Backstreet Bet

By Allan B

Published on Jul 4, 1999


Backstreet Bet 4

by Allan

Ok, here is part 4 of Backstreet Bet. Thanks to all of you for your continued support and readership. It is a pleasure sharing this story with you and I hope you will continue to enjoy it. This took some time to get out because I was torn about whether Nick and Locky would get together in this episode and if they were going to get together, how? I hope you are pleased with the result. As always, I would love to hear from you. There are so many stories out there and I am not sure if people are still reading this. My email is so please feel free to send me your comments or just to say G'Day :).

Thanks to Nifty for allowing writrers such as myself to share our work with the whole world!

This story is completely pure fiction and depicts relationships and love between males. If it is illegal to read this type of material where you live, please leave now. This story does not imply that any members of the Backstreet Boys are gay.

Part 4: Virtuos Heart

<ring, ring>


"Hi mum! It's Locky calling, how's things going?" Locky asked nanchalantly

"Oh god, Locky. It's about time you called. I've been bloody worried about you, you know? When was the last time we spoke anyway? Didn't we say you would call at least once a week to let me know how you are going?" Mrs Nash was excited to hear her son's voice again but at the same time she was also worried because they hadn't spoken in at least two weeks.

"Yeah, I know mum. I'm sorry but things got really busy here." Locky answered

"Where is 'here' at the moment? Are you still in New York?" his mum asked. She had so many questions for him. Ever since her son shot into the spot light she worried about him more than usual. She cared for him very much and she knew that she brought him up to be an independant and confident young man, but show business was never something she prepared him for, so naturally she was concerned.

"Actually mum, you won't believe this but I am in Florida now. I've been here for over a week and I'm having a blast!" he said excitedly

"That's good to hear Locky. How's it all going then?" She really wanted to ask if he had been taking good care of himself and if he was eating properly but she knew that if she did that, it would only put her son on the defensive - she knew him too well sometimes and used it to her advantage.

"I know you are dying to ask me if I am eating properly and looking after myself so let me assure you mum that I am. The people from Uncle Tarq's record label are really looking after me."

Mrs. Nash couldn't help but laugh. "Ok ok, guilty. I am a little worried about you but hey, I am your mother - it comes with the job description." They both laughed at that comment.

"Honestly mum, I am fine. The writers I have been working with are so talented. They are incredible and we've come up with a lot of solid material."

"That's good Locky. I am so happy to hear your song writing is going well. It makes me so proud to know that you are making your dreams come true but I hope you aren't working too hard though."

"Well you don't have to worry about that because I'm not just working. During my spare time I usually go sight seeing and this past week I have been hanging out with some new friends of mine."

"Oh really?" she asked curiously

"Yeah, I met these two great guys from a band called 'N SYNC, their names are Justinc and JC. We have become good friends and if they didn't have to go to Europe to record their new album, I am sure we would be out right now having fun at Disney World or something."

"Um Locky, speaking of bands, aren't the Backstreet Boys from Florida?" she wasn't sure how to ask that question but she was just concerned about him and she had to prepare her son for a possible meeting with the Backstreet Boys.

"Yeah mum they are and you don't have to worry because I saw Kevin, Brian and Howie last night at Planet Hollywood."

"Oh really? What happened?" she asked

"Well it was very difficult at first and to be honest I was kind of mad and hurt again but you know what mum?" Locky asked rhetorically

"What's that son?" Mrs Nash was concerned now. She wasn't sure what Locky was about to say.

"... we sat down and talked about what happened in Australia and I could see that they were genuinely sorry for what happened. I wanted to forgive them so I did - easy as that! I realized that there is no reason to hold a grudge against anybody - we are all human and we all make mistakes and part of being human is learning to recognize this and forgiving people. That doesn't mean that I trust them completely yet. It will take some time for them to earn my trust but at least it's a start right?"

"Absolutely. And by the way... how did you get to be so smart and kind hearted?" she asked proudly

"I think I have you to thank for that!" They both laughed again and then there was a moment of silence before Locky spoke again, this time sounding a little more unsure of himself,

"Um... mum... I sort of, ummm kind of need some advice."

