Bad Girl

By Mas P

Published on Mar 31, 2009


The story continues...sorry it took so long. The next one may not be up for a bit. Lots of work. Thanks to my fans for the encouragement and patience!

If you'd like to fan my ego, or take it down a notch then hit me up at:

Bad Girl - 6

By Mas

If Kia was the type of person to shove something in your face she would have said "I told you so" by now.

She wasn't. She didn't even seem to care one way or the other that Donna was M.I.A..

It's been two days.

That day was Wednesday when Don disappeared in the hallway, apparently getting sucked into a black hole. That's what I told myself at least. I did see her, but our conversations were now a minute long and she was always in a rush. Always late for something.

If the tables were turned she would have been at my throat. I just thought that it was funny.

Donna was falling for a nerd and trying her hardest to hide it.

And probably fight it. I left her alone though. I knew that she'd find me when she needed to make her confession.

I absently took notes as my mind drifted back to the last two days. Well, last two afternoons really. Kia was proudly paying the price for her and Micheal's graffiti party that Pricipal Dawson crashed. I'd wait to her and let her drive me home. These were short trips that didn't offer much time for getting closer but they gave us something rare and precious; time to be alone.

I read between the lines when I asked about her dad. She was worried. He was doing better but I heard the uncertainty in her voice. That was enough for me to not keep her away from him but that left me feeling useless. I didn't know how to take that worry away.

My mom was still smarting about me missing dinner that night. Beside's just coming out to her, I'd have to come up with something really believable to explain spending more time with Kia. And when I say "more time" I mean a full night. I was a little too old for slumber parties though if I told her Donna was having one I had a feeling she'd believe me no matter what.

But boy oh boy did I want to have a slumber party at Kia's house. But how could I want to touch her and kiss her and have her give me her full attention when she was dealing with her dad being sick and getting closer to him too? How could I want so much from someone who should be stretched thin emotionally?

So I didn't tell her how much I wanted her to drive out to the lake again. Or how I wanted to fall asleep with her again, listening to her heartbeat. I just wrote about it instead. I had pages upon pages filled with poetry about what she did to me. I hadn't slept as well as I did when she held me on my lumpy couch that day. Would it be right to tell her all of this? She dropped me home those two evenings and I had the perfect opportunity when she turned towards me. I let her go.

The bell rang and I headed towards my locker. While digging around in my bag I felt someone's eyes on me. I looked up and instantly began to smile.

Kia was leaning against my locker smiling at me.

I approached her and just managed to catch myself before I grabbed her hands to lean in for a kiss. It was so natural to touch her now. At least it was natural for me. The few stares targeted at us told me that I wasn't quick enough.

My hands dropped away and slid into the pockets of my jeans. Her smile was still there though.

"It's okay," she said then took my bag away from me and stepped back giving me access to my lock.

"No it's not," I mumbled. Would kissing her be so bad? Would it hurt someone if I were to hug her? Hold her hand? I looked around and began to hate every student who walked by. Then I began to think of the people who stopped talking to me. we weren't talking, so why exactly did I care what they thought of me? I look up at Kia who was looking into my locker at the random stickers I had on the inside. I grabbed the books I'd need for the weekend and slammed it close.

I took her hand, threading our fingers until I held hers tightly. She looked at our hands then at me and one side of her mouth lifted up.

"I'll be done at 4:15." I managed to looked around as we walked pass hand in hand. Some people were frowning, some whispering behind their hands but it was the people who were smiling who got my attention. A girl I'd seen around school a lot but never really talked to was giving me a thumbs up. I smiled and gave it right back.

Then of course, there were those who, if looks could kill, would have murdered me over and over and over again. Some people were envious.

"Donald's doing a project for our chemistry class. Science competition. He's here 'til 4:30." She approached the labs.

"I don't need a baby sitter Kia." She frowned at me and stopped walking.

"I know that. He's company. He'll be here. I told you so you'd have a friend to chill with Chloe." I felt stupid when the hurt look filled her eyes.

"Thanks." She shook her head and we entered the lab.

"You don't have to stay here if you don't want to Chloe."

"I want to, thanks Kia. It was kinda sucky being alone for an hour." We finally looked and I nearly did a double take. Donna was leaning into Donald's personal space and didn't seem to mind it in the least. Donald was saying something that had her completely enthralled. I knew her looks. At the moment Donna had her "I'm so fucking horny" look on her face. Horny. For Donald? I had living proof now. I looked at Kia to see her reaction, she looked at if we just walked in on Mr. Thomas teaching a class.

She noticed it though.

"Stop drooling Donna. Donny boy, you have some more company. Though I have a feeling that three's company eh?" Donna jumped back from the desk and Kia just chuckled as she looked over Donald's shoulders.

