Bad Wife Good Sub

By Your old friend Tappy

Published on Apr 14, 2014


Bad Wife, Good Sub Ð Chapter 05 By Tappy McWidestance

I gingerly walked out of the ladies' room praying the egg wouldn't turn on until I reached the bar stool. I scanned the bar area and didn't see anybody I thought of as a prospective partner. Although I was nervous about being recognized, I didn't just want to grab the first guy and take him upstairs. Mistress Jacqui had been very specific in her instructions to choose somebody who at least understood the scene, although finding someone who was into the scene certainly would be better. I sat at one of the small tables. The pub height chair meant when I crossed my legs they would be at waist level for anybody walking by. The short skirt meant plenty of my stocking covered legs were exposed. I began to worry that I looked like a prostitute as the table I chose conveniently would be visible from most positions in the bar. While Vegas is a wild, open town, prostitution is still illegal in Clark County and I knew the casinos did not support working girls hanging out at the bars. Just then the egg sprung to life causing me to gasp. Any thought of being hassled for being there disappeared. I squeezed my thighs together to make sure the egg wouldn't squirt out and felt some of my juices leaking out of my pussy and running down my thighs. I strained not to react, but I'm sure if someone was watching they would know something was amiss.

I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes. I knew the egg would turn off soon as it was programmed to stay on only for between 30 seconds and a minute. Unfortunately this time it was closer to a minute. I could feel an orgasm beginning to build and I was afraid I would cum sitting on the stool, but then it turned off. My mouth unclenched, I breathed a sigh of relief and I opened my eyes. I took a quick scan around the bar and nobody seemed to notice. Nobody noticed except perhaps a woman sitting on the other side of the bar who was staring at me.

She looked familiar, but I couldn't place her. She had dark hair and was wearing big, dark sunglasses. She was wearing a dress showing off an ample chest and appeared to be in her 40s. Because of the position of the bar, I couldn't see her body below her breasts, but immediately I was attracted to her. I figured she could only see my face and chest as well and wondered what my facial contortions must have looked like to her. A waitress appeared and took my order for white wine. If she had noticed me buzzing myself, she didn't say anything. Before she returned I remembered to put my key chain with the remote onto the table in plain sight. When the waitress placed my glass next to my keys, I tried to gauge the look in her eyes to see if she noticed or knew what it controlled. If she did, she gave no indication.

I look back at the exotic brunette across the bar. She had diverted her attention from me and was talking to a much younger blonde. I caught both looking my way briefly and then turning back to each other. The older brunette was drinking wine like me while the blonde had a mixed drink of some kind. She drank it quickly and then walked back to the poker room. Then the egg turned on again. Again I shut my eyes and clenched my teeth. Thankfully this time it was on a shorter length of time. But that did little to quench my arousal. Again I felt an orgasm building and I resigned myself to eventually cumming on this stool and the embarrassment that would bring. Of course the thought also turned me on more making it inevitable that it would be a self-fulfilling prophesy.

When I opened my eyes this time the brunette was not watching. Now she was sitting with a guy at her table. He seemed familiar too. He was wearing sunglasses like she was, but also a gray hoodie. That seemed out of place given our surroundings. He was about her age and was drinking a beer. He also basically slammed it like the blonde before him and then walked back to the poker room. Then I figured out who he was. He was Phil Locke, nicknamed the Unibomber, for his habit of pulling his hoodie tight around his face while playing poker. If I was right, that meant the brunette was actress Jennifer Tilly. I didn't know much about the poker world, but my husband made me watch on TV enough to know they were the celebrity couple of the poker world. I didn't recognize the blonde, but she must be a player too and was obviously friends with Jennifer.

I was actually excited at the prospect of meeting Tilly. I had enjoyed her movies and knew she had won a World Series of Poker bracelet. I remember as a young woman seeing her in Let It Ride. Even though I wasn't bisexual back then (or at least I didn't realize it yet) I remember thinking the little red dress she squeezed into was incredibly hot. It must have been a precursor to my love of large breasts as I remember all these years later seeing her tits spill out the top of that dress throughout the movie. And here she was. She had gained weight through the years, but she was still hot.

Just then another glass of wine arrived at my table. I had not ordered it. The waitress said it was with the complements of two guys sitting at the other end of the bar. Just looking at them I could tell they thought I was a hooker. Then the damn egg turned on again. I involuntarily shut my eyes. I knew they were watching, but the buzzing sensation in my pussy was ruling my subconscious and there was no way I could hide my emotions. When I finally regained my faculties I noticed them laughing a bit in my direction. I also noticed Jennifer staring at me intently.

I wanted to approach her, but I was too scared the egg would slide out of my pussy. The guys came over and I politely thanked them for the drink but then brushed them off saying I was waiting for someone. That scene repeated itself a couple of times. I didn't get a Dom vibe from any of the men who approached me. Nobody was talking to Jennifer. I wondered if they were intimidated by her or just enjoying my exhibitionism more. After four glasses of wine I was feeling tipsy and had to tell the waitress not to bring me any more. I was starting to feel like I might not find my Dom in shining armor here tonight. I could lie to Mistress Jacqui and make up a story, but somehow I knew she had a spy watching me and would know I was lying to her. I watched the waitress tell a couple of other guys I didn't want another drink. Another 10 minutes passed. I was ready to give up and admit I had failed. Then the damn egg turned on again. This time it stayed on for the full minute although it seemed longer. I was struggling not to orgasm and with my eyes tightly shut I imagined the entire bar was watching me. Finally it stopped and I opened my eyes. I was shocked to see an expanse of firm thighs and the bottom hem of a short dress fill my field of vision. As I scanned upward I saw a pair of magnificent breasts, intoxicating cleavage and a smiling Hollywood actress turned poker professional standing in front of me. She had two glasses of wine. "Do you mind if I sit down?" she asked. Her voice was sultry like it had been in Bound. It was much more appealing than her tinny "bimbo" voice from Let It Ride. I just nodded. I couldn't speak.

She gracefully pulled the chair out and swung her butt up onto the padded seat. Unfortunately the table blocked my view of her legs swinging up underneath it. Finally I was able to steady myself. I held out my hand.

"Hi, I'm Heather," I said trying not to sound nervous.

She took my hand in hers. "I'm Jennifer," she said. I noticed she didn't release my hand immediately but turned it to look at my wedding ring.

"I know who you are," I told her. "I've been a fan of you for a long time."

It seemed like she was upset that I said "a long time." Maybe she thought that made her sound old. I decided to change the subject.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "Was that Phil who came over before? Were you playing poker?"

She told me there was a big multiday tournament going on but that she got bounced early in the first round. I could tell she was upset about it. Just then the egg turned on. Damn random setting. When I opened my eyes again about 40 seconds later, she was staring intently at me.

"Do you mind if I ask what that was all about? I noticed you drifting off a couple times from across the bar."

My face instantly blushed. I knew she had noticed before, but having her call me out on it while she was sitting in front of me was the most embarrassing feeling in the world. I tried to think of some kind of nifty lie, but I couldn't. So I just told her the truth. Well at least some of the truth.

"I'm wearing a vibrating egg. It's set to go on at random times," I told her trying to sound proud and not like some kind of freak.

She looked at me in disbelief. "Really?" she asked.

"Really," I replied. Then I looked down at my keys subconsciously trying to let her make the connection. She continued to just look into my eyes. Even without the egg buzzing I was squirming. I had to get her into my bed. I didn't know if she qualified for Mistress' instruction about getting picked up by someone who could dominate me. I knew in my heart, Jennifer could. I would do anything she asked. But was she into being a real domme? I decided it didn't matter. If she just wanted straight sex that was fine and I could find somebody else later to fulfill my task. Then I had the horrifying thought that maybe she wasn't bi. After all, she did have a good looking boyfriend. No, the way she was looking at me was far from innocent. She wanted me. At least that was what my mind led me to believe.

Without waiting for her to speak again, I casually let it slip that "my Mistress ordered me to sit here and buzz myself." I noticed she perked up a bit.

