Backstreet Bet

By Allan B

Published on Jun 23, 1999


Backstreet Bet by Allan B

First and foremost, I wanna thank all of you who have taken time to send me an email - your kind words and praise are much appreciated! Part 3 contains a lot more character dialogue than the first two stories to give you more insight into what the characters are thinking and feeling. Please send me an email on to let me know what you all think. I realy wanna make this a great story so I'd appreciate all your feedback.

Onto the legal disclaimers; This story contains sexual relationships between males, if you are under age or if this sort of material is illegal where you live, please leave and do not read this story. This story is purely fictional and also does not imply that any of the Backstreet Boys or celebrities mentioned are gay. All other characters are the figment of my imagination.

PART 3: True Feelings

Two other guys sat with Lachlan. Sitting on Locky's left hand side was JC from 'N SYNC and sitting on Locky's right hand side was Justin Timberlake. 'What is he doing here with them' Nick wondered to himself, 'Oh no, could JC or Justin be dating Locky?' This was all too much for him to handle and immediately Nick bolted out of the Planet Hollywood without any explination.

"Wait! Nick don't go!!!" Brian yelled out.

"Let him go Bri, he needs to handle this in his own way. He'll be back in a couple of minutes; as soon as he's had a chance to deal with it." Kevin told Brian. Kevin had spent the last seven years of his life with these guys and he felt like he knew them all too well. He was sure that Nick would be back as soon as he had a chance to have a cry and calm down.

"Ok, cuz but if he isn't back in five minutes I'm going after him."

"I thought Nick had finally dealt with his feelings for Lachlan. I guess seeing him here in the flesh has brought back all the memories huh?" AJ asked the group.

"Not only that AJ, but didn't you see who he was sitting with?" Brain replied.

AJ looked in Lachlan's direction again and took a good hard look. He realized that Lachlan was accompanied by two members of 'N SYNC and suddenly realized why Nick reacted that way.

"Hey, do you guys think that Lachlan is more than friends with either JC or Justin?" Howie suggested

"I don't know Howie, we've known those guys for a few years now and don't you think we'd know if one of them were gay" Kevin replied.

Kevin was right. They had known the members of 'N SYNC since 'N SYNC formed. Actually despite what was written about them in the press, the members of both bands were good friends with each other. When they were first starting out, they used to hang out as a big group but as they got more popular, they saw less of each other - especially this past year. It was amazing that tonight they were in the same resaurant let alone the same state or country.

"Well we've known Nick longer than we've know JC or Justin and we only found out about his sexuality a couple of months ago." AJ reasoned.

"Guys, we should go up to them and say hi. Afterall, it's been a while since we've spoken to JC and Justin and I think it would be the polite thing to do." Howie suggested.

"I'd agree with you there D but there's one reason why I wouldn't feel totally comfortable saying hi right now..."

"Oh, what's the reason Kev?"

"Um, I think you're forgetting who is sitting with them."

"Oh yeah, Lachlan. Well, maybe now is the right time to finally put this ghost to rest - afterall, we can't keep avoiding him and he seems like a pretty reasonable guy and I'm sure if we try to explain to him that we are sincerely sorry, he'll understand" Howie offered.

"Look, I don't know about you guys but right now, my only concern is for Nick. It's been almost ten minutes and he hasn't come back. That's it! I'm going to look for him." As Brian said this, he stood up to get ready to look for Nick. He was about to excuse himself from the rest of the group but AJ stopped him and said,

"Brian, I think that I should be the one to look for him. I'm not as close to Nick as you are but I think that if we are going to convince him that ALL of us support him, then we should take turns at being there for him ok?" AJ had a good point and Brian understood this.

"I guess you're right AJ but will you hurry up and find him already. I'm getting worried." Brian pleaded.

"OK, I'll let you know as soon as I find him."

AJ put on a cap for disguise and dashed off to find Nick. He had no idea where to start. Planet Hollywood was located right outside Pleasure Island in Disney World so Nick could have been any where. He looked in all the clubs and stores but figured that Nick really wouldn't be there because right now, he probably wanted to be as far away from everyone as possible. AJ searched desperately and was almost ready to give up when he saw Nick out of the corner of his eye. Nick was sitting in front of the man-made lake on Pleasure Island. Tears were streaming down his cheeks and before he approached him, AJ called Kevin on his cell phone to let the guys know where Nick was.

