Bagged Boy

By moc.oohay@ecafmucslivelufetah

Published on Oct 11, 2023


If you're under eighteen, don't read. If you don't like man on man sex action, go away. If you do like gay amateur erotic fiction, then you are in the right place

Bagged Boy: The Ivan Experience

Unpopular at the supermarket he's a bagger at, Neal is drugged by coworker at a party and used sexually by him and four other coworkers, Billy, Fitz, Ivan, and Paul and then by teammates Kenny and Peter before another victim of Lucky's bottomed for Neal. Neal was also woken the morning after by Paul already fucking him.

After the party, Neal has also been fucked by Lucky at work whenever Lucky can arrange it, spit roasted by Fitz and Paul while he was supposed to be bringing in carts, made a deal to provide sexual release for Billy that was consummated first on the hood of Billy's Camaro while they were heading to see Melody, Neal's girlfriend, and had another mystery lover sneak into his bedroom at home and wake him with a fuck in the dark. He's even been taken in the showers after practice by Kenny and Peter who also screwed gay virgin Dustin. Peter got to give his first blowjobs while Dustin liked getting it up the ass enough to let Neal fuck him too. Things started changing when Dustin and Neal seduced new kid Logan. The last straw was when Melody's brother Nick woke Neal up fucking him and tried sharing Neal with his best friend Sam. Neal had turned the tables and both Nick and Sam had fucked the other and sucked cock. Now Neal was ready to do something about Lucky!

Life sure was different now for Neal. Six months ago he'd been a total virgin until being drugged and used for man sex. Now after months of a steady diet of it, Neal is pretty sure he's turned gay or at least very, very bi. His body had gotten used to what male bodies could do to each other and craved it. Neal had also begun to look appraisingly at other guys and found himself attracted to some.

Neal was at a party as he thought on all this. He doesn't know what struck him as odder: That he was having sex with a handful of male students and coworkers all the time or that he was at a party. Neal wasn't very popular as a straight virgin. Once Neal started having sex with Billy, Fitz, and Paul they got him invited to all the parties they went to, in case they needed his services. A side effect was the other people at the parties got to know Neal better and liked him more. This wasn't the first party that he was invited to that had nothing to do with Billy, Fitz, or Paul. In fact, Neal hadn't heard from Paul or Fitz in days and Billy was out of town.

With Nick and Sam having a different set of friends and Dustin and Logan studying (yeah, right) and Neal pretty sure Kenny was using Peter for sexual release lately, Neal realized none of his fuck buddies were here. That immediately gets Neal wanting to get laid, much like running out of cigarettes makes you want a smoke. Neal looked around for any likely candidates and didn't see any that wouldn't require a lot of work and alcohol. Neal was about to leave the party and call even Kenny if he had to when the guy whose house the party was at stopped him.

"Hey, Neal. You're not leaving?" Neal is surprised Austin would ask him this. Not just because almost everyone else has already left but because Austin didn't even know they attended the same high school before Neal started tagging along with Billy, Fitz, and Paul to parties.

"I was gonna. Why?" Neal takes a moment to wonder if any of the guys have told Austin what's what. Does Austin want to get it on? Austin might be a pale Irish redhead but Neal has to admit he's a hot, pale Irish redhead. Neal is picturing Austin fucking him when Austin starts explaining.

"The rest of us were gonna head over to Ethan's to smoke out a little." Neal finds himself disappointed he won't get to see what his high school's championship player looks like naked and how he fucks and is about to tell Austin he drinks, some, but doesn't get high when Austin continues. "I know you're not into that shit but I was hoping you'd hang out here. My cousin's passed out in my room upstairs. The whole family's been worried about him lately and I gotta admit, leaving him here drunk like this doesn't feel right." It makes Neal feel good to be asked this and he agrees immediately. Having Austin owe him could make Neal's little fantasy about having the wrestler ram his ass come true some day!