"Your Mistress?" she questioned. I nodded. "Is she here now?" she asked. I shook my head. "I don't think so. I have not seen her."

Jennifer quickly finished one of the glasses of wine she brought with her and then offered the other to me. I declined. She started sipping it and waved at the waitress to bring two more glasses of wine. I guess she needed some liquid courage when she remarked, "I always wondered what it would be like to have a Mistress." It was a topic I was happy to discuss, but I wanted to swing the conversation around to having her be in charge. I didn't even care about my task any more. I wanted to bury my face in her cleavage and then between her legs.

"I'll tell you what it's like to serve a beautiful Mistress," I offered, "but first you have to do something for me," I told her. I figured this was my best time to try to seduce her so what did I have to lose.

She looked a little skeptical. I'm sure she had fans that were pains in the ass (not in the good way) and probably worried a bit about me.

"What do you want?" she asked.

I slid my keys over to her. "That remote is for the egg. Switch it off random. You can control it instead."

She looked at me at first like I was crazy, then she smiled. "OK," she said. "I'm game."

She picked up my keys and examined the remote. "Now that I have your keys you can't leave either," she said. I had not thought of that, but she was right. "Now tell me about this Mistress of yours."

I started to tell her my story. Almost immediately she pressed the button on the remote and my egg sprung to life. I jumped and she turned it off. Then she smiled again. She seemed to revel in the fact that she could distract me at any moment with a touch of her finger. I was struggling to get through my story as she was turning the egg on and off with a maddening frequency.

"If you're not careful I'm going to cum," I told her.

"Isn't that what you want?" she asked in an almost innocent tone.

Without thinking I blurted out, "I want you to take me upstairs and fuck me."

The egg turned off and she stared at me again. "Really?" she asked. I nodded. The egg turned back on.

"Is that what your Mistress told you to do? To pick up a woman at the bar?"

I was squirming on my stool. I shook my head. "Not a woman," I said. "I mean, a woman would be fine. Specifically someone who would dominate me. I'd rather it be a woman, though."

She left the egg on while she was thinking.

"I'm not sure I'd be good for you," she finally said in a whisper barely audible over the din of the casino. "I've never played your game before," she said as my heart sank. "But I've thought about it a lot. But I think I'm a sub too."

She started telling me how she had always been straight until she filmed Bound with Gina Gershon. She said the first scene they filmed when they kissed opened her eyes. She then said, "To tell you a secret. When we filmed the seduction scene where I put her finger under my dress, I didn't wear underwear during the filming. I had during rehearsals, but when it came time to shoot, I surprised her and went commando. I was really as wet as Violet's character."

"Did Gina like it?" I asked her as I was getting closer and closer to orgasm.

"Yes she did," Jennifer confessed. "She really began to finger me and I was as close to cumming as I looked in the final edit. If the director hadn't yelled cut, I would have cum on set. I think he knew we were doing it for real which is why he cut the scene short. I felt about the same as you do now."

Again I just nodded at her. I couldn't speak. The egg and her story had me teetering on the edge. She looked at me and then looked at the controller. Then she shut down the egg. I breathed a mixed sigh of relief and resentment.

"That is kind of fun having this control," she commented.

"Please let me cum," I begged her figuring if she got a taste of the Domme role she might switch.

She looked at her watch and then looked around. "I need to check on something. What's the range on this remote?"

"I told her I wasn't sure. 25 or 30 feet I guess," I told her.

She pointed to a secure elevator bank. "I'll be gone a couple of minutes. If I want you to come upstairs, I'll turn on the egg. Meet me at the elevators. We'll need my swipe card to get past security. Otherwise I'll make sure your keys at sent to the front desk." And with that she walked away. I got a better look at her legs and ass as she headed toward the poker room. Oh God how I wanted the egg to turn back on.

I looked at my watch and started counting down the time. One minute passed. Then two and then three. I thought she had decided against fucking me. At five minutes I was despondent and ready to give up. I'd failed and I would have to face Mistress Jacqui's wrath, although I'd have a good story to tell. Just then the vibe turned on. A warm sense of relief washed over me. Or was that arousal. No matter, I stood up, left $20 on the table for the waitress and slowly started walking toward the elevator. I say slowly because I was still a bit buzzed from the wine and of course, I still had my ever-present fear of losing the egg. Jennifer was standing next to the security guard. He eyed me up and down as I approached. She took my hand and led me to the bank of elevators.

"Tatjana and Phil are both going to survive the night if they don't do anything stupid. That gives us at least an hour before they call the break."

I knew who Phil was, but Tatjana was a name I didn't recognize. I asked who that was, but just then the elevator opened and she ushered me inside. Instead of answering she pinned me up against the wall and kissed me passionately. Then she pulled back and it the button for the second to the top floor. Then she turned back to me. "Is that the kind of kiss your mistress gives you?" she asked before forcing herself against me again. Before I could respond her tongue was in my mouth and her hands were on my breasts. She was mauling me like she had to get her feel in because I was going to run away. That was the last thing on my mind right then.

"That's how I wanted Gina to kiss me in the movie but she wouldn't do it. I'm sure the guys would have supported it."

I realized she was trying to domme me from the bottom. She was showing me what she wanted someone to do to her. I felt her hand going under my skirt. I wondered if she would be as surprised that I was pantyless as Gina was surprised during the movie shoot. She didn't comment about how wet and available I was, but she did begin to rub my clit. That was just the stimulation I needed since she had not turned the egg off yet. Almost instantly I was at peak. True to my training, though I held back long enough to say "Mistress, please may your slut cum?"

She didn't say anything, but as the elevator binged that we'd arrived at our floor, she spun me around so she was pressed against my back. I heard the door open as she popped the buttons on my blouse exposing my bra. Her other hand was back under my skirt. She fiercely grabbed my left breast and started rubbing my clit again.

"Cum for me slut!" she screamed getting into the role. And cum I did. I heard the door opening, but it didn't matter. If someone was there, so be it. Jennifer had a much bigger reputation to defend than I did, so I didn't care. I began to convulse on her fingers. I felt her drop my breasts and grab my hair. She tugged my head backward.

"Look up at the security camera," she said forcefully, "Time to immortalize yourself."

That was the last thing I wanted, but it didn't matter. I was too far-gone to do anything but moan when she pulled my head back. "You are such a slut," she cooed into my ear. "God, I love it. I wish I was so free." I was still shaking riding her finger to worry much about what she said. I heard the door try to close, but it opened again. She must have blocked with her leg. It happened several additional times as I started to come down from my orgasmic high. Then the control panel started to buzz. I guess after a few times trying to close it signals an alert. I stood up straight and pulled her hand away from my pussy. Thankfully she let go of my hair and I turned and pushed her out of the elevator. As the doors closed she put her fingers in her mouth and sucked off my juices.

"You taste divine," she told me. "Take me to your room and I'll let you drink from the source," I replied. "Can I do it here?" she asked.

I was starting to feel the thrill of being in charge. She'd finger banged me, but I could tell being in charge really wasn't what she craved. I looked up and saw the security camera. After what she had done to me in the elevator, I probably should have just had her drop to my knees and worship my pussy, but I didn't want her on camera doing that. I hooked my finger onto her dress between her cleavage and pulled her toward the hallway. She scampered behind me. I looked up and down the next hall and then turned left.

"My room is the other way," she said.

I didn't respond but pulled her into the icemaker alcove. I looked and there was no security camera in that section. I reached back and unzipped my skirt. Letting it fall to the floor I told her to get on her knees. And that dear readers is how an Academy Award Nominee found her place on her knees in a hallway at the Bellagio eating my pussy. I grabbed her head the way she had done to me and then I reached down and pulled her magnificent right breast free from its lacy enclosure. She was going to town on my pussy and to nobody's surprise, at least not to my surprise, the egg finally slid out. I hoped she would suck it into her mouth, but she didn't. It hit the floor and made an obscene buzzing sound that didn't slow her down in the least. I was starting to get worried that we would get caught and was trying to get her to stop so we could go to her room, but she was having none of that. She wanted me to cum again. Fortunately once I cum one it doesn't take me long to cum again. Unfortunately it wasn't fast enough and a young couple walked passed us in the hallway, presumable heading toward the elevators and the casino floor. They stopped for a moment, startled I'm sure at the lesbian action happening out in the open. The girl gasped when she realized what was happening. The guy smiled and I could tell he started to get hard. "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas," he said thinking he was clever. His girl hit him across the stomach. "Don't get any ideas," she told him and then they walked away. I'm pretty sure they didn't recognize the mass of black hair between my legs as Jennifer Tilly. But I figured it was better not to take chances. I pulled her back to her feet. How far is the room?" I asked.

