Bagged Boy

By moc.oohay@ecafmucslivelufetah

Published on Nov 7, 2023


If you're under eighteen, don't read. If you don't like man on man sex action, go away. If you do like gay amateur erotic fiction, then you are in the right place. Author retains all rights...

Bagged Boy: Payback Starts With Jan And Kurt by hatefulevilscumface

Life changed forever for Neal when he went to a party with some fellow baggers even knowing he wasn't very popular. One of the baggers, Lucky, drugged Neal and some of the others and Neal became their sex toy, that night and thereafter. One of the other baggers there that night has developed a closer relationship to Neal than the others Neal has been servicing and has tried coming up with plans to break Lucky's hold...

Which leads to Neal being in Tempe late on a Friday evening, whether he knows it or not. All Neal knows is that Billy was very vague with him about why he and Neal couldn't hook up. Nick and Sam went with Nick's family to the shore, Fitz and Paul haven't said boo to him in over two weeks, and Kenny had his turn right after work.

Neal might have enjoyed his romp with Kenny. If it had been anyone else it might have been fun. Kenny is almost olive complected, with smoldering dark eyes and a thuggish yet still handsome face and an energetic fuck, which makes up for him having the smallest dick of any of Neal's lovers, and he's the only one who can come twice pretty much right in a row. It's Kenny's sadism that mars things for Neal. Kenny insisted the do it in his car, which was parked on the road outside where Neal lived. Yes, Neal did get a thrill from having his feet on the car roof while being drilled and it was then nice after a short breather when Kenny had Neal sit on his lap and do most of the work but it was effectively cancelled out by the very real possibility Neal's parents or his brothers could discover Neal getting it up the ass.

After showering Neal had gotten a call from Kurt, Lucky's younger brother. Neal knew him because Neal's little brother Kip has been a classmate of Kurt's for as long as Neal has known Lucky. The Lucky connection almost had Neal say no to the party invite but the dirty way Kenny made Neal feel and at just barely past six had Neal agreeing to the party. Neal's older brother Damon goes to ASU and lives in the next dorm over so Neal knows the way already.

"God, what took you so long?" Kurt answers the dorm room door on the first knock and Neal takes in just how unlike his brother Kurt looks. Lucky is tall and powerfully built with blonde hair and blue eyes, almost like the stereotypical boy next door until he opens his mouth. Kurt is not quite as tall and dark. Dark hair, dark eyes, and a sensual mouth that always seems to be frowning. Neal realizes he'd come hoping for a chance to bed Kurt, since also unlike Lucky Kurt is openly gay. Kurt closes the door behind Neal and sends a quick text. He then taps a few keys on a laptop and the TV that dominates the end of the room comes to life, showing anearly identical dorm room.

"Whose room is this? Where's the party?" Neal asks, growing concerned.

"Remember Richie? Lucky's friend that graduated last year? Lucky made him have sex with him and the others too. I just had to hint Lucky wanted him to vacate so I could use his room and he scooted." Neal's warm feelings about tonight with Kurt are gone.

"Too?" Neal asks nervously. He knows it's lame but he never was very good at lying with no notice.

"Relax. I've known since about a week after he did it and never told anyone. I go through all the tapes and know all about you and Richie and Tommy and Sean and Mister White..." Sean could be one of three Seans at either school or work but Mister White?

"The assistant manager at work?" Kurt chuckles at Neal's shock.

"White got plastered at a Christmas party and Lucky taped himself plowing the dude's ass. Now Lucky gets whatever he wants at work and still fucks White whenever he wants." Neal's still shocked but it does explain how Lucky's gotten away with fucking him at work or any of the others for that matter.

"He do the same thing with Richie?" Kurt gets two beers out of the room's mini-fridge and hands one to Neal. They sit on the single room's only bed.

"Nah. Richie was Lucky's first conversion and he tried something else. Kept slipping Richie some date rape drug and then putting headphones on him that looped for hours. That he was hot for Lucky, wanted Lucky to use his body like a whore, things like that." Neal notices Kurt keeps looking at the screen, which is divided into one big window and three smaller ones from different angles on the side.

"It worked?" Neal knows it did when he thinks about it. Richie came out around graduation last year.

"Lucky decided it was too slow but yeah, it worked. I saw the first tape. Richie was horrified but he couldn't help coming on to my bro." Neal thinks Kurt sounds proud of Lucky when everyone knows these two fight like cats and dogs even at school. Maybe they're too similar worries Neal.

