Bagged Boy

By moc.oohay@ecafmucslivelufetah

Published on Sep 19, 2023


If you're under eighteen, don't read. If you don't like man on man sex action, go away. If you do like gay amateur erotic fiction, then you are in the right place.. Author retains all rights... Bagged Boy: Ridden Home by hatefulevilscumface.

Unpopular at the supermarket he's a bagger at, Neal is drugged by coworker at a party and used sexually by him and four other coworkers, Billy, Fitz, Ivan, and Paul. So far we know he blew Ivan while semi-conscious and then was dildo fucked by Lucky while blowing Fitz.

After the party, Neal has also been fucked by Lucky at work whenever Lucky can arrange it and spit roasted by Fitz and Paul while he was supposed to be bringing in carts.

This is what happened next that night at the party and at work...

What it helps to know about Neal's life lately: It sucks. But then again, so does he now. It started with supposedly straight Neal letting Lucky, a fellow bagger, bend him over a sink to fuck him. That triggered memories for Neal of a party where Neal was drugged and blew coworker Ivan while another, Fitz, jacked Neal's dick. A few days later Ivan and another boy from the party, yet another coworker named Paul, dragged Neal into a van where Paul had Neal's ass while Ivan got another BJ. This had Neal recalling that after blowing Ivan at the party, Lucky had started fucking Neal's ass with a huge dildo while this time he blew Fitz. It's been an okay few days for Neal but that doesn't make him feel any better. The hot little swim team and track star with the great body and brown spiky hair can't afford to relax. He was the star of a gang bang this past weekend and used by three different coworkers in the week since. Worse, he still thinks he's straight but so much about what they're doing feels good to Neal now.

The physical pleasure doesn't bother Neal as much as it did. What was done to him would have to feel good or millions of gay men wouldn't be doing it every chance they got. Or at least that's what Neal tells himself. It's the fact that being used by others for sex is flipping his switch that has him messed up. Then there's the fact that watching two of the straight kids using his ass kiss as they came inside him turned him as much as the hard dick hitting his prostate.. Neal had been telling himself he was a straight boy who was being taken advantage of. Now he was wondering if he might have been gay all along and not realized it. At least things are good again with his girlfriend Melody. They'd hit a rocky patch this week but her brother Nick had smoothed that over. Neal had wanted to have sex with Melody to feel less gay and had pressured her. Melody wants to save herself for marriage and almost dumped Neal's ass. Dozens of text messages from Nick advising Neal on how to get back in Melody's good graces saved the day. Neal might not be getting breeder sex but he consoled himself that any guy at school not using his body for sex would still think he was a straight guy with a girlfriend. It's a Friday at work and Neal is closing with Billy. Neal hasn't really had any contact with the blue eyed, blond haired cutie he's on the track team with since the party. Sure, Ivan and Paul said Billy was their lookout Wednesday when they dragged him into the van to spit roast him but Neal never saw Billy that day. From the way Billy's acting today, Neal starts to wonder if his hazy recollections of Billy from the party might be wrong. It's only at the end of the shift as Neal's outside waiting for Melody that things might not go as well with Billy as Neal had hoped. "She's not coming," Billy says, as he walks up to Neal while lighting a cigarette. "I was talking to Nick and he invited me over too. I told him to tell Melody I'd drive you over." That should have been Neal's first warning, along with the way Billy had to adjust the front of his work khakis. Instead he just meekly followed Billy to the muscle car he drove. Neal wanted something like the Camaro he got into but after a joy ride with his dad's car last year his parents still wouldn't let him get his licence. Neal's mind drifts after they pull out of the parking lot so it's a few minutes before he realizes Billy isn't driving the right route to Melody and Nick's house. "Where are we going?" Neal asks. "A new development near where I live. Melody will freak if I smoke out when we get there so I gotta do it now." Neal accepts the explanation and relaxes as Billy parks between two houses under construction. He gets out of the car and won't let Neal stay inside and wait. The two boys sit on the hood of the car as Billy lights up the joint. At first Neal refuses the offer to take a hit. He's never smoked pot before. Then Neal figures he also never took it up the ass before so what's the big deal about doing this? A few hits later he discovers that he really likes getting high. "You hear about me and that Cindy slut last year?" Neal shakes his head yes. Every guy in their school besides Neal had been with Cindy it seems. Everyone knew about the pregnancy scare and Billy's part in it. Nobody knew the aftermath though. "I don't think I was even the dad but I couldn't prove anyone else was banging her that month. God. You don't know what my life's been like since. I haven't had ANY." "Any?" Neal thinks he knows what Billy means but he has to be sure. "Any pussy. My parents made me swear before god that I would not fuck another girl. `Til marriage anyways." Neal just listens. He suddenly can see where this is going. "There's always-" Neal starts but Billy interrupts him. "There's always you. You're not a girl. Thanks to Lucky, I don't have to have cold showers and jack of three million times a week." Neal's heart does go out to Billy because he's describing his life too. The only difference is that Billy got to have sex with girls before this all started. Billy's hand goes to Neal's crotch and Neal tells himself his dick starts getting hard because Billy has gripped it, not because Billy wants to have hot monkey sex on the hood of the Camaro. "Billy, you're not gay," Neal says to try to stop Billy as his coworker scoots so he's between Neal's legs and starts yanking Neal's pants and briefs down. It's automatic that Neal kicks off his shoes and lets himself be stripped naked from the waist down. His dick is half hard in the warm night air. "Neither are you.." That response is a total surprise to Neal and Billy laughs while he unzips and his own long, thick hardon is bobbing in the air above Neal's crotch. For a moment Neal considers bolting but he hesitates too long and that is that. Billy scoots forward and his average size dick hits Neal's hole on the first try. Neal groans as Billy slowly but steadily gets his whole six inches imbedded inside. "Oh god, that feels good. Tell me you don't like it." "Um, Billy? Not gay, remember?" Billy flexes down there and Neal can feel the dick in his bowels shift and a shiver runs through his body. Neal can't look Billy in the face. "Okay, that felt good but I'm not gay, Billy. This is fucking me up." Billy doesn't answer but instead starts to slowly thrust in and out. The feel of that dick going in and out is only heightened by the fact that the rest of their bodies are in contact as well. They're about the same height so their nipples, abs, everything is rubbing at the same time as the fucking's going on. It takes them both back to the first time that night at the party...

