Bad Girl

By Mas P

Published on Apr 10, 2009


The story continues... The next one will be up asap. Thanks to my fans for the encouragement and patience!

Can the lovely lady, who I believe goes by the name of Alex, who offered to proof read for me email me again please? I lost your email. I can't even find it in my sent box!!! I wasn't hallucinating right...?

This installment is rated PG13...but if you bear with me I'll get you to a higher rating in no time. lol

If you'd like to fan my ego, or take it down a notch then hit me up at:

Bad Girl - 8

By Mas

Everything was better underwater. No sounds. No one asking you questions that you didn't want to answer, or couldn't answer. No air. No words. Just that full sound of water rushing around your eardrums. Just the pressure burning in your lungs.

Just your heart searching for some way to burst out of your body or for some good enough reason to stop. My eyes began to water but I wasn't crying. No one could cry underwater.

When I finally raised my head again I breathed in deep as my hair hung like a thin sheet over my eyes, when I pushed the wet strands back my eyes were streaming tears. I was crying now.

My mom was in my bedroom waiting for me. As soon as she told me we had to talk the tears began to fall and she held her arms open for me. I heard my dad's heavy footsteps some time later and heard when he stopped at the doorway. I felt when she raised her arm, probably telling him that she'd handle it...whatever "it" was. His footsteps were hesitant, then he was walking towards the kitchen and a few minutes later he went upstairs. A door closed quietly.

When I entered the room mom looked up. She had one of my journals open. It was the one I told her she could read about two years ago. She never read them unless told her that she could. For that reason alone I loved my mom beyond words. She understood how important they were to me.

"I must have been too busy or preoccupied...I never realized how good your poetry really is." I sat on the bed and she closed the journal and sat next to me. We both stared at our hands. Mum wasn't a woman to talk excessively but we always managed to have some really great conversations. Now it felt as if we were miles away shouting at each other.

"Talk to me Chloe," she finally said and took my hand. I pushed my still wet hair out of my face and looked up at her. Her eyes looked so sad that I knew what I feared happening was happening. I was breaking her heart.

"I don't want you to hate me mommy," I was crying again. When she wrapped her arms around me I fell into them and held onto her tight.

"Oh I don't hate you honey. I just thought that you would have told me that's all." I sat back wiping my tears as she looked at me. She raked her fingers through my hair and shook her head. "I love you no matter what honey. You're my baby. But talk to me..." I nodded my head and sat back on the bed moving to the side so that she could sit next to me. When she settled back against my headboard I took her hand. We sat like that for about 2 minutes before I found the courage to start.

"I'm a lesbian mom. And I have a girlfriend, her name is Kia..." I told her about Kia, her dad, how well she did in school, how patient she was with me, never forcing me to come out. I told her about how afraid I was of her throwing me out or disowning me. Then I told her how afraid I was that dad wasn't going to accept me. When I was finished I was wiping away stray tears. Mum sighed and rubbed the top of my hand.

"Well, I won't lie Chloe, I was starting to wonder. I mean, Chris was having sex since she was 14 so when I noticed no interest in boys I started to put two and two together. But I was hoping that I was wrong..." I was still stuck on her knowing about Chris. She must have seen my surprise because she laughed and patted my hand. "I know about everything that happens around here. Even about that vase you broke a few days ago."

"How did you...? It was a mistake!" She laughed and patted my hand. We grew quiet again and her words came floating back. "Why did you want to be wrong?"

"Because it's a harder life to live Chloe. I hear about the gay bashings...I don't want that for you Chloe." I hugged her again and settled against her side.

"I love you mom."

"I love you too sweetie. You don't have to be alone. I know you have Kia, who I need to meet now of course, but you have me." I nodded my head and squeezed her tighter. "I take it Chris knows?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?" At her knowing look I rolled my eyes. "Oh right. You know everything."

"It's not all flowers and rainbows Chloe."

"I know mom, but I can't NOT be a lesbian." She patted my shoulder and told me that she understood. "Mom...can you...?" I mumbled my question into her chest.

"Can I what?"

"Can you tell dad?" Seeing anything close to disappointment on my dad's face would be horrible. I didn't think that I could tell him too.

"I'll tell him. Unlike me, I'm sure that he has no idea. So he'll be shocked."

"He's gonna hate me." Mom pulled away and held my face. Her look turned serious.

"Your daddy loves you to death. Both of you are the reason that man wakes up everyday. He likes to humor me and say that it's all me but I'm not stupid. He'd give anything to make sure you two are happy." I looked away but she lifted my chin until our eyes met again. "He may take it hard at first but I'll try to make him see the light."

We laughed and grew quiet again. I hadn't been in my mother's arms like that in a long time. Only when I got sick did she tend to hug me and pet me. It was also one of the few places where I could fall asleep in a matter of seconds. All she'd have to do is rub my arm...or my back...or my head...

When I woke up again I wasn't surprised to find myself tucked away under a blanket and my curtains drawn over the window. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 12 am. What I just revealed to my mother still fluttered around in my head. Then I thought of my dad and felt butterflies in my stomach. I decided to call the only person I knew would help me feel better.

"Hey baby."

"My mom knows about me...about us." Kia was quiet for a moment then asked me how she took it. "She still loves me." I smiled as I stared at the ceiling. The little glow in the dark stars my dad put up ages ago were shining down on me. They were right on my ceiling, I knew this, but they seemed to be light years away. "She said that she had a feeling about me being gay but hoped it wasn't true."

"Most parents hope it isn't the case." She sounded alert. I was starting to wonder if she ever slept. I knew that after sex she did but only for a little while. "Do you need me to come by?"

