Bad Wife Good Sub

By Your old friend Tappy

Published on Jan 15, 2014


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Bad Wife, Good Sub Ð Chapter 03 BY Tappy Mcwidestance

The more we drove the more disoriented I became. I was able to track in my mind where we were for a while, but soon I was hopelessly lost. My pussy was pulsating in need as the longer we drove, the more aroused I became. I probably should have been worried. Isn't this how a body ends up on CSI? But I didn't care about my safety. I was on my way to see Mistress and that was all that mattered.

Finally the car stopped for longer than a red light. I heard the girl make a call. Of course I could only hear one side of the conversation, but it was obvious I was the topic. "Yes, she's in the car. Yes, I'm sure her pussy is dripping. Yes, my car stinks of her arousal. Yes, she'll do anything for you. OK, I'll bring her in." Then I heard her hang up.

"You've been granted an audience with Mistress Jacqui," she told me. "Don't fuck it up or you'll never get a second chance. Also if you make me look bad, I'll make sure I get my revenge."

I sat quietly in the back seat. I heard her get out of the car and then heard the back door open. The cool night breeze blew across my overheated body. She didn't say anything to me but I could feel her unbuckling my ankle cuffs. After that a simple tug on my leash indicated it was time to go. As weird as it was walking naked to her car half an hour ago (I estimated), at least I had an idea of what the front of the adult bookstore looked like. Now, naked out in the open, I had no idea of my surroundings. I felt grass under my feet. Was I in a residential neighborhood or maybe a park? She started walking me. I felt concrete under two steps and then grass again. A sidewalk perhaps? She paused to unhook my wrist cuffs. Then she told me to crawl instead of walk. Was I in front of Mistress' house? Were her neighbors watching? I crawled for maybe 60 feet before I felt concrete again and then a step. My protector told me to be careful as I crawled up the step. The concrete scraped my knees. I felt a tug on my leash.

"Sit up on with your ass on the back of your feet," she told me. "Keep your hands on the ground."

I did what she commanded before I realized I looked like I was a dog. I heard the doorbell ring and about 30 seconds later, I heard the door open.

"I'm glad you're finally here," I heard a man's voice say. Then I realized it was the voice of the limo driver. "Mistress has been working my cock ragged waiting for this one."

I heard a screen door open and assumed I would be ushered inside to attend to Mistress Jacqui's obviously high level of needs. My pussy gushed a bit at the thought.

"I'll see you another time," I heard the girl from the bookstore say before I heard her footsteps walk down the path.

"Mistress wants you to go to the bathroom before you meet her. You may not have a chance for a while," he told me. I expected him to lead me to the bathroom. Instead I felt a tug on the leash going back the way I'd crawled from the car.

"Come on, slut," he said dispassionately. I scampered along behind him and soon felt the cool grass beneath me once again. We quickly turned and it was obvious he was leading me around the house. "Mistress does not allow slave candidates to use the bathroom," he told me. "You have to piss in the yard."

I was mortified. Unable to see where I was going also meant I was unable to see if anybody else was watching. I crawled until he tugged my leash and told me to stop. I didn't sit up this time because he didn't tell me to do so. I felt him slide a bowl of some sort under me. It hit both my knees as I straddled it.

"Piss into the dish," he told me. "Mistress may have a need for it later."

I'd never thought of doing such a disgusting thing. A month ago if you told me I would piss in a dish because somebody told me to I would have said you are crazy. But, although it took some time to overcome my bladder shyness, eventually I tinkled into the bowl. I'd come this far. I wasn't going to give up seeing Mistress Jacqui now. I only hoped she wouldn't need my urine later. Although in the back of my mind I knew she probably would.

I felt my leash tugged again and followed behind him. Soon I felt a stone patio under my hands and knees. Then a couple more steps and finally I heard a sliding door open. I continued to follow the limo driver feeling ceramic tile and then hardwood flooring as we continued. We came to a stop and he told me to sit up. I assume that meant to resume the dog position I'd been in at the front door. So I did. My senses were hyperactive. I could smell my urine as the bowl moved past my head and then was set in front of me. I had a sinking feeling I was about to be ordered to put my face in the bowl. But for at least 5 minutes (It felt like an eternity.) I just knelt there. Finally I heard a woman's heels clicking on the floor.

"Thank you James," I heard her say. Her voice was even sexier in person. In my mind she was wearing a leather corset, which did little to hide her amazing breasts, stockings and black stiletto heels.

