Bad Boy

By Stuart James

Published on Feb 20, 2013



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Bad Boy

Sebastian's heart sank. Exactly 4 weeks ago he was on the same London Underground train when he had been mugged. Mugged might be a bit of an exaggeration. Five guys - probably only in their mid teens - wearing ripped jeans , white trainers and hoodies got into the empty carriage he was travelling in. They formed a semi circle in front of him and told him they would 'like' him to give them some money for a beer. Their body language made it clear that if he did not give them the money, they would just take it. Not being a brave soul, he got out his wallet and handed over a £20 note. One then snatched the wallet from his hand and removed the other note which was for £50. He then dropped the wallet on the floor of the carriage. The train came into the next station and they ran out, laughing all the way.

Sebastian did not report the theft. He felt rather too stupid. And in any case it could have been worse. They might have taken his credit cards which would have been a real pain. Now as the doors of the train shut, he saw that the same 5 lads had got on again. They went up to him - one sitting on either side and three standing in front - and greeted him like an old friend. Yes, they were sure he would like to 'buy them a drink again'. This time Sebastian decided to try to talk them down first. He suspected that he would end up having to hand over his cash again but he might just talk them out of it or he might find a chance to escape.

When the train reached the next station they were beginning to get a bit more aggressive in their attitude. Talk was not something they were very good at. Sebastian decided to try to run away. He got up and pushed his way through the three in front of him. One guy grabbed his left arm and it took him a few precious seconds to break free. He rushed to the door as it was closing, but could not get out as what seemed like a huge guy in his mid twenties was just getting on. He must have been 6 foot 4 or slightly taller. He was wearing a pale blue polo shirt that showed off his large arm muscles. He had a broad chest. He was wearing camouflage trousers which were neatly tucked into heavy thick soled black boots, tied with white laces that came up nearly to his knees. Sebastian thought skinhead although his hair while short cropped was about a couple of inches long.

He looked at Sebastian and then at his potential assailants, who seemed to be trying to pretend that neither of them were on the train. He must have guessed what had happened from the way he had seen Sebastian having to break through the ring of guys.

"You seem to be having a bit of a problem here mate", he said.

Sebastian nodded and said "Just a bit".

"I guess I could help you out. But I would want something in return".

"How much?", he replied wearily.

"No not money. Let's call it friendship. I get these punks off your back and you and I hang around for a bit. I think it could be fun".

At this point the train began to pull into the next station.

"You better make a quick decision".

Sebastian thought that he had lost any element of surprise he might have had and that the five hoodies could easily follow him off the train and attack him in one of the long corridors of the London Underground system. "Yes, please help me", he said.

He smiled and pushed past him. He grabbed two of the punks by their necks and half dragged and half carried them to the door where Sebastian was standing. He winked at him as he threw them off the train. They fell to the floor. "Say goodbye" the tall stranger said. Sebastian was not sure whether the comment was directed at him or the two figures on the ground.

By this time the other three had made a quick exit out of a door further down the carriage. The doors shut once again, leaving just the two of them. Sebastian's protector went and sat down. He looked at Sebastian and indicted that he should go and sit opposite him. He sat on the edge of the seat, with his arms folded in a way that once again emphasised his muscles.

"Give me your wallet", he said.

"But you said...."

"Give me your wallet", he repeated both more slowly and at a greater volume.

Sebastian handed it over. What else could he do? He assumed he was about to be mugged again. The man looked through it. Examined the credit cards and Sebastian's driving license.

"Sebastian Jones" he said, reading his name from the rectangle of plastic. "My name is Lee Davidson, Seb". He held out his hand for him to shake. He took a firm grip of Sebastian's reluctantly proffered hand, which was lost in his big paw. He locked his eyes on Sebastian as they performed the greeting. After they broke the grip, he closed the wallet and handed it back. Sebastian had never much liked having his name shortened, but somehow 'Seb' sounded right when spoken by this guy.

Lee sat back in the seat putting his big black boots a couple of feet up onto the vertical pole near him.

