Bagged Boy

By moc.oohay@ecafmucslivelufetah

Published on Oct 2, 2023


If you're under eighteen, don't read. If you don't like man on man sex action, go away. If you do like gay amateur erotic fiction, then you are in the right place

Bagged Boy: The Last Straws.

Unpopular at the supermarket he's a bagger at, Neal is drugged by coworker at a party and used sexually by him and four other coworkers, Billy, Fitz, Ivan, and Paul. So far we know he blew Ivan while semiconscious, was fucked by Billy while Lucky also orchestrated Ivan getting fucked by Paul as Ivan blew Fitz, and afterward was fucked in the dark by a boy he still doesn't know the identity of. This was followed by Kenny and Peter each having a go at his ass while Neal lost his last virginity by fucking Lucky's best friend Tommy up the ass then blowing Tommy.

After the party, Neal has also been fucked by Lucky at work whenever Lucky can arrange it, spit roasted by Fitz and Paul while he was supposed to be bringing in carts, made a deal to provide sexual release for Billy that was consummated first on the hood of Billy's Camaro while they were heading to see Melody, Neal's girlfriend, and had another mystery lover sneak into his bedroom at home and wake him with a fuck in the dark. He's even been taken in the showers after practice by Kenny and Peter who also screwed gay virgin Dustin. Peter got to give his first blowjobs while Dustin liked getting it up the ass enough to let Neal fuck him too.

This is what happened next that night at the party and at work...

As Neal spent the night in the guest room of his girlfriend's parents' house, Neal realized he has become the perfect boyfriend. Thanks to all the sex Neal is getting from at least nine different guys, his libido well sated. Neal hasn't made a serious pass at Melody since the days after his first night of man sex. He doesn't even look at girls sexually anymore. He had been forced into the alien territory of man sex, but now it didn't matter. Neal both wanted it and needed it. Just the other day Neal had even seen a new kid in the halls at school and had popped wood just looking at him and imagining the things that he could do to this new student's body.

And did, in fact. Dustin had helped but Neal had gotten Logan alone in a seldom used workout room and basically blew past the kid's objections to having a guy suck him off. Neal had palmed Logan's crotch while the boy tried to resist and yanked his jeans down. In less than a minute of Neal sucking on Logan's cock the guy was no longer resisting and after five minutes was easily talked into fucking Neal. Logan even frenched Neal while Neal's legs were wrapped around Logan's waist, Neal's back to a wall, and Logan's long and thick cock was pistoning into Neal's ass. Neal had even threatened to stop the proceedings if Logan hadn't blown Dustin while fucking Neal and Logan hadn't hesitated to take Dustin down his throat. Logan seemed freaked by how much he enjoyed the sex but not freaked enough to not fuck Dustin after school that day and almost every day since. Neal should have been just as freaked out that his transformation into gay slut was so complete he could seduce a stranger over his objections but it all felt too good to worry about too much.

The up shot was that Melody felt so safe with Neal that he stayed over at her house usually one day a week. Their study sessions were punctuated by the light kissing Melody required to feel like a girlfriend. Billy, the boy Neal was having sex with the most, hated Neal doing this but he hated all the other guys from the party screwing Neal too. Billy had even reacted badly to Kenny and Peter accidentally engineering Neal's sex with Dustin so Neal had yet to tell him about Logan. Billy did feel like a boyfriend to Neal and it was clear that Billy felt the same way but Neal was discovering he liked variety. Billy had hinted he'd come up with a way to get Neal out from under the blackmail Lucky had gotten him under but wasn't going to share until Neal wanted the blackmail over as bad as Billy did. Neal couldn't imagine the circumstances that would make him feel that way. He fell asleep Friday night while talking to Billy via the spare computer Melody's family keeps in the guest bedroom.

It was Saturday morning at Melody's house and for a moment Neal thought that he had woken in his own bed. That's because every few nights for some time now Neal's been woken in the middle of the night by a lover who's snuck in his room and started making love to him while he's asleep. Neal groans at the feel of a very hard dick thrusting in and out of him. He moans his approval and wraps his legs around his lover's waist, digging his heels in the boy's butt cheeks to make him thrust even harder.

That's when Neal realizes his mystery lover at home always starts by blowing Neal. That he fell asleep in Melody's guest room the night before. That it's early morning by the feel of the light through his still closed eyelids. Those eyelids snap open for Neal's biggest surprise in some time.

