Bad Wife Good Sub

By Your old friend Tappy

Published on Dec 31, 2013


Bad Wife, Good Sub By Tappy McWidestance

Hindsight is always 20/20, or so they say. In retrospect everything I had done had led to this point. A month ago if you had told me I would be bent over, nearly naked in public with my tits hanging out and begging a stranger I?d never seen to fuck my steaming hot pussy I would have told you that you were crazy. But that is exactly where I was and at this moment, I would do anything she commanded if she would just make me cum. But perhaps I should start at the beginning.

My name is Heather. I live in Las Vegas, born and raised. I am 37 years old, college educated, attractive, married and unhappy. My life has not gone quite as I had planned. Growing up my first love was dance. Since I lived in Vegas, my aspiration was to be a showgirl. They were always so glamorous and I could picture myself on stage living the good life. I took dance classes from an early age and I was good. I had ?the look? as they say. My parents were supportive but they also made sure I went to college so I had something to fall back on if my life in the performing arts didn?t pan out. They didn?t mind if I wanted to be a showgirl, but if things didn?t work out they didn?t want me only having a stripper job to fall back on. Of course I told myself that wouldn?t happen. Not to be modest, but I had a beautiful face and a lean tight body. Of course I?d get hired at the best show in town.

Well it turns out that everybody who auditions for these shows has a perfect body and a dazzling smile. It turns out they are better dancers than me too. Oh, not by much. I really was good. I usually made the second or third round of callbacks but I was always just a notch below the girl who finally got hired. It was very frustrating. Still I hung on to my dreams. I kept taking technique classes and kept up a rigorous gym regiment. But it just wasn?t happening so I ended up taking a low level marketing job at one of the casinos. I still auditioned when I could, but my dreams remained just that. Dreams. But as they say, when one door closes, another one opens.

In my job as low-level functionary it was part of my assignment to talk to all the casino executives and listen to their hair-brain marketing schemes and then our team would go through them and make them work. It was during one of these long tedious meetings that I met my future husband. He was 12 years my senior at the time, but more importantly he understood marketing better than the rest of the ?old school? executives and he didn?t treat our group as a bunch of ignorant ?eggheads? who didn?t know the first thing about the casino business. I wouldn?t say it was love at first sight, but even though HR didn?t approve of dating fellow employees, when he asked me out I said yes. We had so keep our relationship secret, which made it more exciting. We would go out to clubs where we were unlikely to run into any coworkers. He tried to dance, but wasn?t very good. But he loved to show me off and enjoyed watching me flirt and dance with other guys so most of the time he just sat on the side of the floor and watched. I didn?t mind. He was great in bed so after a few hours of teasing other guys I was ready for him to take me home and ravage me. At his suggestion I started wearing more and more revealing clothes. Sometimes I fantasized about one of my anonymous dance partners just pulling me out of the club and fucking me in their car, but the nights always ended with him back at my apartment. But I was in love so it was OK. Two years later we were married.

With the cat out of the bag, as it were, I quit my job and went to work at a competitor. But as he moved up the hierarchy it was made clear to him that his wife should not be working for another casino so I quit. I was going to look for another job, but he was making enough for me to take some time off so I decided that I would take a break. I was still taking the occasional dance class and of course was at the gym 4-5 days per week. As it turns out, I never went back to work. He got another promotion and was moving quickly up the corporate ladder. He was working more hours and it seemed like our only ?dates? were corporate functions or dinner meetings. He always bought me new dresses for these events and it became obvious over time that my purpose in attending was to be eye candy. At first I didn?t realize it but soon it was apparent that the executives were competing with each other for the most attractive spouse or girlfriend. As I said I am attractive so I fit this role well. And to be truthful, I didn?t even mind that much. I was living a comfortable life and I always had enjoyed showing off. I took it upon myself to have my ?job? to be helping him get ahead on the corporate ladder. If that meant flirting with executives high up in the corporation, so be it. I was good at teasing guys and every new promotion meant more money.

He was busting his ass at work and I was busting mine at the gym. Each year it seemed like the wives and girlfriend got younger and their breasts got bigger. As I got older I had to work harder to keep toned and make sure everything was tight. He kept telling me I was beautiful but I was feeling the pressure to fight back against the new generation of trophy wives. In Vegas fake boobs are everywhere and my tiny ?dancers? boobs were my biggest dislike on my body. It may be completely vain, but I wanted larger breasts. Hubby was always telling me I was beautiful the way I was, but I wasn?t sure. Younger sexy women at work surrounded him and I wanted to be sure he didn?t stray. And although none of the current generation could compete with me when holding an educated conversation, physical beauty was still paramount.

Then a big surprise happened. The general manager of the Laughlin property dropped dead of a heart attack. Now Laughlin was kind of the hind end of properties overall, but becoming a general manager was a huge step up and a launching pad for better things so hubby applied. I wasn?t surprised when he got the job. But I didn?t want to move to Laughlin. I liked my life in Vegas. I tried to convince him not to sell the house and to move. I told him we could rent the house because certainly we would be back to take over on of the Vegas property within a year or two. He wasn?t so sure. He thought we might be in Laughlin for a while and didn?t want the worry of owning property 90 minutes away. In the end I traded him a breast augmentation in exchange for selling the house. Certainly I would have given in eventually and agreed to sell the house. But if I?d learned one thing by living in Vegas and in our 15 years of marriage it was to always get something for your efforts.

They needed him in Laughlin as soon as possible so he left before I had the surgery. I stayed behind to ready the house for sale. I also began researching the plastic surgeons in town and began meeting with them. I think getting the house ready was easier than choosing who to trust with my bust. I had plenty of references to choose from. In the end my 32b chest became a 36c. Granted that is not huge, especially for Vegas, but on my small frame they looked huge and I loved them. I hated to leave town. I wanted to go back to the days in my youth where we would go dancing and he would watch me tease the guys. With my new breasts I knew I?d be better than ever :)

So here I was, alone in our big house in Vegas while he was in Laughlin getting situated. He was living in the hotel for the time being until I could sell the house and we could find something in Laughlin. It started as an adventure. I still was a gym rat, although I got much more attention with my two new best friends, during the week. I also had to keep the house spotless in case a realtor wanted to show the place. Then on the weekends I?d drive down to Laughlin. The life of a casino manager leaves little free time, however, so mostly I just took advantage of the hotel?s features and would go dancing by myself. Guys who assumed I was a prostitute propositioned more than once me. I guess with the fake boobs I just had that look now.

I think this new life wouldn?t have bothered me so much if he was able to give me more attention when I was there. We had not made love since the promotion as he was always worn out when I saw him. I kept telling myself things would be better when I moved there full time, but I also started taking the advances I received when dancing or at the gym more seriously. I didn?t want to cheat on him, mainly because I didn?t want to give him an excuse to do the same, but I needed to get laid.

I was able to keep my lust in check when I was in Laughlin, but it was getting increasingly tough when I was back in Vegas trying to sell the house. We didn?t want to lose money, which meant we were asking for the top end of the market price wise. After the initial flurry of activity, showings had dropped off. I would go to the gym each day (late morning or early afternoon) and hope some hunky guy wouldn?t start flirting with me. I was afraid I wouldn?t be able to resist him. The problem was I always got really horny when I exercised, especially if I rode the bike. If I could get on a recumbent bike I was OK, but if the gym was busy and I got on an upright, the act of grinding my pussy on the seat for 20 minutes was maddening. I always ended up rushing home to masturbate.

It was during one of my times on the bike that I met a woman named Toni who was riding next to me. She was gorgeous and was working out as hard as I was. She shocked me when she asked if riding the bike so fast excited me like it excited her. I had noticed her sweating (like I was) but had not noticed the wet patch on the front of her workout shorts until she looked down after asking her question. I had never had another woman hit on me in the gym. I was kind of flattered and in my horny state even contemplated asking if she wanted to grab lunch. But I didn?t. I tried not to ask flustered and admitted I too enjoyed riding the bike in more ways than one.