"End of the hall the other way," she replied.

"Help me get my skirt back on," I told her. She did, although she gave my ass a nice kiss before zipping it up. My blouse was still sans buttons thanks to her elevator grab, but at least my pussy was secured. I turned off the egg and picked it up. We walked down to her room. We didn't pass anybody else.

Inside the suite was spacious. There appeared to be two bedrooms, which I asked about. I wondered if one was just for sex. Jennifer was proving to be a hellcat and I doubted I was the first person she had picked up in a bar.

"Oh, Phil and I share that one," she said pointing to what looked like a master suite, "and Tatjana takes the other one."

There was that name again. "Who is Tatjana," I asked.

"You saw her earlier," Jennifer said. "Tatjana Pasalic. She was the blonde who stopped by for a drink.

"What's her story? Are you a couple?" I asked. I certainly didn't care if they were a couple. Actually it would be pretty hot if they were. But I wanted to know if any jealous lovers were likely to burst in on us.

"We've hooked up a couple of times, but it's not serious. We share a suite on the road to cut costs," she explained. I wanted to explain it was probably much cheaper to rent two regular rooms than to split this huge suite, but that wasn't for me to worry about. I got a sense there was more to the story so I pressed her a bit.

"Ok, here's the deal," she continued. "I get to fuck her when we're both in the mood. But Phil only gets to fuck her if I'm there and participating. I don't want to give him the impression he can fuck any piece of tail on the road."

"But it's OK for you to fuck her without him?" I said trying not to sound judgmental.

She winked at me. "Well, what he doesn't know won't hurt him."

"Why did you pick her?" I asked. "You could have anyone you want."

Jennifer laughed. "Maybe 20 years ago you would have been right. Now it's tougher."

"Really, why her? Is she good in bed?"

"The truth," Jennifer began to confess, "is that a couple of years ago at a World Series of Poker event her boyfriend made her wear a cat suit at the tournament because she lost a bet. She was so sexy I knew I had to have her. I also figured she must be a wild one, so I figured out a plan to seduce her."

"Why did she wear a cat suit? Isn't that weird at a tournament?"

"Well it's a little strange that somebody as accomplished at cards would dress up, but you do get lower level players in costume trying to get on TV. In her case, she lost some kind of bet with her boyfriend and was paying it off."

"How did you seduce her?" I asked.

"Well, I'd like to say it was my raw sexuality, but really when she broke up with her boyfriend about 6 months ago, Phil and I found her drunk at a bar and ended up back in the room having three-way rebound sex. Things kind of evolved from there."

"You said you think about being a sub. Did she ever domme you?"

"No," Jennifer told me sheepishly. "That's my little secret. That's why you turn me on so much. I've tried to hint at it with Tatjana. Heck, I've hinted at it with Phil. But neither seem to pick up on it."

"Maybe they just need a push," I said hopefully.

"Yeah, I don't think so," she responded. "So what do we do now?"

"Speaking for myself," I said, "I want you to fuck me senseless. I'll be happy to eat your pussy first though. You've got me off a couple of times already."

"By fuck you senseless, do you mean with a strap-on?" she asked.

"Yes," I said proudly. "I've got one in my bag."

"I've never used one," she confessed. "My lady friends just like fingers and tongues."

"Then you'll love this," I said pulling my Hitachi out of the bad. Jennifer's eyes widened when she saw the bulbous head. Then I grabbed my strap-on.

"How about you fuck me and hold that on my clit?" Jennifer counter offered.

It was difficult to turn down that offer. How often would you get the opportunity to have Jennifer Tilly on her back bucking against your cock?

"How long do we have?" I asked.

"About a half hour now," she replied. They break at midnight for the day. Tatjana usually comes up to the room pretty quickly. Phil probably will be at the bar with his friends for a couple of hours."

"Maybe I should stay and meet Tatjana?" I said. "I could tell her how much you want to submit to her."

"Let me submit to you first and see how that goes," she told me.

"OK," I said. "Get naked and I'll fuck you."

At the time I didn't realize how disappointed my voice probably sounded at saying that. That wasn't my intention. Luckily Jennifer didn't seem to notice. She was too busy taking off her dress. It didn't take long. Then I told her to undress me. If she was going to be a sub, she was going to have to do the work.

She looked so sexy on her knees in front of me pulling my skirt down. I would have loved to pull her mouth against my pussy again, but we didn't have time. After I was naked, well, I still had on my stocking and heels, I grabbed my fake cock. I had planned on my pick-up wearing it and it felt weird sliding it up my legs. But before I even had the straps tight, Jennifer's mouth was around it and her head was bobbing up and down.

Being a Domme was very foreign to me, but I did my best to berate her like Mistress Jacqui, Toni and Kim did to me. She continued to suck my dick. I didn't feel any contact with my clit, but I did feel power by having her on her knees. But time was wasting away so I popped by cock out of her mouth.

"Crawl behind me slut," I commanded her. I felt a surge of adrenaline as I said it. I grabbed my bag and walked toward Tatjana's bedroom. When I reached the bed I realized I had missed the fun of watching a Hollywood star crawl naked on the floor. I ordered her to crawl back to the living room and return so I could watch. I saw pure lust in her eyes as she crawled back. I knew that look as I had it when I was with Mistress Jacqui, even though my eyes were blindfolded so Mistress couldn't see them.

"On the bed on your back, whore," I barked at her. I wasn't sure if she would balk at the term whore, but she didn't. Reaching into my bag for my handy cuffs, I quickly secured her wrists to the headboard. Then I grabbed my Hitachi.

"Ever use one of these?" I asked her. With a throaty moan she said, "No."

"Then you are in for a treat. Too bad we don't have much time. I would love to tease you for an hour. But if I turn it on high I bet you can cum in a minute or less."

"Please don't make me wait, Mistress," she called out.

"I'm not your Mistress you dumb cunt," I hissed at her still trying to sound stern. I couldn't believe I'd used the `C' word and again I looked at her to see if I went to far. But apparently I had not. I turned the Hitachi on and pressed it against her clit. Not surprisingly she went wild. Then while holding it hard against her I maneuvered myself between her legs.

I'd only secured her wrists so she was rolling back and forth as the vibrations wracked her body. As a result her legs kept opening and shutting.

"Keep those slut legs spread so I can fuck you slave!" I yelled. She was too far gone to really react. I could tell she was about to cum and was out of touch with reality. I did my best to force myself between her legs. She started to cum just as I pushed the tip of the dildo inside of her. I got a few good thrusts in, but she was thrashing about and oblivious to what I was doing. She came harder than anybody I'd ever seen and then she passed out. I was very disappointed that I was not in her position, but what can you do. Hollywood stars get what they want.

I decided to have a little revenge on her. I unstrapped the dildo and left it in her. I also left her cuffed to the bed while she slept. She had not woken up by the time I dressed (I found a blouse in her room to replace my torn one.) so I wrote a note with my address asking her to return my toys. I left her passed out and cuffed to the bed for Tatjana to find. I was sure she would thank me for it later.