"You may have your treat," were the next words out of her mouth. I wasn't sure if she was talking to me, but I soon realized she was still talking to the limo driver and I sensed him hitting the floor next to me. Then I heard him lapping his tongue in the bowl. I was astonished. He was licking my piss from the bowl. Sympathetically I felt sick to my stomach. I wanted to wretch for him, but apparently he was enjoying his "treat."

"I will need you to take Heather home in about two hours," Mistress Jacqui announced. "You may rest in your room until then."

I heard him get up and walk out of the room. I was now very nervous about what was in store for me. I definitely didn't want to drink whatever was left of my piss.

"So Heather, we finally meet," Mistress Jacqui said.

"Yes, Mistress," I replied.

"I'm still not convinced I should add you to my stable," she countered. "Let's see how tonight goes."

"Yes, Mam," I said trying to sound submissive. "I'll do my best."

"I'm sure you will. I'm sure you will. But will your best be good enough?"

I didn't answer her question because I assumed it was rhetorical. I also didn't have an answer. Mistress Jacqui didn't seem to mind that I didn't answer that question. Although her next set of questions were definitely ones of a more probing nature. She positioned me on my hands and knees with "that slut ass in the air," as she called it. Apparently she was sitting behind me. I could feel tension on my leash as she was holding it. I also felt her shoe covered foot between my legs. She began teasing my pussy with the pointed toe of her shoe.

How many times had she already asked these questions and made me confess my dark secrets during our online chat? I'm not sure, but there was something more humiliating and yet compelling to opening my soul to her in person, even if I couldn't see her. The toe of her shoe was driving me wild, which I'm sure was the point of the exercise. She chastised me for soiling her shoe with my "slut juices" and told me I had "earned a punishment" for "ruining the finish" on her pumps. I was less concerned with that than I was with the potential embarrassment of orgasming on her foot.

Mistress Jacqui was in complete control of my emotions. She twisted her foot making sure I ground my clit on her toe. She teased me with phrases like, "Does my baby girl want to cum?" and "What a slut you are getting off on a stranger's foot." Based on her voice, I guessed that she was younger than me. That assumption made my humiliation even more acute. She made me beg her to be allowed to cum. "Please Mistress may your baby girl (that was so demeaning because of our perceived age difference) please cum?" She would tap her toe on my clit showing her pleasure with my submission to her. But of course, her permission was not forthcoming. I was quivering in need and didn't know how much longer I could last. I felt her nails scrap across my ass.

"Don't cum yet, pet," she cooed. "Your Mistress always cums first."

"Please Mistress," I begged again. "How may I get you off?"

"We'll you can start by spinning around and licking my clit," she told me with a friendly tone. "Stay on your knees and put your hands behind your back with the palms up. I'm going to crop your ass while you eat me."

I scampered around to get into position. But before I could bury my face between her legs, I felt her take my face in her hands and hold my head up.

"I really get off on married women doing my bidding and working their asses off to pleasure me," she told me. I knew she was staring at me and I longed for the blindfold to be removed so I could finally see her. "Do you know why I'm going to punish you?" she asked me.

I thought for a moment. I had not cum without permission and I'd followed all instructions since I'd arrived. I'd even followed all the instructions at the adult bookstore without knowing that was a test for this moment. Then the answer came to me and I knew it was correct. "Because I belong to you, Mistress," was my response.

"Well, don't get ahead of yourself, Heather. I'm still not sure whether you are worthy of our group. But your answer is close enough. I was looking for because I can."

"Yes, Mistress," I replied trying not to sound dejected that I got the answer wrong.

"Now get between my legs and get to work," she commanded with more authority in her voice.

I leaned forward and allowed her to guide my head into position between her thighs.

"Drink in my scent, princess," she told me. "In time, if I keep you, your body will crave my flavor."

I took a deep breath. She was musky and her fragrance went straight to my pussy. I almost came without being touched. She pulled my head the rest of the way. I stuck out my tongue in anticipation of pressing up against her soft wet folds. I was surprised to feel the fabric of her panties. She pulled me tight against them anyway. They were saturated with juice and spread Mistress' wetness against my face. I'm sure her perfume was transferred to my skin as well.

"I've been wearing those panties for three days in anticipation of this moment," Mistress told me. "Toni made sure I came at least four times each day and boy toy left five loads for you in them. They should be good and ripe for you."

She pulled my face against the soiled panties. I began to feel light headed.

"Later you'll lick the backside. It's just as crusty as the front. But for now I want you to try and get me off. Consider it an audition."