"Ah, showtime!" Neal turns back to the TV and all four windows show the door opening and two guys walking in. It looks like they've been drinking but Neal hasn't recognized either yet. Kurt hits the remote and sound comes up in time for the second one in the room to grab the other's arm and swing him back so his back is to the closed door. There's obvious panic on the redhead's face as his friend goes in for a kiss and Kurt sees shock on Neal's.

It's Billy who's just forced a kiss on some guy in a dorm room!

"Dude, I'm not into that. That's not why I brought you back here." Billy grins slyly at his host and reaches down and roughly grabs the guys's crotch.

"This says you're into it, Jan," Billy says and even Kurt and Neal can see how hard this Jan is. Billy goes in for another kiss and again Jan resists only this time Jan begins to relax into it. Jan's arms start pulling Billy tighter instead of pushing him away. Neal feels like he's in an alternate reality. Billy is being more aggressive with Jan than Neal's been with anyone or has had anyone be with him.

"Hot, huh?" Neal knows from the smirk that Kurt somehow knows about him and Billy. He certainly knew that this scene would push contradictory buttons in Neal. Yes, this is an extremely hot scene but Billy's always just been Neal's. Neal's beginning to realize how much he liked that and how deeply he feels about Billy.

"Oh god," Jan mutters, returning Neal's attention to the screen. One hand is still on the tent in Jan's jeans but the other has raised Jan's shirt so Billy's mouth can go to work on Jan's nipples. It is very clear that Jan likes this. A lot. Jan shucks off his shirt completely and then Billy undoes the belt and unsnaps Jan's jeans, Jan doesn't protest jeans and underwear being pulled down his muscular legs. Jan's impressive and thick cock smacks Billy as its freed and Jan's sneakers come off with his pants, leaving him pressed against his room's door with only his socks on.

Neal gasps when Billy goes down lower and takes the end of Jan's cock in his mouth. That's something Neal has wanted Billy to do to him but has been afraid to ask. Neal thinks he should be upset he isn't going to Billy's first now but Neal instead is rock hard in his jeans and too horny by the sight to be upset at Billy or Jan.

"Oh god, no," Jan whimpers. Neal guesses Jan has been fighting gay impulses until Billy tonight has gotten him too turned on to fight them anymore. Billy knows he wouldn't fight off this more actively gay Billy, that's for sure. Jan can't resist anything Billy does, and is led by the cock to lie down on his bed. Jan even licks his lips as he watches Billy do a slow striptease for him until Billy is just as undressed as jan.

"Your turn," Billy growls and Jan's eyes go big. Neal doesn't know whether this is first hardon Jan's seen or not but it's clearly the first hardon Jan has seen advancing on him. Jan swallows hard as Billy's hard cock comes closer and then swallows the cockhead when presented. It's a pretty amateurish job at the beginning but Billy looks to be enjoying it so that's all that matters. Billy shifts and the two boys are soon into an energetic sixty-nine, with Billy's hands straying to Jan's ass. Jan whimpers around the dick thrusting in an out of his mouth when Billy starts fingering his hole but Jan makes no move to stop Billy. Jan's drunk with lust and probably just plain drunk so there's no stopping now. Not even when Billy rolls off Jan and moves around so he's between the college boy's legs. Even a virgin like Jan knows what's coming next.

"Hot, huh?" Kurt whispers and Billy jumps. He'd pretty much forgotten about Kurt while watching Billy do things Neal would have sworn he'd never try.

"Dude, what is going on here? Why are you even here?" Kurt just smiles and remembers...

It started when Lucky humiliated Kurt yet again at school. It had mostly to do with Kurt being so openly gay but this time was different. This time Billy was a witness and he was still looking for a way to get at Lucky's video collection. Billy had offered to help Kurt get even but only if he could meet Kurt alone at home when lucky wouldn't be around. Kurt had eagerly agreed.

Kurt had met him at the front door and led him upstairs to a pretty big bedroom, one filled with all sorts of computer equipment. Kurt tosses himself on the bed but Billy feels more comfortable just standing.

"So, were you serious about helping me with Lucky or did you just say that to get your hands on that tape of you fucking Neal?" Billy is surprised Kurt knows about that and doesn't hide it. "I've seen all of the videos Lucky's made. I bet you want any with Neal in them too considering how much you and him fuck around now."

"Lucky has tapes of that too?" Billy doesn't see how but if Kurt knows anything's possible.

"Nah, but I was following Neal around when I figured out Lucky had turned on Neal's inner slut. That's how I found out you were fucking him more than anyone else." Billy's not too thrilled but realizes Kurt's admitting he's known for some time and nothing bad has happened yet so decides it's not that big of a deal.