"What is it Locky? You sound a little concerned."

"Well... it's um Nick actually."

"Oh I was going to ask you about that but I thought I'd let you initiate the topic."

"Yeah well... I haven't spoken to him yet let alone seen him, but the guys invited me to their concert tonight and I told them I would talk to him to sort things out. The problem is I thought I was over him but yesterday Brian told me that Nick might still have feelings for me. When I heard him say that, I thought about things and forced myself to be honest. And you know what mum?"


"I still do have feelings for him! I don't know if it's full blown love yet but maybe that's because I am still a little bit cautious - you know - once bitten, twice shy. I want to work things out but I am so terrified and confused about what might happen. I mean, what if Brian is wrong? What if Nick decides he dosen't love me the way I love him? What if this is just another bet? What if I get hurt?" Locky was upset now. He wasn't crying but his mum could hear the anguish in his voice.

"Locky, you are a strong person! If there is anyone that can handle this it is you! You have to realize that there aren't any guarantees in life and sometimes we lose but sometimes we also win. The important thing is that you are honest with yourself and don't forget about what YOU want - never lose sight of your dreams Lachlan. Understand that no matter what happens people enter our lives for a reason - you just gotta figure out the reason why Nick entered your life." If there was one thing Mrs Nash was good at, it was comforting her son. Sure, he was a rising singer/song writer now, but nevertheless he was still her son and she knew the right things to say to ease his mind.

"Mum... thank you! You are the best! I still don't know how things will turn out later but I feel better now. Thank you!"

"Locky, I'm always here for you - you know that."

Locky felt so privileged to have such an understanding and wonderful mum. He was about to ask her how his pet dog was, but he glanced at the clock in his hotel room and was surprised,

"Oh my God!" he yelled into the phone.

"LOCKY!!! What is it???" Mrs. Nash was suddenly concerned again and Locky felt terrible for scaring her...

"Oh I'm sorry mum, I didn't mean to scare ya! I didn't realise what time it was. The Backstreet Boys concert is in an hour and I haven't even had a shower yet - I'm gonna be late."

"Phew, for a minute there I was worried. So are you going to talk to Nick before or after the concert?" she asked in a releaved tone.

"Actually, the guys are so sure that Nick still has feelings for me and they thought it would be a good idea if I made a surprise performance at the concert tonight. I wasn't sure about it at first but I spoke with Uncle Tarq today and he said that any publicity is good publicity."

"Yeah that sounds like Tarquin. So what are you going to sing?"

"I'm going to sing something new. Hopefully their fans will like me but if they don't, then hopefully Nick will, at the very least."

"Well I wanna wish you luck. I don't want you to be any later than you already are so I'll let you go and get ready. Good luck for tonight Locky and promise to call me tomorrow to let me know how it all went ok?"

"Ok mum I promise! I love you!"

"I love you too Locky, bye."

"Bye mum"

Locky hung up the phone and quickly jumped into the shower. After his warm shower he put on his favourite cargo pants and checkered shirt and put on his favourite cologne, "Le Male" by Jean Paul Gaultier. He looked at himself in the mirror and fixed his hair so that he had that "I just got out of the shower" trendy look going on. He was running a little late and didn't have time to get nervous - which was just as well. As soon as he was ready he asked the concierge to arrange his transportation and before he knew it, he was on his way to the concert but more importantly, on his way to seeing Nick for the first time in almost 10 months.

Meanwhile at the concert...

"OK fellas, let's give it our best tonight. Remember, it's our home crowd out there." Kevin spoke to the rest of the group trying to psych them up.

"Don't worry Kev, we're hyped up as it is. I can't wait to get out there and give them the show of their lives!" AJ responded excitedly.

"You're not the only one AJ, I've been waiting for this chance for so long - if we don't get out there soon I think I might explode." Howie added with a bit of a chuckle.