"Oh god, no," Neal whispered when he woke from his drugged stupor. At this point Neal had no idea that he had just blown Fitz and Ivan while semi-conscious. He just knows that he's woken to find Lucky between his legs, shoving a dildo in and out of his ass and that there's cum all over his chest. Neal would never admit it but he likes some of what he's feeling as Lucky shoves that thing with more force. There's also no denying that in sixteen years his dick has never been as hard as it is right now and that part feels exceptional. Then there's that taste in Neal's mouth that the ass raped bagger thinks could be important... "Oh yes," answers Billy, forgotten by the others as he stayed in the back of the room. He steps forward as he steps out of his clothes. Billy doesn't have the biggest dick in the room but none of his friends can take their eyes off it anyways. It's harder than any dick they've ever seen and they're including their own in the comparison. "I gotta fuck something, guys," Billy says as he stands next to Lucky, who is grinning like a fool. He loves that Billy, straight arrow Billy, is the first one to want a piece of Neal's ass. "Now, wait a minute," Neal slurs but his words cut off at the feeling of the plastic dildo being pulled out of his ass. Lucky moves off to the side and Billy takes his place. Billy's hands go to the back of Neal's knees and he spreads Neal's legs wide. The recently abused hole is fully exposed and Billy starts shifting his pelvis towards it. "Billy, don't! Don't do this!" Billy doesn't react as if Neal has spoken, much less sounded more panic stricken than ever in his life. Billy only cares about sinking his very hard dick into that hole and that's what he does. "Shit," is all any of the boys watching can say and this comes from Ivan. He's standing between Fitz and Paul and without seeming to even be aware of it, Ivan is jacking on both their dicks. He's also harder than either one of them. Only Billy is harder than Ivan and he is starting to get a rhythm going up Neal's ass. "Oh god," Neal mutters. "I don't want to do this," he adds and if it hadn't come out as a moan the others might have taken him a little serious. Fitz, Ivan, and Paul can all see getting fucked in the ass by Billy has Neal fucked in the head but they can also see Neal's body is responding to it but good. Neal's cock is rock hard again despite the huge load he blew when Lucky stuck the dildo up his ass. Neal keeps shaking his head and moaning the word no but his back arches from obvious pleasure and he's pushing his ass back to meet Billy's every hard thrust.. "Jack him, Ivan," Lucky commands. He's noticed that Neal's throbbing dick is the only thing Ivan has eyes for. Ivan nearly jumps to obey, bending over so that he can take Neal's steely cock in his hand once again. His other hand this time plays with Neal's balls and a finger occasionally drifts and stroked Billy's cock as it pistons in and out of Neal's ass. Lucky smiles at the sight of Ivan's bare, upturned ass and has his latest evil idea. He sidles over closer to Paul and whispers in his ear. "Wanna fuck something too, Paulie?" Paul swallows hard and his very fat cock leaps a little. "Billy's not gonna be done soon." Paul's serious. He once was in the front seat while Billy fucked a girl in the back seat. Billy took forty-five minutes. Paul jacked off twice to the sounds. "Who says it has to be Neal?" Lucky whispers and points to Ivan's pink asshole. Paul grins and moves forward as if to shove his cock straight in there. "Not like that, dude. You gotta loosen him up a little first." Paul only gets it when Lucky mimes rimming. "Dude, you wanna fuck it, you gotta lick it." Paul's still unsure but Lucky points him towards Billy, using Paul's very thick dick as the handle. The look on Billy's face as he continues his relentless plowing of Neal's ass sells Paul. He's on his knees behind Ivan in a second. "Oh." Ivan's first reaction is surprise when he feels his cheeks spread and a hungry mouth starts lapping at his hole. Then how good it feels hits Ivan. "Oh!" Lucky leans in to him now, hoping to get Ivan going further. "Like that?" Lucky breathes in Ivan's ear. "Oh god, yes," Ivan moans, his stroking of Neal's hard cock nearly forgotten as Paul starts to really get into eating out his coworker's ass. "Paul will stop if I tell him to. You know he will." Ivan looks panicked at this and Lucky almost laughs in his face. "Blow Fitz and he'll keep