That fantasy didn't stop the boredom setting in when Neal realized he was alone in the house besides a kid passed out somewhere and no one was answering his texts. Austin's family also didn't have more than basic cable! Finally Neal headed upstairs to see if Austin had a computer in his room. He did and there was also an added bonus: Austin's cousin was passed out on the bed!

Neal is sure the cousin was familiar and had to be in one of his classes but he couldn't place him. Maybe it was because the kid on the bed had his T-shirt pulled up above two very pert nipples on a nicely sculpted chest, a six pack below that, and his jeans and briefs were pulled down to mid thigh. Neal's pretty sure the kid didn't do it himself since there was also a note tied to the unconscious teenager that said `suck this'.

Neal decided he wanted to follow instructions. Just for fun though, first he goes to room's computer, points the webcam at the bed, and starts sending the feed to his own computer at home. Then he gets on the bed between those well muscled thighs. There's a little voice that reminds Neal that he's supposed to be straight but Neal can't answer it because his mouth is full of cock. More than a mouthful in just a moment, as Neal's talents have stopped being those of a straight boy long ago. Neal's a little too good because Austin's drunk cousin wakes up pretty much the same time.

"Neal? What the fuck?" Neal's startled `cause he does know that voice and looking up realizes he should have recognized the face too. It's his former coworker Ivan, who had been fucked by Paul and blown Fitz at the same party that Neal had been drugged to do the same with more guys than that! Ivan quit work soon after the party and they don't share any classes so Neal hadn't realized Ivan's look had changed. Gone was the brightly dyed hair and the almost fussy nice way Ivan had dressed. Neal guesses black is Ivan's natural hair color and the clothes are nowhere near being the fashionable stuff Ivan used to wear.

"Hi, Ivan," is all Neal can manage. He knows it's lame but Neal's never been caught going down on a passed out acquaintance before. He's not sure what the protocol is.

"You asshole," Ivan slurs and shoves at Neal but Ivan's still so drunk the exertion flops him back on the bed. "You stole my life," Ivan whimpers and Neal is worried for a moment Ivan is going to cry.

"What?" Again, not a clever quip but Neal's on shaky ground here.

"You heard me. I wanted to be doing all those guys and you didn't and you get fucked all the time now. Unfair," Ivan babbles. Neal is stunned.

"You're gay?" It never occurred to Neal to assume that about Ivan. Sure, he had been spit roasted feet away from Neal but Neal hadn't ben gay either and he'd been fucked and given head too. Ivan just flips Neal off. "Why aren't you? The guys loved having someone they could just get their rocks off with. They didn't want two?" That doesn't make sense to Neal and Ivan is more than happy to explain.

"It wasn't so gay if the guy they fuck isn't gay. When they figured out I wanted it bad, they backed off." Neal can't believe how sad Ivan sounds or how ironic this is. He reaches over and grabs a handful of Ivan's still rock hard cock.

"Why not just find someone else to do it with?" Neal's thinking of his seducing Logan when the new kid transferred into their school.

"Lucky said he'd out me if I did. You don't know my family. My dad would kick me out if he found out. It's why I'm always over Austin's. His family's way cooler." Ivan might be drunk and still kinda mad at Neal but the hand stroking his hardness is bringing him around. "What's up with you? You were straight. I know you were. I was watching you good at work. What happened?" Neal almost doesn't answer Ivan but then realizes he's never had a chance to tell his full story yet. Neal continues to feel Ivan up as he starts with the fateful party and then how things progressed with the others. Ivan gets even more turned on hearing it and Neal can't deny that viewed from the end of the story Ivan's right. Alcohol and boredom had started this sexual encounter but now both boys are hot as a firecracker.

"Ivan, what if I told you people were going to take care of Lucky? That he'd stop having a say in what anyone ever does?" Neal stands up then, pulling his shirt off and the stepping out of his own jeans and boxers after kicking his sneakers off and across the room.

