Bad Luck Bob

Published on Jul 21, 2019


Bad Luck Bob 2

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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The war was good for business in some ways. Young men flooded Honolulu. They were thousands of miles from home and their conventional lives. Hawaii was strange and exotic and didn't look like any other place on the mainland. Some men were disoriented and uneasy. Some were excited by the island's strangeness. Everyone knew they weren't in Kansas anymore.

I had been in the theatrical world where chorus boys and girls are notes for their sexual generosity. There is a myth that farm boys and girls raised by god-fearing parents on isolated farms are pure and untouched by sexual urges and are pure and untouched by "city ways".

It seems to me that perhaps god-fearing folks have no real impact on your sexual needs and desires. You can hide it or suppress it, but it remains. I think that suppressing urges may make them worse. I have always assumed that most of a brothel's clients are saving themselves for marriage or married the right woman your parents selected for you.

They also knew they would be in battle on far way islands they had never heard of. We had never fought the Japanese before; most had never met an oriental. Seeing Charley Chan, Mr. Moto or a Fu Manchu movie was all they knew. While the bodies of troops who fought on the land might be returned home, the sailors would be at the bottom of the sea.

Some were subdued by their prospects. Our customers were in the "What the Hell, we might as well live a little!" camp. They figured that if they were going to die, they might as well indulge their secret passions. We had a good reputation, and the word was out in some circles that were a safe and discrete place to investigate your fantasies.

Buck was mercenary in his orientation. When I say he was mercenary that was his normal state, but he was 100% straight and 100% in the closet. When he got out of the closet, I think he was more sexually driven than money driven. His cock's demands mellowed his mercenary nature. The South Seas Beach Club was the result of that contradiction. That contradiction could vanish without a trace when he ran into an attractive naked man. That combination would drive most men crazy. The Club solved that problem for Buck and for the many men who had the same urges. It wasn't a charity, but it provided sexual relief.

Fit, healthy men were soon in short supply to be attendants for the baths. Those men had either joined up or were going to be drafted. I was good at recruiting older men. We also had some sailors and soldiers who were attendants for a day or weekend when they were on leave. They were paid, but I think the pay was just a cover for the men's real needs.

Luckily, while Buck liked to make money, but he was also aware of physical limitations and the wear and tear of constant sex on the delicate parts of the attendants and me. I was a useful and multitalented man and I seemed to have moved up in status in his eyes.

We had some eccentric older men who were regulars. Captain Billy was a retired seaman. I guess he was about 50 but with a white beard he looked older. He acted the part of a pirate without a peg leg. He was a friend and former drinking buddy of Doc's. He did have a serious limp, but loved sex was and was horse hung. Much to my surprise, he was exactly what he said he was, and experienced seaman who had a bad accident. He was a bit like Tolley, the man who introduced me to man sex. He liked playing the role of a randy favorite uncle.

Dulaney was a millionaire's son who lived off an inheritance. He had never worked, didn't gamble and did not drink much. He loved sex and was normally a needy bottom. I would guess Dulaney was 45 or 50. He was also an investor in the South Seas Beach Club. His investment was why Buck could be periodically casual about fees. Dulaney owned the building, paid the utilities and charged no rent. All the fees went to Buck and the attendants. Dulaney said he took his cut in sperm deposited in his ass. He was not particularly attractive, but he was willing and experienced. He described his ass as a home for lonely cocks. Once a guy fucked him, he almost always came back for more.

Dulaney and Captain Billy usually went first to the steam room and then to the heavily landscaped swimming pool. The steam room was cross shaped so there were several areas out of view from the entrance. The landscaping of the pool had many secluded nooks. The nooks and hidden areas were good places to get in the mood. That was good for shy or uneasy men. By the evening there was no need to hide your activities, everything was in the open.

Billy wore a towel when he entered the steam room, but it was old and thin. It showed off his sexual equipment in outline. His balls and oversized cock were tastefully displayed. He liked meeting the guests. He hooked up with some, but he also provided a dating service. He had a collection of regulars and believed in teaching by example. Since he knew most of the regulars, he knew who might be compatible. Billy had a warm spot for first time visitors.

He had a routine in the steam room. He would begin to fondle and stroke a pal. The towels would fall off exposing their erect genitals and eventully they sucked each other. This would draw an audience. Billy would ask them to join in. At first one or two men were usually game. Eventually most of the men would follow suit. He would warn the men that they needed to keep the steam room clean so if they were close to shooting, come to him he would take the load.

Billy, or more correctly Billy's cock was an attraction. Billy was a man's man, big, hairy and tall. His cock was uncut, long and thick. He wasn't conventionally handsome, but he was attractive. He was attracted to men in general, not to one type. When I was in New York, I knew men who liked lounge lizards, boyish, or rough looking men. Billy liked them all.

