Bagged Boy

By moc.oohay@ecafmucslivelufetah

Published on Dec 8, 2023


If you're under eighteen, don't read. If you don't like man on man sex action, go away. If you do like gay amateur erotic fiction, then you are in the right place. Author retains all rights...

Bagged Boy: Lucky's Luck runs Out part 2 by hatefulevilscumface.

Lucky was the last person anyone suspected of being a closeted gay student, what with being a macho jock and a jerk and especially since his younger brother Kurt has been flamboyantly gay since about the age of ten. What are the odds of two in one family? But Lucky figured out he was gay when he fell in love with his slightly older friend Jan. The trouble was Jan was even more freaked out than Lucky and only let things get so far before insisting he didn't want to be gay and breaks things off with Lucky.

Other people would move on and if worried about being out, would even just hook up on the down low. Not Lucky. Ultra paranoid about being outed, Lucky decided to make his own lovers. Lucky tried subliminal tapes he'd made on neighbor Richie to get him putting out but it took too long, even if it did result in actually turning Richie not only gay but pretty much a cock whore too. After taping taking advantage of a drunk boss, Lucky had his MO. With that idea Lucky used alcohol and drugs to get his best friend Tommy, Sean the cute paper boy, fellow bagger Neal, and Robert, the Senior quarterback of school's state championship team. Lucky had even turned on Fitz and Paul, who he'd drugged into helping him to turn out Neal. Things were good and Lucky was about to start sharing Robert with Kenny and Peter, two guys who'd gladly used the asses and mouths of Lucky's conquests. Lucky was especially proud of how he'd turned out Robert. Robert

had grunted and groaned during the first drunk fuck at first but had cum twice and was enjoying having his asshole stretched now and his prostate banged by a dick. The last time Lucky and Robert had gotten together Robert had initiated it and Robert even admitted he'd been playing with dildos and had gotten his friend David to fuck him the last time they got very drunk together. Robert still loves the babes but is enjoying discovering how much pleasure his ass can give him.

Things started going wrong Friday when he got to work. Lucky got fired and none of his guys were reachable except Robert. Lucky doesn't suspect he was fired because Mister White knew Lucky no longer had any blackmail videos and the MIA guys were all convinced to join Neal in turning the tables on Lucky.

Lucky suspects none of this as he gets back to his house from his run. Every one of his guys know his routine when Lucky runs. When he gets back home, unusually empty this evening because Kurt made up some excuse that will keep him and his and Lucky's parents out for hours, Lucky goes straight for the squeeze bottle of Gatorade he keeps in the fridge. Lucky makes a face at the strangely bitter taste it has today but he's so thirsty he doesn't stop until the bottle's drained. Afterwards, Lucky closes his eyes and leans against the kitchen counter, starting to get a little excited about Robert and how eager he is once things gets started.

"Drank it all down, Lucky?" someone asks and Lucky opens his eyes to see Neal in the doorway.

"What the fuck are you doing here," Lucky demands, even though he's already revising scenarios in his head where both Neal and Robert service him.

"I had to get this," Neal answers and shows Lucky an empty vial. Lucky recognizes it. It's what Lucky stores the stuff he uses to get guys into vulnerable positions to be used. Only it shouldn't be empty. Then Lucky recalls how bitter his Gatorade tasted.

"Oh fuck." Neal laughs.

"Fuck is right, Lucky. You're getting all turned on and you're inhibitions are going away. Now it's time you got to know how we feel," Neal taunts as he closes the distance between them. Neal gets so close to Lucky that the bully can feel Neal's body heat and it's really turning him on. "Anything you've always wanted to do, Lucky? Remember, this shit's like truth serum too." Lucky knows he's screwed, probably literally, but he also knows Neal's right. Everything Lucky's been hiding is fighting to come out. The very first thing is Lucky reaching out to pull Neal into a very hot and passionate kiss, just like he's wanted to do to Neal since the first time Lucky saw him.