Toni and I soon became workout buddies and friends. We talked about our lives, our hopes, our dreams and of course about sex. Like me she was a neglected casino wife, but she told me she had a rich online sex life that let her work out her frustrations without cheating on her husband. Toni told me that he would freak out if she ever had sex with another man. I questioned her about what she did online and she coyly said she read erotic stories and masturbated. When I pushed her a little more she admitted she chatted on Yahoo and sometimes had phone sex with a stranger. I said it sounded like she was cheating on her husband but she assured me that she had never met any of the men she talked with so it didn?t count. She told me she would email me a list of sites to check out.

I didn?t want to admit it but my pussy was leaking more than usual. It wasn?t just riding the bike this time it was listening to Toni talk about her online adventures. I was already masturbating almost every day to keep from going crazy, but sometimes my fingers just didn?t cut it. From what she described there was never a shortage of people to help stimulate her so I decided to give it a try. I tried to remain calm on the outside, but on the inside I was going crazy with lust.

I wasn?t totally ignorant of what was available online. Hubby and I watched the occasional adult movie, had shopped for toys online together a couple of times and in the real world even went to strip clubs occasionally. But I wasn?t experienced with interacting with people to talk about sex. I was excited to get started when I got home. Our PC is in a bedroom we use as a den. I checked our VM to make sure nobody wanted to see the house (there had not been anybody in weeks so it wasn?t a shock that there were no messages) and quickly stripped off my workout clothes. I usually showered at the gym, but today I was in a rush to get home so I skipped it and was still stinky and sweaty. But then again, nobody online would know.

I checked my messages. Nothing yet from Toni. But I remembered the name of her story site so I found it on Google. I couldn?t believe how many stories were available. I didn?t know where to begin. So I typed ?trophy wife? into the search function. Instantly a hundred stories appeared to choose from. I clicked on one at random. It was poorly written with lots of spelling mistakes and bad grammar. It didn?t do anything for me. I started to think Toni was crazy. I went back and searched for ?cheating wife.? Again I got more stories than I could deal with, but the one I chose turned out to be much better. I admit, it was stimulating and I found myself reading one handed. My left hand was rubbing my pussy and clit while I scrolled with my right. I admit it felt good, but I didn?t feel any orgasm building.

So I continued reading other stories and learned how they were rated so I could concentrate on ones that should be better. Eventually I ended up reading about a woman who was an exhibitionist who meets a real take-charge guy. She had been teasing guys at a party and this guy apparently had enough with her flirtations. He took her into a bedroom and ravaged her. That got me going and by the end I was a swampy mess. I had enough with reading and I ran to my bedroom to grab my favorite vibe from my bedside table. With the power of the rabbit I was cumming quickly.

After I calmed down, I finally took my shower and then made a light lunch. I made myself busy the rest of the day and didn?t think about Toni again until about 8pm when I checked my email again. I?d talked to my husband and he said he sent me some new pictures to my email and I wanted to see them. I noticed that Toni had sent an email but I didn?t read it right away. I opened my husband?s first email and it was a selfie of himself without his shirt on. It was kind of humorous when I first looked at it. The other emails showed me more of himself until finally he was naked and holding his very hard cock. It was nice that he was thinking about me. We rarely had sex when I visited so I took this as progress. I wanted to show my appreciation so I stripped naked again and sent him my own selfie. I?d never done that before and I have to admit it was exciting.

I waited for him to reply, but he never did. I guessed he only had a few minutes of free time and he wanked out a quick one. While I was waiting, sitting naked waiting for his reply, I clicked on Toni?s email. Her list included the story site I remembered along with several others, which were focused on specific story types. One was a lesbian site and one was a bondage story site. This kind of shocked me and I didn?t immediately read stories from either. She also included a link to her Tumblr site and another site called Fet Life.

I didn?t want to click on the last one as it sounding like it would put spyware on my computer and I didn?t want my husband finding out I?d been looking at this material, so I started with her Tumblr. Toni?s site was a mix of pictures of her (nothing naked but some revealing shots) and blog entries which turned out to be very explicit. It turns out she is quite an exhibitionist. Some were selfies and somebody else had taken some. According to her blog she had a special ?friend? who told her what kind of clothes to wear and how to pose for her photo sessions. I had to admit, she looked great and the thought of someone directing her how to pose was exciting.

As a closet exhibitionist myself (hence my love of dancing and flirting) the idea that somebody would tell me what to wear and where to show myself off was interesting. I was starting to get aroused again. I stared at her pictures and reread her blog posts again and again imagining I was the one showing myself off. Certainly I could never post pictures of myself in this manner due to my husband?s position. I wondered how Toni?s husband allowed it. I jumped back to the story site and this time searched for exhibition stories. I found one that seemed to match Toni?s situation and I started playing with myself while reading it. This time I didn?t need my vibe to cum. That was very rare. My fingers rarely took me over the edge, but this time the story was my stimulation along with thinking about Toni?s Tumblr.

I left myself breathless and quivering by the end of the story having had one of the best orgasms of my life in the process. I shut down my PC and headed to bed. I didn?t shower. I felt sweaty and dirty after my finger session and I wanted to remember that while I slept. But I couldn?t sleep. I had too many thoughts of Toni running through my brain. After fighting them for an hour I got back up, put on a robe and headed back to my PC.

This time I wasn?t scared and I logged onto Fet Life. Toni had included her screen name so I was able to search for her. She wasn?t kidding when she said she had a secret online life. She must have had 100 friends and at least that many explicit photos. These were way racier than on her Tumblr, but since she wasn?t using her real name I guess it was safer. I started to look at the groups she belonged to and the first few didn?t surprise me. Exhibitionist was the first. I kind of went ?well duh? when I read that. But there were others like Daddy/Daughter, Collars & Leashes and Dommes & Female Subs, which surprised me.

I tried to check out these groups but found I needed to register before I could look much further around. I wasn?t about to use my real information so Leslie in Carson City was born. I did answer the rest of the registration questions truthfully including what I thought my fetishes might be and that I was looking for friends. This apparently large group of people who thought like Toni intrigued me. There were hundreds of members that listed Las Vegas as their home. I never knew they even existed.

I ended up spending the rest of the night exploring this culture online. I clicked on the profiles of many of Toni?s friends figuring that was a good place to start as well as checking out the groups she had joined. I ended up joining most of them. From time to time I started to feel excited by what I was reading about and so I would jump over to the story site and read some nasty story and get myself off. I was tempted to send a message to some of Tori?s friends but I chickened out. It did post a few messages in her groups hoping to find my own friends, but nobody messaged me off. By the time I finally went to bed the sun was rising and my pussy was sore from four sessions with my fingers and vibe. I was sound asleep when the phone rang at 9am. I groggily picked it up. I was glad I did. At first I was mad. Of all the days for a realtor to want to show the house, this morning was the worst. I hastily got dressed, as they wanted to come at 10. Then I realized I had left my vibe on my desk next to the computer. That would have been embarrassing to say the least. I hid it back in my night table and took myself to breakfast.

After breakfast I went to the gym. Toni was there as usual and we rode bikes next to each other. I couldn?t help myself. I pictured her getting excited rubbing against the bicycle seat. Knowing what I now knew about her, my own pussy started getting juicy as I imagined her doing some of the things she confessed to enjoying in her profile. My visions were abstract but I could see her being bent over and spanked. Or tied to the bed with one guy fucking her and one guy forcing his cock into her mouth. Then I remembered some of her groups her focused on lesbian or bisexual sex. This brought her to a new light in my mind. I?d never had sex with a woman before, but Toni was so sexual in my mind right then I probably would have accepted any advance she made.

