Bagged Boy

By moc.oohay@ecafmucslivelufetah

Published on Nov 16, 2023


If you're under eighteen, don't read. If you don't like man on man sex action, go away. If you do like gay amateur erotic fiction, then you are in the right place. Author retains all rights...

Bagged Boy: Payback Continues With Fitz And Paul by hatefulevilscumface.

Unpopular at the supermarket he's a bagger at, Neal is drugged by coworker at a party and used sexually by him and four other coworkers, Billy, who was banned from having a girlfriend but realized Neal would be a great sexual release, Fitz, Ivan, and Paul and then by teammates Kenny and Peter before Tommy, another victim of Lucky's, bottomed for Neal. Neal was also woken the morning after by Paul already fucking him. The guys have also used Neal sexually since then, so much so that Neal has grown to love, crave, and even initiate gay sex! Nick, the brother of Neal's now-ex- girlfriend, wanted to use Neal for sex as well but Neal turned the tables on him and his friend Sam so that they not only were initiated into full on gay sex but Nick has had sex with Paul and Sam has done both his older brother's best friend David and Fitz as well.

Between Billy wanting to be the only one Neal has sex with and Lucky needing to be taught a lesson, with Billy already seducing both Lucky's younger brother and the guy Lucky's been secretly chasing for years...

It started with two pictures. Both were found third period in separate classrooms by Fitz and Paul. Fitz found a picture of Ivan sucking on his cock in his Chem textbook while Paul opened his English Lit notes and found a shot of him holding Neal's leg high while Paul's very thick dick was stuck up Neal's ass. Both boys were sweating bullets and it was together at their locker before the next period that the found the third and fourth pictures in their locker. This one was of them spit roasting Ivan. It also told them what time to be waiting at Paul's house on the back. Both figured at first it was more of Lucky fucking with them but they knew they couldn't just ignore it.

"Dude, it's not Lucky," Fitz announced when he got to Paul's house much earlier than the deadline.

"It has to be. Who else would have the pictures?" Paul hands Fitz a beer and fires up a joint. Paul's folks have gone away for their once a month weekend getaway so there are no worries.

"Kurt and Lucky haven't been back to school since Wednesday. My cousin-"


"Bobby. He said that their grandfather died and the whole family went to New Mexico. Dude, someone else has Lucky's stash." Fitz lets Paul wrap his head around that for a moment before adding "And that last picture? They've seen The Video." Paul gulps when he hears Fitz say it that way, capitalized.

"And it's someone who wanted to make us sweat. Someone who has a reason to get even." Fitz is glad Paul's come to the same conclusion he has. "We did say we were gonna make it up to Neal and them but looks like they might have decided that too and how we're gonna do it." Fitz looks over at his friend while cracking another beer. From the lump under Paul's zipper Fitz doesn't think Paul seems all that unhappy with the idea. The two mainly listen to music, drink, and get high from that point on. About fifteen minutes before the time on the picture the bell rings. Paul hurries to answer it and is surprised to find out that it's Billy.

"Dude, they got you too?" Paul yanks Billy in and hustles him over to Fitz. "Fitz, we were right! Billy did it first that night so he's getting punished too." This is so not the reaction Billy expected.

"What are you talking about?" Billy can tell Fitz and Paul are a little wasted and probably a bit horny.

"You were the first one to fuck Neal. Ever. We might have done it more. And to Dustin. And Tommy."

"You did Ivan too, both of you, I was there."

"Both times but you were the one who busted poor Neal's cherry. He's got as much a beef with you as he does us." Fitz and Paul aren't saying anything Billy hasn't thought before. Billy knows Lucky set them all up but it was Billy who took that first fuck. It helps Billy decide on a slight change of plan. As Fitz and Paul continue to speculate Billy starts trading texts with Neal, who is himself on the way over.

Pretty soon Neal does as Billy asked and all three of the waiting guys get texts.

