
By Rory Muldowney

Published on Apr 8, 2002


Bailey Chapter 11 By Rory M.

"Rummy really isn't my game, but thanks."

Bailey walked across the lodge into his small dorm room and laid on the bed. He had shut the door to a crack, for it was a rule no doors were shut with you in them so the counselors knew there was no funny business. His mind was racing and he found himself tired and homesick. He had about an hour to kill before the entire camp was supposed to convene around a bomb fire, something that didn't attract him in the least. Singing "God Gave me Chocolate Cake," around a fire with a bunch of conservative born again brats wasn't his scene in the least. He was used to the romantic darkness of the Catholic Church. He didn't want to talk about his beliefs or have someone question them, he took and gave what he chose and never questioned.

This Protestant vibe and peer mediation made him uneasy. No one should be so nice one minute and so vicious the next, which he had seen from a few campers already, including his roommate. One minute he would seem coy and nice to Bailey, and as soon as an adult or an admiring female walked away he was ignored or belittled by a glare. He already had made a wrong impression with those who gave him a chance, he thought. He choked under the questions they asked about him and Caleb, the new kid, probably thought he was weird for staring at him instead of talking. Bailey felt like an idiot, and he had only been there a few hours.

His mind drifted to Caleb, who had since returned with Trina, though he was unaware. Apparently he was from Lawrence (a town right down the street from him, he noted at dinner), and played the guitar. What Bailey was certain of was that he was gorgeous. His hair was cropped but longer on the top, going in an unkempt disarray of light brown hair. His cheeks her dimpled in an almost permanent smile, and his eyes were an almost yellow shade, though he would say later they were hazel. He was maybe 5'10, and somewhat lanky, but not skinny. Bailey tried his hardest not to stare at him when he entered the dining hall, but instead could barely keep from drooling.

He snapped out of his revelry when Drew came into the room, looking for something in his bag, followed by three of his cronies. "What the fuck are you doing sitting in here? You weird or something?" the three others snickered.

"No...I'm just tired," Bailey's face went crimson and looked down at the floor beside the bed.

"God, I got stuck with a pussy for the summer. Fucking figures, every year."

"Hey, bitch. You roomed with me last year," one of the three said while punching Drew playfully in the arm.

"Yeah, exactly."

He found whatever he was looking for and the group left, not without mocking Bailey more on the way out. Bailey continued his stare at the floor; sitting on his made bed, his back against the wall. A single tear welled up in his left eye and then spilled over as he thought about living with that for the next 8 weeks. He didn't notice Jerry silently push the door open and peak her head in.

"Bailey, you know during free time you don't have to stay here, you can walk around the camp and go to the canteen if you want to," she said softly, acting as if she didn't catch him in the act of wiping the tears from his cheeks.

"No, I'm fine here. Thanks."

"You sure you don't want to explore the camp a little? I'll go with you if you want. Come on, you look like you could use the fresh air."

"I...." He was trapped and he knew it. He had no excuse to stay here and to not go. He sighed out his surrender and got up to join her, "Alright."

About a dozen campers littered the lounge playing cards or talking. Bailey noticed Jared, Amy, and Trina across the area, with Caleb sitting in-between them all strumming a Dave Mathews tune on the guitar. At that point Bailey wished to join them, but at the same time was scared. Jerry didn't give him the choice.

"Hey, I'm going to check out the camp with Bailey, anyone want to come?" she knew what she was doing, and she was good. Bail shot her a painful look, but was now resigned to her whims; it was too late to run screaming back into his room.

"Sure, we'll go," Trina said, volunteering the small group, who didn't question her. With that they all left through the double screen door of the lodge into the sun setting over the camp. Trina and Liz broke off with Jared, even though they were all walking together, and Amy asked countless questions about camp and whatever else of Jerry, leaving Bailey to walk on the outskirts of the group, with Caleb close behind.

"So you're from P-town?"

"Yeah, not that far from the Chapin school."

"Cool, that's about 3 miles away from me. I know a girl who goes to Princeton high, her names Andrea Blent, you know her?"

"No, I don't go to Princeton high. I go to Notre Dame."

"I'm sorry, man. You know Eric Strass? He's good people."

"Yeah, kind of. He was in my physics class. He was nice to me, don't know him all that well, though."

"Well, he's not the smartest guy, so I don't see him talking that much in that class," Bailey smiled, "SO, who are you rooming with?"

"Drew Smith."

"That bastard? That really sucks man, sorry."

"You're just bitter because he put you through a living hell last summer, don't give Bailey any wrong impressions of the boy," Liz said sarcastically.

"He's.... a.... prick," Caleb said almost too loud.

"That's enough. I can't have you guys talking about other campers," Jerry scolded, "at least while I'm around."

Bailey moved to change the subject. "Who are you stuck with?" he said, again anything to make eye contact with Caleb.