But as aroused as I was becoming, and as lurid as my thoughts were, our conversation was typical gym talk. Nothing unusual and nothing about the websites she had sent me. I didn?t know if she had forgotten emailing me her list or if she was waiting for me to bring it up. If it was the latter, she would have to wait a while as I was definitely not ready to admit I?d been digitally spying on her. By the time we finished our workout my pussy was on fire. I made a weak excuse that I had to get home and clean for the realtor instead of showering with her and accepting her lunch offer. The truth was I needed to get my fingers on my clit as soon as possible. At first that meant sitting in my car in the parking lot, but there were way to many people walking around for me to enjoy myself. Luckily there is a park not to far from the gym and around noon there was enough privacy for me to masturbate in my car safely. I was definitely starting to feel a bit out of control. I?d never masturbated in public (well semi-public) before but my pussy had a mind of its own and was demanding attention. I?d also never stayed up all night playing with myself. I needed to get to Laughlin this weekend and attack my hubby. I needed some cock.

That night I once again found myself with sleep eluding me and once again found myself searching FetLife for masturbation inspiration. A couple of people had found my profile so I spent the first half hour sending carefully worded responses to them. Then I click on Toni?s profile again to see if she had been online. There were two new pictures on her page. One was taken at the gym. It was a selfie of her riding the bike. It was a close up of her crotch and showed a big wet spot on the front of her shorts. I tried to think back to remember if those were the shorts she was wearing today. I didn?t remember her taking any pictures, but I had quit about five minutes before she did so she could have taken it them. What had she been thinking about? I wondered if she had been thinking about me.

The second picture was out on Freemont Street. Toni was dressed in a short leather skirt, stockings and high heels. Up top she had on a leather jacket, which matched the skirt. Had she not been holding it open exposing to the world that she had on no blouse or bra on underneath I wouldn?t have believed it. Someone else had obviously taken that picture. The photographer was standing some distance away and the lens was wide enough to get the lights of the Freemont Street Experience in the background. Toni was in the middle of the shot and the surprised expressions of several people could be seen as the walked next to her. If I saw her at the gym tomorrow I was going to have to ask her about that one. I also made a mental note to casually look for another wet spot on her shorts.

Alas she was not at the gym when I went the next morning and in the afternoon I drove down to Laughlin for the weekend. I made sure hubby understood my need for him to make time in his schedule to fuck me more than once that weekend. He told me things were working out and suggested trying to rent the house instead of selling it so I could move down sooner. I told him I wasn?t ready to be a long distance landlord and that I had not given up on selling. I couldn?t tell him the real reason was I was playing this new mind game where the thought of exposing myself in public and having sex with other women was keeping me up nights and making me orgasm like never before.

I drove back to Vegas late Sunday night and went straight to the computer. I was sitting at the desk, naked with a very wet pussy, when I finally had enough courage to post a picture of myself. Not my face, mind you, but a nice stiff nipple picture of my breasts and a second one with a finger in my pussy. It was so exciting to anonymously share myself with the world in that fashion. Almost immediately I started receiving messages from horny guys. I dismissed most of them out of hand. Then I got a message from one of Toni?s friends from a group called Vegas Kinksters. I had looked at Mistress Jacqui?s, as she called herself, profile when I was cyber-stalking Toni. I admit she had intrigued me. She had many pictures posted but none of herself, as far as I could tell. They all seemed to be of her friends. Toni?s new picture was there and the other poses were similar in nature. Women in revealing poses or dressed in some sexy outfit apparently taking pictures for their mistress. I wasn?t sure what to say to her so I just replied, ?Hi.?

She replied quickly and started asking me rather personal questions very quickly. I wondered if she had talked to Toni and knew my profile was lying about my name and location or whether she had just found me from Toni?s page or from one of my posts. As intrusive as her questions were, I found myself drawn to her and I answered her inquires truthfully. When she suggested we switch to Yahoo Messenger, I couldn?t think of an excuse not to, so I told her I would have to create a profile as I didn?t normally use Yahoo for chat. (That was a lie of course. Toni and I chatted several times but I didn?t have an account for my secret persona.) Jacqui replied that I should drop the charade and login as myself. She said there was a friend request waiting. I guess she had talked to Toni about me.

About a minute later we were chatting. It was obvious Toni had told her many things about me, but she would not have known of my new feelings as I had never expressed those to Toni. After a few minutes of chatting Jacqui suggested a Yahoo voice call. I?d never done that. She asked if I had a microphone and I told her I didn?t think so. Then she asked if I had a webcam. I told her our PC did have one of those. My husband used it for video meetings. She typed that most webcam have a built in microphone so I should hang on. Moments later my PC started beeping that I had an incoming call. I was a bit scared, but I clicked accept.

Although I had never seen her, I had a picture in my mind what she looked like. I still could only imagine what her features were like, but as to her voice, it was husky and like velvet. She definitely had an exotic accent, kind of an Eastern European superspy vibe to it. Once I heard her voice, the picture in my mind instantly switched to a dark haired beauty. No wonder Toni was sending her explicit pictures. She must be gorgeous. I?m sure my nervousness came through immediately on our call. She told me it was cute. That was sort of demeaning, but I didn?t mind. Her manner had me anxiously waiting for her next word and needless to say my pussy was dripping in anticipation. ?When we are done talking I was so going to fuck myself,? I thought.

Jacqui?s conversational skills were much like her chat skills. I was revealing very intimate details about my desires, my fantasies and myself. Her voice was dripping with lust. I was getting turned on revealing such intimate details to a stranger, although I felt like I had known her for years. Then I heard a soft moan come through my computer speakers. Could it be she was masturbating while listening to me? I had to know. So I asked. ?Are you masturbating??

Truthfully I wanted to do that myself, but I would have been mortified if she caught me doing it. She apparently didn?t share my embarrassment. ?Yes I am,? she replied huskily. ?Your voice is so sexy and the picture of your tits is beautiful. They are so perfect. Who did them? ?

I was shocked. Even in this town, where fake breasts are everywhere, I had not had the experience of openly talking about them, let alone having them be a source of arousal for another woman. I was silent for a few moments. Then she chimed in again. ?Heather, don?t hold back. Tell me about them. Are they firm or do they have some bounce? Are your nipples sensitive? Do you like them sucked? Is your pussy wet??

I was started to lose myself in the moment much like I had reading the stories for the first time. Only now it was much more intimate with this strange woman trying to get off on my pictures and my voice. I wasn?t sure what to do. We were in new territory for me.

?I just know your pussy is wet,? she continued. ?Toni told me how excited you get riding the bike. How pointy do your nipples get. I can just picture them. I want to suck them. Are your tits big enough to lick your own nipples? I can do that. It?s wonderful. I love to lick them while one of my horny slaves eats my pussy.?

I?m sure she knew the effect she was having on me and I?m sure her game was more about getting herself off instead of driving me crazy. But I needed my own relief. With a loud sigh I began to finger myself.

?That?s it baby,? she cooed. ?Make yourself cum for mama.?

I wasn?t saying anything. My eyes were closed and my fingers were busy.

?Heather,? she said with a pleading voice. ?I?m almost there. Turn on your webcam so I can see you.?

I probably should have know that request was coming when she asked if I had one, but was not ready to show myself off and I told her so. She pleaded with me and it was a struggle to resist her.

?Please just show me your tits then. Zoom in on them. I just want to watch you play with your nipples.?

Still I held back but it was tough. I?d already shown my nipples online so she probably figured if I would do that she could talk me into showing more. She was probably right. I was getting close to cumming myself and I considered it, but I really wasn?t sure how to turn on the camera so I guess technology was contributing to my playing hard to get. Apparently it was working though as this mistress, who I figured was probably pretty tough, wasn?t getting what she wanted and apparently although she was turned on, she couldn?t quite get off. I felt a surge of power through my body that I was in charge. It turns out, that was short lived.

Mistress Jacqui said, ?Well if you will not show me, I?m going to show you.? Moments later a button that said ?view camera? popped up on my screen. I felt a wave of lust surge through my body and I clicked on it. She was broadcasting apparently the same angle she had said would be acceptable for me. I couldn?t see her head, although I could tell she had long red hair as a few strands had found their way forward over her shoulders. What she was broadcasting was the largest pair of breasts I?d ever seen live. They were monsters. She looked thin so they must have been fake. But they were spectacular. Then the camera panned down and showed me her pussy. She had a neatly trimmed landing strip, but otherwise she was bare and I could see evidence of juice on her thighs. There was also a big wet spot on the chair.

