Bad Luck Bob

Published on Oct 14, 2019


Bad Luck Bob 5

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Janos and Wally were good club members and they introduced seven or eight cryptographers and translators to the club. These men tended to be eccentric or obsessive men. I realized after a while that their intellectual obsessions sometimes led them to ignore their sexual needs.

Janos and Wally were wild, devil may care high society types compared to most of the men. Just because they ignored their sexual needs didn 't mean they didn 't need sexual release.

One of the nice aspects of the South Seas Beach Club was that sex was both plentiful and easy. For men who lacked the social graces and skills, it was perfect. If several men were sexually engaged, you could usually just join in. No conversation was needed. Many of Wally 's pals were willing to do anything classified as sex. At the club, willing bottoms were always welcome, and conversation was unnecessary.

I was at the desk when Wally came with a man named Gerald. He was thin, bearded and may be five feet four. He was uneasy and Wally gave me a look that I thought meant he needed help. Captain Billy was near, so I turned the desk duties over to him and joined Wally and Gerald. Gerald was a brilliant mathematician and a classic momma 's boy. The draft got him, but his college professor had contacts with the Army and told them of his special skills. How Ovid got him through basic training was beyond me. It was clear that his math skills were useful in decryption.

I took them to a private steam room used only by important people. Gerald was uneasy with multiple naked men. Buck joined us with an older man, Tommy. Buck could be over whelming naked, but I saw the look of pure lust in Gerald 's eyes. Tommy was big too, but he was more of a lumberjack type.

"If I told you guys, I was here for sex, would you all run away? " Tommy asked.

"Not me, " Wally said. "Most of us like man sex. My pal Gerald is new to game. I told him we could take it slow.

"Well I can take it slow too, " Buck said.

"Well, I am heading off to an assignment, " Tommy said. "I 'm in a eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you die mood, but I can go with the flow. "

"What flow do you mean? " Gerald asked. His cock was getting firmer.

"I was kind of hoping for the flow of your manly fluids from your cock! I like it really fresh. " Tommy said with a smile. He bent over and swallowed Gerald 's cock.

"I told you, everyone is friendly here Gerry, " Wally said. I stood next to Gerry and he bent over to suck me. It wasn 't his first time.

Buck went to Wally. "I like to fuck. Does that scare you? " he asked.

"A little, but not enough to say no, " Wally replied.

"You might get all hot and bothered. Would that bother you with your pal watching? " Buck asked.

"I think I might like it, " Wally replied.

"You have come to the right place, " Buck said as Wally dropped to his knees and began sucking Buck 's impressive tool. Gerald had never topped, and Wally had done it one of two times. Tommy and I were versatile. Buck would allow a cock in his ass as an act of charity.

Tommy fucked Wally and I nosed my way into Gerald. I took my time and did some exploring. That was new for him and he got into it quickly. I discovered his prostate and Gerald found out his sphincter was prehensile. Buck had sucked Gerald when he shot off. I think Gerald found a part of heaven as Buck slurped up his cum.

We talked between sexual interludes. Wally and Gerald had more sexual experiences than I thought, but most of them were blowjobs or quick fucks in dark places. Buck told them that once a guy been up your ass, it was okay to be frank. Rest stop and public toilets are not the top of the line of man sex. Buck and Tommy were big guys and they could pick and choose. Wally and Gerald were useful bottoms if you want to fuck.

Buck told them he wanted to be the grand finale. He asked Gerald if he was ready. Gerald said he wasn 't, but he wanted it so badly, he didn 't care if it hurt. Buck told him to get on his back and open wide. Gerald had a small looking hole. A drop or two of my cum dripped from it. Buck 's cock looked huge.

"Don 't worry, it 's better if you are wide open, " Buck said. He rubbed his lube covered cock head on the exposed hole. Gerald shivered and his hole clenched. "Open wide! " Buck ordered.

It looked like Moses parting the Red Sea. The cock head pushed; the hole spread open. He pushed again and the head vanished. The third push parted the sphincter and lodged the cockhead at the prostate. Gerald moaned, and a split-second later his balls were cushioned by Buck 's pubic hair. Buck alternated quick pulses with deep thrusts. Gerald moaned in pleasure.

"Have you been fucked by several guys before, " Buck asked. Gerald nodded. "How was it? " Buck asked.

"The third guy was good, " Gerald replied.

"If I turned you over to Tommy and we alternated fucking you would you like that? " Buck asked. Gerald nodded. "I want to shoot off deep in you. You want that? " Buck added. Buck and Tommy took their time. I sat on Wally 's cock and massaged it as Buck, Tommy and Gerald frolicked. Tommy and Buck rear loaded Gerald and left.

"Are you okay, Gerald? " I asked. "You 've been through a lot. "

"I wasn 't what I expected. I 've never been with nice guys before. I 've rarely seen their faces. It has usually been a poke in the dark, with no lube. I wanted it even though it hurt, " Gerald said. "It was so gentle. Was it good for them? "

"They were smiling, I said.