"Why did you not get off at the last station while I was dealing with those punks?" , he said. "I thought you would do a runner".

The truth of the matter was that Seb had not even thought about it. Everything had happened so quickly. "I don't go back on an agreement" he lied.

"You don't have to look so scared, Seb. I am not going to do anything to you. You hungry?"

"Yes. I am famished." Seb guessed that it was the adrenaline he had used in the encounter that caused his suddenly empty stomach.

They got off at the next station. Seb got on the escalator first and stood on the right and turned to face Lee who was a couple of steps below him. For the first time Seb was above Lee. Maybe it was that that made him feel a bit braver. He looked down and smiled nervously at him. "Why are you doing this? I don't understand."

"It's very simple. People fascinate me. I like to get to know what makes them tick. You look like a reasonably fit, and I would guess intelligent guy and yet you are terrified of some street scum. I want to find out why, that's all. But you are not my prisoner. I thought we could go and have some pizza and a chat. But you don't have to."

Thinking about something Lee had said before, Seb replied "I guess it could be fun." After all Seb did not have many friends.

They went to the Pizza restaurant and sat opposite each other at a table for two that seemed far too small for Lee's large frame.

When they had ordered Lee asked "What do you do?"

"I design web pages for a small software house."

"That sounds grand and I guess lucrative."

"Neither really. It is a fairly mechanical process that does not require huge amounts of skill. And with the economy and unemployment as it is, no one pays more than they have to. But I get by. What do you do?"

"I am a personal trainer. There are some people - bankers and the like - who are vastly overpaid and I guess I am one of the luxuries they like to spend their money on. And the crazy thing is, the more I charge the better people think I am. At present I am charging £100 an hour and could work all day every day if I wanted."

Seb had noticed that while Lee was large, there was not an ounce of fat on him. It was all muscle. "Guess that is why you are in such good shape."

"Well I have to look the part and I need to wear the right gear both in the gym and outside. My image is an important part of my success and I guess I can be a bit vain. For example the boots and camo trousers make me look a bit of a bad boy and that goes down well with the clients I have been training this evening. It seems to give them a thrill that they are somehow living dangerously. So I play up to it."

Seb wondered if there was some sub text in what Lee was saying. "Do you just look after them in the gym?"

Lee looked puzzled for a moment but then when the penny dropped he burst out laughing. "I am not a hustler. I just help them get their bodies in some sort of shape. I am prepared to give them a massage afterwards but that's all. I know some guys fancy me and I flirt with them if I feel like it. But that is as far as it goes. I am a personal trainer not a slab of meat for hire."

Their meals arrived and they started to eat. "Why were you so scared of those guys on the train? It was obvious to me that they would collapse if dealt with firmly."

"I noticed" Seb replied. "But I am not six and half feet tall with big muscles."

"Six-four actually. How about I give you some personal training? I can't make you any taller but I could help you with your muscles. Free tuition of course."

"I don't know. I have never actually been in a gym. I would feel too embarrassed. I don't really like to be noticed."

"Well it's a good job I noticed you. You will not feel awkward if I am with you. I promise. Got any gym kit? You know shorts, trainers and things?"


"Well there is a sports shop on the way back to my place. It stays open late. We can fix you up there. Don't think my stuff would be the right size for you somehow". Seb thought that you could get two of him in one of Lee's shirt.

After eating they went to the sports shop where Lee was clearly well known. The assistant was very attentive to them both.

"It's alright Rich, this is not a client. It's a friend. So you can stop the toadying and keep the prices realistic."

"Well I guess I owe you. Some of your clients have spent a fortune here on your recommendation" Rich replied.

"What you have to realise is that spending large amounts of money makes these people feel important. The more you charge, the happier you make them." Lee selected a pair of white cotton shorts, a white jock strap, white socks, red tee-shirt and a pair of grey and red running shoes - all with the famous Nike brand symbols on them. Seb said that he thought the shirt and shorts were a bit tight.

