Bagged Boy

By moc.oohay@ecafmucslivelufetah

Published on Sep 14, 2023


If you're under eighteen, don't read. If you don't like man on man sex action, go away. If you do like gay amateur erotic fiction, then you are in the right place

Bagged Boy: In The Beginning, Up The End by hatefulevilscumface

Neal had to get away from everybody. This was easily turning out to be the worst week of his life. True, that life was just a few weeks past sixteen years long but when it comes to bad, things had become world class bad.

He feels like everyone knows. That everyone is looking at him and knows what he's been doing. Not that he chose to do any of it. Choice hasn't entered into things since that damn party. Neal splashes water on his face and wonders how this could be happening to him. He's not a bad looking guy. He's cute, average height, with brown spiky hair and deep brown eyes. His body isn't bad either. He's been on the swim team and running track since junior high and it shows. Even through the plain black pants, the polyester polo shirt, and apron it's clear Neal's something, or at least the potential of something.

His reverie ends when he hears the click of the bathroom door opening. In slips just one of his nemeses. Lucky, a kid a grade ahead of him and who hasn't liked Neal since the day Neal was hired. Lucky is tall and powerfully built with blonde hair and blue eyes. He looks like the boy next door and acts like a total monster.

"What the fuck? Get out of here!" Neal tries to sound tough but fear comes through loud and clear. Lucky likes that.. Neal has been a thorn in his side since he was hired and Lucky was handed the revenge on a silver platter.

"Turn around," Lucky commands and when Neal doesn't move, Lucky moves him himself. One hand forces Neal over the sink and another yanks those plain black pants down, along with the sexy briefs Neal's girlfriend bought him.

"Lucky, no!" Neal says weakly but he doesn't move.

"Tough shit, fag boy. My girl wouldn't put out before work and I'm horny enough to need what you got." Lucky isn't kidding. When Lucky's own pants and underwear fall to mid-thigh, his seven thick inches of cock swings out and is already hard and dripping. Lucky jacks it a few times just because it feels good and then presses it against Neal's hole. Neal curses himself for getting into this latest situation. He intentionally didn't go to the break room bathroom or the public one up front. He came to the seldom used bathroom in the far corner of the grocery receiving area just so he wouldn't be bothered. It occurs to him that instead of not being bothered, he's only made it unlikely he and Lucky are interrupted.

"But I don't want-" is all Neal gets out before Lucky's thick tool starts pushing into his body. All that follows is a loud groan that acts as the counterpart to the moan Lucky makes at the feel of Neal's ass gripping his dick like a warm glove.

"God, I swear your ass is better almost than my girl's pussy," Lucky mutters and that gives Neal a chill. Not even a bad chill. More like a shiver and it's part of what Neal hates most about being used like this by his coworkers. It hurt as Lucky entered him, just like it has every other time but each time the pleasure comes quicker. He's been online and knows that the dicks that have been using his ass for days now have been hitting his prostate. That's what sends the incredible waves of pleasure through his body. That's what makes his own dick swell up between his legs and start dripping precum against the porcelain of the sink..

It isn't just the dick, now ramming hard enough in and out to make a sound like Neal's getting it slapped, giving him pleasure that is making Neal now very turned on despite his initial reluctance. He likes the pain too. The way his hole feels stretched to ripping, the vice like grip Lucky has on his hips, and the thuds of Lucky's crotch hitting his ass is part of the pleasure. As Neal fights the moan building in the back of his throat he wonders how things got this way...

Neal shouldn't have been at the party last weekend. He hadn't really even been invited. He only knew about the party because he was standing next to Dustin and Peter when Paul was inviting Kenny, a coworker, to a party at his house. All three were more popular than Neal but Dustin at least wasn't quite as mean to him as some of the others. Certainly he treated Neal better than Lucky did. Dustin and Peter were also on the swim team with Neal even if they didn't socialize. Same was true of Kenny, except it was the track team Kenny and Neal were on together. Neal was no closer to Dustin when they were competing or practicing than he has been when they are all bagging.

He wasn't going to go. Really. Then he got into a fight with his girlfriend after work and she stomped off without him. She was his ride home and that meant Neal had to walk. Neal was going to only ask for a ride home from Joe but wound up going to the party with him instead. He couldn't have known the conversation that would result from his arrival or the consequences of it.

Neal really wasn't having a good time and honestly had decided to just finally walk home. So what if it was about five miles? Then Lucinda offered him a drink. That was the last Neal had remembered for some time. What Neal really should have remembered was that Lucinda was Lucky's girlfriend. He should never have taken a drink from her.

It was only by seeing the video the guys made that Neal knew about anything from between Lucinda giving him the drink and waking up. It showed Billy, Fitz, Ivan, and Paul half carrying, half leading Neal into a bedroom. The tape was cut together from a few sources. There was a nanny cam, a web cam, and something handheld all used. Lucky was using the handheld Neal learned later.

The quartet proceeded to strip Neal. No matter how many times he watches the record of events Lucky gave him that part always shocks him. Four coworkers as straight as Neal, or as straight as Neal was, are removing his clothes. Ivan at least appreciates the sight when they're finished.

"Fuck. He's an ass. How's an ass get a bod like this?" The others laughed at him.