"Hey Nick, relax it's going to be fine!" Brian noticed that his Nick had that anxious look on him. He knew that it wasn't concert jitters, actually Brian was almost one hundred percent sure it had something to do with a certain young Australian singer who Nick couldn't get out of his mind.

"What's on your mind little bro?" Brian asked.

"I'll give you one guess." Nick answered

"Hmmm, that's a tough one..." Brian playfully answered, making Nick smile, "let me see, does it have something to do with um... Locky?"

"How did you know?" Nick replied sarcastically

"Just a lucky guess" Brain answered.

"I'm kicking myself for not getting the chance to talk to him last night. AJ and I had a chat and during that chat, AJ helped me realize that I gotta work things out with Locky because I think I still love him Bri."

"Well, you don't have to worry because we have his contact number here in Florida and you can give him a call tomorrow if you like. He told us that he'll be in town for at least another two weeks." Brian lied to Nick - he hated himself for it but last night they all agreed that Nick wasn't to know about Locky's presence at the concert tonight until the time was right. They didn't have Locky's phone number at all, and the reason he didn't tell Nick that Locky would be at the concert tonight was because it was going to be a surprise. From the way Nick was acting, it was gonna be a good surprise. At least Brian hoped it would be; he wasn't sure about whether Locky wanted to resume his relationship with Nick but at the very least, he had Locky's word that Nick wouldn't get hurt by tonight's appearance.

"Yeah, I think I might give him a call. Thanks big bro!" Nick happily replied

"For what?"

"For making me feel better!"

"No problem! That's what big brothers are for and you have four of them!"

As Brian said this they heard the announcer on the loud speakers in the stadium...

"Ladies and Gentlemen, let's give a warm home town welcome to Florida's very own world conquering band..." the announcer's voice echoed throughout the packed stadium followed by a laser light show, "the Backstreet Boys!"

As the announcer introduced the guys, they each appeared, one by one, on the stage. They opened the concert with "Larger than Life" and the audience (mostly teenage girls) went ballistic. The atmosphere was unbelievably electric and the audience was pumped. They were repeatedly cheering "Backstreet Boys!, Backstreet Boys!". The guys followed the opening song with a medely of cover songs that they used to sing before they became famous - it was kind of like a trip back in time and as they sang, pictures of them in their earlier days appeared on the huge video monitor. This drove the crowd wild! The medely consisted of songs such as Boyz II Men's "End of the Road", Shai's "If I ever fall in love" and Keith Martin's hit, "I'll never find someone like you." Following the medley the guys started to sing "Everybody."

As they sang the first verse, Locky walked into the packed stadium and was escorted to his seat by the ground crew.

'Damn it' Locky thought to himself, 'I can't believe I'm 20 minutes late!'

A few girls in the crowd recognized him but after an obligatory stare and whisper their attention went back to the stage.

Brian saw Locky taking his seat and gave him a reassuring smile. Locky smiled back and as he smiled at Brian, he saw Nick for the first time in 10 months. He couldn't believe that he was actually just meters away from Nick Carter - the guy whom he fell in love with so fast, only to have his dreams shartered. But surprisingly, the pain was the farthest thing from Locky's mind now. He had dealt with the pain and right now all he was feeling was nerves mixed with excitement. Nick looked like he'd been doing some weight training and looked more solid and defined since their last meeting. He sat there and froze for a minute marvelling at how Nick could make him feel so entranced, making his spirits soar. Nick on the other hand, was so focussed on the song that he didn't even see Locky taking his seat. The guys performed a few more of their upbeat songs before Kevin announced that there would be an intermission to give the guys a chance to get out of their sweat soaked outfits.

As Kevin announced the intermission, the lights in the stadium were brightened and the boys left the stage. A general announcement was made stating that there would be a 15 minute break and then the guys would be back for the second half of their concert. Some people in the audience used this as an opportunity to go to the rest room while others came up to Locky and asked for his autograph.


"Ok gentlemen, 5 minutes left! How's everybody doin?" Kevin asked the group.

"Looks like we're all ready, cuz."