?I?ve been playing with my a couple of my slaves for about two hours, baby,? she confided in me. ?I?ve cum three times including one squirter,? she admitted. ?But since I?ve started talking to you, I need to cum again. You just watch. Knowing you are playing with yourself while you watch me will make me cum.?

The camera zoomed back out a bit. I could now see her breasts and almost down to her pussy. I could see her arm moving as she frigged herself. She wasn?t asking questions any more. She was describing what she was doing and how good it would feel if I was doing it to her. I could see her pinching her nipples and then hoisting her massive jugs up out of frame where I assume she was sucking her own nipples. I tried to do the same, but I couldn?t quite reach. The tip of my tongue just barely grazed by stiff nipple, but not quite enough to get any real pleasure.

?Oh you sweet slut,? she called out. ?I love having my nipples sucked. Toni cancelled on my tonight. She is supposed to be here to take care of me. I love to lay back and have her worship my tits and then pleasure my pussy for hours. Will you come over??

Never before had I heard such lust in a person?s voice. Yes the offer was tempting, but no I didn?t take it. Jacqui kept trying though. I think it was just her way of helping herself get off. I doubt she really expected me to rush out at that hour and go to her. Or maybe she did. She kept describing how great she felt and how her body was built for sex. I kept watching her and masturbating. I could have cum. I was close, but I was scared to let her hear me. She did not have that same fear as when she did cum she was loud. She screamed in pleasure and her breasts shook wildly. I felt the first pangs of orgasm as I watched her consumed by her own climax. I wanted to get off the call so I could finish myself in private. How long was she going to orgasm? It went on and on. I was struggling to hold back from my own shameless orgasm, although why I was thinking like that I don?t know. Finally she came back to reality. But instead of thanking me for helping, she asked if I enjoyed the show. Then she asked if I had cum. I probably should have just said yes so I could hang up, but I admitted I didn?t and that I was scared to do so with her on the phone.

?Nonsense,? she replied. ?How big is your husband?s cock?? she asked very directly. I was back under her spell and I told her. ?Do you have a dildo or vibe that size?? she asked next. Again I replied, ?Yes.?

?Then go and get it,? she told me. ?I?m sure I have one that size around here somewhere. Be back in a minute.?

I watched as she got up and walked off camera. Her ass was as perfect as her breasts. I sat in silence in front of my computer continuing to strum my pussy. I didn?t go get my vibe. I figured since she couldn?t see me I could fake it. When she returned she had a dildo that was a pretty good replica of my husband?s cock, although hers was a bit thicker. She asked if I had mine ready. I lied and said I did.

?OK,? she began. ?Now imagine we are taking turns sucking his cock.?

On screen I could see her start to nibble the tip of her dildo before she began to lick the head.

?Does he like you to just tease him or does he prefer to have to deep throat him?? she asked before demonstrating both techniques. When I didn?t answer right away she said, ?Come on girl. Give me something. How do you suck his cock??

I stammered that he likes me to take him all the way into my mouth and that he likes me to run my tongue up and down his shaft. Mistress Jacqui demonstrated on her dildo. ?Like this?? she asked and I agreed with her. ?Umm,? she moaned onto the phallus before pulling it out, ?I wish I had a real dick to suck right now. I should call one of my boytoys. Are you sucking your dildo?? I lied again and said I was. ?Fuck yourself like I?m going to,? she commanded.

I watched on the screen as she slid the dildo down between her breasts and then out of view. I could tell her moment of penetration from the look on her face. I could also tell from her arm movement that she was going to town on herself. ?Come on girl, let me hear you,? she said. ?I want to hear you cum so I can cum again.?

I still wasn?t too sure of this whole situation, but I?d faked my own pleasure plenty of times with my husband so I figured I would do the same. I knew once I was in bed there would be no faking, as I would pleasure myself in much the same way she was doing. I just wasn?t prepared to do it live for her. I don?t know if I did a good job pretending to fuck myself and putting on an exaggerated audio show, but she seemed to like it. Either that or she just liked broadcasting her masturbation sessions to strangers. Maybe she was just lucky and could have multiple orgasms in quick succession. No matter what the cause she squealed in delight after just a few additional minutes. I still had not seen her face, but I was mesmerized by the jiggle of her tits when her body quaked in orgasm. After I had my fake climax and she had calmed down from hers I was prepared to log off. I said goodnight, somewhat impatiently as I wanted to get my own freak on. She closed our conversation telling me, ?Next time no faking. Have a dildo at least as big as your husband and learn to turn your webcam on. I?ll be in touch.? And with that she logged out of Messenger.

I sat there stunned for a minute. How did she know just from listening to me that I was faking? And she just assumed there would be a next time. How arrogant. I shut down my computer and hurried to the bedroom. I didn?t need any foreplay. I just needed my vibe. I lay down on the bed and got to it. I knew I would climax quickly. Usually I don?t cum a second time without having a while to build up again after the first climax, but the way I was feeling perhaps tonight was different. I started by imagining my husband going down on me as I placed the vibe hard against my clit. ?Ohhh,? I moaned as the strong vibrations buzzed my body. As I figured the first pangs of orgasm began to build almost immediately. I threw my head back in pleasure. But then I had a different vision. Instead of my husband moving up my body to impale me with his cock, I saw Mistress Jacqui. Or more precisely I saw Mistress Jacqui?s boobs. In my masturbatory fantasy my legs her spread and she was between them. I was still holding the vibe, but her left thigh was pressed against it forcing it hard against my clit. She was lying on top of me and cradling my head into her massive breasts.

?That?s right baby,? she cooed. ?Suckle mama?s nipples while you ride the vibe.?

She was forcing me to masturbate and worship her nipples. And I loved it. I held the vibe tight on my clit as if it were being held by an unseen source. I tried to lift my own breasts again to my mouth but I couldn?t quite make it. In my mind however I was being smothered and my only way out was to pleasure her. I took my index finger on my left hand and began sucking on it imagining it was her nipple. It was firm against my tongue. As I sealed my lips around my finger I could have sworn I heard her moan. Then I came. But my fantasy mistress wasn?t satisfied. ?Keep sucking, slave girl,? she said with an authoritarian tone. ?You?re learning fast and I want to watch you cum again.?

Now she started moving her hips causing the vibe to dance side to side. Unlike my previous experiences, my orgasmic high never really subsided. My body held itself at a peak level of excitement and within two minutes I was climaxing again. Then my fantasy lover commanded me to flip over and push the vibe into my steaming pussy. I rolled over onto my hands and knees and reached between with the vibe. Now my virtual mistress was sitting in front of me. I still hadn?t seen her face. Her vision of sexual prowess was still just a magnificent pair of breasts but know I saw her pussy and thighs as well. At first she just held my head against her chest. I didn?t have to nurse her this time. On her command I began fucking myself. She praised me for being a ?good girl? and asked if I wanted to make her ?very happy.?

I knew what she wanted and even though I had never done it in my life, I slid my head down between her legs. Later that morning when I woke up and had a perfect memory of everything that happened the night before. I could remember ever word of our conversation and how I came three times on my bed. My most striking memory, however, was the fact that my last orgasm occurred when I went down on a ghost. I mean, I know she wasn?t there. I?d hung up our online call. But I could swear she was sitting in front of me guiding my actions. She told me what to do, I did it and I was rewarded with three of the best orgasms I?d ever had. If you had asked me I would have told you I could still taste her juices on my tongue. It was a weird experience to say the least, but also very powerful.