Her eyes scanned the paper and she shook her head.

"Lines 4 and 5 need to be looked over Donny boy unless you plan on having some fireworks at this competition." Donna was looking guiltily at me as Donald looked at the paper in front of him.

She glared at Kia then looked back at me. The look of apology in her eyes were too much, I wanted to burst out laughing. I thought it was hilarious and sweet. I never saw Donna so into a guy before. Not like this.

"What's up Chloe?" She pulled out a chair and sat next to me. I wrapped my arms around her shoulder and pulled her close.

"Oh I'm fine, how about YOU?" She turned rosy again and glanced at Donald who was talking to Kia and pointed animatedly to his paper. She shook her head and grabbed her school bag. "Hey? Donna..."

"I ummm...I'll call you Chloe. I promise!" She threw her books in her bag and Donald looked up in surprise.

"Hey...?" Donald said when he noticed her escape. She looked at Donald for a few moments and seemed to be sending some kind of secret message to him with her eyes. I looked at Kia and she raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

"Later guys," Donna said and left the room. Kia shook her head and slapped Donald on the back as she smiled down at him. He looked at the doorway confused then looked at me.

"Are all women this confusing?" Kia laughed and walked over to me. I pulled her close and pecked her on the lips.

"I want to take you meet my dad tonight." To say I was surprised would be an understatement. I knew that we talked about it but to actually meet him in the flesh?

"Ummm..." She smiled and grabbed a pen form her bag.

"Uncle P will be there, so don't worry." Oh sure, I thought, now I'm not worried at all.

"Ahhhh..." She kissed me again and rushed from the room.

"Okay..." I said to the empty doorway. I looked at Donald but he just shrugged.

I learnt that an hour can go by quickly when you were with someone who was passionate about what ever it was they were doing. It was definitely the case with Kia when we had sex. Even more so when we made love. An hour didn't seem like enough time.

I looked at my watch for the tenth time that minute. Not that Donald noticed as he rambled on about the experiment he was going to submit. I finally allowed my mind to drift back to the present when he began waving his arm around.

"What are you doing?" He finally stopped and looked at me pitifully.

"Wow. It's serious huh?" I smiled and told him that it was, at least on my end of things.

"Oh on her end too. No one doodles Chloes with little tiny hearts in physics if they're not serious." I laughed at that. Of course I didn't believe a word of it.

"You're lying."

"I am so not lying!" I sat back and began to laugh too. He told me he'd get proof. "It's just 5 more minutes, then you will be reunited with your better half." I looked up at him when he said that. Sometimes I wondered if she was my other half...the part that made me better.

"You think so Donald?" He moved his head up and down then looked over my shoulder. I turned around and grabbed our bags. I wasn't even going to think about what part of that conversation Kia heard.

From her little smile I'd guess a whole lot.

"Hey," she greeted.

"Hey." She reached out her hand and grabbed her bag then pulled away mine with the other one.

"You ready?" She asked. I turned and told Donald goodbye.

"Don't stay to long Donny," She said then we headed to the exit.

I called my mum and told her that I was going to spend time with a "friend" that evening. She was quiet for a moment then told me to be home by 12pm. I begged for an extra hour. She gave a half hour. I promised to wash her car that Sunday. She gave me an hour and a half. I loved my mum.

"You need to change or anything? I can swing by your house..." I told her to just head straight to her house.

"So, do you see Micheal in detention?"

"They put us on opposite sides of the room, and he doesn't wait around for me after school. None of his bitches around ya know?" I laugh and look out the window as the world passed us by. I was nervous and trying very hard to hide it.

I never met anyone's parent before like this. As their girlfriend. What did he expect? Would he like me? Are my jeans too tight? I pulled at them and began to worry even more. They were tight all right. Why did I wear them today anyway? Now he'll think that I'm a slut or something...Then how will I respond to him? What if I can't hold back my reaction if he looks really sick? I'm gonna make an ass of myself...I let my mind wonder down that road for quite a while, getting more and more worried the closer we got to her house.

Kia took my hand and placed it on her thigh then grabbed the shift again. I looked at her and she smirked at me then looked back on the road. Don't worry. I knew that it was what she was saying without saying it.

Easier said than done.

My hand moved up her thigh and grabbed between her legs. She jumped up suddenly and reached for my hand. The car swerved once, twice then straightened. She glared at me as I tried to shove my heart back down my throat.

"What the FUCK Chloe?!"

"Sorry..." I said meekly as I tried to shove my hand away. She held on and I finally saw the smirk on her lips. Then she laughed. Some of the tension went away.

"You could have at least warned me first." I laughed too and moved it back to its original location. Her thigh. I had no idea what I was even thinking.