Dulaney shared Billy's openness. His face usually had a disapproving look. That was just the way his face was made. Somehow, he looked as if he had been assembled incorrectly. I think he would have been better off if he had not been a millionaire's son. He never needed to earn a living, and while he wasn't exactly lazy, he didn't do anything that wasn't necessary. He had been wounded in 1918 in France. He came to Hawaii to recuperate and he never left. He hadn't done anything since.

Dulaney was always accommodating and willing. He had a nice cock, but his ass was a wonder. It was always available and almost prehensile. It remained tight and toned even though it was more than well used. Dulaney was a cold fish until a man's cockhead touched his ass pucker.

When a young marine, soldier or sailor's tool touched it, their cocks entered a sexual amusement park. They provided the cock; Dulaney provided the entertainment. For most of them he was the first man they both fucked and seeded. He told me he loved watching their faces as they realized they had lost it and were squirting into his ass.

I had been working at the baths for three months when Buck discovered my ability to take two cocks in my ass. I was sitting on the cock of a muscular corporal from the Marines who possessed a long thin tool. Buck had an interest in young men and been watching. He was inspired and slipped his tool into my occupied ass. Both he and the corporal loved it. Essentially Buck was using he corporal's cock to jerk him off. He and the young soldier shot off together. My ass just provided the playing field, but it was good, and the double orgasms were great. I felt the excitement of both men when they shot off.

Buck and I were not exactly friends, but we had a good working relationship and a slightly eccentric sexual relationship. He had a good cock. When shared my ass with another man it was fabulous. The first time we did it was great. A week later he shared my ass with the Commissioner of Police, and it was even better. The Commissioner fucked Buck's cock to an orgasm and then released his own load a little later. Buck's cock was semi-soft and the commissioner's thrusting cock gave it new life. It was lovely for all of us.

Buck told me later that the Commissioner's cock gave him quite a tingle. The next time I saw the Commissioner he asked me if Buck was discrete. I told him that for Buck business was business, but once he was hard it was 100% sex. He didn't kiss and tell. The commissioner was with a young patrol man, David, and asked if I could give him a tour.

"The commissioner thinks I'm more virginal than is the case," David told me. "I had a neighbor who showed me the ropes." It was soon evident that the neighbor's idea of the ropes was more limited than mine.

I am careful with inexperienced men. There are hundreds of stories about bad first experiences. As a Cop I assumed David would not take that well. David was a good-looking man, muscular and big. He had a bad arm due to a childhood accident. That disqualified him for the Draft. Normally it would have disqualified him for the police too but finding recruits next to impossible due to the war.

The left arm was damaged, but he was right-handed and since the accident occurred in his childhood, so he had figured how to work around the problem. He was into an oriental fighting technique that used his legs more than his arms.

The men in the steam room loved him. They didn't notice his problem arm since they were all but hypnotized by his cock. It was average but pretty. One older couple, George and Henry, liked David a lot. To say their sexual prime was well behind them is an understatement. They liked to watch. They also had an empty chauffeur's apartment over their garage that became David's home for no cost. David came from a troubled background. George and Henry became the fathers he never knew.

A Master Sargant from the Army, Ovid Miller, had been a long-time member of the club. He was in a training outfit that dealt with problem soldiers. Some of these were members of the fraternity. Ovid had a near perfect ability to identify these men. Many were highly skilled, translators, cryptologists and scouts. They didn't fit in.

Nobody said it, but the Army needed their skills and if they didn't the standard G.I. mold the need remained. Ovid gave them the official training they needed to be a soldier, but they knew these men weren't going to be storming the beaches. They would be deciphering Japanese or German codes.

The Scouts were a different kettle of fish. They were loaners who would slip behind enemy lines on onto an occupied island. They worked alone with only their wits as protection. They were very independent, hardy and self-reliant. That independence often included their sexual preferences. The translators and cryptologist tended to be very thin or border line fat, shy and timid. The scouts were more like Tarzan.

Ovid often visited with two or three of his trainees with him. I discovered that men of my persuasion tend to be open minded about sexual playmates. Most of us had one hard and fast rule: the man had to have a cock. There was another notable feature about men. God in his infinite wisdom seems to distribute large cocks randomly. Timid men are as likely to have a big one as a huge bruiser. Likewise, the ninety-pound weakling may have the sexual drive of King Kong. He also may be more eager to please than the man who looks like a matinee idol.

Ovid and I got along well. He claimed to be all top, but his ass was a secret weapon for dealing with difficult GIs. He would let them in, and they would feel he was giving them special treatment. It was special, but not unique. The high point of his men's like might be a trip up Ovid's behind. Ovid told me they all shot off in him.

Ovid, Billy and Everett tended to call me in when they had what they called a delicate case. These were usually virgins who came from the outskirts of West Middle of No Were, Iowa, or from a good Catholic family in Brooklyn. They had just discovered jerking off.

Ovid says I can suck a cock as if it was an object to be worshiped. When they finally shoot off, and they always do, I treat their sperm as a rare delicacy. I tend to think of sperm as the food of the gods, but I don't tell them that. It would be too shocking to their sensibilities.