I walked down the hall, somewhat doing the walk of shame, for my behavior. At the elevator I pushed the down button. As I waited I rehashed the night in my brain. It was a great night. Probably not exactly what Mistress Jacqui wanted, but I'd certainly acted like the slut she likes me to be. I heard the elevator bing and the doors opened. Had I looked at my watch again I would not have been surprised that Tatjana walked out of the elevator. She looked at me. I'm sure she recognized me from the bar, but I don't think she realized I was wearing Jennifer's shirt. She didn't say anything. She just walked passed me. I had figured Jennifer had told her she was taking me upstairs. But she could have at least said hello. I turned to follow her as she rounded the corner into the hallway. I just peaked around the corner. She definitely had a nice ass. I could picture her in a cat suit and made a mental not to search the web for pictures. I watch for a few seconds as she walked down the hallway. I really wanted to chase after her. I wanted to help her with Jennifer. Heck, I would have settled to be a fly on the wall to see how Tatjana would react to seeing the present I left for her. But I headed back to the elevator instead. It was time to go home and write a recap for Mistress Jacqui.

Passing the bar I saw Phil, still in his hoodie although sans glasses. There were a couple other players I recognized from TV. They were holding court. I wondered if any of them really knew how crazy Jennifer was or that by now hopefully Tatjana was fucking her with the strap-on. They were happy having beers. They were missing the real show. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day.

I was still pretty keyed up when I got home, so after I shower I just slipped on a silky robe, went to the kitchen to pour a glass of wine and then sat down on the family room couch to wind down. I was flipping through the channels looking for anything decent to watch when I stopped on a softcore film on Skinimax. Given the life I had been leading lately, the soft nature of the sex scene, while they may have been hot for a movie channel, did little for me except make me wish for something a little steamier. I was comfortable on the couch though and didn't want to sit by the computer to stream a good BDSM scene. My husband and I did have a couple X-rated DVDs. They were pretty tame as well as they were just straight sex, but they hopefully would be enough to get me off. I must have been more tired than I realized, because the combination of the wine and some pussy play caused me to fall asleep on the couch. I didn't even have an orgasm. How bad is it when you fall asleep during sex.

I woke up early the next morning to the sound of someone knocking forcefully on my front door. "Who the fuck could that be?" I cursed under my breath not knowing what time it was, only knowing I was still tired. I had been on the couch all night and except for my robe was naked. Or should I say, was naked, as my robe was unwrapped and had fallen to my sided during the night. I stood up groggily and pulled the robe closed. I tied the sash around my waist and walked toward the door. I didn't bother to look through the peephole. I wasn't really awake and besides, what criminal knocks before breaking into a house. I swung the door open and was shocked to see a very disheveled Jennifer Tilly standing there. She had a long coat covering her body. Her hair was a mess and she was wearing large dark sunglasses.

Standing behind her, with her hand tightly grabbing the back of Jennifer's neck, was a very smartly dressed Tatjana Pasalic. Jennifer looked much like me, not ready to face the morning. Tatjana looked ready to conquer the world and very much in charge of the Hollywood star.

"Is this the one?" Tatjana barked while pulling back on Jennifer's neck.

"Yes, Mistress," Jennifer replied in an almost pleading voice.

"My slut says you used her last night and she needs to bring you back your toys. Is this correct?" Tatjana said. It took me a moment to realize she was talking to me. I was too busy wondering what Jennifer was wearing under her coat. In a quiet voice I finally answered.

"Yes. I mean, I was with her last night while you were playing cards."

Tatjana released Jennifer's neck. "Go to the car whore and get the bag," she snarled.

Jennifer immediately began walking back to the car. I was trying to figure out what was happening.

"I'm sorry for the imposition last night. She can be a handful." She then turned toward the car again. "Bring the coffee in too, bitch," she yelled. My neighbors definitely would have heard her if their windows were open. I looked up and down the street to see if anybody was out at this hour. I was relieved that I didn't see anybody.

"May we come in?" Tatjana asked. I had no clue what game she was playing, but I wasn't about to let this opportunity pass me by.

"Of course," I said backing away from the door. Tatjana wasted no time walking in and past me.

I looked again at Jennifer who by now had reached the car. That was when I felt a hand on the sash of my robe. Before I could react, Tatjana had spun me around to face her and then pushed me against the wall. She was strong, much stronger than I expected for her slender frame. Of course with my level of surprise, I wasn't in much of a position to defend myself. Not that I wanted to mind you.

Tatjana grabbed my wrists and pinned them over my head. She is tall, so it was easy for her to press her lips against mine. Perhaps crush her lips against mine is a better description. She was clearly demonstrating her superiority to me and I was letting her. She then dropped my wrists. Instinctively I began to pull my arms down, but she quickly scolded me to, "keep your arms above my head," which I naturally did.

She was staring into my eyes, but her hands were skillfully untying the sash of my robe exposing my naked body beneath. Her hands wrapped strongly around my waist and she pulled me tightly against her for another brutally passionate kiss. It took my breath away. A strand of saliva hung in the air between us as she pulled her head back. I tried to follow her with my head, but once again her eyes pierced mine and I shrunk from the confrontation. I did my best to silently plead with her for another kiss, but instead I felt her hands cup my breasts. As she did, I felt her thumbs flick across my nipples. I gasped, unable to breath momentarily.

"So these are the tits Jennifer was raving about," she said with a smile. She still had not broken eye contact with me and I dared not look down.

I felt her release my left breast and saw out of the corner of my eye her right hand drawing back. I knew what was about to happen even before I saw the blur and felt the open palmed contact to the side of my breasts. The slap was followed by a forceful grab, much more powerful than the gentle caress earlier. Again I gasped and then I felt her left hand leave my right breasts and knew it was about to get the same treatment. When she had both my breasts slapped and in her vice like grip she spoke again.

"I like this tits. Good weight, they fit just right in my hands and your nipples react well to a little pain. I assume they enjoy a good clamping?"

Hearing that left me breathless. "Yes, Mistress," I managed to say softly.

Tatjana was still just looking into my eyes, well deeply into my soul really, when I heard the door open and a bag hit the floor. I knew that was my sex toy bag being returned. I also knew the toys wouldn't stay there long.

"Help this slut take off her robe," Tatjana said to Jennifer before dropping my breasts. I moved forward off the wall to allow Jennifer to strip me. Tatjana headed toward the couch. Without turning to face us she called out, "Check her pussy, slave. I'm sure it's soaking."

After my robe had found the floor, Jennifer slid a finger into my pussy. As you might expect it found no resistance. Nor did her second finger.

"Just as I figured. Another slut who likes being told what to do. OK. Bring her over here," Tatjana called from the couch.

Jennifer took my hand and escorted me to her new Mistress. I peeked but I couldn't tell what Jennifer had on under her coat. Apparently that was less important than Tatjana telling me to take her clothes off for her. "Slow and sensual," were my directions and I did the best I could. I slowly unbuttoned her blouse making sure to "accidentally" brush against her nipples. After her blouse found the floor, she told me to do her bra next. It was silky smooth and felt amazing to my touch. Or perhaps it was her very firm breasts and very hard nipples contained inside that held my attention more than the garment. Either way her command to "worship my breasts" when the bra came loose was a command I was happen to obey.

"She really does obey well," I heard Jennifer comment from behind me.

"You have a lot to learn from her," Tatjana replied.

I felt like I was in a weird sub sandwich between these two beautiful and obviously horny women. I knelt in front of Tatjana giving praise to her breasts and nipples. She continued to describe my actions to Jennifer explain exactly how she liked to be nibbled and sucked. She held the back of my head gently, but definitely with a possessive feel. I could have stayed in that position for hours, although I think it was only about 10 minutes before she told me to continue and remove her pants. Needless to say this command excited me because I knew her panties would be next.

Pulling her tight jeans over her ass and down her legs was a challenge because of the way she was sitting. I'm sure watching me struggle was part of her enjoyment. As soon as I had her pants off I reached for her panties, but she stopped me.

"Put your head between my legs and drink in my scent," she commanded me. Again it was an instruction I was happy to complete. This time when she took my head in her hands her grip was more forceful as if each task I completed for her gave her confidence that I was willing to serve her. She was wearing a thin, peach colored thong. I was soaked through. When my nose touched it, her wetness was apparent, as was her strong smell of arousal. I began to rub my face up and down her slit without her tugging on my head. As I began to do, however, she got the message that was my plan and started pulling my hair to encourage me. Even though it had been my idea, I guess she wanted to feel in control.