"I'd say that's great," Ivan squeaks, really enjoying the hard body and harder cock in front of him. Neal's next tasks are finishing getting Ivan's clothes off of him. "What are you doing?" Ivan is pretty sure what Neal has in mind but up until this moment Ivan had thought of Neal as being a straight guy being forced against his will to have sex with guys. That Neal would grow to like it and initiate it never occurred to Ivan.

"Well, before we take care of Lucky, I thought I'd fuck you silly, silly. Got any lube?" Ivan is so excited he can't speak but he does get the lotion out of the night stand where Austin keeps it. Ivan even has trouble breathing as he watches Neal slick up his very hard cock and it only gets worse as Neal crawls onto the bed and over Ivan until the two of them are face to face. Neal uses his own lower body to separate Ivan's legs wide and ass up. Neal's dickhead comes to rest right on Ivan's hole and stops, just a little pressure being exerted. "Ready?" Neal asks in a rasp. This scenario with Ivan has Neal nearly as turned on as when Billy and Neal get together.

Ivan shakes his head yes and Neal starts entering him. The two boys' eyes stay locked on each other as Neal slowly but steadily takes Ivan. Ivan lets out a slight gasp of pain but that quickly goes away and the wonderful feeling of fullness Ivan felt twice the night of the party and never since starts. Ivan holds his own legs at the knees so Neal can get further in as the thrusting really starts.

"That feels so good," Ivan moans.

"I know," Neal laughs and moves his head down so Ivan can meet him halfway for Ivan's first man kiss. It only makes things better but is almost immediately counteracted by the next noise they hear: someone coughing. They look over, Neal balls deep in Ivan to see Austin standing in the doorway to his own bedroom.

"Maybe I should said that by taking care of Ivan I didn't mean fucking him..."

Things were barely any better way back during the night of the party. Ivan was in Fitz's back seat, blitzed from booze and whatever Lucky had fed them, and the taste of Fitz's cum lingering in his mouth and the itchy feeling in his ass from Paul's huge dick fucking him hard was having two effects on Ivan. The first was reminding Ivan that he'd finally had sex with a guy. Maybe it hadn't been Billy or Neal like Ivan had fantasized about but it had happened and it had felt good. It also kept Ivan thinking that everyone in that bedroom had to know he was gay now. School and work would treat him different and then his dad would find out. Fear and lust are not a good combo Ivan found out when you're buzzed. He barely realized when Billy had pulled up to Fitz's parents' house and got out with Fitz. It was only when they called for Ivan to join them that he's dragged himself out of the car and followed Billy around to the back of the house.

Billy sat on the picnic table back there and lit up a joint and shared it with Ivan. Fitz came out of the back door with a six pack of beer he'd had stashed and they all started one. Billy sat next to Fitz on the table and Ivan sprawled out on the grass. Not much was said for a bit as they drank their beers and finished off Billy's last joint.

"I think Lucky drugged us," Billy finally says, breaking at least five minutes of silence. "Fuck, but I'm still turned on." Billy leaned back on one elbow and spread his legs, grabbing a very obvious hardon tent with his free hand. Fitz chuckled and did Billy one better. He stood up, undid his belt, and let everything below the waist go to his ankles. Fitz's very long, very hard cock bobbed in the cool night air as its owner picked up his discarded clothing to sit on. Fitz didn't want any splinters in any embarrassing places.

"He had to. I never woulda thought of using Neal like that or having Ivan there blow me if Lucky didn't." Fitz doesn't even act like he knows his hand has started jacking himself off. Billy then unzips and hauls out his own hard dick and his balls.

"At least you got a BJ. I've never even had a girl do me like that," Billy sighs.

"So? I hear ass is so tight to fuck and you got that and I didn't." The two boys act like they've forgotten about Ivan, who has had to free his own raging boner because of what the sight of Billy and Fitz playing with themselves is doing to him. "The BJ was good too, man. The only part I missed about doing this shit tonight is I didn't get to kiss. That's one of my favorite parts," Fitz says wistfully.