I don't know how much help I was bringing my Mistress to climax. She was basically holding my head tight against her soiled panties. Her left hand was wrapped in my hair and she was pulling me tight against her. While she did that she was rolling her hips grinding her pussy up against down against my face.

True to her promise, she also was holding a riding crop in her right hand. The stinging kiss of the leather reinforced my position as nothing but her possession. While my ass was her primary target, the palms of my hands also drew her wrath. Mostly her strikes were of medium force. They certainly were harder than simple taps, but they were not as hard as a major strike. I could tell because several times she really cut lose and snapped the crop against my defenseless flesh. Each time she did that she preceded the blow by tugging my hair tighter, pulling firmly and squeezing her thighs against the side of my head. Her pussy quickly muffled any scream of pain I might have released.

Any hope I had of bringing my Mistress to orgasm was dashed when she released my head and stood up. I expected to hear her berate me for having failed my test, but she did not. I suppose she was in enough control that she could have orgasmed if she chose to allow it, but as an expression of power over me, she decided not to do so.

I was still on my knees when I felt her press her ass against my face. True to her word her panties smelled of three days of being pressed against her backside. I wretched as she pulled my head tight against her.

"You'll get used to that smell if I accept you. I love being rimmed, especially after I cum."

She wiggled her ass against my face. I tried to hold my breath but she held me tight too long and eventually I had to take a deep breath of her essence. I almost threw up. I couldn't imagine licking her asshole, although if she commanded me to I would. Then she released my head.

"Stand up and stretch for a moment," she commanded. "Keep your hands behind your back and don't even think of removing your blindfold."

I was happy for the opportunity to stretch, but with my hands behind me, my breasts were forced forward and I felt like I was on display. I wondered if anybody else was in the room with us. I heard Mistress walking away and wondered where she was going. Immediately I longed for her return and her touch.

I estimate she was gone for about ten minutes. She told me she had to attend to "another matter" and to "gather some toys." The toys sounded fun, although her idea of fun may have been different from mine. The first thing she did was to pull my leash and lead me across the room. She then told me to stick my tongue out, which I did. I quickly felt something round and rubber using my tongue to make it wet. I then heard a loud thump. I turned my head toward the sound.

"That is an 8" dildo your spit just allowed me to attach to the coffee table," Mistress told me. "I need to see how advanced your cock sucking skills have developed. Since you're married I assume you are pretty good."

I felt a sharp tug on my leash and assumed that meant I should drop back to my knees. Mistress was kind enough to grab my hair again and direct me to the fake cock. Out of habit I took hold of the base with my hand. With my husband I also worked his cock with my hands as much as my mouth as that always made him cum quicker. Of course, Mistress always demanded my hands be behind my back and quickly corrected my error with a hard smack on my ass. I realized my mistake and locked my hands together on the small of my back.

I didn't confess to her that my oral skills were considered advanced long before I met my husband. She didn't need to know how much I loved the feeling of a cock in my mouth, even if it was fake. She let me blow the rubber phallus for a few minutes before she pulled my head back off of it.

"I'm going to remove your blindfold now," she told me. "You are to keep your eyes shut. Failure on your part to do so will result is an extreme punishment I'm sure you will not enjoy. Do you understand?"

"Yes Mistress," I replied. I then felt her removing the blindfold. It felt good to have it off for the first time in at least an hour. I was a good girl and didn't open my eyes.

"Keep them shut while I fit this hood on you," Mistress instructed.

I felt a leather cowl sliding over my head. Mistress made sure it was positioned properly before zipping up the back causing it to form fit to my head. I opened my eyes at this point, but there was only darkness so I shut them again. There were no eye holes in the mask. I could breathe OK, though, so there must have been nose and mouth holes.

"Stick your tongue out and run it around the opening," she commanded. I followed her instruction and found a firm circular opening around my mouth.

"That opening is the perfect shape of a ball gag if I need to quiet you. Of course that also seals your primary source of oxygen. There are nose holes, but they are not very large. You have to remain calm and not hyperventilate if I chose to make you breathe that way. Of course I can block those holes very easily if I chose."

I nodded my head that I understood, although I really didn't.

"I'm going to give you a minute to get acclimated to the hood. Breathe through your nose and try not to freak out. I need to move the dildo and get another accessory ready."

