Bad Husband

By Jesse Christian

Published on Mar 27, 2020



By Jesse Christian

Chris here! I'm in my late 30's, happily married guy, one son - Jesse. He's 16 years old and an awesome kid. Outgoing and sporty. Married to my college sweetheart and best friend, Debra. But lately she's lost interest in sex, we've grown apart and I've started discovering my taste for man sex! These are my adventures. Before I start - thanks everyone for all the very hot messages. I'm glad you love this journey I'm on and it turns me on so much to hear about how you're all getting off to it.

Been a long time since the last adventure but things have only gotten stronger between Jesse and myself. My beautiful teen boy son and lover. We'd now been fucking for months and my love (and lust) for him had only grown.

The feeling of making love to something you created was so deep and intense - words don't do it justice. The sweet young boy I'd taught to ride a bike and read bedtime stories too was now climbing into my bed and pleasing me way better than his mother ever did. The tricky thing was finding enough time to fuck without arousing her suspicions. We would take nightly jogs together into the woods behind our house. We'd go as deep as we could get so that there was no risk of getting caught and then I'd go into his ass as deep as I could get. The whimpers and shudders he'd make as I tongued out his pussy were my favourite sounds and the look he'd give me as he got down on his knees and worshipped my cock would always make me rock hard. We'd breathe into each others mouths and stare into each others' eyes as I plunged my cock deep into his tight boy cunt. He'd become so good at clamping down on my cock, really riding me and milking the load out of my balls.

"I love you, champ," I'd whisper as I exploded inside him.

"I love you so much, daddy" he'd cry out as his ass orgasmed around my meat.

We'd lie down in the leaves and hold each other afterwards, enjoying the feel of each others bodies.

One evening, I could feel him get quiet as he lay with his head on my chest, playing with my nipples. I could tell he wanted to talk about something but was nervous.

"Something wrong, Jesse?" I asked him quietly as stroked his hair.

He was quiet for a moment and then turned to look at me with his big puppy dog eyes. "I'm really gonna miss you tomorrow, dad, is all".

I laughed. "Is that all?" Next week was an interstate class trip and he was going to be gone for five days. It was the longest we'd ever been apart, made all the worse by the fact that we were now lovers. But he was a teenager and it was important he kept living his life and growing up.

"I don't want to be away from you," his bottom lip trembled. I could see how scared he was.

"C'mere". I pulled him in-close and kissed him deeply and tenderly. "I love you, Jesse. And I'm not going anywhere. I'll be waiting for you when you get back. You're the most important thing in my life."

He smiled, comforted by my words and held me tightly as he kissed me back. Our kiss grew more passionate as my tongue explored his mouth, driving in deeper as my son ran his fingers down my body. My cock stiffened again - fuck this boy knew how to turn me on! And before I knew it, Jesse had straddled me and was riding my hard dick again. We held each other tightly as we knew to make this session count. It would be the last fuck we would have for at least a week.

We kept whispering words of love into each others ears as I pumped him harder and harder - our sweaty bodies entangled, becoming one. Finally I exploded him for the second time that night as we basked in a post-orgasm high.

"Feel better?" I grinned as he came down from his ecstatic state.

He smiled back. "A little".

I kissed him again and we put back on our sports gear, jogging home before his mother noticed how long our "jog" had gone for.

The next few days were harder than I thought. I had become so used to cumming multiple times a day with my son that after four days of not blowing, my son's pussy was all I could think about. I was walking around the office trying to conceal my boner in my suit pants. The last thing I needed was my assistant, Mel, nothing how well hung his boss was.

I was sitting in my office trying to focus on the job at hand but all I could focus on was my swelling cock needing to unload. I was thinking of sneaking off to the bathrooms for a quick jack-off break when my phone buzzed.

"Sorry to interrupt, sir, but your son is here to see you."

I looked up, confused. My son? Jesse wasn't due back for another two days. This was going to be an awesome surprise!

"Send him in," I replied, my cock already hardening at knowing my boy was back.

But then someone else walked in - Justin.

For those of you who missed the last chapter, Justin was my son's frenemy I guess. They went to high school together and Justin had once seduced me, much to Jesse's chagrin. He had heard about our arrangement and wanted in. Luckily Jesse had come back in the nick of time to join in. He had been cool about it but I knew he was a little jealous of the idea of his dad fucking one of his classmates.

And now Justin was here, a big smile on his face as he closed the door behind him.

"Justin, I thought my assistant said it was my son. Shouldn't you be on that class trip?"

"I thought I'd surprise you," he smirked as he slinked over to my desk. "My parents didn't want me going on that trip. I know Jesse was worried about his daddy being all alone so I just thought I'd check up on you."

I couldn't help but notice he was wearing tight short shorts that bulged from trying to support his bubble butt as he sat on the edge of my desk.

"Well that's very kind of you Justin but as you can see, I'm absolutely fine. I'm a grown man with a wife at home who's more than capable of looking after himself." I said firmly, trying to shut down his flirtations.

