already discussed Shane's attitude previously, he just didn't expect to have to deal with it like this, but it was a good a time as any.

"You guys always take his side, you never listen to what I want. He's a fag now and I have to watch everything I say, well that's not fair!!" Shane stomped off to his room, darting up the stairs and slamming his bedroom door behind him.

"I'm really not hungry anymore." Bailey looked sullen as he rearranged beans on his plate. His chipper attitude from earlier had been shattered by his brother, and now he considered it his fault that he was being punished.

"You may be excused, just take your plate to the kitchen, babe," Karen said to Bailey, trying to sound calm. Bailey rounded the table into the kitchen and placed his dishes in the sink, still full of his dinner. His stomach really did hurt, and he now felt extremely tired. He exited the kitchen only to be intercepted by his mother, who gave him a hug and a kiss before he departed for his own room.

He reached his bedroom, but hesitated. He was tired of the abuse he got from Shane, and the situation that he himself put them in. Well, at least he thought he put them in. He decided that he really needed to put an end to this, and that now he had to talk to Shane, if ever. He continued down the hallway and knocked on Shane's door.

"What do you want?"


That's it for now. Any questions or comments can be sent to or I'm also Rory Danial on AIM.

Thanks to all of you who encouraged me to write my last story and now this one, I love you all. Also, thanks to those in the Nifty Chat, you guys are there for me more than you know.

Next: Chapter 7

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