"No. I needed to hear your voice." An owl hooted outside, making me pull my blanket closer. I don't like owls. "She's going to tell my dad. He might already know."

"I'm sure he'll be okay with it. You two are close right?"

"He might not be as cool though."

"This is true. So what will you do if he isn't?" I heard the uncertainty in her voice. The real question was would I stop seeing her? If it came down to picking between Kia and my family, I was afraid of the result. It still made my head spin how close we were. I couldn't see myself being without her now.

"I hope that I don't have to answer that question." Kia didn't respond. I would have given anything to read her mind right then. The silence grew until it started to feel uncomfortable. "Kia..."

"So you comin' by this weekend?" I told her that I was, but that I wanted her to pick me up. "Okay." We set up a time and planned to just drive out to the lake.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Yes. I am actually. Thank you." The stars didn't seem so far away now.

"You're welcome." After issuing orders to call her anytime I needed her she hung up.

I rolled over in bed and thought about my conversation with my mother a few hours ago. Then I thought about my dad and how THAT conversation possibly went.

"Doesn't make any sense worrying 'bout it now." I sighed and closed my eyes. I'd worry about it tomorrow.

It felt very dumb sneaking around in my own house. But sneak around I did. I looked both ways before I went into the bathroom that Chris made sure to leave messy the night before. When I was done I sneaked back into my bedroom. I was trying my hardest to put off seeing my dad. So far it worked but on a weekend when he was all over the house I wasn't sure how long this could last.

If I wasn't so hungry I would have waited until the last moment to get breakfast. My stomach had other plans though and when the scent of pancakes filtered down the hallway the decision was made for me.

When I came into the kitchen my dad was just getting up from the table to rinse his plate. He looked at me and I saw the way he looked at mom then back at me. "Morning," I said.

"Morning, you up kinda late. Usually you're the first one, then the vampire." I laughed. Chris was notorious for getting up late in the afternoon some days. My dad looked at me for a moment then walked over and moved as if to hug me then patted me on the back instead. My eyes watered but I refused to cry. "I'm off to Homedepot to buy that new light." He looked at mum as he walked to the exit then lowered his head. He turned around and walked back to me. "We gonna play some ball tomorrow?" I smiled and told him that I would.

It was something. I smiled still and watched him get fidgety then tell my mom he'd be back soon. When I sat down at the table my mom was smirking at me. "Give him time sweetie."

"Yeah." She stood up and ruffled my hair. "Mom! I just fixed that!"

"Oh! Hot date today huh?" When I blushed she smiled.

"Umm, I'm going out with a friend today."

"Does this friend happen to go by the name Akia?" I nodded my head. "At least I don't need to worry about any unwanted pregnancies with you now." I nearly choked to death on the bite that got lodged in my throat. A few hits on the back and I was coughing out a lung as my mom stood by laughing at me.

"That was so wrong on so many levels." She just put another pancake on my plate and wrapped up the rest for Chris.

"I know honey, I'm sorry." She wiped down the counter and threw the rag in the empty sink. "Wash your plate honey and I'll be upstairs when Akia comes around." Just then I realized that Lori Soto was the best mother on earth. A little crazy but cool.

Kia pulled up to the house and I ran outside barreling into her as she walked around the car. She laughed and hugged me close when I wrapped my legs around her. I didn't want to let go.

"I missed you," I said into her neck.

"I can see that." I slid down her body and grabbed her hand. She looked at me surprised then her eyed widened when I dragged her into the house. "Chloe..."

"My mom said that the only way I could go out today was if she met you." Kia stopped resisting and ran her hand through her hair.

"You should have told me." We stepped into the house and I watched her check herself quickly.

"You look fine."

"You're biased."

"You're Kia I presume." We both looked up to see my mum leaning against the kitchen counter. I hoped to have some time to prepare Kia but my mom had her own plans. She looked at Kia from head to toe then raised an eyebrow at me. I couldn't miss the look of appreciation; I blushed and squeezed Kia's hand. She squeezed back.

"Mum, this is my...girlfriend, Kia. Kia this is my mom." Kia smiled and held out her hand.

"A pleasure to meet you Mrs. Soto. Chloe speaks about you a lot." My mom smiled right back.

"Well it's certainly good to meet you too." My mum gestured for us both to sit down. I looked at my mom then the door but she just ignored me and went to the fridge. "Something to drink?" Before we could answer she had two glasses in front of us.

Kia sipped from her glass and gripped my hand under the table. If I didn't feel the dampness I wouldn't have guessed that she was nervous. "Thank you." She said.

"So Kia, where are you two going today?" Kia told her about plans to take me to eat some lunch then drive out to the lake. "That sounds like fun. I hope you'll have her back at a reasonable time."

"Mom! Chris gets to stay out all night!"

"Chris is in college, you are in highschool." I frowned already making plans to have a "sleep over" with Donna very soon. "That's not fair; my maturity level is much higher than Chris' when she was my age." She just smiled at me then turned back to Kia.

"I think that 12am is reasonable for a weekend night. Don't you agree Kia?" Kia readily agreed. "Listen, I don't want to put you through her dad too, so why don't you two leave now huh?" I hugged her and promised to stick to the time.

When Kia closed my door she waved at my mom then started up the car. "You are sooo dead Chloe." I laughed as we drove off.

We decided to get some burgers and fries from a popular restaurant. "Lots of onions," Kia told the server.

"Hold the onions," I said a minute later. Kia looked at me and opened her mouth to tell her to add them when I grabbed her arm. "Kia. Hold the onions." When she finally realized that I was thinking about our immediate future her eyes lit up.

