
By Boy Wonder

Published on Jan 22, 1999


This story is a complete work of FICTION and should be read as such

I was actually there: my first Backstreet Boys concert. Not only was I there, I was also in the first row! Close enough to see the tiny drops of sweat roll down five of the hottest faces I had ever laid eyes on. Of course my eyes were glued to one Boy in particular. Nick Carter. I watched with unfaltering attention as he sang and danced and put on a great show for the thousands of fans. I was having a fantastic time despite the throngs of screaming pre-pubescent girls who decided they would rather rant and rave than listen to talented musicians entertain. I, on the other hand, was transfixed by the angelic form of the youngest member of the group. As strange as it sounds, I thought that at times Nick was actually looking right at me. But that couldn't be -- could it? I was of course aware of all the speculation surrounding Nick's sexual preference. I had always attributed it to hopeful fantasy. But now I was beginning to wonder. Could he really be gay? Not wanting to let my imagination get the best of me, I settled on the notion that he was in fact bi like me. This idea, as well as Nick only inches away from me caused a stirring in my pants. The question was what to do about it?

As the concert continued, I found myself getting hotter and hotter. Not just from the rising temperature, but also from my rising desire to be with Nick Carter. I was becoming truly caught up in the excitement of the evening. As I was dancing, I decided to try and cool off. I removed my shirt and tucked it behind me. A year ago I wouldn't have dared show this much of myself. But long hours in the pool and at the gym had paid off nicely. I had transformed myself from a scrawny teen to a well-built and well-defined 19 year-old jock. As I danced I found my hands roaming over my own body. My hands ran across my smooth pecs pausing only to gently tease my round nipples. I went lower, feeling the definition of my washboard stomach and my six-pack abs. I smiled to myself as I noticed Nick take notice of me in the audience. I returned the smile and continued dancing. Things were about to get interesting.

After the concert, I made my way backstage. A couple of easily paid bribes and I was pointed in the direction of the dressing rooms. At last I came to one reading 'Nick Carter'. As I prepared to knock I was pulled around by a burly security guard who asked to see my pass. When it looked as though I was about to get flattened, the dressing room door swung open.

"It's ok. Let him in" All the commotion had obviously drawn the attention of Nick. Reluctantly, the guard released me and I headed into the dressing room. Nick stood there wearing only a white towel around his waist, having obviously just finished a shower. His gorgeous blond hair lay in wet strings and droplets of water still clung to his damp skin. My eyes drank him in. His lean torso was smooth and his pink nipples contrasted perfectly with his skin tone. My cock had never felt harder in my life. I was quite sure that Nick was aware of the bulge in my jeans.

"I'd ask what I can do for you; but, from the looks of it, I already know the answer," he grinned and motioned at my longing hard-on that now strained against the cotton of my white CK boxer briefs and the denim of my jeans.

"Well--" I replied slyly, "maybe it's a question of what we can do for each other."

Nick took a seat on the black leather couch.

"Ya' know, I liked watching you dance, especially when the shirt came off," he said.

"Well, I liked watching you too -- and you were the inspiration for taking it off." Nick laughed and told me to come take a seat next to him on the couch. I made my way over to him slowly. I didn't want to seem TOO anxious after all. I sat down next to him, completely aware that his gorgeous blue eyes never left me.

"So tell me, have I been 'inspiration' for any other activities of yours" Nick asked with a sly smile.

"Such as?" I played along

"Such as--this--" Nick reached his hand over and slowly started caressing my dick through my pants. I followed his lead and laid my hand in his lap. I could easily feel the outline of his cock through the light material of his towel. His hand fumbled with my pants and was soon inside stroking my dick to the hardest it's ever been. The warmth of his touch sent chills through my body. I reflexively tilted my head back, closed my eyes and a soft moan escaped my lips. I then stood up and removed my baggy jeans. I stood there, Nick Carter looking up at me in only my CKs. He peeled them away and discarded them on the floor. Without warning, he moved his head to my thick 7.5" cut cock. He engulfed the entire length and at that moment I knew that this was not his first time. He worked my tool like a pro. His tongue roamed over my smooth shaft, down to my clean-shaven balls and back up again. I was in heaven.