"I'll get you for this," Lucky moans into Neal's mouth as he barely breaks the kiss for a moment. Neal can already feel Lucky's gone fully hard in his running shorts and it is poking against Neal's hip. Neal knew from Lucky's computer everything his former tormentor held in check but he wasn't ready for the passion Lucky's showing. Still, there's one thing Neal needs to know before this goes any further.

"Hold on a minute, Lucky. I've gotta know first, why me? Richie, Tommy, and Sean were all convenient. You had to pick me and go out of your way. Why?" Lucky doesn't answer at first, choosing instead to nuzzle on Neal's ear and get a hand to Neal's cloth covered hardon. It takes supreme effort for Neal to ask again.

"You really don't know?" Neal assures him he doesn't. "It's `cause you're so fucking hot. Your first shift at work I threw wood just looking at you and had to spend my break jacking off, picturing everything I wanted to do to you. Your handsome face, that swimmer's bod. You're a walking wet dream."

"Wow." Neal wasn't ready for this kind of ardor or compliment.

"Now can I suck you off?" Neal doesn't halt things this time as Lucky sinks to his knees, pulling Neal's shorts and briefs down as he goes so Neal's hard cock swings free. Lucky catches it in his mouth in mid swing and Neal can't believe he has a novice cocksucker here. Truth is, Lucky isn't, even though Lucky's given far fewer blowjobs than Neal has at this point. Lucky has blown a total of six guys after they'd passed out at parties, one of them even Neal's older brother Damon. Lucky knows he's out of control and normally wouldn't dream of blowing any, not even Neal, in his family's kitchen but Lucky can't stop. It's Lucky's first time letting go like this and it feels better than he thought it would.

"Damn, Neal. What happened to sharing?" Lucky jumps back at the sound of a voice and Neal's cock comes free with a pop. Looking up, Lucky can see that it's Ivan who spoke but he's not alone. Paul's with him. Ivan has his own hardon free, is naked from the waist down in fact, but Lucky instead goes for fully clothed Paul. That very wide lump in Paul's cut off sweats is calling to Lucky, as Paul's cock has ever since he found out how thick Paul's monster is. Lucky yanks down Paul's shorts and grips that dick, his hand barely able to meet around it. A drop of precum has already formed and Lucky suckles on the head to get a taste.

"Oh fuck," Paul gasps as Lucky gets more than anyone else has managed in his mouth on the first try. Lucky continues to feverishly suck off Paul until he feels Ivan's dickhead leaving a sticky trail up and down his cheek. Eager to suck cock number three, Lucky turns his head and takes Ivan to the root. For a few minutes Lucky alternates between all three cocks available, never thinking to question why they're available.

"You guys are gonna burn out the monitor, you know that," signals the arrival of someone else in the kitchen. Lucky, now naked and long since hard, looks up to see Fitz has joined the party. Lucky finally is seeing a common theme here. "If you want more, Lucky, the action is in your bedroom." Fitz turns and leaves, letting another piece of clothing drop with every step and the trio Lucky's been blowing go after him.

Lucky has a decision to make. Does he fight this and the obvious set up? What fitz said told Lucky they're turning the tables and recording Lucky as a cock whore. Lucky should be appalled by this and head in the opposite direction. Instead Lucky goes after them fast enough to get to his bedroom almost the same time he does. From the doorway, Lucky can see Robert, Sean, and Tommy are also here. If Mister White and Richie had only come along too it would be all of his victims.

"I don't know..." Lucky starts to say but before he can finish Tommy lifts Sean up to face level and shoves his tongue down the paperboy's throat.

"Really wanna miss out on this, Lucky?" teases Ivan as he wags his dick at the guy who tried to make his life a living hell. Lucky groans in defeat and follows them in, going right up to Tommy and pushing him aside so Lucky can be the one making out with Sean, ripping the clothes off the kid as he does. It takes only a moment and Lucky is jacking Sean's hard dick as they continue to swap spit.