"Whatever she said." She turned towards me with an eyebrow raised. "You're lucky I like you."

"You're lucky I stopped you." We sat down and made quick work of the food. It was like I hadn't eaten in ages. When Kia tried to sneak my fries away I slapped her hand. "Get your own bucko." She laughed and did as told, getting two more and some ice scream. My eyes lit up at the ice scream. The words were out of my mouth before I could stop myself. "Ohhh, I love you!" She looked up at me and paused. I paused too. She smiled and squirted ketchup on her fries.

"I bet you say that to all the girls." She took a napkin and wiped my nose. "You wanna take the ice scream with us?" We finished our fries and were in the car 10 minutes later.

I was drunk with that happy feeling of having a full stomach. I drifted off and woke up again to Kia turning onto a familiar street. There were a few cars there today but not too many. We made our way over to a tree and I watched as she spread out a thick blanket on the floor and settled down placing the ice scream next to her.

When she patted the space between her legs I finally settled against her. Warm arms pulled me close and my eyes began to drift close until I felt her lips on my neck. She breathed in deep and hummed. "You smell good." She sniffed loudly at my neck making me laugh.

I reached for the carton but she took it from me and grabbed the spoon too. She opened it up and scooped out a spoonful. "Open up." I moaned at the taste of strawberry cheese cake. She chuckled. "Like that huh?" I nodded, swallowing quickly and opened wide for a huge mouthful. She laughed as I slumped back against her. I was in heaven. She kissed my cheek then my neck and scooped out another spoonful.

"You like this." I said and took the spoonful. When I leaned back to look at her she was focused on getting out another spoonful. She didn't need THAT much concentration though. "Now you're all embarrassed."

"What are you talkin' about?" She looked at me then at my lips and pressed the spoon against my lips. I opened and nearly choked I wanted to laugh so bad. She leaned in and pressed her lips to mine. I took the carton from her and she held my cheek with cool fingers.

Vapor rose up between us were her warm mouth met mine. She tugged on my lower lip and I tried hard not to turn around and pull her on top of me.

"You're good at changing the topic," I said against her mouth. She stopped and took the carton back.

"Apparently not THAT good." I rubbed her leg.

"You do like it. Don't deny it." My hand slid over her shins then held her wrist, following it when it rose to my lips again. "You like feeding me...doing things like that."


"So nothing. I just wanted to point out that fact." Kia gave a grunt and we grew quiet again. Some kids were playing around in the water some distance away. I loved how empty the stretch of beach was. It was almost as if we were in our own world. Kia covered the now empty carton and set it aside then wrapped her arms around me again. I sighed and felt my eyes drifting close.

"You tired?" She asked quietly. I told her yeah and she pushed me forward then stretched out on the blanket. As soon as she held out her arms I crawled up her body and hugged her shoulders. Her heart beat was loud and strong in my ear.

"Thank you Kia."

"For what?" Her hand slid under my shirt and drew little circles over my skin.

"For lunch, for feeding me ice scream, for not pushing me..." my eyes slid close but I heard the water splashing on the shore. Then seagulls started to scream. "My dad was so weird today. He wouldn't even hug me." I started to cry and felt her hand slide under my shirt and start to rub my back. My tears were soaking into her t-shirt.

"He still loves you Chloe." I sniffed as I tried to believe what she just said.

"At least he didn't kick me out." I began to wonder what I would have done if he did. Now that I thought about it though, I had no idea.

"I care about you Chloe," she said. That brought me back to the present. Her arms tightened around me then relaxed again. "A lot."

I love you, I thought. I wanted to tell her. It was bubbling up inside of me. I just squeezed my eyes shut instead. "I know. I care about you a lot too." It suddenly grew quiet. The children sounded farther away. Even the birds were gone. "I'm sleepy."

"Then sleep." I could hear the smile in her voice.

When I woke up Kia had her hands behind her head and her eyes were closed. The sun was still pretty high so I didn't think that much time had passed. Her chest rose and fell in deep breaths. I looked at her hair that was spread out behind her. My fingers reached out to touch it, the strands were so soft.

Her face looked so relaxed. Even her lips were slightly parted. They looked so soft; I inched up her body and hovered over her lips. I looked up into her eyes but they were closed. So I moved closer and looked up again, they were still. I licked my lips only a breath away.

"I'm thinking about cutting it." I jumped up and looked down into her laughing eyes. When I pinched her side she yelped and grabbed my hand.

"I thought you were asleep!"

"How can I sleep with you wiggling on top of me like that?" I hovered over her lips.

"Well I was going to kiss you." When I was an inch away I stopped. "I won't anymore." I laughed when she rolled us over and pressed her mouth to mine in a sloppy kiss. "Ewww!"

"So my kisses are grouse now huh?" She moved in again, this time more controlled. I sighed as she settled between my thighs. "Better?"

"Much better." My fingers moved in her hair and I tried to picture her with shorter hair. Then no hair. I liked all of the pictures. "You'd look good with short hair."

"I would?" She moved her hair to one side and nipped at my lips. "You'd look good naked..." I giggled. "Right now." She pushed into me but I pushed her back and told her to behave. "Oh right, your vow of chastity."

"It's just one more week Kia."

"This makes no sense what-so-ever!" She argued as she rolled off of me and stared into the ceiling of branches over us. I leaned on my elbow as she threaded her fingers behind her head.

"Look at how close we are already. You can't say that it hasn't paid off." A grunt was her answer. "I know more about you, you can't deny that."

"We could get to know each other making love too." The way the phrase slipped pass her lips so easily gave me hope.

