Bad Asses

By mf.liamtsaf@ynopdetniap

Published on Sep 29, 2008


They were drinking beer! A half-empty pint bottle of vodka and a liter bottle of coke lay on the ground among the weeds. Couldn't have been more than twelve or so and they were guzzling beer and booze in the woods. Already looking a little wobbly. I had come upon them suddenly on my walk, and there they were in their secret place. Tough, bad boys I could tell. Just as suddenly I had an idea. A crazy, unreasonable idea.

"You guys wanna make some money?"

"Sure!" said the blond. "Whatta we have to do! Sex stuff, I bet! You a perv?" There was a glint of suspicion in his hard eyes. This boy had been around, as they say.

"Yeah," I said. "But I like it a special way."

"Yeah? How?"

"I like to be tied up. Tortured a little. You know, like I was a spy or something and you're trying to make me talk? Worked over real good by a couple of good looking, horny guys like you two. Then used. Made to suck. Maybe even fucked. As part of the torture, you know? Whatever you wanna make me do. And I mean whatever! Think you could do that?"

"Oh, yeah, man! That sounds hot! How much?"

"Fifty each."

"All RIGHT! You got any rope?"

"In my backpack."

"OK! Get it out and get those clothes off man! We gonna work you over good! I never tortured a dude before! This is gonna be great!"

The other boy spoke for the first time. "I know some stuff we can do to ya!" he said. He started to pull of his training pants. "I bet I can make ya talk, man!"

"Good," I said. "That's what I want to hear."

"Might have to gag you, though," he continued, "you're probably gonna scream some."

"So, you guys a coupla bad-asses, huh?" I said.

"You're gonna find out, man!" said Blondie.

I stripped quickly. The blond was behind me now, pulling my arms behind me. He tied my wrists together very carefully using the clothesline I had brought, taking his time. I liked that. I hated it when the ropes loosened up at the critical moment. I wanted to be their prisoner, completely at their mercy. Which in the case of these two roughnecks wouldn't be much, I was sure. It was perfect. A little scary, but perfect. The knots seemed very, very good.

"Wow, look at this! He must really like this stuff!" the blond said.

He pushed me down on my knees when he was finished tying me. Standing in front of me, he pushed his shorts down over his hips, then his worn cotton briefs. He was already hard and I was surprised at the size of him. He was circumcised and despite his age he had to be close to five inches with a very large, well-shaped glans. He took it in his hand and pointed it at my mouth. He smirked.

"Suck it! And make it good!" he ordered.

I knew if I did, the game would be quickly over. I didn't want that.

"No!" I said. "And you can't make me!" His hand came out and stroked my cheek. I was surprised by his gentleness. But his face was hard, with a kind of evil grin that promised a few hours of kinky fun for us all. This was definitely a bad boy with a mean streak.

"You'll suck it all right!" he said. "Before we're finished with you, you're gonna BEG me to let you suck it! You're gonna do anything we want, man!"

"Yeah," said the other boy, now naked, too. I was beginning to think he was borderline mental and a little slow. But mean. "Anything! Anything we want! We're gonna make you beg!" He was smaller in that department than the blond, but also very hard. These were the right guys, for sure. I felt that old familiar of fear and excitement high in my chest.

The blond boy took his impressive dick in his hand and moved it slowly across my clinched lips. It felt smooth and very warm.

"Oh, yeah!" he said. "Anything! We're gonna torture the shit out of you, dude! God, but this makes me SO fucking hot!"

"I can make him suck you! Wait'll you see this!" said the slow boy. "Gag him with your underwear! I'll show you something really neat! Get behind him and hold him still! He ain't gonna like this!"

Little did they know!


The next day.

Oh, god, but was I ever stiff and sore. I felt like I had run a thirty mile marathon while somebody followed along behind and whipped me with thistles. What an ordeal it had been. But, of course, I thought about it with pleasure and even some quikly-developing nostalgia. It had been exactly what I needed after such a long period of self-denial.