I pulled his blond head away and looked down. As he smiled I noticed a drop of my precum glistening on his lips. I leaned down and licked it away. Our tongues met and entwined. I then leaned him back down on the sofa. I ran my hands over his soft neck and across his smooth chest. He had a lean build but his muscles were well defined. I dipped my head to him and my tongue traveled the same path as my hands. I paused at each nipple to swirl my tongue around each one. I gently bit and sucked them and continued down along my set path. I undid the towel, which was now tented. I pulled it away revealing Nick's cock. It stood about the same length as mine but was noticeably slimmer. He had a light blond trail of hair leading from his navel to the darker patch of pubic hair that crowned his beautiful cock. I followed the trail with my tongue.

I began working Nick's cock head with my tongue. Rolling it around and around until I could taste his sweet precum. I ran my tongue down the length of his shaft until I came to his low-hanging balls. I rolled each one around on my tongue and then went back up to his cock. Before I could take it in my mouth, Nick spoke: "Wait, dude, let's 69"

He lay down on the length of the couch and I straddled him. His cock was now staring up at me. I took it inch by inch into my mouth until I could feel his pubes tickling my nose. My wet lips slid up and down along his smooth shaft, which was now slick with prejism and my own saliva. Suddenly I felt my own boy-cock bathed in warmth and I realized that Nick Carter was now sucking me. As I continued to suck him, I could feel Nick's tongue swirling around my swollen head as his lips pumped my thick tool. I was impressed at how much he could take and I once again was sure that he was not a novice.

We stayed like this for what seemed like forever. I was completely lost in the task of giving Nick the best blowjob he would ever receive. And he wasn't doing bad himself. He was now thrusting his hips upward, matching my rhythm. I myself was also pumping downward, forcing my cock deeper into his throat. I could hear the sound of my balls slapping against his forehead. We were both sweaty and were nearing the orgasm. I could hear Nick's muffled groans and I felt his dick swell in my mouth. He was close. At that point I went all out. I grasped his rock hard prick in my fist and began pumping the shaft. I could feel every vein pulsing. I used my lips and tongue to concentrate on his cock head. All at once, Nick began to empty his load into my mouth. I took blast after blast of warm juice down my throat. The thought of Nick Carter's cum in my mouth sent me over the edge. Still stroking his cock, I threw my head back, my face contorted with the impending release.

"Ohhhhh yeah, Nick..ohhh fuck yeah. Suck my cock man." I moaned.


With that, I felt my balls grow tight and I went rigid. And then my cock exploded with a warm sticky load. I felt shot after shot erupt from my swollen tip. I knew he would have a hard time taking it all, and after about the 6th blast he pulled my dick free as the final loads sprayed across his perfect face.

We laid there together, covered in cum and sweat, panting from the force of our climaxes. Then we stood up and came together in a sweaty embrace. Nick looked deep into my eyes and said, "That was fucking awesome, man. None of the other guys ever give me head like that" I smiled and then realized what was being said: "the OTHER guys!?!" At that moment, the door swung open and the remaining members of the Backstreet Boys stood in the doorway. They each wore a big smile. What came next ... is another story ...

"Backstreet Blowing" Part 2

After our first heated encounter, Nick Carter and I had become great friends. The other guys were cool too but Nick was definitely my favorite. Over the summer he invited me to join the group as they traveled. I was there as a friend to provide company. And Nick and I had other ways of "supporting" each other. On one particularly hot day, after a long and tedious photo shoot, Nick asked me to accompany him back to his hotel suite. The other four Boys were taking a day trip so Nick and I would have the place to ourselves. How could I resist!?!