"That's true. But it's not as fun as seeing you so horny." She lifted her head then yanked me on top of her. When she started tickling me I started to squeal. Only after I begged mercy did she finally stop.

"I miss you. I want to touch you again." She kissed my neck, rolling us over again. I pulled her hair back.

"Do you want to the day of the talent show next week? We don't have to stay after break."

"Yeah?" She moved her lips to my ear. "That sounds good."

"It's gonna be student council's day...the show...a dance...we can skip it." My brain was slowly shutting down because of the warm caresses of her mouth.

"And miss that asshole make a fool of himself? Not likely." She pushed away from me then reached out her hand to pull me up. I was still trying to catch up. One second she was trying to get between my thighs the next we were leaving.

"I just offered to have sex and you want to watch a talent show instead?" At her sly smile I felt worry creeping up. "Kiaaaa..."

"Do you trust me?" I shook my head as she grabbed the blanket and started to fold it. "Is that a no?"

"No, I mean yes! Kia-" She put her finger on my lips and smiled again.

"So that's a yes?" I nodded my head reluctantly. "Then trust me, whatever he has comin' to him he deserves. Nothing more nothing less." I sighed and pushed her hand away.

"I don't want you to get in trouble." She just leaned in kissed me in response. "Well that's comforting."

"Let's chill at the house. I got some new DVDs." The car purred to life and we were on the road a minute later.

"I'm serious Kia."

She just smiled at me and slid on her shades. "Relax Chloe."

We ended up relaxing a whole lot that night. If I wasn't fending off her sneaky hands I was kissing her. We tried to watch a movie but couldn't concentrate long enough to even catch the opening credits, so we just turned it off and focused on each other's lips instead. Kia redefined the term make-out. She actually made it fun. When she dropped me home that night I felt as if we spent that entire time having sex.

I was in bed thinking about all of this and decided to get some food. I only grabbed a bowl of cereal then hid away until it was time to play ball with my dad. Our house wasn't so big but you could avoid someone if you tried hard enough

Mum was in the kitchen already getting dinner started. Only then did I look at the clock. It was already 12 o'clock. Chris was helping my mom cook. She usually did on Sundays. She looked up at me and grumbled a greeting.

"Hey," I replied.

"Dad said to go outside when you're up." Mom looked at me and winked in support. I went up stairs to put on a sweat shirt and one of my thicker sweats since it was chilly. When I got outside I didn't see dad at first. I stuck my head around the side of the house and caught him fooling around with his grill.

"Kinda chilly to be gasin' up the grill huh dad?" He looked up and smiled. I slid my hands in my pockets and stood unsure as he approached. When he threw the ball at me and said "check" I knew it was all about the game first. So I followed his lead.

We played an easy game to warm up. By the time I realized it I was laughing and shouting at him like I usually did when we played. If it wasn't his fake fouls it was me trying to hold down his arm as he got in yet another lay-up. Her was a bit of a star in high school and still had some skills, so it a little annoying holding down his arm and still watching the shot go in.

"You cheated!" I shouted as he raised an eyebrow at me.

"And covering my face with your hands is okay then?" I shook my head and argued that I had a handicap with my being shorter and a girl. "You didn't say that the time we had that shootout and you kicked my ass."

I laughed. "Dad, we all know how crappy you are with 3 pointers." He grabbed my head and started to rub it with his knuckles. "Ahhh! I'm not a boy you know!" When he let go I pouted and he sat down on the steps of the porch trying to catch his breath.

"Probably a blessing, 'cause you already make me work hard when we play." I grinned at that. When I sat next to him he passed the ball and put his elbows on his knees. I studied my dad and knew that he would have had a handsome son if mom ever had more kids. I know that my dad wanted one back then but my mom put on the brakes at two though.

"Do you still think about wanting a son daddy?" He looked at me and shook his head.

"No, I have the two prettiest girls in the city. What I need a boy in here for threatening my run of the place?" I shoved his arm as he laughed. We both knew that mum had run of the place even if she let dad think that HE did. "Only ONE man allowed to keep that toilet seat up." I cracked up at that and leaned into him.

When we both quieted down he started to play around with the wood under his thigh. We were finally going to talk about the big, purple elephant in the room. He sighed and shook his head.

"You're mom told me about...ahhh..." He rubbed his eyebrows and glanced at me. When he looked away so did I. He shook his head again. "It was a surprise."

"I know." I rolled the ball in tight circles as we both look at our shoes. "I'm sorry dad."

"For what?"

"For not being who you want me to be." He was quiet after that and looked out into the quiet street. A few kids some houses away were outside, their screams and shrieks reached us, but other than that it was quiet. I looked over at him and was surprised when I saw the smile on his face. Not necessarily a happy smile but it was a good sign.

"You're not the only lesbian in our family you know?" He had my full attention now. "Your cousin, Karin, she's one too." My eyes bulged. Karin was a pretty girl from my dad's side that I vaguely remember playing with me before my uncle moved away.

"I didn't know." He nodded his head.

"Open secret. She use to treat you like a little doll, well most of the family did. You were one cute baby. Don't know what happened though..." He laughed again when I shoved his arm.

"Very funny."

"It was hard for her dad. He told me about falling out with her. It was hard. He told her to leave the house, only 'cause of our mama did they figure it out, God bless her soul, she stepped in and they realized what they did to her was wrong."

"When did this all happen?" I asked.

"A few years ago." I was stunned. He looked at me then grabbed the ball and started spinning it on his finger.

"Show off." He smirked and his smiled slowly slipped away.