"Yeah, me too," Billy agrees and the two friends and coworkers just look at each other in silence as they slowly stroke their cocks. "You know, we're still fucked up from whatever Lucky gave us. We could still kiss and not be to blame..." Fitz doesn't need any more encouragement. Fitz leans over, Billy does too, and Ivan thinks he's lucky he didn't cum right then and there from the sight of these two ultra straight high school boys kissing each other with abandon.

The kiss goes on and on it seems to Ivan and the two kissing shift so their bodies are entwined and pretty soon Billy's hand has taken over stroking Fitz's hard shaft and Fitz is doing the same for Billy. Fitz finally breaks off the kiss.

"Man, I am so fucking turned on. I have to get off." Billy nervously agrees. "But I am not giving you that BJ you missed out on," Fitz adds.

"And there's no way you get to fuck me," Billy agrees. It's all too much for Ivan.

"I'll do both," he says as he stands and starts stripping down in the cold night air. His dick points straight at the lust filled boys on the picnic table.

"What are you? Gay or something?" Billy asks.

"Does it matter?" is Ivan's answer as he squats down between Billy's legs and starts sucking him off. Billy decides then and there it doesn't matter at all. Fitz helps Billy undress completely too and then strips off his own shirt. He just watches as Ivan really goes to town blowing Billy, jacking off the whole time. Finally, Fitz decides enough is enough and he has to have himself some of Ivan's ass. He gets up and Billy grins at him as gets behind Ivan. Guessing that Ivan is still pretty well broken in by Paul's beer can like dick earlier, Fitz just slams his dick all the way in Ivan in one thrust.

Ivan groans around the dick in his mouth, making Billy shudder from just how pleasurable that feeling is on his dick. Billy is glad no one's at home here at Fitz's because he starts making noise and knows he couldn't have stopped himself even if Fitz's parents had been sleeping just yards away.

"He's great, huh?" Fitz pants out as he rams into Ivan hard. Ivan is loving the feeling. Fitz might not have Paul's girth but fitz does have Paul beat in length. Fitz is hitting a spot up inside Ivan Paul couldn't that is driving Ivan nuts. The harder fitz fucks, the more turned on Ivan is and the more turned on Ivan is the harder he sucks on Billy's cock.

"Oh god, yeah!" is all Billy manages before he grabs Ivan's head and keeps it all the way down on his dick as he feeds Ivan his latest load. The sight of Billy's face as he's lost in orgasm is the last bit Ivan needs before he too starts filling Ivan with his seed.

Billy and fitz are embarrassed and silent as they use Fitz's shirt to clean themselves (Ivan shot his own load in the grass so didn't mess himself up) and Fitz walks the boys out to Fitz's car. No one knows what to say so nothing is said as Billy and Ivan climb in and drive away. Fitz never did find out Billy fucked Ivan again in the back seat parked outside where Ivan lived. Neither boy thereafter even talked to Ivan again, much less had sex with him.

Back in the now, Neal tries to stop fucking Ivan as the two lovers stare at Austin framed in the bedroom doorway. It feels so good to Neal he can't stop completely. Neal stops trying when he sees Austin's hand cup his own crotch.

"Come here, Austin," Neal whispers. Austin does.

"This is wrong. You're taking advantage of my drunk cousin," Austin slurs as he moves closer to the bed.

"Does Ivan look like he minds?" Neal asks and rams Ivan hard enough to elicit a moan.

"No," Austin admits and Neal reaches up to palm Austin's crotch now that the teen is close enough. It's no surprise to Neal that Austin is hard. "You're drunk and high, right?" Austin giggles a little.

"Beer and pot and Xanax, dude," Austin lists as he presses his hardon into Neal's hands.

