Bagged Boy

By moc.oohay@ecafmucslivelufetah

Published on Sep 27, 2023


If you're under eighteen, don't read. If you don't like man on man sex action, go away. If you do like gay amateur erotic fiction, then you are in the right place Bagged Boy: Team Mating. Unpopular at the supermarket he's a bagger at, Neal is drugged by coworker at a party and used sexually by him and four other coworkers, Billy, Fitz, Ivan, and Paul. So far we know he blew Ivan while semiconscious, was fucked by Billy while Lucky also orchestrated Ivan getting fucked by Paul while blowing Fitz, and afterward was fucked in the dark by a boy he still doesn't know the identity of. After the party, Neal has also been fucked by Lucky at work whenever Lucky can arrange it, spit roasted by Fitz and Paul while he was supposed to be bringing in carts, made a deal to provide sexual release for Billy that was consummated first on the hood of Billy's Camaro while they were heading to see Melody, Neal's girlfriend, and had another mystery lover sneak into his bedroom at home and wake him with a fuck in the dark. This is what happened next that night at the party and at work... The swim team had an off season practice today and Neal had thought that stopping to talk to the assistant coach in charge had meant he'd missed showering with the others. Neal didn't want to face Peter naked. Again. He thought he'd succeeded too until over the sound of his shower Neal heard voices. "No way," was the first he heard and knew it was Dustin. "You calling me a liar?" is the answer and this voice he knows is Peter's. Neal has a sinking feeling what Peter's told Dustin. Dustin is indeed first in the door and on the short side and very nicely built. Neal thought that even before guys were lining up to fuck his ass. He has short spiky blonde hair that he dyes black, brown eyes so dark they look black, and a thuggish looking face that also manages to look cute. Neal has to take his girlfriend's word on that last part because despite having learned to really enjoy getting fucked and even giving blowjobs, Neal doesn't find much erotic about the male body when sex isn't happening. He looks up and sees Dustin walking in the shower room after swim team practice and confirms that nope, no hardon just looking at a naked Dustin. Peter is there too but so is Kenny. Peter's no surprise. The pale and freckled redhead with the bright green eyes and boyish face is on the team with Dustin and Neal. Kenny is a surprise. Kenny isn't on the track team with Neal but there he is after a swim team practice, naked as Dustin, Neal, and Peter and walking in the shower room. Kenny is as hairy a sixteen-year old as Neal has ever seen, almost olive complected, with smoldering dark eyes and a thuggish yet still handsome face. Neal and Peter had been on the friendly side as teammates on the swim team and hadn't been on terrible terms at work like Neal had been with most everyone else. It was no surprise that in the month since the party that turned Neal into everyone's gay sex toy that Peter hadn't made his life a living hell. Neal should have had more patience. "Hey, Neal," Peter calls out as he leads his little group into the showers. Neal mumbles a greeting back and he can't miss that Kenny's cock is starting to fill out a little. Neal feels a little stirring too between his own legs. The thought that Kenny's going to be fucking him is giving Neal a little thrill despite Kenny's obnoxious personality. He blames Billy mostly because of how good Billy is at drilling him. Well, Fitz, Lucky, and Paul too. Neal doesn't like how he got to this point but he has to admit he's enjoying the sex part. It didn't come as a surprise when he thought of it rationally. Gay guys wouldn't do something as much as they do if it didn't feel great. Neal turns around so the trio can't see his cock starting to give him away. "See, Dustin? Neal wants it so bad he's giving us easy access to his ass." Kenny's chuckle is evil and Neal's heart sinks that he's actually looking forward a little to what's obviously coming. "Okay, this isn't funny, guys," Dustin finally says. "Neal, I don't know how these assholes got you to go along with this but it's time to tell them to fuck off." Before Neal can even come up with an answer, Peter pipes