After calling Kevin, AJ approached Nick with caution and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Go away Brian, I wanna be left alone please." There was so much distraught and shock in his voice.

"Um, Nick it's not Brian, it's me, AJ" he said hesitantly.

AJ was standing behind Nick and that's why he thought that it was Brian.

"Look AJ, I'm not feeling so crash hot right now, so I'm sure you understand if I wanna be left alone."

"Nick I think you're wrong because you need us right now, we love you and we don't wanna see you like this. We wanna help you."

As AJ said this, Nick sobbed and leaned on AJ's shoulder. His world was falling apart again. AJ put an arm around him to comfort him and Nick opened up.

"AJ, I thought I was over him. I thought that I could finally move on and you know what?" Nick didn't wait for a response. He just continued, "I was doing so well there for a while. Things were finally coming together for me again and then suddenly it seems like he pops up out of nowhere, he has this wonderful song that everyone loves, he's on the way to being a successful singer and when I saw him there for the first time in eight months, all my true feelings for him came flooding back. I still love him AJ! But I know that he doesn't love me. Do you know it feels to find someone that you love? Someone that makes your day with just one glance? Some one that loves you back and then carelessly lose them over some childish bet?" There was so much on Nick's mind and he just had to get it all out.

AJ sensed Nick's pain and struggled to find the right words to say...

"Um... Nick, how can you be so sure. I've known you for a long time, maybe too long actually..." AJ kidded Nick and despite the way he was feeling, Nick let out a small chuckle. AJ continued, "...and I've never known you to give up so easily. You don't know for sure how Lachlan feels right now. It has been eight months and things change buddy. For all you know, he may be ready to be friends again and anything after that will sort itself out."

"Yeah that's all well and good AJ but he told me that me never wants to speak to me ever again."

"Nick, didn't you tell us that he was a genuine, great guy? Didn't you say that he cared for you as much as you cared for him?" this time AJ didn't wait for answer and just continued,"...well if that's what you said then there's something inside of me that tells me that may be, just may be, Lachlan might be willing to hear what you have to say."

AJ had a point and Nick was beginning to feel better about the whole situation. Afterall, Nick wasn't the type to give up on something that he cared for without a fight. AJ suggested that they return to Planet Hollywood, but when they both looked at their watches, they realized that it was getting late and seeing as they had a concert tomorrow, both guys agreed that the best thing to do would be to go back to their hotel and worry about how Nick would fix things with Locky later on.

Meanwhile back at Planet Hollywood...

"Guys, that was AJ, he has found Nick"

"How is he? Will he be ok? Are they on their way back here?" Brian asked in the same breath.

"Calm down cousin. AJ didn't say much. All he said was that he had found Nick and was about to talk to him so I say we trust AJ and as soon as AJ sorts Nick out, I'm sure we'll hear from them, ok?."

"Yeah, you are right Kev. I say we say hello to JC and Justin and maybe we can fix things between us and Lachlan. I can't stand all of this awkwardness and I think it is only right that we fix things with him."

And so, Kevin, Howie and Brian stood up and started walking towards Lachlan, JC and Justin's table.

While all of this was happening, Lachlan, JC and Justin continued to talk and enjoy each other's company - oblivious to the events that were transpiring only a few tables away.

"I'm gonna kill you guys! You promised me that you wouldn't tell anyone that I was here." Lachlan jokingly said to JC.

"Hey, don't look at me Locky, it was Justin who thought that it would be funny to have the spotlight on someone else for a change." JC laughed.

"Oh, so it was you huh!" Lachlan turned to Justin and gave him a playfully mean stare.

"You gotta admit, it was pretty funny seeing you turn a few shades of red as they announced your name." Justin laughed.

"Ok, ok you've had your fun and it's just as well that we are friends because if we weren't friends, I'd have to kick your ass." Now everyone at the table was laughing.