"I'm sorry," I said again. Her hand found mine again and squeezed.

"You could have killed us ya know? I'm always so fucking horny for you. You can't just-"

"You are?" She always looked so cool, so in control. Only when we were alone and my hands were on her did I ever really sense it, or see it. She just always looked like she was in so much control.

"I'm what?"

"You're always horny for me?" She looked at me and shrugged. When I turned my hand over and threaded her fingers through mine she looked at me again.

"Yeah. Always."

"Me too." She smirked at me and moved her hand to the gear shift.

"No coppin' a feel 'til we get to the house." I laughed and promised her to control myself.

Kia hopped out of the car and practically ran over to my side. I just smiled up at her when she opened the door. She was excited alright. It wouldn't make sense to point out the obvious though. So I just took her hand and let her lead me into her house.

We were immediately bombarded with the scent of tomato sauce. My mouth watered. Italian food was a favorite.

"Pop! Uncle P! We're home!" We walked through the house and followed the sound of classical music into that room that I never learnt the name of. Kia's father stood up and I thought that he'd never stop rising.

It was pretty clear who she got her height from.

Though he looked thinner than he looked in the photos with Kia's mom, it wasn't obvious if you weren't looking for a difference. My mind hunted out signs of a sick man, it didn't find anymore.

"Well hello there. You must be the Chloe Kia's been rambling on about." His voice was deep and full, just like Peter's. To find out that they both sang wouldn't have been a surprise. I just managed to catch the embarrassment on Kia's face before she pulled me forward. I held out my hand as he held out his.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Pratt."

"The pleasure's all mine Ms. Soto." I must have looked surprised. He laughed and nodded at Kia. "You really have no idea how much she's been rambling..." Kia scowled at him but he only laughed more.

I smiled and slid my free hand in my pocket. Peter decided to make an appearance then. He walked over and held out his arms in the universal sigh for a hug. I didn't hesitate. I needed to see a familiar face. He really was like a big teddy bear. A big teddy bear that smelled like garlic. I breathed in deep.

"Hello there lovely. I see that Kia managed to share you with us today."

"Can you two stop please?" Peter stepped back and bit his lip and ruffled Kia's hair. As an outsider to their unit it looked pretty ridiculous. But when Kia laughed and punched his arm I got the feeling that they were usually that affectionate. Sometimes I forget about the short period of time we've been together. Time just seemed to stop existing whenever we were together.

"You all will have to wait a bit for the food." I watched as Peter looked over at Kia's dad with a question in his eyes, he only shook his head, Peter walked away a moment later leaving just the three of us again.

"So! Ms. Soto, I've heard that you're quite the writer." Kia sat on the couch opposite him, I sat next to her and I tried not to stare at him. It was hard though, the guy was handsome. It was like looking at of a spread of GQ magazine. I couldn't help but think that Donna would have fallen in love with him already.

Unlike Kia though, he liked color. He had on khaki pacts and a bright yellow button up shirt.

"Yes Mr. Pratt-"

"It's Richard." He smiled at me and I had to look at Kia to make sure I wasn't seeing double.

"Then you should call me Chloe." He nodded his head then winked at Kia. By the time I looked up at her she looked relaxed and cool as usual.

"I will, I will..." His smile grew. "Yes, so English...?"

"Well I hope to go off to study English after school. Maybe teach it."

"That's good. What do you write? What do you read?" From there we began to talk about writing styles, different books of literature and I found a kindred spirit in my obsession with poetry. I'd get excited about something Richard said and look up at Kia only to catch her staring at me with a soft look on her face. I'd squeeze her hand and get pulled back into the conversation by her dad; letting those moments go a second later. At some point I forgot to be scared shitless.

He looked at his watch then winked at me. He was very good at it. He had to have been a lady killer in school. I don't think that Kia's mom had a chance. She probably didn't even try to fight it. I wouldn't blame her.

"Well, Peter will be done in about 15 minutes or so I think, why don't you two go freshen up or something?" We stood up and he held out his hand again. "It really is good to finally meet you Chloe."

"It's great to meet you too sir." He smiled then hugged Kia close.

"Sorry for hogging her up baby." I watched as Kia transformed into a little girl before my eyes. It was only for a little while but it made her so much more...human to me. I soaked it up and tucked it away in my brain.

She led the way upstairs to her room then flipped on a switch. The room lit up and my eyes settled on the rumpled bed. Bad Chloe, I thought. It was hard though. I couldn't touch her enough and when I couldn't get to her body I had to settle for my day dreams instead. My imagination was very active the last few weeks.

She pulled me into the room and closed the door. Her arms were around me a second later hugging me. She squeezed and lifted me off of my feet. I squealed until she walked me over to the bed and flung me onto it. I saw the happy smile on her face and knew what was going through her mind. I guess it was a success.