up. "Yeah, tell us to fuck off, Neal. There's that website..." Neal's blood runs cold. Lucky's shown him the website. It has everything Neal did the night of Paul's party but it needs a password. Lucky told Neal that the day he said no to anyone from the party was the day Lucky gave out the password to everyone. With a sigh of resignation Neal bit back any words he might have said to save face in front of Dustin and got down on all fours. He didn't know which one would do what to him but figured he'd be spit roasted. "Oh shit," is all Dustin can say as he watches Peter get on his knees behind Neal, his long skinny dick already very hard, and shoves it all the way in Neal in one thrust. What amazes Dustin is that Neal doesn't cry out in pain. Instead Neal's head goes back a little and he lets out a very satisfied moan. There's no doubt in Dustin's mind that Neal has done this before. Neal clearly is enjoying himself as Dustin can see that Neal's popped wood and it's already leaking precum. Dustin has never considered himself gay or even bi but the sight of Peter clearly loving fucking that ass and Neal's own arousal starts getting to Dustin. Without its owner even really realizing it, Dustin's thick cock springs to its full eight inches. Kenny has noticed however. "You like the show, Dusty?" Kenny sneers as he reaches over and wraps his hand around Dustin's hardon. It's Dustin's turn to moan now. "Oh wow, yeah. I never knew watching two guys do it could be so hot." Kenny led Dustin by the dick over to where Neal was getting it doggie style from Peter. The sound of Peter's pelvis smacking Neal's ass cheeks made it sound like Neal was getting spanked, which only made it hotter to Dustin. It reached as hot as possible as far as Dustin was then concerned when Kenny guided his cock into Neal's mouth. "Oh fuck! God, Neal. My own girlfriend doesn't even suck this great!" Dustin puts his hands on Neal's wet hair and starts eagerly thrusting in Neal's mouth and throat. Peter laughs at how overexcited Dustin's getting and slows his thrusting some. Peter knows what's coming and doesn't want to miss it. Behind Dustin Kenny is soaping up his own small hardon. Neal can see it and knew there had to be a catch to Kenny helping Dustin find such bliss. Neal starts sucking Dustin harder and moves a hand up to play with his balls to distract him from the pain to come. "I had a feeling you'd get off on shit like this," Kenny sneers as he gets right up behind Dustin, placing his hands on the shorter boy's shoulders. Dustin squirms when he feels Kenny's hard cock riding up and down his ass crack. Dustin hasn't figured out yet what's about to happen but is enjoying having his ass stimulated while his prick is being worked over. That changes when Kenny's helmet head finds Dustin's puckered hole and starts invading Dustin's body. "Kenny! Fuck, that hurts! Take it out, man! I'm not into this shit!" Kenny has no intention of stopping and Dustin's cries of pain increase. "Shut up, Dustin. Anyone that gets as turned on as you did watching peter fuck Neal wants this deep down." Kenny starts brutally thrusting in and out of Dustin and the boy's cries of pain show no signs of abating yet. Kenny pushes Dustin's head towards Peter and says, "Shut him up, Peter! We can't get caught like this." Peter's weak in the knees from the incredible pleasure of fucking Neal's ass and needs to use his hands to support himself off Neal's back so he uses the only thing available to him. Peter kisses Dustin and kisses him hard! Dustin had started to soften in Neal's mouth from the pain but Neal can feel that Peter's kiss has turned the tide and Dustin's returning to full hardness. As Dustin and Neal are being fucked legless, Neal's mind goes back to the night of that awful party and when Kenny and Peter were first brought into this... "Thanks, Lucky," Neal had slurred when he'd woken and drunk the soda Lucky had offered him. Neal knew now it had to have been drugged too but it felt so good going down. It also helped get rid of the taste of cum from Neal's mouth. Neal just wished he'd been able to wipe some of the dried cum off his body. As Neal looks around he sees that Billy, Fitz, and Ivan are gone and Lucky and Paul have been joined by Kenny, Peter, and Tommy. Tommy Neal