Bad Asses

By mf.liamtsaf@ynopdetniap

Published on Oct 5, 2008



[I suggest you read the first chapter of "Bad Asses" so you understand the situation.]

It was the third day of our little games. We were sitting in the little dinette area of the cabin, having a coke. He was, as usual, barefoot and wore his daily uniform of shorts and dirty tee shirt.

"Eric, did you ever hear of 'orgasm denial'?"

"Nah. What's that?"

"Well, it's also sometimes called 'cum control.'"

"Cum control? I can do that! You hold off and don't shoot for a while even though you really want to! Ha!"

"That's right. And you're pretty good at it, too! But that's not exactly what I meant. Cum control is when you do that to someone else. Actually, you did a bit of it in the woods, that first time."

"Oh, you mean like teasing? Playing with it but not letting a guy shoot his stuff?"

"Exactly. It can actually be quite a good, uh, torture. If it's done right, and for long enough." I could see that I had his interest now.

"Yeah? For real? A torture, eh. Sounds cool." He downed the last of his coke and plopped the can onto the table. I thought it was time.

"How'd you like to torture me like that?"

"Sure. We could try that. Sounds like fun!"

"Good. But there are some things you've got to know."

"OK. What?"

"Well, for starters you have to be very careful not to let me shoot. Really careful, or the whole thing is ruined."

"I'm gonna tie you up, right?"

"Yeah. I thought we would use the bed. With me spread-eagled— all stretched out— on it. That sound OK?"

"Like a big X, right?"

"That's right."

"That'd be good."

I took the length of boot lace out of my packet and put it on the table in front of us. He picked it up right away and began to swing it through the air, making a sibilant noise in the air around his head.

"Good whip!" he said. "Bet I could make you squeal with this bad boy. Like the other day!"

"No doubt you could," I said. "But that's not what it's for today. Today, after you get me tied down, you're gonna get me good and hard..."

"That'll be easy, dude!"

"I know. But after I'm really boned, you're gonna tie this thong around my nuts and dick. Pretty tight."

"What for?"

"It'll make it really difficult for me to shoot. It'll make it easier for you to work on me, less danger of an accident. You know, going too far and ruining the torture."

"OK! That's a pretty neat trick! I like that. But... is this really gonna be a torture and not just a nice long hand-job for you?" I could see he was suddenly a little skeptical.

"No. If it's done long enough, it really does work as a torture. You'll see. And another thing. You have to be sure I don't let you go too far, 'cuz even with the thong you could push me over the edge."

"How'm I gonna do that?"

"The best way is to threaten me with some really bad punishment if I get too close to coming and don't warn you to back off."

"Cool! So you're really helping me torture you!"

"In a way. You have to have something that I will NOT want you to do to me. Something really painful."

"You got any more of that rawhide? I could whip your nuts with it."

"Yeah. That might work. But I've got another idea. Go look in that drawer by the sink and bring me one of those rubber bands." He got up and brought back a thick red rubber band like the kind that comes on some vegetables, like celery, at the grocery. I showed him how to put the ends of the band over the tips of his finger and thumb and make a slingshot by spreading them apart. Then I had him put the 'slingshot' down against the table, pull it back, and let it go 'Pow!' It made a nasty snapping noise against the table.

"Wow! That really snaps!" he said. I could tell he liked it. It was power.

"If you put that against my skin, instead of the table, it would hurt like hell. It will also make a helluva mark," I said.

"Thought I wasn't supposed to make marks," he said.

"You're not. But this is kind of a special case. You'll never use this unless I don't do what I'm supposed to. It needs to be extreme to, uh, keep me in line so to speak."

"So... if you squirt, by accident, I get to use this on you. Once? More?"

"You like that thing, don't you? How about three times. That's scary enough I think to be a good deterrent."

"All right! Three times! Awesome. Uh, maybe sometime we could just play around with this thing. You think?"

"No way! It hurts too much. Makes bad marks, too. You know, Eric, if I am going to trust you with that thing, I think you ought to know just what it feels like. You game for that? Or chicken?" I was taunting him now, but I wanted him to know what the rubber band would feel like. I already knew it was dreadfully painful and far beyond the play-torture stage.

"I'm not chicken! You wanna snap me, go ahead! I can take it." He puffed out his chest and stepped up close to my chair, his head only slightly higher than mine. He handed me the rubber band. "Where you gonna do it?" he asked.