"He loves you." She said as she moved over my body. Her lips touched my cheek then lifted up and grazed my mouth to kiss the other cheek. I opened my thighs and she settled between them as I ran my hands up and down her back.

"You think so?" It didn't matter how well I thought it went, I needed her to tell me that what I THOUGHT was the truth. That her dad actually liked me.

"I know so." She pushed up on her arms and leaned over me and I watched the muscles in her bunch together as she leaned into them. I ran my hands up her arm until I touched her shoulders. "Every one loves you."

My eyes found hers again and wondered if it was true. I wondered if she loved me too. It was on the tip of my tongue to ask her. I bit my lip and touched her chest instead. I pushed up her t-shirt and she got on her knees to take it all the way off.

"We're supposed to be freshening up," she said. That stopped me, I completely forgot about dinner when she touched me. I forgot about everything.

"I know, I'm sorry I-"

"But we have time." I smiled and ran my hand up her stomach. She leaned into me and I felt her weight falling onto me. My eyes became hooded as her jeans pressed into me. I unbuckled my jeans and began to tug them off. She unbuckled hers too. I shoved hers down and she kicked it off the rest of the way. My hand moved over her butt, then to the other to the edge of her briefs.

I kissed her shoulder then her neck as her hips pushed into me. I felt myself getting wetter. Her lips moved over my face then found my lips. I felt the tip of her tongue teasing me and opened my mouth to pull her in.

My jeans were being tugged down my thighs. When she pulled away from me to get them off I glanced at the clock on her night stand. "Kia, we need to go downstairs."

"Not right now we don't." She pulled away my panties and touched my stomach with one hand while the other moved between my thighs. I moaned when her fingers began to explore. Not that she needed too. By now she knew exactly what do to with me.

Her fingers slid into me easily. I felt her shift until she was stretched over me again. Our lips connected and began a slow, lazy kiss. Soon her fingers began to mirror her tongue.

I grabbed her ass and she straddled my thigh. My hips would rise up to meet her and I'd hear and feel her moan into my mouth. My eyes opened as her mouth stilled against mine.

She continued to move inside of me as she watched me. I came quietly, what started out as a rush ended up being slow and easy. I pushed her hips into me and saw her grimace. She still needed to let go but when I began to push up into her she stopped me.

"I'm okay," she mumbled and kissed my cheek. She rolled away a moment later. Something was wrong. It felt as if we were back at that party and she disappeared in the crowd. Except now it was just her and me. I didn't know what I did wrong and it's the not knowing that makes you go insane. It can make you hurt too.

I grabbed my jeans and pulled them on determined not to cry. My fingers were shaking a little when I tried to buckle them. I felt her hands on mine a moment later.

"I'm sorry," she said and lifted up my face. "I'm sorry Chloe. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"What did I do wrong?" She shook her head at me and hugged me. When she stepped back I wiped my eyes but stopped when she began to wipe at them too. It was like a roller coaster with her. I didn't know when I'd go speeding down again.

"You didn't do anything wrong. I'm just an idiot that's all. I-" Peter shouted for us to get downstairs before she could finish. She scowled at the closed door then looked back at me. Her lips softened and she leaned in to kiss me. When she pulled back and took my hand we both stood up from the bed. "Bathroom?" She asked. I nodded my head and we left the room. I felt as if we left something important behind but had no idea what it was.

When we stood at the top of the stairs she stopped me. I looked back at her I saw the doubt in her eyes. It was in everything, the way she held my hand, the way she stood leaning against the banister. Her mouth worked as if she were trying to say something...or NOT say something. Then she rubbed her face and looked down the stairs.

"Sometimes I see things...on your face and in your eyes...and I don't know how to respond to them." Her eyes lifted and met mine again. "No one ever taught me how to respond to them." She looked away then back at me. Her gaze drifted down until it stopped at my lips waiting on my response.

"I don't think we're ever taught that. I think we learn as we go along." She looked into my eyes and bit her lower lip. "I know that I'm doing that now. With you." She smiled at me. I guess the saying misery loves company was true. I laughed at the relieved expression on her face.

"So you won't get angry when I do the wrong thing?"

"I never said that." I was saved by the bell by Peter hollering for us to get our butts downstairs. We entered the dining room and found Kia's dad sitting at the head of the table as Peter laid out a salad bowl, a steaming bowl of tomato sauce, cheesy garlic bread and a still sizzling pan of lasagna. My stomach was doing cartwheels by then. Very loud cartwheels.

"This looks very good!" I said and smiled at Kia who held the chair for me.