"He didn't understand it, but they talk. Him and Karin. Your aunty Carla was between them but it nearly broke them apart. He nearly lost his little girl because he didn't want to...accept it." I understood what he was telling me. He doesn't get it, probably didn't agree with it but he'll accept it. I inched closer to him and wrapped my arm around his waist. He lifted his arm and hugged me back. "You're my little girl Chloe." He smelled like sweat and the shower gel my mom's been buying him as far back as I could remember. "If this is you then it's you. But I can't..." He sighed and rubbed my arm. "If it's you, it's you." That's all I could ask for if it was all he could give. I took it.

"Thank you daddy." That's how my mum found us. She cleared her throat then told me to wash my mountain of clothes in the laundry room and ordered my dad to run to the food store.

"I'm the man of this house woman. I'm gonna watch that basketball game and put my feet up." When he tried to enter the house my mum stood directly in his path. She held out the keys and he looked at them then at me then at my mother and stretch out his palm. "I had to go to the gas station anyway. I'll just stop on the way."

"Uhh huh..." I said as he turned around and walked quickly to his car. Mum chuckled as she ushered me inside.

"So everything alright?" She asked as she wrapped her arm around my shoulders.

"Everything's okay mum." She smiled and patted my butt, nudging me toward the laundry room.

"I told you so. Now go wash those clothes before something starts growing in 'em." I rolled my eyes but had to agree, once again my mom was right. He didn't come out and accept me the way mom did but he did the best that he could. That was all I could ask for.

I didn't hear from Donna that weekend.

That Monday I found out why. Donna practically floated into class. Kia was late so I threw my bag on the chair next to me.

When Donna sat down I swear I saw fairy dust moving around her then settling again.

"If you start singing the sound of music I'll shoot myself." She giggled and sighed. "Are you going to talk or should I just keep on bugging you." Donna leaned in close.

"We did it last night." She said and sat back then sighed again.

"I take it that IT was good then?" The dopey grin on her face was answer enough.

"Good doesn't begin to describe it Chloe," the way her voice got low and guttural I had an idea of how good it was. "At this point I couldn't give a fuck what anyone has to say about us. I'm not letting Donald Smith go for anyone." I laughed at the dreamy look on her face. I had the feeling I wasn't going to get anything more out of her so just nod my head and pulled out my books.

Class already started when Kia came strolling in. She had her jacket off and wore a white tank top. I saw the eyes following her progress down through the class. When she spotted me she smiled and sat down next to me.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey, you're late."

"Long night." She mumbled as she stretched out her legs and crossed them at her ankles.

"Your dad?"

"No. I was horny all night and couldn't get off." I giggled then stopped when she looked at me with a serious expression on her face. I patted her thigh but she just crossed her arms and pouted at the blackboard.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. She grunted. I tore out a piece of paper and wrote on it then passed it to her. It said 'you look very sexy today. very hot.' She read it and smirked at me and wrote on it before handing it back. 'it's no good being sexy when you can't get any pussy...' I laughed and quickly covered my mouth when our teacher glared at me.

"Sorry, bad cough." I managed to cough a few times before he continued talking. Kia was grinning and looking much more relaxed now. I wrote 'payback's a bitch' and gave it to her. She just smirked and folded up the note then slipped it in her pocket.

My mom made it clear that I had to be home on-time that afternoon since she was making my favorite, roasted chicken with black beans and rice and fried plantains. She made this once every new moon and if I missed it then too damn bad because it was Chris' favorite too. She tended to be a pig when mum cooked it.

I only had lunch time and the ride home with Kia to be with her.

We found a spot outside the cafeteria when Jen waved at us. A few guys were with him too and they all came over.

"Hey ladies," he said and introduced the other guys to us.

"Hey," I said and patted the seat next to me. He smiled and sat down. "What's up Jen?"

"Besides the sky? Nothing much, they wanted to chill with you guys." I smiled at the one named Jason. He was a black guy with smooth brown skin.

"Well, it's not everyday we get to chill with THE gay couple in school." I blushed and looked over at Kia. She just smirked and shook her head.

"There are other lesbians in this school." She pointed out.

"But their girls are usually in the closet," Jen pointed out.

"Well, I realized that I don't like closets so much..." I mumbled. They laughed and Gavin, a blonde guy who I knew from my English class spoke up.

"Not much fun those closets." He nodded his head at me. "There are other girls you know, in school who want to come out, probably need to too." I nodded my head sadly and took Kia's hand. It felt good knowing that I didn't have to worry about that anymore at least.

"Yeah, we were wondering if you guys wanted to start up a club with us?" Jen asked and looked at me then Kia and back at me.

"Ummm...I'm don't know about that..." Jen nodded his head. I read a book about something like this. I forgot the title and felt inspired by it, but not inspired enough to want to start up a club of my own. It was one thing to be out but it was another to be...OUT I guess.

"Well, just sit on it." He was still only addressing me and I wondered why. "You two still coming to my party right? Some other people are comin' too, from my old school. It's gonna be fabulous." I laughed and told him for sure while Kia nodded her head.

"You two going to this talent show on Friday?" Jason asked. Jen rolled his eyes.

"You shouldn't. I'm plannin' on boycotting it."

"Why?" I asked.

"They wouldn't let him do his routine." Jason said with a laugh. "Let's just say that he does it a little better than Beyonce." We all laughed and talked about some of the other people performing until someone brought up the dance.

"The dance is always good though, afterwards..."

"So this is the homo section of the school?" We all froze then looked up at Micheal as he slowed. He looked at Jen and laughed then nudged one of the goons walking next to him. "Damn faggots." Jen stood up and pushed Micheal who turned around with his fists raised. He was waiting on a reaction. Jason pushed Jen away and shoved Micheal back.