The little bastards had been good. Very good indeed. They certainly enjoyed their work. The "slow" one had indeed been a bit mental, a twisted boy for sure, but he was clearly gifted and had a talent for just the sorts of things I so perversely lusted after. Just to give you an idea: Yes, he was right, I did scream. Or tried to with the blond's dirty underwear jammed into my mouth. And as I did, Slow ejaculated all over my sweaty chest without touching himself, and from the looks and sounds of it it was a nice long orgasm, too. Yes, that boy was a piece of work indeed. But not one that I would want to be alone with, bound as I had been.

But it was the other boy, the blond, Eric, that I found my thoughts returning to time and again. He wasn't very pretty. His body was OK, but not spectacular. His penis was quite remarkable, but a big dick alone has never been enough to interest me for very long. There was something else about the kid, something about him that wouldn't let me put him out of my mind.

In my experience it was hardly unusual to find a boy who enjoyed working over a naked, bound, adult male. I would even hazard a guess that the majority of boys that age would jump at such a chance if they thought they could get away with it. The combination of curiosity, youthful sadism, and the onset of sexual urges was simply irresistible for most boys. These two had made no effort to resist anything. That much was abundantly clear. As for me, I had tried to "resist" them, within the confines of the kinky little game's basic structure, but one bound guy against two such randy horndogs was no match at all. Still, I had managed to hold out for a couple of hours before they broke me down completely. I was a spy with no more secrets to reveal, or perform, by the time they were finished with me.

After a couple more hours during which they took ample advantage of the fruits of their twisted skills, they had loosened, but not untied, the ropes that held me and disappeared quickly into the woods. After helping themselves to a sizable portion of the contents of my wallet. It only took me a few minutes to free myself, and then I just lay there for a while, recovering from a really bad dose of complete satiety. Then I had dressed and made my slow and painful way to my rented woodland cabin. I slept like a baby that night. They had released me from all the tension I had been feeling for months.


I was on my third cup of strong coffee when I heard someone mounting the five or six stairs to the front porch. Then silence. I opened the front door to find Blondie, Eric, sitting on the porch swing, rocking gently back and forth. He swung his head toward the door as I stepped out onto the porch.

"Hey!" he said.

"Hey yourself!" I answered. I plopped into the rocker and we just shared some silence for a while.

"You mad at us?" he finally asked.

I wondered how I should play it and finally gave up in favor of the truth. "No," I said. "I'm not mad. You did just what I wanted you to do."

"It was weird," he said. "And we stole from ya."

"No you didn't. You took your pay. I said I would pay you. And you didn't take everything when you could have."

"Yeah, but we took fifty each."

"Uh, sixty, actually," I added.

"Yeah. Sorry. You want some of it back. We spent most of it."

"Nah. You keep it. It's OK. You earned it! You did good, too," I said.

"How come you like that?" he asked. I could tell he was genuinely curious about what we had shared the day before.

"Well, how come you liked it so much yourself?" I countered. He shrugged and made the face that in boy-gesture universally meant 'Beats me!'

"I dunno," he said. "It was just... fun. And kinda hot."

"Kinda?" I prodded a little.

"Way hot, dude!"

"You really got into it. Both of you. Your friend is... kind of... scary."

"Yeah. Tobe is OK, but he can go kinda overboard."

"And you don't?" I teased.

"Well..." he started, but then didn't know where to go from there. "So how come you like that?" He doubled back to his question. I could tell that he really wanted some kind of answer.

"OK," I said, "I'll try to answer that. See, when I was about your age I had some experiences kind of like what we did yesterday. With a younger boy. Just playing around, you know, tying up, pretend torture, that sort of stuff. There was sex, too. Quite a lot of sex, really. And after that, well, after that I just couldn't get it out of my mind. It was something I really wanted to do, or have done to me. To me it's... really hot and sexy like nothing else I've ever experienced. Does that make sense?"