"Let's hope he puts the right amount of garlic in it this time," Kia grumbled just loud enough for Peter to hear and he walked by. His smirk fell as he put his hands on his hips. I looked at Richard confused but he just rolled his eyes and spread his napkin on his lap.

"Here we go again," he said then told me to ignore them. "A disadvantage of having two self-proclaimed chefs in the house I'm afraid."

"My recipe is flawless! You ingrate," Kia laughed then turned to me.

"We were bleeding garlic for days after his last Italian night."

Richard laughed but turned towards me shaking his head. "It was fine. They both have sensitive taste buds or something. It always tastes like a 5 star meal no matter who cooks."

"ESPECIALLY when I cook." Peter winked at me and he waltzed back into the kitchen. He seemed to be in his element somehow. The host of the evening.

"You drinking wine? Juice? Soda?" I told her juice and she left the room to get it. We heard raised voices and I looked up in worry then we heard them come back into the room laughing a minute later.

I never had so much fun eating dinner in my life. If Richard wasn't embarrassing Kia like crazy then Peter was telling some wacky story about his patients.

I was pulling away another slice of doughy cheesy bread, definitely my favorite of the evening as Peter told us another story about a cranky, old man he had to take care of a few years back.

"...I'm telling that old man beat the hell outta me! They had 3 orderlies come in to pull him off. Quite the upper hook." I nearly choked as I imagined it.

"For some reason I don't see a 90 year old man giving you an upper hook Peter," I said. He just grinned and asked if I wanted some more food. It had to be some conspiracy to get me to gain weight because my plate was always filled with food and I never noticed when they did it.

"You want some more juice? Or maybe some water?" Kia asked me as she rubbed my thigh. I took her hand and told her something warm would be nice. "I can make you some tea...?" When I nodded my head she stood up, asking if anyone else wanted something warm.

"I want something sweet. I'm about to grab some ice cream in a minute." Peter announced as he sat back in his chair rubbing his stomach. Richard sat back doing the same thing and they both turned their attention to me. To say it felt strange...well it felt strange.

Finally Richard spoke up. "That one walks down the hallway humming Sinatra now." I looked into the kitchen where I barely caught sight of Kia puttering around. Peter laughed and grew quiet again.

"She has good taste in humming music." Richard chuckled.

"No one knows how long they're gonna last you know?" My smile fell away but he shook his head. "I'm not being melodramatic; these two made a fighter outta me a long time ago."

"I'm very happy to know that you're doing better Mr. Pratt." He nodded his head and told me thanks.

"I didn't tell you that so that for your sympathy, though I do appreciate it. It's just strange how life turns out..." I watched as Kia burnt her hand or something and frowned at it as if her scowl would make it go away. I looked back at Richard but now he studying Kia too. "She spent most of her teenage life worrying about me when I spend every waking moment worrying about her." He nodded at Peter who was smiling at me still. I don't think I ever saw him frown. "We both do."

"She's lucky to have the both of you in her life." It felt clich‚ to say but it also felt as if it had to be said.

"I think that we're the lucky ones. It's just good to see one part of her life where we can...back off." Richard said. Peter nodded his head in agreement. "Kia doesn't introduce me to any women she's with, for a wide array of reasons. But she decided to introduce you. So I take that to mean that you're the real deal."

It felt like a blessing as much as it felt like a warning. I looked at Peter and he winked at me. It was more blessing that warning I guess.

Kia was setting the tea on a tray and turned towards us again. I love her, I thought, but when I looked up and saw them smiling at me I realized that I said that out loud. When she asked me about the blush spreading up my neck I told her I had to be tired or something. She didn't look convinced but didn't push the issue. She just glared at her dad and Peter accusingly and settled back down taking my free hand.

We talked about the future. Goals. Dreams. The usual things older people ask younger people to figure them out. And like most conversations with another generation, you leave with some grey area still intact. Overall I felt support for my goals of becoming a writer and teacher someday soon. Peter yawned and announced that Richard had to turn in. Richard did look tired and from the way he readily leaned into Peter we knew that he was.

Kia stood up and hugged him goodnight and hugged Peter too. I hugged them both too and watched them disappear down the hall. I looked up at the stairs and Kia knew what I was wondering about.

"We set up a room downstairs too. When he's tuckered out he chills in there." She began to clear the table and I helped her load up the dishwasher. We set it to wash and wiped down the counters.

It was 9:30 by the time we got upstairs. I knew that I had homework to do, books to read, but they didn't seem like good enough reasons to leave.

I told her that I wanted to wash up. So she walked me to the bathroom turning on lights as we went. When I was done I walked back into the bedroom to find her wiping her own face with a towel. She used the bathroom in her dad's room.