going." Lucky's shifted Fitz over as he said this and Ivan doesn't hesitate. He opens his mouth and lets his best friend stick his dick in there. The harder Paul sucks on his ass the harder Ivan sucks on Fitz. Lucky decides Ivan's ready for the next step and pulls Paul up off his knees. Paul needs no instruction. His giant bloated dickhead heads straight for Ivan's spit slicked hole. Unluckily for Ivan, Paul is no mood to be gentle. He wants his very thick cock in a hole and Ivan's has been offered by Lucky. Luckily for Ivan, Paul has rimmed him very enthusiastically and Ivan's hole is about as loose and relaxed as it's going to get without something entering it. Then something does. Something big and thick sinks halfway in Ivan all on the first thrust. Ivan may not like the feel of the first dick ever to enter his ass but Fitz doesn't mind. Ivan's scream is muffled by the cock in his mouth and Fitz loves the vibrations of that scream around his hard flesh. Paul does a few short jabs with what's already in Ivan and his friend relaxes some. Ivan was already as turned on as he's ever been in his life and Paul's dick halfway in him only cranks it higher.. Then Paul slams the rest of the way in and Ivan is seeing stars. Just a few feet away Billy continues to fuck Neal like a machine, hard thrusts coming even and hard, bottoming out with every thrust in. Neal's mind continues to reel that he woke up to this but more fucked up for him is how good it's feeling to have Billy fuck him at all! He doesn't know when it happened but his lean, powerful legs are wrapped around Billy's waist and his heels are pushing on Billy's ass. Neal is making Billy fuck him harder! Every time Billy bottoms out in Neal he feels a little burst of pleasure and it almost feels like he'll cum right then each time. Looking over at Ivan, Neal is as stunned Ivan is being spit roasted by their friends as he is that Billy's fucking him feels so good. Neal can tell that Fitz and Paul love it because each grabs on to the other for support as their bodies shake and their moans come out harsh and it's clear they are cumming inside Ivan. It's also apparent Ivan doesn't mind either because his own hard cock starts shooting its load all over the floor without Ivan ever touching himself. And that's it for Neal. That sight, on top of how fast Billy's thrusts are coming throws Neal over the edge. His legs squeeze Billy tight, his hands claw at the sheet, and his own hard cock starts spewing like a firehose. The first two shots even get Neal in his own mouth. Then Billy stops pushing in and out to hold his cock as deep in Neal as he can. Even if Billy's head weren't thrown back and his body shaking Neal would know his load was being deposited seven inches in him just from how extra hard Billy's dick feels like it's gotten inside him. It's all too much for Neal... Neal comes out of the memory to see Billy staring him right in the eyes as his thrusts kick into high gear. Neal knows Billy won't last much longer and he has to admit he's almost disappointed by that. Neal also thinks Billy's waiting for something from him and when the boy on top's head dips a little more Neal knows what it is. Neal then takes the lead, lifting his head so that he and Billy's mouths meet. It's a scorcher of a kiss and neither boy hesitates to start dueling with their tongues. After barely a moment of this they both cum. Billy buries fully in Neal again and starts blasting and Neal whimpers into Billy's mouth as his load starts being smeared between them. Long after Billy's cock has softened he and Neal make out on the hood of the car, stopping only when they start to shiver in the night air. They don't speak as Neal learns how well Billy planned this out by getting the supplies out of the trunk that they need to clean thoroughly. In fact, not a word is spoken until Billy turns the car off in the driveway of Melody and Nick's parents' house. "We have a deal?" Neal just stares straight ahead, worrying Billy. "Dude, that was the best sex I ever had. Please say it's a deal." Neal can't lie to himself that it was pretty amazing for him too. "Deal," Neal finally answers and Billy shocks them both by sealing the deal with one last hot kiss before they get out of the car. Neither would be as relaxed as they are if they knew Nick, brother of Neal's girlfriend saw the kiss from his bedroom window...

To be cum-tinued...

Next: Chapter 4

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