"Snug would be the right word. Trust me." Rich gave them a massive discount, which pleased Seb who was not so flush with money. They walked back to Lee's small but modern apartment in a tower block near the river.

"Let's go for an early run tomorrow morning. Say six o'clock."

Seb, who was not an early riser, reluctantly said 'OK'.

"Then we had better get some sleep. The bedrooms this way." They went into a large room with a big double bed in it. Seb thought it was a bit extravagant for a guest room as it had an en-suite bathroom. "Do you want to sleep on the left or the right?"

Seb looked at Lee in horror.

"Well you can sleep on the floor in the lounge if you would rather, but the bed would be more comfortable and it is big enough for two." Lee sat down and started unlacing his boots. He was soon down to his underpants and still Seb had not moved. "Make your mind up" Lee said pulling his underpants down revealing his cock and balls that were surrounded by neatly trimmed hair, and that were in no way out of proportion with the rest of his large frame. Seb started removing his clothes while Lee went into the bathroom to clean his teeth. Seb would rather have left his underpants on, but decided against it. He took them off and his cock, which was normally a reasonable size, seemed to shrink away from the light. Lee came back into the bedroom and said "That's better. I have put a new toothbrush head out. You can use my electric one." He then got into bed on the right hand side.

Seb went into the bathroom and cleaned his teeth. When he came back Lee was lying on his side looking away from the bathroom door. He got into the bed and turned the bedside light out. "Goodnight" Lee said.

When Seb woke up the bed seemed to be rocking. He turned over and could see that Lee was lying on his back on top of the bed clothes. He had his stiff cock in his hand and was stroking it. He was playing with his balls with the other hand. He had his eyes shut and Seb looked on in horror. He had no idea what to do. Lee must have become aware of Seb moving as he opened his eyes and looked at him, without changing the pace of his strokes. "Morning. Hope you don't mind. Felt randy when I woke up and thought I had better get one off. You can do yours if you like. I don't mind." He then lay back again and closed his eyes. Seb watched as the stokes became faster and he tugged at his balls. He watched both fascinated and appalled as several threads of thick white spunk shot from his cockhead and well up his chest. Lee let out a deep breath and said "That's better." He got out of bed and went into the bathroom. Seb heard the shower being turned on. Seb needed to piss badly so he reluctantly followed Lee into the bathroom. He felt too embarrassed to finger his cock to piss so he sat down on the toilet. He looked at Lee who was lathering himself and smiling down on Seb.

"Hope you weren't embarrassed. I mean I know you wank and you know I wank so what does it matter if you we see each other doing it? And it's more comfortable to do it in bed rather than sneak off to the bathroom."

Perfectly logical Seb thought. Except he was embarrassed and knew he could not perform in front of someone else. But then he guessed he did not have Lee's confidence or his magnificent equipment. There was far less to show off.

Seb did not shower. He cleaned his teeth and got into his new running gear. He went into the kitchen and poured some orange juice as Lee had instructed. Lee soon appeared in his running clothes. His vest and shorts were very tight and showed off his muscles and his package. Lee saw Seb examining him. "Yes they are tight. It intimidates the clients. Remember they pay a lot of money for the thrill of being with a bad boy."

They went for a long run that took them through a number of London's parks. Seb had to stop every 10 or 15 minutes but he kept going and they arrived back at the apartment about 90 minutes after they left it. Seb flopped down in a chair, exhausted.

"You did pretty well mate" Lee said. "Thought you would be dead on your feet after half a mile. I'll get you in shape yet. I think I had better give you a massage, otherwise you will be very stiff tomorrow."

Seb followed Lee into the bedroom, who put a large towel on the bed. Seb stripped off his clothes but left the jock strap on. He lay on his front and Lee massaged his back and shoulders and the backs of his legs with his large hands. Seb almost went to sleep, it felt so relaxing. He was brought back to reality by a slap on his exposed arse cheeks. "Turn over, I said."

"Sorry." Seb turned over. They both became conscious at the same time that Seb had an erection.

