Bad boy next door

By pearl wilkie

Published on Mar 6, 2013



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hi my names peter, pete to my friends and petey to my family. i am 30 years old 5'11 short blond wavy hair emerald green eys and what people would call a swimmers body. i'm a gay single dad to an almost two year old his mum walked out on us when he was only a baby. she couldnt handle the fact i was gay we only got together to plaese my mum it would kill her if she knew she belives your one or the other and if your the aother you need shot. so i got with this lass had to get drunk to sleep with her though one and only time we did it she got knocked up. but am glad as junoir is my life now. once hes in bed am usually on facebook msn or nifty.

one night on facebook i got a friend request from an old neighbourgh. i grew up with his uncles and aunts they were like my family. i was shocked i handt seen him in 6 years. i accepted and looked at his profile . whoa he got hot in last couple years nice muscle body goatee and short blonde curly hair. i was in love he was in and out of jail more then i have my pants but he was hot. i noticed he was engaged that sucked he was straight. just then a message popped up.

Keiran: hey pete long time no speak

Me: he bud yeah been a while let me guess locked up agian

Keiran: yeah bad me hey i noticed you play poker on here fancy a game

Me: aye why no lol

so we played poker for hours even had video chat on while we palyed we listend to some music and he kept pulling some funny face and made me laugh. i asked him were he stayed now when he told me i nearly fel off the couch he said " whats the matter where do you stay like" i told him go to your front door i'll show you" i ran to my bedroom window and looked down two houses he came out and i waved i could hear him laughin he went back inside and i went back to the comp he couldnt belive we stayed so close neither could i. we palyed a few more hands and before we knew it, it was 5 am so we headed to bed. the whole time playin and when i went to bed my cock was rock solid. i decided to look up some stories on nifty to help me get of. i found a good story bout twins. as i read i stroked my dick long and hard occationally teasing my hole when i finshed reading i came hard imaginin keiran licking up my balls and rimming my sweet hole.

i slept soundly. the next few nights i checked to see if he was on no luck. i went bout doin my usual household chores. one night my son woke up screaming so i settled him again. while i waited for him to go back to sleep i logged on facebook. there he was as soon as i got on a message popped up.

Keiran: hey dude come on poker and call me

Me: ok bud 2 secs

i slipped on some boxers as when am home am naked hate wearin clothes. so when i was settled i sat in front of the comp. started the call and the poker. we palyed for a while not really talking. then he told me it was his birthday tomorow and he'd be 23 god i felt old. i said " aww happy birthday bud hope you have a great day" he went all quiet and looked sad " whats up bud" i asked "my birthday is goin to be shit, my girlfreidn told me tonight were on a break" he was almost cryin " aww bud am sorry" he just shrugged " look if your about tommorow i will give u birthday hug and a card" he laughed and said "thanx dude" we played some more and i told him i need to got to bed but will see him tommorow

next morning he was on again and i wished him a happy birthday i told him when i was leavin and he said hed watch out for me. once i got junior ready we headed out the door. i nearly fainted he was waiting opposite my house standing in the classic bad boy pose, leaning agsinst the wall one leg up and his hands in his pokcet smoking. when he smiled i nearly fell down the stairs. once i got my little monster in his buggy we headed of down the road. we were just about to part and he asked for a hug. i happily obliged he smelled soooo good he was wearing lynx africe my fav. i just hope he didnt feel my boner rubbing up against his leg. i wished him a happy birthday again and we went our seperate ways. my day went by pretty quick but i couldnt get him out my head.

that night when i had stteled junior in his bed i booted up my laptop and logged on to facebook. he wasnt on but i sent him a message.

Me: hey bud if your not up to anything tonight come over i got some beer in the fridge and some whickey in the cupboard just drop me a text and ill open the door.

i was just bout to get in bath when my phone went off. it was from keiran. he said he'd loved to come over. i repiled tellling him i was just jumping in the bath to head over in 20 mins. i quickly soaped myself up washed down had to try and get rid of this woddy it just wouldnt go down not even after i oplayed with my hole. damn you body lol i finshed washing myself and got out the tub i rubbed my hair and wrapped towel around my waist. id forgotton i'd opened the door i was in my bedroom dryin off i never shut the door so i could listen out for my son. i drpopped the towel and was drying my hair i never heard him coming in. i turned off the hair dryer and turned around he was standing at my door. i grabbbed the towel and covered up. "shit dude sorry i guess you couldnt hear me" he laughed i blushed from head to toe " nah dude its cool if you head through the kitchen and grab yourself a beer ill get dressed and meet you in the living room" it wasnt till i dropped the towel i noticed i still had a boner. i put on my tighest boxers even thought it hurt i needed to control this unrully boy in my pants. i put on some baggy sweats and tight tee and head through. je was lying over my chair i didnt mind i sprawled myself over the sofa with my beer in hand. " so you had a good day" i asked tryin not to look at his crotch as his legs were spread wide in front of me " nah dude only got one card n that was from you my life sucks right now" i wanted to hug him so bad but guys dont hug and he'd no i was gay.

