
By Andrew Passey

Published on Jul 26, 2019


Early Wednesday I left Jev and the resort, not wanting to risk being seen by Saj and Dip and wanted some time to my self, as well as checking if there was any sign of Olly. I dozed in my hotel as I was tired from my exertions for a few hours, then got up and washed the sex all off me and felt a bit more human again. I headed out for a late lunch, as luck would have it I'd just walked into a riverside place that did good food when I heard a surprised shout from Olly, "Andy, what the fuck are you doing here?!?!" and he raced over and hugged me. He then looked at me and had a moment of realisation... "Oh for fucks sake, not my fucking parents?!" I nodded with a grin. He looked pissed off but escorted me over to the table he was at with 3 girls. He introduced me to them, there was Hannah, Karolien and Milou. He introduced me as a friend from home, I felt all three girls quite aggressively size me up and I blushed in spite of myself. Milou kissed me on the cheek "He is so cute Olly, where were you keeping him!?" she said with a slightly lascivious smile at me. Olly filled them in about who I was and I told them why I was there. They all thought it was hilarious!

Turned out Olly was fine, dabbling with a bit of drugs but who wasn't in Manali really, he was having a bit of a thing with Hannah and just generally enjoying himself. He'd just been a bit lax in getting in touch with home and to be honest the technology wasn't great up in the mountains anyway so it was no surprise. The girls were great fun and all pretty attractive. Very forward as well! They'd started off their travels 8 months ago in Australia and ended up all having flings with some local boys in Perth, who liked to sleep around, and then lectured the girls about being careful about sleeping with other boys otherwise they'd get a reputation and really it was only boys who should be promiscious. They sounded complete dickheads and the girls said from that point they'd decided to have as much sex and sleep with lots of different people just to show those boys that girls can do it as well :-)

I know it's not the forum for this so I'll keep it short. Milou was taken with me and pretty much dragged me to her bed that night for an amazing night of sex. She was very open about things and the sex was as good as I'd had. The next morning we had more sex and some pretty frank discussions about our sexual history. Milou was delighted I was bisexual as "it opens up interesting opportunities!". She said she'd had a threesome involving Karolien and some irish boy in Thailand but had always wanted two boys at once, and to watch them have sex together. She quizzed me a lot about what I'd done and when, I felt a bit embarrassed telling her but she clapped her hands and got enthusiastic as she'd heard what I'd been up to in my travels and at home. "Any experiences aside from me since you arrived, I guess you haven't been here long though?". I grinned and told her about Jev on the bus, "oh how cute!" and then Max, "oh god that idiot, even though he says he's gay he had sex with Karolien, well tried to, apparently he was useless and kept bragging about his size" and then finally about my nights with Jev. "Wow, sounds amazing. I'd love to sleep with an Indian boy, although most of them leer at me I suspect they'd collapse if I started to even take my top off, what did Jev think of girls". I said Jev, Dip and Saj were nice boys and seemed to respect women from what they'd said. I then remembered I had to meet them later that day and explained they wanted to help find Olly. "Well you should bring them over for a celebration!" I said I'd mention it but I'd no idea if they'd come. Milou then looked at me.. "So....this Jev boy, do you think he and his friends might join in some fun?" I laughed, "Potentially, I think they'd probably shit themselves but perhaps let things take care of themselves. I'm sure Jev would be up for it although he may not want his friends to know I'm involved. But I guess Karolien could take Dip and Saj on" I said smiling. Milou said she was sure she would and that Karolien can be very persuasive, "she'll have them sucking each other's dicks before they know it!"

In my fantasy world I went to get the boys and they came over and we had an amazing night of sex. However the reality was more disappointing, I have no idea why or what happened but when I got to the resort Jev, Dip and Saj were nowhere to be seen and apparently they'd checked out already a couple of days early. Whether related to my time with Jev I don't know and I had no way of contacting them so that was the end of that. I looked around for them for a while but headed back and spent time with Olly and the girls instead including a few great nights with Milou.

Next: Chapter 22

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