had seen at work occasionally and around school. Tommy was Lucky's best friend and as big a jock as Lucky. Tommy wasn't as popular but people liked him well enough. Tommy is doing the last thing Neal ever expected of any best friend of Lucky's: he's between Paul's legs as Paul writhes in his arm chair and is trying his best to deep throat Paul's monstrously thick cock. Kenny's laughing at the older jock but Neal notices that both Kenny and Peter have hard cocks tenting out their shorts. Neal wonders for a moment how Kenny and Peter's dicks will feel down his throat or up his ass and is stunned. Neal's blown out of the water. He doesn't know yet about the mild drugs in his system so adjusting so eagerly to gay sex is rocking his world big time. Neal's ass is sore but tingling and he can feel cum dripping out of it and for some reason that leads to Neal getting more turned on. "Look, dudes. Neal can't wait for his turn with you," Lucky laughs and points at Neal's hardening cock. The new guys, despite being clearly turned on, hesitate. "Dudes, did you not enjoy using Tommy once I decided to share? Neal's even fresher meat." Neal focuses on Lucky, realizing the evil master of ceremonies not only hasn't had him yet but he's also still mostly dressed. All Lucky has on is a pair of baggy jeans and no one there is even sure if he's turned on or not. "Come on, Kenny. He tripped you at that meet last year. Time for some payback." Lucky walks up to Kenny and starts undoing his belt. Kenny takes off his shirt himself and the shortest dick of the night so far is in full view now. Kenny looks unintimidated by his victim being longer and wider than him and crawls between Neal's legs. "No," Neal manages weakly but makes no move to stop Kenny putting his ankles on his shoulders or getting his below average dick in Neal's hole. Neal just bites his lip and groans and gets turned on both by the feel of that erection sawing in and out of him and the look of undistilled pleasure on Kenny's face. Paul's groans outside of his field of vision tells Neal Tommy's getting to taste Paul's cum right now. The sight must have gotten to Kenny because the hairy stud shudders and shakes and bottoms out in Neal, shooting his load as well. "My turn," Peter demands, shouldering Kenny aside as soon as his best friend withdraws his dick. Neal can see for the first time that Peter's peter is as white and pale as the rest of Peter but is very long as well. Not too thick so it just feels good as Peter slowly, teasingly inches his dong up Neal's hole. Lucky gets down so he can whisper in Neal's ear. The hot breath as Lucky speaks seems to go right to Neal's dick. Neal still can not believe how long he's been turned on tonight or that man sex is doing the job. "I've got one last thing to take from you tonight, Neal," Lucky sneers. "I've taken your ass and mouth, I've taken your virginity and made it so a guy gave you your first blowjob. Even if you can get a girl to do you Ivan will always be your first. Tommy, come here." Neal cranes his neck as best he can as Peter's fucking picks up speed and sees that now Paul is gone too and a blonde haired blue eyed jock/boy next door is coming towards him, a cock so hard you could hang clothes from it leading his way. "Tommy, sit on Neal's boner." Despite having seen Tommy sucking off Paul, Neal still expected Tommy to tell Lucky to fuck off. Tommy's one of the straightest guys at their school, a real pussy hound. Neal's dumbfounded when Tommy instead just does as told. Tommy squats over Neal and lines Neal's cock up with his hole. Neal squeals as his dick enters a living body. Neal clutches at the sweat soaked sheets as his ass and dick both are being given incredible pleasure. Lucky laughs. "Your brother was here tonight Neal. Did you see Damon?" Not even the mention of his asshole older brother can get through the haze of sexual pleasure Neal's feeling. "While Billy was fucking you senseless Damon was downstairs drinking. What would he say if he had seen his little brother Neal, not being tied down, not being coerced, but servicing every guy I tell him to?" Neal knows Damon would be pissed at him and probably hate him but right this second the image of Damon standing in that doorway and seeing Peter plow his ass while he fucks