We arrived at the room and mutually decided that showers would feel good. Nick went in first and I checked out what was on TV. I paused on a music video station and found myself singing to another favorite group 'N Sync.

"Hey, traitor!" I snapped my head back to Nick who had finished his shower and was now dressed and towel-drying his beautiful blond hair. We both laughed and just to prove that I was still a loyal BSB fan I recited some lyrics to Nick. We laughed again and I made my way into the bathroom to take my own shower. After about 15 minutes I came out and proceeded to get dressed. I put on a white tee shirt and a pair of baggy overalls. Nick on the other hand was wearing baggy black jeans and a tight white short sleeved tee.

"Hey, man. I invited a buddy over. I hope you don't mind," Nick said. Although I was a little disappointed that we weren't going to be alone after all, I just smiled and nodded. I went into the kitchen to make myself a drink when I heard a knock at the door. Nick went to answer it and I could hear him talking with someone. As I made my way back to the living room I thought I might faint. There on the couch was 'N Sync's very own Justin Timberlake. He looked over his shoulder at me and gave a small wave and a smile. I felt like I might melt. Nick came over to me and I asked what was going on.

"Justin and his group were at the photo shoot today. We're pretty good friends and since I know you're a fan, I asked him over," Nick explained.

Nick and I joined Justin and after a few drinks we were laughing and joking as if we had all known each other for years. Being approximately all the same age helped relieve the tension too. Through the course of the conversation we all began harmonizing and singing. I was quite pleased that I could hold my own with these two (I guess my vocal training was useful after all!). I stared at Justin and made a note that he was even hotter in person. Hie short blond curls contrasted perfectly with his baby blue shirt and khaki cargo pants. Nick and Justin were also very similar. They were both the blondest and youngest members of their respective groups. And I was here with both of them!

At one point, Nick said he had to run out but assured us that we could stay and wait for him. This left Justin and I to become better acquainted. I hid my nervousness behind some quick shots of vodka, and did my best to stay calm.

"So, Nick tells me you're a fan," Justin said. I agreed and told him that I really enjoyed both their groups and their music.

"He also told me, well, the 'uniqueness' of your friendship." I almost choked as I dropped the straight shot down my throat. Seeing my reaction, Justin quickly added, "Oh don't worry. Actually Nick and I have had our own share of encounters. He mentioned that we have a lot of the same, uh, tastes."

I stammered, "s-s-such as?"

Justin leaned in and whispered, "Such as this..." He grabbed my face and pressed his lips hard against mine. Before I knew it, our tongues were entwined and we were pawing at each other's clothes. Justin's shirt came off revealing a hard athletic chest. Thick biceps, chiseled pecs, and killer abs. He was built! I lowered my head to his smooth chest and licked every inch. Justin pulled my head up and helped my remove my shirt. Soon we began tugging at the rest of our clothing until we were completely naked. Justin with his ripped jock body and me with my lean and muscular swimmer's build. I felt Justin take my hard 7.5" cock in his hand. His fist ran along my smooth shaft and over my swollen head. I ran my tongue down his awesome body until I came to his curly patch of blond pubic hair. Then I came in sight of his huge cut tool. His dick must have been 8" long and equally as thick as mine. I stuck my tongue out and teased his engorged cock head. I circled my tongue around and around until I could taste the saltiness of his precum. Then I slowly took him inch by inch into my throat. With my hands, I massaged his smooth balls as my wet lips slid over the entire length of his pole. Justin began moaning and thrusting his hips back and forth. His big dick continuously rammed the back of my throat.

"Oooh yeah. You like my big cock don't you? Suck it, man. You fuckin' hot cocksucker. Mmmm yeah--" With one final thrust he grabbed the back of my head and sent a load of cum shooting down my throat. I swallowed every drop, savoring the flavor of this hot blond stud. I knew I preferred blondes for a reason. He helped me to my feet and led me to the bedroom. We kissed passionately and then I collapsed back onto the bed.