"We weren't bothering you Micheal."

"Fuck you faggot." He sneered. Kia tensed but I grabbed her arm. She just watched Micheal quietly. It was like watching a pot rattling on the stove ready to overflow. When I touched her thigh she sat back.

"Keep walkin' lil dick." She said. He pointed his finger at Kia and smirked.

"You're getting' your's bitch."

"Not from you I ain't. You're gonna need a little more than that." When she lowered her eyes to his crotch the guys started to laugh. Michael just nudged his friends and kept on walking.

"Why doesn't he back off?" I asked and pouted. "You two are gonna get in trouble again, I can feel it." Kia wrapped her arm around my shoulders and kissed my cheek. Jen smirked and winked at me. Just then I spotted Claudia across the yard. She waved and I waved back. Kia looked over and scowled. After I nudged her side she reluctantly nodded at Claudia.

"Micheal can't mess up. We both got off easy for that spray painting shit." Jen smiled at that.

"That was some funny shit." Kia laughed and they're fists touched in agreement. When I looked up and spotted Missy walking over with Claudia those in tow I stood up.

"Hey!" Missy said. We hugged and I hugged each girl in turn. "What's up?" They nodded at Jen and his friends until I introduced them.

"Oh we know each other...unofficially." Claudia laughed and nodded her head in agreement. Kia was too busy scowling at Claudia to comment. I sat next to her and poked her in the side until she told everyone hello.

"So, no hard feelings from that afternoon right?" Claudia asked Kia who only grunted in response. She smirked then turned towards me again. "You had a run in with Micheal eh?" When I told her about it she shook her head.

"He's such an idiot. Him and his damn crew." Lovette added. They pulled some chairs over and a few of them sat down.

"Anyway, forget about him. You ladies comin' to my party on Saturday right?" They all perked up at the mention of a party and soon Jen was reeling them all in. The bell rang and we all headed back inside.

"You both goin' too?" Missy asked me. When I nodded my head she smiled and nudged Claudia. They all looked at each other then nodded their head. "Cool. We'll be there then." I laughed and we all branched off into smaller groups.

Kia looked down at me and shook her head. "What?"

"Chloe Soto, leader of the free gay world." I smacked her arm and told her to shut up. "Oh so all those big ole dykes aren't goin' to that party 'cause you're going?"

"They aren't. They're going 'cause Jen invited them." I said. I had no idea what impression I had on any of the other gay or lesbian population at school or that I had an impression at all. I'm still convinced that we all just gravitated towards each other. I think that it was meant to happen that way.

"Whatever you say Chloe." That translated to "you're wrong and I'm right Chloe". So I just let it go. Having an argument with someone who only grunted in response wasn't very fulfilling.

"Are you a real freak? Baby tell meeee!" I was signing Dru Hill in my room on Wednesday afternoon when my mom poked her head in.

She came in raising an eyebrow at my speakers. I lowered the volume.

"What's up mum?"

"So, you told me about this weekend with Donna..." I perked up at that. Donna mentioned that her parents were leaving the country for a few days and she wanted to plan a sleepover that weekend. Of course the fact that I wouldn't be the person sleeping over at her house was of little importance.

We both needed time alone with our significant other. Badly.

"Yeah, so you thought it over?" She looked at me and I swear she knew my secret. I knew that if I looked away I'd be found out for sure so I just continued to look into her eyes. I couldn't afford for her to say no. I wasn't sure if I could be responsible for what would happen if I didn't get with Kia soon. She already threatened to sneak into my bedroom.

She chuckled when she said it but when I looked in her eyes they weren't smiling.

My mum was saying something to me. "Sorry mum, what?"

"I said okay. You've been pretty good about getting home on time." She looked at me then ruffled my hair. "You better be good and you have to invite Kia to dinner in order to go."

I stuttered as she patted my thigh then stood. "Ummm..."

"So 6 o'clock is good?" With that she left the room. I sat back in bed and wondered if she had fun blackmailing these little meetings with Kia out of me. I grabbed my phone and dialed Kia's number.

"Hey baby." I smiled at that. I'd never get used to her calling me that.


"I was just thinking 'bout you." I heard paper shuffling then silence.

"You were? What were you doing?"

"Things..." I stretched back in bed.

"Oh yeah? What kind of things?" I looked at my door and relaxed when I saw that it was closed.

"Intimate things..." came her alto voice. She sighed and I imagined her stretching out on her bed.

"Are you in bed?" There was silence then shuffling.

"I am now."

"What kind of intimate things?"

"Things that get me...tense." I felt my pussy clench then relax. The tips of my fingers slid beneath my shorts.

"That's not good."

"Not at all," I head a breathy sigh.

"How can I help you relax?"

"You're doing it..." Her voice was lower now. A quiet moan made me close my eyes. Fingers slid over low hairs. I gasped as my fingers grazed my clit then dipped into my own wetness. I was soaked.

"What are you doing Kia?" She moaned louder now.

"What do you think I'm doing Chloe?" I held in a gasp as my fingers slid slowly through my folds. "Where's your hand Chloe?"

"Nowhere." I said as I touched myself. I felt myself getting more excited as I closed my eyes and saw her touching herself too. Her knees bent, the eyes closed...

"Are you touching your pussy Chloe?" Biting down on my tongue kept me quiet. "You know how wet I am right now?"

"Kia..." I whispered as my eyes grew heavy.

"I'm so fucking horny Chloe," she whimpered and moaned long and low. When I heard her breathing hard in the phone I started to come too. It was no where what I felt when she touched me but it was so good.

"You're so bad." She just chuckled then was quiet again.