"Kinda," he said. "Yeah, I guess it sorta does. You done it before?"

"Not much. A few times. Finding the right boy or boys is almost impossible. And dangerous. Something just kind of snapped yesterday when I saw you two. There in the woods in your secret hideout. Boozing it up."

"Yeah, we were a little lit!"

"I could tell. Didn't keep you from... performing though."

"Whattaya mean?"

"Well, sometimes when people drink they can't...uh... get it up very well."

"I never had THAT problem! Ha!"

"Yeah, I could tell!" I joshed him. "I didn't have a chance to tell you yesterday. That's one heckuva... tool... you got there, kiddo!"

"Yeah? Thanks! It works OK."

"A little better than OK I would say. The girls are really gonna go for you, if they're not already."

"I don't like girls so much."

"Well, maybe not right now."

"Nah! I don't think I like 'em."

"So-- you like, uh, boys, then?" I ventured. "Your friend?"

"He's OK. We mess around some. He lets me do him. I like that."

"Do him? You mean..."

"I fuck him!"

"I see. Well, it was pretty easy to tell you had had some practice!"

"Good, huh?" he puffed out his chest a bit. I could see his small nipples under his dirty tee shirt which was about a size too small on his wiry frame.

"Impressive, dude! A real stud!" I said. He looked right into my eyes and got very serious.

"You like girls?" he asked. What did I have to lose by being honest, I thought, especially after the day before?

"No," I said. "Not really. I like boys better." We kept our eyes on each other and I saw a little smile on his lips. Just a hint, but definite.

"Yeah?" he said. "Whattaya like to do with them?" he challenged me.

"Whatever they like," I answered. "I like making them feel good. And, as you know, I like a little...rough stuff, too."

"Were we... was I... too rough?" he asked.

"No," I said. "You were perfect. You guys are quite a team, but you, you were perfect. What more can I say?" I saw that my answer had clearly pleased him.

"And you like being tied up," it was statement and not a question.

"Yeah. I like that. It makes it... so much better. I just like... to be a boy's helpless prisoner."

"Yeah? Uh..."


"You, uh, wanna get tied up? Now?"

"Hmmm. I dunno. You wanna tie me up?" I asked. He shrugged again. I could clearly make out the rounded knobs of his shoulders under the worn cotton of the shirt.

"If you want..." he said, as if it didn't matter to him at all.

"So, you wanna work me over again?" I asked.

"Nah! Unless you wanted me to," he added quickly. "But I could... if you want... tie you up... and..."

"What?" I pressed him.

"Blow ya," he said. "I figure you might like to get sucked off while you're tied up," he explained.

"That sounds very sexy," I said. "Why would you do that?"

"Just 'cuz. You're not mad or anything. And you said we could keep the money. That's cool. I'll do that for ya if you want."

"You any good?" I teased. I liked teasing the kid. He took it well.

"The best you ever had, man!" he boasted beneath a big, tease-back smile.

"I doubt that," I countered.

"I can do it real slow, man. Curl your toes!" he smiled.

"So, I wouldn't have any complaints, huh?" I teased.

"Well, you'll be tied up so it won't matter!" he said.

"But... you wouldn't do anything else to me, would you? Anything...dirty... I mean?"

He shrugged in that offhand gesture I was getting used to. "No guarantees, dude!"

"So," I said, "Does this mean we're gonna be friends?"

"You wanna be?" he said, cautiously.

"I don't see why not. If we're careful, I mean. And, you know, you might have to punish me sometimes. You might have to punish me quite a lot actually!"

"I figured that!" he smirked. "I'm up for that!"

"Yes," I said, not being particularly subtle as I glanced at his lap. "I bet you are!"

He giggled. It was a most un-tough-like giggle. He made a quick two-handed movement and pulled his shirt off over his head and tossed it onto the porch.

"Where's that rope?" he asked as he stood up and came towards me.




Next: Chapter 2

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