Later that morning I met up with Toni at the gym. This time I wasn?t scared to talk to her about her friend. I wanted to know everything. Toni didn?t seem to be hiding any information, but she didn?t seem to know much either. She admitted she had never met Mistress Jacqui and had never even seen her or talked to her. When I told her I had done both the night before she was obviously jealous. I told her about watching Jacqui?s webcam but I didn?t tell her about my virtual session in the bed afterwards. Toni told me Jacqui liked to have her get dressed up in some revealing outfit and walk around the strip or Freemont street showing off. I asked her about the picture of her flashing her breasts and she blushed. ?You saw that?? she asked. ?Well, yeah,? I replied. ?It?s on your profile.?

?I guess it is,? she said almost defeated. ?Jacqui ordered me to do that.?

I decided not to press the issue of her following Jacqui?s commands. With my limited experience with her I?m sure she could be very persuasive in getting someone to do whatever she wanted. ?Who took the picture?? I asked. ?It obviously wasn?t you.?

?Yeah, that was the worst part,? she admitted. ?You didn?t see the other one. I have not had the courage to post it. She sent me down there in that short skirt, stocking and heels plus the coat you saw me open to flash my boobs. My instruction was to find a tourist couple to snap the picture. She also said if they invited me back to their hotel to go with them and do whatever they wanted. I struggled to find a couple I wouldn?t mind fucking if it came to that, but mostly I was looking for a strong woman with a nerdy guy so she would tell him I wasn?t going with them. But everyone out that night looked like townies or couples where the guy was more in charge. Finally I found a young Asian couple. They didn?t seem to speak much English. I held out my camera and pointed at the lights and then at me and he seemed to understand I wanted him to take my picture. I know it is a stereotype but he seemed very happy to be asked and his girlfriend didn?t seem to mind. I took my position and he snapped a quick picture. He started walking back toward me with his hand outstretched to give me the camera back but I held up my hand and raised a finger. Then I took a slightly more provocative pose. He seemed to understand.?

?Seriously?? I asked. ?You had a stranger take that picture.?

?That picture and a few more,? she admitted. ?I only posted the one because that is what Mistress Jacqui ordered. When he got back in position and aimed the camera I took and quick look around and then I flashed him. I could see the astonishment on his face and he started snapping picture after picture. I kind of expected his girlfriend to walk up and hit him, but she just stood there. It seemed like I was exposed for an eternity, but it was probably only 20 seconds. I pulled my jacket shut and looked around again. I knew some people had seen what I just did, but I was so turned on I didn?t really care. I was fully prepared to go back to their hotel room if they asked. But they didn?t. But he wasn?t quite done yet either. He handed my camera to his girlfriend and walked toward me. By now there was a small crowd watching for what the ?crazy woman? would do next. I took a step toward him but he reached out and put both hands on my shoulders. He spun me around and then put his foot between my legs. He didn?t say anything but I felt him move his foot back and forth when I interpreted to mean to spread my legs. I moved them out about 18 inches. Then I felt him pushing on my back. ?Down,? was all he said.

Since I had just spread my legs I assumed he meant to bend over not to get onto the ground. As I started to bow I felt him flip my skirt up exposing my ass. As I wasn?t wearing panties my pussy was soon visible to the camera lens as well. He backed off and I assume went back to get the camera from his girlfriend. I saw the flash as he took another series of pictures. My pussy was drooling at being exposed in front of this crowd. I would have gladly gone back to their hotel at that moment. He obviously had a kinky streak in him and since his woman wasn?t stopping him she must have had one too. Then I heard a deep masculine voice say, ?wait.?

I held my position as man approached me. Looking up I could he was rugged. He didn?t speak to me. He just stood by my side facing the camera. I felt him spread my cheeks and then easily slid two fingers into my steaming pussy. ?Bitch is soaking?, he announced to nobody in particular. I moaned. I gave me a few good pumps with his fingers while the camera clicked. Besides my camera I could tell other were immortalizing me on their cell phones. ?Want to come back to my hotel,? the guy hissed as he continued to finger fuck me. Of course I said yes. Even if Mistress Jacqui had not commanded me to acquiesce I could no more resist him than stop breathing. He pulled his fingers out of my pussy and pressed them against my asshole. ?I?m here with a friend. We?re both going to do you, OK?? I could tell he was implying my pussy wouldn?t be the only thing penetrated and that he probably meant they wanted to DP me, but that was fine. ?Let?s go,? I told him. And just like that I was headed to the Golden Nugget with two hunks. Of course they took other pictures of me that night. You can imagine what they look like.?

I stood there a bit dumbstruck. I knew Toni was a sexual woman, but to go back to the hotel room of two strangers seemed very reckless. Yet she was telling me the story as if it was the most natural thing in the world. One thing for sure my pussy had soaked the front of my panties and I was sure there would be a wet spot on my shorts. Toni was the first to look down having posted a similar picture of herself. I shouldn?t have been surprised when she snapped a camera shot of my tight shorts showing my excitement. ?I?ll email it to you and you can post it. We can be FetLife sisters.? I was less worried about the wet spot than by what Mistress Jacqui would require of me if she wanted to do that task again.

Back home I logged into all the websites I had been frequenting hoping to get a message from Mistress Jacqui. Late in the afternoon I saw her log in, but she didn?t contact me. At least not right away. I felt like a high school girl waiting for the phone to ring as I sat by the computer hoping to get a message or better yet a voice call. But nothing happened. It was maddening. I started doing some things around the house, but I always found myself back at the PC about every 10 minutes checking on her. She must have been talking with somebody else. Maybe it was one of her boy toys. I could use one of them myself right now. I?d originally started chatting on line as a release to keep me from cheating on my husband. But now I was so horny I would have fucked the UPS guy if he appeared on my doorstep. Finally at 9pm a message appeared. It wasn?t a voice call, but it was a start. As I?d come to expect, she was direct and to the point.

?Good evening slut. Do you have your dildo??

After reading it I ran to the bedroom and grabbed it. Then I replied, ?Yes I do.?

?Good,? she replied. ?I can?t play with you tonight. But I want you to find something to tie your arms behind your back. Make it so it?s easy for you to release yourself since it is your first time. I want you to sleep naked with your arms behind your back. Sleep on your stomach. Put the dildo in your mouth and fall asleep sucking it. I will call you tomorrow at 9am. Still be naked and have the dildo.?

I was reading the instructions and thinking of how to safely secure my arms. Then she added, ?One last thing. No orgasms tonight. You may rub that pretty little pussy if you want on a pillow or the corner of your bed, but no climax. Talk to you tomorrow.? And with that she was gone and I was scrambling for some rope.

I ended up using two of my husband?s neckties to secure my wrists. I was able to tie two slipknots holding them together and then pull them semi-tight. I knew I could get free easily if I needed too, but the sensation of being trapped was wonderful. I didn?t rub my pussy against anything and I followed her instructions to sleep naked and with the dildo in my mouth. Since I didn?t have the use of my arms I had to sleep above my covers. This made me feel very exposed, but also very excited. I fell asleep remarkably quickly and sleep surprisingly well. Of course I had wild, sexy dreams of Jacqui and what she would be doing to me if I were tied more securely and unable to resist her. When I woke the dildo was next to my head. Obviously I spit it out during the night. I hoped that wouldn?t be a problem. I enjoyed completing her little task for me. I hoped she had something more for me today. Then I remembered she was going to call me at 9am. I didn?t bother getting dressed. I just headed to the computer to check my messages and to wait for her. It was 8am when I sat down so I busied myself (OK, I read stories and masturbated) until I saw her log onto Yahoo.

Our chat was brief and to the point. She had me describe how my evening went. Although I had been playing with myself for the better part of an hour I had not cum yet. Was I subconsciously waiting to talk to her before I climaxed? I?d been wet while reading and strumming my clit, but I wasn?t really excited. Now that I heard her voice, I felt the familiar pangs of arousal that leads to my climaxes. Could her voice be my new trigger?