"You messed me up Chloe." I was staring at the ceiling already forgetting the actual reason for calling her.


"I've been tryin' to get of for 4 days now. This isn't healthy. I can only get off with you near me now...or talking to me...or touching me..."

I heard the frustration in her voice and wished that I didn't make this stupid chastity vow now. She sounded like she was in real pain. "I'm sorry Kia." A deep sigh was her response.

"Oh, me too."

"My mom wants you to come over tomorrow for dinner."

"Uhh huh..." It didn't sound like an okay so I pushed on. I pulled out the secret weapon.

"She said that we could spend extra time together." I didn't tell her about the weekend since I wanted to surprise her.

"How much time?" She asked.

"More." She grunted and agreed to come over. "Thank you Kia."

"Yeah, so I guess I need to head home after school and get ready and everything?" I told her do to what ever she wanted to do.

"My mom's not all serious or anything. We eat dinner barefoot and in whatever clothes we're wearing."

"I'll head home." Someone walked pass my bedroom door whistling. I slid my hands from my shorts. I didn't even realize I still had it there.

"I wish I had a video of what you just did." She chuckled and promised to give me a detailed description the next day. "I need to go, I'm already behind on my homework." With that she let me go, promising to be there tomorrow.

All day at school I was anxious. It was meet the parents and Kia of course looked like she didn't have a care in the world.

My dad was in the living room when Kia's car pulled up in front of the house. I went outside to meet her. She stepped out of the car and I couldn't breathe. She looked hot.

Smokey eyes, her hair was straightened and looked even longer as it fell down her back. Her lips looked smooth and glossed. The deep red shirt that she wore made her eyes look even darker and the dark jeans looked good against it.

"You look so hot!" She smiled and parted her lips to say something but I reached up and kissed her. My tongue slid over her lips tasting the subtle strawberry gloss. Her lips parted and I felt her hand move around my waist to pull me close.

My tongue slid in and brushed against hers. She pulled away. "Your parents..." I jumped back and looked at the window. Everything disappeared away when I saw her, or tasted her. Now I'm sure I traumatized my dad. No dad wanted to see his daughter making out.

"Shit!" I wiped my lips and had to wipe away the gloss I smudged around on her mouth too. "Sorry."

"You can do that anytime."

"No I can't," she pulled me close and we walked towards the door. "You look soo good though." My hand slid down her back to her ass. "I'm so ready to-" A loud throat clearing made me jump away guiltily.

My dad was standing in the hallway and quickly walked up to Kia with hand outstretched. "Kia right?"

"Yes sir, it's a pleasure to meet you." The easy smile fell on her lips naturally. He nodded his head then turned away. My mom was behind him and walked up to Kia giving her a hug.

"Hello. Come on in girls. I'm putting the food out. Chris is gonna be late tonight so we'll start without her."

My dad was very quiet. I'd look over at him and catch him tapping his fingers on the table on hear his feet lighting tapping the floor. He was nervous too. We looked at each other and both smiled. I wanted him to like her. Maybe even needed him too. With a quick nod he cleared his throat.

"So Kia, What do your parents do?" I grabbed her hand and she grabbed right back. I didn't tell my dad about her dad or her mom. I looked up at her but she just smiled tightly at me.

"My dad's an engineer but he hasn't been working on any major projects for a while. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a while back but he's doing much better." My mom who sat down just as Kia started to talk reached over to pat her hand.

"I'm so sorry honey." She tried to get my dad's attention, probably to tell him to zip it, but he gave his condolences and pressed on.

"That's sad to hear. And your mom, how's she handling it?" Dad was oblivious.

Kia's grip was even tighter. "She died when I was young." Dad looked like he just put his foot in his mouth. Mom looked like she wanted to hit him then patted Kia's hand again.

"It's tough losing a parent." Kia nodded in agreement. "Your dad's gonna be in my prayers honey." I felt the shift in my mom's behavior right then. Even though I told her about Kia's parents she didn't really react except with the usual amount of pity. Now I saw her mothering kick in.

Dad was quieter after that but I knew that it was because of embarrassment and his still being uncomfortable with the whole lesbian thing.

"Dad, Kia's going to study to become a doctor when she's done with school." He smiled and turned toward Kia.

"That's very good. You have your eye on any schools?" When Kia listed off the few she was interested in he gave his opinion on the ones he knew of. They started a short conversation about universities then he looked at me when it died down.

I smiled and watched as he sat back, finally relaxing and focused on his food.

That's all that I needed from him. He just had to try.

"So Chloe told you already about her becoming a famous writer and teacher some day right?" I blushed and felt Kia's eyes on me.

"She did actually. She's going to be great." I looked up at mom but she was just smiling at me. I rolled my eyes but had to smile back.

"That poetry is gonna be well read one day. I guess you know about them. I'm still trying to get her to publish them in the paper downtown." Kia looked at me with a question in her eyes. I shrugged so she let it go.

"She amazing." Kia said and focused back on my mum who was asking her questions about school. We talked for a short while after dinner then I told mum that we'd clean up. When we all stood up Kia walked over to dad first and reached out for his hand.

"It was good meeting you Mr. Soto. Chloe only has good things to say about you." He smiled and told her not to be a stranger. "Yes sir." He walked off into the living room and we heard the television a minute later.

We turned to mum and she nodded her head toward the kitchen.

"He likes you. He doesn't do well with meeting any new boyfriends...or girlfriends." Kia smirked and slid her hands in her pockets. "Now, I'm not stupid ladies. I know about Saturday." I glanced at Kia but she just looked confused. "My mother taught me that if you don't let your kids go they'll just sneak away when you turn your back anyway. So be careful okay?" She looked from me to Kia then back at me."