"Nick?" His girlfriend's fourteen year old brother Nick is the one ramming Neal's ass and it throws Neal for a loop.

"Hey, Neal. How'm I doing?" Nick gives a few hard shallow jabs and Neal groans in delight. Nick smiles at the grunted compliment and slows his pace again. Neal is enjoying the fuck Nick is throwing but the who doing it is threatening to change that. Worse, Neal can see on the room's love seat Nick's lifelong best friend Sam. The two boys couldn't look more different. Nick is cute, cute as Melody and just as Hispanic. His black hair is a mess as usual and his dark eyes half lidded with lust. Nick's on the baseball team in his school so his body is above average for a fourteen year old and from the feel of it, his dick is above average as well.

Sam however is handsome already and quite tall. He has a swimmer's build, being on the JV swim team and his blonde hair is in a buzz cut. He's also well endowed. Neal can see Sam's dick has escaped from the fly of his boxer's and is very hard, very dripping, and halfway to the boy's navel.

"Nick, you gotta stop this. I'm your sister's boyfriend. It's not right." Nick's immediate answer is a full body fuck, lowering himself so every inch of Neal and Nick's fronts are touching while Nick continues to fuck. Neal nearly forgets his resolve to end this. "Seriously, Nick. This is rape. Stop it." Nick laughs at Neal.

"Can't rape the willing, Neal, and man, you are willing. I saw you and Billy kissing so I followed you. Billy, Lucky, and Paul all get to screw you and I never hear you telling them it's not right." Nick leans in and nibbles on Neal's ear, something that turns Neal on good. "I can't get any of the girls in my class to give me the time of day and there you were letting anyone with hardon plug your ass. Seemed only fair that after Melody went to the mall with the folks that I get to fuck you too." Neal tries to push Nick off of him but the leverage is wrong and the feelings too good.

"And Sam's here because?"

"He didn't believe I'd do it." Nick looks over at his buddy for the first time since Neal woke up and grins when he sees Sam's hard cock. "Dude, get over here. Neal gives blowjobs too." Something inside Neal snaps at hearing Nick say this. He begins to see Billy's point about having no choice when it comes to sex might be a bad thing. Neal is going to be more assertive, more like Lucky, and these kids who think they can use him are going to be where Neal starts.

Neal's mind went back to the first time he was woken up like this. It had been the morning after the party, the party where first Lucky had Neal have sex with any guy he presented Neal. As Neal drifted awake he thought of all that and is still stunned he enjoyed as much of it as he did. Neal's cock is harder than usual for morning wood and he can't believe the waves of pleasure running through his body.

Neal realizes it's because a really big, hard dick has been plowing in and out of his no longer virgin ass this whole time!

"`Bout time you woke up, Neal. I thought I'd blow a load without you noticing!" Neal notices now all right. Neal and Paul are on their sides and Paul's beer can like cock is shoving faster and faster and harder and harder in his ass.

"Oh god, Paul, stop," Neal moans. He doesn't want this. Neal may be more turned on then he can ever remember being but he hates that it's Paul's dick up his ass doing the job. It's all Neal can do to stop from reaching down and jacking off. "I'm not gay, Paul." Paul laughs and only fucks harder.

"Wouldn't fuck you if you were, Neal. Who wants a loose faggy ass when Lucky's set it up so we can have hard jock ass whenever we want?" Neal groans at that last part but also because the more brutal Paul's thrusts get, the better it feels. Neal almost reminds Paul about how Lucky pimped out Tommy too last night, how Lucky can do this to a close friend and not just some kid he doesn't like at work. Then the idea of Lucky pimping Paul fills Neal's mind, of Paul riding Neal's cock like Tommy did last night, and Neal starts shooting a very hard load without touching his cock at all. Paul laughs at this proof Neal likes getting fucked and blows his own wad inside Neal.

"Shower up and go home, Neal. You'll know when I want some more," Paul sneers and rolls over to go back to sleep. That shower sounds very good to Neal. Neal just wishes Paul coming back for more didn't sound so good too...

A very eager Sam pretty much leaps to Neal's side at the bed and something Neal sees decides him on what he's gonna do. Neal grabs the lube Nick brought in with him as Sam's slim and very hard cock enters his mouth. Neal gets his fingers slick and while a gasping Sam starts fucking Neal's mouth, Neal's fingers go to Nick's ass. The cold, gooey finger teasing his virgin pucker throws Nick off his fuck rhythm.