"Notice how she worships my pussy, Jen Jen," she said in a mocking baby speak tone. "It's covered but she still loves it. You need to be the same way. Whenever I tell you to crawl between my legs, you should show me the devotion my pussy deserves."

I was ready to show her plenty of devotion to eating her pussy and making her cum, but she wasn't ready for that yet. She seemed happier to use me to taunt Jennifer. Not that I was particularly complaining, but I wanted to taste her at the source and not through her thong. Tatjana showed tremendous patience as I could tell her pussy was demanding more direct attention, but she was intent on showing her dominance and wasn't going to give in so easily to her own pleasure. Again she made me wait about 10 minutes before giving me the order to remove her thong. She lifted her hips this time to make that task easier to complete.

"I'm sure Jen Jen is disappointed that you have had all the fun. I can see the lust in her eyes. I want you to put my thong over her head and up against her nose and mouth."

Apparently I was now going to take a more active role teasing the lovely Jennifer. I stood up and turned to face her. I too saw the lust in her eyes Tatjana had mentioned. It was clear she was relishing in letting her friend take the lead and I really wanted to find out what had happened the night before after I left. I moved in close to her. I debated whether I should kiss her or not. I really wanted to give her another passionate kiss like last night, but I decided against it. At least for now.

Without prompting, Jennifer meekly bowed her head toward me so I could slip the thong over and down across her nose and mouth. It seemed to me that for someone who just 12 hours ago had only fantasized about being submissive, she certainly had come a long way. Then again, when I got my first taste of serving a Domme, I learned quickly too. She looked so beautiful with her lust filled eyes still showing, but with her nose and mouth covered I couldn't help but pull her into a strong embrace. If Tatjana wanted to punish me later for overstepping my bounds, that was fine with me. I pressed my lips against the outside of the thong over Jennifer's mouth. Tatjana's flavor was strong and her arousal scene was pungent. And I was just getting the soak through. With the inside over Jennifer's face, I was sure she was having an even more powerful reaction. My kiss, while passionate, didn't last very long. With the thong between us, it just didn't work for me. Sure I loved tasting Tatjana, but either Jennifer was scare to react with passion because her Mistress had not given her liberty to enjoy my kiss or the situation was just too weird. Either way I pulled my head back and turned back toward Tatjana.

"I really must thank you," she told me. "You left me a nicely wrapped present last night."

She smiled when she said that. I didn't realize from her photos online what a beautiful smile she had. I smiled back.

"My last boyfriend," she continued, "always let me initiate sex. I didn't realize it at the time, but he probably wanted me to dominate him. I admit I had thoughts of taking control of Jen Jen every time we fucked. But I wasn't sure how to bring up that subject. Thanks to you, I didn't have to."

"It was my pleasure," I assured her.

"She pleased me several times orally before I untied her. She begged me to fuck her with the strap-on. I figured she earned it so I gave her a good screwing. It was a bit of a shock when Phil walked in on us."

"Oh no!" I exclaimed. "What did he say?"

"He was pretty drunk. I'm not sure he realized what I was doing. He knows we use toys, but I don't think he grasped that I was wearing a strap-on. Jen Jen, like the slut she is, came when she thought she was busted. Probably wanted to submit to him too."

I turned and looked at Jennifer. She nodded her head but didn't say anything.

"She really is deliciously submissive," Tatjana continued. "I told her not to speak unless we ask her a question, although she certainly can still communicate. Soon after he came back to the room I told her to go to their room and go to sleep. I stayed up and masturbated thinking about her and what I wanted to do today before I finally passed out. How many times did you masturbate slut?"

We both looked at her. I could tell she was embarrassed to confess how turned on she had been. "Four mistress," she finally said in a whisper. "I had to cum four times before I could fall asleep."

"I'm surprised you didn't rape poor Phil," Tatjana said in a condescending tone.

"I would have if he had not been too drunk to get it up. I sucked him off but as soon as he got hard enough for me to mount, he'd go soft again."

It was strange to be in the middle of their conversation. Did I really need to know these details? But Tatjana apparently wanted me to know the rest of the story.

"He was pretty worthless last night. But he had good morning wood today didn't he, baby?"

Jennifer again appeared embarrassed. "Yes Mistress," she admitted.

"Tell your new friend what happened," Tatjana egged her on.

Jennifer paused, then told me. "I couldn't keep my fingers out of my pussy when I tried to fall asleep. I woke up just as wet and horny. I don't remember my dreams, but I must have had a good one. I reached over and took Phil's cock in my hand. Now that he had a few hours sleep in him it started to grow and quickly was at full size. He wasn't awake yet. He probably thought he was dreaming. I decided to go down on him to make sure he wasn't going to go soft before I mounted him. That was when Tatjana walked into the room."

I looked back at Tatjana for confirmation about her story and her facial expression told me it was true. "Tell her the rest Jen Jen."

"Well, Tatjana was still naked from the night before and my pussy gushed just from seeing her. I realized I didn't really want Phil's cock any more but that I wanted her pussy. I crawled off the bed and onto the floor. Phil didn't stir. I started to get up, but Mistress Tatjana held up her hand and I dropped back down to my knees. She then pointed toward her feet. So I crawled over and kissed her foot. I was delirious with the emotional rush of submitting to her again. "

"Then what happened," I asked impatiently.

"Well, I had her kneel in front of me and lick my pussy again," Tatjana picked up the story. I had not cum yet when Phil woke up again. I think he heard me moan. He really is inconsiderate about interrupting us."

She said that last part with a laugh.

"Anyway, we much have looked like a film noir with the two of us in silhouette by the door with Phil waking up hung over, with a hard-on and not really knowing what was going on."

"That is so hot," I said. "Then what?"

Jennifer chimed back in. "Can I tell her, Mistress?"

Tatjana gave her permission.

"Phil realized we were having sex, but it was clear he didn't realize the dynamic of our relationship had, shall we say, changed. He got out of bed and headed over to us. My pussy was creaming and I really needed to get fucked. So I whispered into Mistress' ear my plan. She nodded. By then Phil was standing next to me. He tried to kiss me but he was still wobbly from just waking up and alcohol. I took his cock in my hand and gave him a couple firm strokes. He was rock hard now, so I told him to lie down on the floor. I was afraid he was going to pass out so I quickly squatted down on him in a reverse cowgirl. I really didn't want to look at him right then."

Tatjana now took over the conversation. "As soon as she mounted him, I moved in front of her, grabbed her head and made sure her mouth was where it belonged."

My own pussy was on fire listening to the two gorgeous women recount their sexual exploits. I wanted to eat both their pussies and almost hoped the story would end quickly so we could get back to business.

"Jen Jen gave him a couple of good bounces," Mistress Tatjana continued. "But I'm not sure he really noticed. He was still way too out of it from last night. I held her head tight against cunt making sure her tongue was doing its job. Her bouncing made it tough for her to serve me properly so I put pressure on her shoulders and she got the message to stop gyrating. The little slut started grinding him instead. But I didn't care. As long as she got me off they can do what they want."

"And did she get you off?" I asked.

"Yes, but she needs more practice," Tatjana said with a wink.

"What about Jennifer and Phil?" I asked her figuring I shouldn't ask Jennifer without permission.

"No, Jennifer didn't get what she needed. At least not yet. As for Phil, I'm pretty sure he didn't realize we helped him back in bed. I was ready to leave and started to walk out when Jen Jen stopped me and whispered that we can't leave him with a hard-on. I think she just wanted an excuse to fuck him harder. So I told her she can jerk him off if she wanted but that she had to make him cum on himself."

"And I said no," Jennifer chimed in. I could tell immediately she regretted speaking out of turn.

"And I said yes if she ever wanted to lick my pussy again," Mistress Tatjana replied.

I didn't have to ask whether Jennifer complied with her wishes. First off I knew what it was like to be in that position and when your Mistress tells you something with the threat of losing her, you do it. Second, they were here together. If she had not done it, one of them wouldn't be here.

"So did you just leave him covered in his own cum?"

