Bagged Boy

By moc.oohay@ecafmucslivelufetah

Published on Dec 16, 2022


If you're under eighteen, don't read. If you don't like man on man sex action, go away. If you do like gay amateur erotic fiction, then you are in the right place

Bagged Boy: Lucky's Luck runs Out part 2 by hatefulevilscumface.

Billy, Dustin, and Neal had all been victims of closeted gay athlete Lucky in high school. Neal had been drugged and gang banged by a group of coworkers and teammates that Lucky had also drugged. Lucky then used the tape made to blackmail Neal into servicing anyone he wished. Billy continued to sleep with Neal without anyone else knowing, originally as a substitute for the girls his parents would not let him date after a pregnancy scare. Dustin had been a victim of two of Lucky's cohorts and like Neal found out he liked man sex. Billy and Neal became essentially boyfriends and Dustin Neal's best friend. Th en came the night that Billy helped put together: They gathered nearly everyone that night and basically tricked Lucky into showing his true colors and recorded Lucky servicing all the guys. Dustin and Neal's being blackmailed was over...

It's some time before Neal shows Billy the recordings they made. Neal wanted to show them to Billy sooner but taking care of Kenny and Peter wound up taking so much time. When they do view them, it takes a long time, what with them getting worked up enough times they wind up having sex three times. The first is Billy taking it doggy style, the second is a sizzling sixty-nine, and the last time is missionary with Billy on top. It's slow and long and more lovemaking than sex. After they are both spent, Neal holds Billy tightly against him and says what he's been feeling for some time now.

"I love you." Neal didn't expect Billy to say it back, even though he's pretty sure Billy feels it too. He also didn't expect Billy to jump back as if he'd been hit by a stun gun.. Billy heads to wash up quickly in the bathroom between Kip and Neal's rooms and starts dressing immediately.

"I have news," is the first thing Billy says and Neal is pretty sure he won't like the news. "My parents have been impressed I was following their rules about dating and have decided I've learned my lesson. I can date girls now so we don't have to do this anymore." Neal is stunned. This is worse than he expected.

"But, but, it stopped being about that a while ago."

"Maybe for you but I'm not like you. It was great sex and you're a great friend but I'm still straight. I want to date girls and fuck girls and spend my life married to one. We can't do this ever again." Neal manages not to cry but he can't stop his eyes watering up or his voice choking up.

"But you love me too. Look at everything you did to stop what Lucky set in motion." Neal can't believe he could have been that wrong about Billy.

"I was helping a very good friend but if you really are a good friend you'll understand that there can never be anything physical between us again." Neal just stares for a moment and when he's certain Billy is serious, that he's thought this out, he nods his head. "I won't say I'll miss you because we can still be friends. I want that." Neal doesn't say anything, can't trust his voice, but he knows he and Billy can't be just friends. This is the end for them whether Billy knows it or not. Billy just sighs and leaves but Billy won't be going right home. Billy has one last piece of business to attend to.

"Hey, Mrs. Grant. Dustin home?" Billy asked at the front door.

And a friend went upstairs to talk about the new semester starting Monday, or so he said. They're probably playing with that X Box so just head on up." Depending on the friend, Billy is sure they're playing something but it won't be X Box.

And sure enough Billy is right. It's Peter who Dustin invited over and Dustin's ankles are on Peter's shoulders and Peter is fucking the hell out of Dustin. Billy at first finds it funny that Dustin would willingly bed Peter after the lengths they all went to to make Peter pay for forcing Dustin, Neal, and others have sex but begins to understand why after a moment. Peter really is good at topping and seems to have improved since Logan convinced Peter he was gay. Despite the marathon sex session earlier with Neal, Billy feels his own cock growing as hard as Dustin's. Figuring what the hell, Billy locks the door, like Dustin should have done, and starts stripping down. Dustin and Peter are so into their rutting that the first they become aware of Billy is when Billy's cock starts slipping between Peter's ass cheeks. Peter doesn't move to stop Billy, not even turning around to see who is entering him. The two are soon in synch with

Billy's hard thrusts into driving Peter harder into Dustin. Peter cums first and his ass pretty much mils a load out of Billy. Billy and Peter then take care of Dustin, sending the boy crazy with a two man blowjob that has him shooting and shouting in minutes.

"You better dress and go home, Peter," Billy tells the boy. Logan didn't remove Peter's compulsion to obey guys he's had sex with, just his memory of it, so Peter does as he's told. As soon as he's gone Billy tells Dustin what he did to Dustin.

"But you do have feelings for Neal. Everyone's seen it," Dustin insists, the two of them still naked in Dustin's bed.