I told her my story, confessed that I had spit out the dildo (she said she could prevent that but didn?t give me any details) and confessed that I had been reading erotica and masturbating while waiting for her to call. She responded by turning on her webcam again. Of course I clicked the view button. She wasn?t naked this time. This time she was wearing panties. Her breasts were as amazing and delectable looking as I remembered. Her panties were a young girl looking polka-dot pattern. I started to wonder her age. Since I had not seen her face I assumed she was at least in her 30s if not older than me. But someone my age would never wear panties like that. She zoomed in her webcam and focused on her panties. There was a big wet spot over her pussy. Then she moved what I would later learn in a Hitachi Wand over the wet spot.

?Do you like my panties,? she cooed. I assumed she meant did I like seeing her arousal. ?Yes, I do,? I responded unsure of exactly what she was asking.

?I had a boy toy over last night,? she told me. He put three loads in my pussy before I sent him home. I was wearing these panties. I had him just pull the elastic over and stick me with his cock. His cum dripped out of my pussy and into the panties. This morning I?ve cum three times already into them. What do you think about that??

My head was spinning at the thought of her being fucked so well. I could hear the Hitachi buzzing away on her pussy, no doubt still sticky with his cum and leaking her juices into the crotch of the panty. I could hear the sound of moisture on the head of the Hitachi. It was making my head swim. I didn?t answer her question. I imagine she thought I was jealous and I probably was a bit. Then she asked if I wanted to watch her cum again. Of course I answered yes. Then my phone rang. I had to excuse myself and mute the computer. It was my fucking real estate agent. I had not heard from her in a week and she calls now?

?Of course you can show the house in an hour I told her. Be gone until noon. No problem, I?ll go to the gym. Yes the house is tidy. I just have to make the bed.? Great, I thought. Thanks for interrupting me.

I quickly unmuted the PC sound but I?d missed it. Jacqui had turned off the Hitachi, but just starting to breath normal and the webcam showed a larger wet patch on her panties. I?d missed her climax. Damn. Jacqui was giggling that she should wear her panties to work and how the guys in the office would go crazy if she didn?t shower because she ?reeked of sex.? I could almost smell her. I certainly dreamed of smelling her. She asked if I would like another task for tonight. I thought about it for about 5 seconds and said yes. She said she would think of something and let me know. I told her I had to run and hung up.

I quickly got dressed and tidied up the house. It didn't take long as I was only wearing my workout clothes. Then I headed to the gym. Toni was not there so I was left to ride the bike solo. That left my mind free to wander and think about Jacqui and her polka-dot cum filled panties. I wondered what kind of task Jacqui would have for me. I knew I?d probably have to turn on my webcam soon. Certainly she wouldn?t put up with my bullshit much longer. I decided showing my boobs and panties like she had would be acceptable. Certainly I couldn?t be identified without showing my face. Yes, I would do that much for her. But no more.

The exercise bicycle did its job. I built up a sweat, got a workout and teased the hell out of my pussy. It was time to go home and take care of myself. It was just after noon so I called my realtor?s cell and she said the showing agent had finished. She said she expected to get a report later today how the showing went. I thanked her and hung up. That was great news. I wasn?t too worried about the showing. It would be nice if it went well and we got an offer, but right then all I cared about was getting inside, ripping my workout clothes off, grabbing my vibrator and fucking myself until I came over and over. Then I could shower and worry about what Jacqui had planned for me tonight.

I parked in the garage and shut the overhead door. I was stripping out of my clothes even before I was in the house. I was naked by the time I reach my bedroom. I flopped onto the bed and reached over to the nightstand to grab my vibrator. When I slid the drawer open I stopped dead. My vibrator was there, but it wasn?t hiding under a magazine like I normally left it when the house was going to be shown. The magazine was gone. As bad as that thought was, it turns out it wasn?t a stranger who moved it. Well it was a stranger in that I had never met her. My vibrator was nestled into a polka-dot pair of panties. And unless I missed my guess, they hadn?t been washed since the last time I saw them.

Alas they were cool to the touch having been there probably at least 45 minutes to an hour. But they definitely were still damp. There was also an envelope under the panties. It was labeled ?open later? in a very fine penmanship. My pussy was still on fire but I had to see if Jacqui sent me any messages before I relieved myself. As luck (or her plan) would have it, she was online when I logged in. She didn?t voice call me. She just typed the following message.

?You have a nice house. I would have liked to use your vibe but I couldn?t be away from the agent that long. Boy toy saw your wedding picture on the wall. Thinks you are cute. Wants to fuck you. I might let him if he is good. For now, take my gift for you. Get on your bed on your hands and knees again. Use your vibe. Fuck yourself if you want. But press my panties against your nose. Before you cum lick them clean. Boy toy wants you to know what he tastes like. Don?t open the envelope. I?ll talk to you after 5 about that.?

Then she logged off without allowing me to ask any questions. That was OK, though. I didn?t have any questions. What I did have was a command to fuck myself again. And fuck myself I did. To three quick orgasms. Her scent was heavenly and his taste was, well nasty as I had always found men?s cum, but because she had commanded it, I did it. I did it and it turned me on to be following her instructions. Then I passed out.

It was 4pm when I woke up. For a moment I wondered why I had a pair of panties over my head. Then I remembered. A warm feeling spread over my body. Realizing I still needed a shower I hurriedly took one and washed the morning and afternoon of sex off my body. I had a feeling I?d need another shower later. I wanted to be sure to be online by 4:30 in case she was early. I was curious about the envelope. It was large and soft. I deduced that it contained some clothes. It must be something she wanted me to wear. She probably correctly deduced that I would turn on my webcam if she commanded it and this was probably some costume she wanted me to wear to get her off. As long as I got off too that was OK with me. I didn?t bother getting dressed yet. I sat at the keyboard naked waiting for her. She didn?t log on at 5. After 15 minutes of waiting I started chatting with someone else from FetLife. By 6 that conversation was over. He seemed nice but just didn?t do it for me. He had not even made my pussy wet. Over the next 2 hours I chatted with three other guys and one other woman. The woman was better. The guys were pretty worthless. But I wanted my Mistress Jacqui. I wanted her to tell me what to do to get myself off. Finally at 8:45 she logged on. I was furious that she was so late. But I said nothing.

Again we just chatted instead of doing a voice call. She said she wanted to see me wear the clothes in the envelope. I told her I waited and didn?t open it. She said no problem. She told me to turn on my webcam so she could watch me get dressed. I told her no to the webcam. I know I said earlier that I figured I would give in and turn it on, but that was before she pissed me off by making me wait. She told me to get the envelope and that she would send me instructions in email. Then she logged off.

What the fuck? Her games were confusing to me. She wants to see me, she doesn?t want to see me. I figured I?d better see what she left me in the envelope. I went and retrieved it and then brought it back to my den. There was no email from her. I opened the envelope. There were two items. A sheer, almost translucent white silk blouse and a black skirt. It was a very light weight material. Holding it up I could see it came to about three inches above my knee. It was not an obscene length. I was almost surprised how much it would cover. I was still holding the skirt when an email from her arrived. As usual it was bold and direct.

?Put on the blouse and skirt. Wear nothing else. No bra, no panties and no stockings or pantyhose. Pick out a black pump with at least a 3-inch heel. If you don?t have the right shoes, go buy a pair.?

Well I did have a few pairs that fit that description. On thing about being an arm candy wife you always wear heels that you can always wear black. But what were her plans? She had already been in my house. Was she going to come back tonight? Or was I going to go out like Toni had and expose myself. Since I had been given a blouse I didn?t think that was the case because Toni just had skirt and a jacket. I decided not to worry about it. I just got dressed and waited. Waiting was getting to be a habit. A habit that I didn?t like. But what else could I do. My pussy was telling me to play her game and my pussy always won. Looking at myself in the mirror my nipples were clearly on display. They were hard, of course, and I doubted they would be softening any time soon. The silk hugged the swell of my breasts like it had been tailored and the skirt framed my ass very nicely. Although I was showing very little skin (she had not specified how many buttons should be open on the blouse) the overall look was highly sexual. It was obvious I was not wearing a bra. Looking at the smooth line of the skirt across my ass it was just as obvious I was either wearing a g-string or no underwear at all. I looked good, I admit. I?d dress in similar clothes for my husband, but always with lingerie underneath. I?d always felt sexy while wearing something lacy and seductive under my clothes. But my leaking pussy told me going bare was even better. And the fact that I was doing it for a stranger was even more thrilling.