"Dude, you had no idea how hot you looked delivering papers. It was a morning in the rain and your clothes showing every curve of your chest and ass that made me have to have you." Sean wishes hearing this didn't turn him on so badly.

"You haven't had me every way," Sean answers, knowing it sounds like bad porn dialogue. Regardless, it does its job. Lucky's mouth and specifically his tongue leave Sean's mouth and lick licking and suckling a trail down Sean's front, slowing to feast on each of Sean's pert nipples, before reaching the goal. Lucky licks up one side of Sean's rock hard cock and then up the other before taking the whole thing in his mouth.

Neal takes in the whole scene but especially poor, nervous Robert, who has lost his shirt but still has his jeans on. Not that his jeans are hiding how hard Robert's gotten. Robert knows everyone here has probably seen the video of Lucky fucking him but hopes they think Lucky has to coerce Robert to go legs up. Ivan's cock has been the most tempting to Robert so far but with Ivan openly gay at school now Robert can't go there. Then Robert gets his first eyeful of the monster between Paul's legs and Robert's eyes go wide and he feels precum ooze into his briefs.

"Yeah, it's impressive," says Fitz in Robert's ear. Robert was so enthralled by Paul's cock he didn't even notice fitz getting close. Fitz's hands cup Robert's firm ass as he teases with, "It feels every bit as good as you think." Fitz's hands go into Robert's pants and a finger finds Robert's hole. Robert forgets all pretense of reluctance and undoes his jeans so they can drop and Ivan can have full access.

"Damn," Paul mutters and he and Fitz can see they've baffled Robert. "Fitz bet me you'd want me and not Lucky and I lost."

"Now he has to give it up to a fuck buddy of mine. I can't name names but you know him real well." Fitz crouches down and Robert learns a dick isn't the only thing that can make his ass feel so damn good. Robert groans as he mentally adds getting rimmed to the list of things he can't get enough of.

"You mean Sam?" Robert manages to ask and Paul's grin and shrug tell him yes.

Neal's attention returns to Lucky when Tommy starts rimming his former best friend while Lucky continues to hoover Sean. Neal is very glad they have multiple nanny cams going along with the webcam!

Lucky knows what's coming next. Lucky knows what always comes next after rimming. He's seen enough porn and done enough guys, even if he himself has never licked a guy's ass. Lucky finds he's okay with getting fucked. Yesterday, without Neal's little incentive, Lucky never would have considered playing bottom boy but the curiosity and need were always there. That it be one of these guys and done the way he first did them seems only proper.

Over on the other side of the room Robert has gotten his wish. Gone are the jeans and Robert is on his back on top of the dresser with Paul holding Robert's ankles as far apart as they'll go. It helps Paul with getting all of his donkey dick in Robert and Paul is getting it all in hard and fast.

"Is it as good as I promised?" asks Fitz in between sucking on Robert's nipples.

"Oh god, yes," Robert moans and pulls Fitz's face up for a very hot kiss. After a moment of that, Robert moves Fitz a little more and takes Fitz's dick in his mouth. Robert might not be gay and he might not think of guys as attractive or sexual but get a dick banging his prostate and Robert becomes a cock whore!

"Stop!" Sean blurts out and pulls his dick out of Lucky's mouth. Sean's dick is so engorged no one seeing it knows how he hasn't cum yet! "You said I can go first. If we don't do this soon, I'm gonna pop too soon."

"Point taken," Neal laughs and he and Ivan get Lucky up on his own bed, with Ivan and Lucky sucking face while Neal can't resist getting a taste of Lucky's own hardon. Once Lucky's in position Neal reaches under Lucky's pillow for a very familiar prop: It's the cock shaped dildo Lucky first used to deflower Neal.