Lachlan had only met JC and Justin a week ago but he already considered them as friends. He met them while visiting some executives at Trans Continental. They immediately hit it off and started spending time with each other during their free time. Lachlan was happy to become friends with JC and Justin. Although he was enjoying his new found success and being in the USA, Lachlan was learning that the road to fame could sometimes be a lonely one, espacially all those hours in hotels and waiting around airport lounges with no one to talk to or enjoy the moment with. It was good to find friends like JC and Justin. The old Lachlan would have considered them close friends by now but these days, understandably, he was more reserved about getting close with people he just met.

"Oh my God! Justin you aren't going to believe this but look who's coming this way" JC said in utter surprise. As he said this, both Justin and Lachlan looked in the direction that JC was looking.

Justin was just as surprised as JC to see Kevin, Brian, and Howie walking toward them. Lachlan on the other hand didn't know what to feel. He wasn't shocked or anything. Afterall he was in Florida and if he was going to bump into the Backstreet Boys, Florida would be the most likely place to do it.

As the three Backstreet Boys approached, JC, Justin and Lachlan stood to greet them. JC and Justin hugged Brian, Kevin and Howie while Lachlan looked on.

"It's soooo good to see you guys. My God, how long has it been?" Justin asked.

"Um I don't exactly know but it's been too long." Kevin replied.

"So what are you guys doing here?" JC asked.

"Well we have a series of concerts here in Florida and the first one is tomorrow so we were all having a pre-concert celebration. What about you guys?" Brian asked

"Well it's our last night here. Tomorrow we fly off to Europe to start recording our new album. The rest of the group decided that they wanted to hit some night clubs but Justin and I thought it would be nice to spend our last night here with our friend Locky." As he said this, JC realized that he and Justin forgot to introduce their friend. "Oh shit, that's right... how rude of us, Kevin, Brian and Howie, I want to introduce you guys to Locky Nash. He's from Australia and he's the guy that sings that new song, 'You've made me stronger.' Have you guys heard it?" JC added proudly.

Lachlan was stunned. He was frozen for a minute but he was able to muster a smile as he was introduced.

"Actually JC, I kinda know these guys. I met them when they toured Australia almost a year ago." Lachlan commented.

Both JC and Justin were even more surprised now.

"How are you doing Lachlan?" Howie asked meekly

"I am fine thank you."

Suddenly there was silence. No one knew what to say and it was getting uncomfortable when suddenly Justin spoke out,

"So where's AJ and Nick?"

When Lachlan heard that name, his heart sank. He was so convinced that Nick Carter was a thing of the past but he was only fooling himself. He still had feelings for Nick and waited patiently for a response from one of the three guys.

"Ummm..." Kevin mumbled, "I am sorry to interrupt your evening guys, but Lachlan, would it be okay if we had a private word with you at our table?"

"Look, this is my last night with my friends and I was hoping to spend it with them." Lachlan answered.

"Hey Locky, it's fine with us, and besides we gotta get going soon. JC and I still have to say good bye to our significant others so we were about to leave anyway." Justin assured him.

'So Lachlan can't be seeing JC or Justin. They are only friends.' Brian thought to himself. He also thought that there would be hope for the young lovers afterall. They just had to make sure that Lachlan still had feelings for Nick and mother nature would take care of the rest.

Lachlan gave JC and Justin a big hug and wished them luck. He also thanked them for keeping him company the past week and they promised that they would call him as soon as they arrived in Sweden - which was where they would be recording.

As soon as JC and Justin had left, Lachlan asked, "So, what can I do for you?" He was very business-like but he did not know how to be anything other than business-like because he didn't want to drop his guard.

"Um, first and foremost Lachlan, I want to be the one to say that we are all sorry. I am especially sorry for causing so much hurt and pain in your life. I know I told you that I didn't mean to hurt anyone and you have to believe me." Howie pleaded.

"We know that you loved Nick and we know he still loves you." Brian added.