I tried to stand still and just breathe easy. That was easier said than done. I tried to listen to what she was doing. The dildo came off the table with a whoosh sound as the suction released. She then had me lick it again. I heard it reattached, but the sound was different this time. I wondered why. In my mind I pictured what she must have looked like moving around the room preparing for some other kinky game. I knew she must move with the grace of a cat arranging her own pleasure and hopefully mine.

Whatever she was doing it didn't take long. When she returned to me she squeezed both my nipples. "Is baby ready?" she asked. I nodded, although I was not sure what I was ready for. I sensed Mistress moving behind me. And then I sensed her reaching around my head.

"Since you didn't make me cum, I'm giving you a second chance."

I felt something pressing over my mouth hole of the mask. Then I felt her pull a strap around my head and a buckle securing it.

"I've secured a dildo to your mask and I'm going to fuck your face until you make me orgasm. If you cum first, however, well," she paused. "Just don't cum first. We've been having fun and I don't want to whip you tonight."

I didn't understand why my orgasming would be an issue if I was fucking her. At least I didn't understand until she again guided me to my knees and then backed me up to the dildo I have been sucking. Apparently it had been attached to a window. Mistress explained as I sunk my pussy onto the dildo while kneeling doggie style that this room of her house had floor to ceiling glass. Once I was impaled on the fake dick I sensed her lying down in front of me. She then pulled my head toward her and slid the dildo attached to my face into her pussy.

At first she thrust herself firmly against my face pulling the dildo deep inside of her. Once again she used the crop to inspire me to ride the window cock with vigor. I wondered if she could hear my moans as I felt the dildo split me open. She was riding my face dildo slowly while striking my ass with the crop any time I wasn't fucking myself with enough enthusiasm. She also resumed teasing me like she had done before when I rode her foot. This time she made sure I knew that my ass was clearly visible from the outside. I wasn't sure if these windows were on the front or back of her house, but I didn't really care. I wasn't about to stop pleasuring myself and at this time of night, there probably wasn't too many people walking by anyway. I fucked the dildo with abandon.

Had I been able to beg for permission to cum I would have. Non-stop. But of course no sounds we audible from my mouth. Mistress seemed to be varying her speeds, but didn't seem to be doing herself fast enough to cum. I'm sure her plan was for me to lose control. For my part, I wasn't going to miss this opportunity to stuff my pussy with cock so I continued to ride with reckless abandon. Mistress continued to tap my ass with the crop warning me not to cum.

My limited air supply was filled with Mistress' scent. It was almost hypnotic much like she had told me it would become. My arousal was peaking and I had to fight my cravings not to orgasm before Mistress gave me permission. I struggled to control my urges and I'm sure Mistress could feel my quivers transferred to her via my mouth dildo. Finally she said the words I'd been longing to hear.

"OK, slut. You may cum. Show me what a dirty girl you are and cum for your mistress."

I didn't have to be told twice. As soon as I heard the words, much like as when she would tease me on the video chat, my body exploded in a soul satisfying orgasm. I don't know how much of my guttural moans escaped the helmet, but I'm sure she understood what my body was experiencing. She began fucking my helmet dildo harder, although I wasn't concerned with that. I was only concerned with riding my own wave after wave of pleasure for as long as possible. I continued to fuck myself as hard as I could and my orgasm continued to roll over me.

Finally my excitement started to ebb. Mistress must have sensed that. She dismounted my face and violently pulled me off the dildo I had just molested. She spun me over onto my back. She then remounted my mouth dildo and started fucking herself again. She wasn't going slowly this time, however. It was obvious she wanted to finally get off. My head was being slammed onto the floor as she bounced up and down on it. She was howling in delight. Also although I couldn't see her, my imagination saw ever detail as she rubbed her clit in earnest and her tits bounced wildly.

Finally with a scream, it was over and she settled down. At first, I just basked in the knowledge that I had helped her cum so well. Then I realized I couldn't breathe. At first I just remained still assuming she knew she was smothering me. After about 30 seconds, however, I was less accommodating and began to thrash beneath her. She didn't get the message immediately. She must have been in a deep post orgasmic haze. But finally she must have realized what was happening and she dismounted the dildo and then quickly removed it from my helmet.

"Sorry about that, pet," she told me. "I got carried away." I opened my mouth to say, "no problem," but instead of speaking I got to lick her juices off the dildo. It was a treat considering just a little while ago I had to lick her juices off her soiled panties. This was much closer to the source and much more tasty. When she pulled the fake cock out of my mouth, I finally was able to speak.

"That was amazing, Mistress," I told her. "May I taste your juice from the source?"