"Dude, quit it. That's gay shit," Nick stammers. Sam pulls his long wet cock from Neal's mouth to see why Nick sounds upset. Neal ignores Nick's protests and shoves a finger into Nick up to the second knuckle and starts finger fucking the little punk. "Oh god," Nick whimpered and he stopped fucking Neal altogether. Neal still felt Nick's dick get a little stiffer and twitch inside him so suspected Nick didn't find this as unpleasant as expected. Two more fingers joined the first and caused Nick to throw his head back and breathe hard. Neal reached out and started stroking Sam's cock. Neal noticed that watching his best friend get finger fucked hadn't made Sam's dick go down any either.

"Get up on the bed, Sam. I want you to stick this up Nick's ass for me." Neal swears this time it was Sam's dick that lurched even harder.

"No fucking way," they both answered though. Neal just laughed and managed finally to get Nick off of him. He rolled the kid on his back and before Nick could escape returned three fingers to Nick's widening hole. "Oh fuck, please stop that," Nick moaned but he didn't try to escape and even Sam could tell that Nick was pushing his ass down so that Neal could get his fingers in further.

"Look at the computer, boys," Neal suggested and both sets of eyes went wide. Neal had crashed last night without turning off the web cam and the renewed motion in the room had started its recording again. Nick and Sam knew immediately them taking advantage of Neal had been broadcast somewhere. Neal couldn't be sure Billy's hard drive would still have room but Neal planned on emailing himself the file from this computer irregardless.

"If you don't want the video of you two waking me up with sex all over the school, you'll do what I say. Bill, get over here and start fucking Nick." Billy still hesitated but a gain Neal noticed that Sam's dick did not soften in the least. "My family goes to your dad's church. Maybe he'd like to see the video of me sucking you off so he knows exactly how to pray for you." That does the trick and Sam gulps hard but does shuffle towards the bed.

"Dude, this is your own fault. I told you not to fuck him." Sam probably would have just shoved his cock straight up Nick's ass if Neal had let him.

"Don't do it dry, Sam," Neal teased. "You want a dry fuck, Nick?"

"I don't want a fuck, Neal. I'm sorry for what I did. Please don't make us fuck." Neal just pointed to the computer and Nick got the message. "Then hell no, I don't want a dry fuck."

"You better get Sam wet then." Neal guided Sam further up the bed, arranged him to straddle Nick's chest, and took Sam's cock in his hand to guide it to Nick's face. Nick's reaction is to slam his mouth shut tightly. Neal laughed. "Guess he wants a dry fuck after all, Sam." Knowing he's beaten for good Nick finally opens his mouth and lets Sam's hard dick travel across his tongue. The taste of precum isn't as bad as Nick had feared but he hates having lost control like this. He'd had big plans to use Neal like all the other guys were and get off fucking for the first time ever. Now Nick was going to be getting Sam off. As Nick gave his best buddy a half hearted blowjob his Nick's spirits sank. Neal saw that Nick wasn't really trying.

"You know, Nick. If you can get Sam to shoot in your mouth, he can't shoot in your ass..." Nick takes the hint as soon as he realizes Neal is right. He's never received a blowjob but Nick starts putting his all on the teen dick thrusting in and out of his mouth. Sam moans his approval. "How's he doing, Sam?"

"Almost as good as you!" Sam manages to gasp out and Neal realizes Nick might just get his buddy to cum. Neal can't have that. Getting more lube on his fingers, he starts playing with Sam's tight ass pucker. Sam doesn't mind the sensation at first, especially as the most entry Neal tries for at first is just pressure on Sam's anus, barely entering him. It's what Neal says nest that gets Sam uptight.

"Maybe yours will be the first ass fucked then, Sam." The bad case of nerves this gives Sam guarantees Nick won't be drinking down his seed and Neal continues his finger work, not finger fucking Sam like he did to Nick but still entering his one finger up Sam's virgin chute eventually. The whole time Neal is using his other hand to more vigorously work over Neal's hole, an action that gets Nick more and more sexually heated even if Nick doesn't understand why. Neal finally decides it's time.

"Pull out, Sam," Neal instructs and pulls the boy back. Neal grabs Nick's ankles to lift and separate, putting Nick's primed hole on display for Sam. "And push in!" Still seeing no choice and turned on despite his best efforts, Sam places his cockhead right on Nick's hole.