"Shit," Paul mutters and Fitz is certain all the texts are as bad as the one he got. Paul looks at his best friend upset but Fitz just shrugs. What can they do? Neal must have gotten his hands on Lucky's stash and now controls them all just as completely as Lucky did. Fitz stands and starts to strip, just like his text insisted. Fitz doesn't even try to hide the fact that he's already stiff as a board.

Paul sighs and heads upstairs while Billy does a slow striptease of his own. Billy isn't even half-hard but he does bend over and flash Fitz his hole. Fitz finds himself licking his lips at the sight of Billy's rear entrance. Fitz realizes he might just no longer be even bisexual with the lust the sight of Billy's hairless ass cranks in him. Another text keeps Fitz from thinking about how little that realization bothers him. Billy soon learns what Fitz's next instructions were.

"Oh," Billy gasped as he felt Fitz's mouth make contact with his hole. "Ohhhh!" Neal had never done this to Billy but Billy is going to change that the next time they are alone. "Oh god, that feels soooo good!" Billy gasps as Fitz's tongue invades him. If Fitz could speak right now he'd agree with Billy. Fitz has eaten out girls a few times but it was always a chore and never as exciting as this. Fitz reaches up and finds out that Billy is no longer soft. Fitz saw Billy hard when he took Neal and then later before Ivan gobbled up Billy's hardon hours later but this is his first time touching it. Fitz finds himself regretting not having felt up Billy earlier. The two are lost in the exultant rimming until they hear Paul's phone get another text message. They look up ans see Paul standing there, the dildo that prepped Neal that night in one hand, his phone in the other, and that beer can thick dick of Paul's as hard as Fitz has ever seen it. Clearly, Paul found the sight of Fitz eating out Billy's ass as exciting as the participants did. Fitz backs away and Billy gets off his knees to lay back on the couch. Fitz grabs Billy's ankles and spreads Billy's legs so the snow spit soaked hole is winking up at Paul.

"The text said to get you ready with this," Paul leers and waves the dildo at Billy, "But maybe I should do it with this instead." Billy groans when he feels Paul rub his very large cockhead in circles around his loosened hole. Billy's hole is so sensitized that he can't help moaning at the sensation. Billy's plan is to finally even the score with Neal and let Neal bust his anal cherry. Fitz has Billy so worked up however that Billy doubts he'd try to stop Paul if he did indeed start fucking him with that mammoth tool.

"Better back off, Paul. If Neal has all those pictures now he could get real nasty to us. He's got better reason to do it than Lucky ever did." Paul sighs, knowing Fitz is right. Just to be contrary though, Paul does press harder on Billy's rear opening, spreading it as a third of his cockhead parts it. Billy's eyes roll back in his head and precum starts dripping frm his angry looking hardon. It's only by biting his lip that Billy stops himself from telling Paul to go ahead and take him.

"Ah!" Billy lets out when Paul pulls back and thrusts the plastic toy inside him. Paul still hasn't learned to be gentle and half of it is inside Paul in that one thrust. It doesn't quite hurt but Billy doesn't find it all that pleasurable either. Billy doesn't get why Neal and some of the others have gotten so much pleasure from things fucking them. Then Paul's next shove buries the whole toy and its end hits Billy's prostate. Billy is seeing stars and totally gets it. Paul starts a fucking motion with it and Billy is clawing at the sofa cushion and thrusting his ass forward to meet the toy, making certain it hits that spot again.

It's too much for Fitz. He maneuvers so that his very hard dick grazes Billy's lips. Billy doesn't even think about what he does, just opening his mouth so Fitz's cock can slide in. Both boys moan as Billy starts a hard suction on Fitz's cock. It's too much for Paul.

"Fuck this," Paul mutters as he pulls the dildo from Billy's now gaping asshole. "I'm going to fuck him." Paul is almost in position when he hears noise behind him. He turns to not just see Neal, who is shedding another piece of clothing with every step away from the sliding doors, but Dustin, Ivan, and even Tommy too.

"Back off, Paul, unless you want certain pictures spread all over school." Paul does back away and Neal is between Billy's legs in seconds. Fitz is pulled away from Billy by Tommy. For a long moment Billy and Neal stare into each others' eyes without saying a word, both their dicks as hard as they've ever been. Billy breaks the silence first.