"Remember this, Lucas?" Neal asks, using Lucky's real name. "Turns out Paul's sister's never seen it before." Neal starts lubing the thing up while Ivan and Tommy each take a leg and spread. "Ever use it on yourself, big guy?" Lucky's asked as the plastic invader nears his ass.

"No," Lucky answers honestly and Neal just laughs.

"Well, you're gonna wish you had!" and rams it halfway up Lucky in one thrust. Lucky arches his back frm the pain and the pleasure and part of his load shoots before he can control himself. Lucky's glad Neal has no more questions because Neal fucking him with the dildo has Lucky panting and having his eyes roll back in his head too much to form coherent sentences. All Lucky knows is why Neal's body reacted so well to this as each hard thrust cranks Lucky's lust higher.

"Can't wait," is all the warning Lucky gets from Sean, who shoves Neal and the dildo aside to sink his teen cock all the way into Lucky with one really hard stab. As good as the slightly bigger hunk of plastic felt, Lucky's loving Sean's hard dick more. It's a lost cause fro Lucky to keep from cumming and Sean's barely gone in and out twice before Lucky is blasting his load so hard it hits his own mouth. Sean doesn't last much longer.

Robert meanwhile has moved on to Fitz, with Fitz lying on the dresser and Robert on top fucking himself. Ivan's seen the recordings too and wants to see how much Robert can take. Ivan moves in behind and Robert gasps when he feels a second dick pressing against his already stretched hole. It's rough at first but when both Fitz and Ivan start sawing in and out of him Robert is nearly overcome with the pleasure and pain!

It's Paul's turn at Lucky's ass but Sean is still raring to go. Sean gets out of Paul's way but by moving up Lucky's body and positioning Lucky's still hard cock at his hole. When Paul sinks his dick into Lucky it forces Lucky to enter Sean. All three boys are happy. Lucky's as stretched as possible, Paul has a nearly virgin ass gripping his rod, and Sean is getting the dick his ass was trained to accept most deep inside him. It's a hot scene and neither Paul nor Sean last long before cumming.

Tommy's up at bad next and he's in no mood for being gentle after everything the guy who used to be his best friend has done to him. Lucky writhes and moans as Tommy enters quickly and fucks roughly. Tommy started out thinking he was punishing Lucky but can see the joy on Lucky's face and hear him begging Tommy to fuck harder and deeper. Tommy complies and it's not a static fuck at all. The force of Tommy's hard thrusts inside Lucky drives Lucky across the bed! By the time Tommy adds his seed to Paul and Sean's already inside Lucky, Lucky's head is pressed into the headboard and Lucky's ass is in the air!

Ivan and Neal flip Lucky over onto all fours for a little spit roasting. They start out with Lucky sucking off Neal and getting rammed by Ivan but switch off sides every time they feel too close to orgasm. By the time Ivan and Neal finally do both shoot, there's enough built up cum that Lucky feels like the two floods are going to meet halfway through his body!

From there it's just two hours of nonstop orgy. Lucky gets it multiple times and even more ways from everyone, besides Robert, and everyone gets a go at Robert's ass too! By the time Kurt's text comes that he and his parents will be home in half an hour pretty much everyone is fucked out. The boys shower in twos and threes, which takes longer but is a whole lot more fun, and a thoroughly satisfied if sore Lucky just lays there on his bed covered in enough cum to impregnate a whole city. Eventually it's just him and Neal and Neal's about to lower the boom.

"It's over, asshole." Lucky opens one eye but doesn't respond. "We erased all the videos on your hard drive. No one has to do anything you want anymore.

"And that Gator Ade we spiked? It was aspirin just so you'd taste something. You weren't under any influence tonight. This was just you being you. Deal with it." Lucky can't respond. He's too exhausted to begin with but now his mind is reeling from the implications. Neal reaches into his backpack, loaded up with every camera they used to record tonight's proceedings, and gets out a CD marked `Jan'. He tosses it by Lucky's head.