"Guess you wished you had got one off this morning" Lee said with a laugh. He massaged Seb's chest and his arms, and put each leg in turn on his shoulder to massage them. When he finished Seb said a simple 'thanks' and went to the bathroom to shower. He dressed and joined Lee in the kitchen. They drank coffee and ate muesli with fresh fruit that Lee had prepared.

"What are your plans for today, Seb?"

"Well I have got to go and look for some new digs. My landlady has sold the house I am living in and is going off to Spain. I have only got to the end of the next week. The stuff I have looked at so far is either too expensive for me or too grotty. But I guess I will have to take one of the grotty ones."

"Why not bed down here until you find something you like?"

"I couldn't impose."

"Why not? You have seen the worst of my bad habits and it would take the pressure off you."

So it was agreed. Later that morning, they went to Seb's old place and collected his few possessions, which amounted to little more than some clothes and his laptop. Lee helped him unpack his things when they returned to the flat. "We'll have to do something about your dress sense. I don't think I have ever seen so many greys and browns and other drab colours."

"I like to blend in" Seb replied.

"You mean you like to disappear" Lee reproved.

They settled down together in Lee's apartment. Both seemed content with the arrangement. Very soon Seb began to only go through the motions of looking for somewhere else to live. Lee started taking him to the gym on his days off and in the evenings and his body began to develop. Lee showed great patience with Seb and did not mind having to keep showing him how to do the exercises and how to use the equipment. He encouraged him and praised him as the weights he could handle increased and his speed and resistance on the aerobic machines improved. More than that his confidence seemed to grow. He was amazed that he actually began to look forward to their long runs and work outs, although he knew he was unlikely to ever be a match for Lee. He ceased to feel ashamed of his body and now stripped in front of Lee - and anyone else in the gym changing room - without thinking about it. Most mornings Lee would start the day with a luxurious wank. Seb began to enjoy watching him perform, although he tried to do it discretely and never did it himself. Well only when he was on his own.

After a month Seb raised the question of rent. Lee would not hear of it. "It's not costing me any more money. And if you have some spare cash, it's time you got some new clothes."

"But I have to repay you somehow." Then he had an idea. "Why don't I make you a website to advertise yourself? Maybe you could then increase the silly rate you charge."

Over the next couple of days, Seb designed a basic website. He took pictures of Lee in his gym clothes, bare chested, and even in his 'bad boy' clothes. They looked together at what Seb had done and after making some minor changes, that included adding a picture that was fairly revealing of his crotch in his tight shorts, it went online. They went out to lunch to celebrate. Pizza again.

After lunch they went clothes shopping. This was a chore that Seb hated and he tried to find reasons not to do it. But Lee was not to be put off. They started with new clothes for work: bright stylish shirts and smart trousers; a soft leather bomber jacket and trendy slip on shoes; bright socks and ties.

"But everyone will notice me" Seb complained.

"That's right, they will. And if they notice you, you will be able to get a better job or at least a raise."

They moved on to casual clothes. Lee select a couple of pairs of expensive and tight fitting jeans together with a number of polo shirts and rugby tops. Again all very colourful. Seb spent the rent money he had saved by living at Lee's place several times over.

"Thank god that's done" Seb said as the cashier handed him yet another carrier bag.

"Not quite" Lee replied. I think we will get you some bad boy clothes. Lee took him to an army surplus store. He was soon wearing a pair of green camo trousers and a German army surplus shirt. Lee selected the same high leg boots as he was wearing. He got on the floor to lace them up for Seb.

When he was finished, Seb looked at himself in the mirror. "I can't wear this....."

"I know you'll get noticed." They both laughed. "Anyway you are having them. My treat." Rather than remove the boots, which had taken a long time to lace up, Lee asked the assistant to put Seb's old clothes in the dustbin. The two bad boys then went for a drink.

"Let me ask you something Seb. If you met those creeps on the underground again, would you just meekly hand over your money?"

Seb thought for a moment. "No, I guess not. You have given me much more confidence."

"Actually I don't think that they would try it on with you now. I think your demeanour would intimidate them."