"Do it," Billy rasps. Neal wastes no time and shoves the first dick ever up Billy's ass. The two of them just stat that way for a moment. Billy waits for the awful pain he expected but it doesn't come. Either Fitz and Paul did the prep work very well or Billy wanted this that badly. Billy chooses to believe it's the first but knows down deep that it's the second.

"Damn." The others all just watch a moment as Billy and Neal start an all out wild fuck that has very definite elements of lovemaking. Their hands can't stop stroking each others' bodies, their lips lock and tongues duel, and Billy's legs wrap around Neal's waist to pull his lover deeper and harder into his body.

"My turn," Tommy mutters and grabs Fitz by the arm and bends him over a table. Unlike Neal, this once tough jock just unzips to free only his very solid dick. That's enough for Fitz who puts up a pretense of not wanting this but almost coos the moment Tommy starts entering him. Tommy has wanted to pay Fitz back for the way Fitz acted when Lucky shared him and starts a very savage fucking. Tommy saw The Video Lucky made most recently of Fitz and Paul so knew how this was probably going to but wasn't really ready for how into it Fitz's body would be. The two are all out fucking in moments.

"And your turn, Paul." Paul turns to see Dustin and Ivan standing next to each other, each with the other's very hard dick in his hand while leering at Paul. Paul does the math. He can blow one of the guys but one will have at his ass. Luckily, Paul knew this day was coming. Paul expected it to be either Lucky that demanded his ass or that he'd have to take Fitz back there. That it's like this with either Dustin or Ivan feels a less demeaning than to be taken by Lucky but he's okay with that. Paul didn't tell Fitz but he's been practicing with the same dildo they broke in Neal and now Billy with for a bit now.

Paul doesn't let the duo choose who busts his cherry. Ivan has a bigger dick so Paul squats in front of the coworker he'd had such disdain for, opens wide, and takes him down to the root. Ivan's not complaining that the choice has been taken away from them. Paul is giving Ivan the best blowjob he's ever had.

Dustin gets the message when Paul starts wagging his ass. With no hesitation Dustin gets behind Paul and starts feeding the little hairy guy his dick. Paul grunts with some discomfort but Dustin doesn't care. Paul shoved his monster fully into Dustin their first time together so Dustin does the same and just starts fucking.

Fitz looks around as Tommy's giving him a hard and hot fucking, driving Fitz wild, at all the action. Fitz sees Billy and Neal looking like two lovers and not a grudge fuck and his best friend being spit roasted by Dustin and Ivan. Fitz guesses this was coming from the night Lucky made them first use Neal but it was made even more inevitable by a night two weeks ago with Lucky...

Fitz and Paul had been surprised to be invited over Lucky's house after work but it was a rare Friday with no party to go to so they both figure what the hell. Besides, Fitz's relationship with his girlfriend was nearly platonic since he was using Neal's ass and mouth so much and Paul had just been dumped by his. Drinking and getting high with Lucky beat striking out at getting Neal to answer his cell phone any day. If they had just known what Lucky had planned for them Fitz and Paul would have stayed far, far away.

"Feeling good, guys?" Lucky asked, the three of them starting a second twelve pack out in the family room since Lucky's parents were away for the weekend. They'd also smoked two joints but that had to be done on the patio outside. Lucky was the model of a friendly host as he laughed and drank and got high with his two coworkers. Fitz and Paul might have even come through it unscathed had the topic not turned to girlfriends. Paul complained about Carol while the beer and pot made Fitz all gooey about Heather and the two of them ragged on Lucky about Jan.

See, no one had ever met Lucky's girlfriend Jan. Lucky told them what with her living in Tempe that he usually had to go see her. When Jan was in Phoenix, Lucky didn't want to waste the time they had bringing her around to meet coworkers or friends. Fitz and Paul started joking that Jan didn't really exist and that she was made up to make Lucky feel better. Looking back, Paul decided that was when Lucky decided to do what he did.