"Yeah, I want all the videos and I'm gonna come up with a way to turn the tables on Lucky. He treats you as bad as he does anyone else. Want in?" Kurt smiles. It's exactly what Kurt had hopes Billy would be after.

"Sure but on one condition." Billy was pretty sure Kurt would be for this and also that Kurt would want something in exchange. He's just not prepared for what Kurt asks for. "Make love to me, right here, right now, and I'll give you the keys to the kingdom."

"Make love? Dude, I'm not gay." Kurt succeeds at not laughing.

"No but you have learned your way around another guy's body pretty damn well. All I'm asking is you show me what you've learned." Billy knows he needs Kurt's help. They can't stop lucky if he still has the files. Kurt's emboldened by the fact that Billy hasn't said no or retreated physically. He kicks off his shoes, shucks off his shirt, and starts pulling off his pants. Billy is surprised both that Kurt's already hard and better endowed than his older brother. "Come on, Billy. I've wanted you since I figured out I was gay. There's no way I'm losing this opportunity." Billy sighs and starts stripping as well. Billy tries to act reluctant but the fact that he's almost hard too gives his true feelings away. Neal has taught Billy how great man sex is and he is curious about if it'll be as good with Kurt.

"Nuh uh," Kurt says when Billy moves as if to feed his cock to Kurt, pretty much how it always begins with Neal. "You're going down on me first and then you can fuck me silly. We can do other stuff if you want but those two points are non-negotiable."

"But I've never sucked dick," Billy protests. Not that Billy hasn't wondered why Neal enjoys it so much or thought it'd be a great way to show Neal gratitude. Billy's just never been able to jump that hurdle.

"Then this will be a learning experience. Maybe you can even surprise Neal with your new skills but really, I don't care. Crawl between my legs and start sucking or the deal's off." Billy knows when he's beat and does as told. He hesitates again when he has Kurt's hot dick in his hand and has it pointed towards his face. Kurt is about to issue orders again when Billy takes the plunge and seals his lips around Kurt's dickhead. Kurt's in heaven as Billy starts with tongue action and starts moving his mouth further down his shaft. What makes it even hotter for Kurt is this is the first blowjob Billy has ever gotten and Kurt didn't need to drug Billy to get it. Billy had a choice and this was it.

Billy can't believe how easy he's finding this. He was freaking when Kurt made this a condition of getting Lucky's files but his nerves evaporated when he tasted Kurt's dick. Billy has been curious about being on this end of the act after the many times Neal had sucked him off and had fully intended to return the favor. Eventually. It's just that eventually kept getting put off because of Billy's nerves. Now Billy's finding out it isn't bad and he's good at it. The way Kurt is meaning and thrashing as Billy nearly manages to deep throats Billy proves that. Billy realizes he can't wait to try out this skills on Neal and that's when Billy realizes how hard this all has him.

"Dude, you are so getting fucked," Billy announced, letting Kurt's rock hard cock slip from his mouth. Kurt doesn't protest as Billy grabs him by the ankles, spreads his legs, and shoves his painfully hard cock balls deep in Kurt's ass is one thrust. Kurt moans his approval.

Billy's a madman on Kurt's ass, thrusting wildly from the get go and moving them across the bed with the force. Billy had thought that it the sex was great with Neal just because it was Neal but Kurt is making Billy see that sex is sex and if done right is great with whatever partner. That realization is rocking Billy's world as much as Kurt being such a power bottom.

Just when Billy thinks it can't get any better, Kurt takes control and rolls them over so Billy is on his back. Kurt starts bouncing up and down as hard as he can, meeting Billy's hard thrusts upward with equal force. In moments it's too much for Kurt. Without even touching his dick Kurt gasps for breath and starts shooting hard up Billy's torso, managing to get Billy in the face even. The taste of Kurt's cum hits Billy's taste buds and between that and how Kurt's hole is clamping down on Billy's dick gives Billy a toe curling orgasm as well.

It's five minutes before either guy can breathe evenly enough to speak.

"I was hoping it would be this hot once I decided I had to have you, Billy. When I spied on you and Neal I was so grateful you were gay too," Kurt whispers into Billy's ear.

"I'm not gay, Kurt," Billy answers and tells Kurt how his parents made Billy promise to refrain from sex with any more girls. Neal started out just as a convenience, he states, not even realizing what he's admitted to Kurt by phrasing it that way.