The five guys were wearing stylish Armani suits. The second portion of their concert featured some of their slower songs and their outfits reflected this. A few moments before they were due back on stage the lights in the stadium were dimmed and Howie approached Nick, who had forgotten his earlier anxiety and was riding high on a wave of adrenalin.

"Hey Nick, got second?"

"Sure D, what's up?"

All five guys were getting ready to get on stage.

"I want you to come here and check something out for me" Howie said pointing to the crowd.

Suddenly Nick got a feeling of deja vu. 'This can't be happening again' Nick thought to himself. This time though, he knew that if Howie got any crazy ideas about a bet, Howie would be the proud owner of a black eye.

"Um, Howard I don't like where this is going." Nick rarely called Howie by his full name so Howie sensed that Nick was a little uncomfortable.

"Nick trust me okay. I would never hurt you so why don't you just come here and check this out."

Nick didn't know what to do and he instinctively looked at Brian for some sort of assurance. Brian just smiled and nodded so Nick stood next to Howie and looked into the corwd.

"Ok D, what or who is it that you want me to check out?" Nick asked in a hesitant tone.

"You have a special guest out there sitting in the forth row, third seat from the left."

'Fourth row, third seat from the left' Nick repeated to himself. This was getting all to freaky and just as he was about to tell Howie to forget it he saw who was sitting there.

"OH MY GOD! What is Locky doing here?" Nick exlaimed in a panic.

Howie was quick to comfort Nick and put a hand on his shoulder, "It's ok Nick, we invited him here. We think that you guys need to talk and sort things out."

And before Nick could say anything further, the lights dimmed, candles were lit on stage to set an ambient mood, the announcer re-introduced the guys and the crowd went wild again. This time however, there was no music accompanying there entrance. They all just walked on stage and Brain grabbed the microphone while the rest of the group stood behind him.

"How's everybody doing so far? Are y'all having fun?" he asked the crowd

He was greeted with loud cheers and screams.

"I think I'll take that as a yes" Brian said with a goofy expression on his face.

Everybody laughed.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to announce that we have a special guest with us tonight." Brian announced.

Howie grabbed another mic and continued...

"Yes, that's right Brian. But before we introduce him can I ask everybody if the name Locky Nash rings a bell?"

When Howie said this, the audience screamed - confirming that they knew who Locky was and that they were wishing that the mystery guest was Locky. On the other hand, Locky couldn't believe the response to Howie's question. He knew that people were starting to recognise his song, "You've made me stronger", and he also knew that people were beginning to recognise him but this response from the crowd got him really nervous and excited at the same time.

Kevin grabbed another mic and continued...

"So without any further ado, please give a warm Orlando welcome to our friend... Locky Nash!"

The crowd cheered and clapped. Locky couldn't believe this was actually happening - the whole stadium, consisting of at least 8,000 people were clapping for him. Although Locky was getting accustomed to being recognized and singing in front of an audience, nothing could really prepare him for this. He was overwhealmed and almost didn't want to go on stage but he knew that he may never have a chance to perform in front of such a huge and welcoming crowd such as this one, so he got up and walked onto the stage.

Kevin greeted him on the stage and handed him a mic and whispered, "Good luck pal. The stage is yours."

Locky just smiled and replied, "Thanks Kev, I'm kinda nervous but I'll live."

Before saying anything to the excited crowd, Locky took a moment to soak it all in. He turned around to see the Backstreet Boys standing behind him and gave Nick, who was looking quite nervous too, a warm smile.

"G'Day everybody!" he said to the audience in his Aussie accent as he continued, "my friends, the Backstreet Boys, have been kind enough to invite me on stage tonight and let me just say that this is an extreme honour to have the chance to sing for all of you."

The crowd had settled down by this stage and were listening to what Locky was saying.

"Tonight I'll be performing my song, 'You've made me stronger' followed by a new song that I recorded only a few hours ago - so it will be a sneak preview for you all."