"Not just yet," she told me. "You still have to prove yourself worthy.

I was disappointed, of course. What else did I have to do to prove myself? But then she added, "but I have another tasty pussy tied up in the basement. She's probably ready to burst right now. You can eat her to orgasm if you like."

"I want to eat you, Mistress," I said trying to hide my contempt for being told I wasn't good enough yet and being passed off on another.

"I would please me Heather if you would do this for her. She's earned her release and she cums very hard. I might even let you get fucked again if you make me happy."

Well that was the kind of offer I couldn't refuse.

I gleefully followed Mistress Jacqui down the stairs to her "dungeon" as she called it. Granted it was difficult to follow her without my eyesight, but she was kind enough to guide me with a mix of leash play and pulling on my nipples. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I heard the muffled sounds of somebody who was gagged. Apparently they had the benefit of their eyesight however because the sound was definitely in response to our arrival.

Mistress Jacqui led me across the room. Her dungeon was quite spacious. I wish I could have seen how it was arranged, but that didn't really matter right then. When Mistress had me where she wanted me she told me to get on my knees.

"The slave hanging before you has been very good lately. She deserves a reward. That reward is you. Get her off quickly and you'll get a prize."

In my mind, I still wasn't very skilled at eating pussy or getting women off, but that didn't mean I wouldn't give the task my best shot. I leaned my head forward (I was careful to keep my hands behind me) and followed my nose to my goal. This woman definitely had a different smell to her than Mistress Jacqui. It wasn't bad, mind you, just different. With gusto I stuck my tongue as deep into her pussy as my hood would allow. Again I heard the woman mumble through her gag. I wish I could have made out what she was saying.

Mistress Jacqui encouraged me and even gave me tips. Of course anything I learned here would help me the next time I was ordered to serve my Mistress so it was worth her effort to teach me the proper technique. The woman I was licking had a very juicy pussy from the moment I touched her. Mistress had said she had been primed and no doubt she was ready for any stimulation she could get. She was soon squirming as much as her bonds would allow her. I'd like to think it was because of me, but I guessed it was because Mistress had teased her before I arrived.

I could tell she was going to come soon. I may not know much but I know when a pussy starts gushing, ultimate release is near. I wondered if Mistress would stop me just before the woman could cum. If it was me hanging there being pleasured, then stopping was obviously part of the plan. But maybe this woman had been with Mistress longer and received special favors. Mistress was definitely more forgiving with her, but she still told the woman to wait for permission. Mistress didn't give me specific orders to tease her. I was a bit envious that the woman got to cum so easily. I also did my best to lap up every juicy drop of her discharge without being told. I was trying to earn my fuck as Mistress had promised.

Mistress let me lick the other slave for a couple of minutes after her orgasm subsided. At first I wondered if she was going to make me continue until the woman came again. But really she was just making sure her other slave stayed near her peak.

"Slaves, I want you to put on a little show for me," Mistress said.

When the other girl mumbled again through the gag I got worried. Apparently she knew what was going on. Should I have been worried? In hindsight I suppose I'm glad I didn't see the diabolical apparatus Mistress had in mind for us. I deduced that it was simple in its construction, but evil in its design. It could have just been fun, but no, that would be too simple for Mistress Jacqui and why just let two slaves have pleasure when you can have a contest. The rules were simple. First girl to orgasm loses. My opponent had just cum so I hoped she recovered quickly. I had cum not long before her, but I was definitely in my go zone where I could have another orgasm fairly quickly. (It's both a blessing and a curse) Mistress didn't give me long to wait before discovering exactly what was expected. The other girl could see what was going to happen so I guess that was why she was making noises of displeasure.

Mistress told me to put my hands in front of me and then had me step over something. She then carefully positioned me until I felt a dildo pressing against my labia.

"You are straddling my very special teeter-totter," she told me as I felt the dildo slip inside of me. As it went deeper I felt the bench part of the totter touch my thighs and then my ass. Then as the dildo buried itself to the base, I was lifted off the ground. Higher and higher I went until I felt the jarring of the other end hitting the floor.

"Mount up slut," I heard Mistress tell the other girl. I felt the teeter-totter shake a bit. Then I felt myself lowering until we reached equilibrium with my feet touching the ground and the dildo concealed inside of me.

"Here's the deal my little sub sluts," Mistress instructed us. "The two of you are going to bounce up and down. I'm videotaping this and your faces will be visible so give me a good show. First one to cum is the loser. The winner is going to get to punish the loser in any manner she sees fit. The punishment will also be taped. Any questions?" And then without waiting for an answer, "Good. You may begin."