Jacqui commanded me to go down to Freemont Street. I was to park at the Plaza and walk two circuits of the Freemont Street Experience. When the light show played I was to act like a tourist and stop and watch. I was to keep my head tilted up at the screen. She also told me to keep my phone with me as she would send me further instructions. I grabbed my purse and jumped in my car.

For those who don?t know about the Freemont Street Experience, a while ago Las Vegas converted Freemont Street (the original downtown gaming area) into a pedestrian mall and installed a four block long canopy with an amazing light show. People pour out of the casinos to watch the shows. There are also people just wandering around carrying their drinks and enjoying the town, concerts and of course, some of the seedy underbelly Las Vegas is known for. It?s a place you can be with a huge crowd, but also anonymous at the same time. There is also an overpriced strip club. I wondered if my additional instructions would take me there.

I parked at the Plaza as I had been instructed. I took a quick spin through the casino to get my ticket validated. I felt like everyone was watching me as I walked through the joint. By breasts were swaying under the blouse making my nipples rub against the smooth material. I could feel the heat between my legs. My thighs were slick with moisture. I wanted to run into the bathroom and get myself off, but I resisted my urges and walked out the front door. From there it was a simple crossing of the street to my own personal Freemont Street Experience.

The more I walked, the more excited I got. One of the best things to do in Vegas is people watch. And in downtown you?ll see more colorful characters. I kept a sharp eye out for Mistress Jacqui. I knew she would be there somewhere watching me. Then the lights went out on the marquees of the casinos. The show was starting. As instructed I froze in position and looked up. A mob of people quickly formed around me. I was watching the show but my body was tense. Would she sneak up to me? If she did would she touch me? My mind started fantasizing about a stranger pulling me out of the crowd and into an alley. My hands slowly slid from my side to the front of the skirt and I gave myself a quick rub as the show ended. The mob began to disperse. I spun in a 360 looking for any signs of her, but saw nobody. I still had not seen her face, but I?m sure I would recognize her breasts.

Oh well, time to continue my walk. The other end of the pedestrian mall leads to a more run down area of town. I would not like to walk there unescorted. I was glad to turn around and head back toward the Plaza. As I was walking I heard my phone chirp that I had an email. It was from her and was a simple message. ?You look stunning.?

So she was here. But where was she? I kept walking. I was almost back to the Plaza, when the show started again. Immediately I took my position staring like a star-struck tourist skyward. My senses were heightened because I knew she was somewhere close. I took deep breaths trying to catch her scent. I didn?t know what that scent was, but I was sure she would be wearing expensive perfume. I?m not sure why I thought that, but it seemed natural to assume she would be dressed up more formal than I was. The mob was larger at this location and I felt several bodies pressed against me. Not specifically touched me, but that did not hinder my budding fantasy that she was there to claim me and whisk me away.

After that show I got another email. This one had a picture of me standing there looking up. It was taken from the side so my breast profile was prominent. There was also text that instructed me to unbutton my blouse to just past my nipples. ?I want to see some of that luscious cleavage of yours,? she told me. I was then to walk up and down the street again. This just became a challenge for me. The blouse was close-fitting enough, especially after I made sure it was tucked into the skirt as snug as I could make it, that my boobs should stay contained, although as much as they swayed when I walked there was always the possibility for a wardrobe malfunction. Looking at myself in the window of the Golden Nugget I realized that from the side, like the angle of the picture she send me, I was showing quite a bit of flesh. I pulled the blouse down again, but that didn?t really help that much. My nipples were keeping the blouse half and inch off my chest and at the right angle, that was enough to get a good look.

Once I realized that, my walk took on both new urgency and excitement. I walked more determinedly figuring if I was quick, nobody would notice. But that also meant my boobs were moving around more. More movement, more nipple teasing. More nipple teasing, the further out my blouse hung on my chest. Then the show started again. I froze and looked up. But as I did, I tried to sneak peaks for her with my peripheral vision. I was at the far end of the experience and the crowd was the thinnest of my three views of the show. There were still people milling around but they, like me, were looking upward. Then I felt a body press against my back. This was not the usual accidental bump. Or even an accidentally on purpose bump. This person was pressing up against me on purpose. I took a deep breath and was about to spin and confront the person when I felt their arms wrap around me and lock around my stomach. I then felt hot breath against my neck. And then a kiss on my neck that sent shivers through my body. The lips were soft. Looking down the hands were obviously a woman. She whispered in my ear, ?Keep those eyes up.?

It was not Jacqui?s voice. Who was it? I?m sure she could feel me panic. She pulled me tighter and whispered again. ?I?m a friend. Don?t worry.? I felt her hands slide upward toward my breasts. She gave them two firm squeezes. ?Very nice,? she cooed. Then I could feel her pulling my blouse open and felt the desert air on my nipples. ?Stay like that until after the show,? was the last thing she said before disappearing into the crowd.

I was mortified. My chest was totally exposed. But the humiliating thing was how my pussy reacted to her touch, her kiss and her command. Instead of fighting the need to cover up my breasts, I was fighting the desire to finger fuck myself to an orgasm on the street. With every deep breath I could feel my breasts swell into the night air. My juices were flooding my pussy and my clit was pulsating for attention. I quickly reached the point of no return and was about to slide my hand under my skirt when the lights went off. That snapped me out of my fog of arousal and I quickly pulled my blouse back together. I looked around. Nobody seemed to have been watching me and needless to say, no mystery women were hanging around observing me. Almost immediately my phone buzzed. This email said, ?Don?t even think of looking for a place to masturbate.?

Mistress Jacqui was reading my mind. I?d never had a lover so in tuned with my wants and desires. And I didn?t even know who she was.

A few minutes later two pictures arrived with a message that they were for my FetLife profile. Both were shot from the front. One was of two hands mauling my breasts. The woman?s head was behind me, though, so I didn?t have a view of her. The second was of me standing on the street with my chest exposed including both my hard nipples holding my blouse open. It was humiliating and also a turn on. There were two people on the street playing this game with me. I began walking back toward the Plaza again. I figured I had one more view of the light show and the way things had been escalating I was both scared and excited of what might be to come.

Once again I found myself near the strip club when the show started. I was confident that place would play some roll in the next step so I wanted to be close. But then the most amazing thing happened. Nothing. I watched the show and nobody came up to me. I was expected at least a little harmless exhibitionism or maybe some not so harmless exhibitionism, but there wasn?t so much as a pat on the butt. I was disappointed. I looked around trying to see if anybody was watching me. But there was nothing out of the ordinary. I turned to walk back to my car. Then my phone buzzed. It was another email.

?I can see your look of displeasure. You have performed well tonight. I am proud of you.?

There was another picture. Again a side shot only this time it could show a lot more than the first time before I unbuttoned the blouse.

?If you want to go home, that is fine. I?ll meet with you online and give you the relieve you need. Or you can wait for the next show. But if you stay, I want you to walk to the center of the Experience. Pull your blouse out of that tight little skirt to give my friend easier access. When the lights go out, unbutton the blouse all the way and spread your legs a foot apart.?

She had not given me the instructions as a command. I had the choice to obey her or go home. If I went home she promised to get me off. If I stayed, she promised that a stranger would toy with me. I suppose the instruction to spread my legs was a veiled promise to get me off, but I?d be standing where the crowd was biggest. What if her friend couldn?t even get to me? What if we got caught? What if she just teased me and didn?t let me cum and then Jacqui didn?t get me off later? That was probably my biggest concern. I wish I could say it took me longer to decide what to do than it took for me to just type this. Of course I walked halfway down the street to the middle. Of course I pulled my blouse out of my skirt. And of course I was prepared to pop the last three buttons when the lights went out.