a couple beers down i pulled out some cards and asked if he felt like a game of poker. he nodded "if you were a girl we could have played strip poker" we both laughed. we played a couple of hands had a few whiskey's and we bth srt f loosened up a bit. the next hand things got strange i won and keiran took off his t-shirt i thought maybe he just hot i did have the heating on. i then delt out the second hand again i won and he took off hos shoes again i confinced myself he was just getting comfy. so i shook my he he loked at me and smiled i laughed and played next hand again i won ok somerthing serious was goin on i never been this good. he stood up and peeled off his jeans slowly i couldnt help drool when he pulled them over his groin he had no boxers on and his gorgeous 10" rock hard dick popped out and hit his abs i came in my pants hard i had to drink from a moan escaping my lips. i was in heaven i looked away quickly "what the hell man i thought we wernt playin strip poker" he laughed "well i seen you naked thought id return the favour" i laughed tryin to hide my boner. he sat back down and it stood out proud i got up and got us another couple of beers.

when i came back he jumped i bit i think he was having a quick stroke. i handed him his beer ias i did i accidently brushed my hand over the head of his cock it jumped abit. "oh shit sorry dude you really need to tie the beast dwn though least throw your jeans back on" "nah man am comfy" he laughed " whay dont you join me" i shook my haed " nah man can't" i said he looked at me puzzeled. " i'm embarresed" i looked into his eye he was sitting up straight now " i'm gay keiren and when you stripped off i kinda made a mess in my bxwers" i got up and ran to my room. he followd me and put his arm around me. " dude dont be ashamed why the fuck do you think ive got this " he said waving ++++ his dick " am bi have been for years why do you think i like in prison so much. i boned up when i saw your cute bubble butt bouncing around when you were dancing drying your hair" he laughed so did i. he pulled me in and kissed me it was so passionate. we fell on to my bed and he kissed down my body licking and nibbling each of my nipples i was in heaven .

as he slid down he raqn his tounge along my abs which were not as firm as they used to be but he was loving it. he ran his tounge down my snail trail and pulled of my sweats first then my boxers he held them up to his face "mmmm fresh cum you cant beat it" i blushed again. he laid my boxers n the floor he procced back up to my cock he licked up the shaft and around the head an supprised me by swallowin me hole damn it felt so good. i told him to shift up so i can finnaly get a taste of the thing ive been desiring. he did and my god he tasted so good takin in as much of his cock as i can i burried my nose in his pubes my god he smelt great. we stopprd on the verge of climax he shifted round and we kissed, running out hands over our bodies. " hey dude you got any lube" he asked "yeah just in the drawer there" when i said it i regreted it i rememered what lse was in that drawer. he opened it and saw his picture id printed of from the computer i stammered " erm erm its not what you think" he laughed " so you didnt print of my pic to wank of to the " i hid my face " hey dont worry bout it " he ran through the living room i thought he was goin to run off when he came back in with his wallet. he pulled out a picture as he handed it to me he said " this is what i use to get off last couple weeks infact thats why my gf broke it off cause she found me wankin over it" when i looked i relised it was me.

we cuddled and i got hard again. i ran my hand down his body and he did the same he whispered in my ear " please fuck me hard its been soooo long" " my pleasure sexy" i groweled in his ear. i grabbed the lube and rubbed a big glob on my dick. i got him on his back put his legs over my shoulders and dove right on his ass with my tounge he tasted soooo sweet. drove my tounge in as far as i could he wriggled under me moaning in pleasure. when he was nice and slicked up i put some lube on my fingers. i was just about to finger hime to lossen him up when he said " no just fuck me hard please i need you in me now" i aim to please i slowly entered his hole stopped at the head till he got used to me but didnt take long. he was soon pushing back on me i slid in further. when i was in completely i didnt heastitate i drew in and out hard and fast each stroke faster sweat pouring of both of us i leaned down and licked his nipples one by one then kissing him hard as i exploded inside him still hard i kept pumpin and pumping till i eventually collapsed on top of i lay acros him i could feel his ht steam of cum shoting up my stomach. " god that was great" i said wrapping my arm around him. "yeah tell me about it am no goin to be able to walk for a week" he laughed.

