Backstage with Austin Mahone

By Tony James

Published on Jul 14, 2018



Hi guys, here is a story about my absolute favorite boy, Austin Mahone. Lyrics were obtained from The story is a product of my own imagination. I do not know Austin personally (don't I wish) and I don't know anything about his true sexuality. Have fun and be sure to let me know what you guys think.


I could hardly believe my luck! I was sitting in a large concert hall listening to one of the hottest boys around. Austin Mahone's voice was just as sultry in real life as it was in his recordings. By pure dumb luck, the stud was going through all of my favorite songs. "Hey hey baby you've been on my mind I knew you for a long time

but I've been thinkin baby that you should know (oh oh yeah eh uh! Hey hey baby can we compromise I really want you to be mine

I've got a million places that we could go (o!" The familiar words washed over me. As always, they drew me in, making me feel like Austin was speaking directly to me even though I was by no means the only person in the audience. Speaking of the audience, the vast majority of them seem to be teenaged girls although I was not the only guy there. Regardless, they all were on their feet, whistling, clapping, and singing along.

Austin finished Say Your Just A Friend and the applause was thunderous. I clapped hard with everyone else. I wished I could whistle but others were doing plenty of that for me. When the noise die down a little, Austin's voice came rolling out of the speakers. " everybody having a good time?" The response was loud and clear. "That's great! Now I need an assistant for this next song. I will come among you and pick someone from the audience."

A hush fell as the demigod descended from on high. I could not see him, but I could tell that Austin was getting closer to where I sat in the third row back from the stage. I froze as I felt a warm hand land on my shoulder. A scent that I recognized as being obsession washed over me. My heart skipped a beat as a sexy voice sounded in my ear. " hey beautiful, what's your name?" Gazing at where I thought he was, I answered, "Tony." " well Tony, how would you like to join me on stage?" My heart give a huge bound and I blurted, "hell yea!" The people nearest to me chuckled at my enthusiasm.

Austin got behind me and pushed me up a ramp and onto the stage. I could feel the heat radiating from the stage lights. " can you stand at all?" " not for long and I need something to hold onto." His finger ran down my cheek. " I think that is doable." There was a whispered conversation between Austin and the stage manager. A table was brought out and placed in front of me. I rose to my feet and stood with my hands braced on the table. My chair was removed .

Austin had obviously picked up the microphone again because his voice once again came from the speakers. " this next song is for all you honey bunnies out there." I felt the stud move to stand behind me. He was so close I could feel his body heat. I breathed deeply as his scent enveloped me again.

The song began. " don't the water grow the trees? Don't the moon pull the tide? Don't the stars lite the sky? The way that you need to lite my life."

I could hardly believe it. Austin had chosen my absolute favorite song. When the chorus came, I did my best to harmonize with Austin, but my voice was like a bullfrog croaking compared with his melodious tenner.

You're all I ever need

Baby you're amazing

You're my angel come and save me

You're all I ever need

Baby you're amazing

You're my angel come and save me.

Differently colored strobe lites illuminated the stage so as The song progressed, we were bathed in gold and silver. When the chorus rolled around again, Austin put an arm around my waist and pulled me against him. I could feel his muscular chest pressing against my back. I could also feel his hard dick against my ass.

The song ended and The beautiful boy lay a gentle kiss on my cheek. The applause was punctuated by several wolf whistles. "If you want you can stay up here with me for the rest of the show and then we can chill backstage afterward." I enthusiastically agreed. " I don't think I can remain on my feet for much longer though." " don't worry baby, will get your chair." I enjoyed the rest of the show from on high. Austin did a couple dance numbers which included Till I Find You and Secret. When the show ended I joined in with the rest in giving Austin a standing ovation . Austin had moved back to stand next to me and as the stage lites dimmed, he kissed me again, this time, full on the mouth. My lips tingled.

"What did you think about the show?" " I loved it. You can really sing."

Austin and I were sitting side-by-side on the couch in his private dressing room. The door was locked and Austin had given very clear instructions that we were not to be disturbed. I clinked my beer bottle against Austin's then took a swig. " you know, All I Ever Need is my absolute favorite song." I informed him. His paw was on my thigh. " well you know what snuggle puppy?" He nibbled my earlobe. "What?" I breathed. He started to rub my thigh. "That song happens to be my fave as well. I wrote it for a very special boy." I could barely breathe at all. My voice emerged as barely more than a whisper. "Who was the special boy?"