It was a little later and Lucky must have slipped into his room when he got up to go to the bathroom. Neither Fitz nor Paul noticed that or when he slipped the DVD into the player. They later figured out Lucky must have had the DVD ready just in case. Fitz would also swear later that there were some of Lucky's special additives to what they were drinking but Paul just thinks Fitz was ashamed of how he acted.

"It's shame Neal isn't here," Lucky announced out of nowhere and his hand went to his crotch. Fitz and Paul could clearly see why Lucky would want their trained cocksucker just as they could clearly see that Lucky was hard as a rock. Lucky smirks as he stands and drops his jeans to the floor and steps out of them. Lucky's boxer briefs are tented by his hardon but not for long as they too join the jeans, followed closely by his shirt. "It's a good thing that I have two of his favorite fuck buddies to fill in!" Fitz and Paul just stare in mute horror at Lucky for a moment but that doesn't last long.

"Fuck, no," an angry Fitz spits out.

"You're insane, Lucky. Neal had to be drugged and got used to doing shit like that. How you think we're gonna go along with it sober?" Paul's mad too but he suspected Lucky would turn on them eventually. Lucky answers him by hitting a button on the remote. The two best friends turned to look at the screen and it starts with Fitz sticking his dick in Neal's mouth and followed up by Paul and him spit roasting Ivan. Lucky fast forwards a little and it's Paul fucking Neal the next morning. Another click and a scene Fitz and Paul had never realized Lucky had recorded appears. It's the time Fitz and Paul double fucked Tommy while Peter was blown by the guy. Fitz and Paul knew that they had a habit of making out while sharing a guy but had no idea that it looked so gay. Or hot. It was this scene that got both of them fully hard in their pants.

"So who's gonna blow me first?" Lucky asks. He walks over to where the friends are sitting and they both know they'll have to do this. Lucky has all the ammo he needs to ruin their reputations and neither boy has any doubt he'll use it. Paul decides to go first.

"I'll go first, Fitz. I got us into this back at that party with Neal." Lucky orders his guests to strip first and they do slowly, mostly because they don't want Lucky to see their hardons. Lucky laughs at their aroused state as expected and guides Paul to his knees. The dark haired, hairy teen closes his eyes and opens his mouth.

Seeing a chance for some fun, Lucky puts his hand over Fitz's mouth and moves him so that it is Fitz's hardon that's the first one ever offered Paul to suck. Fitz fights it but can't help getting a little more turned on as Lucky's other hand guides his dong towards Paul's open mouth. It hits Paul's tongue first and still with his eyes closed, Paul closes his lips around Fitz's spongy cockhead.

Paul knows better than to fool around with this fooling around. Paul wouldn't put it past Lucky to spread the pictures, especially of him and Fitz making out, if this BJ isn't as good as possible. He draws on a wealth of experience lately, of how great Neal and Tommy and even Dustin have been going down on him. Paul takes every lesson inadvertently learned and really goes to town on the cock he thinks is Fitz's.

Fitz is glad Lucky's hand is over his mouth, glad Paul doesn't know that he's giving Fitz the best blowjob he's ever had. Fitz almost starts hyper-ventilating when Paul even manages to deep throat Fitz's cock the first time he's giving head. It doesn't even matter to Fitz that Lucky's naked body is pressed up behind him, Lucky's very hard dick riding up and down between Fitz's ass cheeks. And if the head of Lucky's dick digs into Fitz's hole every few passes then it's the price Fitz has to pay for Paul's surprisingly talented mouth then Fitz is willing to pay it.

So Fitz is pretty loose when Lucky decides to stop teasing Fitz's hole and start pressing his shaft dead into it. Fitz is so focused on how good a job Paul is doing that Lucky's whole cockhead is past Fitz's anus before Fitz even registers the fact.

