Bad Husband

By Jesse Christian

Published on Dec 24, 2017



By Jesse Christian

So sorry for the delay guys! Really appreciate all your messages and inspiration - keep `em coming!! Don't worry I've got heaps of stories left to tell. Wanted to make sure I got you all something for Christmas so here it is....

Chris here! I'm in my late 30's, happily married guy, one son - Jesse. He's 15 years old and an awesome kid. Outgoing and sporty. Married to my college sweetheart and best friend, Debra. But lately she's lost interest in sex, we've grown apart and I've started discovering my taste for man sex! These are my adventures.

So my nephew probably told you about our last adventure. Man it left me feeling guilty but I couldn't deny how hot it was. Seeding my teen nephew on the beach, not far from where my wife and son were sunbaking.

After that I really lay low - I didn't want to ruin my family and destroy the life I'd built for myself just because my meaty cock got away from me.

The following summer though temptation struck again.

It was a long sticky heatwave. The kind of weather where you start sweating the minute you get out of the shower. Everyone was going crazy from the heat - myself included. Luckily we have a pretty nice indoor pool in the backyard. I take a swim everyday and Jesse certainly makes good use of it too.

The only problem is, he had the habit of inviting around our next door neighbour, Zane. So normally Jesse is a good judge of character but Zane just rubbed me up the wrong way. He was 18 and had dropped out of high school in his final year. That would have been fine if he was doing something with his life but all he seemed to do was sit around and play video games. He already had a bunch of tattoos, an undercut with long greasy brown hair. He was cocky, arrogant and lazy. A total good-for-nothing deadbeat. I didn't like the idea of him hanging around with my son and being a bad influence. I wanted the best for my son and this guy wasn't going to help him.

I spoke to Debra about it but she didn't share my concern. She thought I was being too hard on the kid and Jesse could make his own decisions. She was even inviting him around for dinner and cooking for him! I think it's because he had that cheeky cute bad boy look that women go nuts for. I knew my wife would never cheat on me but still - I didn't want him around.

So it was one particularly hot day when I arrived home from work, covered in sweat. I kissed Debra who was making dinner in the kitchen. All I could think about was taking a swim but when I walked outside - Jesse and Zane were splashing around in there already. Normally if it was Jesse I'd dive right in but I didn't want to share the pool with that loser Zane.

"Hey Mr Wiliams," he said with a grin. "How was work?"

At the back of my head I thought "try getting a job and finding out for yourself" but instead I mumbled an arbitrary "fine thanks."

"I hope you don't mind I invited Zane over for a swim, Dad," said Jesse.

I did mind but I didn't want to make a big thing of it so I just shook my head. "No problem."

"You should join us," said Zane with a cheeky wink.

For some reason I blushed a little. I didn't know why. I hated this kid. It wasn't like he could embarrass me or have any power over me. But there I was blushing like a little schoolgirl.

At that moment, Zane pulled himself out of the pool and onto one of the lounges. He was dressed only in tight little Speedos that left very little to the imagination. It was the first time I'd seen his body and to be honest, it was impressive. Maybe the one thing he did do was take care of his shape. He had a tight pale body with a sleeve tattoo curling down his left arm. Defined abs. And my real weakness - a bulging bubble butt.

He looked over his shoulder at me as he picked up a towel and started to dry his body down. I could feel a familiar twitch in my groin. This couldn't be happening! Not this kid!

"I... I gotta do some work inside," I stammered as I left the teen boys to the pool.

My wife was still cooking dinner so I walked down the corridor to my study area. I closed the blinds but then peeked through. It had a perfect view to the backyard where Zane and Jesse were laying by the pool.

Maybe if I jacked off more often or Debra put out more this wouldn't have happened but my cock was thickening and I needed to release some pressure.

Now I don't usually watch porn but the combination of heat and the cum bubbling in my nuts needed a release so I went to my computer and started flicking through some websites. I quickly stumbled upon some XXX Videos. The first video I found was some big-titted blonde sucking on some guys cock. It was big but not as big as mine. But for now it would do.