I felt my end of the teeter-totter rise up and soon my feet were off the ground again. As a result, not only was I impaled on the dildo but my clit came into contact with some kind of plastic nub that was also attached to the seat. As I scraped against it, I felt a shudder go through my body. I knew I wasn't going to last long in the game.

My partner (I guess she was really my opponent) must have then pushed her legs against the floor because I started to go down. If she really wanted to win she could have just held me in the air and eventually that would have sent me over the edge.

My body weight continued to press me onto the dildo until my feet hit the floor. Then I slowly lowered myself until the teeter-totter hit the floor. That gave me a little bounce as I fucked myself. But it also meant my opponent was all the way in the air. I knew what that would be doing to her so I didn't rush pushing myself back up. I let her dangle for just a few seconds like she had done to me.

The dildo was no longer buried to its hilt inside of me since my legs were holding me up. Just the tip was inside of me. As I pushed up with my legs, however, I knew that would change quickly. I wasn't expecting how much of a rush the quick penetration would be, however. It took my breath away and when I reached the top and stimulated my clit again. The grunt that escaped my mouth was clearly audible.

Back and forth we went. Each cycle brought me closer to orgasm and closer to the punishment of losing the contest. Because the other girl was gagged, I couldn't get a handle on how close she was to cumming. I could hear mews of pleasure from behind her gag, but without my sight, it was impossible to see if I had a chance of winning.

We repeated our cycle of bouncing up and down tormenting each other. Each round my arousal got higher and higher. It wouldn't be long before I exploded. I wished I could see my partner, but if I did, the sight of her doing the same thing I was doing would have probably triggered my climax. Over and over. Up and down I went. Struggling. Fighting against my climax. I've got to hold back. I've got to win. It was so hard. I never wanted to cum so much in my life.

Then she cheated. Well maybe she didn't since I didn't know the rules. But the last time she was down at the floor, she only came up about 6 inches and then she went back down and hit the floor hard. The result was two fold. First when she went up, my dildo came out just a bit, but when she stopped, I bottomed out on it again and hit my clit on the nub. That was bad enough, but when she hit the floor I bounced up just enough to make impaling myself again very stimulating. Then she did it again. And again. I begged Mistress to make her stop. I knew she was fucking herself as hard as she was fucking me, but that didn't matter. She was going to make me cum and that was the real problem.

"OK, stop that," Mistress announced before telling us to both put our feet on the ground. "I should whip you for that," she further scolded my opponent.

I felt a wave of pride wash over me. But that was short lived. I heard the sound of a large vibrator turning on. I thought Mistress was going to use it on herself or perhaps my opponent, but instead I felt the firm head of a Hitachi press against my clit. That was it. The fix was in. In an instant I was done. I didn't care that I lost the contest. I started cumming immediately. And I wasn't quiet about it.

"Looks like we have a winner," announced Mistress Jacqui. "And that also means we have a loser."

I felt the teeter-totter go up one final time. Of course I was shamelessly humping my dildo and rubbing my clit trying to prolong my orgasm. I felt the board shake, as the other woman must have been dismounting. Then I felt myself being lowered to the floor. I didn't have to be told to stand up. My legs were shaky, but I managed. Then Mistress addressed me again.

"OK, Heather. Time for your punishment and then I'll send you home to think about what happened tonight."

I didn't want the night to end. I certainly didn't want it to end with my punishment. But maybe Mistress was just joking and she had something pleasurable in mind for me. If only life were that easy.

I was led several feet from where I we had been on the teeter-totter. I was sure Mistress had some other diabolical device waiting for me. My final test started easy enough. My ankles were cuffed and clipped to hooks on the floor meaning my legs were spread and I wasn't going to be closing them any time soon. I felt a warm hand rub across my pussy and heard the gagged woman grunt in appreciation. She was probably commenting on my wetness. She gave my clit a quick rub and even fingered me for about 10 seconds.

While she was doing that, Mistress was busy cuffing my hands and then pulling them above my head on some kind of hoist system. I was pulled taught with just a very little wiggle room if I flexed my knees. I figured they were done with me. I'd probably get spanked, paddled or flogged. But I was wrong. Not about getting beaten, that was definitely in my future, but I was wrong that they were done binding me.