I watched her walk to her stereo and push a button. Her ass looked perfect in her tight boxer briefs. They had a thick grey band with "Calvin Klein" boldly written on in. Suddenly I loved Calvin Klein briefs. She bent down to look at something and I watched the muscles bunch then relax, the material stretching then settling as she stood up again.

I didn't even realize I was moving closer to her until I saw my hands reaching out to touch her. When my hands held her I squeezed the firm globes. Her hands stilled then moved again, a moment later I heard John Mayer's raspy voice filling the room. She turned around in my arms and wrapped her arms around me.

"Two hours isn't enough time," she said.

"I know..." She unbuckled my jeans and I pulled off my t-shirt. When I stood naked in front of her she looked at me. I began to feel self conscious but forced myself to really look in her eyes. What they revealed made those insecurities disappear.

She bent down and lifted me up into her arms. I squealed as she walked over to the bed making as if to toss me onto the bed. When she gently lay me down on the bed I grabbed her arms and pulled her roughly into me. "Ungh," she grunted as she fell down on top of me. That turned into "Mmmmm," as I wrapped my body around her. She rolled us over until I was on top of her. I tugged at her bra, trying to get access to her breasts. Soon I got impatient and began to pull it up, she lifted her arms readily. When she lowered them they began to touch me all over.

"Your body...your body is so sexy Chloe." She pulled me to her and rolled us over again until she was snugly between my thighs. She kissed my ear then across my jaw until she reached my lips again. Then I felt her tongue pushing against my lips. They opened and met her. Soon we were rubbing against each other not only with our lips. I pushed against her as I slid my hand down then over her ass.

"I love you in these." I pulled them down.

"You do?" She sucked on my chin then nipped at the skin there only to move lower.

"Yeah." I pushed them down with my feet when my hands couldn't reach anymore. She pushed into me and I felt when the tip of her clit rubbed against mine.

"Then why are you taking them off?" I laughed at that but kept shoving anyway until they were gone. My legs wrapped around her again, opening myself to her. She shifted around until I felt her hands between us, then I felt her knuckles graze my flesh.

She smirked at me and then I felt her heat against me. She was like a furnace. I felt how wet she was, how hot and swollen she was when she pressed up into me.

With eyes closed I gripped her ass and followed the slow grind she started. Her hand slid beneath my ass as she moved into me. Our kisses got sloppier as I began to unravel right beneath her.

I felt her body getting warmer too. I heard her breaths getting shorter. Then she was grinding into me non-stop. I couldn't get close enough to her. Her lips pulled away from me as she buried her face in the pillow shouting out her release. Wetness poured into me making her slide even easier against me. I wasn't as quiet. I felt myself burst beneath her and felt each drop dipping down my pussy.

I don't know how much time passed before I quieted. She was still slumped over me and I ran a hand lazily over her ass. She began to stir and I felt her kiss my neck. Then she was up and looking down at me with eyes darker than I'd ever seen them.

"I want to fuck you so bad." I licked my lips that were suddenly dry. She made the most crass words sound so hot. My pussy began to pulse in agreement.

She rolled over until she leaned over the edge of the bed. I heard her digging through her draw then heard a grunt as she rolled over again on top of me. She had something in her hand but turned my head to her when I tried to look at it. "You trust me Chloe?"

"You know I do." She was on her back again and I was on top of her. Then I got a good look at what she had in her hand. At first I smiled at the rainbow colors of the dildo then my eyes bulged at the size of it. It was bigger than her last one. Noticeably bigger. I took it from her and ran my hand over it enthralled.

Did she want to use it on me or have me use it on her? I looked at her curiously. Once again she read my mind and shook her head.

"Not yet..." I nodded my head slowly.

"You can control it, you can be on top..." She was rubbing my thighs.

"It's really big Kia."

"You can handle it." She smirked at me then I felt her fingers teasing my clit again. Her voice dropped a few octaves. "I really want to use it with you."

I leaned in and kissed her then looked at the fastening trying to figure out the mechanics of it. I told her to raise her hips and in a matter if minutes had it snugly attached to her hips. I pulled it experimentally and heard her hiss as her eyes turned to slits. "I don't want to be on top..." She nodded her head and rolled us over. My body tensed in expectation but instead I felt her lips press against my neck. Then it drifted down to my breasts.

"Relax baby...relax..." And relax I did. She slid a tongue around my nipple and began to suck on it like it was a piece of candy. Then she moved to the other nipple and I felt myself getting soaked. I was wiggling around beneath her as her hands ran up and down my sides then over my breasts. She moved up my body until her lips were on mine again I let her deepen the kiss, falling along behind her as she sucked on my lips nipping the skin then rubbing her mouth against mine. She shifted beneath me then I felt her fingers between my legs, sneaking their way into the folds of my pussy.

