Backpacking the Appalachian Trail, Vol1

By p j

Published on Mar 12, 2005



Backpacking, Vol 1

The usual stuff, If you ain't old enough, don't read this.

It was my third day of backpacking on the Appalachian trail and it was also the third day of rain. I was so happy that I had spent money on good equipment. I had waterproof raingear and waterproof boots, a waterproof covering over my pack and a great waterproof tent. So at least I was staying dry and warm. I had not seen another person since I began my week long trip.

I was climbing a small mountain and I had just reached the top when I saw him. I approached him and notice he looked soaking wet. His poncho was torn badly and his clothing underneath was soaked. I said Hi and he groggily looked at me and just stared. He looked to be a young college dude.

I went over to him and shook him out of his stupor, and he really couldn't talk very well. I then realized that he was suffering from hypothermia. Since I have first aid training, I knew he was in real trouble. I quickly got out my spare tarp, which is small but it did keep the rain off of him, as I quickly set up my tent and threw in my stuff and his. Then I helped him into the tent.

I knew I had to get him out of his wet clothes and into a sleeping bag, His sleeping bag was really soaked so I knew it would have to be mine. I stripped all his clothes off of him and put them outside the tent since they really couldn't get any wetter.

As I undressed him, I noticed how athletic his body was. No fat at all, nothing there to keep him warm or to insulate him. He skin was white and cold and I put him into the sleeping bag. He was also shivering pretty badly. I knew that his only hope was gonna be if I stripped and got into the bag with him and used my body heat to warm him up.

The rain was really coming down hard as I stripped completely naked, but the tent was totally dry. I cuddled in next to his back, spooning with him. He must have shivered for two hours. His shivering and the feel of his bare skin against mine gave me a raging hardon, and it was pressed tight into his ass, which felt good. I am glad he was asleep or he may have been pissed off at me. I finally fell asleep myself. After a few hours, I woke up and his shivering had stopped and he felt a lot warmer. When I woke, I found my that my hand was against his cock, and his cock was as hard as mine.

He stirred a little and actually pressed his ass tighter against my cock, but I was pretty sure he was still asleep, that is until I felt his ass moving around a little, making my cock feel really good. I peered over his shoulder and saw his eyes were open. Gosh, would this young dude like guys like I do? I didn't even know his name, so I introduced myself to him and he looked me in the eye, smiled at me, and said his name is Bill. I mentioned to him what had happened and why he was in a sleeping bag, completely naked, with another naked guy. He looked me in the eye, smiled at me and thanked me for saving his life.

I asked him if he felt uncomfortable with me in the bag with him, and he responded by pressing his ass in against my cock even more as he said no, not at all. He already knew that I liked being in there with him. I offered to make him some hot soup and he said maybe later, could we just enjoy the sleeping bag some more. I said sure, and I laid my head back down behind his. I then realized that I still had my hand lying against his cock.

I encircled his hard cock with my warm hand and he let out a moan, indicating he liked it. I think I found just the right way to warm him up even better that hot soup. I slowly stroked him for what seemed like a long time, especially since there was so much precum on his ass from my leaking cock, and my hand was wet with his precum. He moaned a lot but didn't say anything. A little while later his body stiffened and his moans became a lot louder as he squirted big shots of hot cum out of his hard throbbing cock and into the sleeping bag. Then his body relaxed and I used my hand to wipe up his cum and brought my cum covered hand to my lips so I could eat his cum.

His powerful orgasm must have really drained him because he was fast asleep again. I also fell asleep. When I woke up, we were in opposite positions, he was spooning against my back and I could feel his hard hot cock against my ass. I also realized that he was slowly stroking my hard cock. I pressed my ass back tighter against his cock and let out a moan at the same time that he moaned as well. He then put his lips to my ear and said "I really like this, I hope you do too." I told him I am gay and enjoying it all. He then told me he is gay as well, but this is his first time with a guy. He continued to jerk me until I just couldn't hold back any longer, my cock jerked in his hand as I shot ribbon after ribbon of hot wet cum onto the nylon of the sleeping bag. He then did the same thing I had done with his cum, he wiped it up with his hand and hungrily ate it.

After I came down off my sexual high I asked him if he wanted me to take care of his hard cock or would he prefer some hot food. He elected the hot food and I can't say I blamed him.

More to cum....

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