I looked around, checking I could still hear my wife at the other end of the house cooking dinner and the boys splashing around outside. I pulled down my pants and released my sweaty 9" cock. I was already close to being rock hard and a few strokes and It was nice and solid.

I slowly stroked my meat, enjoying the sensation. It had been so long since I'd last had a good blowjob. My sweet nephew was the last one to suck my dick and boy did I need another one. On screen, something unexpected happened though. The blonde moved out of the way and another person stepped in to continue sucking this muscle dude's dick. It was a guy! My cock which I thought was already as hard as it could get stiffened even further. This was more like it.

I was hypnotised watching this muscle dude have his cock hoovered by another guy. I was completely lost in the movie until...

"Oh sorry!"

I whipped my head around to see Zane standing at the door with a towel wrapped around his waist!

I quickly tried to cover myself, puling up my pants from around my ankles.

"I thought this was the bathroom," justified Zane as he made no attempt to leave. He even did the exact opposite - stepping inside the room and pulling the door closed behind him.

"If you don't mind - I'd like some privacy" I spat at him, completely humiliated.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, Mr Williams. Jesse's still sun baking outside." he said as he walked up to my desk where I was sitting. "What are you watching?"

I tried to close the computer window but it was too late. Zane already saw me watching one guy blow another.

"Oh wow," he whispered. "That's really hot."

I sat there tensely - not sure what to do. My cock was still exposed and standing there at full mast.

"Can I watch it with you?" he asked.

"I don't think that's a good..." I started to say when he dropped his towel.. and his Speedos with them.

That beautiful bubble butt was only inches away from me. He gently started to stroke his cock as he watched the screen.

I turned my attention back to the computer and started to stroke my cock again, under some sort of sexual spell. We were there side by side, two guys, jacking their cocks watching porn.

He flashed me a grin. "He looks like he's enjoying getting his cock sucked, doesn't he?"

I didn't know what to say. I just nodded dumbly.

Suddenly Zane swooped down and swallowed my cock with one large gulp - almost taking the whole thing to the back of his throat.

"Oh shit what are you doing!"

"Relax" he said as he looked up at me with a smile. "I wanna do this. And you want this too."

I couldn't believe how stupid I was. Here I was - a married man, having his cock sucked by a teenage boy who I hated, even though he was undeniably sexy. But fuck he was good!

I moaned softly in pleasure as he applied suction to my meaty cock, bathing it in saliva, cleaning away all my sweat as his head bobbed up and down. I put my hand on the back of his head and pushed him down further, forcing my cock right back to his tonsils.

Zane may have been a cocky deadbeat, but the one thing he could do was suck cock. I forgot all about my wife and son nearby as I enjoyed him worshipping my body. He looked up and grinned at me as his tongue swirled around the head of my dick, flicking gently into my pisshole, trying to tease the cum out of my balls. He was sweating from his efforts and he knew he was going to be rewarded soon.

Right when I was getting close to blowing, he suddenly stepped up to face me. "Why'd you stop?" I whispered in confusion. But he just grinned and put his arms around me. He slowly straddled me, bringing his face close to mine.

I looked at this boy who I had previously hated so much. His cute face only an inch or so from mine. I could feel his breath on my lips as we stared into each others eyes. It was then I realised what his real game was. I could feel his smooth hairless hole gently resting on top of my thick cock, wet with his saliva.

I shook my hand. "We can't do this..."

But he silenced me with a kiss. His lips pressed hard against mine. I was hopeless now, surrendering to kissing this sexy deviant teen. My tongue swirled into his mouth, as I pulled him close, devouring him.

I could feel him putting more weight on my cock, desperately trying to break his seal and pop into his chute. But I noticed with satisfaction that my cock was too big for his hole. Good. Fucking this boy I hated while my wife was cooking us dinner would be a bridge too far.

But then he shifted his angle ever so slightly and my cock burst into his hole.

I groaned loudly, deep into his mouth, without breaking the kiss. I could feel him smirking as he got exactly what he wanted. He slowly lowered his tight, hot ass down over my cock, squeezing it, milking it.

Finally when his butt had taken every inch and he was fully sitting in my lap, he broke the kiss and grinned. "I've wanted this for a long time, Mr Williams. And I always get what I want!"

