
By Andrew Passey

Published on Jul 20, 2019


I had a quiet day on Sunday apart from moving hotel, partly as it pissed it down a lot of the day. On a sunny warm Monday afternoon I walked into town and then got a rickshaw down to the resort Jev was staying at.

"Resort" makes it sound fancy but if anyone had been to that region at that time they'll sort of get the picture of what it is, a blend of wooden concrete huts next to the river, with a strange military camp vibe to it at times! This one was one of the nicer ones I'd seen though, I'd barely walked through the front gate before I heard my name being called and Jev was waving from a balcony on a big hut over to the right, dressed casually in linen shorts and a t shirt.

I came over to see him and he was beaming. I asked how he was feeling, "Much better now you're here! I didn't know if you'd come. Saj and Dip weren't happy I wasn't going to come along but I convinced them I was too ill. I think they were jealous of me getting a bit of privacy, the three of us in the hut was a bit like too much testosterone, particularly with the rain yesterday keeping us inside. Anyway come and check our hut out" he said and opened the door. It was ok inside, not to my taste but it was ok. It was quite big, one big bed and two other ones off to the side, a bathroom that was nice enoughiand the balcony with a mountain and river view.

We made small talk but there was obviously the elephant in the room. Being the experienced one I thought I'd better take the lead.

"So...... did you enjoy what we did on the bus now it's the cold light of day?" I asked Jev.

"My god yes, I've been thinking about we did a lot, as I said I want to do more. I want to do it all. I've had no sex for all of my 20 years, I won't have any until I get married I suppose unless I'm very lucky. I've been so horny for so long that my hand isn't enough of a release anymore." Jev said enthusiastically.

I smiled at him and thought it was time to drill down, "So when you say you want to do it all...what do you know and what do you want to do?."

He laughed, "I'm not a total innocent, I know that there's the hand, the mouth and the bottom. And that the dick can go in all of them. We've done the hand. I think I'm ready for mouth and bottom".

I smiled to myself, Jev's way of talking was funny, very cute. "Are you sure?" I said "Never been surer. I don't think this will turn me gay. Not that I'd be allowed to be anyway. It's just going to be fun. Now where do we start, I'm ready to go!?" he said with a grin, pulling his shorts down to show his hard dick.

We stripped off, I sized him up naked, he was maybe carrying a little too much weight but he was attractive enough, hardly any body hair, his skin was fairly light but his dick was very dark and so were his balls. His dick while not big was big enough, I'd definitely had smaller. We went in the shower and cleaned ourselves thoroughly. I got on my knees under the running water, peeled back his dark foreskin and took his dark head in my in my mouth which caused him to let out a high pitched squeal! I started sucking him with gusto, and slipped my finger into his arse at the same time. He huffed, puffed, moaned and groaned before cumming in my mouth with a big grunt. He then blew me with a half decent effort for his first time. We dried off and lay naked on the bed. We chatted for a bit,I wanted to check he was ok with what happened and he said h was. I thought it was probably time for him to fuck me. I kissed him and was a bit surprised he kissed me back, then my hands explored him until he was hard. I got off him, lubed us both up and then let him take me from behind on the bed. He slipped in and groaned "oh my god, this feels so tight and warm" and starting fucking me. He didn't last long but it didn't matter, we had all night. He did me again soon after, and then again later. As we chatted he then said it was time for him to be fucked. I told him he didn't need to but he was insistent he wanted to try it. He groaned as I slipped into him and said it felt like he had a broom up there but he soon got into it as I thrust in and out of him. I came with a big cry and checked he was ok. He said he'd enjoyed it and wanted to be the "lady" again later which was a strange way of describing it at least to my ears!

We had a very fun time over the next couple of days, I like to think it was some of the best sex Jev ever got to have in his life!

Next: Chapter 21

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