The crowd clapped as the music started playing. They listened to Locky as he started singing his hit, "You've made me stronger." He was a little tentative at first but after the first line of the song he eased into it. At the end of the song, the crowd and the Backstreet Boys applauded Locky. Nick was feeling a little sad because he still couldn't help but think that the song was written because of him, and before he could feel any worse, Locky addressed the audience again...

"Thank you so much! This next song is brand new. I wanna dedicate it to a special person who meant the world to me but because of unfortunate circumstances we lost touch." As he said this he felt a quiver in his voice. He briefly turned to look at Nick who looked like he was about to cry. Locky also felt the same way but he knew that he had to maintain his composure and continued,

"This song is called 'Reason Enough' and I hope you'll all like it."

The music to his new song started to play and he was greeted by a warm applause by the crowd. He began to sing...

"I made myself a promise some time ago. Never again to give my heart away. I fell in love with someone who hurt me in the end. The price of love was just too high to pay. I thought my life had ended but here you are, maybe you'll show me how bright things can be? Now you see I'll turn my back on that promise that I made, hoping that your love will set me free!

'Cause you are reason enough for me to go on living. You are reason enough for me to smile again. In a world where hearts are broken, every now and then, one finds reason enough to love, like I'm finding reason enough in you to love again."

The chorus was followed by an instrumental and as it played, Locky turned to Nick and smiled. Nick was almost beside himself. 'Could he be talking about me in that song. Did he really say that he has found reason in me to love again?' Nick asked himself. As the instrumental faded, Locky continued the second verse,

"So here I am all caught up in this new found love. Feeling like I've never felt before. Putting my love on the line with you, taking a chance again. (as he sung those lyrics, he looked at Nick again) I'm not afraid to love, anymore.

'Cause you are reason enough for me to go on living. You are reason enough for me to smile again. In a world where hearts are broken, every now and then, one finds reason enough to love, like I'm finding reason enough in you to love again" (instrumental plays again, and fades)

Locky blew the audience away with his performance. There was so much emotion in that song and it showed; not only that, this kid knew how to carry a song. He hit every note, moving from high to low with unbelieveable ease. His eyes were closed as he finished the song and when he opened them, he was treated to the sight of a standing ovation. The Backstreet Boys, who were sitting behind him on stage were also standing and each walked up to shake his hand. When Nick's turn came to shake Locky's hand there was a slight awkwardness and then Locky leaned in a said, "Good luck with the rest of the concert. We'll talk afterwards ok."

"Ya, I'd like that very much and congratulations on your great songs." Nick replied.

AJ grabbed a mic and thanked Locky on behalf of everybody, "Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in thanking our special guest, Mr. Locky Nash."

Everyone applauded as Locky left the stage and the boys continued with their concert. Howie was feeling good that the plan looked like it worked, both Locky and Nick seemed like they were happy to see each other. The guys organised a special side stage seat for Locky so that he wouldn't have to go back into the crowd and get mobbed, they wanted him to enjoy the remainder of the concert without the constant interruption of fans asking for autographs.

Locky was ecstatic. He couldn't believe that he had just performed in front of 8,000 people and they seemed to like his songs. It didn't matter if they liked it or not, because it seemed like Nick was happy and essentially that was what mattered to him right now.

Nick was also feeling an incomprehsible amount of happiness. His mind was racing, thinking of all the possiblities but he remained calm knowing that he had to get through the concert first and then he and Locky could talk.

The next song that the guys sang was, "All I have to give" followed by "Spanish Eyes", "Back to your heart", "Don't wanna lose you now", "Show me the meaning of being lonely" and "No one else comes close...

"No one else comes close to you, No one makes me feel the way you do. Your so special girl to me, And you'll always be eternally..."

As Nick sung those lyrics he turned to look at Locky and smiled. Locky smiled back and waved. The guys ended the concert with a song that Brian wrote called, "The Perfect Fan". The audience went beserk and cheered, "We want more! We want more! We want more!". The guys didn't need any more encouragement and came back to perform "Like a Child", "You wrote the book on love", and "I'll never break your heart."