Justin ran his tongue along my ear and down my neck, sending chills through my body. He moved down to my chest and past my stomach. He blew gently on my now throbbing penis. I moaned and ran my hands through his tight blond curls. Justin gripped my shaft and lowered his head down. The thought and feeling of having Justin Timberlake suck me off was incredible. I could feel his warm lips gliding up and down my smooth shaft while his tongue encircled my swollen tip. I could feel his hot breath on my freshly shaven balls as he rolled them in his hand. I began to writhe in total ecstasy as this pop star blew me. He was definitely a pro. As he sucked harder and faster my body grew tense. Through my half-closed eyes I saw Justin look up and smile, a drop of my own precum trickled out of the corner of his mouth. Every muscle in my body went rigid and my hips bucked upward.

"Uuuuuuuh, ohhhhh, Justin ... yesssssss." I sent shot after shot of boy cum erupting into Justin's mouth. He swallowed most but the final blasts caught him in the chin and on his chest. My own chest heaved as I struggled to catch my breath. Justin came up and laid his head on me. We lay there covered in each other's sweat and cum for what seemed like an eternity.

Suddenly a voice came from the open door ...

"Whoa! Guess you guys found something to do after all!" Justin and I looked up and saw Nick standing in the doorway. We all looked at each other ... and all of us smiled.

This story is a complete work of FICTION and should be read as such It takes place immediately where chapter 2 left off. If you like the story, check out my others: Party Boys, Rubbing off on Ryan, and Brad and Dev. Thanx for all the feedback!

"Backstreet Blowing" Chapter 3

Nick stood in the doorway smiling down on Justin and I who were lying completely naked on the bed. We smiled up at him invitingly and pulled him down to us. Justin and I quickly stripped off Nick's clothes and the three of us sat on the bed admiring each other's sculpted bodies. I couldn't believe how this day had turned out, I was actually lying between two of the hottest guys on the planet. Nick leaned over to me and began kissing my ear and neck. Soon our lips met and tongues wrestled. All three of us started running our hands over each other's smooth young bodies. We felt the hard muscles of our arms, the definition of our abs and the firmness of our chests. As Nick moved his mouth to my chest and began sucking and biting my nipples, I leaned over toward Justin and we locked in a firm kiss. We switched positions and now Nick was in the center -- it seemed only fair since he had missed out on our earlier activities. I took Nick's beautiful cock in my hand and slowly began stroking it to full hardness. My hand glided up and down his long smooth shaft. Nick then reached over and took Justin's tool in hand. For about ten minutes we continued switching off, allowing each of us to jack the others off and likewise have the others practice their own technique on us. Our eyes drank in the sight. Three hard bodied blond guys taking pleasure in each other.

As things began to pick up, we became a tangled mass on the king-size bed. I felt as if I had jumped back in time to some kind of Roman orgy. Nick, Justin, and I ran our hands and tongues over every bare inch of each other. Our moans echoed in the high-ceilinged room. Justin and I moved to Nick's cock and began giving it a tongue bath. We took turns going down on his golden rod and as we flicked our tongues over his swollen head we paused to engage in a deep kiss. We both took hold off Nick's now throbbing member. Our hands moved up and down his thick shaft gradually going faster and faster. With our other hands, Justin and I massaged Nick's chest and stomach and his thighs and playfully rolled his smooth balls around.

"Oh fuck yeah, guys, that feels good. Mmmm yeah..." he gasped. Nick's eyes were closed and a look of grim determination crossed his face. Justin and I pumped Nick harder and soon he was sending spurt after spurt of boy cum flying into the air. It landed mostly on his chest but Justin and I caught some on the face and even in our hair. Nick's chest rose and fell in quick succession as he struggled to regain his breath. Justin and I moved up to him, kissing our way along his chest and licking up drops of his explosive load. As Nick's stamina slowly returned, Justin moved up to him and the two began kissing passionately. As they held each other I took the opportunity to plant soft kisses on every part of their perfect bodies. As my lips drank in the saltiness of their sweat, my hands slowly caressed their firm tan skin.