"So, you ready to hear my ideas on how to get even with Lucky and all the guys who forced themselves on Neal and the others?" Billy stretches out and Kurt almost forgets the conversation watching Billy's muscular frame. Kurt swallows hard and goes on. "You have to start with the guys who go along with this nasty stuff of Lucky's. Fitz, Kenny, Lucky, and Paul should have to pay too."

"Oh, they will," answers Billy ominously.

"Cool, so you should make copies today to turn the tables on them but we can't delete Lucky's until you're ready to get him. You'd just alert him way too soon if you don't." Kurt can't resist and reaches over to play with one of Billy's nipple. Billy clearly isn't comfortable but Kurt's still in control. "And there's some facts of life about Lucky you should know."

"Like he's gay?" Billy can see Kurt's impressed. "Isn't it obvious? If this was just about control your brother wouldn't be making guys have sex with him." Billy leaves out that he's starting to suspect the reason the brothers can't get along is that Kurt and Lucky are too much alike.

"What if I tell you he has a boyfriend?" This does get Billy's attention. "Not that they've ever done it. Jan keeps on letting things get so far and then freaks on Lucky and insists he doesn't want to be gay. Frustration and wanting to get laid is what got Lucky started. He didn't trust school's gay boys to keep quiet about doing him so Lucky decided to make his own."

"Jan? Didn't he play for Horizon?" Kurt's impressed Billy knows who he meant.

"He's at ASU now and I think we both know the best way to hurt Lucky through him..."

Kurt's called out from his reverie by the tone and urgency of Jan's moaning. Billy and Jan are in a hot sixty-nine but while Jan is nearly deep-throating Billy on his first try at sucking cock, Billy has been rimming and finger fucking the college Freshman. Kurt and Neal can see as clearly as Billy does that Jan is very ready for the next step.

Neal is so turned on watching that despite the fact he dislikes Kurt even more since entering this room that he responds in kind when Kurt roughly grabs and kisses Neal. The two try to watch the action onscreen as they roughly strip each other and make out.

Jan is holding his feet up by his head as Billy starts a slow and steady entry, the opposite of Neal climbing on Kurt's back and ramming balls deep in him with one jab. Neal does feel a little bit like Billy's cheating on him but watching Jan grimace and take more and more of Billy in him is cranking Neal's lust. Kurt's glad for that, liking it hard and rough and that's exactly how Neal's giving it to him.

Jan also doesn't stay at novice level long for getting ass fucked either. By the time Billy's picked up steam, Jan is meeting his thrusts, making every entry into Jan's body as fulla and hard as possible. It's everything Jan swore he didn't want and the greatest pleasure he's ever known. way too soon for Jan's liking, Billy's cock bottoms out one time too many and Jan starts spewing his load like a geyser. Billy fucks a few more times and then pulls out and intends just on giving Jan a facial but Jan grabs Billy's cock and sucks on the head hard so every drop of Billy's seed goes down his throat. That's too much for both Kurt and Neal and while Neal's unloading deep inside Kurt, Kurt is coating Richie's rug with a load of his own. The two stay still to catch their breath as Billy starts getting dressed to leave, promising Jan he'll call, and leaving his number. Billy has a definite smile on his face, one that evaporates immediately when he opens the door to Richie's dorm room and finds out Neal witnessed the whole thing.

"Kurt, what the fuck?" This confirms for Billy that the kid is as much bad news as Lucky.

"It's cool, Billy," Neal says, rushing to embrace Billy. Neal knows what Billy fears, that Neal is going to act like a jealous boyfriend or something. Neal kisses Billy and Billy melts into the kiss and embrace, grateful Neal doesn't think less of him for what he did. Neal chews on Billy's ear and says, "Kurt told me the why and besides, I just took that as a preview of what we're doing later." Despite the huge load he just left in Jan upstairs, Billy goes almost instantly hard hearing that.

"Kurt, I'm gonna ride home with Neal. You got the flash drive?" Kurt unhooks it and tosses it to Billy. "Thanks. I'll tell you when we finish up with the others and you can delete Lucky's hard drive." As soon as the two have been gone a few minutes, Kurt gets up and inserts another flash drive and heads out the door. Within five minutes Kurt shows up on the TV screen, having let himself into Jan's room.

"My turn, Jan," he murmurs as he slides into Jan's bed, naked. Jan is still drunk enough and horny enough to just welcome Kurt with a hot kiss and by spreading his legs. Now it's time for Kurt to get his revenge on Lucky too...

To be cum-tinued...

Next: Chapter 10

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