"Take off your shirt," I said. He stripped out of his tee shirt and tossed it on his chair. I decided to drag this out a little. I reached out and drew my hand down across his chest and tummy. His darkly tanned skin was warm, smooth, and a little moist. He tightened his muscles as I stroked him, making them hard under my roaming hand. He didn't pull back. I think he liked the feel of my hand on him.

"Hmmm," I said, as if trying to decide where to use the rubber band on him. "Take off your shorts now," I said.

He didn't hesitate, but stripped them down his legs and tossed them away. He was wearing a pair of well worn jockey briefs, about a size too small for him. I stroked down both thighs, as if looking for a good spot. His legs were well-muscled and strong. He tensed his thigh muscles under my hand, making them as hard as steel bands.

"I'm strong, huh?" he asked, and flexed his chest, doing an arms-up pose for me.

"Very," I said. "You've got a great body, Eric." He puffed with pride.

"Go ahead!" he said. "Snap me. I can take it!"

"Well, I haven't found the perfect place yet. How about taking those off, too. I flipped one finger at the elastic band of the briefs. Once again he didn't hesitate. With a nasty little smile he shucked them down his legs and tossed them away. He spread his legs slightly and faced me, pulling his arms back and resting his hands on his buttocks. His crotch was slightly lighter than the tan of his legs and belly. He was about half hard and I could tell that he was now taunting me with it. I reached up under it and fingered his tight little balls. He hissed as I did it and closed his eyes for a second.

"I suppose I could do it against these," I said, squeezing them gently and carefully.

"Go ahead. I can take it!" he said again. His eyes never left mine.

I took my hand away from his nuts and took his cock in my hand. I could feel it suddenly surging up quickly to full hard. He made that little hissing sound again but didn't take his eyes away from mine.

"Or I could do it on your dick," I said, answering his eye contact. He glared back at me but didn't say anything right away. "What do you think about that?" I asked him as I gave him a little squeeze and a slight up and down movement. I cold feel the rim of his glans against the top of my fist.

"Mmmm," he murmured. "Jerk me! Do it!"

"No way, man!" I said. "I want you hot to trot when we play our game today!"

"Please!" he said. He made little hunching motions into my fist.

"Nope. Maybe you can make me promise to do that for you later. Depends on how good you are at this new method of persuasion we're gonna try."

"Oh, you will all right!" he said. His eyes were bright and flashing and his cock felt hot and hard in my fist. I reached out with my other hand and lightly stroked his inner thigh high up into the crease, feeling his balls against the back of my hand.

"Here," I said. "I'm going to do it here." I released his cock. "Lie back on the table, your butt at the edge."

"It's gonna really hurt, isn't it?" he asked. For the first time I saw a little flash of fear in his eyes.

"Yes," I said. "It is. A lot."

He scooted up on the table on his back, knocking his coke can onto the floor as he did. As he lay back I could see the slick, oily shine of perspiration on his chest and belly from the window light directly behind him.

"Reach your arms up to the corners of the table," I said. "Spread your legs. Wider. That's good."

"You wanna tie me?" he asked. "You can if you want." His cock lay against his stomach but was hard enough now that it pulsed itself up into thin air every few seconds.

"If I tie you, I might be tempted to do more than one snap," I said, pulling on the rubber band to dramatize my threat, which of course was only that, a vague threat. He was quiet for a second or two.

"OK. I bet I could take it. I'm really tough! You'd never make ME talk if I was a spy!"

"No," I said, letting him off the hook. "I'm not gonna tie you. I'm just gonna do this once. So you'll know how serious it is. You ready?"

"Yeah," he said, gritting his teeth and looking up at the ceiling.

I put the band against the taut skin of his upper thigh, right against the crease, pulled the band back, hesitated and released it.

"AHHHH!" he cried out. The pain of it had clearly surprised him. He sat up quickly and his hands shot to his groin. "Shit! Fuck! That hurt, man! Goddamn, that hurt!"

"Now you understand how serious it would be to give me three of those, don't you?" I said.

"Fuck yes!" he said, rubbing gingerly at the spot where a red worm of a welt was quickly forming. "Jee-zus!" he cursed.

"You still want me to do that some more?" I teased. He looked at me. His grey-green eyes were blazing and slightly moist. His cock was still as hard as a glass rod.

"Sure," he said. "I'd never talk!" I couldn't tell whether he was serious or not.

"Maybe some day we'll have to find out just how tough you really are," I said.

"OK by me," he said. "I'm up for it!"

"So I see," I teased. He giggled. "You ready to get to work?" I said.

"Oh, yeah!" he said. "Let's! Man, I'm gonna have you BEGGING!"




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