Suddenly my wife called out from the kitchen - "DINNER!"

My eyes widened in alarm and I quickly shoved Zane backwards, pushing him off my cock.

We quickly raced to get our clothes, not saying a word. I gave him a warning look - keep your mouth shut. He nodded, obediently for once.

Over dinner, I sat there trying not to make eye contact with him as I enjoyed the meal my wife had made for us all. Jesse was chatty and completely oblivious to the charged sexual current between Zane and I. I could feel my cock ready to get hard again, especially when I felt Zane's bare leg pressing against mine at the kitchen table. I shrugged it off and focussed on my family.

Zane kept topping up the drinks for my wife and I - was he trying to get us drunk? - but I made sure not to have too much. I needed to keep my wits about me while this boy was around. My wife knocked back her fair share.

The rest of the night was uneventful. Zane and Jesse hung out in the basement while I watched TV with Deb. I wished the boys a quick good night, still trying to avoid Zane and crashed for the night.

My wife was out like a light but I tossed and turned, my cock still struggling having been unable to blow. The heat of the night was unbearable.

But finally I succumbed to sleep.

I gave way to dreams of sexual ecstasy, unsurprisingly, imagining my cock sliding into hot tight ass where I could blow again and again without fear of getting caught. It felt as good as the real thing.

But suddenly I woke up, though the feeling of pleasure remained. I opened my eyes to see Zane riding my cock. I gasped in horror and he clamped his hand over my mouth to silence me from shouting out.

He slowly released his hand from my mouth once he realised I had calmed down.

I looked over at my wife, fast asleep next to me.

"What are you doing???"

"I drugged her at dinner," he whispered. "She won't wake up til morning."

He slowly started to wriggle, riding my hard raw cock.

"Zane! No! This is too much! Stop this immediately!" I whispered though clenched teeth. But he just smiled and leaned forward to kiss me. I tried to shake him off but his ass felt too good and his lips felt so sweet against mine.

"You could ruin my life, you homewrecker!" I whispered between kisses. He smiled and shook his head. "This is all I want. And you love it too."

I looked over and noticed one of his thighs was pressed against my wife as he worked up more and more energy, slamming his ass down on my cock harder.

That cocky grin again. Man I hated this kid.

Fine. If it was a hate fuck this kid wanted - I was going to give it to him.

I pushed him off me and threw him down on the floor. I crawled on top of him and hoisted his ankles over my shoulder. "You want this, you little fuck?" Then fucking take it!" I slammed my cock into him as I pounded him on my bedroom floor.

"Oh fuck" he groaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure. "You're splitting me open. Fill me up. Fill me with your baby makers."

"Oh you're gonna get `em, boy" I whispered breathlessly as we sweated all over each other. My hairy torso rubbing against his smooth teen body.

I pistoned in and out of his hole, finally getting the pleasure I'd wanted for weeks from this slutty teenager. He whimpered with pleasure as he pulled me in closer, wrapping his arms around me as we became one.

I could feel my orgasm getting closer - my cum desperate to be unleashed. "You ready?" I whispered in his ear.

He just groaned in pleasure as his ass clamped down on my meat. And that was all it took. The floodgates opened and all my baby batter spewed straight into this kids ass. His ass spasmed around me, as he orgasmed at the same time. We clung to each other in desperate ecstasy, both needing the release.

Finally as I came down from my sexual high, I let go of Zane, unpinning him from the floor.

We looked at each other, sweaty and dishevelled. He fingered his tender hole. "That was everything I wanted it to be, Mr Williams. Thanks." As we staggered to our feet, the sex high turned to regret for me. "You're not going to..."

He stepped up and kissed me again. "As long as you fuck me again sometime. Nobody's ever going to know."

He gave me a hug.

I realised maybe this kid wasn't so bad after all. He reluctantly let me go and sauntered out of the room. I climbed back into bed next to my wife, still blissfully asleep and unaware of what a bad husband she was sharing a bed with.

Unsurprisingly, I had the best night's sleep that night.

To Be Continued...



Next: Chapter 7

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