The rhythm was slow and easy. She wasn't trying to get me off, it felt like she was trying to get me ready. I wanted her though. "Kia..."

"Shhhh..." She said against my lips as she teased my clit. Then I felt the dildo rubbing against me. My heart began to speed up in excitement as the cool material touched me. I shivered and felt her arm around me a moment later. "Cold?"

"N-no..." I grabbed her hips as she slowly ran the tip of the dildo up and down my sex. At some point my eyes slid close and my head fell back. She began to kiss my neck then pulled the skin into her mouth as her fingers entered me then withdrew just as quickly.

"Kiaaa!" I was so frustrated. I didn't need to be though, since a moment later I felt the tip of the dildo begin to slide into me. I opened my eyes and looked up at her.

"Just relax baby...relax for me." She watched my face and I tried to watch hers but couldn't when I felt it stretching me even more as she slid out then in of me. It was so much. I felt so full and I coldn't help but think of Kia filling me up. It was Kia that was making me feel this way.

My thighs moved up her hips, forcing her to go even deeper. I moaned into the bedroom as I felt her arm move next to my head. My thighs tightened as she stilled in me. I was panting now, trying to make sense of how good it felt and my body screaming that it was too much. "Kia..." She said soothing words in my ear and slid out again then in even deeper. My eyes flew open. "Oh God," I whimpered.

"You're so fucking wet...oh baby..." She ran her hand up and down my thigh.

"Kia...Kia...deeper..." She looked up at me and did as told. I never even remembered telling her those words. My arms wrapped tightly around her shoulders as she did as told and I thought I'd implode right under her. She moved again and filled me completely. I was in heaven. I felt her mouth on mine, kissing me but I was in another world, then she began to move inside of me.

That's when I came back to earth. My hand reached down and held her ass, loving the way the muscles flexed beneath my fingers as she moved. Soon we had a rhythm going that we matched with our mouths.

I felt her with every stroke, every time her hips slapped against mine. Every time her breasts rubbed against mine. I felt it all. Something was tilting inside of me and I didn't know what to hold on too. I wrapped my arms around her neck instead as she grabbed my shoulders, pushing me down into her every time she slid inside of me.

"Oh God, Kia..."

"It can't be this good..." I heard her mumble into my neck then she raised her head and looked down at me. My eyes drifted open and close, capturing moments like photographs as the room started to explode.

I heard a scream and a cracked voice shouting a stream of curses.

She changed the way she moved over me and soon I felt her jerking into me as my body tightened around the dildo. A low moan that seemed to go on forever filled the room. It was even louder since her lips were at my ear.

Only later did I realize that the shouts and screams were ours when we both spoke with cracked voices. If the gibberish that left our mouths could be considered speaking. I think she asked me if I was okay.

Kia gently slid out of me then rolled over onto her back. I saw her glance over at the clock. I could only watch her as she took off the strap and threw it on the floor. It was like I was outside of my body watching it all happen. Kia literally fucked my brains out.

When she wrapped me up in her arms I didn't resist. I let her pull the sheets around us then murmur nothings into my ear.

Was it always this intense? How can it be like this so soon? I drifted off with those questions drifting around in my head colliding with the emotions in my heart. It was like oil and water. I decided to let them fight it out and went to sleep instead.

It felt like I was asleep forever. It ended up being only a half an hour. When I opened my eyes I was on my side facing Kia who had a thigh flung over me. Her eyes were still behind closed lids but I had the feeling that she was wide awake. My fingers moved up to trace the arch of her eye brows, only then did I finally get to see those chocolate eyes again.

"Pretty eyes," I said as I gazed into them.

"You can't go around calling butch girls pretty."

"But I didn't call you pretty, I called your EYES pretty. Pretty." She chuckled and slipped her hand down to rub my lower back. Her eyes slid close again but opened a moment later to peek over my shoulder. When she settled back into bed I guessed that I still had time.

Right then my family was the enemy and annoying the hell outta me. That moment I wished that it was just me and Kia. Of course nothing could ever be that simple.

"I don't want to leave. I like your family." Kia smiled at me and I saw her dad in that smile so much. "Your dad must have been a lady killer back in the day. Peter too."

"He had his wild days. And it's weird to think of Uncle P as a lady killer." She tugged at my hair then let go only to scratch my scalp. My eyes slid close as I started to purr.

"Why? 'Cause he's an old man?"

"No, cause he's gay." My eyes opened then in surprise. She was smiling at me, looking like she was about to laugh.

"No way!" She nodded her head. "I didn't know..." An eyebrow rose in disbelief. "I'm serious!"