"I felt them shooting off, " Gerald said. "It felt different. I had no idea it could be so good, " he replied. Wally went to him and slipped his cock into Gerald 's drooling hole. "I 'm just plugging the hole and keeping the sperm in you, " Wally said.

"If you want to, you can add your own to the brew, " Gerald said in a near whisper, "I think I would like that. " Gerald was a generous bottom. He didn 't look like much, but once you were in his ass, your cock found a home away from home. You could tell he liked it and he liked it even more if you took your time.

A week later I found him with three, lonely sailors. Gerald was the first man they had fucked and probably the first time they had done more than a quick blow job in the school gym, or in a barn. When they arrived, I told their leader Al, that Gerald was nice and accommodating, but he wasn 't good looking. Al was a handsome 20-year-old mechanic. Al was the loudest and most aggressive of the trio, but he was sexually shy and the most uncomfortable of the men. It turned out that the shyest man in the group, Enoch, was the first man to fuck Gerald.

They spent four and a half hours round robin fucking him, that was an hour and a half fucking time for each man. That was enough time to progress from semi-virgin to man of the world. He and they were happy.

One of Wally 's friends did not have the usual characteristics of the rest of the men. Philip DeMont Stevens was a dapper, sophisticated man about town. He was an impressive looking man, but he had a severe limp, due to a Polo accident. His specialty was puzzles.

He had been in the Navy years earlier. His father knew a senator, and Philip became a civilian in the code breaking group. He had a personal interest, a special friend who had been captured in the fall of Singapore and was in an internment camp. Philip spoke Japanese and Chinese. I hadn 't realized that Chinese was the language of most of Singapore 's residents. Philip was a snob but made exceptions for well-endowed men.

I think the phrase, "Gay as a Goose, " might have been created for Philip. He was brilliant and amusing. Apparently, his relationship with his friend in Singapore was not monogamous. Somehow, he knew the judge and found out about the club. He immediately became popular. Only a handful of men knew of his wealth, but they all knew Philip was technically horny as hell. He also had a taste for younger men. He was nearing fifty and he was having a hard time finding young men at his New York City haunts. His snobbishness soon diminished at the South Seas Beach Club.

Honolulu had a severe housing shortage with the influx of military personnel. At this point of the war a Japanese attack or invasion of the island still seemed possible and many residents left for the mainland. The residents of a large house next to the club returned to the mainland. Philip bought the mansion and used it to house likeminded men. That included some of the code breakers. That freed up space in the barracks. The estate also had two guest houses that were used to house men. One was for younger men and the other for older men and officers. The rooms were crowded, but two, three or even four men per room was better than the barracks.

The South Seas Beach Club was fine for Philip and his tenants. The war added a sense of desperation that made Philip more desirable. He was tanned, muscular and always seemed to have every hair in place. He was well equipped but not so large as to seem too big. He could also carry on a sensible conversation while fucking although he might take a minute break for an orgasm.

Philip was not a romantic and liked group play. You don 't demand romance in a group. In his mind he remained faithful to his friend in a Singapore prison camp. Wally liked him a lot. Wally wasn 't a romantic either. A friendly cock in his ass met his needs. Philip 's house had several private rooms well suited for more intimate connections.

Philip got along with Captain Billy, Gino and Delaney. All liked to be the life of the party and were open minded. They also knew that some activities were too open for some of the guests. They could steer these men toward Philip.

Philip was both sexually generous and liked to help men with their problems. He helped young men with their careers and due his father 's connection to a Senator. He helped officers too. Most of his connections to the Senator related to problems or weaknesses he uncovered. Some officers seemed to be unaware of the war, and the necessity to adapt to the current emergency. Anyone who tried to block speedy access to the code breakers information, would soon find himself reassigned.

Philip was intelligent and hard working. He worked a 10-hour day at work and at home for two or three more hours. He had sex breaks before breakfast with residents of his house, at 2:00 in the afternoon at the Club and at 11:00 at night. He claimed that stale sperm clouded the mind and clearing room in his balls for fresh sperm reinvigorated him. He also believed that orgasms were a substitute for sleep.

Billy, Gino and Delaney would find men who were Philip 's type, and introduce them to him. They claimed this helped with the war effort. The sooner Philip shot off the sooner he would get back to work. That struck me as a joke. Eventually I realized Philip was a genius in both linguistics and code breaking. Wally and Gerald were in awe of his skills.

Buck connected with Philip and they got along well. Buck rarely bottomed, but I had noticed that income level seemed to bring out Buck 's bottom side. Buck asked me to join them. He wanted a diversion. My ability to take two cocks in my ass was the basis of our friendship. I wasn 't what one might call a pure friendship, but I was willing to take what I could get.

Philip was interested but not that excited. He had double fucked before and it had only been partially successful. I didn 't interest him much, but Buck 's cock did. I sat on Buck 's cock and then bent over him to expose my cock filled ass. Philip had a nice sized knob on a seven-inch shaft. It was easy to take.

