Bagged Boy

By moc.oohay@ecafmucslivelufetah

Published on Sep 16, 2023


If you're under eighteen, don't read. If you don't like man on man sex action, go away. If you do like gay amateur erotic fiction, then you are in the right place. Author retains all rights...

Bagged Boy: Parking Lot, Fucking Lot by hatefulevilscumface.

What it helps to know about Neal's life lately: It sucks. But then again, so does he now. The story started with Lucky, a coworker where he's a bag boy, cornered Neal in an employee bathroom, bent him over the sink, and fucked him. Why would straight Neal put up with that? Something to do with memories of a party where Neal was slipped a mickey and so far we know a semi-conscious gave another coworker, Fitz, a blowjob, while a third coworker, Ivan, jerked off Neal and Paul, yet another coworker, while Lucky watched what he orchestrated with a so far reluctant to join in Billy.

Neal perfected today the art of avoiding anyone he knows. That made school difficult but clearly not impossible, seeing as he succeeded at it. His tormentor and fellow bagger Lucky was top of the list to avoid. Lucky after all had set up Neal to be drugged and basically gang raped at a party and used the video of it to get Neal to put out every day they've worked together so far.

Then there were the four baggers that were originally in the room when Lucky started it all. On Tuesdays Neal doesn't share classes with Billy, Fitz, and Ivan and to avoid Paul, Neal showed up in class the last second before the bell went off and left the second they were released.

The only down side was that Neal didn't see his girlfriend Melody. They've gotten together twice since Lucky started using Neal for man sex and his get together with her hadn't gone well. The first time Neal was desperate to have sex with Melody so he'd feel less gay. Melody's determination to save herself for marriage had made that meeting brief and followed by a solo session with his hand. If only images of being used by so many of his classmates hadn't intruded in that session.

Halfway through his shift and Neal has managed to just focus on his day at work. He's not a bad looking guy. He's cute, average height, with brown spiky hair and deep brown eyes. His body isn't bad either. He's been on the swim team and running track since junior high and it shows. Even through the plain black pants, the polyester polo shirt, and apron it's clear Neal's something, or at least the potential of something. Now it's something taking dick on a regular basis and he's not happy about it.

Neal goes outside, actually looking forward to his hour in the parking lot corralling the carts.. It's almost a shame, Neal thinks, that he's following Trevor's hour. There isn't one cart out of place so Neal's going to have time to think whether he wants to or not. Think about how he shouldn't have gone to that party. Think about all the sexual acts the guys at that party forced him to perform. Think about all the sex with them since then. Neal thinks about everything except that the van he's walking by on the way to the one cart outside looks very familiar.

"What the fuck?" Neal gets off when the van door opens and two sets of hands grab Neal. He's in the van before he knows it and it registers that it's two of the other baggers, Fitz and Paul. They're supposed to have the day off so Neal is pretty sure he knows why they're here. The fact the van has no seats except for the driver's seat and passenger one up front is a major clue.

"Hurry up, Neal. We don't have forever." Dark, hairy Paul is a little on the short side and fairly muscular from being a wrestler until this past school year. He's also got a pretty impressive tent in the front of his shorts. Fitz blocks the van's door with a sly smile on his face, his brown eyes and buzz cut brown hair looking menacing to Neal. Fitz pushes at Neal and he finds himself on all fours.

"Come on, guys! They'll fire me when they can't find me." Fitz laughs cruelly.

"Billy's watching out and he's even gonna get some carts," Fitz sneers. Neal's face is a foot away from Fitz's crotch and Neal can see this coworker is all boned up too.

"Please don't do this," Neal begs. "You really don't want to do this." Both Fitz and Paul laugh and Paul moves closer to Neal.

"Dude, Angela likes me better since I'm not trying so hard to get in her pants," Paul says. He unsnaps his shorts and they fall to the floor. Paul wasn't wearing briefs so his hard dick swings free. Neal looks over his shoulder and sees again that Paul might not have the longest dick he's ever seen but the kid just might be the thickest. Paul grabs the belt loop on Neal's pants before he can move and yanks his pants down to mid-thigh, the underwear going with it. Paul's target is exposed and he licks his lips at the sight. "`Course, the only way I can keep from tearing into her pants is tearing into yours, dude." Paul kneels and presses his fat cockhead against Neal's now well abused hole and there's only a moment's hesitation before his shaft starts sinking into Neal.

"Oh god! Oh god!" Neal groans. This is the most sober Neal has been when he's been on the receiving end of Paul's thick dick and it hurts like nobody's business.. But at the same time there's still that charge Neal gets out of being used. Before the party last Friday he never suspected this side of himself existed but here it is and it's causing his own dick to start plumping up as Paul starts thrusting in and out of him.

Neal is starting to moan now as Paul rides him and he looks up at Fitz. Fitz's eyes are half closed in lust and both his hands are manhandling the long bulge beneath his zipper. Neal knows what's coming even before Fitz does and tries shutting his mouth and keeping it shut. The trouble is that Paul keeps hitting spots inside him that force his mouth back open when he grunts and groans. On one Neal notices that Fitz has unzipped and his very long and very white dick has been hauled out. On the next moan Neal doesn't even fight as Fitz shoves that dick in his mouth. Neal knows better than to fight now and starts sucking Fitz off. While his coworkers ram both ends of his body, Neal thinks more of the night that started this all...