Nick climbed down between my lags and as I stroked myself, he rolled his tongue around my swelling cock head. Justin climbed behind Nick and after using a generous amount of lube, Justin began to enter Nick. Having never witnessed anything like this before I was unsure how to react. I looked down at Nick's blond head and as it bobbed up and down on my tool, all feelings of uncertainty evaporated. Nick began to moan as Justin slowly eased into him. Inch by inch he filled Nick's anxious hole. With every thrust the two boys grew louder. I rubbed Nick's back as he expertly handles my cock. I looked up at Justin who was now pumping Nick wildly. His golden curls were damp with sweat and beads of perspiration glistened on his smooth tight body. His gorgeous face contorted in pleasure as he rammed Justin. I could hear Justin's balls slapping against Nick's ass, which surprised me since the room had become a cacophony of teenage moans.

As Nick continued working my dick over, his hands roamed over my sculpted torso. He gently teased and pinched my nipples and rubbed my smooth pecs. Meanwhile I could feel my hard cock grower to what seemed to be immense proportions in his throat. As his lips slid over my shaft, I felt his tongue swirling around my cock head sending waves of pleasure coursing through my body. He took my entire 7.5" length in his mouth until his nose was buried in my trimmed patch of blond hair.

"Yeah, Nick, suck me good, dude. You're so fuckin' hot," I sighed. By now, Justin was burying his 8" rod deep into Nick. His face contorted in delight as he fucked Nick's tight ass. I looked up at Justin whose facial expression were so damn hot they turned me on even more. Justin held Nick's back for support as his thrusts grew faster and harder. I heard Nick whimper slightly as he received quite a pounding from Justin.

"Mmmm, Nick. You hot fuckin' stud. You like me in you don't you? Yeah, I know you like my big dick. Mmmm, yeah..." Justin smiled and tilted his head back.

Justin then flipped Nick onto his back. He held Nick's legs high in the air and reentered him. I moved over to Justin's waiting mouth. As he stood on the floor and I on the bed, he was at a quite convenient level. He opened his mouth and I anxiously fed him every last throbbing inch of my prick. Justin never let up on Nick who was now groaning and stroking himself.

"Come on, Justin, fuck my ass -- give it to me. Uhhhh, come on. Yeah, suck his dick, Justin," Nick hissed through clenched teeth. As Justin fucked Nick, I fucked Justin's face. We all fell into perfect rhythm and it seemed as if time stopped. I looked down at Nick who with one final stroke let loose another stream of warm cum. I held Justin's head as he dove on my pulsing cock and plunged it deeper down his throat. Justin pulled out of Nick and fisted his slick rod. His wrist moved at almost super human speed and in no time he sent a huge river on jism flowing onto Nick's already sticky chest. "Uhhhhhhhh...oooooooooh, yeah, fuck yeah. Mmmmm,"

His hips bucked from the force and his entire body spasmed as Justin choked every last drop of boy juice out of his throbbing tool. I pulled my dick out of Justin's and ran my hand up and down my wet shaft. Precum dripped from my tip in copious amounts. I took one final look at Justin's chiseled tan body and with that threw my head back in ecstasy. Shot after shot of cum erupted from me and landed across Justin's chest. "Yeah, give me your cum, man," Justin encouraged. My entire body tingled as I reeled from my orgasm. Our moans rang in my ears and I savored the moment. Justin reached up and stroked my dick a few final times, coaxing the last drops of cum from my aching head.

Finally, we moved into the shower together and helped each other wash away the last sticky remnants of our time together. Each of us smiling and immensely content.

If you liked the story I can be reached at Or over ICQ: 24642131 Thanks so much also for all the positive feedback I've received!!

Next: Chapter 2: Tearing It Up with Justin

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