
By Andrew Passey

Published on Mar 2, 2019


I entered the bungalow as Boy came out the shower towelling himself off. After last night I thought there was limited point in not begin naked in the bungalow so I took my swim shorts off and bent over to pick up my sarong. I felt Boy come behind me and felt his hard cock against my leg, "I want this again big brother" he said rubbing my arse "and these" he said squeezing my balls.. He seemed to be hard and horny all the time although I certainly was at his age and still was most of the time at 18!

Fuck it, I thought and turned round, I lifted him up and carried him over to the bed. I lay him down on his back, lubed up my hole and gently lowered myself down on his small hard dick. It felt good, his lack of size more than made up for by the affection I had for him and I'll be honest, how fucking hot he was.

He was making a right old racket , moaning, groaning, whimpering, calling out in Thai. I had to put my hand over his mouth at one point he was making so much noise. He came in me and then giggled at my still hard cock "Looks like big brother likes my snake in him" and giggled again. I blushed slightly despite myself and grinned back at him "Yes I do" and bent down to kiss him. He softened, slipped out and I rolled off and lay on the bed still hard thinking I better wank off before the evening working the bar.

As I started to put my hand on my cock, Boy then stopped it and said "Time for me to drink snake juice". He then bent over me and started sucking me. I told him to watch his teeth and he did a pretty amazing job for his first time, using his tongue well. I warned him I was about to cum but he kept going and swallowed all my cum down. I kissed him getting a bit of my cum back and said we had to shower off again. We showered quickly together, Boy was hard again and started to poke around my arse with it. "No time now, save it for later" I said. He smiled back and said "many times later"and giggled. Then rubbed his arse around my crotch and said, "maybe this in me later" and giggled again.

I got changed and went to help run the bar. There were a few people there but not many so I wasn't too busy. I sold some drinks, took some food orders into Mama. The first time I went in, she looked at me and smiled slightly "Sounds like Boy has lots of energy" she said, causing me to blush bright red. She must have heard us earlier although probably half the beach heard Boy! "You are very good to him. Thank you for looking after him so well" she said and smiled again. It was pretty clear she was more than happy for our fun to continue so I started to lose any residual guilt I felt and decided to make sure I taught Boy everything I knew as well as giving him a good time.

Tak came back, and I was off duty, I had a couple of beers and chatted with other backpackers there I knew. I was friendly with. a Japanese guy called Yuuto although everyone called him Yu. He was 18 like me, his english wasn't great but he was fun to be around. It was still early and Boy was playing chess with a friend and had homework to do so I decided to head back with Yu for another drink and more importantly a smoke at his bungalow as he told me he had some good weed. I'd been fairly cautious after the bottle beach incident and wouldn't smoke around Boy anyway so had stopped carrying any with me

We sat on his balcony smoking his weed, it was really strong. It must have loosened his slight reticence talking about personal things as he looked at me slightly strangely and started talking to me. "So Andy. earlier at the bar I go to toilet, I hear you and boy being noisy in bed. Sound like fun. You are gay?". Blimey, talk about being forward. I told him I was bi and liked girls and boys, "what about you?" I asked. "Just boys " he said "but no one knows apart for you really. I sleep with Aussie guy a few weeks ago and Thai guy as well but have to be careful, not very easy in Japan. You sleep with me now?" He said and stroked my cock through my shorts. The weed had obviously made him very forward!

I was hard and horny so readily agreed,we went into his hut and stripped off. He was a little bit weedy looking and had a fairly small cock for an 18 year old although a massive bush which was a strange effect. His foreskin was also slightly strange, it wasn't circumcised but it was slightly retracted. He looked at my hard cock and smiled and said he was going to enjoy that. "What shall we do first?" I asked. "You fuck me" he said and I grinned and said "Deal, you can fuck me afterwards". He then looked at me and said "sorry, for now I only get fucked, I don't do fucking" which surprised me.

Anyway we lubed up I entered him and gave him a really good fucking, he was groaning and as I started thrusting in and out and wanking him he was shouting "Hai!....Hai!.....hai" as I started to cum in him he came over my hand and his bed with a big shout of "HAI!". I stayed in him and stroked his leg and asked how it was. He said amazing and he really needed it. As I slipped out, he thanked me and said he was tired so I should probably go. It was only 8.30! He was a nice guy but I didn't really understand him, cultural differences were definitely there, and I think trying to stay in the closet was a real strain for him.

Yu was the first time I'd had sex with someone who was not only gay but was only a bottom. Up to then I didn't realise it was a thing I just thought you took it in turns like I did with my friends!

I enjoyed fucking and being fucked so it was a surprise to find someone who didn't. Although I was happy to fuck him as much as he wanted, suddenly after not much sex my last few weeks had been full of it. Yu hung around for another week before heading south to Malaysia and Indonesia. I did fuck him a few times over the coming days, with him always booting me out straight afterwards!. We did exchange addresses and I promised to look him up in Osaka if I made it that far, or maybe I'd see him down in Indonesia when I got that far. With the lack of email it was impossible to meet up on the road unless luck played a part. A couple of times on my travels I missed friends by one day here or there, I could tell in the signing in book at the hotel that they'd been there but no way of contacting them!

Anyway, I went back to Mama's and had another beer. Boy wanted a quick game of chess and beat me easily, partly due to me being stoned and drunk, partly as he was rubbing my cock with his foot under the table and grinning at me. Mama came over and said it was time for him to go to bed. He started complaining but I said I'd come in a few minutes. Mama winked at me which caused me to blush again. Luckily no one else noticed! I said good night and headed to our bungalow...

Next: Chapter 6

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