Bagged Boy

By moc.oohay@ecafmucslivelufetah

Published on Sep 22, 2023


If you're under eighteen, don't read. If you don't like man on man sex action, go away. If you do like gay amateur erotic fiction, then you are in the right place.

Bagged Boy: Dream Fuck.

Unpopular at the supermarket he's a bagger at, Neal is drugged by coworker at a party and used sexually by him and four other coworkers, Billy, Fitz, Ivan, and Paul. So far we know he blew Ivan while semi-conscious and was fucked by Billy while Lucky also orchestrated Ivan getting fucked by Paul while blowing Fitz.

After the party, Neal has also been fucked by Lucky at work whenever Lucky can arrange it, spit roasted by Fitz and Paul while he was supposed to be bringing in carts, and made a deal to provide sexual release for Billy that was consummated first on the hood of Billy's Camaro while they were heading to see Melody, Neal's girlfriend. This is what happened next that night at the party and at work... It had been a weird Saturday for Neal, our hot little swim team and track star with the great body and brown spiky hair. He's been invited to three parties. His by the book attitude at work and inability to lie for his lazier coworkers made him unpopular on the job. It also led indirectly to his getting a sex life and Neal is pretty sure that is how he got the invites for this weekend's parties. Not that he thinks anyone he's servicing would admit they've had sex with Neal. He just thinks they want Neal handy at a party in case they're drunk and horny and don't score with a girl! Today alone Neal got a real workout. Billy gave Neal a ride in for their shifts and had fucked him hard on a blanket beside Billy's car. Then Fitz had intercepted him before he could clock in so Neal could give Fitz a quick BJ by the dumpster. Paul had gotten a quick turn up Neal's ass during Neal's lunch and Lucky did him when they were supposed to be putting product back on the shelves. No wonder Neal was exhausted! Neal heads straight home after work and after a quick and highly edited version of his day for his parents and some scorn from both his older and younger brothers, Damon and Kip, before they head off to parties themselves, Neal heads off to bed. He hopes for a good eight hours sleep and perhaps even no dreams. Neal gets neither. First up are the dreams. Two weeks ago they would have been nightmares but now they probably would have Neal shooting off in his sleep. In this one, everyone who has fucked him gets a turn at him all in a row and he's also reliving every blowjob he's given. It's almost too much of a turnon and even though Neal knows it's a dream it's driving him wild. Then things shift and the dozen classmates and coworkers fade and Neal is in his bed in the dark. The feeling of incredible sex doesn't fade. That's because Neal's not alone in his bed and that other person is sucking on his cock! "What?" is all Neal can manage as he enjoys only the second BJ he's been on the receiving end of. He's lost track of how many times he's sucked dick himself but there was only one other time that Neal was given head. He reaches for his lamp to see who has snuck into his room to do this but the silhouetted cocksucker slaps his hand down and Neal doesn't try again. Why risk the guy stopping, and it is indeed a guy. Even if the shape weren't male there is a very hard cock hitting Neal's leg every so often as he's given a very vigorous knob polishing. Neal is trying to keep as quiet as possible, not wanting his brothers or parents to investigate any noise, but it becomes difficult when his mystery partner moves Neal's body so he can now tongue and suckle at Neal's balls. His cock isn't ignored, it's jacked now rather than sucked but still feels great. Neal doesn't even mind when his ass is lifted higher so this oral friend can start rimming him. Neal has never been rimmed, always having given up to now, and now he understands why everyone else likes it. Neal thinks he could cum just from the tongue up his ass.

"No," Neal manages weakly when his lover crawls up his body, letting Neal's feet land on his shoulders. Neal knows what's coming now and almost doesn't want it. Sure, Lucky, Paul, and especially Billy feel great fucking him now that he's so used to it but the setting is wrong for it. This is his room, his private space. This is where Neal has come for two weeks to get away from being used as a gay fuck toy. Now this uninvited visitor is going to put an end to it.