It took twenty seconds or so for the magic to begin. My sphincter held their cocks together, shaft to shaft and knob to knob. The most sensitive parts of their cock heads touched and generated intense pleasure for both men. They spent ten minutes rubbing the delicate places in the tight confines of my ass. It was good for me but great for them. Philip popped first bathing Buck 's cock head in sperm. That served as additional lubricant. Philip stayed hard and I felt as if he was trying to make sperm butter, using my ass as the butter churn. Buck popped and bathed Philip 's cock head with his cum. Philip began to thrust frantically. He had a second orgasm.

It was good for me, but the best part was feeling their cocks react. My ass provided the ballroom for their sexual dance. We had a frantic interlude with both men shooting off, followed by a half hour of calm. We then had an intense ass plowing and cock massaging session. It was wonderful. When they pulled out, Philip stroked my cock and later Buck swallowed my load. That was a first for him. I wasn 't Philip 's type, but my ass was a perfect place for his cock to meet his friends ' cocks.

I was 5,000 miles from New York on an island in the middle of the Pacific under attack by Japan. Allied victories were few. It seemed as if the Battle at Midway went well, but I knew that news and propaganda tended to merge in a war.

I had friends and associates in London, so I knew the possibilities. If you were wealthy enough you could move the English countryside and escape the bombs. One friend left for Coventry, an unimportant city and died in the bombing there.

I was lucky that I had a modest acting career. I knew what it might take to get a part. I had sampled several casting director 's sperm and my ass had provided a warm and cozy place for their cocks. That didn 't bother me. I knew accommodating a producer 's cock could be helpful. I am an actor. I can be enthusiastic about any role I want. If that includes taking a producer 's cock.

Philip wasn 't attracted to me, but he knew a skilled bottom when he met me. It took me a while to figure out Philp 's interest in me. All asses are not equal. It seems that my ass could take his playmates ' cock and hold his cock in an ideal position. My tight ass meant that his cock was continuously in contact with his playmates tool. His was not just fucking me, he was jacking off his pal. This produced maximum intimacy and pleasure for Philip, his playmate and for me. Philip never overused me. I was reserved for special friends.

My circle of friends increased due to Philip. Many of his friends were not the sort of men I would usually meet, but they were interesting and they liked me and my ass. One of these friends, Ralph, I think was a doctor told me I was a low stress, no drama guy. "It 's nice to have a guy who likes being fucked and doesn 't get worried about spurting cum, " he said.

He and Philip had an extended interlude in my ass. They eventually both shot off in me and then stayed in. They were semi-hard, and I squeezed my sphincter. That was sort of to remind them I was there. They pulled out and Philip left. Ralph stayed and sucked me off.

"Does taking two cocks bother you? " he asked.

"Well, it is a new experience for me, but that is good for a man of my age. " I said. We talked a while. Ralph had been a college football star, who had once played Macbeth in a student production. They needed a man of some heft to play the Scottish warrior. Ralph fell in love with Shakespeare. I had played many minor characters in Shakespearian plays and I soon realized Ralph had seriously studied the plays.

I had been in the Rosencrantz and Polonius tier of Shakespeare characters, and I worked with a director who emphasized the importance of minor characters in the plays. I was once mentioned in a New York Times review of my Polonius.

A week later Ralph asked me to his house. He wanted to talk about theater and maybe have some fun. Ralph was well off and his house was impressive. He had a friend with him, Sandy, and an attentive houseboy, Kano. Sandy was about thirty. Slim, elegant and the most blond man I had ever seen. He had played Juliette in a boy 's school production. Kano was forty and 100% Hawaiian. He was muscular and imposing.

Sandy had amusing stories about his Juliette role. There had been many comic comments during the rehearsals, but he had done well in the performances. Shakespeare used boys to play women and the production was authentic and successful. "Two days after the last performance Romeo fucked me in the dorm showers, " Sandy said. "Officially it was because my performance out shone his. Once he was in me it was a different story. "

"Was this the first time you had been fucked " I asked.

"Yes. Technically, it was the fifth time I had been fucked, but I used to be able to re-virgin myself, " Sandy explained.

"How long did your virginity last? " I asked.

"I think it was in my Junior year at Princeton, " he replied.

"You told me you were a virgin when I fucked you! " Kano exclaimed.

"That was sort of true, " Sandy said, "You were the first Hawaiian to visit my ass. " We all laughed and returned to discussing Shakespeare. For a little while it was like being in New York. Sandy had another engagement and Kano went to make dinner, so the party broke up.

"I asked you here under false pretenses. I wanted you to meet Sandy and Kano and see if you might enjoy a sexual adventure with them, " Ralph said, "They are old playmates, but they like some variety. I know this sounds superficial, but I can assure you it would be pleasurable. "

"You want to share my ass with them? " I asked.

"That is up to you, " he replied.

I smiled. "I hate to admit this, but I am always up for it, " I said. In war time a man can 't have too many friends.

Next: Chapter 6

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