As the guys headed back stage they were greeted by Locky who gave each of them, including Nick, a friendly hug.

"You guys were great! Now I know why you enjoy performing in front of a large crowd so much." Locky said.

"Thanks buddy, you were pretty awesome out there too!" Brian replied.

"Yeah, and that was a great song that you sang out there, who was it written for anyway?" Howie asked naievely, not knowing that it was intended for Nick.

Just as Locky was about to anwser the question, Kevin interrupted, "Sorry guys but we've got some fans coming for a meet-and-greet in 15 minutes so we have to get ready."

Nick was diasppointed because he wanted to talk to Locky but all he could say was, "I really want to talk to you Locky, can we please talk after the meet-and-greet with the fans?"

"Yeah sure. I'll be right here and when you're done maybe we could grab a bite to eat" Locky suggested.

"OK, cool! um... I mean thank you" Although Nick sensed that things were starting to look good for them, he didn't want to be too presumptious and wanted Locky to know that he was serious about fixing things.

The meet-and-greet was over before they knew it and it was time for the guys to go get some dinner. "Hey Nick the rest of the group are outside waiting, are you ready? We decided to have dinner at TGI Fridays, do you wanna invite Locky along?" Brian asked.

"Um actually Bri, he and I need to talk so we'll probably go to a quiet restaurant and talk about stuff there. Hope you and the rest of the guys understand?"

"Of course we do! And you know where we are if you need us ok buddy?"

"Yeah, thanks for inviting Locky, Bri."

"I just hope it all works out for you guys Nick. I really do!"

Brian gave Nick a hug. As Brian and Nick broke away from the hug, Locky walked into the room and waited. "Hi Locky. Kevin, AJ, Howie and I are goin' out to TGI Fridays for dinner so I guess we'll see you soon. Thanks for coming and performing tonight."

"Thanks for inviting me Brian and it was a pleasure. Have a good night and I'll see you soon."

As Brian left, Nick and Locky decided to go to a private restaurant, 30 minutes away from the concert venue. It was a very fancy restaurant located on one of the many beaches in Florida but that's not why they chose it though. They chose it because it would provide them with the privacy they needed right now. Nick called for a taxi, seeing as the guys had taken the limousine.

Nothing was said during the drive to the restaurant and when they arrived, both boys decided that they weren't really hungry anyway. They just need to talk so they walked along the beach instead. It was pretty late so there weren't very many people there. When they found a semi-private spot they both sat in the sand, with the sound of waves crashing in the background, they waited for each other to say something.

There was a few moments of silence before Nick decided to speak up.

"OK Locky, I want to go first because right now, there are so many things I wanna say and I need to get this out. Is that ok with you?" Nick asked hesitantly and Locky just nodded.

"First of all I want to say that I am so sorry for all the hurt I caused you. I know it was 10 months ago and I know I have apologized before but I don't think I can apologize enough. What Howie and I did to you was wrong and mean - I will be forever sorry about it but you have to understand that my feelings for you were and still are, real."

Locky wanted to tell Nick that it was all forgiven but he didn't want to interrupt so he just continued to listen as Nick spoke. There was so much on Nick's mind and he could see this by the way Nick was acting.

"... It took me so long to ease my own pain and I can only imagine how difficult it must have been for you. I desperately wanted to contact you Locky but I knew that you needed to heal in your own time and I had a feeling that our paths would cross again some day; I just didn't expect it to be last night at Planet Hollywood."

"Well I guess I was a little surprised to see Brian, Kevin and Howie too." Locky added.

"When I saw you last night Locky, I couldn't believe how confused I felt. All those feelings and emotions came back in a flash. Seeing you there with JC and Justin made me feel like I had blown my chance to even be friends with you and that you'd moved on. There is a song called 'One last cry' by Brian McKnight and in that song there's a line that says, 'while the sun shines on you, I need some love to rain on me.' That's how I felt last night Locky. Suddenly, I experieced first hand that you had moved on and it killed me inside knowing that. You are an incredible person Locky. From the moment I met you I knew that there was something about you that set you apart from the rest and you have proven that," Nick looked really nervous now and Locky was almost in tears. The past ten months Locky was so focused on forgetting Nick that he didn't even realise that Nick may have been going through similar pain too. Locky knew that Nick was about to ask for a second chance and he was prepared to give him that; he just wasn't sure if Nick would want more, and if Nick did want more what would he do?