"Yes," is all that's said in response in a whisper so hoarse Neal has no chance of recognizing who is speaking. That's quickly followed by a long but not thick and very, very hard cock piercing his hole. Neal bites his lip to keep in a groan of pleasure even as he remembers a situation almost identical to this one... It had been the night that started it all. Neal had just been royally fucked by Billy while he watched Fitz and Paul spit roast another of their coworkers, Ivan. Neal had been very upset when Billy pulled his softening dick out of his hole, about that and having blown Ivan. Neal had gladly accepted a drink from Lucky, rightly guessing it was a very alcoholic drink and that's the last Neal had known for a spell. He was out like a light in moments. When Neal woke the room was dark... ...and he was not alone in the bed! There was someone in the bed with him and in an act that would be repeated weeks later was giving Neal head. A small part of his brain screamed that this was wrong, that he'd been drugged, and that this was a guy swallowing his cock. The other ninety-nine percent told that small part to shut the fuck up because the feeling of a warm, wet mouth on his dick felt just too good to object. The small part of his brain then sulked and shut up. It was everything Neal dreamed a BJ would be and more! As good as it felt to have Billy fuck him (and it shocked Neal even in his groggy state to have that thought) the bobbing head in his crotch felt so much better. In too short a time Neal groaned loudly, grabbed the head doing the work, and shot his third load of the night down a gulping throat. Neal laid back and tried to regain his breath, vaguely aware that his hard cock didn't stop being hard. That was when he felt calloused hands grab his ankles then lift and separate his legs. "Oh god, no. Not this again," Neal slurred but he made no move to stop what was coming. He just groaned again as a second cock penetrated his ass in a long, slow push. Neal cannot believe how good it felt. It shouldn't have felt this good, is what he thinks. Every nerve of Neal's body feels like it's tingling as whoever's fucking him now just lets his hard cock stay in to the hilt. Neal still has no idea he's been drugged to feel extra- sensual. All he knows at this point is that it's screwing with his head. "Stop," he weakly pleads in the dark. "I don't want-" The boy on top of him laughs. "Don't want what, Neal?" he's asked. "Don't want me to start fucking?" And he does. It's a slow withdrawal, leaving only the cockhead inside Neal's body. And Neal moans softly as he does it. "Don't point out you're as hard as a rock?" An unseen hand goes between Neal's legs and wraps itself around Neal's cock, which is as hard as it has ever been. Neal is a bit amazed because he remembers how hard he came from Billy fucking him. From his masturbatory experiences Neal doesn't think he should be hard again so soon, let alone this hard. "Don't lie to yourself, Neal. You want this as badly as I do and it feels just as great on your end." With that, the boy starts fucking Neal hard and the boy on bottom has to admit that it does feel better than it has any right to. Neal's main problem is letting go of the shame that what is feeling so good is something so gay. Before tonight he never had a gay thought in his life and now he's clutching at the bed sheets and biting his lip and arching his back so that more of the invading cock can thrust into him. Neal finally just lets go and lets his body do what it's been begging to do. His powerful lean legs wrap around the middle of his fucker and Neal's arms wrap around the upper torso still wreathed in shadow. There's a chuckle from the unseen boy fucking Neal but it's a throaty laugh as filled with sex as it is mirth. Neal thought the ass pounding he was getting was severe before this point but now it goes into true over drive. That's it for Neal as he blasts an unheard of fourth load between their bodies and tightens his legs into a death grip. That seems to have done it for his lover as with a guttural moan he shoots his load deep inside in Neal's ass, nibbling at Neal's neck as he does. After the stranger's softening dick is pulled from Neal's ass and Neal starts drifting off to sleep again, Neal barely hears the boy's parting words. "We will be doing this again," he's warned and Neal finds himself wondering if the same lover is the one who has invaded his bedroom tonight. He forgets that thought for a moment as this stranger's mouth finds his and a tongue invades Neal's mouth as forcefully as the hard dick is invading his ass. No, Neal decides as his arms start feeling up this boy's body, this is not the same kid. Neal has become quite the connoisseur of the way different dicks feel up his ass and this one is thicker and longer than that one was. It's hitting spots inside Neal that few of the others who use his ass reach. That's why Neal cums quicker with this one than the stranger that fucked him between performances at the party. The only real similarity is that his orgasm triggers his lover's load as well and it's only moments before the two sweaty boys are lying entwined with softening dicks as they struggle to regain their breath. It's only as the other staggers from Neal's bed, collecting clothes he took off while Neal still slept that it occurs to Neal that he could turn on his bedside lamp and discover who this one was. "Don't," the boy says in a whisper. Since Neal can tell the boy is dressing it shouldn't be a surprise that he can see Neal reaching for the lamp. "Why not? Don't you think I deserve to know who woke me up in my own bed, in my own house, with a wild fuck?" The chuckle from across the room tells Neal that he's right that his choice of words gave away more about he's starting to feel about being fucked than he wanted to. "If you turn on that light," the boy answers in so soft a voice Neal can hear it but still can't recognize it, "we will never do this again. If you want that, go ahead. Turn it on." Neal almost does but realizes only Billy has managed to make him feel that good while being fucked. His hand falls away from the lamp right before his latest mystery lover slips out of his bedroom door. And in his dreams Neal relives that fuck again that night...

To be cum-tinued...

Next: Chapter 5

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