"Doesn't matter. I don't want to be gay and that's what I'd have to be to keep on being Neal's boyfriend." Dustin tries talking Billy around but eventually realizes there's no chance of success. Billy sees dumping Neal as the price he has to pay for the life he wants. "Why are you here? You couldn't have known you'd get in a threeway."

"Neal's going to be a wreck and I can't help him through that. Since you're in love with him..." Dustin doesn't bother denying it. Dustin figures it must have been obvious to everyone but Neal, since Neal only had eyes for Billy. Dustin assures Billy he'll do everything he can to make sure Neal is okay. Billy and Dustin's big mistake was letting Neal stew all weekend, Dustin thinking that he'd talk to Neal in school on Tuesday if Neal doesn't call before that.

Come Tuesday there's no Neal and Billy's worried but Dustin's not yet. Dustin starts worrying on Wednesday when there's still no sign of Neal. Asking around, Dustin learns Neal had enough credits to graduate early and did so. As far as the lady in the office knows, Neal is already ensconced on a college campus back east. Calling Neal proved useless. Neal's number was out of service.

"I was wondering which one of you would show up first," is how Kip greets Dustin at the door Wednesday after school. "We can talk upstairs. No one's supposed to be home for hours but if I'm wrong, Neal wouldn't appreciate being outed like that.." Dustin says nothing as he follows Kip upstairs but is all questions.

"Chill, Dustin. Did Neal ever tell you guys the coach at Penn State's been trying to get him to join the team ASAP?" Neal had.

"But Neal didn't want to give up high school."

"Well, that changed Friday night. Dad's been trying to get Neal to do this too and Saturday morning Neal showed Dad the email he got back from the coach saying there was a room in the dorm and he could register online for classes Sunday, and start Monday. Neal registered from the laptop in the car on the way to the airport Sunday."

"And nobody questioned why Neal changed his mind and had to leave right away?" Kip rolls his eyes.

"Mom sure did but, dude, Neal's been covering up sleeping with how many guys for months? He can cover up any bad reasons he had for doing this." The boys are silent for a minute. "So what did Billy do?" Dustin doesn't even think of covering for Billy, he's so upset.

"He told Neal he wasn't gay and that they could only be friends." Dustin tells Kip the whole story about Billy and Neal's arrangement and near the end, the enormity of his loss hits Dustin. Dustin starts to cry and Kip holds him while Dustin lets it all out. Kip doesn't let Dustin go when he's done but does shift so that the two boys can look each other right in the eye. Dustin can feel Kip's hardon against his leg. Without giving it too much thought Dustin kisses Kip hard.

The two teens barely undress. Kip gropes Dustin's own erection as they kiss and then manages to unsnap Dustin's jeans to free it. When Kip's lips encircle his moist head, Dustin moans. He understands now why Neal was in no hurry to expose Kip. Neal's little brother is a fantastic cocksucker! Why risk scaring him off? Kip is soon deep throating Dustin and is surprised when Dustin stops him.

"It's more fun to cum while being fucked," is all Dustin has to say. Kip gets the lube from across the room and Dustin strips. Kip's naked too by the time by the time he joins Dustin. Dustin groans as Kip mounts him, finding out little brother fucks as good as he sucks. Kip is so good that for the ten minutes Kip rides Dustin hard, Dustin isn't thinking about letting Neal down. Kip fucks Dustin right into an explosive climax then shudders and fills Dustin's ass with his load right after. The two of them collapse in an exhausted, sweaty heap.

"I'll bring you Neal's number at school when he gives it to us," Kip promises as he reclines still nude on his bed watching a now self-conscious Dustin dress and leave.

But Neal never gave a number. He claimed he had no cell now and always called from a payphone. Neal's email accounts were all closed and Kip always reported Neal's latest excuse for not coming home either before or after he and Dustin had wild monkey sex.

Eventually, Dustin got over feeling like he'd let Neal down and like Neal was rejecting him. Neal may not have known Dustin was crazy about him but Neal should have known they were best friends. It was enough to make Dustin resolve to return to being straight. Well, except for the occasional romp with Kip. And Damon. And sometimes Fitz and Paul. Dustin started dating their classes weird girl, Hannah, and had breeder sex finally. That led to his final break with the dreams Dustin had of a life with Neal: Hannah was soon pregnant and they had to marry. As they awaited the birth of their child, Dustin finally let go of his dreams about Neal for good.

Things were deceptively simple for Dustin at school. He led the team to a championship and slept with anyone who was interested. Never let himself care and when it looked like they might, Neal moved on. Neal invented constant excuses not to go home and even joined a summer training program that basically took his whole summer. No one would ever hurt Neal the way Billy had ever again and Neal was determined to avoid anything reminding him of Billy as well. It was at its heart a lonely two years but Neal didn't let himself dwell on it too much. That ended almost two years to the day from when Billy broke his heart. Neal was getting ready for bed when he heard a knock on his door. Nothing could have prepared him for the sight of Dustin standing there.