"Oh, and the rainbow wrist band and hoop earring didn't give him away?" She laughed at me as I began to connect the dots. "You're so cute Chloe."

I pinched her side but she only grabbed my hand pushing it behind me. When I promised to behave she released it. I burrowed even deeper under the covers when she glanced at the clock again. "It's good that they are so close, that you all are."

"It wasn't always that way. They had it tough for a while; with dad getting over Uncle P lovin' dick and all-" I puncher her in the stomach making her laugh. "I'm kidding! Jeesh!"

"You better be. Your uncle is awesome." I watched as her eyes sobered.

"I know. He's the first person I talked too when I came out." She ran her fingers over my lips following her touch with her gaze. "When he came out our family dropped him. Everyone except dad and mom. He told me about how hard it was. Then when I came out, those same family members pulled away even more." I lifted my hand to her cheek. She turned towards the touch. "We stuck together though. I always had him or dad. Fuck the rest of 'em." She looked defiant now but I heard the trace of sadness behind the words.

I smiled and rubbed her back. "That's good Kia. I'm happy for you guys." My mind drifted to my own family and how they might react when I came out. Would I have someone like Peter in my corner? I wished that I had an Uncle Peter in my life.

"I don't know if my dad would be like that..." Suddenly I felt incredibly sad.

"There's no rush Chloe..."

"There is Kia. I don't want to hide you." She looked into my eyes then moved closer until her lips met mine.

"Okay. But I still won't rush you." She looked up at the clock again, this time when she looked back at me I knew that it was time to go. I rolled over and glared at the clock trying to make it burst into flames by the power of my mind. It didn't, so I just started to find my clothes instead.

When I stood up after an unsuccessful hunt for my panties Kia was already dressed in dark sweats and a t-shirt. "I lost another set of panties. I'm surprised you don't have a mini collection going on by now." When I looked up at her I nearly burst out laughing at the blush that was creeping up her neck. Someone had a bit of a fetish. I just smiled and shook my head.

When she took my hand to lead me downstairs I thought of all the questions I wanted to ask her. The things I wanted to tell her. We just never seemed to have any time. It was as if once we got alone, we both had a one track mind. Get naked.

"I want to talk to you, spend time together..." She looked at me with raised eyebrows as she opened her car door. "It's just that whenever we get together I think we forget about talking..."

"We talked just now." She pointed out.

"I know. That's true, but we can't...control ourselves and I want to know you better."

"I can control myself. Don't know 'bout you though." I crossed my arms defiantly.

"I soooo can control myself." At the skeptical look in her eyes I felt my defenses rising up. "You're the one who drags me into any available bathroom you can find..."

"Are you implying that I'm a nymphomaniac?" I laughed and hit her thigh.

"No! I'm just saying that we need to talk and you can't seem to keep your hands off of me long enough to do it."

"I think it's the other way around." The streets were practically empty as she maneuvered past familiar buildings. "I have full control of my body Ms. Soto."

"You do huh?" When Kia nodded her head slowly I snorted. "Okay then, it that's the case then how about we hold off on sex for two weeks, then we can focus on getting to know each other." Kia shifted around in the car seat then glanced at me.

"Two weeks?" I nod my head, trying not to laugh at the strained way she asked it. "Are you sure you can handle that?" I laughed and assured her that I could. She shifted again and seemed to ease back into her relaxed mode.

"No problem Chloe." My mouth hung open. I was sure she'd refuse it since I experienced how...passionate she was. I was sure she'd say no.

"You sure Akia." Kia readily nodded her head. "It'll be two weeks of no sex..." She nodded her head again.

"It'll be good to focus on getting to know each other better." I nod my head slowly as she pulled up to my house. The living room light was on but I saw no one in the window. That was a good sign. I turned back towards Kia.

"Okay," I was feeling better and better about this with every second. "So this weekend we'll start our two weeks of no sex."

"We can kiss right?" She asked hurriedly. When I tell her yes she let out a relieved breath. "Good. Cause THAT I'd say no too in a second." She leaned over and kissed me deeply then pulled away a minute later. "You should have an ice pack ready for that wrist," she said as she got out of the car.

When she opened my door I asked her what she was talking about. "You're gonna be real close to that hand for the next two weeks. I don't want you to...overwork it." With that she left me at my door and walked back to her car. Only when I stepped inside did she wave and drive off.

Someone should have told me. I would have believed them. I'm not so proud. But really, someone should have told me how right Kia was.

If you're thinking about making some vow of chastity with your to-hot-for-her-own-good girlfriend, then don't. By the time I knew what was happening, I was sure that I was loosing my mind those weeks.

If it's one thing that I learnt after this little experiment of mine, it was that I was not meant to be chaste where Akia Pratt is concerned. Not at all.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 7

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