" the lucky one with the single. After some stuff last year I pretty much had it guaranteed to me."

"And he only had the shit kicked out of him to get it," Jared said, punching him playfully in the shoulder.

"Yeah, well that's what I get for having a shitty body guard like you."

"In honor of out new campers, Amy and Bailey, I suggest we not scare them the first day, thank you," Jerry's patients were waning.

After some more idle discussion and walking around the camp Bailey began to feel at ease with the group. Even cracking a joke about his little brother having to sleep in the disgusting junior cabins...when he thought it was going to be plush. When it got dark they made there way to greenly meadows, where the bomb-fire would be. There was a large pit surrounded by rows of logs to sit on and then after that green was matted where people had obviously sat. The scene reminded Bailey of some Pagan alter.

The group of six settled near the back, away from the fire and the exuberance of the younger kids who sat nearest. The group seemed to accept him and Amy, and more importantly tried to coax him out of his shell, which wasn't easy. Bailey himself had questions he wanted to ask, especially of Caleb and what they had said happened the summer before, but he didn't want to be rude. He sat Indian style with them in a semicircle, pondering quietly to himself.

"How do you get your hair to do that?" all of a sudden there was a hand in Bailey's hair and Liz was attacking his head.

"Huh? Do what?"

"Be curly like that. I got it permed and it frizzed up like an afro," there was snickering from the others, but Liz continued to run her hands through Bailey's hair, making him feel slightly uncomfortable.

"I...use gel," he pulled his head away from her grip," eliciting another snicker.

"Hey Liz, stop flirting with the poor guy, give him a few days at least to get used to you," Trina poked.

"Yeah really, your as blunt as a French prostitute," Caleb's comment for some reason made Bailey blush.

"Fuck you, Cal. You're just bitter because you can't flirt."

"No...I think you're the one who's bitter because you can't flirt with me."

"oooohhh," Jared and Trina hissed playfully at Liz. Bailey sat back, more confused than ever. Caleb looked at him in thought, and then to Trina, whose expression suddenly went serious when she caught his gaze.

"You better tell him before his roommate does," Caleb's expression went from thoughtful to hateful in a split second.

"Tell me what?"

"Bailey, I made this known last summer because I was sick of taking shit from people and having rumors spread. So, to lay my cards out on the table, I'm gay. If that bothers you, I'm sorry, man. Have a nice summer," Bailey stared blankly at him for a good 15 seconds. Millions of thoughts came to him at once. Ones of lust, joy, jealousy of his honesty, questions he wanted to ask, and fear of being found out even more. He realized he had zoned out and came back to the staring eyes of the group.

" man it's cool," the group seemed to smile a little and Caleb gave Bailey a look that made him feel week. He smiled and shook his head in what was he guessed a thanks. His dimples came out and his eyes beaming. Bailey caught himself staring again, and feared he was headed into something bad.


"11 o'clock is lights out. I suggest if you want to take a shower do so now, or set your alarm clock for the morning, but we have to be at the dining hall at 7:30." Faces dipped back down from paying attention to the counselor.

"That's not how you play, put that card back," Liz smacked at Jared's hand as he dropped his card in the rummy pile. Bailey laughed as he watched them so blatantly flirting. He put down his hand of cards, which were crappy and said his good night to the group, he was genuinely tired and his meds were adding to his drowsiness.

"Night man."

"See you Bail."

"Have a great night sleeping with Drew," Caleb had a sincere look of pity on his face. Bailey stuck his tongue out at him.

Inside the small dorm room, Bailey turned on the overhead light and got dressed for bed. He was relieved that Drew was in the shower, so he doubted he'd be back for at least 10 minutes. That was partly the reason he left the group, for as soon as he saw Drew duck into the showers he made his break for privacy.

Pajama pants and a t-shirt later, Bailey crawled into bed and pulled his CD-player from a drawer, trying to drown out the sound of the slightly loud teenagers on the other side of the door. He turned to set his alarm clock when Drew came into the room, toweling off his hair and carrying a bathroom kit. He only wore boxers and a t-shirt, showing off his thick muscled legs as well as arms. Bailey couldn't help but tense when looking at him.

"What are you staring at?"

"Nothing," Bailey said as emotionless as he could muster.

"Yeah, whatever. You fag tagging around with Caleb isn't cool man. I don't know if you realize that, but you better get away from him before he corners you in the showers. Unless of course you like that stuff," Bailey blushed.

"Fuck you."

"So you do like getting butt fucked?"

"No, but he's a nice guy, unlike my prick of a room mate," Drew sprang at Bailey and clenched the neck of Bailey's t-shirt, giving it a violent tug.