Neal still can't believe how much of what happened he was semi-conscious for. Four coworkers carried him upstairs and stripped him. One coworker jacked his dick while another fed Neal his dick. If Lucky hadn't set up multiple sources to tape the action, Neal wouldn't have even known he's given Fitz that blowjob or had Ivan stroking his cock.

"Not so quick, Paul," Lucky had to warn Paul. Paul had watched Fitz feed the semi-conscious Neal his load while having his cock stroked by best friend Ivan. Paul was hard as a rock thanks to the Viagra-booze cocktail Lucky had slipped them. The sight of Fitz fucking Neal's face while Ivan jerked Neal off had Paul on the edge. Before tonight he'd never thought sexually of any guy but now Paul desperately wanted to plug his thick cock in Neal's mouth. Lucky laughed at the look on Paul's face. Neal had smirked when he'd seen it on tape too. If you combined confusion, lust, and revulsion then you'd have Paul down perfectly.

"We've still got this," Lucky reminded the others as he held up the big floppy plastic dong he'd found that belonged to Paul's sister. "Lube it up, Ivan. That seems to be in your skill set." Ivan was embarrassed but couldn't say anything as he took dildo and lube from Lucky. Ivan had after all been jacking Neal and Paul's dicks for the last fifteen minutes or so. Worse, to Ivan's mind, is that his boner won't go down. Ivan hasn't even touched it yet but half of it is sticking up above his waistband, the tip extremely shine with precum. Lucky smiles. He can see how freaked out Ivan is and knows it would ease Ivan's mind to know a lot of Viagra, a dash of Rohypnol, and quite a bit of liquor has made Ivan and the others perpetually excited and prone to suggestion. Lucky likes playing puppet master and screwing with people's heads. Tonight is just the biggest opportunity he's ever had, what with this party being loaded with supposed friends Lucky feels deserve messing with. This group especially and Neal in particular. If Lucky has his way now he will wind up owning half the guys at this party.

"So who wants to do the honors?" Lucky snatches the greased up plastic dick from Ivan's hands and brandishes at Billy, Fitz, and Paul. Lucky then lifts one of Neal's listless legs and rubs the greased tip around Neal's hairless asshole. Even Lucky's surprised that Neal moans softly at the touch. All four of the boys watching hold their breaths as Lucky aims the plastic head firmly at Neal's hole and starts pressing. They can see Neal's ass lips start to part and the dildo starts making its slow way into Neal.

"Ah, ah, ah," is the noise Neal makes in his stupor and his very hard dick starts to twitch. As the entire bulbous head of the invading dildo pops into him, Neal's semi-conscious body arches and Neal's dick, that's been so hard for so long, starts to jerk. Then as more of the artificial cock invades him, Neal's dick starts shooting its load despite the fact that Ivan has ceased touching it in any way. It's a hard shoot too, something out of a porn flick. The first volley hits Neal's own cheek and the seven subsequent blasts coat the entire area between Neal's chin and navel, with his very well defined chest getting the most of the salty covering.

Ivan can't take it. He shimmies his shorts to the floor and releases a dick so hard you could hang clothing on it. As Lucky starts to seriously dildo fuck their unfortunate coworker, Ivan shoves his dripping cock into Neal's mouth. Again by reflex Neal starts sucking and it isn't very long before Ivan starts blasting his load down Neal's throat.

"What?" a groggy Neal mutters as Ivan withdraws, the twin cock attacks having roused him closer to awareness. He's confused, not knowing what the taste is in his mouth is or why he's naked with a not all that unpleasant full feeling at his ass. Neal begins to figure out part of it as he realizes Ivan's hard dick is inches from his face. Then he looks down to a grinning Lucky between his legs and thrusting the dildo in and out of him. "Oh god, no," Neal whispers but he has to admit he likes some of what he's feeling. There's also no denying that in sixteen years his dick has never been as hard as it is right now and that part feels exceptional.

"Oh yes," answers Billy, forgotten by the others as he stayed in the back of the room. He steps forward as he steps out of his clothes....

"Oh yeah!" Paul grunts and starts slamming hard enough to bring Neal back into the present. Fitz giggles `cause it sounds like Neal's getting spanked, that's how rapidly Paul's pelvis is hitting Neal's ass. He leans forward to get more of his own cock down Neal's throat even as Paul does the same to get himself close enough to the edge to shoot. Fitz and Paul's faces brush as their orgasms hit and neither boy thinks about what they do next: As they each fill Neal with cum they start making out. Neal glances up and for some reason finds the dueling tongues of his rapists so hot it's the last thing he needs to cum himself.

The trio lies entwined for a moment, Fitz and Paul continuing to make out for a moment before reality hits them and they realize they've been at this for ten minutes. They help Neal clean and push him out of the van. Neal feels lower than ever as he recognizes that his efforts are futile. The action at that party has changed his life forever and it might be time that he stopped fighting it.

To be cum-tinued...

Next: Chapter 3

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