His breath was warm on my ear as instead of answering my question, he murmured, " it's kind of hot in here isn't it? Why don't we ditch our shirts?"

Austin took my beer bottle as I reached for his shirt. It was nice and silky against my fingers. I had to unbuckle his jeans to pull the hem out. Once it was gone, I ran my hands all over his smooth chest. I pressed my palms against his nipples and moved my paws in a circle. He inhaled sharply. hang on a second baby. I want to get your shirt off to." I helped him in the removal of my shirt. When that bothersome piece of clothing was gone, he pulled me in for a kiss. My chest fur brushed Austin's smooth torso and it seemed to tickle. " doesn't that feel better?" He asked. I nodded. His hand went to my crotch and I stiffened at once. He rubbed my dick through my jeans with one hand while he teased my nipples with the other. Our mouths were pressed together again and I moaned into his mouth as he unzipped my jeans. He pulled out my engorged member and stroked it. He broke the kiss and said, " I want to fuck you, but first I think you need some attention." He stood up and removed his jeans. A large warm hand took mine and placed it on a big throbbing piece of man meat. I stroked it, marveling that this was real. A gentle hand ruffled my head fur. Auston's sexy voice was husky when he spoke. "I no you can't c me with your eyes, so feel free to touch wherever you want."

I took the stud at his word. My hands traveled all over his lower body. His legs were completely devoid of fur, but taught with muscle. I leaned forward and took Auston's throbbing member into my mouth. He groaned and his hands went on either side of my head. For a moment, I was worried that he would try to force his entire rod down my throat, but he merely petted my head. "That's it puppy. Suck uncle Auston's dick." I slid my mouth down until I had swallowed half his length. I bobbed my head on this idle's dick. Auston was thrusting his hips in time with my mouth. Try as I might, I could not swallow anymore of his dick. Auston didn't care. "O yea boy. Get my cock ready. This bad boy is going all up inside your ass."

Auston's dirty talk was making me horny. Keeping my mouth rapped around his shaft, my hand went to my own throbbing dick and I started to jerk off. "Fuck yea boy! Stroke that dick for me." Taking his dick from my mouth, I ran my tongue all over his huge balls. He shuttered and a whimper escaped him. I Felt as though I could do this forever, but the demigod had other ideas.

Auston gently removed my mouth from his balls. I sensed him crouch and next second, I felt his lips on mine. "I think it's your turn now baby boy."

I lay back on the couch. A pair of hands unfastened my jeans. Auston whistled as he pulled them off. " damn boy, you have some big balls." He pushed my legs apart. I swore softly as his tongue licked my boys. He sucked one of them into his mouth. I squirmed. "Fuck boy, that feels so good." He tried to take both my nuts into his mouth at once, but they were too big. " oh Auston, suck my dick." "Fuck yea!" I groaned as his hot tongue descended over it. He might not have been able to take my balls into his mouth, but Austin Mahone was no novice when it came to cock sucking. He licked up the shaft and when he reached it, Austin swirled his tongue around the head, even dipping into my piss slit. I whimpered. " Austin, please take it into your mouth and suck it. I need that. Fuck yea, that's better." I sighed as the stud swallowed my cock in 1 go. He sucked it only for about a minute, them pulled off. " I don't want you to pop just yet." He explained as he pushed my legs back. His tongue licked my hole and some precum leaked from my dick onto my face. I was in heaven. After a few seconds, Austin made his tongue stiff and begin to drill me with it. I knew I was probably making enough noise so anyone who happened to b passing would no that Austin was entertaining a guest. Entertaining was what Austin did Best after all, although this was a very different kind of entertainment. Nevertheless, Austin was proving just as adept at this kind of entertainment as he was at singing. Just at this moment, I didn't give a fuck who heard me. Austin had opened me up with his tongue, he slid a couple fingers inside me. I shuttered as he found my prostate. My dick leaked more precum onto my face. " I want you to stick your dick inside me! All the way." I panted. Austin took his fingers out of my ass and replace them with his dick. He pushed forward. His cock slid into me without any difficulty. We both let out sighs of satisfaction as it came to rest buried balls deep.