I discovered that many of them lived in dread that their mothers would discover the sticky remains of their experiments jacking off. Eating their load was both intensely pleasurable for me and I both cleaned up and swallowed the evidence.

Joe was a brilliant cypher cracker. He saw patterns in numbers that no one else seemed to notice. He was 21, about six feet tall and 120 pounds, a quarter of his weight seems to be his cock and balls. He had been a good boy in a conservative, Italian Catholic family from Brooklyn. He was in the Army now and it had been a shock. Ovid knew the type and Wally was lost. The world he had known was gone, but there was no replacement.

I am not obsessive about cock size, but I do have a warm spot for the generously scaled organ. I had been on Broadway. Joe had never been to a Broadway show, but he knew they were famous and prestigious. I wasn't a star, but I was closer to being one than anyone else he had met.

He was sitting on a bench in the steam room with Ovid. I sat next to them. Ovid went off.

"Are you new here?" I asked.

Joe nodded. "I've never been to a place like this before. It's different," he said.

"The dress code is different in Men's clubs," I said.

"Some of the men are naked," he whispered.

"Birthday suits are allowed. Adam was naked," I said.

"He sinned."

"Don't worry kid," I replied. "There are no apples nearby!" I replied. Joe laughed. That was a good sign.

"Don't think of them as naked. They are just airing their equipment," I added. "This is a men's club. We all have the same equipment. It nice to let them hang free." Billy walked by. The heat made his balls hang lower than usual.

I moved a little and my towel came undone. Joe liked that.

"Why to men come here?" he asked.

"Are you willing to admit that you know the answer to that question?" I asked. He nodded.

"I would love to help you out if you're here for the same reason," I said. At that point Joe's towel fell off. I bent over and began sucking his semi erect cock. His foreskin covered his cock head at first, but I peeled it back as he became fully erect.

He was still. After a few minutes he said, "I had no idea it would be so good."

"It gets better the longer you do it," I said. as his precum began to flow.

"Do I have to do this to you next?" he whispered.

"You don't have to do anything. It all voluntary," I said. I knew that wasn't true, because by the time he shot off he would want to suck me. It was the basic sense of fair play of most men. Billy joined us.

"You have a new friend?" he asked.

"This is Joe. I hope he's a new friend," I replied. "Joe, this is Billy. He's an old timer here and a good friend." They shook hands.

"I'm embarrassed," Joe said.

Billy smiled. "I'm an old hand here and I can assure you that you have nothing to be embarrassed about. You are dressed to impress."

Joe looked at Billy's impressive cock and said, "You look pretty good yourself. I bet you make friends easily."

"You can't have too many friends," Billy replied, "or too many playmates either." Billy could be direct, but it seems that he was never too direct or offensive about it. Billy was from New York, so in a few minutes they were pals. Billy was a good judge of character and friendly.

I went to dress and get back to the main desk. I checked the pool first. It was quiet, with Buck in a lounge chair sitting next to Moose. Moose was his enforcer who was called in when we had a problem member. He was huge and muscular, but was a quiet, nice guy. He was scary looking and that was the way he took care of things.

"I was telling Moose that you and I have had some real good times recently. Moose mention that I had forgotten to ask you if you enjoyed it and if it was a fluke and not a regular thing?" Buck asked. "He thinks two cocks at once is probably too much."

"Well it stretches me to the limit, but I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it a lot," I replied.

"Did you enjoy it with the young guy or the older one?" he asked

"Both were good. I would like to do it again," I said. I had a thought and asked if Moose had a pal, he would like to share my ass with.

"Let me think about that," Moose replied.

"You know the event with the Commissioner was business related. Keeping him happy is important to the Club," Buck said.

I smiled. "I sort of think that business stops on the dark side of my sphincter," I replied. "Was your orgasm business related, or did you give the Commissioners' cock a sperm bath on its own?"

"You have a point there. My cock has a mind of its own," he admitted.

I returned to the front desk for the next four hours. Joe left with one of Billy's friends, Don. Don was middle age and one of our more timid members. He went to get his car. "Is he okay?" Joe asked. "He said things are better one-on-one sometimes."

I nodded. "This is a nice place, but it's not intimate," I said.

"I liked being with you," Joe said.

"There is a lot more we can do," I whispered to him. "Come here any time. I can get free pretty easily." Joe left with a smile on his face.

Don came by a day or two later and told me that his time with Joe had been a success. Don had some of the same problems as Joe, but his parents had been Methodist Missionaries. You can have a stunted sex life and be as pure as your parents might have wished, but that doesn't change your sexual needs and urges.

Don told me they were a perfect fit. A perfect fit was the Club's euphemism for a good fuck. I had heard that Don was exclusively oral.

I smiled and asked, "He took yours?'

"I could feel him shooting," Don replied. "It tickled! I shot off."

Next: Chapter 3

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