"No wonder he keeps Melody happy," Ivan jokes and grabs Neal's soft dick. It starts to respond to the touch. There was Viagra as well as a date rape drug in that drink Lucinda gave Neal.

"You kidding?" Billy laughs. "Melody wants to save herself for marriage and Neal's cool with it. I don't think he's into girls. Only a fag would be cool with a girlfriend who won't put out. We're doing him a favor here." Billy is the drunkest of the four but the others are still pretty drunk themselves. Paul, dark, hairy Paul, is directed to get the little toy they need and get it ready. It's a pretty big dildo. Lucky had found it in Paul's sister's room the last time he'd been over.

"Oh, yuk," is Billy's response when Fitz dips his finger in Neal's precum and parts Neal's lips with it. There's basically one instinct built into human beings everyone has and that's to suck. That's what the drugged up Neal does and while blue eyed, blond haired track star Billy might find it gross, Fitz looks to like it. Fitz is all Irish, Black Irish, with the Mediterranean look that comes with that, has one hand up to Neal's sucking face and the other has gone to his own lap. Only Lucky notices that Fitz is harder than a rock. The same Lucky that managed to dose pretty much everyone with the Viagra he'd found lost at the CVS. "Here's the other one, suck boy," Fitz rasps out to his least favorite coworker. Lucky laughs and the others join in.

"Maybe he wants something bigger," Lucky whispers in his ear. To punctuate what he means with an exclamation point, Lucky reaches around and grabs Fitz's very big hardon through his jeans. Everyone gasps, more at the suggestion than the action. Fitz likes the action. He's drunk enough and excited enough that he doesn't have to think about what he's doing. Fitz grinds his crotch hard against Lucky's hand and on the tape it's obvious Lucky thought Ivan would be the first to use Neal like he wanted. Lucky was as surprised as everyone else by what happened next.

"Fuck, guys. Neal almost got me fired. He owes me." Ivan unsnaps his jeans and lets them and his boxers fall to mid-thigh and his relatively short and equally thick cock springs out. Lucky smiles. He should have known that Ivan would be the first of his four coworkers to crack.

"Stay shallow," Lucky warns. "Let's keep him out of it as long as we can. Let's see what Neal does when his brain can't get in the way of what he wants." Fitz doesn't look too sure on the tape but he does what Lucky wanted. His very hard dick parted Neal's lips and he started an easy pumping. The head and maybe two inches of Fitz's dick.

"Shit, dude," whispers Ivan. His hand is still absently stroking Neal's dick, almost as if he's unaware that he's jacking a guy off. Paul isn't. His focus is as much on Ivan jacking off Neal's almost seven inch cock as it is on Fitz moaning as he fucks Neal's face. It gets too much for Paul and he's the next one to unsnap his jeans and let them and his briefs fall to the floor. A dick not as long as Fitz's or Neal's swings free but Paul's cock is way thicker. He thrusts it toward Ivan. Ivan gasps, his deep brown eyes going wide at the sight of the thick monster at eye level. His hand almost reaches out to Paul's dick but instead goes to his dark blue spiky hair and he kids himself that no one else thought he was going to stroke Paul off too.

"You look good at that, I. Come on. We're buds. You like Neal more than you like me?" When he saw the tape Neal couldn't believe how Paul was acting. The poor kid was so desperate to cum he was willing to browbeat Ivan to do it. Paul took Ivan's hand from his skater cut hair and brought it down to his monster cock. Ivan still hadn't said a thing but he swallowed hard as his hand barely wrapped around Paul. Soon Ivan was stroking each dick as hard as the other, his own dick so hard his shorts couldn't fully contain it any longer. Ivan has the longest dick exposed so far and it's dripping as much precum as Neal and Paul's combined.

"Oh god, guys!" Fitz cries out.. "That's it, I'm losing it!" Everything stopped and all four of the other guys stared as Fitz threw his head back and gasped for breath as he shot his load in Neal's mouth. Neal still didn't fight off the effects of the drugs enough to fully wake but it was clear he was swallowing the stream Fitz was shooting. Some of Fitz's pearly white essence was leaking out and when Neal saw Lucky's video he felt he should have been a lot more disgusted by that scene than he actually was...

"Gonna get it now, Neal. Gonna get it now!" Neal was pulled fully back to the present as Lucky's fingers gripped even harder on his hips and Lucky's long hard dick started ramming up him faster and harder than ever. Neal knew what that meant by now. He looked up into the bathroom's mirror and looked at Lucky's face. Always good looking, Lucky's face was frozen in pure bliss. His eyes were closed and his mouth slightly open as with one last mighty thrust he started cumming eight inches deep inside his coworker. That look of orgasmic joy and knowing he was responsible was the last straw for Neal. Even as Lucky finished spurting inside him, Neal's own dick started spewing its load all over the bathroom floor without even needing to be touched. Neal could barely breathe when it was done. Shame overtook him as he realized he'd just had the best orgasm of his short life and it had come without his having to really do anything.

"Clean up and don't come out right away," Lucky commanded as he finished wiping his dick on the back of the apron Neal lost along with his pants.

Neal re-locks the door behind Lucky and then slumps to the floor. The feel of Lucky's load leaking out of his abused hole only reinforces how terrible and low he feels.

And the fact that Neal gets hard again at the memory of what's been done to him only makes him feel even worse.

To be cum-tinued...

Next: Chapter 2

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