"Don't fuck with me little boy, or you'll fucking regret it. You're punkass can't walk in here and talked to me that way, you or your fag friends," he released Bailey, who was visibly shaking. Drew turned away disgusted and hit the light on the wall before crawling into bed. Bailey curled up onto his side and tried to calm himself. He wouldn't sleep well that night.


"You look like hell, Bail," jared said around a mouth full of cornflakes and banana.

"I didn't sleep well last night."

"That sucks, Drew snore? Does he call for his mommy in his sleep?" Trina poked at her oatmeal. Bailey smirked.

"Why the fuck do we have baseball today, I fucking hate baseball."

"Well aren't you bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning, Cal. Tell me, how is sleeping in a single going for you?"

"Oh, how I love it," he took a swig of coffee and winced, "The food gets worse every year."

"No it doesn't, the vats of it just get older," Jared paused in his gulping down his orange juice, but then realized it was a joke and continued to chug it.

"There's nothing wrong with baseball, you guys just suck at it, that's why you hate it."

"Shut the hell up, Jared, and eat your coffee cake," the guy had two plates of food and a bowl of cereal in front of him, and he finished it all before any of them. Bailey felt ill just watching him eat.

"Bailey, you ready?" Mark, one of the counselors for the seniors group, came up to retrieve him to get his meds.

"Yeah, I'm more than done."

"We'll see you on the diamond, Bailey," Jared said smiling, catching a glare from Caleb.

Mark and Bailey left the dining hall and walked up the side of greenly meadow to the nurse's lodge. Conversation was light, but pleasant enough. Mark was a nice guy, even though he didn't try to get to know Bailey as much as Jerry did. The nurse's station was a cabin with a glass door in front, allowing anyone who walked by to look inside. When you walked in there were cabinets and a sink to your right and a desk where Nurse Jenkins sat to the left. Behind the main office there was a room with 4 bunk beds and a small black and white TV that was the camps idea of an infirmary. It was sterile and comfortable, but not private.

Nurse Jenkins smiled at Bailey and handed him his three pill bottles when he walked in. She was a nice woman; slightly graying with middle age, and apparently had worked for the camp for 15 years. How she could stand it Bailey didn't understand, but he liked her. The office was air conditioned and clean and Bailey almost wished he were the kitten that sat in the corner. But alas, Mark dragged him up past greenly over to where the soccer fiend and baseball diamond were, for their early morning recreation.

"God I hate baseball."


"Bailey, you're on the blue team," Jerry was a morning person...great.

"Great, we've got the pussy on our team. Look at those arms, I bet he can't throw for shit."

"Drew, that's enough. Anymore and you'll sent to the director," he sucked his teeth and went back to snickering with his friends.

"Alright guys, those are the teams. The blue team is in the outfield, let's go."

The only people Bailey knew on his team were his roommate and Liz; the others were fortunate enough to be together. Bailey knew enough about baseball to put on his ball and go sit in right field. Liz joined him, as well as another girl who wanted nothing to do with playing, and they waited for the game to go by in the growing heat.

Two innings went by with Bailey striking out once and never getting a ball hit to him. By the third inning though Drew and one of his jockie friends were getting agitated that people weren't playing. Someone finally hit a ball in Bailey's direction but he half heartedly retrieved it and through it to someone closer to the basemen, but it was too late and a run was scored. While coming in from the field after the third strike, he would get a lesson in moving faster.

"What the fuck was that, McCorristin. When I tell you to get the ball, get it," Drew was pissed off, and Bailey didn't get it.

"What does it matter, the game doesn't mean anything."

"Yeah, but bitches like you make it suck."

"Whatever, man," Bailey kept walking towards the sideline.

"Don't whatever me, fag!" Drew grabbed Bailey by the elbows and pushed him with enough force to send him sprawling backwards through the dirt. Bailey didn't realize it happened until he was staring up into the sky and his elbows hurt like hell.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!! DREW, COME WITH ME, NOW," Mark grabbed Drew on his massive shoulder and started to march him in the direction of Fledge Lodge, where the Director would deal with him. Jerry jogged over to where Bailey was prone in the dirt between third and the pitchers mound, shaken and stunned, but for the most part ok. The shove wasn't that serious to Drew, but considering he had a foot and at least 60 pounds on Bailey, he hit the ground, hard.

"You alright, Bailey? Let me see you."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little scraped up," his voice was shaky, and the other campers were beginning to crowd around him and Jerry.

"Oohh, kiddo your elbows are banged up pretty bad, you need to head to the nurses lodge, I'll send someone with you," Normally there would be a third counselor, Scott, but he was across the camp sleeping off his night shift until 11, when he had to join the group again. Bailey looked down at his elbows, which were caked with dirt and starting to bleed.

"I'll take him," Trina piped in, who was pissed off at Drew and concerned for Bailey. Plus she wanted to get out of the sun.