It was so hard for Lachlan to hear Brian say that. He wanted to stay mad at the Backstreet Boys forever, especially Howie and Nick, but how could he do that? Yes sure, they were a mega successful band and yes they hurt him like no one had ever done before but Lachlan was beginning to see that deep down, they were just a bunch of reqular guys that were concerned for their mate Nick. 'But wait' he thought to himself, 'what if this is just another cheap trick? But it couldn't be. These guys are pouring their hearts out to me so I'll have to trust my instincts and believe them.' And that's when he realized it. Nick couldn't have been faking his feelings for Lachlan while they were in Australia because there was no way anyone could fake sencerity. He could see that same sencerity on the faces of Kevin, Brian and Howie now. At that moment he realized that he couldn't stay mad at anyone forever - otherwise he would spend the rest of his life denying his feelings toward any member of the Backstreet Boys. There was only one thing to do...

"Howie, I want you to know that I forgive you. It will be hard for me to trust you guys at first but I am sure you will understand. And as for you Kevin and Brian, I know that you guys didn't really have anything to do with this and so there's is nothing for me to forgive. I just wanna apologize for storming out on you guys and swearing at you the last time we saw each other."

"Listen Lachlan, we understand and we want to thank you for being so understanding also." Kevin responded

"Lachlan, we wanna be friends with you and it's not because you are famous or popular now, it's because we know that you're a kindhearted and friendly guy." Brian added

"You know what?"

"What?" the three guys replied in unison

"I would like that very much. I don't believe in holding grudges and already I feel as though a weight is being lifted from my shoulders so I would like to be friends with you guys."

"Great!" the three guys said.

"But please call me Locky from now on, Lachlan sounds so formal"

"Ok, Locky it is then." Kevin responded

"So where is Nick and AJ anyway?"

"Um, Lachlan, oops I mean Locky, can I ask you a question." Brian asked hesitantly

"Yeah sure Brian go ahead"

"Um, do you still have feelings for our little bro, Nick?" Brian wasn't sure if he was out of line asking such a question but he always had Nick's best interest in mind and he wanted to know where Locky was coming from.

"Brian, I don't mean to be abrupt but I think that is something I have to discuss with Nick first. So where is he?"

Brian, Kevin and Howie explained the situation to Locky and he immediately understood how Nick would be feeling right now. Afterall, he considered running out of the restaurant too when he first saw the guys. He chose not to run out because subconsiously, he wanted to work things out and now it seems as though he had done that.

"Guys I wanna talk to Nick. Do you think he and AJ will be back soon?"

"Sorry Locky, but we don't know when they'll be back. All we know is that AJ is with him right now and AJ promised he would call as soon as he knows more." Kevin answered.

"I am really sorry but it's getting late and I have some collaboration sessions with some writers early tomorrow morning. I really do have to get going. Do you guys have a contact number so that I can speak to Nick in person?" Locky asked

"Yeah we do, but are you doing anything tomorrow night?" Howie asked back.

"No, I don't have any plans. My day is full until 5pm but after that my schedule is clear. Why? What do you guys have in mind?"

"Well, our first Florida concert is tomorrow night at 6pm and it would be a pleasure to have the company of Australia's very own rising star." Brian said in a jokingly friendly manner.

"I'd really like that Bri. I want you guys to know that I intend on sorting things out with Nick. Like I said, I think that he and I should have a chat before I tell you how I feel about him. I can assure you though, I don't intend on hurting him."

"We understand Locky and we are happy that you'll be there" Kevin said.

"Hey guys, I've got a brilliant idea!" Howie exclaimed.

Everyone gave Howie a strange look because the last time he got a "brilliant" idea, it caused a lot of pain. However, this time Howie assured them that this wasn't the kind of idea that would hurt anyone. He told them about how he planned to make things right between Locky and Nick - or at least get them started on the right foot again. The guys (including Locky) listened intently and agreed that Howie's idea had some merit to it. It was getting late so Locky had to leave without seeing or speaking to Nick - it didn't matter though, because he would finally have his chance at the concert tomorrow evening.

Just as Locky had left Planet Hollywood, Kevin's phone rang, it was AJ again. He called to say that Nick was fine and that they were headed back to the hotel. Part of Howie's plan was to surprise Nick (with Locky's approval of course) so the three guys agreed that it would be best to keep Locky's presence at tomorrow night's concert a surprise.

To be continued...

Thank you for reading. This part was a challenge to write but fun none-the-less. Like I said before, I would love to hear from all of you so please feel free to send me an email at


Next: Chapter 4

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