"Locky, I am asking your for a second chance. I want you to be a part of my life and I want you to be a part of mine. I love you Lachlan. Do you think you think we could try again?" Nick asked as a tear streamed down his cheek and waited for a response.

Locky's mind was in overdrive. It is amazing what three simple words can make you feel. What was he going to do? He knew that he loved Nick too but a part of him was still apprehensive about jumping into things too quickly. If anything, that was one of the mistakes they made last time. As they both sat on the sand, their silence was broken by the sound of thunder. It began to lightly rain and as they both stood up to find shelter Locky spoke,

"Nick... wait. I have to say this now, otherwise I'll probably chicken out and you'll never know what I am feeling at this moment."

The two friends stood side by side and Nick turned to look Locky in the eye.

"I also have strong feelings for you," he wanted to say 'I love you too' but couldn't bring himself to say it yet.

"It took me a very long time to get over you but the funny thing is, I don't think I ever did. I spent so many nights promising myself that I'd never fall like that again and you know what?"

"What?" Nick asked as the rain started to pour a little harder.

"I never will fall like that again because I think that you are the only one I will ever love like that."

'Did I just hear him say love' Nick thought to himself and Locky continued...

"I am terrified like you would not believe but my heart tells me that it will be ok. I want us to be together again because... because... because I love you too Nick."

Nick couldn't contain his emotions. He smiled and slowly held hands with Locky - Locky did not pull away.

"I just want you to understand that it will take time for me to completely trust you again but I do love you and I think that if there is love, then trust is right behind it."

"Locky, you don't know how happy I am right now. I understand that it will take time but give me this chance and we will make things work. I love you so much."

"Yeah I love you too Nick."

Both guys were gushing with emotion and Nick leaned in to give Locky a kiss. He didn't want to push his luck so he just gave him a light peck on the cheek and Locky just smiled.

"May be we should go find some shelter before we both catch a cold" Locky suggested

"Yeah, Kev will kick my ass if I get sick on the first week of our concert"

They both laughed and headed for the nearest phone booth for shelter and called a cab. They took separate cabs to their respective hotels and agreed to meet in the morning for breakfast. It was so tempting for Nick to ask Locky to spend the night with him but they both agreed that they would wait for the right time before taking the next step.

That night, Nick couldn't believe how he felt. After 10 months on being on an emotional rollercoaster, love had somehow found him again. Deep down he always believe it would, he just didn't expect it to be with Locky again and for that, he was thankful. He called his mom to tell her of what had happened and she was so happy for him. She made Nick promise to ask Locky to dinner so that they could meet him.

Locky was feeling the same way and also called his mum to tell her of the good news. He was putting himself on the line but the past 10 months had taught him that anything was possible and if that were so, then why couldn't he and Nick rebuild a beautiful relationship? Nothing was going to stand in their way now. Locky was indescribably happy and found it difficult to sleep. He listened to one of his favourite CDs to help him along. It was a Melbourne group called Bachelor Girl and the song was called Buses and Trains. As he listened to the lyrics, he slowly drifted off to sleep...

"So I walked under a bus, and got hit by a train. I keep falling in love, which is kind of the same. I sunk out at sea, crashed my car, gone insane. And it felt so good - I wanna do it again!"

To be continued...

Once again, thank you for coming along for the journey! Writing this story continues to be an absolute pleasure and I hope it shows. I wanna hear from all of you - yes, all of you! I always reply to any email I get so please feel free to drop me a line at:

Reason Enough is another song by Regine Velasquez and I have just modified the lyrics slightly to accomodate my story. She truly is a talented singer and I am glad I can incorporate her songs in this story!

Next: Chapter 5

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