"Then just go with it, Austin. You're fucked up. If you regret it tomorrow, you can always say it was `cause you were so out of it." Neal starts tugging on Austin's jeans and they start coming down his hips, whatever underwear he's wearing coming down too.

"I don't know-" Austin starts but Ivan has had enough. Ivan figures Austin has to go along with what Neal's suggesting just so Austin can't tell his parents or Ivan's what Ivan and Neal were doing. Plus, Ivan has always thought Austin was more than hot and would have enjoyed sex with his cousin no matter how it got arranged. Ivan reaches up and grabs Austin's shirt and pulls his cousin's face down to his. Before Austin can protest, Ivan starts kissing him hard. At first, Austin's hands go to the bed and it's a struggle between Austin trying to stand up straight again and Ivan holding him in place by his head. It's not long however before the kiss gets to Austin in his current state and he stops struggling and starts kissing Ivan back.

Having pulled out of Ivan already, Neal gets up off the bed and Ivan pulls Austin all the way onto it. While the cousins swap spit, Neal reaches around and unbuttons Austin's shirt and pulls it off. He then gets rid of Austin's sneakers and then the jeans and briefs. Neal gets his first look at Austin's engorged cock and its pretty much a perfect twin for Ivan's. Neal then steps back and watches Austin just go for it and writhe against Ivan as they make out. Neal's mouth drools at the sight of Austin's hard jock ass. It's at moments like these that Neal wonders if Lucky and the rest have really turned him gay or it was something inside he had been denying all along. Because Neal is definitely not bi now. Neal is fully gay and accepts and likes this about himself. Neal just hates Lucky being the catalyst for it and having so little control for so long.

"Oh." Austin pulls away from Ivan and at first Ivan worries he's gone too far somehow. That's when Ivan notices that Neal has gotten on the end of the bed and has planted his face right into Austin's ass. Neal is rimming Austin!

"Feels great, yeah?" Austin starts to lie but a loud moan escapes his lips and he realizes it's too late to lie now.

"Oh god, yeah. No wonder gay guys love shit like this. This is almost better than a blowjob!" The kiss resumes but this time it's Austin initiating it with Ivan. Ivan is no longer worried about blowing Austin's mind. Now he's just thinking about what it'd be like to blow Austin period.

Neal continues making a meal of Austin's backside and by reflex Austin starts nibbling on Ivan's ears then neck and then starts downward towards Ivan's chest. Suckling on his ex-girlfriend's chest was always a favorite pastime of Austin's so it's natural to do it to Ivan in this sexual heat they're in. Austin loves the physical reaction he gets from Ivan, finding it more exciting than any he's elicited before. Down below, Neal adds a finger to the tongue play of Austin's ass. Austin considers protesting but when his eyes roll back in his head from pleasure, he decides to let Neal just continue. The same go with the flow philosophy hits Austin when Ivan starts pushing Austin's head lower. Austin knows what Ivan wants and tells himself it's okay because he's so stoned right now. Ivan's hard cock, which looks so much like his own, soon hits Austin's cheek and leaves a trail of precum there. Austin shifts his head and his mouth slides over Ivan's cockhead.

It tastes exactly like Austin expected. What Austin's never told his cousin is that he is limber enough to contort and suck himself off. For the last two years Austin has blown himself and suckling on Ivan's member is pretty much the same, only without the weird positioning and the wonderful feeling of Neal's tongue probing his hole. It feels very good and the finger that joins Neal's tongue feels even better. Then it's two fingers and the harder Neal finger fucks Austin, the harder Austin sucks on Ivan's cock.

When Neal stops, Austin is pretty sure what's coming next but now Austin is so turned on that this all very gay isn't even a blip on Austin's radar. Not even when Neal's head starts pressing against Austin's loosened, spit slick hole. It's only when that head pops inside Austin that he starts to reconsider. Half of Neal's dick is in Austin in one thrust and Austin stops blowing Ivan so he can throw his head back and grunt with pain. Ivan knows how his cousin feels and pulls the boys up so Austin is face to face with Austin while Neal slowly drives the rest of his cock up Austin's ass. Ivan quickly seals Austin's mouth with another kiss so he can't call things to a halt before he gets used to Neal being inside him.