"Oh god, no," Fitz groans but he doesn't move. He's as much afraid to risk Lucky's anger as he is reluctant to have Paul stop what he's doing. Paul? From the sound of how close Fitz's voice is, Paul is suspicious and finally opens his eyes. Paul's shocked at first that it's been Fitz's dick he's been suckling on but then the that feeling is soon replaced by the first real burning of list Paul's felt since beginning. This is Fitz hitting the back of Paul's throat and even as Fitz's cock swells harder in Paul's mouth, Paul nearly cums from the burning lust he feels.

Fitz throws his head back as Paul kicks it up a notch, not realizing right away that Lucky's hard cock is invading his best friend's ass. Fitz groans but more out of pleasure than pain. Sure, there is pain but Lucky isn't big enough down there to actually hurt Fitz and besides, Fitz is finding it incredibly erotic to feel his anus stretch to accommodate Lucky's width. The feel of the hard shaft sliding over those stretched ass lips only makes it better for Fitz. Best of all is that when Lucky finally bottoms out in Fitz's ass, Lucky hits something inside Fits that sends a rush through his whole body. Fitz now understands why David and Dustin and Ivan and Neal and Tommy all took to getting ass fucked so quickly, why gay guys in general love it so much.

Fitz needs more. He pulls his harder than ever cock out of Paul's mouth, almost having to fight Pau to do so and bends over so his hands touch the coffee table there and spreads his legs wider. Lucky gets the message and starts really driving into Fitz.

"So you like that, Fitz? You like getting your ass fucked?" Fitz bites his lip so as not answer, not in front of Paul, but Lucky starts ramming harder and it's no use.

"Oh god, yes. I love it! Fuck me harder!" Paul is stunned but even more turned on now to see his best friend, a guy he once thought straighter than him, bent over and shoving his ass back as hard as Lucky is thrusting forward. Paul thinks he could cum watching this without even touching himself.

"Here's your reward, fag! Here it...cums!" Lucky grinds in one last time and then is spewing his load six inches deep inside Fitz. Lucky rests on Fitz's back for a moment before he can catch his breath and then slowly pulls his softening tool out of Fitz. Fitz straightens and turns to face Lucky and Paul with the angriest looking hardon either one of them has ever seen.

"god, I nearly came just from you fucking me," Fitz pants and starts working his cock over.

"Maybe another cock would put you over the edge..." Lucky teases, tilting his head towards where Paul is sitting on the floor, also working over his bone. Fitz is so lost in sex fever he doesn't even think about what he does next. Fitz takes the few steps over to Paul, straddles his lap, and sits on that thick monster Paul has between his legs. If Fitz liked the way Lucky's average cock stretched his hole out, he's in heaven with how wide Paul expands his most private orifice.

Paul is in heaven too. Before opening his eyes and discovering he was sucking off Fitz, Paul had never had sex with someone he loved before. Now with Fitz Paul has it. It's not romantic love but it does make the scene between them even more intense. Their eyes lock on each other's as Fitz starts vigorously bouncing up and down on Paul's cock. Soon that just is too passive for Paul.

Paul rolls over, never once missing a thrust in Fitz's tight ass, so they're now missionary and Paul can control what's going on here. Paul has never had a fuck this good, not with the three girls he's done or any of the guys he's fucked either. Paul knows it probably has to do with him and Fitz being best friends and as good as brothers since second grade. Then there's the fact that Paul is realizing he can piledrive into Fitz without holding back, that fucking a muscle stud like can take it as rough as Paul can give it. With the girls Paul always had to worry about hurting them if he got out of hand but the harder Paul drives it in, the more Fitz groans and moans.

Lucky's cock has come back to life again watching these two go at ita and he can't stand being left out. He kneels by their heads and presents his hard dick and Fitz without even thinking about it takes Lucky in his mouth and starts sucking hard. Paul has cranked Fitz's sex fever up so much that Fitz could be made to do anything right this second, even deep throat Lucky almost from the get go. Despite having cum not too long before, Lucky gasps and shudders and starts to cum. He switches friends, pulling his spurting cock from Fitz's mouth so Paul can gets some too.