"Yup," chimed in Tatjana first. "She squeezed out a nice load onto his chest. I think some hit is face too. I bet he is surprised when he wakes up. We left him a note that we were going shopping."

"Oh yeah?" I asked rhetorically. Then I added, "What are you shopping for?"

Tatjana took a step toward me and got up in my face. "Another sub slut who can serve my pussy when I'm in town." She then reached forward and slid two fingers into my pussy. "Know where I can find one?"

Needless to say she took my breath away. She just slowly fingered me then started rubbing my clit with her thumb.

"Now I'm going to sit back down and you are going to do a proper job servicing my pussy. If you do well, I'll let Jen Jen put on your strap-on and fuck you. If you do very well, I'll put on the strap-on and take your ass. Understand?"

"Yes, Mistress Tatjana," I replied. "Too bad I don't have two strap-ons and you could both fuck me together."

What I intended as a joke, well sort off, probably didn't come out that way.

"Can you call someone to deliver one?" Jennifer asked.

"Yes, slut," Tatjana continued without missing a beat. "I am sure a tramp like you has friends who would lone you a fake cock."

I though about Toni, but I didn't want to get her involved. And I certainly wasn't ready to share with Mistress Jacqui yet. I thought about the adult bookstore. "I don't know if the shop I bought this one from delivers," I said trying to be calm, but churning on this inside at the thought of these two women double-teaming me.

"So what's it going to be tramp?" Tatjana asked me calmly. "Ready to worship my pussy?"

"Yes, Mistress," I meekly said before dropping back to my knees.

Tatjana sat back down on the couch and spread her legs.

"Then come get your treat," she told me. I was already crawling toward her before the words were out of her mouth.

I don't know if the pleasure of submitting to such a beautiful woman had me turned on more than the thought of an Academy Award nominee taking me from behind, but no matter what the cause, I was shaking with lust as I felt Jennifer rub the head of my strap-on along my labia. I know I was plenty wet enough to take her without a problem, but Tatjana had other plans. At her insistence, I took a break from servicing her juicy pussy to kneel before Miss Tilly. Tatjana told me I should respect her although she wasn't to be called Mistress as we were on equal levels in the hierarchy. (I was to be called Miss Heather by Jennifer because they said they didn't want to know my last name.) I spun around a quickly took the fake cock into my mouth. The tip had a little bit of my flavor on it, but unfortunately that was soon gone. For more than one reason I wished she had slid it all the way into me before I had to blow it. Oh well. Fake or not, I loved the feeling of having my mouth full and doing it at the insistence of a beautiful young woman make it even better. She even gave commentary, or a blow by blow, if you will. I guess since she's a TV poker commentator when she's not playing makes it tough to be quiet.

"That's right baby," she cooed in a voice I'm sure the viewing audience isn't privileged to hear. She was so sexy with her Eastern European accent I made a mental not to try to talk her into having phone sex sometime. "Suck her cock. Use your tongue. Slide it up and down. Get it nice and wet so she can fuck you from behind like the dog you are."

My head was bobbing up and down the hard shaft. I really was using the same techniques my husband enjoyed so much. I knew Jennifer wasn't feeling anything and that was a shame. But in my mind, it was real. I slid most of the dildo out of my mouth so I could nibble on the tip. I took that moment to look up at her. She was looking at Tatjana instead of me. She also looked confused as to what she was doing or more likely confused by what Tatjana's plan included. I noticed her left hand was by her side, so I reached up and grabbed it. Not forcefully, but she definitely noticed as I lifted it up and put it on my head. She sort of just petted me, which was definitely a disappointment. Fortunately Mistress Tatjana came to my rescue.

"She wants you to grab her hair, Jen Jen," our Mistress informed her.

"Oh, sorry," Miss Tilly replied sound like she was disappointed for not knowing that.

I didn't want her to be gentle and fortunately that wasn't a worry I had long. Once she realized what I wanted, she grabbed my hair firmly. Not long ago I would have hated if my husband had wrapped my hair into his fist and tugged on me to force his cock deeper into my throat. Now I was getting off on it.

"See, the tramp likes it," Mistress resumed her commentary. "She get's off on being a slut. Just like you."

"Yes, Mistress," Jennifer replied. "But can I fuck her now?"

"You may," Tatjana replied.

Being treated like I was just a piece of meat to be used was really turning me on. They talked like I wasn't in the room or at least like I had no say in what was going to happen. I found that very exciting. I was just another toy to them. I resumed my service of Tatjana's pussy and Jennifer finally slid the faux cock into my needy pussy. From the sounds she made as she was building a nice rhythm and really beginning to fuck me like a stud, I guessed the inside of the strap-on was at least rubbing her in a pleasurable way. Tatjana's juices were flowing into my mouth and I hoped that after she came she would trade places with Miss Tilly and I would get to eat her tasty pussy as well.

Tatjana was cooing and moaning like I was doing a good job, but she wasn't orgasming. She wasn't correcting my technique, or my enthusiasm, but I wasn't sure if she was really enjoying herself. The same could not be said of me and the effort Jennifer was putting into slamming my pussy. I loved it, especially the feeling of her thighs banging into me and forcing me to rock my mouth against Tatjana's pussy. I was very aroused and if she had reached around to finger my clit, pinch my nipples or even spanked my ass, I think I would have cum. As it was, I was on the edge of a quality climax, but I couldn't quite go over the edge. I'd been conditioned to wait for my dominant's permission, but neither Tatjana nor Jennifer seemed prepared to give it to me. More specifically, I don't think Tatjana realized I was longing to hear those words.

Mistress Tatjana did express a little whimper, her body shaking slightly, and I was treated to an extra shot of love juice into my mouth. I wondered if that was all the sound she made when she came. If so I was disappointed. I wanted her to have a head grabbing, pussy grinding, loud shouting kind of an orgasm that would rock her to the core. But apparently that was it for now. What she did next surprised me, though.

She pushed me back away from her pussy. Thankfully Jennifer didn't stop pounding me because as I started to straighten up from my bent over, pussy eating position, the angle of her penetration changed in a most pleasurable way. All of a sudden the head of the dildo was stimulating different nerve endings including rubbing against my g-spot and I liked it. I made a mental note to remember to ask Mistress Jacqui to fuck me doggie style but to allow me to keep my back straight and upright.

"Fuck me, Miss Tilly," I yelled out impulsively. "Make your whore cum!"

The change in position was all I needed to move from hanging on a climax to quickly building to a great one. I was going to show Tatjana what a woman should look like when she came. I was going to make her jealous. Heck she probably would ask Jennifer to fuck her like she was fucking me to experience an orgasm like the one I was about to have. Then I had a feeling of schadenfreude wash over me as I thought that my pleasure was derived from my craving to submit and the thought that Tatjana would never know that joy.

But that moment was fleeting as another wave of pleasure shot through my body. I then watched with surprise as Tatjana slid off the couch to her knees. And then with the grace of someone a lithe as a gymnast spun around dropping to her back with one motion. I was surprised, to say the least, that this until now dominant hellcat slid her head beneath my pussy where Jennifer continued to saw the dildo in and out of my cunt. Then I felt her fingers grabbing my nipples (there were hard as rocks of course) and pulling me back down. I felt her tongue touch my clit and felt her squeeze my nipples. That was just the extra stimulation I needed and I started to cum.

I wish I could have held out to enjoy her fingers and her tongue, but it wasn't meant to be. She lapped at my pussy like a dog drinks a bowl of water and it felt wonderful. I wish I had squirted on her. That would have made the moment complete. But she did hear me scream and would have felt my body shake. I was much more demonstrative in my pleasure than she had been. Jennifer even joined in (not that she hadn't played an active role so far) and gave me a couple hard swats on the ass as she continued to pummel me from behind.

"Oh, look at the slut cum," she shouted adding her voice to the faceless scream of my climax.