"Is that alright, Bail?" Jerry looked back at him for his approval.

"Yeah, sure," he just wanted to get away from everyone staring at him.

Bailey sprang up off the ground and attempted to brush the dirt off of himself, which was difficult with the pain in his elbows. The two walked in an awkward silence towards the Nurse's station, where Bailey had just come from about an hour before.

"He's such an asshole, I hope they kick him out this time."

"This time?"

"Last summer he punched Caleb for the same reason: nothing. He came back with this lame excuse of sexual harassment, and they let him get away with it. I'm surprised Cal came back this year, but then again all of the pricks who picked on him last year are gone except for Drew and his little lackeys. But don't worry about him, he's the biggest asshole around here, they're bound to throw him out this time. Or if not at least tell them you don't want to room with him anymore."

He considered her last statement closely with fear and opportunity. Maybe now he'd get his own room like Cal did. On the other hand he was afraid of Drew. The guy had already threatened him and attacked him within a day, and he didn't even reveal to him that he was gay, also. Not that he ever would.

They reached the small cabin within about 5 minutes, and Trina held the door open for him, because just to bend his arms was getting more and more painful. There was blood dripping down both his arms. Not that much, but the elbows were dirty and the scrapes weren't clear, so the extent of the damage could only be seen as gruesome.

"What happened?" nurse Jenkins calmly asked as she pointed him in the direction of the large sink. Trina explained what had transpired on the baseball field moments before as the nurse delicately washed out each elbow.

He winced and bit down on his lower lip as hard as he could when she started to dab them with disinfectant.

The right elbow must have been what he landed on, because the skin was practically gone, and would completely scab over, where as the left only had jagged scrapes. The nurse let him lie down on his stomach and prop his arms up on the pillow by his head while she let the ointment air on his arms. Trina sat on the bed next to him, trying to make light of the situation.

"Lucky bastard, you get out of everything for a week."

"Yeah, that's cool...except for the fact that I can't bend my arms!!"

"Drama doesn't become you, Bailey," he laughed at her, he had to. Just then two people came into the front of the building and said their hellos to the nurse. Trina recognized them immediately as Jerry and Cal...must have stopped by for a visit. Sure enough Caleb popped his head in the back door way to see bailey with his arms stretched out above his head and two bloody elbows exposed.

"How yah doin', man?" he asked sincerely, looking away from Bailey's arms to his face. Bailey was embarrassed. This was like someone walking in on you in the bathroom. You're caught in an awkward position and you can't run to save face. You have to sit there, exposed, and hope they don't say anything about it ever again.

"I've been better, but I'll live. Bring on more camp life, this is fun," his voice was bitter.

"Bailey, I'm sorry that had to happen. If you want we can get you a new if you don't feel safe," Jerry said, she looked guilt ridden.

"What do you mean? He's not getting thrown out?" Trina was pissed.

"No, he's on kitchen duty for a week and suspended from leaving the lodge during free times, but no, he's not being made to leave."

"That's bullshit!!" Caleb had now joined in on Trina's anger parade.

"I don't care. I just don't want to be in the same room with him anymore."

"That's more than understandable kiddo. In fact the director was planning on it anyway. The only problem is," she turned to Caleb with an uncomfortable look, "He's going to take the single."

"Wait a minute. So he flat out assaults another person and gets rewarded with a single?"

"Caleb, it's not a reward. They don't think he should get to room with one of his friends, so rooming alone is a form of punishment, plus it protects Bailey, and you."

"That's bullshit if I ever heard it."

"Trina, the language. Caleb, I know it sucks but nothing can be done. It's not a punishment for you," Bailey felt like shit. He couldn't look Cal in the eye because it was basically his fault that he was losing his single. Now Bail feared he would hate him for it.

"I'm sorry, Caleb, I didn't think they would do that to you."

"No man, it's cool. I wouldn't wish living with that beast on anyone," he was flustered, but not with Bailey. He actually was kind of looking forward to it.

"Alright, that settled I think we should leave Bail alone to rest his arms, he'll be joining up with us after lunch. Right now I want you," she pointed at Trina, "To go join the group at the lake. And Cal, you can skip swimming lessons today to pack up your stuff to move down a few doors, ok?"

Caleb perked at the idea of missing swimming, so his bitterness over losing his coveted room was forgotten. Trina leaned in and gave Bailey a kiss on the cheek goodbye before leaving the cabin, making Bailey blush deep crimson. Cal on the other hand just gave him a pat on the shoulder and split from the lodge as well (although a second kiss from him wouldn't have been so bad in his mind). Jerry followed suit, promising to come back after lunch to get him, not that he wanted to go back.

He lay in the air-conditioned infirmary and stared off into space for a moment...suddenly realizing that tonight he'd be sleeping across from Cal, which brightened his mood...substantially.

Next: Chapter 12

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