Austin did not say a word, but just started long dicking me. His cock felt big at least eight or 9 inches and pretty thick. . I loved the feeling of fullness it gave me. It hit my Love button every time it drove in. He leaned down and we shared a kiss. It was hot with our mutual need. " give me every fucking inch!" I want your cum inside me." I panted as the star took hold of my cock and began to stroke it furiously. "You won't have to wait long." He promised.

I could feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge as my dream boy stroked my dick. " i'm going to nut!" I grunted. " not before I do." Austin graded from between gritted teeth. So saying, Austin shoved all 8 inches of his rod in my love tunnel until I could feel his large balls slap me. His hand moved furiously on my dick. "Come on!" He growled in a voice rich with desire. "I want to know how much you love me!" I felt my cum leave the factory.

We both cried out as at the same instant, we came.

Long sticky ropes of come shot out of my dick, landing on my chest and face. My ass squeezed Austin's dick rythmically. Austin used some pretty colorful language as he drained his nuts into me. He pumped what felt like a pint of ball juice and it was warm as it filled my insides.

We remained motionless for a few seconds catching our breath. " that was epic!" I panted. We shared another kiss but it was tender this time. " I am so glad I invested the money in the tickets." Austin chuckled. " Believe you me baby, I am too." He withdrew his soft dick from my ass.

After we had cleaned up, we snuggled on the couch. " hey hey baby, if you want you can always spend the night with me in my hotel room." He licked my sniffer. Giggling I said, "your a silly boy. I only have one requirement for the hotel room." "Name it." " it has to have a king size bed." "Done." His finger traced my lips. " whenever you ready to leave, just let me know. The only thing is that we're going to have to get dressed." "Whimper, do we have to?"

Chuckling, Austin rose to his feet and started hunting around for our clothes. " afraid so, but don't worry, we can be ourselves in the hotel room."

Austin dressed himself first and then me. Normally I would've protested, but this was so not the time. Before closing my jeans, Austin gave my dick a couple of playful strokes. " stop that you bad boy!" I scolded. "If I get a bone, you're going have to take care of it right here, right now." " just making sure you're paying attention."

Austin laughed then he did something completely unexpected. His voice soft and sweet he sang: "I'll put you on a throne

I'll lay down my heart, I swear

And I'll make sure that you'll never be

alone." My heart swelled with the knowledge that this sweet boy was singing to me and only me. Throwing my arms around Austin, I held him close and whispered in his ear, "thank you Austin!" He nuzzled my cheek. "Only my shadow knows." He whispered in my ear.

My eyes were closed and my head nestled in his shoulder. I was amazed to hear him still singing to me. I wish I could say all these words

All these things that your heart never

heard, yeah

But I saw the pain In your eyes and it

sealed my lips."

Overwhelmed, I felt the tears come. I tried to hold them back, but couldn't. Austin held me as I cried against his shoulder. He seemed to know he had said enough. Through my tears, I tried to explain. "I love that song. You sing it so well, and the word pictures you create a beautiful. I wish I could find someone like that." Austin continued to pet my head fur. I sniffled and continued. " I actually have a confession to make." I took a long shuttering breath, then plunged ahead. "I am poz."

I stopped there, waiting for his reaction. I was sure he would pull away in disgust. Certain that he would want nothing more to do with me.

Austin was quiet for what seemed like forever, but was in reality only a few seconds. He tightened his embrace. "Is that all?" A surge of relief swept through me. " I thought you were going to tell me something much more serious than that. Like that you had cancer or something."

I lifted my head from his shoulder. "Did you hear what I just said?" "Sure you said you were hiv pos." I felt Austin give a shrug. "So what?" He shifted so he could lay a finger over the place where my heart beat steadily. "That doesn't change who you are here." " aren't you mad?" I asked in disbelief. "Neh, it cool man. I'm not scared of no microorganisms."

Austin licked the tears from my cheeks. "Feel better?" I nodded like a bobble head doll. Before we left the dressing room, Austin murmured in my ear, "your all I ever need. Baby, your amazing. Your my angel come and save me!"

Austin's promise was still reverberating in my heart, when we exited the dressing room a few minutes later. Austin was carrying me. I smiled to myself. Just for this one night, Austin Mahone was all mine and I couldn't wait.

"The longer I do my job, The more I realize, that humans lack good mirrors. It's so hard for anyone to show us how we look, so hard for us to show others how we feel.

Paper Towns jon gree

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