It's the last trigger needed to set off Paul's explosion. As soon as Lucky's seed hits his taste buds, Paul gives one last powerful thrust into Fitz and cums harder than he ever has before. Fitz claws the rug and arches his back and completely untouched by anyone since Fitz bent over to take it doggy style from Lucky, Fitz comes even more powerfully than Paul. The first few shots hit his face, two right in his open mouth, and Fitz's orgasm seems to go on forever.

The best friends kiss then and it's the hottest, most sensual one they've shared to date. Paul continues to lazily thrust his softening cock in a and out of Fitz still and before it goes all the way soft, Paul finds himself getting hard again. Fitz hisses a `yes' between gritted teeth as Paul fucks with even more abandon this time, even accepting a kiss from Lucky as well, before the best friends again cum in near perfect unison. Lucky sits back amazed at the porn level show he's had performed tonight by Fitz and Lucky. By the time they come back to reality, Lucky is dressed and back to his sneering self again.

"That was too good to be your first time, boys," Lucky sneered. Neither Fitz nor Paul had the energy to argue and instead look for something to wipe up with. Lucky makes his pronouncement while they use Paul's underwear for the job. "I've been getting bored with Neal and Tommy anyways. You two are going to be my new on call boys."

"Whatever," is all Fitz mutters. His mind still isn't in the moment. All he can think of his first Lucky then Paul fucking him.

"We gotta roll," Paul says, unable to really look at Fitz or Lucky while his mind can't stop replaying blowing then fucking Fitz.

"You mean you gotta rush home and fuck again is more like it," Lucky laughs as his latest two victims head quickly out the door. They stop outside the door, still staggered by the enormity of what just happened.

"He's wrong, Paul," Fitz announces.

"Wrong about what?" Paul is afraid of what Fitz is going to say and that this has ruined their friendship.

"We're not rushing back to your house to fuck again." Paul's heart sinks. Paul knew logically Fitz would probably feel this way but the fucking was so hot Paul had hoped they could do it again at least once without Lucky around. Then Fitz turns to face Paul, pressing his lips against Paul's even while he grabs a handful of Paul's still almost hard cock. "I don't think we're going make it even halfway there before we pull over for you to fuck me again!" Paul laughs, now returning the kiss.

"You drive. That way I can blow you again until we find a good spot to pull over..."

Fitz is brought back to the present when Tommy really starts rabbit fucking his ass and Fitz is sure Ivan's about to cum. He looks over and sees that both Billy and Neal have cum already but they continue to kiss and touch. It's when they separate that things change. Fitz hadn't realized until then that Tommy had been watching the two and as soon as Neal rolls off of Billy, Tommy is out of Fitz and heading that way.

"Wait!" Neal starts but realizes he can't say anything to stop Tommy without revealing he and Billy haven't been doing it together all this time. Tommy grabs Billy by the ankles and spreads.

"I have wanted this since Lucky told me he'd included you, Bill." Whatever Billy was going to say is lost as all that comes out is a grunt as Tommy bottoms out in one hard thrust. Two or three just as hard thrusts and Billy's spent cock is inching back to full life again. Billy had thought being fucked only felt good because it was Neal doing it but Tommy's teaching him different.

Everyone is soon watching the duo, Dustin and Ivan even stop spit roasting Paul to watch as Tommy pile drives into Billy so hard that they're actually moving across the room. It's too much for the boys watching. Ivan has to fuck and gets behind Fitz and shoves his cock up him while he stares at Billy and Tommy. Dustin has to have some of that action and presents his hard dripping cock to the moaning Billy. Billy doesn't even have to think about ita and starts sucking Dustin off as hard as he's being fucked. Finally, a reinvigorated Neal sits down and instructs Paul to ride his lap. It's only minutes before everyone has blown a load, Billy's second one even larger than his first. It's a long few minutes before anyone regains their breath enough to talk.

"So," Paul begins, still panting slightly. "My folks are out of town all weekend. Anyone else up for a sleepover?" As it turns out they all are and are even up in more ways than one the entire time...

To be cum-tinued...

Next: Chapter 11

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