When Neal finally feels Austin relax underneath him, he starts a slow in and out motion. By this point Austin has to admit that it's feeling real good. The pain was never as great as Austin would have expected and what little there is just makes the pleasure even sweeter to Austin. He starts pushing his ass back to meet Neal's thrusts and in no time Neal is losing all control. With a gasp and a final push balls deep, Neal starts coming six inches deep inside Austin.

Austin has barely any time to adjust to Neal pulling his cock out when cousin Ivan pushes Austin's no longer virgin ass towards some cousin cock. Austin moans as Ivan's thicker dick gives him a greater shot of that pleasure-pain. Ivan rolls them over and starts a good hard fucking into Austin. Austin is lost in the feeling as Ivan fucks harder than Neal did.

"Oh god, Austin, this is so sweet! You're so tight!" Ivan moves in so both their bodies are sliding along each other, no point of either body not having contact with the other. "I never thought this could happen but it is so hot!" Ivan makes the last connection, another deep and soulful kiss, as his overexcited cock spews its load to join Neal's inside Austin. Panting and barely able to breathe, Ivan rolls off Austin and Ivan and Neal can see just how good the two fucks felt to Austin. Austin's cock is like a flagpole and leaking precum like a river!

"It might just be `cause I'm so wasted but that was good," Austin admits. "I almost came from just you two fucking me." Austin reaches down to finish himself off but Ivan stops him.

"Let me handle that, cuz. I've been dreaming of this for a long time." Ivan swings a leg over Austin, straddling his lap and sinks his hungry hole over Austin's hard cock. Austin nearly cums right then. Ivan stays squatted and lets Austin set the pace, ramming his thick cock upwards harder and harder. Watching this, Neal is hard again and starts stroking himself as he watches Austin really take over, rolling over while still imbedded within his cousin. Now in a missionary position, Austin really goes to town ramming Ivan's ass.

It's too much for Neal to just watch so he climbs on the bed to become involved again. Austin is so lost in his sexual rutting that he only becomes aware again of Neal when he feels Neal's cockhead at his leaking asshole. Austin groans deeply as Neal's hard cock slides into his ass for the second time.

"Oh god, it can get better," Austin moans as Neal starts a hard thrusting, pushing Austin's own hard cock deeper than ever into Ivan. That's it for Ivan. He almost squeals as he shoots a second load up into the air like a geyser. Ivan's cumming trips Austin's trigger too, sending Austin on the most powerful orgasm of his young life to date. Austin's orgasm is so wild that he barely even notices Neal continuing to fuck him and depositing the third load of the night up his ass. The trio then collapses into a sweaty heap on the bed.

"Wow," is the first word Austin manages some minutes later.

"Yeah. Wow," Ivan responds as he reaches over to stroke Austin's face. Austin shifts some and the cousins begin to kiss again.

"If this feels as good sober, Ivan, we're gonna be doing this a lot from now on." Needing a shower desperately, Neal gets up and heads for the room's adjoining bath. Neal's glad to have heard Austin tell Ivan this, especially after learning Lucky has done his best to make certain Ivan didn't have a sex life. Neal also plans on sending others, probably Dustin, Logan, Nick, and Sam Ivan's way to make up for lost time. When Neal's done showering and re-enters the bedroom, he discovers Austin and Ivan already going at it again. The sight of the two teens in a wild sixty- nine is almost enough to have Neal strip and join in again but Neal does have a curfew. Neal will just have to make do with the streaming video he emailed himself to see what he missed. He fishes out his phone as he exits the front door and starts the short walk home.

"Billy, call me when you get this. We really have to start seriously planning how to stop Lucky and his friends once and for all."

To be cum-tinued...

Next: Chapter 8

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