Bad Husband

By Jesse Christian

Published on Mar 16, 2019



By Jesse Christian

Chris here! I'm in my late 30's, happily married guy, one son - Jesse. He's 15 years old and an awesome kid. Outgoing and sporty. Married to my college sweetheart and best friend, Debra. But lately she's lost interest in sex, we've grown apart and I've started discovering my taste for man sex! These are my adventures.

So in my last instalment, you might remember I had just discovered I had fucked my own teenage son. Not intentionally! I'm not a monster! It was a complete misunderstanding. My trips to glory holes and side indiscretions had finally caught up with me and I had accidentally plowed my boy through an anonymous glory hole at the mall.

I couldn't sleep all night, tossing and turning in bed while my wife slept next to me. Meanwhile I couldn't imagine what was going on in my son's head as he lay down the hall in his own bedroom. It was undoubtedly the worst night of my life. I felt sick to my stomach. My whole life was crashing down around me. What if Debra found out? How would she react? Would she take Jesse away? Would I ever see either of them again? Would I lose my house? My job? Everything I'd built up in my life?

Finally morning came. I pretended to be asleep as Debra woke up, showered and headed downstairs. I still lay there in bed, too scared to move. Scared to face either of them. I heard her car pull out of the driveway and knew I would eventually have to get out of bed and face the music. It was almost 8.30 so I assumed Jesse had already headed off to school.

But as I walked downstairs in my singlet and boxers, I heard the sound of whistling and something sizzling in the kitchen. I walked in to be met with the most peculiar sight. Jesse was dressed in an apron, a chef's hat, a jockstrap and nothing else! He was whistling to himself as he danced around the kitchen, cooking eggs and bacon on the stove. I stood in the doorway, frozen, unsure of what was going on.

Finally he sensed me and turned. His face lit up as he beamed a huge smile at me. "Morning dad!" he cheerfully exclaimed as he turned back to the stove as if this was an everyday occurrence. I couldn't help but notice his bare ass was jiggling and fully on display.

"Wh... what's going on?" I stammered as I stood there, still frozen.

"I wanted to cook you breakfast. My way of saying thanks" he said as he gave me a cheeky wink. He carried over a glass of orange juice and handed to me as he gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

"For what?" I asked.

He grinned at me. "I think we both know."

The feeling of dread started to consume me again. "What about your mother? You should put on some clothes. What if she catches you dressed like this?" I asked in the sternest tone I could muster.

"She's gone to work. We both know she won't be back for hours. No need to worry. Have a seat!" He pulled out a chair for me and started filling a plate with bacon and scrambled eggs, just the way I like them. "Bon appetit!" He stood back, proud of his work.

My legs were turning to jelly so I allowed myself to sink into the chair. My head was spinning. My teenage son was acting like a happy homemaker while my wife was at work. It was all too crazy to comprehend.

He stepped up close to me and started rubbing my shoulders. "I just want to take care of you, Dad" he said "just like you've always taken care of me."

I shook my head. "Jesse. What happened yesterday... What I did was wrong. You're my son and I love you but I have to be your father. I have to protect you. I can't just use you for my pleasure. If I had known it was you in that cubicle..." I trailed off when I saw the look on his face. His eyes were welling up and his bottom lip was trembling.

"Didn't you like it?" he asked, as he stared down at the ground.

"Of course I did" I sighed. "But I'm your father. I would never do anything to hurt you."

"But you didn't hurt me!" he fired back. "You made me feel better than I've ever felt before. I want to feel that with you all the time!" He reached for my crotch but I quickly pushed his hand away.

"Jesse! NO! It was wrong! You're my son! It can never happen again!"

Jesse's face dropped. I hadn't seen him this upset since he was a little boy, crying over a broken arm. He turned away from me and leaned against the sink. I could see his shoulders shaking with silent, heaving sobs.

The dread in my stomach turned to the deepest shame. I couldn't believe how much I was hurting my son; one of two people I cared the most about in the universe. I stood up and walked over to him, putting my arms around him in a big bear hug. I held him close as I whispered in his ear, "I just want to look after you. This is for your own sake. I just want to keep the family together."

His voice was a tiny squeak. "You will looking after me. And you will be keeping the family together. We'll be closer than we've ever been. It'll be our secret. I want tell anyone. I just want to be your boy."

He held my arms, wrapped around his chest, as he rubbed his exposed buttocks against my crotch. I could feel my bulge stirring to life, despite myself.