Kia mumbled an okay and I told her that we would. "Okay, good." Mum walked over and hugged Kia. "Don't be a stranger now. I'll always have a place for you here okay?" Kia blushed and looked down at her shoes. The mothering was really getting to her now. She smiled up at me then went out to grab a few plates from the table.

"Good girl," mum said as she nodded her head in Kia's direction. I hugged her and told her thanks. "Oh I know. I'm the coolest mom ever." When she went into the living room Kia came back with a stack of plates. I still sensed that she was embarrassed so I didn't say anything.

We washed everything and wiped down the countertops. When we finished I took her hand and tugged her towards my room. She looked back at the living room, an eyebrow raised in question.

"It's okay, my mom said it's okay once we leave the door open exactly one inch." She laughed and followed.

When we stepped into the bedroom she let go of my hand and looked around. I turned on a light and she walked over to my dressers studying each item then walking over to the few pictures my mum put up on the walls a few years ago. It wasn't as big or nice as Kia's but it was always a pretty bedroom to me. It was where I could just disappear in my writing and music.

"This room is so you Chloe." She said with a smile. I sat down on the bed and she sat next to me. "I like it. It's so much better than mine." I looked at her like she was crazy. "You don't see what I see."

"Your bedroom is so nice Kia."

"But it doesn't have these touches." She pointed to the curtains my mom made for me a few years ago, the pictures of all of us on vacation one summer. I took her hand and watched as she studied one of the pictures of all four of us. "Very nice picture."

"Thanks." She put the picture back and turned towards me. When I saw her leaning forward I met her halfway. Our lips met in a soft kiss. "Thanks for coming Kia." She brushed my cheeks with her fingertips.

"My pleasure." She sat back still holding my hand. "The jury's still out on your dad though..."

"Compared to how he acted with he met Chris' last boyfriend I think he adored you. He didn't say a thing all through dinner when she brought him home." She didn't look convinced. "He knew how much I wanted him to like you." She smirked at me.

"Daddy's girl huh?" I shrugged.

"So?" She laughed and kissed me again but I squeezed my hand between us. When she looked down to see what was being pressed into her stomach she leaned back. "It's my poetry. My recent poetry. I have way too many journals now but I want you to read them...if you want to..." Her curious gaze suddenly made me nervous. I decided to go to the bathroom to wash up and give her time to read a few of them.

When I came back she was already a few pages in. I sat back against the head board and stretched out my legs crossing them at the ankles. She was focused on the journal. I saw her eyes open in surprise then her brows move lower, almost as if she were frowning. She licked her lips and turned the page. She was halfway through when she finally looked up at me. She slowly closed the book and looked back at it.

"I want this."

"It's yours." She smiled then frowned again.

"You're amazing." I smiled and thanked her but she shook her head. "No. You don't get it." She set the book on the side and moved over me until she lay between my thighs. "You are amazing," she said, punctuating each word with a kiss. I felt the heat rolling off of her and my hands slipped beneath her shirt. "Do you want me to do those things to you?" She nipped at my throat then moved back to my lips as she pressed down into me.

"What things?"

"Don't be all shy now, not after what I just read..." She slid her hands over my stomach, tugging up my t-shirt. When her hands grazed the bottom of my bra I wrapped my legs around her. My hands found her ass and began to move my hands over her. She stopped and looked down at me. "Do you see me like that Chloe?"

I tried to look away but she tugged my head back and kissed me. Her eyes patiently waited for my answer so I told her yes. The smile that was on her lips looked so genuine, that I wondered why she hid it away. Only when we were alone did I ever see it.

Her hands moved up to frame my face and she began to kiss me again, soon our breathing was erratic and her hips were pressing into me. "God Chloe," she groaned and reached down to unbuckle her jeans. Just as I slid my hands underneath them a quick knock filled the silence and my mom poked her head inside saying something. When she looked up her eyes widened and I frantically tried to push Kia away while she tried to get from between my legs. We just ended up being a tangle of limbs.

"Oh God, I'm sorry girls!" She turned around and stepped back outside. "I just wanted to tell you that you can stay a bit longer."

"Mom, you need to knock." I mumbled as Kia looked uncertainly at me. I patted her thigh and she stood up.

"Well, I told you to keep the door open Chloe, that's another way of saying no sex in the house." When I opened the door she was looking at me with arms crossed.

"We weren't having sex," I argued. She looked at Kia who looked away. I tried instead to change topics. "I'm the only person without a lock on their door." She rolled her eyes at our old argument.

"Chris got hers when she got in twelfth grade Chloe. You'll do the same."

"But I'm so much more MATURE than she was." Mum just turned towards Kia.

"Well, that's what I came to tell you two. But I repeat, NO sex."

"Yes mam, but I was about to leave anyway..." I looked back at Kia in surprise then scowled at my mother.

"You're scaring her away!" I took Kia's hand. "You don't have to go yet, we can stay for a while, talk..." Kia smiled and shook her head.

"I need to get home, tomorrow is a school day you know?"

"Oh, I forgot about that." Mum disappeared at some point so I watched as she grabbed my journal then walked her downstairs. The living room was empty. She put her boots on then grabbed the light jacket she hung in the closet. "So, Jen's party on Saturday right?" I asked.

"Right. And you're coming tomorrow right? The dance."

"Only if you promise not to do anything stupid tomorrow Kia." She smirked and kissed me goodbye. I watched her walk away noticing that she didn't make that promise. She waved as she drove away and I wondered what exactly she had in store the next day.

"Please be good Kia..."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 9

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