"I have you to thank for that."

They had another couple of pints and went back to the apartment for a TV dinner and to watch a film. They went to bed at 10 o'clock as Lee wanted to go for an early morning run.

Around 5 o'clock the next morning Seb became aware that Lee was shaking him.

"Wake up. Were you having a nightmare? You were thrashing around and shouting."

"I guess I was" Seb replied remembering his dream.

"What was it about?" Lee asked.

"Oh I forget" Seb lied.

"Come on, we're friends. You can tell me anything. If it was something horrible or weird, I won't be shocked. Only if you tell me about it will it go away. Now tell me". Lee was resting on his elbow looking concerned at Seb.

"Someone was kissing me" Seb said in a very small voice.

"That doesn't sound so bad" Lee replied. "How was that frightening?"

"It was you".

Lee looked at Seb and then put his mouth on top of Seb's and gently kissed him. "Like that?" he asked.

"No, in my dream you put your tongue in my mouth." Again Lee put his mouth onto Seb's. The kiss was longer and Lee worked his tongue into Seb's mouth. He broke the kiss. "Like that?".

"Yes. But it was longer and you were lying on top of me".

Lee moved onto Seb so that his large frame almost enveloped him. Their mouths joined again and they kissed deeply. Seb was aware of Lee's cock which was between their bodies and alongside his own. Lee rocked his body so that their cocks stimulated each other. The big man was very gentle with Seb, although Seb could still feel the power of the man.

Lee broke the kiss. "What happened next?"

"You woke me up just when it was getting interesting."

"Then perhaps we should improvise."

He kissed Seb again and moved his hand between their bodies to feel Seb's cock and play with his balls. Seb moaned. He took Lee's cock in his hand. He had never felt another guys cock before and he felt honoured to hold something so magnificent. Lee got up and sat astride Seb. He stroked Seb's cock and cupped his balls in his other hand. Seb writhed under him. He shot his load in the most powerful eruption he had ever had. Lee continued to gently play with his cock, but Seb had to stop him as it felt so delicate. Lee moved to lay alongside Seb and propped up on one elbow looked into his face.

Seb turned and looked into Lee's brown eyes. "Is this what you have always wanted, you know, from the beginning on the train? " Seb asked.

"Yes. I knew you were mine and that you were what I needed. But I had to wait for you to know it as well."

"I don't think I am yours."

"What do you mean?" Lee asked with a frown on his face.

"I think you have to fuck me to make me yours. Well that's what I think would have happened in my dream if you hadn't woken me up."

Lee went into the bathroom and got a tube of KY. He held out his hand which Seb took. Lee led him into the lounge. He told him to bend over the table with his legs apart. Seb did as he was told and even pulled his arse cheeks apart to expose his cherry. Lee could see it was virgin and tight.

"We don't have to do this."

"Oh yes we do. I want you to take me. I want to be yours."

Lee squeezed some KY onto his finger and inserted into Seb's hole. He was surprised that Seb did not try to keep him out. That was a usual reflex. But he seemed quite relaxed. Lee tried to expand his hole by inserting two fingers. He then put KY on his cock. He took hold of Seb's hips and guided his cock to the awaiting darkness. Seb groaned as the cock head met his channel. Lee applied pressure and with the help of the lubricant started to enter Seb. Seb remained relaxed and even purring as Lee went in deeper. When he was fully inside Lee moved his chest onto Seb's back, put his hands around his shoulders and enveloped him in the safety of his large chest. He began to thrust in and out. He kept his movements small as he wanted this glorious feeling to persist for as long as possible and he did not want to hurt Seb more than he knew he had to. But the seed rose in him and he began to thrust deeper and faster. When he came inside Seb, Lee arched up thrusting his cock in even deeper and let out an animal cry. Seb put his hands back and onto Lees buttocks just in case he could encourage him in deeper still, and then he came for the second time.

Lee slumped onto Seb's back panting in his ear. "Does that make you mine?" He asked.

"Yes. I belong to a very bad boy".

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