"And the ship has sailed on being Jan's first, Lucky. Heck, from the way Jan goes at it with Billy on here I'd be surprised if you can still be number twenty-five." Neal is then out of there, leaving Lucky alone to deal with his karma. And Kurt. Kurt finally gets his own shot at grudge fucking his hated older brother and doesn't waste a minute...

It's some time before Neal shows Billy the recordings they made. In fact, they wind up finidhinh with Kennya nd Peter by then. Neal wanted to show them to Billy sooner but taking care of Kenny and Peter wound up taking so much time. When they do view them, it takes a long time, what with them getting worked up enough times they wind up having sex three times. The first is Billy taking it doggy style, the second is a sizzling sixty-nine, and the last time is missionary with Billy on top. It's slow and long and more lovemaking than sex. After they are both spent, Neal holds Billy tightly against him and says what he's been feeling for some time now.

"I love you." Neal didn't expect Billy to say it back, even though he's pretty sure Billy feels it too. He also didn't expect Billy to jump back as if he'd been hit by a stun gun. Billy heads to wash up quickly in the bathroom between Kip and Neal's rooms and starts dressing immediately.

"I have news," is the first thing Billy says and Neal is pretty sure he won't like the news. "My parents have been impressed I was following their rules about dating and have decided I've learned my lesson. I can date girls now so we don't have to do this anymore." Neal is stunned. This is worse than he expected.

"But, but, it stopped being about that a while ago."

"Maybe for you but I'm not like you. It was great sex and you're a great friend but I'm still straight. I want to date girls and fuck girls and spend my life married to one. We can't do this ever again." Neal manages not to cry but he can't stop his eyes watering up or his voice choking up.

"But you love me too. Look at everything you did to stop what Lucky set in motion." Neal can't believe he could have been that wrong about Billy.

"I was helping a very good friend but if you really are a good friend you'll understand that there can never be anything physical between us again." Neal just stares for a moment and when he's certain Billy is serious, that he's thought this out, he nods his head. "I won't say I'll miss you because we can still be friends. I want that." Neal doesn't say anything, can't trust his voice, but he knows he and Billy can't be just friends. This is the end for them whether Billy knows it or not. Billy just sighs and leaves and the journey Neal started the night he decided to go that fateful party is over...

Were there happy endings? You judge...

Fitz came out of the experience learning he was bisexual while Paul realized he was flat out gay. They also realized they were in love with each other. They continued their physical relationship through the rest of high school and went to college and law school as roommates. Fitz continued to see and sleep with women but always came home to Paul. After they had started their practice Fitz finally found a woman to marry who was accepting of his relationship with Paul and they married. There were four kids and not even Fitz's wife could be sure which one of the men fathered which child. Eventually she needed more and Fitz's wife left him, letting he and Paul raise the kids. The duo is out as a couple now but Fitz occasionally still will sleep with a woman...

Ivan had renewed confidence after they won out over Lucky and came out at school. He had a series of boyfriends through the rest of his senior year and into college but Ivan also continued to have sex with his cousin Austin after the hot threeway the two of them had shared with Neal. Austin slept with no other guy, calling himself an Ivan-asexual but wound up having as much sex with Ian as he did with any girlfriend at the time. This changed when Ian walked in on a convenience store robbery and was shot dead on the spot. Austin went on to marry and have a child but since Ian's death, Austin has had an obsession with seducing any man who enters his life that reminds him of Ian. So far Austin has a one hundred percent success rate...

Robert's seeming obsession with getting fucked eventually dwindled down to an occasional thing through college and beyond but for the rest of the time in high school he kept Sam and a few others busy! Eventually Robert became a PE teacher and coach for his alma mater and that itch to get fucked was taken care of by a fellow teacher at times or an eighteen year old student. Eventually Robert's oldest son caught Robert being fucked by their very married neighbor and blackmailed dad into letting him fuck him anytime he wanted. Robert Junior shared dad with his brothers too and despite his complaints, Robert was more satisfied than in years...