"Why are-" is all Neal got out before Dustin grabbed Neal's head and planted a hard, hot kiss on him. Neal resisted for a moment but this was Dustin, the one person from high school who had never hurt him. Neal starts returning t he kiss and they start tearing each other's clothes off. They never make it to the bed the first time. Dustin leans his back into the door, Neal hikes him up, and enters Dustin standing. It's a hard, wild rut that has them nutting in minutes.

The two of them do it three more times that night, one or the other stopping conversation from starting by initiating sex again. The two of them finally fall asleep in each other's arms. Neal wakes the next morning to Dustin watching him sleep and Neal doesn't feel lonely anymore.

Dustin tells Neal over breakfast that he has fraternal twins, Anna and William, and that their mother died in childbirth. Dustin's executor of a fairly large trust that the twins inherited and decided to follow Neal finally to State College to admit he's still in love with him. Dustin's bought a house and a comic book store in town and nannies are coming by to be interviewed later that day.

And Neal realizes he loves Dustin too. Not the same way he loved Billy but more than enough to build a life. Neal went on after college to become a successful writer and Dustin painted the art that graced his jackets. They added to their family through surrogates first David and then Mary and they were happy for years, even if Neal still would not go home.

What finally got Neal home with the kids was Dustin's death. Dustin's car was hit by a drunk driver and Dustin held on long enough to say goodbye to his kids and the man t hat he loved. Dustin made Neal promise that he'd move the kids back to their hometown, so they'd have their grandparents while Neal adjusted to the loss. In this, like everything else, Neal could not tell Dustin no.

Which leads to the twentieth high school reunion and Neal standing out back of his old high school. His oldest, who of course wanted to be called Billy, had insisted Neal attend. Young Billy even made Neal a deal. Billy had admitted to his dad a few months ago that he was gay too and even had a boyfriend at school. The only things Billy wouldn't do was tell Neal was his boyfriend's name or bring the boy home. If Neal went to the reunion, if he actually went inside the building and stayed for a while, Billy would introduce Neal to the mystery beau.

So Neal nurses his third beer from the six pack he bought on the way over and tries to work up the courage to go inside. Billy must be in there and Neal wants to be very drunk before seeing him for the first time in over two decades. Neal's also not looking forwards to the out of towners who don't know Dustin's been gone three years now. Neal stops walking when he realizes he's looking at a Camaro just like the one he and Billy made their deal on, the first time they had made love without Lucky's drugs in their system. Despite the pain that eventually followed, Neal finds himself getting a little hard remembering how good that night and all of the subsequent couplings were.

"Like it? It took me almost the whole past year, first tracking down the right year and then me and my son restored it." Neal turns around to see Billy standing there. Neal's heart stings a little to realize Billy still looks as good as he did in high school. Worse yet, Neal wants him just as much.

"I was beginning to think you weren't going to hold up your end of the deal with Billy," this Billy says as he grabs one of Neal's beers and sits on the hood of his car.

"You know my son? Who, by the way, isn't named after you." Billy chuckles.

"I know but my boy is named after you. He's how I met your Billy. Neal's the mystery boyfriend. Billy knows how you feel about me and was afraid it'd make you move them all away again if hemy son started coming over." Neal started to deny this but stops. He probably would have. "Look, I'm sorry about the way I handled things back then."


"Really. I was scared of how I felt about you so I had to end it. I even married Neal's mom right out of high school even though I knew I could never love her while you were in my heart." Billy starts a second beer. "At least the cancer took her before she found out. It's been just me and Neal for a few years now."

"I'm sorry," is all Neal can think of to say as he sits next to Billy. They lean into each other the same way the used to back then.. "I really did love Dustin, you know. He wasn't a substitute for you."

"I know. He told me." Neal looks surprised. "How do you think Dustin kept up with all the gossip and who do you think he hung out with on those visits you wouldn't come along with. I'm guessing he got you to move back home with his dying wish."


"He told me if anything happened to him, that's what he was going to do and he made me promise that if that day ever came, I'd stop being such an idiot and tell you I still love you and want the life with you I cheated myself out of." Neal's first impulse is to say no and let Billy have it for all the pain he caused. Before Neal can, he looks Billy right in the eye and sees what he would have been like if Dustin hadn't rescued him. No one rescued Billy and that just about breaks Neal's heart. Instead of lashing out at Billy, Neal kisses him instead.. Billy scoots down and gets between Neal's legs like he did back then on the hood of that other Camaro. The two of them go at it right there on the hood and even though Billy never left the town he grew up in, he feels like he's just come home as well...

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