"Keep fucking me!" I yelled out as I bent over more and buried my face back in Tatjana's pussy. I figured if I kept pleasuring her, she would order Jennifer to keep pleasuring me. But alas that was not on the menu. I could feel Tatjana beginning to squirm under me. Maybe she just needed a small orgasm to get herself motivated as she was definitely becoming more active. Then I felt Jennifer pull the dildo out of my pussy. Needless to say I was disappointed and felt empty. And then something happened I'd never experienced before. I queefed. I was horrified. Jennifer had just fucked me so well that like a piston she had pumped me full and trapped air inside my vagina. I released a series of pussy farts that embarrassed me and made me want to run out of the room. Tatjana was laughing a bit, but Jennifer tried to comfort me.

"Don't worry baby," she told me. "That just means I fucked you good."

I expected her to back away, but Jennifer wasn't moving. At first I thought she might try to push the dildo in my ass. I was one of my bigger dildos so I wasn't crazy about the idea, but I wasn't about to stop her if she tried either. But it didn't go in my ass. I felt Tatjana stir beneath me and realized she was no longer licking my pussy. She was still pinching my nipples, though. Then Jennifer clued me in.

"I'm not the only whore here," she exclaimed. "Clean off my cock. Taste this slut's juices."

I realized Tatjana was now sucking the strap-on. That turned me on again. I couldn't really see her (unfortunately) but no doubt she would look sexy as hell with her cheeks bulging out as a dick filled her mouth and throat. I did the only thing I could do. I bent back over and started eating her pussy again. This time she was much more expressive as she enjoyed my talented tongue.

I couldn't tell exactly when Tatjana quit sucking my juices off the fake dick. I assume it was about 5 seconds before Jennifer tapped me on my ass and told me to get up. I was hoping she had some plan for me to pleasure her now, but instead, as soon as I got up, she got down on top of Tatjana. Tatjana's eyes got wide for a moment as Jennifer penetrated her but then she relaxed and seem very happy her friend was taking the masculine position with her. Tatjana was now becoming very expressive. Apparently getting her pussy licked wasn't such a big deal for her, but getting a nice thick cock up her snatch really did it for her. I sat back and watched the two friends go at it. It was a symphony of grinding and writhing bodies as Jennifer used her weight advantage to subdue the previously dominant Tatjana. She wasn't pulling out very far. Instead of long strokes she use short thrusts relying on her pubic bone to grind Tatjana's clit. And Tatjana loved it.

I was getting aroused again just from watching. I starting fingering myself and then heard the words "Why don't you take a picture. It will last longer," ring through my head. Part of me worried that I was betraying their trust. While both women traded on their sexuality in front of the camera, taking a photo of them fucking each other may have been out of bounds. On the other hand, I really wanted evidence that I had been with them.

I decided they were too absorbed in each other to notice so I went to the kitchen to grab my phone. I brought back a glass of water as well to make it look like I had a reason to leave the room. I tried to be discrete. But I guess when you've had your picture taken so often, the fake click sound made by my phone is like a dog whistle. Jennifer immediately stopped thrusting, turned her head and scowled at me.

"Turn it off," she said angrily.

"Turn what off," I heard Tatjana from beneath her. Apparently she had missed what I had done.

"Our new friend just snapped a picture of us."

I saw Tatjana push back against Jennifer who quickly pulled the strap-on from her friend's pussy. The look on Tatjana's face was back to being the Domme I saw when she first pushed me against the wall. I knew her happy to get fucked time was over.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I just wanted proof I'd been with you."

"No pictures," she said grabbing my phone. I watched as she pulled the back off and then pulled out the battery. She tossed the back and battery aside and then using her manicured red fingernail, she pulled the micro-sd card out of my phone. Then she looked at me.

"Let's not have that mistake again," she scolded me. I nodded back. "You've killed my arousal. I was really enjoying Jennifer. You are going to have to pay for your actions."

"You could spank me," I said trying to sound playful. I figured if I appealed to her dominant side she might forgive me. Or at least give me a good spanking, which I would enjoy.

"Oh, I'll spank you alright, but I was thinking of something more intimate. Did you figure out where you can get another strap-on?"

"No," I replied. "I've got a couple of dildos, but no harnesses. Will that be OK?"

"Your first task is to figure out how to get one here, and it better not take too long. Until you get another harness here, I'm going to punish you. Now bring me the dildos and make whatever calls you have to make."

I hurried to my bedroom to retrieve my toy collection. I have a few sizes of dildos, a couple of vibes, some cuffs, a collar and a paddle. I thought about sending a quick email to Mistress Jacqui, but I was afraid she wouldn't approve so I didn't. I still didn't want to share my new friends with Toni so I decided to call the adult bookstore where the clerk first used the strap-on on me. I hoped she would be working again. Unfortunately a man answered the phone, but after I described her (I must have sounded like a crazy stalker) he said she was back in the video booths and that I should hold on. I wondered if she was cleaning the booths or if she had another victim back there.

I was growing impatient waiting for her. I knew Tatjana expected me back quickly and every second I waited on hold made me more anxious. Finally the bookstore picked up the phone again. I recognized her voice. I was in luck. Hopefully she would remember me. Who am I kidding? Of course she would remember me after she beat me, fucked me and then delivered me to Mistress Jacqui. Still, it was an awkward conversation. How do you order a strap-on over the phone and not sound weird?

Of course she made excuses that there was no way they could deliver the toy I needed. But I wasn't going to take no for an answer. I begged in my best little girl voice hoping she would remember the fun we had in the back of the store. She held tough though so finally I offered her a night of my services for "whatever she wanted." She sounded skeptical, but I must have been convincing. We made a date for Monday morning and she promised to have the strap-on delivered within an hour. I went back to Tatjana and Jennifer somewhat proud of myself.

Of course Tatjana wasn't pleased that it would take an hour. She said she had a time limit because she needed to take a nap before the poker tournament began again. Instead of beginning my punishment, I offered her a bed to snooze in while we waited. She thought for a moment and Jennifer suggested that was a good idea that she lay down. Jennifer promised that she would punish me. Tatjana agreed and I showed her to my bedroom. I could tell she was really tired. I'm guessing Jennifer kept her up later than they led me to believe last night. She probably was not much of a morning person either so getting up to get to my house so early was taking its toll. Tatjana seemed very happy to crawl under my covers for a little rest. As soon as Tatjana was settled, Jennifer took my hand and led me back to the hallway and then down the stairs to the living room.

"I have a plan for her," Jennifer told me.

"What is it?" I replied.

"You need to make me cum before I will tell you," she countered.

"Slut," I called her.

"And don't you forget it," she replied. "I may be screwing up my relationship with Phil by being here. The least you can do is get me off."

That sounded reasonable to my sex addled brain.

"Do you want me to eat you?" I asked her trying to sound innocent, but I'm sure failing miserably.

"For starters," she said in her husky come fuck me voice. "Then I want you to take the strap-on and drill my ass."

"Oh, you say the cutest things," I told her. "Give me a minute."

I hurried to the kitchen and grabbed a piece of paper, a pen and some tape. I hastily wrote out a note for my friend from the bookstore. It said, "Fucking a friend. Door is unlocked. Bring in delivery. Join us if you want." By the time I got back to the living room, my pussy was drooling with the thought of my bookstore friend walking in while I was claiming Jennifer Tilly's ass. Of course she would want to join in and together we could give her the pounding she desired. Or for sure the pounding she deserved. I only hoped Tatjana wouldn't wake up and disturb us.

Jennifer was waiting for me on the couch. She was fingering her pussy as I walked by. I appreciated that she was getting herself ready for me. I love eating pussy, but I really wanted to fuck her. I smiled as I walked passed her holding the note.

"Just a note for my delivery girl," I told her.

"Is she cute?" Jennifer responded.

"Yes and she knows how to use one of these," I said picking up the strap-on. "Now what's your plan?"

"Make me cum first, that was the deal," she teased me.

I strapped on the fake cock and then crawled between her legs. She was as tasty as I remembered. As usual, I wished she would have grabbed my hair and pulled me into her pussy, but she seemed content to be a couch princess and just lay back allowing me to minister to her needs. Her pussy was wet when I started and positively dripping when I finished. She still had not cum, though, but she told me she had enough of my tongue and fingers and was ready for my cock. How could a refuse such a request from a lady in need?