He was making lingering eye contact, clearly trying to seduce me like he had before when my son was at school.

"Are you sure there's nothing I can help you with?" he leaned forward, stroking my knee trying to reach up my thigh.

I brushed his hand away. "C'mon Justin. This isn't a good idea and you know that".

He inched closer, enjoying the challenge. "Why? It's not like you haven't fucked my ass before?"

"B-b-but that was... it was wrong then. We shouldn't have done that. Besides I'm at work... and you know my son wouldn't appreciate it."

"But he's not here, is he? He's gone away leaving you all alone. And I bet you haven't cum in days. And a big daddy cock like yours needs to be looked after. Your balls are really full, aren't they? And your already tenting your pants."

He was right. My cock was already straining my tight trousers, begging to be freed. And I couldn't remember how long I had held off cumming before.

I tried to cover my bulge with some papers from my desk. "I think you need to leave, Justin."

He stood up, the smile never leaving his face. And then he slowly bent over my desk, lowering his shorts so his cute peach was only inches from my face.

"I'm sorry I'm so naughty, sir," he said with a wink as he looked over his shoulder at me. "Maybe you should spank me."

He pushed his ass back closer to my face. I held up my hands to stop his cheeks from getting any closer and found myself massaging his perfect hairless globes. He moaned in response. I remember how amazing his ass felt in my hands as I pulled apart his cheeks.

"I don't want to spank you," I whispered, my hormones taking control of me.

"No? What do you want to do to it?"

I stared at his pucker, inches from my face.

"Do you want to eat my pussy? Eat my pussy, sir," he whispered, hypnotising me with his perfect hole.

I couldn't stop myself from diving in. I ran my tongue up his sweet hole as he shuddered with pleasure. All thoughts of my son left my head as I remembered instead how much I enjoyed eating his friend's hole. I ate the teenager's ass like a starving man who hadn't eaten in weeks. I couldn't get deep enough as I speared his hole with my tongue.

He pushed his legs out wider, causing his cheeks to part more, allowing me better access to cherry. I flicked my tongue over his pucker like I was playing with my wife's clit.

Without letting my tongue leave his hole, I reached down and released my cock which was just about ready to tear through my pants. It slapped against my belly, relieved to finally be free and already dripping with globs of pre-cum.

Justin suddenly pushed me back into my chair and sank to his knees, diving down onto my cock, engulfing it in his warm throat. I groaned loudly, forgetting where I was for a moment as I succumbed to the pleasure this teen boy wanted to give me.

"Oh shit!" I gasped as he swirled his tongue around my corona, pumping the base of my shaft with his hand.

He grinned as he looked up at me. "Jesse's lucky to have a sexy daddy like you."

And before I could stop him (not that I was going to), Justin pulled off his shorts and straddled me in my office chair. He lined my dripping monster cock with his saliva-wet cunt and slowly lowered himself onto me.

I smothered his groan with my lips as I kissed him deeply. He quickly undid my tie and shirt, clinging to my pecs as he slowly started to lower himself up and down on my cock. "Fuck me daddy," he whispered. "Fuck me with your giant cock."

I held onto his hips as I started to control his bounces, making sure we had the perfect rhythm to pleasure my cock. As we stared into each others eyes, I realised how adorable and cute this boy was. I knew I had fallen into his trap again. I knew I shouldn't be doing this. But I didn't care. His devilish lust was contagious and I was addicted like a hopeless drunk.

Justin's ass was tight but my saliva had given us just the right amount of lubricant to let my cock slide through him. I could feel him loosening up so I could slide through his chute like a knife through hot butter. He felt so soft and silky as my bloated cock drove inside him.

I lifted him up and spread him down on my desk, his ankles up over my shoulders. I impaled him again and again moulding his receptive ass like clay to perfectly fit the shape of my dick.

"You can't tell Jesse about this," I whispered between kisses as we both panted in each others ears. "This has to be our secret."

He pulled my hips in hard, demanding I fuck him harder and deeper. "Whatever you say, sir. Just so long as you keep fucking me!!!"

I watched my shaft slam in and out of his boyhole, his pussy lips clinging to it like an elastic band. My balls were tightening. My week-load long was desperate to unload inside this boy - knocking him up with my man-juice.

He could see how close I was by the look on my face.

"Do it, daddy. Be my daddy. Cum inside me." I realised last time I had given my load to my son and not Justin. This was what he wanted. My seed inside him.

"Aw fuck" I howled, feeling my dick start to tingle. This boy's ass was about to send me over the edge, his asshole felt wonderful wrapped around my raw dick. I slammed into him with all the power I could muster, completely forgetting about my surroundings.

"FUCK!" I yelled, slamming into him one last time. I felt the cum squeeze up out of my balls and through the shaft of my dick, to spray wildly into his warm welcoming ass. My cock was twitching and jerking inside of him, pumping out my fresh potent baby juice...

... just as my assistant Mel walked in!

I froze, balls deep in my teen son's best friend as my assistant stared at me in shock.

To Be Continued...




Next: Chapter 11

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