I could tell the show was about to start because the street was filling. I was nervously looking around to see where my mystery lover came from. I also wanted to see what she looked like. As I was looking around five muscular guys, they looked like football players, wandered into my area. Once of them looked me up and down. Then she smiled. He nodded to his friends. I was scared. They were standing in front of me basically making a human wall. Then just as the first marquee lights went off, they turned their backs to me. It was an orchestrated move, obviously on purpose. Suddenly I was staring at their muscular backs forming a semicircle in front of me. Then I felt her press up against me. Once again she put her arms around me and pulled me close.

?Don?t worry. They are friends of mine. I wanted a little privacy for you,? she told me. With that I felt her hand move down under my skirt. I?m sure she wasn?t surprised to find I was wet and I certainly wasn?t surprised she moved her hand so quickly or so intimately. What surprised me was she had a bullet vibrator strapped to her finger. When she touched my clit I swooned. Fortunately her other arm was still holding me.

?Hang on baby. Don?t go limp,? she told me as I struggled to regain my balance. As I did her other hand was free to grab hold of my boob flesh again, only this time from the inside of my blouse. This also gave her free reign to work on my nipples. I was ready to cum within 15 seconds of her touching me, but she would have none of that. She pulled the vibrator off my clit.

?Mistress did not give you permission to cum,? she whispered to me. I whimpered. ?But she told me that if I could show her you were a real slut, not just some wannabe housewife playing a game, but a real whore ready to serve her, she gave me permission to allow you to orgasm if I choose.?

?Anything,? I begged her. ?I?ll do anything to prove myself worthy.?

?Reach under my skirt,? she told me as her vibrating finger tapped my clit again. My head was spinning in lust. I really would do anything for her right then.

I did as she asked. Without turning or looking back I slid my hand up under her skirt. I was expecting to find her sans panties like I was. I expected her to spin me around down to my knees and have me eat her right there. I wasn?t expecting to feel a strap-on under her skirt. I gasped.

?That right whore,? she hissed into my ear. ?I?m going to fuck that dripping pussy of yours and you?re going to rut that pretty little butt up against my cock. And if you cum by the time the show is over, maybe Mistress Jacqui will take you into her service. If not, I?m going to keep fucking you with the lights on until you scream so loud everyone will here you. So what?s it going to be? Beg me to fuck you or go home to your safe suburban life???

Again it took longer to type this than it did for me to make my decision. ?Please fuck me,? I whimpered. Then with the guys turning back around to watch, I grabbed hold of her fake dick and pulled it out obscenely in front of her. I then lifted the back of my skirt with my other hand. I didn?t bother waiting for her to aim it or push it home. I pushed my ass up against her and aimed it myself. Thus I was impaled in the middle of the Freemont Street Experience. She let me rock back and forth fucking myself for about 15 seconds. It was completely debasing and totally exhilarating. The she stood me up preventing me from being able thrust myself back against her and grabbed both my breasts with her hands. She then started to slowly slide her strap-on in and out of my steaming pussy. All the guys were taking pictures with their phones.

?I know you would cum if I let you plunge this cock in and out at your own pace. I also know I could touch your clit again and you would explode. But I?m going to do neither. Mistress will be very pleased by my report on your behavior. She wants you to go home, strip naked and sit in front of your computer with your webcam on, your feet on your desk, your legs spread and your hands behind your head. She will long on when she is ready to watch you get off for her. Hopefully someday she will let us play again and I can give you the proper fucking you deserve. Now button up and remember no touching yourself until she gives you permission.?

I felt empty when she pulled out. I didn?t turn around to watch her go. I buttoned my blouse in the relative safety of the man wall in front of me, although their leers were hardly comforting. The show was over shortly thereafter. I looked around but nobody seemed wise to what happened. The guys disbanded and melted into the crowd. They must have known I would have done anything they asked, but I assume they had their own orders and Mistress Jacqui didn?t want them touching me. I wondered if one of them was the boytoy whose cum I had licked out of her panties. But they were gone before I knew it and I was alone. I quickly started moving toward my car. Once inside I couldn?t resist sliding two fingers into my pussy. I needed to fill the empty void I felt since she had pulled the dildo out of me and dropped my breasts. My breathing quickly became ragged and I regained control just in time to stop before I went over the edge. It was tough, but I wanted to save my climax for Mistress Jacqui. I knew she would know if I had disobeyed her. And that was one thing I didn?t want to do. I drove home as fast as I could.

Once home I followed her instructions and stripped. That didn?t take long. Then I booted up my computer and sat down in my chair. I did a quick test with my legs up to see how it felt. It felt obscene. I loved it. I logged into Yahoo Messenger and started my webcam. A few of my chat buddies were online and one by one they sent requests to see me camera. I allowed it, but I told them I couldn?t chat as I was waiting for someone. I told them they could watch but I wouldn?t respond to them. Not surprisingly they didn?t have a problem with that. I focused the camera in the widest zoom, spread my legs on the desk and put my hands behind my head. The fact that other people were watching had my pussy churning even though I couldn?t touch it. My voyeurs kept asking but I had to shake my head no each time. Oh how I wanted to touch myself and finish what had started in the street and then my car. But I had to wait.

15 minutes went by and then 30. One by one my chat buddies dropped off until there was only one left. I wondered if he was chatting with someone else or stroking himself while watching me. Then she logged in. It was a challenge to click the mouse with my toe to accept her cam request. Hers was not broadcasting. Her chat window said she was very proud of me and that she received wonderful reports. She said she also liked the pictures, although she admitted she didn?t send them all to me. She then told me to look in my desk drawer. This was very curious. I wondered if she left me another pair of panties. I wasn?t even upset that she had apparently been in my house again. I opened the drawer with anticipation.

I found a beautiful glass dildo. I had a gentle curve and a thick bulbous head. It also had a handle shaped like a sword. All the better to grip for vigorous fucking I suppose. I pulled it out and held it up to the camera. I mouthed the words, ?Thank you,? to my unseen mistress. She typed back, ?Have fun, but no orgasm until I say so.?

I nodded yes. What fun would it be to be in control now? I slid the dildo into my smoldering pussy, the curve of the glass directing the bulging head right over my g-spot. I opened my mouth in an O-shape to show her my joy. Of course my reward wasn?t going to come that easy. I was begging for permission to cum very quickly, but of course the permission to do so had to be earned. She wanted to hear me beg. She wanted me to pledge to serve her well as a slave girl. She made me promise to drop everything when she called to rush over and pleasure her. Each time I ceded more control to her my arousal level spiked. I begged she?d let me cum soon. And I begged she?d tell me where she was so I could thank her and grovel at her feet before I sucked her pussy dry. I even pleaded for her to give me to the girl who toyed with my on Freemont Street so she could tease me before fucking me senseless.

I was completely out of control, but when Mistress Jacqui finally gave me the command to cum for her, my body exploded in a mind-numbing climax the likes I?d never had before. A kaleidoscope of colors exploded in my brain as my body released every drop of tension that had been building since my husband had begun ignoring my needs. My other orgasms had just been preludes or foreshocks to the one that consumed my body and soul. I squirted for the first time, showering the camera and computer. I was fighting for breath as I hyperventilated as my orgasm drained every bit of energy from my body. I fell off the chair to the floor where I must have passed out.

When I woke much later, the chat window was closed an email was waiting for me. It contained a link to a Dropbox and a three-word command, ?Post on FetLife.? I opened up the Dropbox and found all the pictures taken that night. There were about 25. There was also a video. I was scared to look, but I clicked on it. It was a recording of my performance on the webcam and my confession that I was now her slave. Anybody watching would know it wasn?t some game because there was no way I could have faked the massive orgasm that occurred right after I pledged myself to Mistress Jacqui. If my husband ever saw these, my marriage would be ruined. But if I didn?t post them I knew Mistress Jacqui would never talk to me again. The choice was easy.

Next: Chapter 2

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