I could hear Mistress fiddling with additional apparatus and I felt a rope touch my shoulder. I shivered in anticipation. Then I felt Mistress' tongue on my left nipple. It was already hard, but Mistress made sure my blood was flowing to make it extra sensitive. I probably should have guessed that her next move would be to attach nipple clamps, but I was still shocked at the pressure she applied. Still she wasn't done.

I sensed her moving behind me. Then I felt a cool gel being spread against my anus. Again I shouldn't have been surprised, but somehow I figured my ass would be spared. The cool gel was soon joined by an even cooler metal plug. Thankfully it wasn't huge and my ass was able to stretch and accommodate it. Unlike other plugs I'd used, I could feel the handle of this plug was curved and followed the contours of my ass. Mistress gave it a tug to make sure it was seated properly and not going to come out until she wanted it out.

I really wish I could have seen what she was doing. Next I felt the rope being taken off my shoulder and felt the plug dancing in my ass as Mistress was apparently tying the rope to the handle of the plug. I felt Mistress tug at the rope to test her tie and it held fast. It also pulled the plug up which was not a pleasant sensation. "This could get bad," I remember thinking.

"Just relax," Mistress Jacqui told me as if she expected me to be able to remain calm. "I need to thread this rope through a pully on the ceiling. Give me a minute."

I'm sure that minute turned into two. She then told me she had to make it just the right length. Again I felt it pulling on my butt plug. But that was nothing compared to when she attached a clip to the chain between my nipple clamps and then attached the clip to the other end of the rope. My nipple and ass were thus connected via a pulley on the ceiling.

"As long as you keep your knees locked and don't squirm around too much, you'll be fine," she told me. I had no doubt that would be easier said than done.

My tormentors left me for another couple of minutes to stand in darkness and think about my position. Of course my pussy was still leaking. It had not received the memo that I shouldn't be enjoying this. Then I heard a whoosh moments before feeling fire across my belly.

"That is a cat-o-nine-tails," Mistress told me matter-of-factly. "Stings doesn't it," she said laughing. It wasn't the lash that hurt me so much as the fact that since I wasn't expecting it my natural reaction was to twist away and bend my knees. And you know the problem that caused. I quickly snapped back to attention standing as straight as I could.

"Good girl," Mistress exclaimed. "You are a fast learner."

I smiled behind the mask at her praise.

"Now, I'm going to work on your back side while your friend works on your front. We'll meet somewhere in the middle."

I gritted my teeth and waited. The second lash wasn't as bad as the first. Did she use less force or was I just mentally prepared? I'm not sure, but I held my ground and didn't scream. That was a victory in my mind. Then I felt a bare hand spank my ass. From there it was a free for all. My ass was spanked and then paddled. I'm sure it would be black and blue for a while and I would have trouble sitting. The cat was switched for a riding crop as she moved to hitting my thighs while a flogger found its home on my back. Of course that also hit my ass rope and that caused the plug to hop, but at least it didn't pull the nipple clamps too hard. I don't think any of my flesh from the shoulders down did not receive some kind of impact. The bottoms of my feet were protected and they didn't seem concerned with my arms. But everything else was fair game.

My skin tingled as my nerve endings fired an assault on my senses. Mistress praised me for taking my punishment so well. I wanted to beg her to stop and beg her to get me off again, but I resisted the urge. I wanted to prove I could be a good slave to her and take whatever she could dish out. Of course that wasn't true. I'm sure she could have hurt me if she really wanted to. While these blows were painful, I knew they were not doing any permanent damage. I'm sure I would have welts and lash marks, plus we already talked about what my ass probably looked like, but in the end, that would heal quickly before I made another trip to Laughlin.

One of the women took a moment to finger my pussy again. Then two fingers were pushed through the mouth hole so I could suck my own juices. I made sure to use a lot of suction showing how much I appreciated that little gift of pleasure. Then I heard the telltale buzz of the Hitachi again. This time the feeling was different though. Instead of the bulbous head against my pussy, the immense vibration was concentrated in a small round point. And of course, it was right on my clit. As I sure you figured, I almost jumped out of my skin. I also almost ripped my nipples off. I didn't care much about my ass at that point as the fire in my nipples raced through my body.

"That wasn't very nice," I heard Mistress say to my teeter partner. "Do it right."

Then I heard her address me. "I know you love the Hitachi. Have you ever tried the g-spot attachment?" I shook my head.