we fell asleep in each others arms. in the morning i felt a bit upset as am aminly a bottom and would love that giant peice of meat inside me. as if reading my mind keiran turned around and said "i really wish we had'nt fell alseep last night, i really wanted a peice of that ass what times the wee man due up" i looked at the clock 6:30am "yeah got bout 2 hours till he usally gets up why?" i giggeld knowing full well the answer. i grabbed te lube from the bed side cabinit i was about to hand it to him when he flip me over on all fours and set about to eat my ass out. every time his long hard tounge darted in and out of my hole i thought my dick was going to explode. after what felt like an hour he finally gave me whatr i desired we fitted so well his enormous dick filling up every inch of my hole god he knew what he was doing i matched eevery stroke while jerking my dick. i came fast and hard in my hand,. he pulled my hand up to his face and licked it clean as he did this i could feel him filling up my hole. he collasped ontop of me we rolled over and held each other tight " i never want to let you go petey your amazing" i blushed " i know keiran but we need to get up soon junior will be up and i need to get him sorted. we finnaly got out of bed and went about sorting a bath for junoir.

about 9am kerian said " i really got got to go petey i hate leaving you but needs must i got to to my parole officer" i hugged him and kissed him tight "i understand babe don't worry will you come over tonight" e nodded an we kissed again he thew me against the window and kissed me hard. i wouldnt be able to keep that out my head all day. as he was leaving i watched his cute butt bounce down my stairs i nearly cried. i got on with the rest of the day but it was hard keeping him out of my head. that nght after junoir was asleep i logged on facebook hoping he was there, but no luck. i was gutted i left him a message as i was headin in the bath telling him my door was unlcked just head up. after an hour long soak i got out checked ma messages nothing he wasnt comming. i locked my door and went to bed. next morning still nothing i fiugered he just wanted a one night stand and was too chicken to tell me.

I had put him at the back of my mind well tried to it was hard i was falling for him fast. i was such a mug. i hadnt seen his flatmate or his mum or stepdad pug for ages so couldnt even ask them. about a week later i got a letter from the prison in perth. i thought why am i getting this i dont know anyne in there. i never thought about it i put it in my back poket and got junoir up the staris and got him ready for his tea and bed. i didnt even bother loggin on to facebook i just ran my bath. when i took my jeans off the letter fell out. i sat on the edge of the bath to read it . when i opened it i almost cried, it was from keiran.

My gorgeous petey

i am soooooo sorry but i have got my self into a bit of trouble. the other night was amazing and i wish you had conviced me to stay with you. when i left i bumped into pug and he started laying into me. he saw us grom your window kissing and started calling me a stupid fag and i should be delt with till am straight. i just lost it and laid into him but i couldnt stop if i did he might have came after you and i coudlnt let him do that i needed to protect you and junoir. ive been sent down for 3 years i dodnt expect you to wait for me but please i hope you will when i get out at least be freinds.

your to far in love

keiran xx

i was i tears he did this for us. but i had to get him out of my help thres was nothing i could do to help him. i just hope pug pulled through or he'd be done with murder. the next few days were in a whirl. i headed to my mums as usuali was just turning the corner when i saw pug and keirans mum thea getting out a cab. i coulndt belive it he had a broken arm n black eye i would have done worse. thea shouted profanities at me. i just ignored her. and headed to mums she knew all about it and although she didnt like keiran becase of his past she was greatfull thaty he was protecting me and her grandchild. she offered to look after junoir if i ever wanted to go visit kerian so i wrote him a letter asking him to send me a visitors order. i waited weeks but no reply. one day i bumped into keirans auntie sal who was my auntie too when she married my uncle steve, " hey anuntie sal you herd from keiran lately ive been tryin to get a visitors order but no herd from him in weeks" she started cryin " oh hunnie you havent heard keiran was killed last week by his cell mate, aparently this guy took a liking to keiran but when he shouted out another guys name during the sex the cell mate lost it and shived him" i fell to the ground my love dead was it me he shouted i wondered. sal picked me up and hugged me " am sorry hun im guessing it was you he was shouting for he truly loved you he told me in his last letter"

i wandered around lost and broken. the day came for keirans funeral mum had junoir. i went to the church i got hatred looks from most of his family sal was the only one who stood up for me "it was pete's fault kerian fell in love with him it was pugs homiphobic attitude that put keiran behind bars" "come sit with me hun" i did and she held my hand the whole service i went with her in the car to the graveside. when we got there there was another funeral ending i noticed this tall blonde guy starin at the grave. he came over "am sorry you must think am rude but is this keiran mcgity's funeral" i nodded "i knew him when he was last inside im liam, he was so kind to me i would have been at the service but we buried my nan today to" i said "its ok he will know your here in spirit. he looked at me "you mut be petey was dumfounded "how did you know that" he smiled "keiran used to talk to me on facebook all about you, i was a closted gay inside but he knew he was like my big brother when my girl found out she was pregnant he got out before me and helpped her i got out right before the birth. she couldnt handle life though and hung herself" i hugged him " am sorry im also a single father his mum walked out though" we agreed to meet after the funeral for a drink. and we did we became really close freinds.


me and liam have a big house both junoirs are starting primary soon and were going to be married on what would have been keirans 26th birthday to show our love for him i really hope he would be happy for us.

Well i thought id take a little time out from my other story seeing double i hope you like this short story x please let me know what you think.

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