"I know you liked it. I could feel how hard you were. How much you came inside me. I know mom doesn't take care of you anymore. Let me? Nobody has to get hurt" he whispered. His voice was almost hypnotic as he gripped me tightly, my torso pressed against his naked back, my cock lengthening, nudging into the crevice of his perfect ass. "Please daddy. I wanted you for so long. And then yesterday, it just felt so right. Didn't it, daddy? Didn't you like my ass?"

My breathing was shallow as my blood pumped faster around my body. I swallowed as waves of lust started to wash over me. "Yes."

He reached back with one hand, rubbing my thigh. "And don't you want to do it again? Properly this time?"

I didn't say anything. I just held onto him. My cock, straining to escape my boxers, was starting to poke through the open fly. I was so aroused, I was already dripping pre-cum.

"Don't you, daddy?" he whispered again.

"........ Yes" I finally admitted. My voice low and husky, too ashamed to speak properly.

He turned around to face me. His cheeks were tear-streaked but his eyes were so pure and innocent. We stared deeply into each others eyes. "I love you, daddy" he whispered as he leaned in and kissed me.

A tingle of electricity ran through my body as our lips met. One small gentle kiss deepened as he pulled in him closer. All hesitation was lost as I wrapped him up in my arms. My tongue forced its way between my sons lips as I passionately kissed my son. And he was correct. It just felt right. My flesh and blood. He moaned slightly as we became one unit. My cock had broken free of its boxer prison and was rubbing between our bodies as we made out like teenagers. We pushed against each other, harder, as if we were trying to devour each other. I couldn't get enough of him. I couldn't get enough of my boy.

Jesse reached between us and wrapped his hand around my meaty cock. "Please daddy. Fuck me!"

I picked him up as he wrapped his legs around me and carried him out of the kitchen into the living room, laying him down on the couch. It was the same couch I would sit with him and his mother, watching Disney films when he was a kid and trashy reality shows when he was older. But for now, it was going to be where I finally gave in and fucked my gorgeous teenage boy. A pang of guilt for Debra flashed through my mind as I realised what was about to happen but I was too far gone to pay it much attention. This HAD to happen. I needed to fuck my son again.

We didn't stop kissing for a second as he lifted his legs, exposing his hole to me, giving me access to his most private place. Our lips broke apart for one second so we could stare into each others eyes. His eyes were glowing and a huge smile was plastered across his face as he stared at me. He was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. "I love you so much, dad" he said as he rubbed his hands over my chest.

I pulled off my singlet so I could feel his bare chest against mine. My thick cock was nudging against his tight hole, desperate to enter him.

Finally I couldn't take any of the torturous teasing anymore and I hoisted him up so I could plant my tongue right into my boy's pussy. I ate out his hole like a criminal on death row eating his final meal. Hearing my boy moan and squirm in ecstasy only made it more delicious. I Frenched his hole, driving me tongue as deeply as I could into him, relaxing him, ready for his father's cock.

His groans were getting louder and louder.

I pulled back. "Jesse - you better keep it down, son. The neighbours will hear you!" He grinned at me as he pulled me in for another kiss. As my body weighed down on top of him, my cock slid into his spit-wet hole.

He sighed in pleasure into my mouth as he felt my daddy dick fill him up.

"Oh fuck!" he squealed.

We looked into each others eyes, lost in taboo pleasure as I slowly started to piston in and out of his smooth, silky chute. To say this was the greatest fuck of my life is an understatement. When I fucked him yesterday through the gloryhole, I knew there was something special about this hole but now knowing I was balls deep in my son and the love we felt for each other took it to a while other dimension.

"Thank you dad" he whispered over and over again as I hammered his hole. We fucked for what seemed like hours. All thoughts of work, school, my wife were all gone. We were just animals, consumed by lust. I couldn't believe how well my son took my massive shaft but we just fit perfectly together.

"I love you Jesse" I said in reply. And I meant it. I loved him so much. I could feel the explosion building in my balls, the deep need to inseminate my boy. "Are you ready, Jesse?"

"Fill me up, dad. Make me yours!"

I howled in pleasure as my orgasm washed over me, the biggest load of man-milk I'd ever produced shooting out of my cock and into my son's glorious pussy. I could feel his hole spasm around my meat as he blew his load simultaneously, splattering both our stomachs in cum.

We lay together, a sweaty mess of man fluids, wrapped in each others arms. I could feel his heart beating hard against mine. We gazed into each others eyes like drugged loved-up stoners for what seemed like hours. I never wanted to let him go.

And for today, I certainly wasn't going to. A few minutes later, I called work and school to let them know we weren't coming in and then took my beautiful boy upstairs to my bed, the bed I shared with my wife, to fuck him for the rest of the day.

They don't call me bad husband for nothing.

To Be Continued...




Next: Chapter 9

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