"I'm sorry, Nick," Sam whispers and with one long thrust buries himself balls deep in Nick's ass. Nick's back arches from the entry but his long moan is from equal parts pain and pleasure. The pleasure blows Nick's mind. Nick cannot believe that his best friend Sam is doing this to him or that it's only an ache along with the good feeling. Nick looks up into his fucker's face, the face he's seen show so many different emotions, and this is the first time he's seen Sam have this look of goofy euphoria on it. And Nick is making Sam feel that way. That oddly gets Nick past the last of the pain in being fucked. It's a turn on like never before in his fourteen years that Nick is having this effect on Sam.

"Oh god, Nick. This is so-o-o-o-o good! I don't think I'm sorry anymore, Nicky. I wanna do this forever!" Sam really starts laying it in to Nick now, making a slapping sound as he bottoms, and Nick can't believe that it feels better ramming him this hard rather than worse.

Neal takes advantage of the moment to do what he needs in the computer to save all this for prosperity. What surprises Neal is what the boys do with no prompting. Sam leans down and Nick moves up and the two best friends are kissing as hard as they are fucking.

Sam gets thrown off a little when Neal gets behind Sam and starts playing with the blonde boy's ass again. Turned on as Sam is by how tight and wonderful Nick feels around his dick Sam doesn't really mind the fingering of his backside. Sam barely notices when there are more fingers added and it even when it's no longer fingers.

"Oh. Oh!" is all Sam manages as Neal's dick enters him and he stays balls deep in Nick. Nick loves this even more and claws at the sheets while watching confused pleasure this time crossing Sam's pretty face. It's too much for Sam, this new sensation from behind and being inside Nick has Sam gasping as he pumps the biggest load of cum he's ever produced six inches inside Nick.

Neal has a change of plans when he sees Nick is still hard and dripping on his abs as Sam sags between them. He pulls out and shifts a very pliant Sam so that he's more in Nick's lap now. Despite what Neal's orchestrated the boys are surprised when Neal grabs Nick's hard cock and guides it to Sam's now opened hole.

"Oh god, oh god," is the most Sam can muster as Nick instinctively starts thrusting fast and hard up into Sam's ass. Sam looks confused to Neal, clearly wondering how having Nick ramming in and out of his tight hole can feel so good. Sam adjusts some more so that he's more squatting over Nick and starts shoving down to meet Nick's upward thrusts. It's soon too much for Nick and with a loud guttural groan he shoots his load inside his friend.

"My turn," Neal mutters as Sam collapses on top of Nick and the duo starts making out hard again. Nick almost purrs when he feels Nick spreading his legs wide and coos when Neal's dick drives his hardon into the boy. Neal doesn't even bother being gentle and Nick shows by sprouting wood again that he doesn't mind. "Sam, take care of that for him." Sam wastes no time swivelling around and devouring his first cock ever, that of the best friend he's ever known. Nick already knows how amateurish Sam's efforts are but a warm mouth on his cock while his ass is pummeled is good enough for him. Besides, Nick has already decided he and Sam are going to get plenty of practice with this kind of stuff in the future.

Sam's own dick has risen again, a combination of knowing how much pleasure Neal and Nick are getting as well as the naughtiness of suckling on Nick's dick. Nick sees it next to his face and has no second thoughts about sucking it into his mouth. Seeing the two buds who thought they were going to just use him but instead have become lovers is the last thing Neal needs to push him into a wild orgasm, adding his cum to Sam's inside Nick. While he regains his breath he watches as Nick and Sam each get to drink their first load of jism within moments of each other. The trio collapses on the bed then, exhausted and shifting to snuggle properly.

"So, you liked that?" Neither Nick nor Sam has to answer. Their grins and their spent cocks do that for them. "Good, `cause I want you two to do a lot of it from now on."

"Oh, you can count on that," Nick says in such a lusty way Sam finds himself blushing.

"I've been thinking I want to cut back and the other guys will need a replacement." Sam gulps in nervousness but Nick had already thought about how good Paul's enormous cock might feel inside him. "See you guys the next time I sleep over," Neal chuckles as he grabs his clothes and heads to shower. He can't wait to tell Dustin how this all turned out and he has a plan to start making with Billy. It's time Neal got some control back in his life and Nick and Sam are just the start!

To be cum-tinued...

Next: Chapter 7

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