Nick and Sam stayed friends for life but went down different paths almost immediately. Sam's experiences with the guys gave him a new confidence and that attracted a string of girlfriends. Eventually it would just be Nick that Sam had sex with, except for the rare time he'd be drunk and go down on anyone who'd drop their drawers. Nick never started thinking of himself as gay but discovered being with a woman wasn't as pleasurable for him as getting fucked. Still considering himself straight, Nick was promiscuous through college before settling down in a semi-open relationship with Sam's cousin Derek...

Kip and Sean hooked up thanks to Robert and were friends with benefits even as they double dated more often than not. Their sex with each other dwindled to the occasional romp every few months and saying yes when hit on by a guy after college. Damon decided he was bisexual with the edge going towards gay but didn't settle down until after med school. He fell into a semi-committed relationship with a male nurse who doesn't really like Damon's occasional fling with women. Damon, Kip, and Neal never really stop having sex together but the fact they're rarely in the same city at the same time means these instances now happen very infrequently...

Kurt had more in store for Alex and Doug, making Alex have to give it up for any guy that expressed interest. Alex married and had kids but never lost his compulsion to bottom for Doug or others. Doug was altered to be exclusively gay but Kurt grew bored once he had what he wanted and cut Doug loose...

Logan got to know Peter's sister Janey better after they saved Peter and they fell in love. They married and had four kids and very nearly had a happily ever after. Then Janey was diagnosed with cancer and thus started a four year losing battle for her. Peter moved back to town to help the family get through this and he became closer with Janey and Logan then ever before. Logan and Peter were there with Janey when she died and Peter continued helping the family through. Weeks later Logan and Peter made love for the first time since high school and Peter admitted he'd been in love with Logan for years. Logan accepted Peter as his substitute for Janey happily...

Kenny became a gay version of his old self, that wasn't a very nice guy. Kenny died during a bar fight during college...

Tommy tried to go back to the straight life but it was too late and he found himself usually with both a girlfriend and a boyfriend on the side and after college alternating. Finally it became easier to settle down with a guy than to find a woman who would accept Tommy's bisexuality in the long run and Doug was the lucky guy Tommy chose...

And that fateful night did teach Lucky a lesson. With the lengths they went to in getting even with him, Kenny, and Peter as well as how many guys there were wanting revenge it was alla wake up call. Lucky got himself into therapy and started working on fixing what was clearly broken inside himself. He worked to make amends with all his victims, succeeding with all but the still bitter Tommy.

Things got worse with Kurt when Lucky decided to come out to their parents. There was none of the drama Kurt had faced. Their parents had learned from their mistakes with Kurt but Kurt just saw it as they loved Lucky more and hated his brother more than ever. Kurt also started dosing and altering more people at school until Lucky caught on and turned the tables, making Kurt lose all desire to do so. The brothers only made peace when they stopped having contact with each other after high school but things would get worse than ever around the time of their father's death.

Kurt's coworker Frank came with Kurt to the services and Kurt had hoped he'd have a chance to really talk to Frank and maybe start something. Instead, Frank met Lucky and they just clicked. Within two weeks Frank and Lucky were living together and looked into it for the long haul. At least until Frank was murdered and all the evidence pointed at Lucky killing his new lover in a fit of jealous rage. Lucky had no memory of the night so wasn't even able to reassure himself he hadn't done this.

Fortunately for Lucky the detective on the case suspected something was off. With a lot of digging he discovered that Kurt had murdered Frank and framed Lucky in revenge for a lifetime of perceived slights. Kurt took his own life, leaping from a window after confirming the detective was right. Scott stayed in touch with Lucky after the case closed and the two eventually became lovers and even married a few years later. And it was all thanks to Kurt...

That just leaves the most important three and a story that needs a little more room so...

To be continue...

Next: Chapter 14

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