All of a sudden the purpose behind the intense vibration became apparent. The small round nub was attached to the end of the Hitachi. As I felt nub and a short shaft being inserted into my very needy pussy it became clear that some kind of cap was attached to the head of the Hitachi. The vibrations were no longer concentrated on the outside of my pussy. They were still there but they were also inside of me. And based on what my Mistress had said, the end of the shaft would be right on my g-spot.

I had tried to play with my special spot before without much luck. I'd always been fortunate to be able to cum from clitoral stimulation so I didn't give my g much thought. But now, bound and at their mercy with every nerve firing in my body, I didn't have a choice. My orgasm was fast building. Not quite as fast as on the teeter-totter, but fast nonetheless. The buzzing shaft was working overtime on the spongy tissue inside my pussy and the head of the Hitachi was doing its usual number on my clit. When Mistress tugged on my nipple chain I hardly noticed. Soon I was begging her for permission to cum.

"I'll let you cum soon slut, but you have to do something for me."

"Anything," I said between moans. "Just let me cum again."

"I'm going to hit your ass with a cane. It will hurt unlike anything you have ever felt. I want you to hold out as long as you can. The more strokes you take before you orgasm, the prouder I will be of you. Do you understand?"

"Yes Mistress Jacquie," I answered struggling not to cum. "Count along little girl," she told me before I heard the cane cut through the air.

I can't really describe the intense pain I felt as stroke one contacted my ass. Mistress was careful to be just below the plug so the cane could impact both sides of my ass. I screamed and then yelled, "One!" But surprisingly, at least to me, as I screamed, my clit swelled against the Hitachi. Far from killing my arousal, it made it stronger.

Was Mistress proud of me that I made it to four before I exploded? I don't know how many she expected me to withstand before fireworks burst across my visionless face. My screams of pleasure could have woken the dead. The pain from the cane morphed into pure pleasure as my body was consumed from the center out. The other woman held the Hitachi hard against me allowing me to ride it as a series of orgasms hit me in quick succession. My legs were unable to support me any longer and I was held up by my wrists and the rope holding my nipple clamps and butt plug. But the pain from both only served to drive me deeper into climax.

It was a never-ending orgasm, or so it seemed. Eventually my body began to shut down from the mix of pain and pleasure. My breathing became labored and I felt like I might lose consciousness, although I don't think I did. I remember the Hitachi being pulled from my grateful pussy. I remember the fire in my nipples as the clamps were removed and I remember feeling empty when the plug was pulled out of my ass.

I continued to hang by my wrists as I heard movement around me and perhaps toys and equipment being put away. Then I heard feet on the stairs going up and soon more feet coming down. My ankles were removed from their cuffs first. Then my hands were lowered. If I could have seen her I would have draped my arms over my Mistress and hugged her. But that was not to happen.

I felt my leash being tugged down and understood that I was to get on my hands and knees once again. I followed the lead in total darkness back up the stairs and once again over the concrete patio where I had entered the house. I came in as a dog and I went out as a dog. The limo driver's deep voice told me again to relieve myself. No bowl this time though. This time when I pissed I wasn't concerned with the consequences. What a difference a couple of hours can make. I felt my stream splatter against my thigh, but I didn't care.

The grass was cooler this time as I was led back to the limo. I didn't care if any neighbors might have seen me. I was Mistress Jacqui's slut now and she could use me as she saw fit. Once I was in the car my hands were cuffed behind my back and the driver then made sure I was seat belted in. I tried to thrust my loins toward him as he was bent over me working the buckle. If he wanted to stop out of Mistress' view and fuck me that was fine by me. But he was too well trained to fall for my offer. He didn't say a word as we drove through the night.

I didn't bother trying to track the turns between Mistress' house and my own. I didn't even worry about how long it took so I could figure out a radius of where the house could be. I just sat naked and happy in the back of the car. My pussy satisfied, at least for now. When I got home he removed the hood. It felt strange not to be wearing it. Its feeling like a second skin had become my new reality.

Later that night as I lay in bed reliving every moment since I left for the adult bookstore I frigged myself with a ferocity I'd never known before while masturbating. But my satisfaction brought by my own hands was nothing compared to the orgasms granted by Mistress Jacqui.

I wasn't sure if I'd passed her test or whether tonight was some kind of initiation. But I knew she had awoken feelings in me which now could never be put away. I prayed she would take me into her service. I prayed my husband would understand. I prayed that she would call me the next day and give me another task. But most of all I dreamed of the day when the next orgasm she gave me made tonight's climaxes pale in comparison. I didn't know if that was possible. But if anybody could do it, it was Mistress Jacqui.

Next: Chapter 4

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