up into Tommy's is too much. Neal groans and floods Tommy's ass with cum, his hole tightening during orgasm and almost sucking the cum straight from Peter's balls. That's all too much for Neal and he barely recalls blowing Tommy in return before Lucky and the rest leave. Neal's left to drift off to sleep in Paul's bed, unmolested through the rest of the night... Neal is brought back to the present by both Dustin and Peter getting closer to shooting their wads. Dustin's cock is like steel and shoved down Neal's throat every time Kenny bottoms in Dustin's ass. Peter has stopped Frenching Dustin and is tight on Neal's back. Neal can feel Peter's nipples on his back and they are as hard as steel as Peter is panting right in Neal's ear. Neal gets a wicked idea when Dustin's cock slips from between his lips for a moment. The hand that had been on Dustin's base points it slightly toward Peter's mouth. Dustin's hard dick slips in Peter's mouth and while Peter is unloading in Neal's ass, Dustin shoots his load in Peter's mouth. Neal chuckles as in the throes of his own orgasm Peter gulps down every drop of Dustin's seed. After he's done cumming and swallowing, Peter slumps to the floor with a dazed look on his face as he leans against the shower wall. Kenny just stares at his best friend, barely pumping in and out of Dustin's ass as he stares at the cum that's dribbled out the side of Peter's mouth. Peter catches him staring. "What? It's not that bad, to be honest." That flips some sort of trigger in Kenny. He pulls his dick out of Dustin's ass and rushes over to Peter. Peter opens his mouth, probably to protest, as Kenny aims his rock hardon at his face and all Peter accomplishes is making it easier for Kenny to feed him his dick. This time Peter actually sucks and it takes less than a minute before Peter's drinking down his second load. An exhausted Dustin slides to the shower floor beside Neal to watch it all. "Dude, that was so not cool," Peter spits, along with what little of Kenny's load he didn't drink down. Peter bolts from the room with Kenny trailing along after with clearly insincere apologies. "I'll bet you good money that's not the last BJ Peter winds up giving him," laughs Neal before Dustin reaches over and tugs on Neal's forgotten hardon. "You don't have to help with that. No one else does." Almost no one else but Dustin doesn't need to know about Billy. "They really got you started against your will?" Dustin asks as he starts slowly jacking off Neal. "Yeah but I'm used to it now. It does wind up feel pretty good." It's Dustin's turn to laugh now. "Yeah, I'll say. I thought I'd die when Kenny started but I think I came more cause of his dick pumping me than your blowjob." Dustin looks Neal dead in the eye, totally serious now. "I don't think I can blow anybody but Kenny did get me loosened up..." Before Neal can react Dustin swings one leg over Neal and guides Neal's cockhead at his newly opened hole. Dustin freezes with his teeth gritted and eyes screwed tightly shut. "You don't have to do this," Neal says as if he could pull out of Dustin's ass if he wanted to. Dustin answers first by finally taking a breath and starting to slide up and down on Neal's pole. "No!" Dustin responds as if afraid Neal will take away his new favorite toy. "You're just bigger and longer than Kenny, is all. Took getting used to but now it feels even better cause of that." Neal has to believe Dustin too. As Dustin is bouncing up and down on Neal's rigid dick, Dustin's own prick has sprung back to life in all its hard, precum dripping glory. Dustin lets out a chorus of `fuck, yeahs' and rides Neal harder when Neal starts jerking on that big dick of Dustin's. All too soon for either boy Neal starts shooting his load inches deep within Dustin's body and the feel of cum coating his bowels for the first time has Dustin soaking Neal's chest as much as he did Neal's tonsils less than half an hour ago. The two them hold on to each other as they catch their breaths and a softening Neal slips out of Dustin's ass. "Neal, we are so doing this again and often!" Dustin says as soon as he can get his breath back. What else could Neal answer with but... "Fuck, yeah!" To be cum-tinued...

Next: Chapter 6

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