She had told me she wanted me to fuck her ass, but I needed some lube on the dildo. I asked her if she preferred KJ or pussy juice. He gave me a "are you kidding look" although I wasn't 100% sure her answer. "OK, then," I asked. "What position do you want?"

"Bend me over the back of the couch," she told me. "And use my cunt sauce. Don't be gentle. Fuck my kitty hard for a couple minutes then ram it up my ass. Don't worry about hurting me. That's how Phil takes me and I love it."

I took her hand and led her around the couch much in the same way she had led me down the stairs. Then, since she requested I became more forceful, I shoved her over the back of my couch. At first she exclaimed, "hey!" but as I forced her legs apart and moved the dildo over her slit, she realized it was part of our game. She reached between her legs and helped guide me in. Then she thrust her ass backward.

She really was a slut for a hard cock. I have to give her that. It was almost a shame she wanted me to drill her ass because that meant I had to stop banging her pussy. She was thrusting herself back harder than I was thrusting into her and it was quite an enjoyable show watching her fuck herself. But a promise is a promise and I was sure she would get off quicker if I took her browneye. Just to be sure, I gave her a firm spank and told her to "hold still you whore." Immediately she stopped thrusting against me. Of course she stopped with me buried to the hilt inside of her. Then she wiggled her ass at me. Slowly I pulled out the fake cock. She moaned when the tip fell out of her.

"Hurry up and get it in my ass. I hate feeling empty," she pleaded with me. Again, how could I resist such a lovely request?

"Spread your ass cheeks for me bitch," I hissed at her. Of course she responded immediately exposing her cute, puckered asshole to me. It looked very tight. I didn't think this dildo would fit. I almost asked if she wanted me to change to a smaller one. But she knew how big the one I was wearing was since it just came out of her and she had told me not to be gentle, so I trusted she knew what she was talking about. I took aim and pushed.

I felt resistance. Jennifer wasn't opening up as fast as I had expected. I hoped she wasn't lying about loving anal sex. But she was still holding her ass cheeks apart for me and had started to moan, so I kept pushing. I wanted to stop and grab some lube. I figured maybe her juice wasn't slick enough. But she kept begging me to stick it in farther, so I did. I also wondered if I looked the same way when Mistress Jacqui first fucked my ass.

"Oh that feels so good," she squealed when I finally had the dildo all the way inside her rectum. "Now fuck me like the whore I am," she commanded me. And fuck her I did. She let go of her ass cheeks as soon as I was in all the way. I noticed she had reached underneath herself to rub her clit. I began to bang her as hard as I could.

"You like being my bitch?" I yelled at her. I didn't wait for an answer. I already knew what her response would be. I grabbed her hips and slammed the dildo in again taking her breath away. "I bet you fucked your way through all the casting couches in Hollywood, didn't you slut!"

"YES," she moaned. "I'm a bad girl. I sucked cock and ate pussy to get jobs."

"So they paid you to be their whore," I hissed. I was shocked Tatjana didn't appear given how much noise we were making.

"Oh God, yes," Jennifer continued through her now constant moaning. "Punish me for being such a bad girl."

I let go of her hips and stopped thrusting. Then I gave each of her ass cheeks a firm slap. "Rock that slut ass against my cock bitch while I spank you," I yelled. "Show me what an out of control tramp you are!"

That must have really hit her sweet spot emotionally because immediately she began to thrust back against me. "Please spank me Mistress," she cried out.

And spank her I did. At first I was worried I was hitting her too hard, but the harder I slapped her ass, the more she moaned. I knew her climax would be soon and I knew it would be a big one. Then I saw a shadow moving up the walkway. "Dildo delivery service to the rescue," I thought. I could tell the person was at the door. She was probably reading my note. Then I had the terrible thought about what if it wasn't my friend? Oh shit. I saw the door begin to open. I reached forward with my left hand and grabbed Jennifer's hair pulling her head up so she was facing the door. With my right hand I spanked her right ass cheek with my hardest blow yet while simultaneously shoving the dildo as deep as I could.

"Come on my cock you filthy whore," I screamed as the door opened fully and I saw that instead of my lady friend, Mistress Jacqui's limo driver was standing in the doorway holding a bag. I don't know if Jennifer even noticed him or if he triggered her orgasm, but a moment later she was screeching and convulsing as her orgasm tore through her body. The driver was sporting a massive hard-on, one which I'm sure either of us would have been glad to jump on, as he watch Jennifer squirm on my cock. Over and over she shook, moaned and threw her head back and forth. I quickly dropped her hair. I was worried she was too out of control and that I would tear out chunks of her beautiful mane.

Finally she calmed down and came back to Earth. The limo driver cleared his throat. "I'm not sure you need this anymore, but Mistress Jacqui requests the presence of your company."

Jennifer was still in no condition to talk. But I did. "I don't think now is a good time."

"She doesn't like to be kept waiting. You are both to accompany me to the limo right now.

"What? What is he talking about," Jennifer softly asked still in her post orgasmic haze.

"He is my Mistress' limo driver. She wants us to come over."

Jennifer was still coming down from her orgasm and was still processing everything, but eventually commented that she had to get Tatjana back to the hotel.

"Let her sleep here," I said trying to make this sound normal. "If we didn't wake her, nothing will. Leave her a note if you want."

"No, I should stay," Jennifer said sounding apprehensive.

"No, you should come with me. You won't regret it. Mistress Jacqui will give you an experience you will never forget."

"My instructions are clear. We are to leave now," the limo driver reiterated.

I pulled the cock out of her ass and grabbed her wrist standing her up.

"Come on whore," I told her forcefully. "I'm not done with you yet." I figured if I took charge she would meekly follow.

I led her around the couch and toward the front door. The strap-on was bobbing obscenely in front of me. I should have stopped to clean it, but I didn't want to give Jennifer the chance to think about what was happening. The driver opened the door for us. I gave his cock a squeeze as I walked past him along with giving him a look that said, "I want this."

The morning air was crisp, but the sun was shining bright and it would soon be a scorcher. I'm pretty sure Jennifer didn't realize she was naked when I led her into the front yard. She was still recovering from her climax and I'm sure her head was spinning from the whole scene. I knew I was nude (except for the strap-on) but I didn't care. The limo driver shut my front door and then moved ahead of us to open the car door. I peeked inside before helping Jennifer into the back seat. As I expected there were two blindfolds. There were also two sets of cuffs and two vibrators. I wondered if the driver added the cuffs and vibes for his own benefit. It didn't matter. I put Jennifer's handcuffs on her with her arms behind her back. She put up token resistance but by then I think her spirit was broken. I then put her seatbelt on her, turned the vibe on high, slid it into her pussy and finally blindfolded her. She gave out a soft moan and then she was silent. She looked contented.

Hooking myself up was more of a challenge. First I did the vibe. That was easy and most pleasurable, although it meant taking off the strap-on. I knew there would be two juice stained seats by the time we arrived at Mistress Jacqui's. Then I hooked the handcuff around my right wrist, put on the seatbelt, put on the blindfold and struggled to get my arms behind my back and get my other wrist cuffed. I probably could have just sat there and the driver would be non the wiser, but I knew I be in trouble when we arrived so I fiddled and fiddled until I finally got to cuff to connect.

We felt the car pull away. We were two naked, bound, blindfolded sluts heading out for an adventure. Moans and the smell of arousal soon filled the car as every bump caused the vibes to jump. I didn't know about Jennifer, but I was struggling to keep the vibe from sliding out of my dripping snatch. I knew such an infraction would merit a severe punishment. I probably should have warned Jennifer of that little detail, but I secretly wanted to see Mistress punish her. The twists and turns of the route once again had me wondering where we were, but eventually the car stopped. The door opened. The morning air was already much warmer. Then I heard Mistress Jacqui's voice.

"You have done well, Heather," my Mistress complemented me. I felt warm inside just from her simple words. "You have brought me a gift. And a famous one at that. Let's get you two into the dungeon so we can have a proper introduction."

Next: Chapter 6

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